8 "The Live Store" / • "Always Reliable" "TOMORROW" ' Conditions regarding the clothing • situation are not so "rosy" as you might think and before prices are lowered for good quality fabrics, .Jr >t'* powible there may be a slight increase over. the present cost. Strange as all this seems it's only . IP too true. Merchandise costs more today than it did a year ago, yet in spite of all the advice we have v V received not to reduce our prices Jhis season we are going to Begin, as-usual, our SEMI-ANNUAL i MARK-DOWN SALE . ' * Where Everything in Our Entire Stoch Is Marked 'Down Except Collars, Manhattan Shirts and Interwoven Hose ygfjk All manufacturers tell us prices of Men's Clothing for Spring and Fall of 1919 b® no less than the prices which prevailed during the past season. Wool is needed badly in every European coun . try, not only for the various peoples who have been subjected to gredt sacrifices at home, but as well for returning soldiers—Several Million > fipl Men in America, soldiers and sailors_who are being released from active duty,- must be provided with civilian clothes. These demands you will readily see are factors to be reckoned with; Prices are determined by laws of supply and demand, and will, therefore, .remain at their present levels for some time to come. Our Mammoth Stocks Are At Your Disposal At Extremely Low Prices, You Can Save Money We have plenty of merchandise which we own at very much less than it could be bought for at prevailing market prices. Don't be backward, you can have all you want at these prices —WA are not considering the cost —this is our final "clean up" and we want to dispose of every dollar's worth of Fall and Win ter goods so we can get ready for Spring Shipments. Hut Schaffner & Marx, Kuppenheimer and u Society Brand Clothes Reduced L 1 Under wear~~~*~T p—Trousers & Sweaters^ i All SI.OO Underwear 79c i' | All $4.00 Trousers and Sweaters $3.19 I mi t A- fUM 1 "'t"™" SU9 ' MWMI—M- SS-R9 < S All $2.00 Underwear <j;*| flq , ( 1 - fl''A H' AM $3.50 Underwear $2 ftQ I All $6.50 Trousers and Sweaters $4.89 I msjß m 11 All $5.00 Underwear $3-89 'i I All $7.50 Trousers and Sweaters $5.89 SSL 'US All $6.50 Underwear . . QQ i J """ 1 W if W! AH $7.50 Underwear L'Q >{ Msß 5 ° M>JSwCater " s 6 ' B9 ! | ■ mSr | | 1i 1 m Black Sateen Shirts QQ I Signal Shirts 50c Canvas Gloves, 9Q r , I [JjSSI ii Chambray Shirts .. vt j All sizes and colors .. *3? •I O | Heavy Mule Hide Palm ~ I mm Fm. ' r '^ami^? rvfxJ ' u ' XLriLr j JJ/JJir ve'sts" 0 sihT j SoWier 11 TO y §j "Signal" and do jq All"Freeland"Overalls $1.69 "Beach Coats" $4.69 € To 1 Wi ; i ft - "Sweet-Orr" All "felue Top" Overalls $1.89 We have them when you come j Civilian |B J 111 Overalls ' \ Here, Workmens Dept. | Iffy Sp : -304 Market Harrisburg I - Street' - P Pa. THURSDAY EVENING, ' HAJiraBBTTRd ifißb TEa3EHXPB: „ JANUARY 30, 1919.
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