— —— —— • i I ; tgi BIX 1981—2S8 UNITED ' HAHRUBVRG, FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1910. ' . FOUNDED 18T1 Pre-Inventory Sales In All Departments These Pre-Inventory Sales krr||jj Costumes For Rent Lead All Other Occasions 1 1 For Charity Ball They encompass opportunities for oifr patrons to put ||| m best known House for fancy.cqstumes their wardrobe and household expenditure to the .best A I P™ W fIH ,4 V A ffi All new merchandise or guaranteed dry-cleaned after use in months. And throughout these Pre-Inventory S7J / / I j\ M\ \ \\ \\ M Ilcp ,i , , ■ an , a " er Sales stocks, so varied, so broad, so desirable, a degree ,/K 1 J / \ u )\ \ VI iX ||J ' . entlc reproductions of the ppnods they of quality maintains typical of all merchandise which eh- tep ~Vb—J4—4 \tct t T v represent. Prices range from $2.50 to $2O. See them at ters this "store—a hall-mark of intelligent'selection. g A ' ' jlppfPlP BOWMAN'S— Third Floor. Pre-Inventory Sale j| j j ■ wll' AH Whittal Rugs Included in Sale notice of this opportunity to buy new .9 jl I/if 'j' jj i\ Jll l ' ll! 2/A in.!!!!!!!!!!! |!aw in! !!!!!!!!!!! . ? |i!oO if you have postponed buying draperies because you ex- If ■ I I I I J U \J I ' I & •• * BODY BRUSSELS :cted price reductions, here is your chance. house- m I h ANGLO INDIAN Choice of any Pattern Lot "of voile curtains in white, ivory and ecru- —-2]/ 3 yds. ii # m 27x54 in $8.50 27x54 in. $5.00 ng; lace and insertion trimmed with medallions; $2.75 pair. Ma .; - m RAG RUGS—in hit and miss patterns; fast selvedges; Remnants of cretonne and curtain materials, in good ffl q a -p* I s l' • ' m 27x54 inches. Pre-Inventory Sale 95c ngths; One-Half Price ffl X/ ( jO3.tS At KPflllCPfl lB LINOLEUM RUGS-with burlap backs, in blue, green, 36-inch blue and rose Marquisette for over-draperies; 35c m \JLmd ti tu IR. L. X 1 lv-VO ' brown and tdn; 6x9 ft. Pre-Inventory Sale, $5.98. 1. s vt, j?fj , 1 " 1 1 ' - " SO CARPET S\\ EEPERS—either steel or oak cases with BOWMAN'S— Fourth Woor. m t> i i • • i ti i* • i t i 'lllll-1.1 f nickeled trimmings; good bristle brushes Pre-Inventorv H_ ; Reduced in price only. Ihe quality is the best that can be had and the Modes are the very new- m Sale, $1.98. ' m\entorj ' o i r n *' J "' m est P re - Inventor ytiie prompts us to clear them out to make room for new-Spring additions.* INLAIIi .LINOLEUM —in useful lengths for bathrooms -03,1C Ol rlOSiery 3ncl m J hese are wool velours, Crystle cords, Bolivia cloths, Evoras and plushes. A few tailored, but gg small kitchens or vestibules. Pre-Inventory Sale, 79c square -=£ ly mostly beautifully fur trimmed models in all the late Fall modes, including the nobby short plush m J' ard - TT j ' HT coats . - * gff CONGOLEL'M RUGS.— in beautiful brown- and green Underwear For Women | $37.75 and $47.50 - I ST".., , L Women's stockings—a grand opportunity to lay in a sup- k|l BOWMAN'S— Third Floor. -ffi ! h $1.98 | 9x12 ft $12.98 .yof good quality bdbt silk stockings with strong lisle tops. SGI N FB | WILTON RUGS—-in beautiful patterns of green, brown, Women's uniQn cotton iinion suits with short 1 t 4 TTf'tnTrinTlir clj, j RUBBER STAIR TREADS-mlancT moulded tauerns; ,gh t .,, g ht f ,eeee,med. Ananracnvegar- Men's Silk Flbef SllirtS | PrICCS Oil DfeSS FabriCS | gIIJY ,0c | 9xj|inehcs.,7. Children's Unwn Suits Snpcial S2 QS ' Reduced Exceedingly Low AXMINISTER RUGS—-in luxurious deep tufted patterns- White ribbed union suits, high neck, long sleeves; sizes 1 LJ i_/A ' v? J 4.6x6 ft. .. $8.50 and $12.50 I 12x13.6 ft. $52.50 i 12; 89c. . , ; t . ... , ' ... 9x12 ft. .. $35.00 and $42.50 | 12x15 ft $62.50 BOWMAN'S—Main Floor! j, , ■ It is hardly likely that silks, woolens and wash goods will . 8.3x10.6 ft., $25 00 $27.50 $32 50 ' - * Prior to Inventory thpse sold for a great deal more and the sell for lower prices this'season than we are now quoting for TI TT^c ■ > ■ new goods"that of similar quality, will naturally sell for con- Pre-Inventory Specials. Nor is it probable that more attrac- iii RCGS—wool faced; some seamless, in floral - nf ■ • siderable more. Lustrous silk of good fabric and excellent , five assortments will be offered for your selections than ind all-over patterns f "I Jkrfl fig P/Uy patterns. these. . 6x9 ft $21.00 | 8.3x10 ft 30.00, $25.00 f i titf BOWMAN's —Min Floor. 36-inch messalines—line of colors; $1.59 yd< 7.6x9 ft $22.50 J 11.3x12 ft. .. $35, $42.50, $45 ■ /7\ Y*tol\£] . _ ' 36-inch black silks; 8 best numbers; $1.85 yd. 9x12 ft., $27.50, $32.50, $35.00, $37.50 v ■ /-.< • * 36-inch fancy silks; $1.45 and $1.95 yd. nnwwam-o_i.-. .u \DtlUjfV€& Shoe Specials 0 "^ ' "* 1.65 Pr. 3 Pr. $4.75 6 Pr. $9.40/., Pre-Inventorv Clenrwr,^ c >-d. Final Clearance of Hair Goods ay u lnvemory U l6(irci7icc 27 and 32-inch best American ginghams; 39c yd. An offer hard to beat. In fact almost impossible to equal 36-inch silk and cotton crepe; yd. 55c. H ' All Shades Including Grey Reduced 25 Per Cent, hen you stop to consider that these are real fine imported Women's tan calf laced shoes, with French heelS. 36-inch foundation silk; 45c yd. - O ne glance at the newest spring coiffures rench Kid Gloves of the P. Ccntemeri & Co. quality. Noth- Special, $9.00. 32 and 36-inch shirtings; 59c yd. and you will understand Why an extra hair g better on the market. 1 Women's gray kid laced boots with military heels. 32-inch Kiddie cloth) 45c yd. . piece is so essential in producing the desir v\e were fortunate in securing these through an unusual Special, $9.00. 36-inch silk ahd cotton suitings; 59c yd. Ed effect. You must have a switch ofa istake in a cablegram. They are going like the proverbial Women's black calf laced boots with gray suede tops, 36-inch best American percalfcs; 39c yd. • WsmWlU transformation and we are selling both at a it cakes. We sold 1200 pairs of these before Christmas, so military heels. Special, $7.00. 54-inch Velour de Laine —beSt grades; $3.95 yd. 'jt special discount of 25 per cent. off. you want your share of these 600, to-morrow is youf op- omen's dull calf"button shoes, with cloth tops. 48-inch French serges; all colors; $2.79 yd. ' " s i THIS APPLIES TO EVERY* HAIR irtumty, as long as they last. Special, $2.49. 54-inch Shepherd check velour; $2.50 yd. / PIECE IN, OUR ENTIRE STOCK. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. 40-inch silk and wool poplins; $1.69 yd. % ' , t Reduced to f1.50 and ?3.75 ' BOWMAN'S—Main jr. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. j White Goods, Bedspreads . . ■ mNUARY and Towelling T. / ' fvf There are so many pretty fabrics, bedding and towels in L- Wrxjff vAIfV/ V|^lni tZ/4^ . 1 reduced for quick clearance during the Pre- ' 11 Q White Nainsook— T4o inches wide 4 a soft finished fabric .of . f i y , , t /*-' medium weight, adapted for children's dresses and underwear \ -J , ■ " * —lO >Ms. to piece; > , _ t*, • i v ' No - 1 ffrade, $2.50 per piece. , P e ? ors * department offers its share of „ / \V, This IS a remarkable price concession . .No. 2 grade, $325 per piece. , values in this Pre-Inventany Sale. The best . v COnsider-iW the C >L ° nCeSSK ;" White striped Flaxons in short lengths; 19c yd. known makes of corsets arc here, and many CQnSldermg the quality of the furs we sell. I. • ' White skirtings; 36 inches wide, mostly in stripes; 29c .yd. ° thcm have been reduCed m nce for c l U,ck . But unusual conditions promot In the ' !-,™ K i 1 ?! h —36 inches wide, medium weight; 29c yd. I clearance. . Vi#aicrl-iF .-.f rr l i. -• Hemmed crochet bedspreads; size 68x80; $1.25 each. An odd lot of both front and back lacfed raWfewP s C season we offer a splendid Hemmed crochet bedspreads, size 75x80; $1.69 eqch. corsets, medium bust and elastic tops. Good jßiHik assorment of luxurious furs at twenfv r#r I'f m iT led , col °j e i qu l dt f 111 a " dblue effcct s; $2.98 each. .range of sizes and-styles. Excellent value at Jri" U* AT rurs at twenty per Khaki colored Turkish towels (Martex) made of heavy the special price of $1.19. #/ MKiWW cent. Off usual 1 price. . double Terry; size, 21x40. Exceptional value at 60c each. /jf I ti\ -.vached i\...jy towelling*- 12!j4c yd. Fine white coutil corsets heavily boned 'LX II Beautiful coats, capes scarfs mufFa Heavy cotton crash—bleached with red border; an excel- ' medium bust, reinforcement across the abdo- A ' J . n rii i ' tnuixs lent crash for hard use; 15c yd. men. Good strong hose supporters; very B and sets-—all carefully selected to measure Floor. specially priced for Inventory Sale, $1,79-. up to the Bowman standard. ' '* Well-known brands of corsets in models of Ws rj HP * * coutil and brocade materials. La Vida, Bon mMI Ift V !>JcW 1 nmmingS Ton and La A good assortment of .. jjjj jij IJM T hSESShL' I f Mnmk BOWMAN's —Third Floor rr /I** * Brassieres in hook front models, neatly gMi rOr OyrlHg Sir 6 rlcrc lace and embroidery. Closing V jRRRSv * , Dress trimmings—36-iich colored metal flouncing, of Baudeau Brassieres in a variety of stales in f tunjuoise, * Silver flouncing; widths 9to 36 inches, $1.75 to $5.00 * { | jlpS X ' trimming 1 rowto 10 rowsin width, BOWMAN s—Second Floor. | tuUe in' eyery desirable shade, lovely * * Fringe-of plain and knotted in all the leading shades; ij widths 2 inches to 9 inches; 59c to $2.95 yard. , i + BOWMAN'S—Main Floor! 1 *" ,* * k Ji_4. . dt!fc4 ii . - ' * * " i. l * . ' Y ii . . ' '• " ' ■ = * 'it':- s'WT 1 " ;■ / • FRIDAY EVENING, HXBBISBUItO sfiSk TEEEJGKSPff JANUARY 24, 1919. Store Closes Regularly J)# JjTyji# 4 Store Closes Regularly On Saturdays at Six . On Saturdays at Six 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers