4 WHERE PHARAOH AMD KAISER FAILED The International Sunday School Lesson For Jan uary 26 Is: "Israel Crossing the Red • Sea'—Exodus 14:1-15:21 By WILLIAM T. ELLIS Coincidences great and small have been crowded into the war; as, for Instance, the fact that both sultan and kaiser came a cropper at the very spot where Pharaoh met dis aster in his attack upon the Israel ites. When the German-led "army of deliverance" went down to Egypt two years ago it was in the full ex pectation that the British would be c'rushed and their hotyl on the East broken. All sorts of curious devices to overcome the desert wastes were adopted, but in vain; and the expe dition ended in a mad rout. Th failure of the "Army of Deliver ance" broke the spirit of all the Mos lems who really believed in a "holy war." At present, in contrast, the \ "For six years we have used Dr. Caldwell's ■ 1 Syrup Pepsin in our family and feel we ■ . \ could not possibly do without it x especially y ■ \ for the children." (From a letter to Dr. V \ Caldwell written by Mrs. Earl Covycll, Off ■ I \ ment City, Mich.), I . . ~ Children become constipated as readily as do their elders, and the result is equally dis ' tressing. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is ideal for children because of its pleasant taste, posi tive, yet gentle, action, and its freedom from opiates and narcotic drugs. DR. CALDWELL'S } Syrup Pepsin The Perfect Laxative Sold by Druggists Everywhere 50 cts. (&) $l.OO ATRIAL ROTTLE CAN BE OBTAINED. FREE OF CHARGE. BY WRITING TO DR. W. B. CALDWELL, 459 WASHINGTON STREET. HONTICELLO. ILLINOIS STECKLEY'S SPECIAL 15 DAY SHOE SALE \ BEGINS SATURDAY JAN. 25 This sale will be of unusual importance on account of the magnitude of the assortments as well as for the decisive low prices which will prevail. Delayed Shipments o —j In addition to our usual immense ,?&rl 1 1 / I (2L stock, there will be included large in- • f /J lA~ voices of DELAYED SHIPMENTS 2 which should have arrived early in the % nM §|||J \ season, but which were held back on. ' iPiL account of unsettled conditions in 'I manufacturing and shipping. ||| ! IMf These shoes were • contracted for ' previous to sharp advances in the "7 ; y&r /T\ market and could not be bought today from the manufacturers at anything L— like the low prices we paid for them. THE ENTIRE STECKLEY STOCK OF DISTINCTIVE FOOTWEAR is included in this big sale, and every pair of SHOES FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN has been generously reduced in price. These special "■ reductions from the customary Steckley low prices / make this sale one that will justify economical buyers, not only to provide shoes for the family for present wear, but will be a strong inducement to purchase SHOES FOR SPRING All Widths, AAA to EEE ' All Sizes, 1% to 9 STECKLEY'S 1220 NORTH THIRD ST. , ffflßD, NEAR BROAD STREET *' / ' FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURO ItlSßlu TELEGRAPH JANUARY 24, 1919 British have established a. pipe, line across the desert, and a railway; so that one may go by train from Cairo to Jerusalem. Aeroplanes make the flight over the forty year route of the Israelites in four hours. Lead ers ip Zionipm dre' thus traveling for the new liberty of the Jews in the Land of Promise. All mankind is observing the new case of the Jews as it Is being worked out in Palestine. Even the street-corner philosophers behold the strango providence in the case of the Chosen People, who have been again freed by the world war for liberty. The meaning of the word Hebrews is "the crossers"; and this signifi cance is more deeply embodied in the history than in the name. From its beginning in Abraham down to th present, Israel has been finding a way to cross streams and oceans of decision and peril. Floods of dis aster which have engulfed greater and prouder nations have left it un touched. The story of the crossing of the Red Sea is syfhbolicai of this chosen people's deliv|rance from countless perils and their preserva tion amid great dangers. For the larger Israel which Calls Jehovah Father, there is here a dra matic re-enforcement of the ever fresh and practical teaching that somehow God makes a way for the feet of His own; and that; by His dealings with His children Hp teach es the unbelieving' His might and majesty.' The story is the story of a mita cle. All the ingenious theories of tides and shallows and sgndbars seem foolish to one who has looked upon the site of this great deliver ance. Let me quote from one Of my own Lessons, penned a dozen years ago, while traveling from India to "Egypt; "At the minute of this writ ing I am sailing up the Red Sea, with 'the mountainous Sinai Penin sula in sight on one side ojid the sandy shores of Egypt on the iother. A strong west wind, such as 'drove the waters upon the Egyptians, is blowing and the sea is running high and heavy, 'dashing up on the deck of the great ocean liner. For five days we have been ploughing swift ly through the Red Sea, which sug gests how great is this body of water which some commentators would treat as if it were a shallow mill pond. Only the'supernatural inter position of the Ruler of wind and wifve could effect such a wonder as the crossing of the Red Sea by the Israelites; it was a miracle of Provi dence." "Spoiling tlic Egyptians" The enslaved Israelites went not forth from Egypt empty-handed on the night of the Passover. When the suffering and panic-stricken Egyptians did at length let tijem go they were of a sudden more 1 eager to get rid of their slaves than they had been to retain them. So when the Israelites came asking for gifts —which is not a strange procedure in the eyes of one at all acquainted with the East—they were met with an attitude of "Take it and go; any thing to get rid of you." The old version says that the Israelites "bor rowed" of the Egyptians; but this is a palpable mistranslation; "ask ed" is the word in the original. ,The state of mind of the Egyptians must have been akin to the terror stricken Chinese of Peking, after the relief of the when, in abject fear, they not only gave foreigners whatever they asked, but even heap ed gifts Upon them unosking. So it came to pass that the exiles went not out empty; and probably, also, from the dead bodies of the engulfed Egyptians washed up on the Sinai shore, they obtained accoutrements of war. The route chosen by Moses was not directly across the isthmus of Suez, ' for that would have led into tho country of the Philistines, and the newly-emancipated slaves need- Ed much disciplining before they were ready to enter upon hostilities with this war-like people. V So the line of march lay down the shores of toward the Red Sea; ap parently into a "cul do sac," but really into a great deliverance that would forever eliminate Pharaoh and his hosts as a factor to be feared. f. An Army or a Mob Even a disciplined army is cum bersome in its movements; khoso who have seen a great unorganized mob of people know how difficult jt la to handle. So the leadership of this raw company was no small task for Moses. The Israelites were lacli carrying such of his ipeagre posses sions as he could bear away, and the whole were encumbered with octal" and herds nn<* the inevitable impedimentia of an army of fam ilies. Yet it was an army, notwithstand ing all. It lyid a large measure if homogeneity, a common purpose and a. childlike dependence upon the man who Represented its divine leadership. The national sentiment which pervaded the people was indi cated by the fact that the mummjl, of Joseph was carried among th most precious treasures. And bo-' fore the host went the strangest banner that ever an army followed: a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of tire by night, signalizing Jehovah's protection, providence and leader ship. Harder than the slave's task of making bricks without straw was that which fell to Moses in leading on a victorious way a people whose spirits had been broken by subjec tion to tyrannous masters. Sorely ,as the Egyptians had smitten the Israelites In their bodies, more sore ly hud they smitten them in the spirit. They bequeathed to Moses a company of craven hearts. So at the first sight of pursuit—Pharaoh having realized the value to him of his slaves after he had let them gl —rthe children of Israel began to whimper and complain, in ignoble fashion v Thereupon Moses spake unto them Aw word that God is ever declaring -into the ears of His peo ple, the word that weak and timor ous hearts to-day most need to hear, "Fear ye l not . . . Jehovah will fight for you." God may discipline His own but He never deserts them. "Tliey Sliall Not Pass" It is easy to, be as all brag garts are, when no enemy is In sight. But the truly courageous are they who can stand fast in the presence of danger. . Consider what drew nigh to these not yet emancipated' from the "slave spirit, and with the crack of the overseer's whip still in thpir ears. I quote Edersheim: • "It,must Igive been as the rays of the setting gun were glinting upon the war chariots, that the Israelites first' described the approach of Pharaoh's army. It followed in thejr track, and came approuchlng them from the north, there was no escape in that direction. Flight was im possible; defence seemed madness. Once more the faith of Israel sig nally failed, and they Broke into murmuring against Moses. But the Lord was faithful. What now took place was to s>e not only the final act of sovereign deliverance by God's arm alone, nor yet merely to serve aver afterwards as a memorial by iyhlch Israel's faith might be upheld, but also to teach, by the Judgments upon Egypt, that Jehovah was a righteous and a holy Judge." John Knox before Mary, Queen of Scbts, and Luther at the Diet of Worms, are suggested by the answer which Moses made when the people began to show fear. It was the tre mendous certainty of a man of un shaken faith. There is something terrible about the assurance and boldness of the man who knows that he speaks for God. Here the swish of the sword of battle in these, words to the faint-hearted: "Fear yet not, stand still, and see the salvation of Jehovah, which He will work for you today; for the Egyptians whom ye have seen t today, ye shall see them again no more forever. Jehovah will fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace." Doesn't it make one shud der at the thought of undertaking combat w.th the will of the Lord of hosts? This surely must be the crowning horror of the fugitive ex kalser's* tormenting thoughts. He now knows that the Supreme Being Whom he blasphemed fought against him. • Tito Interposed Cloud "Speak unto the children of Israel that they so forward," cried Jeho vah to Moses* The divine programme for humanity is progress: That is God's message to every Individual life and to the race as a whole. To emphasize it he often mercifully shuts all paths except the one that means advance. True, real progress is not always along the line of the least resistance; there are Red Seas to be crossed in every experience. Burwhen God points the way He also prepares it. As a protection pending the pas sage, the cloud which had led the vanguard became the rearguard; It was interposed between the Israel ites and their pursuers. Little won der that the aweet singers of Israel loved to contemplate Jehovah as a "shield." On His own side of that mysteriotls veil the Lord was pre paring great things for His own, and terrible things for His enemies. It was soop to be demonstrated, as Moses sang, "Jehovah is a man of war." The Great Miracle Apdwonderful weapons He wields. Since He holdeth the winds in His fist, it was easy for God by a great east wind to pile up tho waters of the turbulent sea, so where the fishes had swum the Is raelites' walked dry shod. This pas sage of the Red Sea was a miracle; why try to minimize it, or explain it away? Only the direct interposi tion of the Lord of creation could have wrought this mighty wonder, making a way of 'escape for the Is raelites, hemmed in on all other sides. Dozens of great ocean liners may now anchor In what is com monly regarded as the site of the crossing; water like this does not naturally become dry land for a night. God did It; It was bht one of the - countless unguessed tactics which the God of war has at His command. . The wall of water on either side— the simple statement Of Inspiration Is majestic—made an Impression upon the marching Israelites; even as it has made an impression on all' who have heard or read the story since. It was a rampart such as only God could build; one of tho highways of help for His own which the word of Jehovah obligee Him to build whenever there.is occasion. But what is help for friend may be hurt for foe. When day broke, the Egyptian army, with its six hun dred picked chariots, essayed to fol low by the same path. But what had been easy going for the Israel ites proved a snare for-their pursu ers, so that the latter were soon crying, "Let us flee from the face of Israel, for Jehovah flghteth for them." The Song of Victory Therein the Egyptians; ere they were engulfed in the grip of the God Whom they deiled, showed an L understanding of the significance of i ... • y i r• ■■ the whole matter. God was caring for His own people and vindicating His own name. That i the point of the whole story, as it appeared in the song' of victory which Moses sang; and in tho later song of the Psalmist (10:7-12): "Our fathers understood not Thy wonders in Egypt; They remembered not the multitude of Thy loving kindnesses, But wore rebellious at the sea, even the-Red Sea. Nevertheless He saved them for His name's sake, Tha£ He might make His mighty power to be known. He rebuked the Red Sea also,' and ■ ft was dried up; So he led them through the depths as through a wilderness. He saved them from the hand of him that hated them, > And redeemed them from the hand of the enemy. I And the waters covered their ad versaries; There was not one of them left. Then believed they His words; They sang His praise." Bolsheviki Continue to Shell Americans Archangel, Jan. 2 4. —The Bolshe viki are continuing their shelling of the American positions at list Pad enga, 30 miles south of Shenkursk, and the American artillery is re plying to the enemy fire. Tho in fantry attack which the Bolsheviki were expected to make Tuesday failed to materialize. Peasants say that the Bolsheviki suffered live hundred casualties in the infantry attack- on January 19, leaving many wounded who froze to death in the forest. The American casualties In the fight were less than flfty all told. GIRLS! ACT NOW! HAIR COMING OUT • MEANS DANDRUFF "Danderjne" will save your hair and double its beauty at once Try this! Your hair gets soft, wavy, abundant and glossy at once Save your hair! Beautify it! It is only a matter of using a little Dan derine occasionally to have a head of heavy, beautiful hair; soft, lus trous, wavy and free from dandruff. It Is easy and Ihexpensive to havo pretty, charming hair and lots of It. Just spend a few cents for a small bottle of Knowlton's Danderine now —all drug stores recommend It— apply , a little as directed and within ten minutes there will be an ap pearance of abundance; freshness, tlufliness and an Incomparable gloss and lustre, and try as you will, you can not find a trace of dandruff or falling hair; but your real surprise will be after about two weeks' use, when you will see new hair—fins and downy at first—yes—but really ftw hair —sprouting out all over your scalp—Danderine Is, We be lieve, the only sure hair grower, de stroyer of dandruff and cure for Itchy scalp, and it never falls to stop falling bail at on'ce. If you want to prove how pretty and soft your hair really is, moisten a cloth with a little Danderine and carefully draw it through your hair —taking one small strand at a time. Your hair will be soft, glossy and beautiful in Just a few moments— a delightful surprise awaits every one who tries this. No More Rheumatism Torturing Pains and Swollen Joints Vanish When lthcuma Is Used. At last a real remedy for rheuma tism! And a good one it must be when Kennedy's Drug Store, and goad druggists everywhere sell it on the no-cure no-pay basis. ; Rheumatics should hail the news with great rejoicing, for it is surely a remarkable remedy and has a rec ord of almost unbelievable cures. Read what J. F. Oliver of Albany, Ua., says about it: "I had sciatic rheumatism for two years, and tled every medicine offer ed for rheumatism. Tried many doc tors, was treated at one of the best Southern sanatoriums, and if I im proved any 1 did not realize it. I am a conductor on the Central of Geor gia railroad, and had secured a pass to Hot Springs, Ark., to take treat ment. About that time I saw Kbeu ina advertised and concluded to try it. I abandoned my trip, took three bot tles. and now feel as well as ever. I would not take a hundred thousand dollars for what Kheuma has done for me. If you have rheumatism in any form don't delay—try Rheuma today. A large bottle is not expensive, and your money back If it does not give you quick and joyful relief. Baldwin's Worker Took Ten Bottle s * " ~— Miss Elizabeth Augustine, 8622 Dick's Avenue, West Philadelphia, whose father Is a blacksmith with Baldwin's Locomotive Works, savs everybody In their house likes Tan lac. "Father suffered from a run down system. He began to feel so weak he ! could hardly get around. He had a backache, cough, In-, flapned throat and a general In digestion. His digestion became Impaired and for eight weeks he, was in bad shape. One of his friends told him übout Tahlac. He hab taken ten bottles, but he's a dif ferent person. He can eat anything iand sleeps like a top." ' The genuine Tanlac, which bears the name J. I. Gore Co. on outside carton, is now sold here by Georrfe A. Gorgas, George's Drug Store, O. F. Kramer, W. F. Stevens. The celebrated vegetable tonic, stomachic and health builder. Is also eold in neighboring cities and towns. Ask for It, . ;• £ k ' State Fuel Regulation, to Pass Into History Philadelphia, Jan. 24.—As far as Pennsylvania is concerned, the end of the coal administration 'is in sight. Wllilam Potter, state fuel ad I IVINGSTON'S 7 and 9 South Market Square January Clearance Sale Starting the third week of our January Clearance Sale with greater reduc tions. We have gone through every department and cut into the prices, so that we can clean up everything possible and now is your opportunity to buy real up-to-the-minute wearing apparel at next-to-nothing prices. / 350 Women's and Misses' SUITS . In Serge, Poplin, Gabardine, Velour, Velyet, Oxford Cloth, etc. in every color, style and size. -- ~ > '■ $15.00 7AO I $22.50 li no $30.00 Ia no SUITS .3o SUITS 11.30 SUITS 14.30 — f $lB.OO QQQ $25.85 19 AO $40.00 1Q QQ SUITS SUITS SUITS 13.30 200 Women's and Misses' COATS In Velours, Plushes, Pom Poms, Silvertones and others in every desired color and style. $16.50 7no $25.00 1 1 QQ $35.00 I£QQ COATS * .30 COATS IL3Q COATS 10.30 $18.85 QQQ $30.00 1/1 QQ . $40.00 IQQQ COATS 0-30 COATS 14.30 COATS 13.30 275 Women's and Misses' DRESSES Serge, Satin, Jersey, Taffeta, Crepe de Chine, Silk Poplin, Tricolet in every desired color and stylei Sizes to 54. $10.50 4QQ $16.50 74Q $22.50 11 QQ DRESSES 4-30 DRESSES '-43 DRESSES 1 I.JO $12.50 CQQ $lB.OO QQQ $25.00 10 4Q DRESSES J-"Q DRESSES 0-30 DRESSES 1&.43 $15.00. *7 4Q ' $20.00 QQQ $30.00 14 QQ DRESSES l .43 DRESSES "."0 DRESSES 14.30 Our Entire Stock of Men's, Young Men's and Boys' Clothing Reduced For Quick Clearance 550 Men's and Young Men's SUITS Reduced to Less Than Cost . Here included are Black and Blue Serge Mixtures of every kind Sizes 34 to 50. Don't Miss This Event. $16.50 QQQ $25.00 19 QQ $30.00 1Q QQ SUITS ""O SUITS 10.30 SUITS 13.30 $lB.OO 11 QQ $27.50 1C QQ $40.00 O QQ SUITS 11.30 SUITS 13.30 SUITS £4.30 100 Men's O.vercoats to Go Now is your chance to buy your next Winter Coat at real savings. $16.50 QQQ $lB.OO 11 QQ $25.00 19 QQ O'Coats 3.30 Q'Coats 11.30 Q'Coats I J.JO $30.00 1Q QQ $35.00 99 QQ $40.00 94 QQ O'Coats l 0"0 O'Coats £4.30 500 Pairs MEN'S TROUSERS at real savings to you. Pants for work or dress Corduroys and cloth. $3.00 Pants $1.98 $7.50 Pants $3.98 $4.00 Pants $2.49 $8.50 Pants $4.49 $5.00 Pants .• $2.98 $9.50 Pants $4.95 $6.00 Pants $3.49 $9.75 Pants ..... $5.98 Sizes 30 to 44 waist. 1000 Boys' Suits 300Boys'Overcoats In every color, cloth, style or size— "g" yoSTl^kmd reduced for quick clearance. light 'patterns. - $2.75 Boys' Suits now $1.69 $5.00 Overcoats $2.49 $4.00 Boys' Suits now $2.49 $6.00 Overcoats $2.98 $4.50 Boys' Suits now $2.79 $7:50 Overcoats . ..1. $3.49 $5.00 Boys' Suits now $2.98 $5.85 Overcoats $4.49 $6.50 Boys' Suits now $3.49 $9.85 Overcoats $5.49 $7.50 Boys' Suits now $4.49 $12,50 Overcoats v . .<... $6.49 $8.85 Boys' Suits now $5.49 $10.50 Overcoats $5.99 $10.85 Boys' Suits now $6.49 $15.00 Overcoats .... $7,49 ministrator, announced yesterday that the local offices of the fuel ad ministration would close February 28. Mr. Potter stated that both the anthracite and bituminous industries were working satisfactorily now, and that the only matter remaining for attention was the problem of gas distribution in MclCean, Potter an< Tioga counties. In these districts domestic con sumers are now limited to 24,000 cu bic feet a month, and industrial con sumers are entirely excluded wltl the -exception of a few plants, when gas engines are installed. These ari limping along, Mr. Potter said, on I much reduced Bupply.
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