dditional Classified Ads | on Opposite Pago AUTOMOPJ LKS Convert your car into a GLASS* ENCLOSED SEDAN at a small expense. ANCHOR TOPS for either ORD, OAKLAND, OVERLAND, BUICK OR DODGE CARS iolves the winter driving problem at once. Let us tell you how little he expense compared to tho -eul comfort and protection iou get from these tops. MAG'S GARAGE. INC., 117-19-21 S. Third St. Roll Dial $777. 2413. NSHINB GARAGE Auto ra ng b • expert. Road jobs a alty. Charge reasonable. Both ies. Sunshine Garage. 27 North eron street. IR SALE Three-passenger Ileo Istei. Fine engine. Good condl in everv way. Bargain for quick Albert L Allen. 206 Walnut t. iR SALE Dort Roadster, fully ,ped with self-starter, elzotrlq s, new tires. Car in first-class ition. Inquire Roul Estate Office, zutli Third street. 2 Y' STONE AUTO TOP CO. sorts of auto top and cushion 1 done by experts; also repair c. Reasonable rates. 78-78 South eron Street. FOR SALE Reo, 5-passenger. \ Dodge. 5-passenger. SIBLE'S GARAGE, 301 Cumberland Street. WM. FiSNN GARAGE I Muench street. Limousines tor ral. parti- and balls; careful ire; open day and aighL Ball [E NEW CONESTOGA TRUCK— red body; 1,000 lbs. capacity: a aln. Inquire of Philadelphia k Lunch. FOR SALE ITEMS e Ford Roadster, with new cylin black crank shaft and pistons; new rear end; all in good condi e late Ford Touring car; all good and a iot of extras; in perfect ltiun. e commercial panel body, for e Ford Ton Truck, e 12-cylinder Pathfinder Touring new cord tires, e Interstate Touring, e Chalmers Touring. 1 in good condition. C. L. CONOVER. 1334-44 Howard Street. OLD AUTO ted, used, wrecked or oidtlmers. ty condition. See me before sac ng elsewhere. Chelsea Auto :king, A. Schiffman. 22, 24, 26. h Cameron street- Bell 3833. USED FORDS—FORDS—FORDS 1917-1918 MODELS URING CAR 5....5300 TO 5500 IADSTEP.S 6275 TO 6*50 DANS 5500 TO 6600 ILIVERY 6375 TO 6450 UPE *SOO ,SO ROADSTER AND TOURING DIES AT BARGAIN PRICES. E SPECIAL SPEEDSTER Til DISC WHEELS. SCHUTTB DY—A REAL SPORT CA. lESE CARS HAVE BEEN ERHAULED AND REPAINTED D ARE SPIjENDID VALUES. NVENIENT TERMS CAN BE RANGED. MAC'S GARAGE, INC., 117 S. THIRD ST. 777 BELL 2413 DIAL 'ORD DELIVERY CARS FOR [IRE, ALSO 2%-TON FORD RUCKS BY THE DAY OR RIP, WITH OR WITHOUT IRIVER. MAC'S GARAGE, INC., I*l7 S. THIRD ST. 777 BELL 2413 DIAL R SALE 1913 Model Little Roadster. Good condition. P. x 293, Mechanicsburg. Pa. UL DEMONSTRATOR. 1918 0. A genuine bargain, and guar d for one year. Camp Hill Gar- Ray Deardorff, Proprietor. NTED All kinds of used auto We nay highest cash prices, ink. 11. Esterbrc.'' 912 North street. Dial 4990. I SALE Bulck Roadster, AI Bargain for some one. A. man. 22-24-26 North Cameron. FRIDAY EVENING. Free Highway Is Planned From Here to National Capital Ilmiuvcr, Jan. 17. —A movement has been launched to establish a free and improved highway from Wash ington to Harrisburg, thus linking the two capitals byway of Hanover. The route will take in Carlisle, Mount Holly, York Springs, Man chester and Reisertown, Md. If it.ls accomplished it will mean the free ing of the Carlisle turnpike in York and Adams counties, as well as tlip Baltimore turnpike. MOTOKGYCLICS AND BICYCLKS BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EXPERT. ALL WOltK. QUA KAN'i'EED. DOltY e'HANER. WITH ANDREW REDMOND. 1507 NORTH THIRD ST. Garages, Accessories and Repairs AUTO TIRE BARGAINS 30x3% 514.72 31x4 22.65 32x3 % 17.28 32x4 23.00 34x4 26.00 36X4% 27.60 35x5 ....... 15.00 32X3 12.60 DAYTON CYCLE CO., 012 North Third Street. FOR RENT Private garages, rear 1272 Miller street, one block from Thirteenth and State streets. Five dollars per month. Inquire of Wil liam E. Orr, 101 South sj.,.init street. Be 'hone 4 45M. SPECIAL ON AUTO CHAINS 28x3 53.65 30x3 53.75 30x3'A 53.25 32X3 % 64.15 31x4 54.40 32x4 64.50 33X4 64.60 34x4 64.80 DAYTON CYCLE CO.. 918 Nortn *..•• -weet. WELDING AUTO AND MACHINE Frames straigtiioned and welded. Heavy Cast Iron Our Specialty. Expert Welders. Work Guaranteed. CAPITAL CITY WELDING CO* 1638 Logan SE BELL 4396 J. MAGNETOS All types; 4 and 6 Boscli utgh tension. Elsnmann, Dixey, Spiltdol'l. Mea, Remy and different makes of culls, curburetors, et. A Schiitmau, 22-24-26 North Cameron Street- Bell 3633. AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds re paired by specialists. Also fendara lamps, etc. Best service In town. Mar risbutg Auto Radiator Works, 606 North Third street. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE Letters of Administra tion on the Estate of Henry S. Dixon, iate of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned residing In Har risburg. ail persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make imme diate payment, and those having claims will present them for settle ment. MARY N. DIXON, Administratrix. In the Orphans' Court of Daupnin County, Pennsylvania. NOTICE is hereby given that the Heirs of Mary K. Fasnacht, deceased, and the Guardian of such as are Minors, have presented their Petition to the above-stated Court, and which Petition is now on file in the Office of the Clerk of said Court, praying for an Order to sell at Private Sale, under tho Orphans' Court Partition Act of 1917, P. L 337, to HARRY SHERMAN, of tho City of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, for the sum of Two Thousand (52,000.00) Dollars tho fol lowing described Real Estate: All that certain house and lot of ground, situate in the Ninth Ward, of the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the north ern line of Bailey street at corner of lot, now or formerly of T. Coldwater, and running thence northwardly along line of lot of T. Coldwater eighty-live (85) feet to & ten feet wide alley; ihonee weslwacdly along the southern line of said alley, eighteen (IS) feet and eight (8) inches to corner of lot, now or formerly, of Mary A. Wolf; thenco southwardly along the line of said lot of Mary A. Wolf eighty-live (85) feet to Bailey street? thence castwardly along the northern line of Bailey street eighteen (18) feet and eight (S) Inches, to the place of be ginning. Having then n erected House No 1226 Bailey street, Harrisburg, Penn sylvania. For Title see Deed Book "W." Vol 12, page 156. And that the Orphans' Court of said county lias fixed Monday, February 10, 1919, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the Court House, at Harrisburg, Pennsyl vania, as the time and place fcr hear ing and consideration of said Petition when and where all parties interested may appear and object to said Private Sale for any Legal or Equitable grounds or on account of the Insuf ficiency the price ottered for tho same. HENRY" E. FOX, Trustee to sell tho Real Estate of Mary R. Fasnacht. deceased, EXECUTOR'S NOTICE ~ Estate of Mary Stahl, late of Har risburg, Pa., deceased. Letters testamentary on tho said Estate have been granted to the un dersigned. All persons having claims or demands against the said Estate will make known the same, and all persons Indebted to said decedent will make payment, without delay, to J. G. INGRAM. 119 N. Cigiiiu street, Lebanon, p a . NOTICE Letters Testamentary on the Estate of Mary E. Downs, lata of Steelton, Pa., deceased, having been gran&ed to the undersigned, all ner sons indebted to said Estate are re quested to make immediate payment" and those having claims will present them for settlement to KATHARINE DOWNES B. IRENE DOWNS, ° T H.°U DAE.SS. Attorney, Kxecutric ea Steelton, Pa. NOTICE " " ' Notice is hereby given that applica tion will be made by Henry G. Quier Frank A. Quier and Jesse J. Quier to the Governor of Pennsylvania, on 'the 27th day of January, A. D. 1919 Rt /S o'clock A. M„ under tho provisions of the Act of Assembly entitled the Cor poration Act of 1874, and the supple * ments thereto, for a charter for an in tended Corporation to be called "Se cured Investments, Incorporated " the character and object of which is buv ing and selling and improving im proved and unimproved real estate and for these purposes to have pos sess and enjoy all tho rights, 'bene fits and privileges by said Act of As sembly and the supplements thereto E. M. HERSIIEY. Solicitor. NOTICE Letters of Administra tion on the Estate of John David Ltngic, late of the City of Harris burg, Dauphin County, Pa., deceased having Deen granted to the under signed, all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make imme diate payment, and those having claims will present them for settle ment to THOMAS W. LrNGLE, I Administrator, Or Linglostown, R. D 1 STROUP & FOX. Attorneys, * Harrisburg, Pa. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION on tho Kstgte of Mary Ann Painter, late ot the City of Harrisburg. Dauphin County, Pa., deceased, having been granted to tho undersigned, all per sons indebted to said estate are re quested to make Immediate pavment and those having claims will present them for settlement to WILLIAM PAINTER, . Administrator. No. 212 Hummel Street. Qr Harrisburg, Pa. STROUP S.- Fox. Attorneys, Harrisburg, Fa. ! WarkeTS I New York, Jan, 17. —Wall Street. !—A firm tone ruled at the outset of to-day's trading on the Stock Ex change mainly as a result of life strength shown by oils. Those Issues were among the first to lose ground, however, Mexican Petroleum sub stituting Its Initial advance of a point with a sharp reaction of four points. Consolidated Gas, Stromberg, itnd United Cigars, were Included among the other heavy issues, while steels, leathers and rubbers register ed moderate gains. NEW YORK STOCKS Chandler Brothers and Company, members of New Y'ork and Philadel phia Stock Exchanges—3 North Mar ket Square, karrlsburg; 336 Chestnut street, Philadelphia; 34 Pine street, New York—furnish the following quotations: Open. Noon. Allis Chalmers .. .. .... 32% 32 Arner Beet Sugar 69% 69 American Can 48% 47% Am Car and Foundry Co 89% 89 Amer Loco 60% 60% Amer Smelting 73% 71% Anaconda .. . „ 58% 68 Baldwin Locomotive .... 72% 71% Baltimore and Ohio .... 48% 48% Bethlehem Steel (B) ... 58% 57% Butte Copper 17% 17% California Petroleum ... 23% 25% Cenfral Leather 59 58% Chesapeake and Ohio ... 65% 65% Chicago, R 1 and Pacific 24% 24% Ghino Con Copper 33% 33% Col Fuel and Iron ...... 36 36 Corn Products 48% 43% Crucible Steel 57% 54% Distilling Securities 61% 51% Erie 16% 16%. Uoodrlch, B. F. 125 123% Grea't Northern pfd 92% 92% Great Northern Ore subs 37% 36% Hide and Leather—. 153% 153% Hide and Leather pfd ... 82% 81% inspiration Copper 44% 43% International Paper .... 32 31% Kennecott 32% 32% Lackawanna Steel 64% 64% Lehigh Valley 54% 54% Maxwell Motors .. .... 27% 27% Merc Mar Ctfs 25% 25 Merc Mar Ctfs pfd 104% 103 Mex Petroleum 181% 173% Midvale Steel 43 42% New York Central 73% 73 N Y. N H and H 30% 30% New York, Ont and West 19% 19% Northern Pacific ....... 92% 92 Pennsylvania Railroad . 44% 44% Pittsburgh Coal 46% 46% Railway Steel Spring .. 73% 72 Ray Con Copper 20% 20% Reading 80% 79% Republic Iron and Steel . 72% 71% Southern Pacific 99% 99% Southern Ry 27% 27% Studebaker 49% 49% Union Pacific 127% 127% U S I Alcohol 100 99% U S Rubber 76% 75% U S Steel .' 92% 91% Utah Copper .. .. ...... 72 71% Westinghouso Mfg ...... 41% 41% Willys-Overland 24% 24% Western Maryland ...... >ll 11 PHILADELPHIA PIIODUCB By Associated Press Philadelphia, Jan. 17. Wheat No. i, soil, feu, 52.20; Nq. 2, reu, 52.24; No. 3, sott, red. 52.24. Corn —The market is steady; No. 2, yellow, as 10 grace una location, 51.6G@1.60. Oats The market is lower; No. 2, white, 79@79%c; No. 3, white, 77%® 78c. Butter —■ The market Is loweri western, creamery, extras, firsts, 65c; nearby prints, fancy, 69®71c. Eggs —Market firmer; Pennsylvania &11U Uinel ueai oy Urals. Ue eases. 519.00®20.00 per case; do., current re ceipts, free cases, 513.50 pea eusu, western, extra firsts. Dee taua, 519.00®20.00 per case; do., firsts, free cuses. 518.90 per case; fancy, selected, packed, 69®7 iu per dozen. Cheese The market is firm; New York and Wisconsin, full uiUk, 37®38%c; Bran The market Is steady; Boft winter, per tun, 140.60®47.00; spring, per ion, 64L0UQ>45.00. Refined Sugars Market steady, powdered, v.4oc; extra fine granulat ed, 7.26 c. Live Poultry Market lower; fowls, 27®30c; spring chickens, 26® 28c; fowls, not leghorns, 32®36c; white legliunis. AWlit, young, solluiuateii roosters, 20®21c; old roosters, 20®21c; bfiiuifi cfiiehe.lis. not iegliui lis, 2v*f32e, White leghorns, 29®30c; broil ing chickens, 36®38c; Coasting i euickeiis, 20®36c; ducks, Peking, spring, 35®28c; no., old, 30®3Sc; In dian Runners, 32®340; spring ducks, Long Island. 34®36e; turkeys, 34®36c; geese, nearby, 82®36c; western, 32® 36c. • Dressed Poultry Firm; turkqys, spring, choice to fancy, 44® 40c;, do., western, choice to laney, 43®44c; turkey/;, fresh killed, fair to good, 25 ®420; turkeys, common, 30®30p; old, turkeys, 380 41c; fowls, fresh killed fowls, choice, 36®36c; do., smaller sizes, 27®31c; old roosters, 1 27c; broiling chickens, western, 42® I 44c; roasting chickens, 31®37c; ducks, 40042 c; western ducks, 38®4Uc; geese, 26®30C; dressed Pekin ducks, 34® 36c' old ducks, 30®32c; Indian Run ners. 27 ®37 %o; spring ducks. Long island, 30 0 400. Potatoes The market is lower; New Jersey, No. 1, 55c®8Luu per basket; do.. No. 2, su®6vc per basket; do., lOU-lb. bags, No. 1, 52.60® 3.00 extra quality; do., No. 2; 41.50® 2.20; Pennsylvania. 100 lbs.. No. L 52.50@2.76; do., per 100 lbs., fancy, ' s-.jju ~.rv, Now Jersey, No. r, iou lbs., 42.1502.50; do.. No. 2. 100 Ibs„ 51.2501.75; western, per 100 lb„ 5--20 @2.35; New York State, per 100 lb., 52.3002.40; Maine, per 100 lbs., 51.60® 1 90; Dciawuie ana Maryland, per 100 bag, 9Uc®fl.ld; Michigan, per 10J lbs., 51.56®L7u; Florida, per barrel, 52.6002.90; Flprida, 'per bushel, hamper, 70®86c; Florida, per 160-U>, bags, 51.6003.00; North Carolina. pr barrel, 51.6004.0u; South Carolina, per barrel, 61.60®4.uu; Norfolk, per bar rel, 53.25; Eastern Shore, p er barrel, 52.0003.75; fancy, Macungie, No. 1, per barrel, 62.8503.10; do., No. 2, per barrel, 61-2601.60. Flour —Tiie market is dull; winter straight, 610.25010.40 per barrel; km. sas, 610:60010.76 per barrel; do., short, patent, 610.00011,20 per barrel,: spring short, patent. 510.60010.90 per barrel; spring, patent, 610.36® 10.60; 1 spring, first, clear. 59.60010.00 per barrel. Hay The market Is firm; timothy. No. 1. largo end small bales, 631,000 32.00 per ton; No, 2, small balos, 629.00 030.00 per ton; No. 3, 525.00026,00 per ton; sample, 612.60018.00 par ton; no grade, 67,60011.60 per ton. I Clover Light mixed, 629.000 30,00; No. 1, 627,00028.00; No. 2, 125.00 @26.00. Tallow The market is firm; prime city, in tierces, lie; prime special, loose, 12c; prime country. 10% c dark. 9®9%c; edible in tierces, 14%® 15c. CHICAGO SATTLE By Associated Press Chicago. Jan. 17. (U. S. Bureau of Markets). - Hogs Receipts, 25,000; market opened strong to 10c higher; now weak. Bulk of sales, 517.50017.85; butchers, 517.65018.00; light. 516. 85017.60; packing. 516.60® 17.50; throwouts, 616.00® 17.60; pigs, good to choice. 516.00016.50. Cattle Receipts. 8,000; good and choice steers, canners and choice cows strong; others steady; bulls slow to 25c lower; calves steady. Beef cattle, good, choice and prime, 516.50 @20.00; common and medium, 69.75® 16.50; butcher stoek, cows and heif ers. 57.35014.50; canners and cutters, 66.G007.35; stockers and feeders, good, choice and fancy, 610.50® 14.00; inferior, common and medium, 68.00 '010.50; way calves, good'and choice. 515.50@16.0p: Sheep-r-Recplpts. 8.00Q; lambs slow, steady to 10c lower. Sheep and year lings steady. Lambs, choice and prime, $16.50016.65; medium- and | good. $16.0016.50; pulls, 611.500 43.75; ewes, choice and prime, 610.63 HXBMBBMTA IFISFLL TBLBXMCKPH , WILLIAM HODGE IN "A FOR Mi %SFE - *R^2BL* \?t v< ** fp*Msli>? * > *" ' v"/; * \: ■ : M|§s| ■ >f ? i - ■ > \'{ .;:*.<* ''*■ W* $ s, >- \ -„"■ .:•> Jf** . 'lt, * "■'' „\ <&>? f Jl ~. Aittil^'. ' JUKK.- H J^HHHKK^, BI IFLBB BSL, ■■& . ...... * x ' • * / ttjn [ ' ' x r - x ' C ■ s*•s*■■■ V '£t > Rl " ' 7 '£ ■ ■N 1 "William Hodge will present a no w American play, a four-act comedy, at the Orpheum Theater, on Tuesday night, for one performance. "A Cure For Curables" is from the pens of Earl Derr Biggers and Mr. Hodge, and ia declared to give Mr. Hodge the b eat opportunity of bia Ufa for the por trayal of American character. He will appear as "Dr. Pendergrass, a j'oung Kentucky physician, who has inherited a sanatorium from his uncle—the proviso being that he must cure ten patients within thirty days or lose all title to the estate. Several wealthy men and women are amongst these patients, and how the young doctor accomplishes his end and wins the place is the motive for a series of Ingenious situations. A piquant love story is interwoven into the main plot. A cast of twenty-six persons will support Mr. Hodge. @lf.OO; medium and good, J9.2D® 10.65; culls, |u.OO® 7.75. CHICAGO BOARD. OF TRADE By Associated Press Chleaga. Jan. 17.—Board of Trade closing: Corn—February, 1.33%; May, 1.28%. Oats —February, 67%; May, 68%. Pork—January, 46.25; May, 10-jj;". Hard—January, 23,75; May, 26.<0. Klbs —January, 24.75; May, 22.i5. Unveil 61 Additional Tablets in York; 150 Give Lives in War York, Jan. 17. —Placing sixty-one new tablets alongside tho eighty nine memorial tablets which already adorned the pilasters in front of the York county cpurthouse, the Me morial Committee of the Y v ork Chamber of Commerce has given public evidence of the fact that 150 of the young men and women of York county have given their lives for world peace. There are more names to be add ed, but these deaths have not yet. been officially verified, and whereas the tablets erected last night com pleted the covering of the faces of the entire six pilasters, it is ex pected future names will cover the sides of a number of the same pilas ters. The new tablets were unveiled with impressive exercises In tho presence of a large throng of rela tives and friends of the dead heroes. The ceremonies proper took place Inside On account of the unfavorable .weather and Courtroom No. 1 was well filled. Walter G. Mcßlain, chair man of the committee, had charge,' and the principal address was deliv fered by the Rev. Dr. C. E. Walter. FRACTURES HIP IN FA LP. Enola, Jan. 17.—11. H. Minnlcli, employed as brakeman in the local car repair shops had two ribs frac tured and his hip badly injured In falling from the top of a box car while at work here. He was re moved to his home where he was given medical attention. A Monthly Booklet of Investment Offerings OUR Bond Department publishes monthly a booklet of investment offer ings, comprising bonds and notes of govern ments, municipalities, public utilities, and railroad and industrial companies. We recommend these securities for investment. Detailed information and suggestions for such selections as will meet your special requirements may be obtained upon request. We shall be pleased to send you the January booklet, which is now ready for distribution. Guaranty Trust Company of New York 140 Broadway New York London Paris Capital and Surplus - - $50,000,000 Resources more than - $700,000,000 i For Further Information Address J. C. JESSUP, JR. 200' Calder Building, Harris'burg, Pa. Bell. Telephonor-rtlarrisbtirg 462 I * Dial Telephone— Hnrrislnirg 351J WM.H. ANDREWS, EX-POLITICIAN, DIES IN THE WEST Served Three Years as Chair man o£ Republican State Committee ' YV. H. ANDREW Republican lender As He J.ookod When a Power in Pennsylva nia Politics Pittsburgh, Jan. , 17.—William H. Andrews, for many' years prominent in Pennsylvania politics, died yes terday near Carlsbad, .N. M., accord' lug to telegrams received here to duy by friends. Mr. Andrews was In his 77th year. Ho was born In Youngsvllle, War ren county, Pa., January 14. 1842, and for many yoars his homo was In Titusvllle, Crawford county. In 1888, 1889 and 1890 ho sorved as chairman of the Republican state; committee. He was elected a state representative in 1889 and to the State Senate In 1904, from Craw ford. In 1898 he took up residence In Pittsburgh, but a few years later he went to New Mexico, where ho held an Interest In a railroad. He was elected from New Mexico as a dele gate In Congress and was active In having the territory admitted as a state. It was as chairman of the Repub lican State Committee of Pennsyl vania that Mr. Andrews was most aotlve. He had a wide acquaintance among politicians of all parties and was regarded as an astute leader. He belonged to the old school and had little patience with the alleged ballot reform measures. He was a faithful lieutenant of Senator Quay and always referred to him as "The Old Man." Montenegrins Ask For Americans to Put Down Revolt Washington, Jan. 17.—Montene grin Insurgents have sent a delega tion to rfihg Nicholas asking that American troops be sent to Monte negro to preserve order, according to an official statement to-day in the hands of the Montenegrin legation. The action of the Insurgents follow ed a revolt after the occupation of Montenegro by Serbian troops. In surgents numbering about 20,000 have succeeded in occupying several towns from which Serbian forces were driven. * # State Capital Savings and Loan Association 108 NORTH SECOND STREET REPORT OF CONDITION . Twenty-fitst Annual Statement DECEMBER 31, 1918 ASSETS . ' LIABILITIES Loans on bonds and Dues on instalment stock $677,629.99 mortgages $3,834,539.24 Dues on credit principal Loans on Association's loans 224,390.87 stock * 4,831.00 Profits apportioned 136,550.93 Liberty bonds .. .• 100,000.00 Real estate 10,900.00 $1,038,571.79 Real estate contracts... 89,794.47 Dues on interest reduc- Office building . 43,000.00 tion loans 493,586.91 Cash on hand and in Full paid stock 2,609,900.00 banks 97,141.10 1918 sfate tax on full Interest accrued 4,448.94 paid stock • 9,915.00 Contingent fund 32,681.75 $4,184,654.75 \ $4,184,654.75 We have audited the books, and .accounts of the State Capital Savings and •Loan Association and hereby certify that the above is a true exhibit and, in our opinion, correctly sets forth the financial condition of the Association as of December 31st, 1918. New York, BAKER, VAWTER & WOLF, January 13, 1919. Certified Public Accountants. THE YEAR'S BUSINESS: Receipts, $2,229,37047. Loans, $1,023,353.09. Lib erty Bonds purchased, $50,000.00. Withdrawals, $844,761.71. Stock Matured, $110,884.00. Interest and Dividends paid, $184,627.37. Assets Increased, $250,230.12. Stock sold, 25,111, Shares. Assisted 245 Families to secure Homes, 6 per cent. Dividend Paid. - Contingent Fund Increased, $3,869.07. OUR BUSINESS IS: The making of Loans on Real Estate security, repayable in Moderate Monthly instalments. The receiving of Savings, by means of Monthly Payments on Stock, of 50c and upward; withdrawable on 30 days' notice with interest ut 4 per cent, to 6 per cent, according to time. The receiving if Investment Money, as Full Paid Stock, in Multiples of SIOO, upon which yearly dividends of 5 per cent, free of State Tax, are paid semi-annually and which is withdrawable on 30 days' notice. Our Office is open daily from 9 to 5 and on Saturday night If j'ou are interested in any feature of our business we will be glad to have you call or write for further information. PENNSYLVANIA'S LARGEST BUILDING AND LOAN ASS'N Harrisburg National Bank 16 South Market Square More Than 100 Years at the Same Location Condensed Statement Call of Comptroller of Currency, December 31,1918 Cash and Reserve $888,661.77 Capital and Surplus,sßoo,ooo.oo Due from 8dnk5,...... 12,010.72 Interest Earned, 36,991.09 Loans and Discounts,.. 1,042,573.71 Circulating Notes, ...., 201,200.00 Stocks, Bonds & Se- Due to Banks 83 458 33 curities, 524,108.18 uue to Banlcs ' 83,458.33 U. S. Bonds,.. 531,070.90 Deposits, 1,876,775.86 . $2,998,425.28 $2,998,425.28 We Welcoihe Consultation on All Legitimate Banking Business, Large or Small EDWARD BAILEY W. L. GORGAS President , Cashier | . " ' j Jj JANUARY 17, 1919. SENATORS WILL] DEBATE TODAY ON FOOD RELIEF BILL Leaders Confident Final Vote Will Be Made To morrow By Associated Press Washington, Jan. 17.—Debate on the administration bill appropriating $100,000,000 for food relief in Eu rope and the near east will begin to day in the Senate with leaders con fident of a final vote before adourn ment Saturday night. The measure was ordered favor ably reported yesterday by the Sen ate appropriations committee with but little opposition and both Dem ocratic and Republican leaders are confident that it will be passed. Many Senators, however, are opposed to the appropriation and aro expected I to present their views on the floor of I the Senate. j Approval of the measure by the [ committee was voted after officials lof the State Treasury Department and the food administration had been examined as to how the money is to be spent and the only amend ments to the House bill made by the committee require itemized, In stead of general statements of the expenditures to Congress. Officials testifying before the com mitte declared that it was impos sible ht this time to say definitely how and where the proposed relief will be given but they urged the ne cessity of speedy action on the ap propriation. They said. Great Brit ain, France and Italy already are furnishing relief to Belgium, Serbia, Syria and South Austria and were willing and anxious to do all they 21 can in relieving: distress and pre venting the westward spread of Bol shevism. James F. Quinn Goes on Strfte's Retired List James T. Quinn, supervisory in spector for the Department of Labor and Industry at Lancaster, having reached the age of 66 years, to-day applied for retirement on half-pay under state law. Quinn, who for twenty-four years has been in the service of the state, is now receiv ing $3,600. He retires to-morrow. Mr. Quinn came to the Depart ment of and Industry from the old factory inspector's depart ment. lie served for years in the State Arsenal where he made an ex cellent record during the Spanish- American War. He is well known in Harrisburg, where he was a resident for many years. Every member of District No. 19, United Mine Workers of America, in Jellico, Tenn., donated one day's pay to the organization for the pur chase of Liberty bonds. Use McNeil's Cold Tablets. Adv. " NOTICE H. B. ULRICH Blacksmith—Forger formerly of 145 S. Cameron St. WILL MOVE TO 227 South Cameron St. SALESMEN'S ATTENTION - ™ Any salesman owning Buiok, Cadillac, Hudson or Overland car, can represent manufacturer of Se dan Tops and Enclosures for Im mediate delivery. This presents a Wonderful Held and opportunity for a high grade man. Standard Auto Top and Body Co. 138H HACK STREET PHII.ADEt.PHIA. PA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers