dditional Classified Ada on Opposite Pago AUTOMOBILES ' ) I USED FORDS—FORDS —FORDS . 9 t 19X7-1918 MODELS DURING CARS S3OO TO 600 OADSTKRS 9375 TO $460 SDANS SSOO TO S6OO ELIVERY $375 TO $450 )UPE SSOO LSO ROADSTER AND TOURINQ )DIES AT BARGAIN PRICES. ,'E SPECIAL SPEEDSTER ITH DISC WHEELS. SCHUTTH )DY—A REAL SPORT CAR. lESE CARS HAVE BEEN I'ERHAULED AND REPAINTED CD ARE SPLENDID VALUES. INVENIENT TERMS CAN BE I RANG ED. MAC'S GARAGE. INC, 117 S. THIRD ST. $777 BELL 2413 DIAV I FOP.D DELIVERY CARS FOR HIRE. ALSO 2 (4-TON FORD TRUCKS BY THE DAY OR i TRIP. WITH OR WITHOUT DRIVER. | MAC'S GARAGE. INC.. 117 S. THIRD ST. 3777 BELL 2413 DIAL >R SALE 1913 Model Little ■ Roadster. Good condition. P. ox 293. Meehanicsburg. Pa. ILL DEMONSTRATOR, 1918 00. A genuine bargain, and guar ed for one year. Camp Hill Gar- Ray Deardorff, Proprietor. ANTED All klnda of used auto . nay highest cash prices, unk. TL Eatcrbroov. 912 North : 1 street. Dial 4990. )R SALE Buick Roadster, Al i e. Bargain for some one. A. i ftnan. 22-24-26 North Cameron. , TOUCXCLEB AND BIpYCLLS i * BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EXPERT. AT T. WORK GUARANTEED. DORY SHANER. WITH , ANDREW REDMOND. 1507 NORTH THIRD ST. ■ages, Accessories and Repairs AUTO TIRE .BARGAINS 30x3 is $14.72 I 31x4 22.68 32x3(4 17.28 : 32x4 23.00 34x4 26.00 35x4(4 27.50 35x5 15.00 32x3 ....... 12.56 is DAYTON CYCLE CO., 912 North Third Street. ill RENT Private garages, real Miller street, one block from :ecntti and State streets. Five is per month. Inquire of WU- E. Ov. 101 South ri.. niit street ■bone 445 M. SPECIAL ON AUTO CHAINS " 23x3 13.65 30x3 93.76 30X3(4 93.95 32x3(3 94.15 31x4 $4.40 f 32x4 $4.60 1 33x4 $4.60 ' 34X4 $4.80 ' DAYTON CYCLE CO, 912 North x...-- ,ieeu DING AUTO AND MACHINE PARTS nr.es straightened and welded, avy Cast Iron Our Spocialty. rt Welders. Work Guaranteed ' KPITAL CITY WELDING CO.. 1638 Logan SL. BELL 4396J, LQNETOS All types; 4 and 6 It .ilgli tension. Elahrnann, Dixey Klorf, Ilea, Horny and different s of colls, carburetors, etc. A. [man, 82-24-26 North Cameron L Bell 3633. TO RADIATORS of all kinds re <l by specialists. Also fenders, e, etc. Best service in town. Hsr ig Auto Radiator Works 805 Th'r. street. , v r.-v /VX FMIY'WHFTT'S THE (TCFTO6HT THIS <SOY\ (D 7 /BV6EOR&E! \ —THEWOVSR ;■ 7 \ A BLRCK-HPWUD UITTIR! ■ \ THCVORAIIC PEM \ ; /—M H**'—ITLLS V*/ R, .. TS T>OWM IM OOFT BRAIK 1 ' ) CERTFTIMUV 15 /, \^TR\ V WOUUKWOW JISTASJ I - £ F . CSREFVT / / ? ( SOON P>S I <SIR VOW UP N S J? <I SJ I< JW ■ \ " TO " m -.&-' * >/ THURSDAY EVENING, LABOR XQTKS Fireman and men employed on the docks of 3n Frauclsou ferryboats are btlnr; ors'onlsed. London Plumbers are asking'that their wages bo intiretisud from .51) vents to to cents an hour, A wage increase of 16 weekly has been grnntod to wob pressmen in Now York City. During the duvatlon of the war, 1 Great Britain employed over 500,00 c | women on engineering and chemical { j work. I Japan has eighty artificial dye fac -1 lories with an annual capacity In ox- j i cess of 10,100,000 pounds. I Government gill war workers are j the best-paid class of employes in the | national capital. Toronto (Can.,) automobile workers have organized and already are nearly a 100 per cent, organization. , Thousands of women in Japan earn their livelihood by working in the fields and on the docks loading ships. Members of the Typographical j Union in Grand Forks, N. D„ have re ceived an increase of 63.50 per week. Traffic In Switzerland is badly crip pled owing to the general railroad strike in that country. Mexico has a law which demands that every workman shall enjoy at least one day's rest for everyelx days' work. ' . I A big industry in upholsterers' and bookkeepers' leathers will be built up in Natal, South Africa, in the near future. Railway workers in Great Britain recently received a further advance in their war bonus, which will be paid them up to January 1. Of the over 30,000 employes in the Hog Island shipyard on October 1, only one and one-half per cent, were women. Over JO.OOO workers were thrown I cut of employment in Wisconsin when i the breweries closed down on Decern-1 ber 1. Since service has gone up in De- j troit, Mich., the telephone operators in that city have been granted an in crease in pay. TO GO BACK TO COLLEGE | Arthur H. Holler, son of Deputy | Prothonotary Henry F. Holler, who i was in naval service from May, 1917, I to November. 1918, will resume his j studies at Lafayette. Young Holier j was wounded a few months ago j while at sea when a shell exploded j prematurely. He lost tfie sight of i one eye and because of this, has de- 1 cided to abandon a medical cotrs'e J which he had been taking, and to I study civil engineering. FURNITURE DEALERS TO ATTEND BANQUET ; Members of the HarHsburg Fur- I niture Dealers? Association with i their wives will hold a banquet at > the Penn-Harris this evening, j About twenty-four guests are e.\- j peeled to be present. Frank It. j Kowney, manager of Grately. and ; Fitzgerald is the president. LIEUT. MIDDAUGH HOME First Lieutenant It. C. Middaugh, j of Cainp'Hill, eon of the Jate Filch K. Middaugh, arrived home to-day on a f furlough. He completed his officer's, training course, yesterday. STOCK HOLDERS M EKTT \ G At the regular meeting of the I stoekhaldei'H of the Merchants Jeej Company of Harrisburg, held at the | Maennerchor Hall, the following di rectors were eleceted:.!. W. Key, At. P. Johson, William Ervln, A. P. ' Kitchen, C. C. banner, C. E. Sheesley, W. J Perrin, L, 11. Simonetti and K. | L. Egolf The report of the secretary i and treasurer shows the company has j had the most successful and prospe.r- | ous year since it ha been organized. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE Letters testamentary on the Estate ot Charles A. Kunkel, late of Harrls burg city, Dauphin Couty, Pennsylva nia, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned executors, all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement, to BEVKHLV W. KUNKEL, JOHN E. I'OX, MECHANICS TUUST COMPANY, Or to Executors. FOX & GEYER, Attorneys. Harrisburg, Pa. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS IN TIIE FIFTH, SIXTH AND TWELFTH WARDS OF THE CITY OF HARRISBURG. THE owners of unregistered proper ties in the Fifth. Sixth and Twelfth Wards ot the City of Harrisburg. in accordance with the terms of a cer tain part of the Act of Assembly, ap proved 27th June, 1913; Pamphlet !-aws of 1913, page 568, and Ordinance No. 11. File of City Council, Session of 1918-1919. are hereby notified to furnish within thirty days from the 13th day of January, 1919, to the City "Engineer, at this office, description's of their respective properties, upon blanks to be furnished by the City, and at the same time to present tlieir conveyances to be stamped by the said engi neer without charge as evidence of the registry thereof. Any person or persons neglecting or refusing to comply r#lth the provisions of this section for a period of thirty days after public notice of the require ments thereof shall be liable to a pen alty of five dollars, to be recovered with costs of suit. In the name and for the use of the City, as penalties for the violation of City ordinances are recoverable." Blanks may be ob tained at the office of the City Engi neer. Room 316 Commonwealth Trust Company Building. 222 Market Street, Harrisburg. Pa. M. B. COWDEN, City Engineer. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS MUSICIANS are preparing to-stage another at Curlisle within the near future. The musicians have won considerable fame during the past few months, and 'have been patriotic in their efforts to entertain "the soldiers in Army camps adjacent to Ilarrlsburg. The cut shows the following musicians: Margaret Gaughn,'harpist; Harold Malsh, violin; Margaret Ken nedy, cello; Aida Kennedy piano, and Katharine Dubbs, soprano. Oil Patches Mark Grave of U-Boat Which Attacked Transports jVtififl fftj'i fill 4^N,'-aVy:: tL! S,vvX>.aa ail<f THE DAYS OF REAL SPORT By BRIGGS -A/*fN WH- THINK You've/ (iOSH I'VP CRACKED J ' i>'i ttximisßTOG GdSS& TEraGrotW Charles Heinroth, Who Gives Recital Tonight m > IHSWB CHARLES HEINROTH At Messiah Lutheran Church this evening Churles Heinroth, organist at Carengie Institute, Pittsburgh, will give a recital. The recital Is under the auspices of the Harris burg Organists' Association. It is expected that the members of the association will be present. An ex cellent program has been prepared by Mr. Heinroth, whose work last year in St. Stephen's Episcopal Church still is- remembered with pleasure by many music lovers of llaiyisburg. The recital Is certain to be the chief musical offering of the early winter season in this city. It will be the first artist's recital on the fine organ installed last spring j in the Sixth street church. Department Atta^es Entertained at Dinner William S. Wacker, of Philadelphia, a member of tlie Legislative Refer ence Bureau, entertained the attaches of the department at dinner In Par lor "D" of the Penn-Harrta, last even ing. The color scheme of pinlt and white tions, ferns andtaoirdlu dl dluaod lu was carried 'out with floral decor ations of carnations, ferns and snii- IflN. In attendance we're James X. Moore, John H. I'.'ertig, Elmer K. Welsh, tlar rison Brelschj William J, Marks, Moe Baturin, Alton Wi Lick, Albert If. Mehring, H. Ld\iid Moore. Karle K. Kenn, Miss Irma A. Watts; Miss Ma bel {I. Ntssley, Miss Grace E. Crown shield, Miss Ruth Wllloughby, _ Miss Helen Wetzel, Miss Margaret Stover, Mrs. Harry, Miss Margaret Porgeus. Bernard Schmidt, Head of Pottsville Baking Co. Bernard Schmidt, well known baker is treasurer of a new baking company- in Pottsville, for which a charter was granted to-day. The charter is for the Pottsville Baking Company with Bernard Schmidt, Thomas B. Schmidt and J. F". Slack, all of this city, as, incoaporators. The capital stock is $5,000 and Bernard Schmidt, the heaviest stockholder, is treasurer. JANUARY 16, 1919. S MARKETS New York, Jan. 18.—Wall Street— Many subatantlal gains were scored at the active opening of to-day'o stock market, strength being most pronounced In pence Industrials and some of the minor rails, Including New Orleans, TSXSM and Mexico. Hide and leather pfd. Jed at an ad vance of 314 points, Nloss Sheffield steel 214 and crucible steel 174, with gains of 1 to 214 points for oils and tobaccos. American car yielded much of yesterday's gain and Inter national Nickel reflected further liquidation. Liberty first and second 4s rose vigorously, the latter gaining almost 2 per cent. NEW YORK STOCKS Chandler' Brothers and Company, members of New York and Philadel phia Stock Exchanges—3 North Mar ket Square, Hsrrlsburg; 886 Chestnut street, Philadelphia; 34 Pine street. New Y'ork—furnish the following quotations: Open. Noon. Allts Chalmers 3314 3314 American Can 4814 48% Am Car and Foundry Co 91% 90% Amor Loco CO 6014 Amer Smelting 73% 78% American Sugar 113*4 113% Anaconda 60% 60% Baldwin Locomtive .... 7214 72% Baltimore and 0hi0..... 4314 49% Bethlehem Steel (B) ... 5714 58 California Petroleum ... 23 24% Canadian Pacific 158% 158% Central Leather , 59 59% Chicago, It I and Pacific 25. 24% Col Fuel and Iron 36% 36% Corn .Products 4914 49% Crucible Steel 58 58 Distilling Securities ... 51% 61% Erie 16% 16% Oeneral Motors 125 125 Goodrich, B. F. 61% 61% Great Northern pfd 93% 93 Great Northern Ore subs 37% 37% Hide and Leather 15% 15% Hide and Leather pfd ... 79 80 Inspiration Copper .... 44 44% International Paper ..... 31 74 33% Kenneoott .. .. ... .... 32% 32% Lehigh Valley 55% 55% Merc Mar Ctfs 24% 2474 Merc Mar Ctfs pfd 103 74 102% Mex Petroleum 186% 184 74 Midvale Steel 43 4374 Now York Central ..... 73% 73 N Y', N H and H 31 30% Northern Pacific 9274 92 74 Pennsylvania Railroad . 45 4474 Ray Con Copper 2074 2074 Reading .. .. 80 74 7 9,74 Republic Jron and Steel . 72 74 72% Southern Pacific 10074 9974 Southern Ry 28 74 28 Studebaker 49% 4974 Union Pacific 128% 127 74 U S I Alcohol 102% 102 74 lU S Rubber i. 78 77 U S Steel 91'74 9274 Utah Copper .72 7274 VV'estlnghouse Mfg ..... 4174 41% Willys-Overland .. .....24% 25 rniI.ADBI.I'IIIA PRODUCE By Associated Press Philadelphia, Jan. 16. Wheat No. i, sou, iuu, 02.2U;. .SO. 2, lou, 03.24, No. 3. soil. led. 82.24. Corn—The market is lower; No. 2, rolluxv, as to grade and luculiou, 1.55 01.60. Oats The market Is steady; No. 2 white, 80®8074c; No. 3, white, 7 8 74 0 7 9c. Butter The market is lower; western, creamery,, extras, firsts, 67c; nearby prints, fancy prints, 71073 c. Eggs—Market lower; Pennsylvania anu othtti nearby nrwts, free cases, 019.20 per case; do., current re ceipts, free cases, 018AO per case, western, extra ursts, lieu cases. 0.18.40@18.60 per case; do., firsts, free cases, 018.30 per case: faucy. selected, packed. 69071 c per dozen. Cheese The market is firm; New York and Wisconsin, full milk, 3703874 c. _ ' , Bran The market Is steady; soft winter, per ton, 040.50@47.00; spring, per ton, 044.00@45.00. Refined Sugars Market steady; powdered. 8.40 c; extra line granulat ed. 7.25 c. Live Poultry Market lower; fowls, 28031 c; spring hickens, 2#@ 32c; fowls, not legiiorns, 32@360; white leghorns. 34 037 c; young, softmeated roosters, 21022 c; old roosters. 21022 c; spring chickens, not leghorns, 30@32e; white leghorns, 29030 c; roasting chickens. 30@36c; ducks, Peking, spring, 35@38c. do., old. 30@35c; In dian Runners, 32034 c; spring ducks. Long Island, 34036 c; turkeys. 34@36c; geese, nearby, 82@36c; western, 32@ 360. Dressed" Poultry Firm; turkeys, spring, choice to fancy, 44046 c; do., western, choice to fancy, 43@44c; turkeys, fresh killed, fair to good, 38 @42c; turkeys, common, 30035 c; old, turkeys. 38041 c; fowls, fresh killed fowls, choice, 35@36c; do., smaller sizes, 27031 c; old roosters, 27c; broiling chickens, western, 420 44c; roasting chickens, 31037 c; ducks, 40042 c; western ducks, 38040 c; geese, 26@'J0c; dressed Peltln ducks, 340 36c; old ducks, 30032 c; Indian Run ners. 27 037 74c; spring ducks. Long island. 30@40c. Potatoes The market Is firm; New Jersey, No. 1, 85c® 01.00 per basket; do.. No. 2, 50®6uc per basket; do.. 100-tb. bags. No. 1, 02.600 3.00 extra quality; do.. No. 2. 01.60® 2.20 i Pennsylvania. 100 lbs.. No. T, 82.30@2.50; do., per 100 lbs., fancy. 12 55u>3.10; New Jersey, No, L 100 rb's.. 02.1502.60; do.. No. 2. 100 lbs., 01 2501-75; western, per 100 lb.. 02.20 @2.50; New York Sttae, per 100 lbs.. Let The Types Help You ♦ THERE is no need to worry about next month's business if you call in the sendees of the printer. Get your facts together the things you want to say to the public—end have them printed in a folder or booklet Facts well told in good printing have saved many a businessman woiiy about the future, for they carry your thoughts, your prices, your location, the bargains you may want the people to know about to the public that has the money. The rest is easy. The types simply can't help bringing business to you. Well help you all we can to make good printing carry your message. I > The Telegraph Company Printing Binding —• Photo Engraving Designing—Die Stamping—Plate Printing . 216 Federal Square ~ _ HARRISBURG, PA. 15 I2.3001.t0; Maine, par 100 lbs., 01.660 I.iOs Dslswara and Maryland, par I*3 bag, OOcOtl.lOi Mtohigan. pa* }}| |bl. •I.iOBLtOi Florida. Bar barrel, is.tboi.OoT Florlda, pf busCi, hamper, llgtUl Florida' par MO-to. base. 01. 5003.00; North Carolina, par barrel. |1.8004.00; South Carolina, par barrel! 01.600 4J)d; Norfolk. Par 'b." rel, 91.1t i Eastern Shore, par barrel, 0x.oo0l.6o;< fancy. Macunaio. No. 1, par barrel. 01.Sp08.XO} do., fcoj 2 per oarrel. ii.2iw1.60. Flour —Xlie market la dull; wlnten straight. 110.16010.40 par barrsli Kan. sua. 010:60010.76 per barrel; do., short, patent, 010,00011.20 per barrel! spring short, patent, H0.60@10.90 pes barrel; aprlng. patent, .110.ie@10.601 spring, first, clear, 06A0@10.00 pad barrel. Hay Tha market ia firm; timothy. No. 1. large and small balsa, 031.000 12.00 per ton; No. 2, small bales, 029.0(1 @30.00 per ton: No. 8, 125.00® 21.00 pad ton; sample, |12.50@13.0u per ton; ad grade. 07.10 @11.60 per ton. Clover Light mixed, 920.009 80.00; No. 1. I27.00@28.00; No. 2. |28.09 @28.00. Tallow The market is flrml prime city. In tierces. 11c; prima special, loose, 12c; prime country, 10%0 dark. B@97ic; edible In tlarcas* 14%@16c. CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago, Jan. 16. (U. S. BureaiJ of Markets). Hogs Receipts, 56,000; market mostly steady; spots 5c lower. Bulk of sales. 117.40 ft 17.70; butchers, 817.55017.80; light, 816.85017.60; packing. 016.-6O® 17.40: throwouts, 816.00@16.60; pigs, good to choice, |14.00@ 14.75. Cattle Receipts, 13.000; beet steers steady; butchers' cattle, 15a to 25c higher; calves slow to lower; Mockers and feeders steady to 26a higher, lleef cattle, good, choice and prime, 816.25® 19.85; common and me dium. 09.76® 16.25. Butcher stock, cows and heifers, $7.25® 14.50. Can ners and cutters. |6.40®7.25. Stockei'9 nnd feeders, good, choice and fancy. 810.50® 14.00; Inferior, common and medium, $8.00010.50. Vtal calves, good and choice. $16.50016.00. Sheep lteeclpts. 20,000; lambi opening steady; sheep aji.d. yearlings strong to 25c higher. Lambs, cholca and prime, $16.60016.75; medium and good. 015.00016.60; culls. 011.50®> 13.75; ewes, cnoice and primb, tlO-U" @11.00; medium and good. 09.25@> 10.65; culls, 05.007.75. Wilkes-Barre Band Will Lead Militia in Parade The Alexander band, of Wilkes- Barre. lias been secured by the Re • serve Militia, to participate- in the inaugural parade Tuesday. The Alex ander band is known as one of the best organizations of Its kind in the cast, having won first prize for being the best band in a recent parade at Rochester, N. Y., and 0500 at Balti more for its excellence. It is well known toa number of Harrisburgers, as It playeii several summer engage ments at Philadelphia. Charlea PoKomyi is leader. SALESMEN'S ATTENTION Any salesman owning Bulck, Cadillac. Hudson or Overland car, can represent manufacturer of Se dan Tops and Enclosures for Im mediate delivery. This presents a wonderful field and opportunity for a high grade man. Stamlnril Auto Top and Body Co. 1838 It ACE STREET PHU.APKI.PIHA. PA. niIBBER STAMQf |i|l SEALS A STENCILS IIL HwftiF9jnrHM.STENCH.tMMf ■ sl II 130 LOCUSTSK HBG.WL II Your Monogram Have it printed on your stationery, on both letter sheet and envelope. The young lady or gentleman who would be distinctive invariably the initials of the name prettily form ed into a monogram and printed on the letters that bear the written messages through the mails. Our facilities for turning out this class of work are altogether v modern. Care and promptness have won for us many patrons. Get in touch with us about your printing needs. You will not regret joining oar company of satisfied cus tomers. It will pay you. The Telegraph Printing Company Printing, Binding. Daalgnlng, Photo Engraving. Die Stamp ing, Plate Printing. 211 FEDERAL SOU ARE HARRIS BURG, PL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers