2 NEWS OF CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA AND CITY'S SUBURBS BANKS ELECT NEW DIRECTORS , Many Central Pennsylvania Institutions Name Of ficials For Year ; Many banking institutions through out Central Pennsylvania elected a r. new board of directors yesterday. |: Some few of these boards reorganized ' for the ensuing year at the same > ' > time. Meelianicsburg Yesterday in the First National • : Bank of Mechanicsburg these di r rectors were elected: Martin Mum 111a, Simon Eborly, J., H. Koller, '..George E. Lloyd, J. Morris Miller, > Frank E. Wilcox, J. C. Lambert, ,i. Samuel E. Basehore, Dr. N. W. *> Herschner. The organization result s' ed as follows: President, Martin , Munima; vice-president, J. Morris ; -Miller; and these officials vrere ap- V pointed: Charles Eberly, cashier; ■v Murray L. pick, assistant cashier; W. 8. Zimmerman, first teller; 1 Bruce Winter, second teller. .■ These directors were elected at '■ the shareholders' meeting yesterday '. in the Second Nationnl Bank:. John >■ M. Underwood, Eugene A. purnett, r ' Samuel F. Hauck, E. E. Strominger, 1 James B. Keller, Albeft B. Rupp, f B. Frank Erick. The board organ ic ized by electing the following: S. F. f: Hauck, president; E. A. Burnett, f) vice-president. These officials were appointed: T. J. Scholl, cashier; JT Robert E. Lininger, assistant cash- C ier; Ruth M. Heftlelinger, first teller; 1 C. Bruce ' Gardner, second teller; v Rose E. Bowman, clerk. J The Median Nationnl Bank, v at the annual election, chose these j]- directors for the ensuing year; J. A. Coover, G. L. Struck, Dr. M. M. fy Dougherty, Dr. P. R. Koons, A. E. fr Sieher, H. S. Mohler, John J. Mll- leisen, John M. Jlutton, Weir B. | >. Eberly. In the organization, J. A.| & Coover was elected president and j J. J. Millelsen vice-president. These, < officials were appointed: Christian j " 1. Swartz, cashier; George Dietz, j £ teller; Martha Anderson, bookkeeper. I Marysville - At a stockholders' meeting.the old ! board of directors of the Marysville! First National Bank was re-electedi '' yesterday. The include J. W. Place, I of New York City; J. W. Beers, E. B. i > J.eiby, H. J. Deckanl, Dr. E. \tult; •* -Snyder, F. W. Gelbb, Z. T. Collier j SERVE IT EVERY DAY it . ' •>. r* The daily t:se of Benefit Brand, A- 'Sweet Nut" Margarine on the table; ■~t in plare of dairy butter is a matter! of thrift as well as pleasure to all] the family, where its delicious flavor Pf and appetizing, nutritious qualities are | t known. Fresh pasteurzed milk and I Wthe sweet inner meat of tropical co- , eft, coanuta churned by a special pro- , *Vcess. You know the price of butter' (v*—"Sweet Nut" Margarine, butter's j, rival, is only 35c a lb. Sold only at! v ." Tamsui Tea Co.'s yellow front store, | 1/ 331 Market St., up one flight, Harris - burg, where Benefit Brand Teas. Cof • fees and Grocery Specialties are re j tailed at wholesale prices. Look for our store in your town. Sweet Nut • & Margarine Husband and Wife 1 are Equally Aided Mrs. S. W. Seltzer. 4529 N. 16th! St.. Plilln., whoso husband is with tlie Link Beit Co., tells how she and Mr. Seltzer were aided through Tan lac. "1 suffered from rheumatism and my husband had stomach trou ble. I had so much difficulty with my knees being stiff and sore that ■1 could only go upstairs with difft - eulty. I heard about Tanlac and after I used it f was able to go up and down stairs without pain or ef fort. My husband's stomach trouble js greatly relieved. We both speak f highly of Tanlao." ;> The genuine Tanlac*, which bears the name J. I. Gore Co., on outside e • carton, is now sold here by Geo. A. > Gorgas, George's Drug Store, C. F! Kramer, W. F. Steever and other leading druggists. Tanlac, the cole s' brnted vegetable tonic, stomachic V and health builder, Is also sold in I , neighboring cities and towns. Ask! [ PIMPmiLL.DONIBE Y People Notice It Drive Them Off with Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets % A pimply face will not embarrass you * much longer if you get a package of Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. The skin should begin to clear after you have •V taken the tablets a few nights. Cleanse the blood, bowels and liver with Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the successful substitute for calomel; there's ! no sickness or pain after taking them. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do that £ which calomel does, and just as effec tively, but their action is gentle and <£ safe instead of severe and irritating. No one who takes Olive Tablets is . J'- ever cursed with "z dark brown taste," s bad breath, a dull, listless, "no good" $ £ feeling, constipation, torpid liver, bad disposition or pimply face, i Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a purely vegetable compound mixed with p olive oil: you will know them by their v; olive color. p Dr. Edwards spent years among pa tients afflicted with iiver and bowel complaints, and Olive Tablets are the immensely effective result, r Take one oi two nightly for a week Se now much better you feel and loolc ltF. and 255. net pox; Ail drugg£s YVEDNESDAY EVENING, HJLRIUSBUH.O TELEGRAPH [ and Harvey Bratton, of Marysville. | Officers have not yet been elected. Swiueford The stockholders of the Swlneford National Bank met Tuesday and elected the following officers: Presi dent. G. M. Shlndel; vice-president. W. B. Wlney; cashier, J. K. Kreeger; tellers, Lee Wlney and Harry Hum* mell. Uillsburg The annual election of directors at the Farmers and Merchants Bank resulted as follows: B. F. Cocklln. William A. Myers, Joseph Baunian, Joseph Deardorff, James Lau, A. M. Brandt, W. E. Grove, Jacob L. Gar retson, H. E. Menges and L. L. Bentz. At the reorganization of the board B. F. Coc-klln was elected president: A. M. Brandt, secretary, and William A. Myers, Joseph Bail man and J. G. Deardorff. vice-presi dents; John A. Goudy, cashier, and Chester Harbold, bookkeeper. At the election of the DUlsburg National Bank these directors were elected: A. 11. Williams, J. S. Kapp, Charles G. Ellcker, W. 11. Shrivcr, D. F. Stitzel, O. F. Arnold and W. B. Dick. A. H. Williams was chosen I president; J. S. Kapp, vice-president; j R. B. Nelson, cashier; C. J. Stouffer, | teller, and Robert P. McClure and i Ethel Collins, bookkeepers. Waynesboro The Peoples National Bank lias elected the folowing directors for the ensuing term: David Knepper, Benjamin F. Welty, J. F. Good, Henry Rineliart, W. T. Omwake, D. M. Good, Jere M. Dutrow, George B. Beaver, Dr. P. B. Hoover, J. Elmer Frantz, Daniel Rinehart, T. Mac Weßt and Jacob H. Stoner. The Citizens National Bank has elected the following directors: Ezra Frick, president; Dr. D. B. Snively, C. E. Besore, Frank Barnett, G. T. Shearer, Val. Smith, D. Norris Bene dict, Dr. J. S. Stevenson, C. C. Mc- Kown, Dr. W. H. Brosius, A. O. Friek, W. R. Davison, Albert T. Hess. Liverpool At the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Liverpool First j National Bank H, A. Shuler was re elected cashier. He has been cashter of the local bank since Its organiza tion. W. L. Lenliart was re-elected president and J. D. Snyder was re elected vice-president. Mount Wolf At the Mount Wolf Union National Bank meeting eleven directors were elected, as follows: Jac'ob Brush, Dr. J. C .May, A. 11. Diehl. William Shin del, A. P. Pealing, Eli Kochenour, C. E. Brown. Samuel Hoover, Chris tlon Rode, John King and William D. Linebaugh. WellMille Seven directors were elected by the stockholders of the Wellsville National Bank, as follows: W. H. Owens, A. G. Smith, L. E. Speck, P. Z. March, Rush Zeigler, E. E. Nes bit. The board organized immedi ately by electing W. H'. Owens, presi dent; William Bentz, vice-president; L. E. Speck, secretary. Goldsboro The same directors were elected by the Goldsboro National Bank, as fol- | lows: Samuel Schlosser, A. G. Kohr, G. W. Bamberger, J. F. Zortman, W. E. Fetrow, 8. E. Crone, Charles D. Balr, H. B. Bair. The board organ ized by electing the following: Presi dent, 11. B. Balr; vice-presidents, Samuel Schlosser and A. G. Kohr; secretary, J. F. Zortman. . . Wrightsville The same board of directors was elected yesterday by the Wrightsville National Bank, as follows: E. I/. Sprenkle, Harrison Fauth, R. P. Wil ton, W. B. Reisinger. Willlanv H. Kerr, B. S. IJetwetler, 11. W. liftnts berger and J. D. Burg. Dover The following board of directors was re-elected by the Dover Na tional Bank: Dr. J. M. Gross, R. O. Lauer, G. 11. Duron, CV D. Hoffman, M. 1., Smith, H. P. Julius, Harvey A. Gross, William W. Spulir, Peter J. Bott, Oliver Bierbower and George W. Lauer. The board will reorganize January 22. Hnllain Twelve directors were elected on Monday at the annual stockholders' meeting of the Hallam State Bank. The new board reorganized immedi ately, as follows: President, Amos Strickler; first vice-president, J*. W. Horn; second vice-president, G. W. Maish; third vice-president, A. G. Emig. The other members of the board are W. 11. Diotz. S. A. Freed, W. H. Gilbert, S. B. Lehman, E. L Lehman, W. H. Markley, E. B. Stoner and George E. Stein. W. C. Blessing was re-elected cashier and secretary. Sustains Appeal on the County Controller Report Sunliury, p a „ Jan. 15.—President- Judge Cummings in the Northumber land county court yesterday sus tained in part an appeal of D. P. Faust, Shamoklh, and other taxpay ers, from the report of Aaron Baker, of Shamolcin. County Controller, for the year 1917. They alleged that n any thousands of dollars of county moneys were paid out In fees to county officials and others in waste ful and profligate disregard of the law. The Court surcharges and gives Judgment against Peter J. Schmidt and John J. Roach, Shamokin, and Frederick R. Dornslfe, the Board of County Commissioners at that time, together with Raker, to tho total sum of $6,415.45. Schmidt has since died, but the surcharge is made to date back to ttie time before his demise. I.IM ASTKH SOLDIER NOTES • Marietta. Pa., Jan. 15.—William Made, of Conestoga Center, has been Killed in action in France, according to word received by relatives. Pri vate Wade was attached to the in fantry and trained at Cauip Moade prior to going over to France. He was 25 years of nj£e. Mervin Paules, son of Mr. and Mrs William Paules, of Stoney Brook, who was badly injured in action in France and has recuperated sufficiently to he brought to America, has arrived in New Jersey, where he will remain for some time. He lias a brother Ellwood Paules, who is sick in a hos pital near Paris. KI.KCTIOV or S. S. Ol'Tll'fißS Halifax. Pa., Jan. 15.—The Trin ity Uefortned Church of town elect ed the following officers: Superin tendent, Carson C. l„ebo: assistant superintendent, John H. Chubb; sec retary, Miss Mary K. Swelgurd; as dstant secretary. Miss Ethel Etz \veller. treasurer. John Meader: or ganist. Mrs. I'rban Eeho; assistant organist. Miss Mary E. Swoigard; primary superintendent. Miss Min nie A 1 void: assistant primary super intendent, Mrs. W. C. librar ian, Duntel Miiler; cradle roll super inlendenl, Mrs. Harry Alleman; home department superintendent, | Mrs. Urban Lebo. TO EJECT OPERA HOUSE LESSEES Council Takes Action After Ministers Complain of Im moral Exhibitions Columbia, Pa., Jan. IG.—Borough Council at a speciul ' meeting last ntgbt held at the request of the Min isters' Associatioon, put a ban on In decent or immoral exhibitions in the opora house. By an unanimous vole instructions were issued to the property commit tee, in conjunction with the borough solicitor, to take measures for the ejectment of the lessees of the build ing. This action was taken because of the complaint concerning the char acter of a dance given after the ex hibition of a burlesque show last Friday night. Miss Verna A. Kipp, Newport Teacher, Dies Newport, Pa„ Jan. 15. Miss Vergna A. Kipp, ?6 years old, a popular teacher in the Newport pub lic schools for the past ten years, died-yesterday morning following a stroke of paralysis. She was about lior dutios as teacher of the gram mar grades on Monday and retired in her usual health on Monday eve ning. She suffered a nervous break down two years ago and has not been in her usual health since that time. When found yesterday she was unconscious, unable to speak, and she never rallied. Graduated from the Newport High school in 1902, she became a public school leaclier the following year. She is survived by her father, one brother, M. S. Kipp, of Oliver town ship, and one sister. Miss Bird Kipp, a Red Cross nurse in France. A member of Methodist Episcopal Church, her funeral services will be conducted by her pastor, the Rev. F. T. Bell on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from her late home. Burial will be in the Newport Cemetery. CITY GRAYS PI.AX TO PURCHASE NEW CXI FOR MS A meeting will be held Friday to i continue the discussion regarding the! purchase of uniforms for the lfiO' members of the City Grays, which I was started at the meeting last I night, when it also was decided that I the senior officers should command I the drills. The City Grays is to lie! one of the honored organizations in' the inaugural parade. STOPP\RI)-K NISLEY \Vrights'ville, Pa., Jan. IB.—Miss, Ruth E. Knlsley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Knisloy. a teacher at Kinard's school, and Luther L, Stop pard, of Chanceford, were married last Saturday at noon at St. Luke's Lutheran parsonage, by the pastor, the Rev.v C. H. Shu]]. STRIKE AT IRON WORKS Lcwistown, Pa., Jan. 15.—At pres ent there are no signs of the strike at th© Logan Iron and Steel Works at Burn ham and their employes getting the trouble existing between them settled. ARRESTED AS BOOTLEGGER John Logan was arrested last night in North Seventh street, nucar Heir, on the charge of furnishing liquor to | a soldier. He was heavily lined in police court to-day. DIES IX HOSPITAL Frank Meriina, 1114 Kcgina street, died ,of uremia at the Harrisburg I Hospital to-day. He was a fruit I dealer. He was 45 years old. IXFLVEX7.A PROVES FATAL Harry Wood, 433 South Thirteenth street, uged 25 years, died of Spanish influenza at 7:30 o'clock this morning, in the Harrisburg Hospital. Suburban Notes RLAIX Private Shelly Weibley was mus tered out of the service at Camp Wheeler, Ga„ and has returned home. Bavhl Peck has bought the Da vid Thomas property for $BOO. Philip Sheaffer, of Toboyne town ship, visited his daughter, Mrs. Fred I Dolby. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Woods announce' the birth of a daughter on Friday. i A successful bake was held on Sat- i urday by the women of the Metho- I dist Episcopal Church. DII.LBBI RG Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Evans are vis- | iting friends in York. Mrs. Margaret Rearlck and daugh- j ter, Ethel Rearlck, spent Sunday with I Mr. and Mrs. J. Harold Rearlck in ! Chambersburg. The Rev. S. A. Crabill, pastor of' the United Brethren Church, is con- I ducting evangelistic services at Ar- 1 nold's Church. The evangelistic services at the Methodist Church will continue dur ing the week. MILLERSTOW X Miss Ethel Rounsley entertained the Camp Fire Giris at her home in Main street on Friday evening. Miss Alice Alexander lias returned home from Rochester, X. Y., where 1 she was caring for her brother-in law, the Rev. G. H. Flclces, who had been ill of influenza. Mrs. Wafren Worthington. of Buf- ! falo, N. Y„ was a recent visitor at ] the home of her sister, Mrs. C. E. I ltippman. Mrs. Ellen Sellers, of Harrisburg,' Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Charles Hoffman. A. H. Ulsh was a visitor in Har- ] .•isburg on Saturday. Gordon Spangler. of Butler, Is vis- i ltlng his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Spangler. G. D. Taylor is visiting his daugh ter, Mra. Frank Fickes, in Newport. LIVERPOOL Charles G. Goodling, of Harrisburg, visited here this week with his grandmother, Mrs. Lydia Goodling. Mrs. Charles H. Snyder is visiting lief daughter, Miss Frances Snyder, a student at Wllllamsport Dickinson Seminary. Miss Marie Balr, of Millersburg, was a recent visitor hero with her parents. Mrs. P. K. Brink is visiting in Duncannon. Prof. E. F. Dougherty was a re ! cent business visitor in Mlllerstown. • • Jay Snyder, who is employed in ! Ilari Isburg, spent the weekend here ] with his family. | Mrs. William Freet, of New Buf falo, is visiting here with hermother, Mrs. Sarah Portzline. Mrs. Ada Broslus and son, Paul, of Dalmatla, is visiting with her father, H. E. Bair. C. V. NEWS Mechanicsburg Business Men Form Organization Mechanlcsburg, Pa., Jan. 15.—T0 advance the business Interests of the town, a meeting was held on Mon day evening In the parlors of the Business Men's League house, over which H. Clay ltyan presided and A. 8. Hertzler was secretary. The name "The Business Men's Associa tion of Mechanicsburg," was chosen and by-laws for the government of the society were adopted. An election of officers for tho en- BUing year resulted as follows: Presi dent, Joseph Z. Prowoli; vice-presi dent, R. J. Sensoman; secretary, A. S. Hertzler; treasurer, T. R. Win ston; trustees, S. A. Burgard, E. G. Lutz, and H. Clay Ryan; board of governors, D. L. Klinedinst, Otis H. Aulthouse, L. D. Cook, Russell N. Biddle and E. C. Snyder. Another meeting was announced to be held on Monday evening, Feb ruary 3. To Organize New Bank in Franklin County Cliniiibcrsburg, Pa., Jan. 15. — Franklin county is, to have another bank. Fifty farmers and businessmen of the vicinity of Orrstown, met in Orrstown and decided to organize a banking institution with a capital of $25,000 and a surplus of $5,000. Of- this amount $13,000 was sub scribed by those present at the meeting. Whether it shall be a na tional or state institution has not yet been decided by the prpmoters. Committees have been appointed to purchase equipment, choose a site for the bank and make other ar rangements preparatory to the open ing of the bank. May Locate Locomotive Plant at Chambersburg Chambersburg, Pa., Jan. 15. A communication has been receiv ed by the local Chamber of Com merce asking whether Chambers burg would welcome the location here of a plant for the manufacture of small oil-burning locomotives. The letter states that it is an al ready well established business that has outgrown its present quarters and is desirous of establishing an other plant in Pennsylvania. A build ing 60 by 200 feet and six acres of ground will be needed, and fifty men will be employed at the start. TINKERICIf WITH MAIL CHARGE AGAINST SOLDIER Cliainbershurg. Pa.. Jan. 15. — Robert E. Bradley, who gives ltis home as Virginia, is in the local jail charged with having stolen from tlie United States mails and with having in his possession mail matter or ar ticles taken from mail known by him to have been stolen. The prosecution was brought by W. J. l*'ahy, a post office Inspector, who says that Brad ley committed the crime with which he is charged at Ellwood City, lav rence county. Bradley is a discharg ed soldier and'is still wearing his uniform. He has been arraigned be fore United States Commissioner N. L. Bonbrake, here and will be given a hearing later. IN HOSPITAL IN FRANCE WAS REPORTED MISSING Mechanicsburg, Pa., Jan. 15. After months of anxiety Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Beistline, East Locust street, received official notice that their son, Elwood Beistline, who was reported missing in action, is ill in a hospital. TRACTION COMPANY ELECTS YVnynosboro, Pa., Jan. 15.—The stockholders of the Chambersburg, Greencastle and Waynesboro Street Railway Company, held their annual election and elected these, directors: E. L.' Coblentz, Middletown, Md., president; W. L. Minick, J. J. Oiler, Jay Fi Shank, D. M. Wertz, John G. Benedict and George B. Beaver, Waynesboro: J. A. Strite, Chambers burg; Henry Holzappel, Jr., Alex ander Arstrong and W. p., Wilson, Hagerstown, Md.; Cyrus F. Flook, Myerqville, Md. The following officers were then elected: E. L. Coblentz, president; W. L. Minick, vice-president; Jay* F. Shank, treasurer; M. A. Poolor, gen eral manager; R. D. Sefton, man ager; D. Norria Benedict, secretary; C. C. Stouffer, chief electrician. Afterward the stockholders of tlie Waynesboro Electric Company held their annual meeting and elected the following directors: E. L. Coblentz, R. D. Safton, W. 1.. Minick, J. F. Shank, J. G. Benedict, J. J. Oiler, Waynesboro; J. A. Strite and Frank H. Stouffer, Chambersburg; Ira J. Funk, Greencastle. LIBRARY ASSOCIATION ELECTS Greencastle. Pa., Jan. 15. —Green- castle Circulating Library has elect ed officers for the year as follows: President, Miss Mary Grove; vice president, Miss Sue Snively; secre tary, Miss Grace Eby; treasurer, Miss Emily Collier; hoard of managers, Mrs. C. P. Omwake, Mrs. I. G. Rider, Mrs. E. O. McLunahan. MOULDERS ON STRIKE Waynctdioro, Pa., Jan. 15.—Fol lowing a disagreement between the moulders at the Emerson-Branting ham Company, and tlie management yesterday ornlng, between 65 and 70 men employed in that department walked out. The company has posted a notice that the moulding depart ment lias been closed indefinitely. F. M. Petrie, manager for the Emcrson- Brantlngham Company, said, "Tlie moulders walked out without sub mitting to the management any griev—••-f." JUNIOR RED CROSS RRIYE Liverpool, Pa., Jan. 15,—A drive for Junior Red Cross members will be made this week in the borough schools. Influenza conditions have prevented the drive previous to this time. Grape>Nuts combines great food values with economy ana j excellent flavor I No sugar required OWNER UN LOCATED; QIVES $7O FOR ARMENIAN RELIEF Money Left in Store Years Ago Given For Near Fust Suf- ferers by Gettysburg Merchant Gettysburg, Pa., Jan. 15.—A sum of money which has been in the hands of a Gettysburg merchant for some years in the hope that the rightful owner would lay claims to it has been | turned over to the fund for the relief of the starving Armenians. The amount Is said to be more than $7O. It has not been made known in what store the event took place, how long ago it occurred or Just how much money was involved. It seems, however, that on the day in question a stranger came into a Bushman Murder Case to Be Tried This Month Gettysburg, p a „ Jan. 14.—Practi cally all arrangements have been" completed for the trial of the two boys, Clarence Collins and Charles Rplnecker, who are charged with shooting and killing Georgo J. Bush man on the return trip from Car lisle, to which place they hail hir ed Bushman to take them in his automobile. The body was taken to Harrisburg and hid along the Rnver Bank. The case will ".oine up for trial at the opening of the January term of court which will begin on January 27. It is likely that it will be the first case tried. District Attorney Topper will be assisted by J. Donald Swope. John D. Keith will be the counsel for Relnecker and George J. Bcnner will represent Collins. Merchants, Manufacturers Reorganize For the Year Columbia, Pa., Jan. Js.—The Mer chants and Manufacturers' Associa tion at their annual meeting last night elected those officers for the coming year: President. William 11. Lucas: vice-presidents, S. High Lc van and Edward Bittner; treasurer, Luther J. Schroeder; directors, Cal vin R. Strickler, William L. Bucher, William W. Fairer, Isaac A. Fuid, 11. F". Yergey, Harry J. Knipe, Charles S.Myers, William S. Oberlin, John 11. Ostertag, William J. Strickler, Al bert Roye, Harry J. Desher, John Rowe, John Westermun and Dr. S. S. Mann. FIRE I.VSI it.Wl'E AGENTS ELECT OFFICERS FOR YEAR Stanley C 5. Backenstoss was ap pointed chairman of the arrange ments committee or tlie Harrisburg Association of Fire insurance Agents held at tlie Y M. C. A. building yes terday. The following officers were elected: William S. Essiclc, presi dent; Howard M. Bird, vice-president, re-elected; William C. Wanbaugh, secretary, and Anson P. Dare, treas urer. These will succeed the retir ing officers. William S. Robison, Howard M. Bird, G. L. Cullmerry and John F. lJapp. APPROVE PETITION'S The State Retirement Board at a meeting here yesterday approved pe titions from a number of school dis tricts asking for the merging of lo cal and state retirement funds. The following cities have voted on the subject and submitted petitions: Al toona, Chester, Erie. Meadville, Scran ton, NOTrtstowß, Williamsport and Harrisburg. -Sw LIVINGSTON'S J£i JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE 1 YIVT F?f T¥ ¥ nv 4 rnp We were crowded every day since we started our January |t| WUNr \J 1,1,. 111 /\ I Clearance Sale —but it's not surprising for the remarkable • WM. va j ues to b e f oun d here, you will surely not find elsewhere- Just Received—2oo Ladies 250 Women s and Misses 25Q omen ' s £ fl|j sses ' DRESSES SUITS WINTER COATS at remarkable saving to you. Don't miss ... . this Dress Sale—Serge, Poplin, Taf one of a kind onlv-boueht at a sonir !° g ° w CSS tha " , the . cost ""nufac- f et a, Satin, Tricolette, Georgette, Crepe one UX a aina oniy Dougnt at a song, ture —Velours, Plushes, Pom-Poms, . rWn , ' • all ..j shade* and to be sold that way—Serges, Pop- Silvertones, Zibelines, in every color, f m all styles lins, Gaberdines, Velours, Pom-Poms, st yi e an d size. choose from. Silvertones, Velvets, etc., in every de- $12.50 no $15.00 07 aq sir able color and style. V 2 ® 0 $6.98 j'.-;".. $7.98 Dresses . . wOJrO J j) re g a es .. ® • JIS." $7.98 ♦ $9.98 $9-98 H° $12.98 .. '58.98 £1 $10.98 SK£\.. $11.98 $13.98 r.,r $14.98 M o ,' $19.98 J&SL .$11.98 . $13.98 a;',.. $16.98 a,",., $18.98 y 0 :,... $21.98 $24.98["",1, $18.98 $21.98 1000 Women's, Men's, 500 Women's and Misses' 1000 WAISTS fi* 1 IP D 9 C 1. r ¥ T"fc T 1 O to go at extraordinary low prices bins & DOVS OW63.tCrS ' O 1 i\. 1 O Georgettes. Crepe de Chine, Satin, Tub J - A Silks, Voiles and Lawns, to go regardless of former values. at prices that will astonish you—Serge ®jr n0 SOclw 'r 52.98 $1.86 QQ R $2.00 0-* IN Velour, Taffeta, Silk Poplin, $2.50 "7CI#. $7.00 00 JQ Sweaters .. Sweaters .. 1*157 Satin, in Plaids, Checks, Stripes and Wuists .... • s ' c | Waists .... S2.no 01 on $2.75 01 ai\ Plain Colors of all kinds. $2.75 89c $ J' 5O 6Q Sweaters .. ® Sweaters 51.49 Waists .... OS7C Wu|sts ... . W.D3 _ " $*•" CI fiQ $8.50 0A 1Q $2.85 QO. $B.OO 0O QQ $3.00 01 7Q $3.50 0 a qq skirts P 1.057 Waists 70C waists 3>J.*7o Bweators .. sweaters ... UU.Ojy sft, oo 0O 1Q $9.85 0 A on *3.00 CI OQ $8.50 $1 OQ $3.75 $1 QQ $4.00 0O On Bk,rls * SU't* •••• Waists ....**•* Waists Sweaters ..!. Sweaters .. 52.29 $2.98 .... $5.49 $1.98 $4.49 sweaters.. $2.49 tcrs .. $2.79 .... $3.49 5.... $6.49 5a,;;;;52.49 ;;;;$4.98 $20,000 Stock of Men's and Boys' Clothing Reduced at Prices That Has Everyone Talking—Now Is the Time to Stock Up in Clothes—For Never Again Will Such Remarkable Values Be Offered 500 Men's and Young Men's 300 Men's and Young Men's 1,000 BOYS' SUITS ! OVERCOATS SUITSSOVERCOATS at less than cost. in Serges and Mixtures of all kinds. to be cleaned up at extra low prices. • $4.50 Suits Co qq $5.98 suits 00 aq or Overcoats UO or Overcoats $20.00 $9.98 * 37 ' 50 tlfi Qfi 118.00 CO QD $57.50 CIO QQ $6.85 Suits QO $7.50 Suits 0A 4Q Suits .... Suits .... ®10.0 . )VPrcoatB 90.V0 overcoats 310.5f0 Overcoats or Overcoats 54.43 5r.... 12 - 98 nr.... $21.98 ssu $9.98 $14.98 ar:,.54.98 r„r 5 „r.55.49 £r... $15.98 5r.... $23.98 ,7-",,, $11.98 •;,, $16.98 £%£%s 6.49 *7*49 5r.... 817-98 nr.... $27.98 istl, $12.98 $19.98 nrnrio^s local businessplace and after com pleting his transaction left. Shortly afterward the money was found. The merchant went out to scarcli for the owner, but could not find him. Then lie advertised and, finally, having ex hausted all known means, laid the money aside, thinking that some day it might be claimed. Some years have since passed and he now believes that there is no hope that the owner will ever claim his property, and, feeling that It was not his to use, the mer chant turned It over for relief work In the Near East. Mifflin County Man Fined $5OO For SelLng Liquor Iwwlstown, Pa., Jan. is, Ilay . mond Hartzler, of MeVeytowu. ar,d John Soles, of Granville, were ac quired in the courts hero yeterdny of Stealing bruss at the Standard Steel Works. V. Salviano, alias Joseph Carlo charged with selling ii< |uor without a license pleaded guilty to the charge and the court sentenced him to pay a fine of shfifl and to serve eigh* months in the county jail. James Zar'bonas was brought be fore the court charged with making threats against Dr. 8 o. Hendrcn a well-known veterinury of this place. lie was ordered by the court to pay the costs of prosecution and to give a bond of $4OO to keep the peace of Dr. Ilendren. FARMERS' INSTITUTE llnllain, Pa., Jan, 15.—A farmers' institute will bo held on Friday and Saturday, February 7 and- 8. The sessions will be held in the base ment of Trinity Reformed Church. The speakers will be M. H. McCal lurn,. George L. Gillinghani, Sheldon W. Funk and Porfessor J. C. San ders. The sessions will be held under the auspices of the Bureau of Farm ers Institutes, State Department of Agriculture. BUILDING MOTOR CO. PLANT Lewistowit. Pa., Jan. 15. Citi zens of this place are pleased at the work being done at the now plant of the Belmont Motor Company. This plant expects to employ about 300 men at the start ami work up to a force of at least 1,000 employes. Two million five hundred thousand dollars will be invested. WILL CASH RAILROAD CHECKS Sunbuiy, Pa., Jan. 15.—Local bankers to-day declare that they will honor all checks Issued to railroad men on the next payday, but will hire no extra help to accommodate this expected rush of work. More than 1,600 inen are employed at Sun bury and Northumberland. OFFICERS ELECTED The following officers were elected at yesterday's meeting of the stock holders of the DevTne and Yungel Shoe Manufacturing Company yester day: Thomas J. I levins, president; Joseph P. Yungel, vice-president; Frank Payne, secretary-treasurer. K. L. Dare and the above-named officers constitute the board of directors. The directors will hold their an nual meeting next week when divi dends will be declared. JANUARY 15, 1919. WEST SHORE Personal and Social Items of Towns on West Shore Miss Phoebe Howry was hostess to the Shiremanstown Needle Club on Monday evening. Mrs. Rebecca Funk, of Tiffon, 0,, spent several days with Mrs. Sam uel Bates and Miss Susan Mater, of Shiremanstown. Mrs. Mary Drawbaugh and sons, Russell and Victor Drawbaugh, of Trlndle Springs, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Noah R.lielges, of Shiremanstown. Mr. .and Mrs. Noah R. Heiges, of Shiremanstown. visited friends in Harrlsburg on Monday. Mrs. D. Bloom Wentz, of Plain field, has returned home after spend ing several days with her daughter, Mrs. George K. Eshleman, of _Shire manstown. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wcigel and son, J. Edward Weigel, of Harris burg, spent several days with the former' 3 parents, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Weigel, and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bltncr, at Shiremanstown. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Young and Mrs. Dora Riehwine, of Mechanics burg, and E. L. Gland, of Harrisburg, were Sunday gucßts at the home of Mrs. H. M. Rupp, of Shiremans town. Miss Jennie Stevens, of Shiremans town, visited Mrs. H. O. Dodge, of Camp Hill, on Tuesday. MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER New Cumberland, Pa., Jan. 15. — Mrs. Chester Stettlcr, who was mar ried recently, was given a misceh ianeous shower on Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Shelly. Refreshments were served to: Mrs. Maggie Davis, Mrs. Clyde Shelly, Mrs. Annie Dltlow, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hake, Misses Edith Snyder. Miss Marcella Uricli, Miss Delia Snell, Miss Florence Urich, Miss Jessie Long, Miss Anna Stettler, Miss A Ida Long, Miss Elmira Fisher, Miss Ruth Zimmerman, Miss Lillian Mosey, Miss Alda Snyder, Miss Mar garet Hoover, Mrs. Edna Kellil, Mrs, Paul ReifT, Mrs. It. J. Fisher, Mrs. L. J. Bates, Mrs. Neal Snell, Mrs. Minnie Elchinger, Mrs. Ellsworth Fisher, Mrs. Anna Snell. Mrs. "Sadie Snell, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Shelly, Mrs. Chester Stettlen and Miss Ida Kreiger. NEW 11. S. LABORATORY Now Cumberland, Pa., Jan. 15. The new laboratory at the New Cum berland High school lias been com pleted. MISSIONARY SOCIETY MEETING Shiremanstown, Pa., Jan. 15.—Mrs. J. Henderson Stock will entertain the Woman's Missionary Society of St. John's Lutheran Chnrcli at her res idence in Railroad street, on Thurs day afternoon. fWy/ "-WL# Hot water KL r Sure Relief RELL-ANS krFOR INDIGESTION - HALIFAX COUNCIL MEETS Halifax, Pa., Jan. 16.—At the re* ular meeting of the borough coun all Tax Colloctor Carson C, made his settlement for 1918 taxes Exonerations were granted to th amount of *53, of which *24 wa on the old school house building an< *8 on the Koyal theater. Bill: amounting to *317.28 were paid. Th following committee was appoints* to consider the matter of equlpplni the tire company with rubber coat and boots: Cornelius Koppenhef fer, M. W. Etter and George A. Pet terhoff. EVERYONE LIKES THIS COLD CURI "Pape's Cold Compound" endt a cold or grippe in a few hours Your cold will break and al grippe misery end after taking a dos of "Pape's Cold Compound" ever txvo hours until three doßes ar taken. it promptly opens clogged-up nos trils and air passages In the head stops nasty discharge or nose run nlng, relieves sick headache, dull ness, fevcrlshness, sore throat, sneez lng, soreness and stiffness. Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit blow lng and snuffling! Ease your throb bing head—nothing else In the worl< gives such prompt relief as "Pape' Cold Compound," which costs onlj a few cents at any drug store. It act without assistance, tastes nice, an* causes no Inconvenience. Accept n* substitute. INFLUENZA WARNING Surgeon General Blue of the public health aervi.. warm lhat the Inftuenzti epidemic 1* by no mean* ended and all iHtnalhl* precaution* should be taken. Oqco-Jodme I I DVMJLt ■prnveri dally Into noae and throat la an excellent preventive, it kllla the rerrn. At your drugtfiat* or by malL i 2 alz ea —fl>c or 11 per holt la. TINCTURE A EXTRACT CM. ' 117 No. 8d St.. PhllaSrlnliia DON'T LET A COLE GATHER JjEADWAV Nick it right at the start witl Dr. King's New Discovery Go after It hard. Relieve It or cough or a mild attack of grippe o bronchitis, promptly, pleasantly, ef feclively, economically. I.oosen th stuffiness, check the sniffles, th tight feeling, the Irritation, th watery, inflamed eyes. It takes only a little of Dr. King- New Discovery to help the usual col and cough discomforts if taken ac cording to directions. A large bot tie lasts long and Is pleasant fo young and old. Keep It handy colds and coughs come unexpect edly. suddenly. Stir Those Torpid Bowels Enjoy the freedom of the regu larlty made possible by mild ye positive acting, natural, pleasant comfortable Dr. King's New Lit Pills. Not habit-forming, but a sys tern cleanser that promotes health ful results. All druggists.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers