ORE CORN THAN EVER THIS YEAR tlook Is For Greatest Acre age in History of State For 1919 Prediction, of Fy a //} <he greatest acre \\ aße ever P ut ' n * A rTv to corn' are being T made for this year by men at tjmSyJcjra the State Depart- JfIQOSSt men t of Agrlcul ture who have UnDuußK been receiving " reports from vgr ious counties as to the unusual ortunitles afforded farmers td do plowing. Thanks to the weath ind the use of tractors in larger ibers than ever before available ■e was more land plowed last fall i usual. Some of the report, in ■te that the land prepared for iting with corn in the spring Is iter than in years as far as uers are concerned and that the rest in gardening appears to be ' keen In the smaller towns. If price of corij remains up the iage will go considerably beyond figure of 1,664,000 acres of 1918 n the yield, in the face of.dis raging weather and other con ins, was 63,500,00(1, bushels in id numbers. ate figures indicate that the ■age in winter wheat for >919 ,568,000 against 1,420,000 a year There will also be an increas acreage in buckwheat In the it that price conditions are good pinion of men here, imo experiments with spring at were made in Lackawanna other counties last year and re s indicate intention to try this iting in other sections during id Praised— * ajor W. C. Murdock, chief draft er, has commended the work Philadelphia local draft board 7 in a bulletin just issued, citing s an illustration of the work 5. This board had a registration 921 and cases of men registered i local boards in every State ex- North Dakota and Nevada were lied as wjU as men registered i boards in Porto Rico and ka. It had correspondence with e than 1,000 local boards about In the draft, rath Rate For September High f the 10,794 deaths which occur- In Pennsylvania during Septem of last year, 558 were attributed nfluenia and 846 to pneumonia, rdlng to statistics furnished by State Department of Health to- Intestinal troubles carried off 1 children under two years and over that age, while typhoid fe ktlicd 129 persons of all ages, oping " cough 107, diphtheria malaria one, tuberculosis of the s 724, tuberculosis in other or i 126, cancer 526 and kidney bles 251. There were sixt>;- t suicides during the month, ty-seven persons died from in -s In mines, 119 were killed In oad accidents and 526 by other ts of violence. > Control Social Diseases—Closer peratlon between the authori of the law and the State De ment of Health, for the purpose ontrolling the spread of social ises among criminal classes, is ht by Dr. B. Franklin Roycr, ug State Commissioner of th. Dr. Royer to-day sent let to physicians, judges and mag tee In many sections of the asking for their co-operation he Health Department's cam n against these maladies and ng their attention to the fact the department now has thirty dlspensarles in operation ighout the state. men Are Praised in Annual Report o1 the R.R. Administration By Associated Press lahlnston, Jan. 17.—High praise iromen railroad employes is con d rn the annual report of the >ad administration's division ot , directed by W. S. Carter, made c to-day. Between January 1 October 1 last year, the number jmen workers on American rail i increased front 60.000 to 101,- :onstituting about five per cent e two million rail employes, and ally all of these are anxious to In permanently, officials report appears that whenever women been given proper instructions," the report, "they have proved value in practically all the cler and semi-clerical occupations, trejudices are rapidly disappear and they are being recognized any officials as permanent addi to the labor force." se Minstrel Show to Be Given* Thursday ns are progressing splendidly be Moose Minstrel Show to be nted. in the Orpheum Theater Thursday night, it is reported le committee in charge. Amos t. professionally known as • Davis and Grant Moore are the production. Jack Sear will act as interlocutor. Among nmedians will be Harry Beck, en Cupples, "Ducky" Chambers. Lynch, "Charlie" Grler, "Ed" kei, "Tommy" Burs and "Tom" ntoek. Professor Watklns and imous glee club from Steelton e a feature. ong the singers will be Robert s, Charles Cohen. Carlton Din \ James Collins. A number of ville and minstrel features will esented by local talent. lesh ps Carrying Troops Go to New York By Associated Press rport Xewa, Va., Jan. 17. The hips Louisiana and New Hamp bringing troops from France. :heduled to arrive here Tuesday, been .diverted to New Yofk. It .nnounced to-day that orders given tho ships by wireless last Louisiana has aboard the uarters and supply companies atteries A. B and C of the 59th Artillery. New Hampshire Is bringing a jarters detachment and Bat- D, E and F of the 59th Coast iry. OLD TEACHERS' INSTITUTE laberry, Pa.. Jan. 17. The teachers of Falrview town rill hold an institute at the Lo- Qrove achooihouse on Satur- TUESDAY EVENING, Everybody Is Going to The Globe ' g, OA. M.to9P.M. ' 9A. M. to9P.M. ; i| THE GLOBE'S Gigantic Clothing Sale I I SIOO,OOO Stock Sacrificed II {I Due to the Fire In Our Basement Which Occurred on New Year's Morn 11 II Here Are the Prices That Have Set All Harris burg and II 11 Surrounding Towns To Talking About THE GLOBE'S Sale || Today we quote prices that tell a story of savings unparalleled in the merchandising annals of Harrisburg. Op all l| sides you'll hear about THE GLOBE'S matchless values, and no wonder, the values are so great—so unusual, that people cannot help but talk about them. II Men s Suitßeductions Men's O'coat Re Men's Trouser f| || Men's S2O Suits Are $12.50 Men's S2O Overcoats $12.50 Reductions || IS Men'ss2sSuit*Are $ H ° VerCoat , s *— II || $16.50 Men Ss3s Overcoat $6.50 Trousers $4.00 h || Men's S3O Suits Are $20.00 Men's $45 Overcoats $30.00 I SIO.OO Trousers $7.00\ II || Men's $35& s4oSuits $25.00 Men's SSO Overcoats $35.00 s6.soßiue Serges $4.50 §1 || Men's $45 Suits Are $32.50 Men's S6O Overcoats $40.00 SB-50 Blue Serges $6.00 || || Men's S4O Full Dress Suits S3O Men's $75 Overcoats $50.00 $ 5 - 00 Corduroys $3.25 |g || Men's $55 Full Dress Suits S4O SIOO Montagnac O'coats S6O I $6.50 Corduroys s4.°o\ || Brown's Beach Vests $2.25 | S2O PatrickslA sß.soSheepskin &/r I Sheepskin Coats I $8.50 || Brown's Beach Jackets Vests Are | ••• || II Boys' Suit and O'coat Reductions Men's Furnishing Reductions Men's Hat \ | II $3. 75 %£%g%*™'2.sof^ Sa=| Reductions (I Boys' SIO.OO Suits & Overcoats Are $5.00 Positively thp most wonderful Shirt bargain ever I to $4.00, at I| | Qnprinl T,nf nf Qnff A I offered. Buy them by the one-half dozen. (N Y flfi opt-Ciai IJOI OI ftOlt and Bogs'sl2.so Suits & Overcoats Are $7.00 ~ W 7T~~ star Hats that sold up t. ?5. at || V ' Signal Work Shirts at $1.60 —— l Hi Fi /n 9 tKi r* r>t •. rt s\ . . rt*r\ s\s\ $1.50 Blue and Khaki Work Shirts at 90£ a—————— \ # /l/J Boys $15.00 Suits & Overcoats Are $9.00 B ,ue Chambray Work Shirts with two collars Manhattan * II \ Boys's2o.oo Suits & Overcoats Are $12.00 Men's a *.'.io? i $2, $2.50 Hats $1.50 11 - Men's 51.75 Work Gloves 5 100 All Reduced Right-Posture and Wool Wear Suits Included. E 8 KKE? 85 $3, $3.50 Hats S9QQ __ , .. 7" Blue and Red Work Handkerchiefs 3 for. 25 C £I I till *Lso aAat A s/\ tt $1 Wash Suits At 50c Lisle Stockings ——— ' $4, $4.50 Hats, $2.50 Su?s n -°.H of It A t?** Eictr.or di na r y Underwear Reductions L t —7 $5 00 Hats <fcQ K(\ 11 Sty w S "^ all f 40C them 951.50 Boys' Union Suits at SI.OO . 50.50 Wonderful bar- now $1.50 Fleece Lined Shirts or Drawers B ains - • $2.00 Wrights' Health Underwear, Shirts or „ , Suits tpP.UU aid la .... Drawers $1.25 I I r I ————s2.so Peerless Union Suits $1.75 /)/) —— Boys Pants Reductions Children ' s3o ° Peerless Union Suits , $2.25 jpOmUU HKp rna r*f\ All Boys'sl.so Cloth Pants..., 90£ * All Boys' $2.00 Cloth Pants $1.35 55.00 ChHdren's Rain- Men's $3.50 to SST)O Sweaters $2.50 ' MM All Boys' Cloth and coats $3.25* Men's $5.00 to $6.00 Sweaters $3.50 Men's 50c SI.OO LaOS ... (\Kn 1 I Corduroy Pants $1.50 en. IJ#4 . u. a Men's $8.50 Sweaters t $6.00 Mnnito and ——————— |3 H All Boys' $3.00 Cloth and %SX y SK Men's $12.50 Sweaters ... §8.50 J1 KA AA Corduroy Pants $1.90 pcnder Waists, 40# Men's $2.00 Neckwear at $1.30 Holeproof Hose $1.50 ClipS ... $1 fIA All Boys's4.oo Cloth and All Arrow Collars at 2 Men's $1.50 Neckwear at SI.OO ' ——————— cpXsVfV II |1 Corduroy Pants . 77. $2.50 for 25 , it ::::: ! I! C!!!! ;:;;; OVC $2.00 CapS . $1.20 | ; h i . COMHTIONS OF THE SALE—No Goods Charged—No Goods Exchanged—No Goods Sent C. 0. P.—None Sent on II R B Approval—No Money Refunded—Every Sale Final—FßEE Alterations on Suits and Overcoats Only. B I I 322-324 Market Street 322-324 Market Street I RAJUUSBimG edNsSs. TELEGHXPH - - • > X . • JANUARY 14, 1919. 15
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers