HARRISBURGER MENTIONED ON LISTS P. A. Chronistcr Among 113 Pcnnsylvanians Named on Casualty Reports Today - .Inn. Jnn. 15. —One hundred thirteen Pennsylvanian's were *3?. d on today's casualty lists from "eneral Pershing, which listed 627 is?n altogether. One hundred and f-rty-two died of wounds, 121 died Of disease, 286 were wounded severe ly, 44 were killed in action, six died fu, a result of accidents, four as a result of airplane accidents, two were wounded, degree undetermined, two were wounded slightly, and < twenty are reported missing in ac tion. The Pennsylvania casualties are as •ollows: DIED OF WOUNDS. Cnplaln. George Neisman Kemp, Strouds if "g. Sergeant. James R. McKenney, Pittsburgh. Corporals. Robert Ray Morgan." Dorranceton. Hobart S. Wilson. Pottsville. Bugler. Frank B. Crisstnan, Bellefonte. 1)1 F.D OF DISEASE. Privates. Frank E. Machmer, Shoemakers ville. Frank Mondell, Philadelphia. Oscar K. Musgrave. Somerset. Franklin N. Rodehaver, Mercer, llnrry Monroe Smyser, Meelinnles burg. James A. Young, Clearfleld. Robert P. Beatty, Sharon. William J. Carby, Philadelphia. Robert Goldstein, Philadelphia. Lawrence F. Haas, Philadelphia. Russell B. Hartman, Stroudsburg. Fred Kocher, Jr., Taylor. Hiram Livingston, Wilmington. MOUNDED SEVERELY. LieutrnmilH. Harold B, Merg. Phildaelphla. | Sergennls. Georgo 11. Hunter, Loyalhanna. Tracy Sickenborger, Starford. Corpornls. ..John M. Myers, Easton. PfIREHTs!REfID Tiiis How a Father Has Learned to Save Shoe Bills. "My son is very hard on shoes, so keeping him properly shod has been quite an expense to me," writes Mr. J. Allison Allen, of Amity. Arkansas. "But since I started to buy Neolirr soled shoes for him I have found that it costs only about a third as much to keep him in shoes." This is because Neslin Soles are so tough and durable that they wear a very long time. Shoe bills are kept down because you don't need so many pairs. You can get Neolin-soled shoes at almost any good shoe store. They come in all styles and for all members of the family. Neslin Soles are also available everywhere for re-soling. They are produced by a scientific pro cess to be what soles ought to be: com fortable, waterproof and long-wearing. They are made by The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio, who also make VVingfoot Heels, guaranteed to outwear any other heels. lleolin Soles Trau Mark Res. U. 8. Pat. 08. "lken can be beautiful, bealtbr, roar-cheeked, ateadr n.rTcd women without iron. When the iron foes from the blood of women, tho roeee go from their cheeks—their charm and uttract iveneae depart. I always insist that my patients take organic iron— Nuxated Iron—(not metallic iron which often corrodes the stomach ant does more harm than good). Nuxated Iron is easily assimi lated, does not blacken nor in jure the teeth nor upset the stomach. It will increase the strength and endurance of weak, nervous, irritable, careworn, haggard women in two weeks time in many ca3es. I have used it in my own practice with most surprising results."— Ferdinand King, M.D.. well known New York Physician and medical author. (Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded—On sale at all j good druggists.) We Build Mausoleums and make them classic In sim plicity or as ornate as may suit your Ideas. In any case you will find our work o£ the highest class. Our charges are always moderate when you consider the character of our work. I. B. DICKINSON Granite, Marble and Tile 505-13 N. THIRTEENTH KT. Ilarrlsbtug, Pa. f ' " (QQ £, i cai.i.usis j GORGAS DRUG STORES I WEDNESDAY EVENING * HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH TANUARY 15, 1919. j y Charles Swoger, McKees Rocks. 1 KILLED IN ACTION. Lltntesssli. Edward D. Baker, Pittsburgh. Privates. John S. Conrad. Lancaster. . ■Walter Murawskl. Pittsburgh. Cdrl W. Eielsch, Johnsonburg. DIED OF WOUNDS. Privates. Fred Ferrari. Pittsburgh. Andrew Frew, Punxsutawney. Alvin A. Gochenaur, Lancastor. Ard Kline. Pottstown. Joseph William Kohuth. Gipsy. Jllke Teplica, Johnstown. DIED OF DISEASE. Captains. Robert Fullerton Gordon. Philadel phia. Wagoner. John G. Jacobs, Brinesboro. DIED IN AEROPLANE ACCIDENTS. Sergrnnt. .. William J. Ferry. South Bethlehem. Major. Edgar Scott, Lansdrwne. Sergeant. Samuel L. Cassldy. PhUadlephia. WOUNDED SEVERELY. Privates. Jesse F. Allingham. Willamsburg. William D. Ayres, Philadelphia. William J. Devereux, St. Marys. Alexander B. Irwin, Rigby. Andrew Sefriclc, Sharon. MISSING IN ACTION. Max J. Kozlowsky, Priceburg. Joseph Richer, Lancaster. William B. Salmons, Philadelphia. John K. Sehroll. Delta. Robert Zimmerman, Sprags. The following cabled corrections are issued as an appendix to the reg ular casualty lists at the request of the several press associations. Wounded I Degree Undetermined), Previously Reported Killed in Ac tion. Thomas Curran, Olyphant. Killed In Action. Previously Report ed Wounded Severely. Sergeant. George M. Gauss, Myerstown. Killed In Action, Previously Report ed Missing In Action. Lieutenant. William E. Hare, Lansdale. Mechanic. Frank W. Brady. Scranton. Privates. William J. Boyleh, Adelaide. Percy A. Clironistcr, 1533 North Fourth Street, llarrlsburg. Conrad Eggenberger, Greeley. Henry G. Fetherlin. Washington. John R. Giftord, Crosby. Guiseppe Giovanni, Mocanaqua. Joseph T. Girmscheid, Philadelphia. Paul Grabowski, Braddoclt. Frank J. Grygier, Erie. James L. Hawk, Swayersville. Ernest Hoover, Pittston. Elmer A. McCauley, Philadelphia. Harry T. Rogers, Philadelphia, ported Missing in Action. Died from Wounds, Previously Re- Corporal. Harry Hahn, Philadelphia. Died of Disease, Previously Reported Missing in Action. Private. Died. Previously Reported Missing In William P. Cray. Columbia. Action. Lieutenant. Samuel S. Crouse, Somerset. Privates. James McGlone, Philadelphia. Joseph J. McManus, Homestead. Charles S. Spence, Peachbottom. John Fred Stis, Rldgway. Wounded Severely, Previously Re ported Missing In Action. Corporals. Martin A. Yuengert, Reynoldsville. Frank Castronove, Campbell. Sterling E. Smeltzer, Red Lion. Wopnded Slightly, Previously Re ported Missing In Action. Corporals. John E. Reichert, Pittsburgh. Mechanics. Edmund H. Schneider. Philadelphia Louis W. Harter. Pittsburgh. Bruno Landinl, Blythedale. Privates. Louis Martin, Pittsburgh. Wounded (Degree Undetermined) Action. Previously Reported Missing In Corporal. Nelson Crappel, South Forks. Bugler. Lloyd G. Rhincr. Lancaster. Arthur P. Cartwright, Plymouth. Joseph G. Croyden, Philadelphia. Michele Davanti, Edgehill. Santl Diamati, Monessen. W. E. Ekis. Hilliards. Harry Kaplan, Philadelphia. Alexander G. Keller, Philadelphia. Charles Lord, Clifton Heights. Frank G. McGill, Dunmore. William Markp, Throop. Francisco Mastranda, Mt. Washing ton. John Osterrieder, Allison Park. Walter N. Riley, Philadelphia. Samuel Torrens, Philadelphia. William Zeleskle, Peckville. Sick in Hospital, Previously Report ed Missing In Action. Corpornls. Thomas W. Hutchinson, Pittsburgh Privates. James 11. Mack. Williamstown. Returned to Duty, Previously Report ed Missing In Action. Lieutenants. Brooke Edwards, Philadelphia.* Corpornls.' Raymond J. Pace, Pittsburgh. Frank IX Bassler, Queen Lane. Roy Charles Marshall, New Cum berland. I Charles J. Daly, Philadelphia. Howard Evans, Brandywine Sum mit. , Michael J. Fern, Scranton. Fred F. Herman, Greensburg. Martin L. Lloyd, Olyphant. Wilber J. Loung. Mount Pleasant- John T. McCullough, West Decatur. Bruno Rosche, Carbondale. Harry L. Schwartz, Btrdsboro. i World Campaign Planned For Moorhead Company W. C. Alexander, assistant general manager and' sales director of the Moorhead Knitting Company, in a booklet published in celebration of the ninth anniversary of the manu facture of Monito hosiery, an nounces a world-wide campaign for the sale of this Harrisburg product. Already the firm is sending large shipments abroad, but this branch has been somewhat curtailed by the ! war and will now be greatly en larged upon. So favorably is the Harrisburg product regarded abroad that recently, when freight ship ments ould not bo arranged, dealers In South Africa gladly paid the par ! eel post rates on large shipments. | The firm now has branch offices In I Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Can ada, Chile, Costa Illca, Cuba, Ecu ador, France, Nicaraugua, Panama, Peru, Philippine Islands, Porto Rico, Portugal, South Africa. Spain, j Switzerland, Venezuela and the Island of Malta. In the United States the company has offices in Atlanta. Birmingham, Boston, Chi cago, Cleveland, Columbus, Dallas, Detroit, Indianapolis, New Orleans, New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Reading. St. Louis and Washington. "The outlook for business is very good." said Mr. Alexander to a Har risburg Telegraph man to-day. "We are planning bigger things for 1918 than ever before and are looking forward to u very prosperous sea son." , Store Closes Regularly Store Closes Regularly On Saturdays at Six 0n Saturdays at Six BELL 1 #01—2358 UNITED ' HARRISBUKU, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 15, 191 P. FOUNDED 18T1 Important / g " ii be sure that tliev arc holiest, above-board and founded w The Bowman Millinery Department I on a legitimate cause. Then, too, we carry only depend- 58 • I ' Announces A Complete Showing Of The 1 Ours is a store of standard service—a store you can yS £§£ always rely upon for service and satisfaction. cS ■ * Hand Embroidered Models | New Millmerv 1 consisting of center pieces, children's dresses, nightgowns, yg? 23 towels, napkins, bibs, luncheon cloths, etc. v§9 " a?! Half Price jgj * a tp A showing that is complete in that it includes an excellent TA \ variety in the most highly favored of the new millinery for rew Ilmely Suggestions I v: " ~ ; I 8 V \ immediate wear. 1 his Millinery Department has earned an 22 From Bowman's Basement p I 1 \ \h enviable reputation for being far in advance of the average || Lyknu furniture polish, once used always used; 25c, 50c, \ / millinery store in showing newly created fashions worth j|jj Elastine for making your floors and oil cloth shine like a j (| j|\ / while. looking glass, not affected by hot or cold water; 85c for a J \ iVj) PV/ 88 pint to 5.50 for gallon. 7/ j' wm s|j| O'Cedar Mop; the mop no introduction; 75c. 2|] <§fl Johnson floor wax, in liquid form; 50c to $2.50. SR VJ Johnson floor wax, in paste form; 75c to $2.75. pxj ' ,! Sponge holder, nickel plated on brass; 59c. m Many new and wonderful creations may be seen in this display. yr jgflft| A Bath sprays; 59c to $2.00. Shapes that are new and unusual. Some large, some small, others /-T) ——!§§ rather fantastic. Colors that arc bright, while others are subdued, jf Kenny shower; put a needle spray on the body with- Lots of flowers and fruits for trimmings. Some of these hats are \1 111 out splashing on the floor. Very special at ?4.98. g trimmed with smart perky wings and bows of silk. 'JJ 1 Soap dishes, white enameled; 50c. i Materials such as Faille silk, georgette and taffeta. Nearly all Vn. 1 Bath tub seats, white cnamled; 89c to $2.00. g| are combined with a bunch of braid of various materials, not necessar- Kitchen outfit, consisting of rack, holding kitchen knife, ily Straw. - S steak kiiife, cleaver, can opener, etc., $1.25. u -n i • t i- , a i V? , ... .' . , . n It will be interesting to see these new styles. lvnite sharpeners; that will do the work; 40c. eg ° J gf BOWMAN'S—Basement. 6S • i • I ' WELCOME I Table Linens i . 1 ' j|S \\ e shall be glad to have you see the many and pretty hats, whether 2* __ . Wi you wish to buy or look. Be among the first to view the new fashions S and White Goods 1 i s-. hi hd i' , d k7O ■, d 1 Come Tomorrow! 1 Silver bleached linen table damask—/0 inches wide; Qs will launder white and give an excellent service. A splen- eg] W did fabric for hard wear. $1.50 per yard. ' S' Imported mercerized table damask—7o inches wide; . BOWMAN'S— Third Floor. finished with a beautiful satin lustre; looks like real go ' • S linen; $l.OO per yard. __________________ §S pefya'td whi,e voileschccks ' stripcs2ie White dimity in stripes and checks; 19c per yard. TOMaSmagajaaMgaga . White voile—4o inches wide with tape selvidge. 1 his , cS fabric is of good quality and is an exceptional offering. tgy 59 25c per yard. - Rgf % - • 195 : Longcloth—36 inches wide; good serviceable quality; y# • 1 f m f\ Z 1 Of I Be? 29c per yard ® /j I f)t ()t 1/ B White nainsook —30 inches wide; a soft dainty fabric KJ L/\/i/ vIA/V M—J\J 1/ J for children's wear; 25c per yard. Sg . , BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. jg Kg Men's Union Sits~ | Jf Wi " ter Co3tS 9W j Prked Ver y Low at SL6S | fflktim Reduced To /Ifi 1 A heavy cotton, fleece lined union suit; not the stiff harsh £& Mf ttHMjl f© k kind, but a soft garment ideal for a present day wear for out j|Y Wf V jvJ/IP \ BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. j $38.75 ■ 1 UifW I Hill Muslin ;; W This is a splendid lot of coats 1 11 ! l i;|~f j from our regular stock reduced for "HIP' 7 j On Sale Thursday i Hi ! [ j j 'J quick clearance. Some with fur ||| ]j fjjj j|j jj | |j|j 'M and plush collars. Velours, broad- \ 1 This brand of muslin needs no introduction, as it has feP 1 .1 1 „_J I if// ! Si been a standard household article for years. A |HH HL-J Cloths, plush and cariCOl Cloth. \\ \ IjJ U| g Cut from the piece; perfect goods; 250 yd. Full length coats, prettily made Up BOWMAN'S —Second Floor, §5 /\i //II with buttons and belts. Some with \dA j M . 1% VvN r H kimono sleeves. Colors, Copen, j|| Ladies' Union Suits, $1.49 8 Brown and Burgundy. I We are closing out "Li Falco" brand of ladies' union suits. HS OT j. A_l (f* ACi Cf\ A perfect fitting, well made union suit, long and short fig J/ ' KJOCtTS uIT I / CJL/ §1 sleeves; medium weight cotton ribbed garments; regular and extra sizes; an exceptional value. Si) ® BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. ®'• Coats in excellent materials made up in fine styles, from groups that have sold for consider- S 7 — able more money. One fine silvertone with otter ful collar, others with raccoon collars and near- || . j —, ' |§ seal. Also crystal cloth, plush and velours. Many desirable colors in light and dark shades. jsT L/dUIcS V>OllOll OtOCKingS Some short coats in Behring seal, hip length with large self-covered buttons and with belts. ® p Very popular this season. ' ' ' > • ® BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. " fijg A soft cotton stocking in black, white and tan; full length, § double toe and heel. All sizes; an unusual stocking for 25c. ■■ ® BOWMAN'S—Main Floor A 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers