20 EFFICIENT WORKERS ARE TO BE FOPND B¥ USING TIE CLASSIFIED PAGE 1 " 1 SDeatbs s SKIT/. First lieutenant George Howard Scitz died on January 17, 1919 at Baltimore, son ot the late Dr. J. Landis Seitz and Henrietta Beitz. . Funeral arrangements not >et made, but services will be held at tlie home of his aunt, Mrs. D. B. Spitz, 1211 North Second street. 1.1 'I'FEII On January 14, 1919, Susan L. Ltipfer, aged 71 y?ars. Funeral on Monday morning, at 9 o'clock, from her late residence. - 1102 Green street. The relatives j and friends are Invited to attend, without further notice. Interment,; Liverpool, l'a. j IIIPIM.E On January 15, 1919, | Itobert Hippie, aged 52 years. j Funeral on Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from his late residence, , 633 Mabantongo street. Jite teia tives and friends are invited to at tend without further notice. In terment Kast Harrlsburg Ceme tery; s \ vi'O • Solomon Santo, aged 75 years, died at his home. 659 South j Funeral services, to which relatives ; and friends are invited, wnibeheld from the above address Saturday afternoon, at 2 o clock. Lunal hast | llat risburg Cemetery. t LOST AN D FOUND I L,OST - Bunch of, keys, between Chambers street and \V est bide, in | Steelton. Keward if returned to 641, bouth Second street. Steclton. j ;5i. vl a?hHisii ss3.'" i turned to 1825 Susquehanna street. | LOST - Opvn-fuce gold wa b tclk e On j Fhrliteenth and ltoundhouse. Keward ; It Returned to H<tr, Herr street. STREETS. RWAUU IR ED TO A. H. ' M p'no N E MAItSH STREET,, OK BELL PHU.xi-. , HUN, 4990. | ?-1i S ion l Teu en co.. ttn 2 o r Kofth Second street. „ i ■ INSTRUCTIONS I x A 1 1,11 KXTKNSiON UNIVKU- S1 TV in higher■account ing. law and train,c. Fud upon request. K. A. Warner, Har _ .No. 26 North Klghteenth stieel, liar I'isburg. Bell 3842 M. .arss:,;!?! ALL YEAR. Enter any time. uen 125, Dial 4916. VESB cOLI.EGE. ; Chas. K. Beckley. HF.I.I* WANTED —MAI.lb VV ANTED F INSPECTOR AND ASSISTANT FOREMAN • Good opening, steady em ployment for competent me chanic, capable reading thot nuirhly all kinds working drawings. Must be A 1 ma,- ehinist, with experience tft supervising help and in specting, preferably both ma chine shop and sheet metul Shop work. Kate. 700 per hour. Work 52 Vi hours per week. Modern, tlrst-class shop and growing business, insuring constant opportunities for demonstrated ability. ui\e full particulars In tlrst letter. PANGBORN CORPORATION, lIAGEKSTOWN, MD. WANTED AETOMOBII.E SALESMAN TO SELL FORD CARS AND TRUXTON UNITS. MAC'S GARAGE. INC., 117 SOUTH THIRD ST. WANTED First-class counter man. Apply Buehler Bros., Market street. TWO GOOD FIREMEN WANTED— First and second hands, for water tube boilers using ltiver Coal. Steady work. 12-hour shifts. Good wages paid. Apply Box No. 366, Harrlsburg. SALESMAN AND COLLECTOR For Established Route. Big money proposition for capable man. Salary and commission. Apply Superinten dent. Room 4, 29 North Second street, 8-9 A. M„ 4-5 P. M. ✓ For Sale Desirable business property near Market street, with im provements-. 9 and bath. Steam heat. Gas light. If purchased within the next few weeks, can be had at he right price. Details uppn application. Miller Brothers & Co. Ilrtil ttitnte ••*nrnn** Niirrty Monti* l.ocviwi nnil Court street* '••• li"r Iteiil INtnte Monro A . 1 1-RIDAY EVENING, . ■ ■■■ J HEJLL* WANTED—MALE LINOTYPE OPERATORS WANTED v We have positions for four linotype operators and several good doormen. APPLY HARRY A. FRY. - Telegraph Composing Room. J ■' V SEVERAL SALESMEN for door-to-door proposition. Newspaper experience desir able. Address > * \ M., 6541. Care of Telegraph. WANTED I v | Experienced boss painter for , automobile work; also one helper. Apply MAC'S GARAGE. 117 South Third St. j EXPERIENCED MEN'S CLOTH ING SALESMAN WANTED Permanent position; good salary. •All applications must be by- mail, and will be held strictly conflden tial. Address, stating ago and reference, ; KAUFMAN'S UNDERSELLING STORE. i A CORPORATION manufacturing mechanical ofdee appliances of inter national reputation offers exceptional opportunities to several young men. preferably between the ages of 21 and 25, to qualify as expert repairmen. We will engage only serious-inten tioned men. who desire permanent employment. Good pay during the instruction period. State, in your re ply. your age, nationality, previous employers, education, and whether or not you would accept out-of-town employment. Address Box E, 7002, care of Telegraph. j SALESMAN —By well-known, long-established Baltimore coffee roasters. Must be acquainted with grocers in liarrisburg and York. Give particulars, experience, age, salary. Desirable and permanent position for right.man. Replies confidential. Ad dress C.s 7007, care of Telegraph. CLERKS Capable applicants are wanted to take up training at once, without interference with the present duties, for important accounting po sitions with the large American in dustries, railroads, business corpora tions and the U. S. Government. Mini mum salaries, $1,800.00 per year. Ad dress Box W, 6936, tare of Telegraph. MAN WANTED To work on truck farm. Single man preferred. Good wages and steady work the year around. Apply to W. J. Schu iiauer, Front and Reel's lane, Harris burg. YOUNG MEN l6 atjd over, are eligible for government Railway Mail Clerks. $92 month. Examinations soon. For free particulars, write J. L. Leonard (form r Civil Service Ex aminer). 436 Kenois Building, Wash ington. "WANTED An experienced sales man for liarrisburg and suburban towns. For the right man we will give an exceptional contract. Address Box H, 7003, care of Telegraph. HE Ll* WAN TED—FEMALE SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS Wanted at once, Sewing Ma chine Operators. Inexperienc ed operators will be paid while learning. Positions are permanent, with regular work and good pay. BLOUGH MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Reily and Fulton Streets. . . SALESLADIES WANTED We will receive applications from experienced salesladies for corsets, hosiery, women's knit un dearwear, notions and other de partments. Excellent opportuni ties for those who can take care of stock and assist in selecting merchandise. Permanent posi tion. Good salary. All applica tions must be by mail and will be held strictly conlidentiul. Ad dress KAUFMAN'S UNDERSELLING STORE. WANTED At once, an experienced stenographer, for general of fice work. • Good wages and permanent position. Age pre terred, 22 to 25. Address R.. 6584, Care of Telegraph. WANTED laundress to take small family washing home. Must be regular and permanent. Prefer some one nearby. Inquire Mrs. Ralston, 2520 Jefferson street. Bell phone 4443 J. " EXPERIENCED GIRLS WANTED —For bindery. J. Horace McFarland Company, ' Crescent and Mulberry streets. WANTED Woman to clean store. Apply 329 Market street. WANTED - Dishwasher. Good wages to right party. Apply 1102 North Third street. WANTED Girl for general housework. Apply to D. A. Buehler, 1104 North Second street. YOUNu WOMEN WANTED To learn shoemnklng. Learners are well paid and earn good wages when pro ficient. Harrlsburg Shoe Manufactur ing Go.. 1402 Vernon street. WANTED Girl to work in Ice cream and confectionery store. Apply 1744 North Sixth Street. Dial 5074. TYPIST Must have experience be accurate and rapid. Congenial fellow employes. Good wages. Old established business. Eight hours half day Saturday. Address Box M 0915. care of Telegraph. WANTED Firs, and second maid ' white preferred, for small family. Ao- I ply 2138 North Third street J HELP WANTED—FEMALE ■ - :• A GJRL OF 18 OR 20 has the right to an opportu nity for putting leal earnest ness Into her work. This is possible if her work is inter esting. A BELL TELEPHONE OPERATOR always lias before her an ideal * of service. In the perform ance of this service her duties may call her to connect one Harrlsburg telephone with another, or she may make telephone connections with New York. Chicago, Washing ton, or other distant points. IN THE SERVICE OF THE PEOPLE the operator at the tele phone switchboard, in war or peace, in emergency or every day duty, has established a tradition of wholehearted usefulness. Join the Bell family of earnest workers. .A thorotlgh training is given before you are required to establish telephone connections, and you are paid while learning. Promotion is assured for am bitious young women. Apply to Miss Kline. Operators' Employment Depart ment, 208 Walnut St. THE BELL TELEPHONE CO. j OF PENNA. j WANTED Woman for cooking and housework. .Small family. Good wages. No washing. Phone Steel ton 143. WANTED Experienced stenog rapher and office, clerk. Apply Stan dard Baking Co.. Tenth and Market streets. ■ WANTED Waitress and .dish washer. Uniform for. waitress. Good pav and three meals a day. No Sun-J day work. Apply 211 YYalnut street. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS Harrlsburg. December 7. 12,000 women clerks needed. Salary, $1,200. i Experience unnecessary. Women de siring government positions write for ; free particulars. Raymond Terry , (former Civil Service Examiner), 467 > Columbian Building, Washington. j WANTED Capable woman for I general housework in small family. I Bell phone U72M. —— j HELP WANTED —Male ulid Female ... x *— ' APPLICANTS Desiring to pre- j pare for coming Civil Service Exami- I nations. Write Box H, 6937, care of Telegraph, for information, special assistance, and coaching from ex- , Civil Seryice Examiner. I STENOGRAPHER WANTED j Man or woman. Must be com- j petent, with at least four ; years' experience. Apply in own handwriting. Address communication to P. O. BOX 444, .t liarrisburg, Pa. • SITUATIONS WANTED —MALE WANTED Man yishes Work on automobile truck. Call at lios North Seventh street. SITUATION'S WANTED— FemaIe I EXPERIENCED NURSE—-~WM nurse in conilnement eases and do light housework; best references given. Address Y., i-26, care of lele gr a ph. WOMAN Wants place as first class cook, or day', work. Call IIOJ North Seventh street. WANTED Day's work by colored woman. Inquire 404 Forster street. WANTED Middle-aged widow would like position as housekeeper for man. Address W.. 7006, care of Tele graph. , ____________ WANTED Day's work of any kind by colored woman. Call Bell phone 1660J, or 1422 Reese avenue. WANTED Young woman wants work in restaurant or diningroom. Inquire 623 Ross street, or Dial phone 4477. WANTED Young woman wishes clerical work; has had previous ex-, peticnce Address Box S. 6943, care of Telegraph. WANTED Colored woman wants day's work. Apply 1170 South Cam eron street. WANTED — Plain sewing to do at home. Children's sewing a specialty. Inquire 1512 Hunter street, or call Bell phone 1505 R. WANTED —TO RENT HOUSE WANTED Small family wishes to rent house in city on or before February 1. Must have mod ern -improvements. Reply to P. Mart in an, ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT —Two furnished rooms, for light housekeeping. Man and wife preferred. Good location. In quire 1620 State sticet.^ TWO FURNISHED ROOMS For itni.t housekeeping; all conveniences; steam heat. Call Bell phone 4684 M. ~FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. In • quire 113 Locust street. i SINGLE OR BNSUITiii liOOAln ' Electric lights, steam heat. batn. both , telephones. References, inquire Bell i phone 624. | FOR RENT One large bedroom, i for gentlemen only. Rent reason- I able. Apply 276 ttilggs street TWO UNFURNISHED and one fur - ntshed rooms in best part of city; . steam '.eat aud all modern con veniences. Apply in person. 916 . North Sixteenth street ROOMS WANTED ftOOMS FOR MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. JANARY 20, 21, 22, for out-of-town representa tives of liarrisburg corpot-n --• lion, who will be here to at tend Agricultural Show, and i expect tlrst-class accominoila- I lions. Address j ' E„ 6946, Ca-e of Telegraph. HAHJEUSBURG TELEGRAPH f FURNISHED ROOMS SOME TIMES "rent themselves," of course —just as goods sell themselves on rare occasions, as when an 'immediate urgency comes to a person and the first thing that offers is welcome. But, as a rule, it pays, and pays well, to ADVERTISE furnished rooms there by securing the right kind of tenants. * # ; ROOMS WANTED ROOMS WANTED Any one having desirable rooms, within three- (3) blocks of Penn-ilarris for rent .night •of January. 20, ; Monday, notify Penn-Harris I Hotel by letter. We must take care of visitors to Har ! risburg on Inaugural Day. I WANTED Unfurnished room, by a young lady, who is employed during the day, centrally located. Address i C., 700#, care of Telegraph. — I AVAMKD —BOARD AND ROOMS j SINGLE GENTLEMAN lVishes*a comfortable room, or suite, with con veniences and board, for three or four months, beginning about. Janu ary 27, within short walking dis tance of Post Oftice. State full par- I ticulars. Highest references. F c '! Room 2008, Finance Bldg., Phila'del j phia. .fI'AKTMKXTS FOR RENT i '"OR RENT—Two furnished apart : menis for light housekeeping; neat. | gas and use of phone. Apply 327 j South Front. | APARTMENT FOR RENT—Whole second story, consisting of three bed j rooms, livingroom and bath; suitable 1 for three or four gentlemen; every- I thing first-class; all conveniences* I reference exchanged. 1401' State ! street. ; , RENT Furnished apart j raent of live rooms, pantry and bath; Hunt and back porches; modern in 1 j every detail; will rent to couple only; I good references required. Call Bell ! phone 2625 R. I FOR RENT Fine apartment on I ■ I*rout street, heated by steam and all I j modern improvements. Apply to Wil liam Pearson, 27 South Front street. APARTMENTS WANTED I APARTMENT WANT — 1 am desirous of locating a fur nished apartment of about 3 rooms with bath for light housekeeping for inyaelf and wife; must be centrally lo cated, excellent references can be fur nished. Write fully, giving location rent, etc. Address Box K, 7112 care of Telegraph. * are READ ESTATE FOR .SALE FOR SALE —• If interested in 1"- acre Truck Farm, in small town In York county, call at once at 8 South Fourth street for information. HOUSE FOR SALE ON NINE TEENTH STREET - Frame, 6 rooms and attic. Price. *1,200. Inquire ul 116 Boas street. DO YOU WANT A •NEW HOME, Ready for occupancy on or before April 1, 1919? Terms; Small down "payment, balance as rent. If interested, call BELL 2C69W, and make appointment to see agent. 3-ACRE place near Steelton,' with new bungalow 011. Close to trolley line. Well and creek water. Fine truck and poultry farm. Cheap, if ' sold at once. C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green St. Bell 560 J. FOR SALE Daroy residence cor ner of Pine and Bailey streets, Steel ton. Lot, 49x94 feet. All modern con veniences, including spacious front and side porches. Apply on the premises. SOUTH NINETEENTH STREET NOS. 904-906-908 At a big bargain. Good investment. Lehman & Ivltnge man. 8 North Market Square. BUY YOUR HOME on our rental payment plan. Small cash or Liberty Bond first payment required, balance as rent. W© have houses In every Dart of the city and suburbs. Annlv P. Doranz. 1226 North Sixth Stfeet! FOR SALE. IN THE CITY new brick houses. All improvements porches, 8 rooms and bath. Possession at once. Owner leaving city. Call Dial" 6081- FOR SALE On easy terms, 2010 to 2018 Susquehanna street. Posses sion on April 1. Apply A. P. Dsrsas. 1225 North Sixth. FOR SALE Nos. 118® to 1194 Bailey street, 3- story bricks not over *2,600. *3OO cash down; *25.00 monthly. - No. 635 Camp street, 3-story brick. Attractive price. No. 1612 Chestnut street, 3-story frame. Price is low. - No. 636 Emerald street. Fine corner property. Bargain. No. 235 Hamilton street. Delightful home. Price is right. No. 425 Hamilton street. Owner leav ing city. A real bargain. No. 2306 Jefferson street. Owner leav ing city. Slaughtered price. No. 226 Woodbine street. One of the ] finest homes in West End. 1 Our "Spring-Drive" Is on. We gunr ! antee possession on these very soon.! | Phone our offices—4s26 or 353J—for i j further information. ! BACKENSTOSS BROS.. Russ Building i 1 Member Harrlsburg Real Estate Board I I 1 " ~ TWO-ST6RY BRICK HOUSE— Ail improvements; in city; front porch bay Window; nice yard to drive alley' *WO down, balance as rent. Liberty Bonds accepted. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street. Bell 660J 421 KELKER Three-story brick corner property. *2,600. D. A. Caley 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 689. y ' I HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE Any person open to. buy a good, thriving, general store. I will do well to get in touch with Wm. S. Poorman, Palmyra, Pa. 747 DUNKLE STREET Three- | story frame, porches. Price, $1,800.1 Small payment down. Easy terms.!' Apply D. A. Caley, 707 Kunkel Bldg. I Bell 589. .1 • i DESIRABLE PROPERTY On I Whitehall street for sale. Brick con-i struction, eight rooms and bath, gas, electric light, steam heat. Practically new. Price will be made right. 2058 I Whitehall street. Bell Realty Co. !' Bergner Building. — . I BRICK HOUSE With six rooms! and bath, gas. electric light, steam i heat, cement cellar, concrete porches. Price right and terms easy. Beli Realty Co., Bergner Building. GOOD INVESTMENT PROPERTY Four brick houses each with U| rooms and batii, all other improve- I ments. Income front rent, $768 ati- i nually. Price, $6,600. Beli Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE No. 1243 Swatara street. 343 Crescent—room for garage. 2352 N. Sixth—room for double gar age. Emerald street house room for double garage. A, \V. SWENGEL 2181 North Second Street. Real Estate For Sale—-Suburban SUBURBAN HOME. PAXTAXG I Vacant brick, with all improvements' - lot, about 80x130. Small payments! j.) A. Caley, lvunkel Building. R e [] 589. I ~ T Real Esate lor Sale or Exchange j WANTED —TO RENT | We are having a number of appll- j cations at tUia time for furnished houses, apartments and rooms. What do you havo to offer? Address Mil- I ler Brothers & Company, Locust and ' | Court streets. . REAI/ ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT 3O-32 North Front street, next to Steelton Store Co house and store suitable for' anv business. Inquire J. Lichenstein 7 South Front street, Steelton, Pa. ' FOR RENT—No. 2000 State street corner brick house with ull improve ments; store room and large garage Good poolroom location. Rent *3s' J. IC. Glpple. 1251 Market street! FOR RENT Two private garages i rear 1607 Swatara street. Rent. *5 00 each. J. E. Glpple. 1251 Market at*eeL REAL ESTATE—I-'or Sale or Rent HOUSES AND GARAGES—At Fifth and Curtin Streets; possession ot some of tho houses on thirty days' notice. Fred C. Miller, 31 North Second. 801 l phone 807 J. REAL ESTATE WANTED I HAVE many applicants for homes in northern end of city. What have you to otter? A. W. Swengel, 2131 North Second. WANTED, TO BUY A property on either Woodbine or Enieruld streets, between Second and Third 1 streets. Address Box 1-1, iOO'J, care of Telegraph. I HAVE BUYERS for city property List your homes lo Duianu, IJ7 Chestnut street. TWO TO 25 ACRES, near Harris burg. with or without buildings Ad dress P.. 7199, care of' Telegraph. WANTED Purty desires to rent modern house, about 8 rooms, between I now and April, north and 15 minutes walk to Market Square. Best refer ences. Address X., 722.,, care of Tele graphy REAL ESTATE WANTED We have some ready purchasers for improved Real Estate, Let us know what yod have to oiler, LINCOLN REALTY CO 1129 North Seventh Street. 1 HAVE BUYERS waiting for prop erty in any section of the city if cheap. What have you to offer 2' CHAS. ADLER. 1002 N. Third Street. Olllccs and Store-rooms for Rent FOR RENT BOARD OF TRADE AUDITORIUM. For meetings, conventions. Banquets, Dunces and parties Use or piano free. Kitchen attached. 11. C. CLASTER, Jeweler, 302 Market Street. FOR RENT The Improved store room al 24 North third street—near ly opposite Penn-Harrls Hotel. Also offices in the same building. Apply The William B. Sclilelsner Stores. 28- 30-32 North Third street. STOREROOM 1202 North Third street; shelved ready for business. 95 feet In denth; skylight; fitted for any kind of business In best block; 3 . banks and largest market. Call and let me show you Its advantages. J. g. Bible,. 256 llerr street. -MARKET ST. STORE FOR RENT Beautiful Daylight Store. 604 Market Street. CHAS. ADLER,- -•602 North Third Street. i FARMS FOR SALE Will - sell"my farm, near city. Portion of money can re main, or take "part or whole in oily property. Address Box M, 7008 care of Telegraph. 3-ACRE, good buildings .. $650.00 11-acre, fairly good buildings 750.00 40-acre. good buildings 1,800.00 42-acre. very good buildings 1.800.00 75-acre. fairly good buildings 2,000.00 62-acre. fairly good buildings 1.000.00 PUKAND. 107 Chestnut. SMALL FARM FOR BALE Locat ed within one car ture limit. Apply A. P. Poranz. 1225 North street. FOR SALE— MISCELLANEOUS CANNED COAL $8 85 J. B. MONTGOMERY Just Phone. FOR SALE 1 Magazines for No. l Linotypes A rare bargain for a plant with a No. 1 machine. # LU Address ' I THE TELEGRAPH yPHINTINQ Harrlsburg. Pa. | FOR SALE Fire wood. Limited ! amount of seasoned oak and hickory. Cut in lengths desired. Delivered in two-ton wagon loads. Call Bell phone i 9956R-3. Loch Willow Farm. | FOR SALE Slightly used steno | type, new model; weight, about 4'.. I lbs. Call Bell phone 126 W. or 20 East j Portland street, Mechanicsburj£ Pa. FOR SALE Upright piano in good condition. Inquire 34 1 South Thirteenth street. BARGAINS! BARGAINS' i The Store across from Y W C A ! offers you the Biggest and' Best Bar , gains in Men s and Boys' Suits. Over ; coats. Mackinaw Coats, Underwear Hats. Caps and Shoes. We are fam ous tor Low Prices. Give us a trial OUTLET CLOTHING CO J 23 North Fourth Street.'' | FOR SALE 6OO bushels of York County Potatoes, at 1336 North Sixth street, oloso to Broad Street Market Good cooking Potatoes. $175 „ n , and .Seed Potatoes nt $1.83 and I $2.00. 10 bushel or more will deliver i on Tuesday and Friday of each week. i 2O-horse-power, up right, high-pressure tubular boiler ] Halifax Rubber Co.. Halifax, Pa. FOR SALE ~ j English Bull Dog. 9 months old. Ad i °,' ess . J w h, 'V'" ,u T JlKast i street, Middletowu, T FOR SALE ilal , I () s. Upright ; Piano, in good cond! ou_ Will sell elieap to quick buys I )u ire 1313 Derry street. FOR SALE l4O account Kegister in good condition. Inquire at 17.1S North Third street. FOR SALE Upright piano. First class condition. Very little used. Cheap for quick sale. Albert L. Allen. 2220 North Second street. ; FOR SALE National Cash Reg ister. Registers 5 cents to $6.00. Bar gain to quick buyer. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 Third street. RAISE WHITE MICE during stare time. I am making money, you can do the same. Demand enormous. Profits large. I furnish breeding sto- k at 75 cents a pair. Inquire H. M. Mil | ler, 1543 Walnut street. CIGARS - Direct from Factory. Special limited --ffei\ 50 Cigars, post paid. sl. Club of six for 50 each. $5 pustpaid. W. F. Shell. Red Lion, Pa.' FOR SALE One hand-power freight elevator, one laundry dry room, one 24-plate Static X-Ray ma chine. Apply No. 1700 North Second street. MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand furniture here High prices paid for furniture. Morris Schmertz. 1030 Market. Bell 3971 R. FOR SALE A number of slightly used typewriters. Have been return ed to us. Now is the time to get a practically new muebine at a rea sonable price. Remington Typewriter Co.. 113-121 Walnut street. FOR SALE One American Radi ator Company 900-foot furnace, used two years, practically new. Apply Chas. S. 8011, Room ua. Union 'irust Building. TYPEWRITERS, BOUGHT "FOR CAori ALL. ARiivKs aa.-.Tkb EXCHANGED. GEO. v. tiseu rsON, 205 LOCUsT STREET. OPPOSITE OKPHEUIU THEATER BOTH I'll ON IJ3 FOR SALE one brand new elec tric turnace olowcr tor sale cheau Apply 2006 North six til street, o-.8.-ii phone 4667. SIMON MICHLOV 11 Z offers for sale the machinery una contents of me Pennsylvania Hcuueiiuti Compdny ol liarrisburg, Pennsylvania, wiuc-n be bought some tune ago. If anyoouy is interested la any ot the uialeriul in or about said plant to apply ul , j,is olfice, Puxioii street und Pennsytvun.a 11. 11.. Harrlsburg. Pa. WANTKD MiSCKLLANKOL'S HIGHEST PRICES For ladies' and men's cast on clothing and shoes Write to Weuuraub. 636 Herr street" Dial 6177. HIGHEST CASH PRICES RAID for Second-hund Furniture. Rrompt at tention. Newniurk Cown, 308 Broad Street. Dial plione 4826. HIGHEST PRICES RAID for all kinds ot Junk Get our prices befoie selling. Call Beli phone 936, or dron us a postal and our wagon wiR call Keystone -ron at Aiutai Co., Bi oud ami Currant streets. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all kinds of empty barrets and Junk. Call 801 l phone 4276. B A brums & son. 824-832 North Seventh street. ' MAX SSIELTZ Second-hand lurniture bought and sold. Highest cuan prices paid. Call j Bell 1381 or Dial 584 7. or drop a pos- I lal to Max Smeitz, 1016 Market street. Will call, city or country. WANTED Second-hand motors. .Small size preferred Apply , FEDERAL MACHINE SHOP Cranberry Sc. near Second.' Harrlsburg. Pa. I 1_ COHEN & COMPANY. TTkTTI ! Ash Avenues. Highest prices paid for rags, paper, iron, barrels, rubber and metal and old machines. Send postal or call 3221 W Bell and Dial 6225. ELECTRICIANS Will find an opportunity in the sale of profitable News Agency In thriving suburban town. Influenza has deprived the town of its only electrician. No Elec trical Supply Store tn town. , Start a business here. The Newspaper Agency will get you acaualnted with the people. BOX H. 7476. Care of Telegraph. JANUARY 17, 1919. Money to Loan , MONEY If >od arc- pressed for ready casli to meet any emergency, call to see us. We lend money in compliance with the laws j of the- State. j EMPLOYES' LOAN SOCIETY. ROOM 2U6 BERGNER BLDG.. THIRD AND MARKET STREETS. | LICENSED AND BONDED BY STATE. WE LEND MONEY in compliance j with Act of June 17. 1916, to individu- . ills tn need of ready <•:■ h; small loans j a speciulty. business confidential, pay- I ' ments to suit borrower ~ convenience; positively lowest rates in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO., 132 Walnut Street. Musical FOR SALE A large mahogany! cabinet Vicirola, in first-class condi-' ! tion. Also 42 pieces of music. Good j as new. Cheap to quick buyer. Ad | dress Box 11. 712 U. care of Telegraph. j VIOLINS. MANDOLINS. GUITARS. • BANJOS. Rand and Orchestra instru ! ments promtply and carefully repair ! ed. OVLEIVS. 14 South Fourth street, i TALKING MACHINES promptly and ! carefully repaired by an expert only. I ioYLKKS. 14 South Fourth street. j | IF your Talking Machine needs re- ! pairs. Just call Bell Phone 3242 J. An ! expert will bo at your serv ee at once. , j Or bring machine to 1213 Forth Third j ! streeL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ' WANTED A manager, at $50.00 j ; a week, to purchase controlling in- ; I teset in a live, established business! in liarrisburg. which is paying over 15 per cent, on $12,000 investment. I | Our books are open to any reliable i ' business man. Address D„ 6942, care j of Telegraph. FOR SALE Small barber shop, near liarrisburg. Inquire or Fred ( Bender Barber Supply House, 26 Soutli i Third. j FOR SALE General store in a thriving community. Good, clean ! stock and fixtures. Elegant opportu- ! nity. Jonas K. Reist, 501 North Front' street. Steelton. Pa. ! FOR SALE Fruit, confectionery 1 and cigar store. Reasonable price, j Roasting coifee and peanut machine. I ! Good scales, inquire at 514 Market j street. BUSINESS PERSONALS CO-OPERATION "The l-'irst Principle of Success'" . The following Representative Concerns have taken part in the I CO-OPERATIVE U a m p a I K n conducted by the Federated | Trades Council. They wish to be classed as friendly to the cause and wo ask for them your Co-operation and Reciproca tion. "Buy War Savings Stamps" I • BANKS Commercial Trust Company of liarrisburg, 1224 N. Third. BUSINESS COLLEGE j School of Commerce and liar risburg Business College., 15 S. Market Sq. ENGINEERS AND CONSTRUCTORS Central Construction Corpor- j ation. FLORIST Schmidt. Floi-ist. 313 Market St. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Rudolph K. Spicer, 511 N. Sec ond St. Fackler's. 1312 Derry. FURNITURE Fackler's. 1312 Derry. FURNACES Caloric Pipeless Furnace. The Carlisle Plumbing and Heat ing Co.. 32 N. Court St. GARAGE Rex Gamgo & Supply Co., 1917 N. Thl . GROCERIES. WHOLESALE The Witman Schwarz Ccrp'n. Evans-Rurtnett Co. GROCERIES. R PIT AIL Pollock's Cash and Carry Stores. liarrisburg and Steel ton. HARDWARE. WHOLESALE Henry Gilbert & Son. ICE CREAM AND WATER ICES Dean 1' Walker. 409 N. Second, KNITTING MILLS M""-head Knitting Company, Inc. New Idea Hosiery Company, inc. LAUNDRIES Sanitary l-'amily Was, Big Co. City Star Laundry. LUMBER Harrlsburg Lumber Co., 17th and Naudain. PLANING MILT. E. C. Snyder, 18th and Holly. MIT.IC DEALERS Penna. Milk Products Company. MANUFACTURERS ITarrlshurg Shoe Mfg. Co. | liarrisburg Silk Mill. I Hnvri-biirg Pipe & Pipe Bend ing Co. | liarrisburg Mitiufacturing & P..10 Co. I Devine & Yungel Shoe Mfg. Co. | Natiss Manufacturing Co., (Mfg. ! of Rand Inst imeiit< find Re- I pairers of A Ho Radiators). si:i r>s Walter S. Sr.h U, 1307 Market. MTDD! ' TOWN Wlncroft Str Works. A. S. Krelder Co. I "Buy VVar Sa uga Stamps/' ! CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Estimates. Jobbing. PTrst-clai.s ! work. H. W. Hummer. 1423 Liberty street. City. Bell 4420. I UPHOLSTERING Of the bwt kind. Work guaranteed. We call and deliver. 308 Broad street. Dial phone 4826 FURNITURE CRATED And china packed for shipping. Also re pairing. J. A. Bishop, 1736 Logan St. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED Single edge. 25c doz; double edge, 35c doz; razors. 25c. Gorgas Drug Store DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H. Capian Co.. 206 Market street. QUININE —Look out for that grippe feeling, likely to catch you this changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE PHOSPHO-QIJININE will stave it off if taken In time. Gross Drug Store. 119 Market s.reet | H WRING AND MOVING ' HEAVY HAULING —Fully equipped for furniture, freight and piano mov ing No distance too far. Careful 1 driver. Rain and dustproof body. J. I- E. Grubber's Truck Service. Irvin | Aungst. manager. Hershey, Pa. Bell phone 15R6. BETTER SITUATIONS WANT This column has two object*: first, to help men and women ntwv employed to secure better positions; second, to put employers it touch with an ambitious class of workers. A YOUNG COLLEGE GRADUATE— i for an Interview any time. Desires a position with some pro- IL, "004. care of Telegraph. Sreasive business tlrm. C<LQ ajrramce [ HAILING AND MOVING AUTO HAULING Anything where, furniture inoviug. Gull | loitlVV. I LOCAL AND LONG-DISTJ< HAULlNG—Furniture moving. Prp r I service. Ernest Corbin, 5 c I street. Doth phones. Bell 3636J | utisa. * | HICKS Local and long-dls balding. 421 iteily. Both phone AUTO HAULING—LocaI distance. Furniture and piano m a specialty. Blue Line Transfei (Capital street. Both phones. ! AUTO TRUCK SERVICE— Locs s long distance. F. J. Marker, Bell | Sleeiton. I AUTO HAULING—LocaI and I distance. Furniture moving a , cialty. Itates reasonable. Pi service. Call Bell 623 J. LOCAL AND LONG - DISTI MAULING —• Prompt service, A Motor Express, 917 Capital s | Bell phone ie35J. :ALL KINDS OF HAUL AND MOVING DONE CONRAD BROS.. 341 KELKER BELL rHONE 623W DIAL PHONE 3518. j GENERAL HAULING AND i EXPRESS SERVICE to nearbv i | with auto trucks. Onlv experi I and careful drivers. Call Bell I or Dial 22C5. WIILHE TO DINE I ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAUI THE HOME OF SATISFACTI j STOUFFER'S RESTAURANT— cooking served to Businessmet | Ladies in separate dinjegrooms. Biorngc ! STORAGE —419 Broad street 1 bold goods, merchandise, p rooms at reasonable rotes. Also , Ing of ail kinds. D. Cooper • Both phones. I STORAGE—In brick building 408 Market. Household goods in j private looms. Reasonable rate j G. Diener, 408 Market street. STORAGE Private rooiui i household goods in tlreproof i house, 83 per month and up. ! storage rales in nori-lireproof | house. Harrisburg Storage Co | 445 south Second street, UNDEHXAIVEKS SAMUEL S. FACKLER, FUNERAL DIRECTOR! 1312 Derry St. BELL 1356. DIAL ! RUDOLPH K. SPICBR | Funeral Director and Etnbali to North Second StreeL 1 BELL 252. DIAL 2 CEMETEHV LOTS FOII SA PROSPECT HILL CEMETE , Beautifully situated on Market 1 east of Twenty-sixth, and ot ; norta and tast faces the new way. The prices of lots are moc Miller Bros. & Co.. Agents. Cleaners and Dyers IT PAYS to have Clothes CI Pressed. Dyed or Repaired at th place in town. Call and d Goodman's. jUutift North Sixth. Phones. SECOND-HAND TRUCKS and ! uro cars for sale. Ford ton t Auto-Car 2-ton trucks and o I passenger Haynes Touring Cai j cheap to quick buyers, interna Harvester Co. Truck Departmet CIS V\ it street. AUTOMOBILES TOU CAN BUY A REBUILT TRUCK ON CONVENIENT MONTHI PAYMENTS I\s and 2-ton Garfori chassis only or equipped wi express or dump bodies. „ l'A-Ui-2'A, and 2%-t Bethlehcms, with or witho bodies. Light delivery wagons, i eluding Buieks, Overlan j and Vims. Til F OVERLAND-IIARRISBUR Open Evenings. 212-214 North Second St. Both 1 OVERLAND USED CAR DEPARTMEN SPECIAL OFFERS THIS W 5-PASSENGER BIG FOl OVERLAND TOURING I finished and thoroughly ov< . hauled, equipped with ci tires. 191G FORD TOURING—S chanlcfdly tine ; hupe, pa and tires like new. WILLYS-KNIGHT 5-Pil SENGER TOURING Ret ished wine color with bla wheels. Excellent tires. Lot and runs like new. LATE MODELCHANDL COUPE Silvertown C< tires. revarnished. Pri tically a brand new car less than dealer's cost. 1917 MAXWELL 5-PJ SENGER TOURING, In vi good condition. Will sell an attractive price. THE OVERLAND-HARRISBUI Open Evenings, 212-214 North Second St. Both 1 EXPERT FACTORY REPAI] Packard. Ploree-Arrow. Ov Hudson and Chandler. Only grade work solicited. Model ci frucks built to order. Can Garage, Ray Deardorff. Propri< Additional Classified on Opposite Page
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers