IMPS Readiivj all the RvwiKj flPjff r\ MAKING THE MOST OF J OUR CHILDREN \J A Series of Plain Talks to C. Beery, A.8., MA. r^SR' Frcrident of the Parents Association. \^, "Now, now, why Dorothy, I'm shamed of you, is that the way I old you to act in company?" Well, 'ell!" The child looks up_ sheepishly, uts a knuckle into her mouth and urns her back. The mother has ven her a lesson—an impressive j jsson and ono from which tho bad . isults will be hard to erase. It so often happens that the very 1 arents who do not seem to know ! ow to give lessons that induce posl ve, desired results are the ones | ho succeed in making the most im- | ressive lessons of the wrong kind. ! Than child training there is no ! ibject of greater importance and, i ot unlike other important subjects, j needs to be studied carefully by lose who have charge of children. One mother writes to me: "What can I do to get my five- j ear-old daughter to answer ques ons that people ask her? I some mes feel so ashamed of her and et all the methods I have tried have one her no good. In fact, she seems lore backward now than ever." You and others no doubt have lught your daughter to bo back ard but all unconsciously. Here is the way It usually hap- How To Make a Gray Hair Remedy Mrs. Mackie, the well known New ork actress, now a grandmother, id whose hair is still dark, re ?ntly made the following statement: CJray streaked or faded hair can e immediately turned black, brown r light brown, whichever shade you esire, by the use of the following mple remedy that you can make at ome; "Merely get a small box of Orlex owder at any drug store. It costs ery little and no extras to buy. Dis >lve it in water and comb it through le hair. Full directions for mixing nd use come in each box. One box ill last you for months. "It is safe, it does not rub off, is ot sticky or greasy, and leaves the air fluffy. It will make a gray aired person look many years lunger." The Swift Dollar for 1918 / u mmm mr mms ° o \\ \l 12.96% / aco? ® 1 \ \ Expenses f O-J /o M To Stock RaiwrJ Jjj The above diagram shows the distribution of he average Swift dollar received from sales of beef, pork and mutton, and their by-products, during 1918. 1919 Year Book of interesting and instructive facts sent on request ' Address Swift & Company Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Illinois Swift & Company, U. S. A. Harrisburg Local Branch, Seventh & North Streets F. W. Covert, Manager TUESDAY EVENING, pens: some stranger wants to be friendly with the child and asks some questions. A perfectly natural reserve in a child, who has not spe cifically been taught to answer ques tions asked by strangers, will cause him to remain silent until the par ent whom he trusts gives him some intimation that it is proper to ans wer. But a parent, not understanding this, often will do just the wrong thing and ask the child why "he doesn't talk. This not only seems to center attention more denitely upon the child (a thing bad in it self in this particular situation) but the question as to why the child doesn't talk suggests that he was ex pected to talk at first and didn't: therefore, he takes it as fault-find ing. Bet us now strike the course of the trouble. It is the fear in an adult that his actions or words or appearance will not meet with tho approval of those whom he meets that causes him to feel ill-at-ease in the presence of other adults. And so it is with the child. Any fault finding when in front of others is de cidedly wrong. When a child has one experience in a given situation that is painful or unpleasant, he wants to avoid a similar situation in the future. The more often he has unpleasant ex periences, the more inclined will he be to sidestep the situations that cause them. Now that we thoroughly under stand the situation, we can easily see that tha desired attitude of open ness and self-confidence can be se cured by managing to make the meeting of people a pleasant experi ence. Instead of finding fault, ap prove your child about something. All childreh like approval and they like the situations in which they are approved. If your child seems slow to ans wer, take the attention more away from him instead of putting more on as is so often done. Answer the question for the child in a naive way using "w,e" and then quickly change the subject. If you want to get a response from a child, ask about some concrete action or thing which in itself is in teresting to him. For example, ask a boy something about his new air gun, or ask a girl if she puts dolly to sleep in her little bed. Then show just a natural interest in the re sponse and change the subject. Manage your daughter as sug gested and shd gradually will show an improvement. Bringing Up Father - 1 '- Copyright, 1918, International News Service -*- By Mel!anus I--™"'l /-a. |ss'L |Tow r oi | n " When a Girl " By ANN IJSIJC A New, Romantic Serial Dealing With the" Absorbing Problems of a Girl Wife "Pat lunches here almost every day —shall you mind if he walks in on us?." asked Carlotta Sturges, wav ing the waiter aside to serve our chicken Clinsarge and artichoke. "Is that why you brought me here —to see how I'd take a meeting with my—brother-ih-law?" I asked, won dering if Carlotta meant to confide in me after all. But Carlotta only leaned across the table and put her hand over mine. "Anne Harrison," she said, "I liked you from the first. And you stood by me at the canteen the other day. You're a thoroughbred. And if I can ever do anything for you—why. name it. But in the meantime I want you to answer one question. Will you?" "I'll try," I replied earnestly to her earnestness. "Well, now, it's this: Do you see, any harm in my being friends with Pat Dalton? He's married, I know, but he isn't living with his wife. Now, I don't see why he should be cut off from friends and companions while he's trying to find out what Mrs. D. proposes to make of the smashed-up bits ot their lives. Do you?" "Not when you put it that way," I agreed unwillingly. "How else can I put it?" cried Carlotta, her eyes bright with tri umph or some other even more stim ulating feeling. "Pat Dalton and Virginia are mar ried. They're separated—that's true. But perhaps they'll find each other again. I think marriage is a— permanent thing—not just what the minister has said, but how people have felt. That ought to be— sacred." Carlotta narrowed her eyes and HAKFUSBURG t£Sf6t TELEGRAPH tapped the fingers of one hand nerv ously against the back of the other. "Evidently you don't believe in di vorce. Evidently you think—hope even—that if no one." she hastily cor rected herself, 'that If nothing comes between Pat—and Virginia, they'll find each other again instead of something just as good.' That's it— isn't it?" "That's it." I agreed gravely, won dering how she would take it. She sat quite still and motionless j for a moment, staring ahead of her ! with sphinx eyes. Then a glitter of mischief came into them, and she turned to me almost saucily. "I warned you—but you didn't hurry. Here comes Pat now. And guess who's with him?." Put before I could guess, a voice of greeting sounded over my shoulder: "Hel-10, Lady Tenant! So you've found the best restaurant in town. Patrick Kerence O'Maragh Dalton and I drop in for a bite now and again— and to-day I think we've found fine company—unless you object to Dal ton." His voice was so unruffled—so as sured—that only by affronting Pat could I hope to rid myself of Tom Mason's unwelcome company. So all in the next minute our ta ble was stretched to accommodate four—and the men ordered cocktails, in which Carlotta almost defiantly joined them. "This is a cosy little foursome," Tom Mason declared jovially after his second drink. "Suppose you girls fool round over your sweets a bit, and then we'll take a matinee or for a spin up the road in Pat's little new car." Carlotta beamed and clapped her hands. "Oh. that'll be jolly—we'll go up the road and have a dance and some tea, and I promise to make the boys drink tea too. Anne." I vinced—as much at her Intimate use of my name as at the situation. "I couldn't." I said—and then re peated In uninspired fashion—"l couldn't." "Why not?" asked Pat. a little belli gerent. "You were happy enough till I came—is It me you're after ob jecting to, Mrs. Jimmie?" "Oh. no—you know it isn't that, that, didn't I have tea with you?" I cried unguardedly, stupidly—and re gretted on the very period to my word that I hadn't bitten my tongue out when I began the sentence. "Tom and you—Pat and I. I chap erone you, you chaperone me," laugh ed Carlotta. Tom Mason leaned forward. Inclin ing his body toward me in the lit tle intimate way he has of seem ing to shut off the world and make it a place with room in it for only the two of us. "A chaperone." he chuckled. "A chaperone! But you can take tea alone with this scamp of a Pat he chaperone! That's more than your husband had when I saw him and a pretty little, snaky little Oriental brunette Rneaking into the Old Hand ley, when I stopped there for a cock tail before I met Pat." Carlotta snickered. "There's something sacred about marriage, Mrs. Jimmie. You said it. Come on. be a good fellow. You chaperone me—l chaperone you and we beat the boys at their own game." i I rose, with sudden resolution that brought the men to their feet. "Didn't I tell you when we met that I'd an engagement?" I asked, ly ing by implication even while I stay ed just within the truth. "Well. I'm on my way to see Virginia. This was a delicious luncheon. I hope my Jimmie and his little secretary fared half as well—they're so busy they have to work even at mealtime." "You're on your way to see Jeanie?." murmured Pat Dalton, hold ing my hand in his as if he meant never to let it go. Then he flung it from him —and turned to the others: "Well, that needn't- keep us from spinning up the road—need it?" But he didn't ofTer to take me to my destination in the new car. (To be continued.) SIMPLE WAY TO TAKEOFF FAT There can be nothing simpler than taking a convenient little tablet four times each day until your weight is reduced to normal. That's all—Just purchase a ease of Marmola Prescrip tion Tablets from your druggist (or if you prefer, send 75C to Marmola Co., 864 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich.) and follow directions. No dieting, no exercise. Eat what you want be as lazy as you like and keep on getting slimmer. And the best part of Marmola Prescription Tablets Is their ljarmlessnes*. That |'- -our absolute safeguard. ALL VICTIMS OF ECZEMA'S ITCH NEEDPOSLAM It Is Poslam"s mission to relieve Itching eczema's cruel distress and to restore the disordered skin to sightli ness and health. Comfort comes as soon as it is applied to the sore places. Its concentrated healing pow er quickly shows. Each day should mark distinct Improvemeit. 80 ef fective is Poslam for eczema, rashes, pimples, scaip-scale that Just a little of it will do much. It's quality that counts. _ Sold everywhere. For free sample write to Emergency laboratories, 243 West 47tb St., New York City. Urge your skin to become fresher, clearer, better by the daialy use of Poslam Soap, medicated with, Poslam. LITTLE TALKS BY BEA TRICE FAIRFAX Much superstition in regard to beauty is abroad in the world, I mean the beauty of human beings. And, above all, of course, the beauty of women. Beauty in women has been so greatly praised that we have come to overvalue it. Women themselves believe it to be of great and serious importance. Their eyes are continu ally in search of it, in each other, in the multitude about them. The talk of beauty ip on their lips. And when there's no trace of beauty whatever, superstition and panic take the field. The beauty-cult has so obsessed us that many women believe they can only obtain success, happiness, love, in proportion as they are beau tiful. A frivolous young creature who knows that she Is classified as a "pretty girl" believes she has her equipment for life. The poor child is encouraged to think that by mere ly exploiting her piquant profile or her pink complexion she can secure her share of the world's gifts with out taking very much trouble to develop any qualities she may have of mind or character. "While the girl who is frankly without a trace of beauty under stands even from a child that she is almost unconquerably handi capped. She finds the whole world patiently, stupidly believing that a woman must be beautiful to be j loved, and that without love life is a pretty poor thing, scarcely worth living If a girl who has had this sort of training becomes melancholy, des perate, without courage, who can blame her? There's deep suffering involved in believing that because one was horn with a certain kind of face one is forever nn outcast i'rom all the joy and shining reality of life. And it's a kind of suffer ing that is pitifully frequent even now, as I suppose it has been al ways. Heartbreaking letters come to me from the victims of it. Girls who have not beauty and who know thqy haven't, and who weep through long wakeful nights because they lack the one precious thing that they believe all women are hound to display up on the highway of the world. Gljds who cry but for some shred of com fort for their blank comfortlessness. It's all a silly superstition, anil a wicked one. Wicked, because of the suffering that it causes. That beauty Is powerful cannot be depled. But there are other forces In the world than beauty. A beautiful woman sometimes seems a supremely conquering crea ture. Yet sometlihes she has less influence on the current of life about her than a drawing that hangs on the wall. As to Beauty's lUvul And most Interesting of all, the woman who is frankly devoid of Daily Dot Puzzle 33. v 35 3% 40. 30 10 ,f 3o* • • 4t (2* •7 *42 3 .8 ~ . • 15 43 29# • • 5 * * •I A. z 4 • •* >7 # |6 *44 26 [ *lB 45 >S *ll .53 . 4a pLs. 1 51 • V• kj Draw from one to two and so on to the end. U beauty, but who has something else that counts, often far outdistances the woman who depends wholly on her exterior. Don't let anyone persuade you that the unbeautiful woman never triumphs in life and love. She tri umphs often. And her triumphs are secure ones, because they don't depend on light and shadow—that Is, on the substance of illusion. Look carefully and undcrstand ingly about the world, you girls j | who believe yourselves cursed by straight, thin hair or by dull com plexions or irregular features. Stop listening to those too often repeated tales .of the supremacy of beauty and the tragedy of ugliness and see what the facts are. "You'll get a great deal of en couragement from your investiga tion and a truer idea of the really important things. Terhaps you'll even come to the conclusion that beauty alone— beauty in the sense of perfection of line and color —doesn't attract very forcibly all unless it's joined with something else. Cold, passive loveliness is sometimes let rather severely alone. Perhaps you'll find that the beau tiful women who are powerful, 1 either in promoting happiness or creating havoc have something else after all besides radiant smiles and shining eyes. Perhaps it's piquancy, a kind of bewitchment or diablerie, the kind of thing that infatuates men, makes thcip exquisitely miserable. Per haps it's just a curve of the mouth or a note in the voice or some provoking little trick or subtlety of manner. Large Natures Attract Or perhaps it's something very much better than this. Perhaps it's the influencu that's exhaled by a really big nature and a thoroughly warm heart. You'll find that the woman who is not self-centered, who has a heart big enough for a host of friendships, and for tha troubles likewise of people who are not her friends, attracts love and lovers even if she is totally unbeau tiful. She has reality, you see, and that is so much better than the thin, monotonous skin-deep charm of the merely pretty woman whose eyes are always furtively seeking the flattery of a mirror. • Of perhnps it's some one definite gift, like wit, or tact, or sweetness of nature. If you were just being born, and your fairy godmother offered you your choice of gifts, would you choose beauty? If you did you would make a great mistake. So if you have been living for twenty years or so with the idea that because you are not beautiful or even pretty, your life is wasted. I urge you to drop this totally false idea and begin all over again. Make the best you can of any "good points" you have, and after you have done that, try not to give any more thought to that over-dis cussed subject of beauty. If you have real interests and real friends, and health and energy, you have the essentials for a happy life. Don't give up all the fun you'll have in living it just because you're self , consciously and superstitiously I aware that your nose Isn't straight. EVEN CROSS, SICK I CHILDREN LOVE SYRUP OF FIGS Look at tongue! If feverish, bilious, constipated, take no chances. "California Syrup of Figs" can't harm tender stomach, liver, bowels. Don't scold your fretful, peevish child. See If tonKUe is coated; this is a sure sign Its little stomach, liver and bowels are cloggod With sour waste. When listless, pale, feverish, full of cold, breath bad, throat sore, doesn't eat, sleep or act naturally, has stomach-ache. Indigestion, di arrhoea. give a teaspoonful of "Cali fornia Syrup of Figs." and in a few hours ail the foul waste, the sour. bile and fermenting food passes out I of the bowels and you have a well | i and playful child again. Children i love this harmless "fruit laxative," and mothers can' rest easy after giving it, because it never fails to make their little "insides" clean and Keep It handy, Mother! A little given to-day saves a sick child to morrow, but get the genuine. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "Cali fornia Syrup of Figs," which has directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly on the bottle. Remember there are counterfeits sold here, so surely look and see that yours is made by the "California Fig Syrup Company." Hand back with contempt any other i Og syrup. JANUARY 21, 1919. Advice to the Lovelorn How long Shall She Wait? Dear Miss Fairfax: I am a girl of twenty and care for a young man. He| has asked me to wait two and a half years for our marriage, which I think is too long, please advise me what to do. D. S. This would be a long engagement, but perhaps it is not too long if the wait is necessary and if you really love each other. But I fear that no | body who does not know all the clr [ cumstances can profitably advise I you in this matter. The best way |is to talk it out thoroughly and j frankly with tho young man him self and arrive together at an agree ment. Is He Fascinated? Dear Miss Fairfax: I am very much in love with a IWiimaceln Sale 1 The Sides & Sides Stock | of Men's Furnishings § which consists of the following lines: D Finest silk, silk lisle and cotton 1 ss Very finest grades of exclusive jl i silk neckwear — |L |j Pure silk and fine madras shirts— 1: 1 Full dress shirts— Bi m Vests for formal and informal wear — - B: 1 Mufflers-pajamas, robes, laundry bags— 1 I Summer and winter underwear— §1 B Flannel negligee shirts — i Dress gloves, auto gloves, white |§ 1 dress gloves— 1 W Collars, umbrellas and walking §j | sticks— || The entire stock is being removed to ||| j k1 Kaufman's store and will be ready shortly a* ; is for the big sale —which will afford the men [II ; M of this town an opportunity to stock up at || ||| prices for high class furnishings which will bjj meet their fondest dreams. gj 1 Watch for the date — I I Wait for the Sale 1 E3/g/E/H/B/g/S/H/H/g/5/S/H/a/Sa I Von want a diploma from thla achool aad a credential from ■ the National An.oclntlon of Accredited Commercial Sehoola of til* ■ VI. i. The BUST la Unolaena Kdueatloa Kb roll Now. School of Commerce i The old. Reliable, Standard, Accredited College. H Troup Building 11 S. Market SfON. H- I Bell 480. Dial 4SSS ■ Bead for Catalog or Repreaentatlre. young lady who says that I am merely fascinated. Kindly explain the difference between love and fas cination. I think of her all day long. G. C. Isn't this young lady something of a coquette? Still sho is right in maintaining that love and fasclnat-,,. tlon are not the same. One of the," differences between them ia that fascination is transient. So if you wait six months, you can surely tell whether your feeling is really love or not. fcAIFf~FIND DANDRUFF J Every bit of dandruff disappears . after one or two applications of Dan- . derine rubbed well into the scalp with the finger tips. Get a small bottle of Danderlne at any drug store for a few cents and save your hair. After several applications you can't find a particle of dandruff or any falling hair, and the scalp will, never itch. 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers