ECH HIGH HAS VICTORY BANQUET AND MAKES "HAP" FRANK FOOTBALL CAPTAIN FOR 1919 IcGraw Gets Slice of Giants IVhen Famous Team Is Sold w York, Jan. 13.—The control interest in the Xew York Na -1 League club, held by the es f John T. Brush, was sold yes y to Charles A. Stoneham, a •r; Judge Francis X. McQuade John J. McOraw. The sura of >.OOO was said to have been paid he controlling Interest. v officers of the club were an :ed as follows: Charles A. ham. president: Jolm J. McOraw, >resldent and manager; Judge :1s X. McQuade, treasurer, and B. Foster, secretary, i board of directors. Including lrst three named, will consist of Ross F. Robertson, John en, Horace A. Stoneham and Leo ndy. all of whom are residents Is city. S\ Hempstead, the retiring pres issued the following statement: is day I have, in conjunction X. A. Lloyd. co-executor_and e of the estate of John T. , passed the stock to Messrs. es A. Stoneham. Francis X. Mc s and John J. McOraw. who will ure, I am sure, keep the Giants oroughly successful organlza have many regrets. Indeed, but that it was for the better in of the estate and those de nt upon It to accept the offer p. Stoneham and his associates, those associated with me feel ROUND THE BASES ilna there's a "Wilson street," . llch once Hus W ilhelmstrasne. ' ■tat won't net yonr "shirty" out ; en "checkle-check's" u loss. [here is one thing a big league j !>laycr despises more than hav- i iis salary cut, it is wearing a: Wed uniform. The Cardinals! 0 borrow a bunch from Brook- | ine day last year, and lost 9-2. thing happened to Detroit with Yankees in New York, the, les being lost on the way. tp Curtin five took a battle from j nell Grammar School last even- I n the Steele school floor, 35-28. were Graff, Kltzmiller audi . Dine-up: \ up Curtin Shimmell tng, f. Lentz. f. , f. Shover, f. c. Nye. c. tiller, gg. Morris, g. . g. Shuler, g. ( id goals Deshong, 2; Graft, 6; liller. 5; Lentz. 2; Shover. 2; I 2; Morris, 2; Shuler, 1. Foul j Lentz. 9; Graff, 9. Referee: es. s too tragic a matter to joke : , this telescoping of railroad , resulting in many deaths, but | as to recall Mark Twain's sug- . n to a Southern railway con- j r as the slow-moving machinery j ■d through lower Georgia. "I , no intention." said Mark, "of in- j ig. But would it not be better: >k on the cow-catcher behind. 11 •e no possible danger of our run-j >ver a cow, but there's been one , r to walk in here on me for the j en miles." of the ball players with a! war record is Big Ed. Sweeney, j cago. who did the bulk of catch >r the Yankees several seasons, a sergeant now. and his steel j * better than ever, so that he ! ie seen again in fast company, iwo brothers were in the war, oth being advanced In rank. j TREAT 'EF HOI'GH —And will you love me when j older and homelier? -My djarling. you cannot avoid ng older, but you will never i homelier.—Boston Transcript. REAL HOSPITALITY >y, howdy. Parson: howdy!" I ly saluted Gap Johnson, of j us Ridge, Ark., when one of the | en had opened the door and ad -1 the presiding elder. "Come j In and make yourself at home ' ile cold, hain't it?. Kick some of I dogs out of the way and back ) the fireplace and warm yourself. I lr britches ketch afire set down j at there there stool and put I B1 f out." Francisco, Jan. 14. St. Mary's ;e will be able to go Into swim- ; competition on a magnificent : this coming year if It is the de- 1 f the athletic authorities at the [ nd institution. A letter Ju3t re- I from Ensign Charles Small. ' s at Philadelphia, states that he j earned "Stubby" Krueger. the f 's champion backstroke swim- i irom Honolulu, and Clarence next to Duke Kahanamoku In 1 irints, ate to enter St. Mary's. lonel Roosevelt by the calendar only sixty years," says Herbert ess In the Chanute Tribune, neasurcd In deeds and thoughts II the other phases of real vital , compared to his life's span, iselah died a youngster." . urther extension of time within 1918 motor vehicle license j may be used, has been grant ■ State Highway Commissioner O'Neil, who notified the various I authorities throughout the 1 to recognize 1918 tags until ary 1. ,t suggestion made by Major I 'lay Safe— itick to KJJVJ3 OSCAR CIGARS Becaase the quality is as good as ever it was. They wU please and satisfy you c—worth it JOHN C. HERMAN & CO. Makers WEDNESDAY EVENING HMMSBX7RO TELEGKXPH JANUARY 15, 1919. the same way. 1 have nothing but thanks for the generous friendship of the 'fans,' who have been loyal to the team In Its many ups and downs under my control. "It is fitting to say that in releas ing the club it continues in the hands of Mr. McGraw, who will be advanced to the position of part owner in the organization and is one more step of advancement for him from the time, a number of years ago. when he first entered on his duties to the club. He Is entitled to much credit and praise for his untiring efforts for the benefit of the club. "I am still much interested in the club and its success with my asso ciates and myself as a unit. I am the third largest stockholder in the organization." Secretary Foster in a statement said: "The new owners take possession with a keen sense of responsibility to the public of this city and of the entire country. They realize that the Xew York ball club is something more than a mere private business enterprise: that, in its playing de partment, it belongs largely to its patrons, and their aim will, there fore, be to cater always primarily to their comfort and wishes." Mr. Stoneham was stated to be the largest contributor to the purchase, and is known as an ardent sport en thusiast. I Branch Rickey, former president of the St. Louis Cardinals baseball club, I a day or two since has been voiced by other real lovers of the national ! game before him, but it will bear re | peating: "If the executives, the players and I everyone directly Interested In the l game will forget that the dollar sign is associated with baseball and boost I it as the one big national game, there j | is no doubt in my mind regarding its ] come-back." | Major Rickey went on to say that j J the road is open for baseball's return, i I Fandom is ready for it. as well as the I players and the club owners. But it I must be brought back on the basis of j a game, of a skillful exhibition and I one where Intelligent competition is outstanding. "Baseball." Major Rickey contlnu- I ed. "is one sport that lias remained 1 dean, even though tt has been com- j , inerciaiized. But. though it is pro- 1 j fessional, the connection of the dol- j I lar sign with baseball has been over- i I played." I Which appears to be about all there |is to say in expressing the exact | ; views of lovers of the game all over , the land. Speaking of railroad wrecks, there j j was the old lady sitting peacefully' I in a corner of a first-class compart- i I ment seemed more upset over the ' ; fact tiiat the cord had broken than j that there had been an accident, j "Good gracious!" she cried. "What ever was that on my nose?" | "The communication cord, madam," I replied another passenger. "Apar ently, our train has broken in two." "I should think so!" was the lady's ! indignant rejoinder. "They ought to ' have more- sense than to think that | a piece of string like that could hold | a train together!" MAYOR TO BE (IFEST OF THE KIWAXIS CU B j | H. B. Rubin, of Rubin & Rubin.! I will be the ilent booster at the Ki-j wani Club luncheon to be held in the' Penn-Harris hotel to-morrow noon. I William A. Rodgers, of C. M. Sigler, I Inc., will give the attendance prize. Mayor Daniel 1,. Keister and Chief of I | Police J. E. Wetzel will be the guests! iat the meeting. Secretry V. H. | Braekcnridge in his weekly letter ad-i nionishgs the members to "watch vour step." ! An interesting feature of the meet ing will be an exhibit of pictures of | war work in Harrisburg to be ncor j porated n a War Department record. W. C. Alexander, salesmanager of the [Moorhead Knitting Company and ar dent Iviwanian beads the committee | in charge of the collection. RING BOUTS LAST NIGHT ' i The most interesting fray was; j Harlem Eddie Kelly staying six rounds with Benny Leonard, world , : lightweight champ at the Olympic, j in Philly. Kelly cheated Leonard out! i of starting his 1919 knockout rec- 1 i ord. He was not only orr, his feet j [at the end of the eighteeiK vninu- I j tes. but in the early rounds he fought I i the champion, did the leading and I actually had the champion on the > defensive. I Boston. Jan. 15. —Harry Greb. of [ I Pittsburgh, won a referee's decision I over Leo llouck, of Lancaster, Pa., j in a twelve-round bout here last, night. Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 15.—Wil lie Jackson, the New York light weight, decisively outboxed and out fought Johnny Noye, of St. Paul, In every round of a ten-round bout here last night. j HEADS CEMETERY ASSOCIATION' | S. S. Miller was elected president, j and J. A. Miller, secretary-treasurer,: | of the Harrisburg Cemetery Company yesterday. The board of directors is; composed of Clinton M. Hershey, I John J. Hargest, D. H. Swope, S. S. Miller, F. J. Heinley, and E. K. Fraz- , er. SNOODLES Hun^r^nl 1 ** . / ~ Brilliant Tech Banquet For State Champions At the Penn-Harris !"We claim the championship of Pennylranla in scholastic football." "Make it the whole world" roared a throng of Tech undergraduates, alumni and guests at a big league banquet served in the grill room of the Penn-Harris last evening to celebrate Tech's surpassing victory in the robust sport of pig-skinning. Percy Grubb, faculty athletic di rector, and a king-row one at that, as testified to by Dr. Charles B. Fager .the principal, made his chal lenge as Carl Beck finished off his third Vermont turkey leg and "Toney" Wilsbach inhaled 80 cents worth scented stuffing. Some seats. Horace; bent meal that maitre d'hotel, Davidson, has yet served. When Coach Paul Smith blew the ' referee's whistle to let go every- I thing, a table full of varsity players j who had conspicuous position in ! front of the speaker's table went at i ! the Penn-Harris chow like a har- j | vest hand after .green corn on the cob. Nothing could be heard for i some moments but the conscientious I grinding of stalwart molars, and the i throttling of ice water, for Tech > boys train on the safe and sane, j Coach Smith was so cautious that j he frisked Carl Beck of a ten-cent ] cigar -which he was smoking along •with his oysters. Professor Grubb felt so good over the overwhelming record, 597 points to the foe's measley 10, that he in- j troducefl Dr. Fager as the "little ; giant of Walnut street," whereupon j the jazz leaders called for a shrili . of tribute, responded to with such vigor that the oldest waiter dropped a plate of soup. Dr. Fager was visibly effected by j the triumph after long years of de- : votion, a devotion that has made ; Tech nationally known and set in I on a pinnacle for all-around activity, j He told something of early days and : then spoke emphatically of the war ! record. He praised Percy Grubb, J. j F. Reese, the money guy of Tech, and said that Coach Smith saw the j error of his ways in leaving Central • igh for Tech. Of the Tech war heroes he especially mentioned the tom boys from the schafer family, Wil liam, Robert, George and "Loui- Loui." He gave particular attention to the peronality and deeds of Mar cel von Bereghy, who died for his j country. He spoke of a letter from Frank Gipple who assured him that | no one need be ashamed of the Tech l boys "over there." He narrated I something of the killing of Eugene Davis, who would not be content until right at the front where a shell took his life. He estimated that Middletown Loses Sight While Playing Game of Pool Jaines Hendricks, who resides in Royalton, went blind on Monday evening. He, with several other members of the Rescue Hose Com pany. were playing pool on the table of the hose house, when he thought that his glasses were dirty, cleaned them and put them on, it was then discovered that the sight of both his eyes were gone. He had to be assist ed to his home in Royalton, and a physician was summoned, and render ed aid but the sight has not returned yet. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Citizens National Bank, was held yesterday morning and elected the following directors: 1. H. Doutrich, J. J. Landis, J. R. Geyer, IX W. Gingrich, Levi N-. Peck, Eugene Laverty. Dr. H. W. George, A. L. Etter and C. M. Foltz. Thieves entered the junk shop of i Klawansky Bros., Ann street, Monday 1 night, and stole twelve bags of rags to the value of sso.' Middletown Borough Council met on Monday evening. W. J. Albright, the new president, called the meeting to order at 7.30 o'clock. Borough Treasurer B. E. Longenecker, of the Farmers Bank, reported $11,714.40 in the treasurer. The newly-elected fire chief, Clarence Weirich, and two as sistants, were confirmed by council. The Board of Health was given $4OO. Each of the fire companies was given the annual appropriation of $l6O. The report of the committee on a new fire truck was accepted by council which was that the truck recently tested was not satisfactory. The com mittee of the Rescue Hose Company was then authorized to get data on motor trucks and report to council. H. J. Wickey was elected as a mem ber of the Board of Health for live years. President Albright announc ed the following borough calender for the year: Chief burgess, S. B. Ging rich; president, J. W. Albright. Mem bers of council—First Ward, G. W. Core, Grant Souders. Jerome Embick; Second Ward, W. H. Eandis, H. E. Deimler. S. Jr. Blecher; Third Ward, J. W. Albright, E. S. Gerberich, A. H. Euckenbill. Borough solicitor, J. R. Geyer. Standing committees: Fi nance Gerberich, Core, Euckenbill. Highway—Euckenbill, Blecher, Soud ers. Eight Randis, Euckenbill, Emblck. Ordinance—Gerberich, Core, Deimler. Water—Souders Gerberich, Core. Fire Euckenbill, Eandls, Souders. Bill and accounts Core, Embick, Dimeler. Building and prop erty Blecher, Eandis, Dimeler. Borough officers: P. E. Irwin, clerk; B. E. Eongeneckcv, treasurer; T. B. Boyd, Burreyor; H. C. Flshburn, su pervisor; Charles Houser, high con stable; Mrs. Ervilla Mansberger, Janitress; J. T. Boyer, light superin tendent. Council will meet 7.30 sec ond Monday of every month. The Middletown school board met on Monday evening. The schools will close, it was decided. May 29. Miss Phea Squires was elected as teacher for music and drawing in the High School, taking the place of Miss Goldie Mason, who resigned. Presi dent J. P. Ackerman announced the following committees: Supply—Fuhr inan. George and Gingrich. Finance— Gingrich, Force and Sides. Building —Fuhrman, Gingrich and George. ' seventy-five or 100 Tech boys saw i something of the war. 1 | By this time V. Grant Forrer had . | got outside of his own and the tur , key which an Invalid on the left ; . did not consume and the gnitshing , ' of Penn-llarris provender so threat • ] ened to become a debauch that 1 Toastmaster Grubb shifted the scene . | to Cap. Gilbert Ebner, who looks . like Patrick Henry and Battling Le- I vinsky combined. He presented him j a beautiful silver cup. fourteen inch j es high, donated by Max Reiter, the jeweler, who made the same gift : | last year. From behind ramparts of turkey j bones the audience now suw the I lights douse and Peter Paul Shank | played Hamlet's ghost, lone hand, ) giving a humorous soliloquy on To i ledo, Johnstown and some of the ! other cold hoofs who failed to meet i Tech. After a toast for each varsity j man something in rhyme with a | jolt to it. and when the room was j bizarre with fancy hats and paper | | streaming, the toifetmaster called j i on Lieutenant Governor-elect E. E. , i Bcidleman, who got a rousing hand, i I Born and educated here, Mr. Beid- I II em an had closest attention and, ' himself moved by the deep interest, I 1 he made no bones of stating his at- I titude toward school activity in Har l isburg. He talked like one of the I ' boys and cautioned there be no jeal- j j ousy because "Hap" Frank was j | elected captain over Carl Beck. "This J ; must make nodifference," he warn- i ■ ed. "You must keep up your har mony and team work. You have made this school famous all over the | land, and 1 want to impress the importance of organization and play i ing on the level. What you learn I at Tech will be the most import- j ! ant thing of your life training. "It is a fiqet that Pennsylvania has done more than any other state for schools; a total of some $67,000,000 has been appropriated in compara tively recent years, in order that our boys and girls may get modern education and be the equal of per sons of wealth. "I have only one regret about our ' schools here, namely, that they did not adopt the university plan. It was a great mistake they separated the girls and boys. What we should [ have had was the university stand j ardized system which provides for the future adequately." | Other speakers were Dr. S. Win- I field Herman, Professor Rees, Col. | Hemming and Coach Smith. Each of the varsity lads were presented | a gold football and Coach Smith 1 was not forgotten. Singink Fund Ackerman, Sides and Force. John Stager has returned home from Washington. D. C., where he was called on account of the death of Mrs. Claude Whitauer who was a cousin. Frank Noel, aged 58, died at his I home, Pike and Catherine street, yes- ] terday from pneumonia. He is sur vived by his wife, one brother, Abrain Noel, twin; four sistey, Mrs. Lydia Wherley, lork; Mrs. .Wua Murray and Mrs. Luvinia Miller, Harrisburg, and Mrs. Anna Lockmun, New Oxford. Funeral services will be held on Fri day afternoon at 2.3U o'clock from tile home. The Rev. T. C. McGarrcll, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, will officiate. Burial will be made in the Middletown Cemetery. The three tire companies of town will attend services in the Church of God, Sunday evening, where the Rev. (J. M. Krayoill Will deliver a special sermon to them. They- will meet ut their respective hose houses at 6.30 o'clock and will proceed to the church. Colonel Ellsworth Camp, No. 87, Sons of Veterans, mustered in several new members at their meeting in the iodgeroom in the G. A. R. Hall last evening. At a meeting of the directors of the Farmers Bank held yesterday morning the following officers were elected for 1910; President. S. C. Young; vice-presidents, S. C. Peters and J. S. Longenecker; cashier, M. H. Gingrich; teller, B. E. Longenecker; clerk, John Reiger; assistant clerks. Miss Amanda Gingrich and Miss Mar gie Longenecker; notary public, AV. J. Klnnard; solicitor, M. R. Metzgar; night watchman, J. AA\ Stauffer. Corporal Fred Lutz, who was re cently mustered out of service left yesterday for AVUmington, Del., where he has secured a position on the police force under Major Gray. John Haas, of Wilson street, re ceived a one-year-old Shetland pony from Elmwood, 111., yesterday. Karl Bowers, who spent the past several days in town returned to Hog Island shipyards. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fronk enter tained the members of Middletown Assembly, No. 25, Degree of Naomi, at their home on Monday evening in honor of Miss Anna Fronk's birth day. After various games had been played refreshments were served to the following: Mrs. Mary Hardy. Mrs. Alice Hoffman, Mrs. Kathryn Rehrer, Mrs. Mary Beard, Mrs. Grace Geesey, Mrs. Bertha ltlian, Mrs. Em ma Musser, Mrs. Kate Hevel. Mrs. Kate Price, Mrs. Rebecca Hippie, Mrs. Sara AYilson. Mrs. Minnie Mack, Mrs. Rebecca Daugherty, Mrs. Anna Brubaker, Mrs. Mary Koltrider, Mrs. Mary* Ramsey, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fronk. Miss Jennie Kocher. Jerome Kasterday and Miss Anna Fronk. who received many beautiful and useful presents. Preparatory services to Holy Com munion will be hel din the Presby terian Church this evening and Fri day evening. M. G. W.itman, Ann street, reopened his bakery this morning which had been closed for the past several months. BREEDERS TO MEET The State Holstein-Frieslan Breed ers* Association of Pennsylvania will meet at the Penn-Harris Hotel on January 22 during the State Farm .Show. Included among the speakers will be D. D. Aitken, of Flint, Mich., president of the National Association; AV. M. Rider, of Brattleboro, A't., George E. Stevenson. George Bulkley-, and Dr. AY. H. Ridge, of Somerton. Shaffer's Last Flight [Continued from First Page.] eagle. That was one time in my ! varied life that I knew what hunger ; was. Real Want. It is impossible to describe how one suffers when hungry. You can ' imagine if, but you must experience | the novel sensation—to you—to ap ; preciute how necessary a chunk of ! dry bread is. 1 can think of no bet [ ter way to describe the sufferings of prisoners of war in this way than by quoting the remark of a red-headed Tommy who lay in the bed next to me in the hospital. He said; "I'm certainly going to eat slow when I get home." Fearing you won't see the point in that .mother, I'll explain that the slower you eat the more you can eat. See? I have tried it so I know. And now I guess I have you wor ried with that word "hospital." Oh, yes. I was in one. You see, I did not wish to miss anything in this war. How I got there is another story, and quite a long one. I re fuse, however, to satisfy your curi osity and write backward, so you will have to read right along with the rest from the beginning, and good ness knows it's time I told you how I fell into the hands of the "un speakable Hun," as Dad calls this animal. I had plenty of chances to see how well the name fitted during my short captivity. "Unspeakable" is not a very strong word, but it sure leaves a lot to the imagination, believe me, you cannot imagine how cruel and utterly devoid of human instincts and feelings is this Kaiser product of kultur which so boldly attempted to benr the entire world beneath its iron yoke. Off on the Hast Flight. It seems a long, long time since that eventful morning, when with three of my French comrades I went aloft to hunt and chase the Hun. We were led by Garand, a little French man with twelve planes to his cred it, who had painted his plane red and white in honor thereof. I have spoken before of this wonderful pi lot, as I often flew With hint, and also of the pretty spectacle his brightly painted plane made with ite red body, white nose and white tail. This particular morning was very clear with few clouds in the sky, but those few were mighty big ones. In particular there was an enormous one near Rheims, so white, clear and smooth that it looked like some one had beaten up the whites of thousands of eggs to a fluffy light ness, dumped them out flatly over all the Hun lines. So it seemed to me anyway, for that certainly was some cloud, and it sure covered a lot of territory on the BoChe side of Rheims. However, it was very low and aside from cutting off our view it hindered our hunting not at all, for, as usual, we were flying around 5,000 meters. We had not been, fly ing long before we noted several puffs of white smoke near the edge of this cloud. Since only the French shrapnel makes white smoke, it was taken for granted there was a Boche around somewhere. Look as close ly as I would, though, no Boche could I see, and since my red and white leader began making a lot of rapid maneuvers, about that time, I stopped looking for little Willie and tried to make out what he was try ing to tell me Surely, it was some sort of signal, for he was standing first on one wing and then on the other. Standing on his nose his tail and his ear. Such evolutions I had never seen him perform before, and I being just behind him in my pet position, naturally though the sig nals were for me. Tlio Enemy Balloon. . Finally it dawned on me that per haps he had seen some Boche bal loons and knowing how desirous I was to burn a few more of those fat, pot-bellied spies he was using that way of telling me. Since I could find no signs of a Boche plane I turned my attention to finding a balloon. That, let me tell you, was not as simple as you might think. A balloon Is a mighty unwieldly and enormous thtng when one looks at it from the ground, as Dad once re marked, but from a height of 5,000 meters it's quite another matter. If it is well camouflaged often you won't see it at all, and even when you do find one, it is merely a tiny speck that if not watched closely, will soon be lost. By looking very closely, however, I finally discovered one after a five minuto search. It seemed to me one of those big yellow boys —the am™ that just came from the factory, the need for them being so great they had not the time to camouflage them. Having discovered something prom ising to shoot at, I immediately sig nalled my agitated comrade by do ing a little acrobatics myself anil loon. My guess had been right, for ioon. My guess had been righ't, tor the signals certainly were for me. as, according to a prearranged plan, whenever we flew together, he fol lowed closely behind me, if I at tacked a balloon. Looking behind as I dove steeply toward that yellow mark below, I could see the white nope of my dependable comrade not 50 meters away diving at the same steep angle as myself, varying nary an inch from the straight and nar row path. To see him tumbling tran quil and peaceful behind, one could hardly think that only 16 ■econds before he was chasing his tail all over the heavenly plot. The Gauntlet of Fire. Seeing that I was backed up so well by my contrades, the otners were following, also, gave me con siderable confidence, so I gave my attention to the front, knowing that if any Huns were floating around I would certainly be protected. Not to bo taken unawares, however, I glanced around above and below as 1 1 continued on my downward course. None did I see, so with that weight i off my mind, for I dislike being dis | turbed when I am aiming my guns. ! I gave all my attention to the bal ] loon. 1 was getting closer ali the | time, and now things were growing clearer as the earth—and archies — flew up to meet me. Once again I began to feel the joy of running the gauntlet of the fire of innumerable guns with nary a doubt that that "guardian angel" that Dad claims protects me on all my ventures, fool ish and otherwise, would turn aside all bullets headed my way. Tile First Mistake I was now at 2,000 meters and was able to see the object I was diving on quite distinctly. What it actually was will remain a mystery to my dying day. One thing was certain, it was not a balloon and as that was all I was interested in at that particular time I wasted no time, or altitude, on learning whether it was a camouflaged bar racks or a shellhole. Immediately on discovering my mistake I pulled | up and had a quick look around j for a real balloon. Surely there were some up, such a beautiful and j clear day and the French on the | offensive, too. • While 1 was at It, I kept an eye out j for Boche planes for by this time I i was some eight miles on their side j of the lines, and coming down all | the time. As I have remarked be fore, when in action with an air plane, things happen quickly, you see things and understand their sig nificance in relation to you quickly, and naturally your brain tunes it self up to the same speed. Then, no sooner had I pulled up and saw my mistake, on looking arpund for a real balloon I saw a whole line of them to the right of me. Having dived so far for. no other purpose but to attack balloons, a couple miles further in made little differ ence to me. Besides, I had the fever then. I was going to shoot something up before I went back or know the reason why, for naturally, after falling over* 3,000 meters oniy to find the balloon I had been diving on turn out to be a hole in the ground, or something else equally unshootable, did not put me in a very good humor. Half a Dozen Balloons So I promptly headed for that lino of balloons —there must have been half a dozen—looking all around for protecting Boche planes as I did so. Also seeing that both guns were loaded and ready, the motor work ing without a hitch and trying nil my controls to see that they worked easily. Apple Pie Order Everything was working in apple pie order, including all the Boche guns in that vicinity, the latter being a bit distracting, but being a part of war I tried to forget it in aiming my guns, for the big black and white cross on the balloon was becoming very distinct now, and when I can make that out very easily it's time to start shooting. Using the black cross as a target I got a good bead on it and attempted several bulleyes. Whether I made any I don't know. Surely they hit the gasbag, for I saw them hit the whole three of them. Yes, I said ttiree. Three, shots only came out of that doggone balloon gun and then it jammed, and still diving at that black-crossed gasbag of kultur 1 attempted to fix that jam. It was no go, for it was one of those kind of jams that require a hammer and two strong arms to fix and all I had was one hand. Close Sailing With such an inefficient substi tute I had very little leverage strap ped into a seat. Occupied thus, to the exclusion of all else, I like to run into the balloon I was so bent on burning, for I looked up from my gun just in time to see my pro peller and black cross shake hands. Naturally I pulled on the "joy stick," and motor, "toute de suite." But not to mount, for I was bent on getting that balloon, and giv ing up hopes of fixing my special balloon gun, I made a half turn around the balloon and opened fire with the other gun thinking, of course, that It had incendiary bul lets In It. Unfortunately, such was not the case, it being loaded for combat work—four bullets with steel balls, then a tracer, four bul lets and a tracer and so on. You can see how unfitted for bal loon burning that was. I had one chance every fifth shot and that a mighty poor one, but being down there I used the poor tools I had and tried to burn it anyway. Had the machine been my own such would have not been the case, for I always saw tq It that both my guns were ready with balloon bul lets; but that morning my motor would not work so I was given the i plane of a lieutenant. He had a balloon gipi aboafd his plane also, and Incidentally, It was this plane with which I had shot down my sec ond Boche plane. It had worked perfectly then and thereafter I flew many times with It. The motor worked fine and so did the guns and I had every confidence In it; but this particular time seemed to be its off day. Even as I made the half turn for the second attack I was still endeavoring to fix that balky piece of mechanism. Inci dentally, all this time the Boches were U>Jng liitic dayulest to fix Huge Profit on Giants' Sale Chief Concern of Magnates By Associated Press New York, Jan. 15. —The chair manship of the National Commission was tlie leading topic discussed at the meetings of the National and American Baseball Leagues here to day, while the session of the minor leagues was devoted to the discus sion of their demand that the small er circuits be relieved of the draft rule. When the minors went into session the members still were lirnt in their declaration that the big leagues must grant their request. August Herrmann, of Cincinnati, said he was opposed to the demands of the minors for. representation 011 the National Commission and for a voice in the affairs of the major lea gues. He pointed out that the minors now had an organization of their own and said that the National Com me, and golly! from the rocket he was certainly spreading enough bul lets around to make a thorough job. But like all the other times I had attacked balloons, I saw and lis tened to the numerous machine guns in a sort of detached way, knowing full well they were all trained my way, but never for an instant thinking 6ne of their bullets might put a "period" to my career. There were too many other tilings more important to think about if I wanted to cause any damage to Fritz. Thus in a vague sort of a way I knew I might stop a bullet some day and that was as far as X let my thoughts run in that direc tion. It was after I had turned and was using the gun with one chance in five that the unexpected hap pened. You might say more cor rectly, the expected, depending, you understand, on the point of view anyway, for the second time I was headed straight for that slowly de scending balloon, one angry boy you can well imagine—fighting mad, you might say. Just the same, I got some pleasure out of seeing the Boche observer take to the air via the parachute route. That was in deed a pleasure, but the Hoches cut it mighty short, for it was almost int- Get Your Perfection Oil Heater Now This year there will be a bigger demand than ever before. With the present coal situation everybody has to make every ton last as long as possible. A Perfection will help you do it PERH&TION OllyPjp^EßS don't know how to do anything but heat. The sins of smoking and smelling have been banished from their make-up long ago. They stand in a corner, out of the way, ready to make any room in the house warm and comfortable whenever you want it so. Your Perfection will be economical to operate be cause it burns kerosene, but don't make the mistake of using any kind of kerosene. For perfect results always use Atlantic Rayolight Oil. It is different from the others—so scientifically refined that it must give its full quota of heat and all without sputter, smoke or smell. Best of all, a Perfection is safe. You can depend on it. It's impossible to turn the wick too high. And with ordinary care your Perfection will last for many years. Priced 15.65 to $lO.OO. Ask your dealer. The Atlantic Refining Company Everywhere in Pennsylvania and Delaware wW Ravolicfht msMMMm mission should simply be a court of appeals for cases their own organi zation could not settle. The sale yesterday of the con trolling interest in the New York National League Club, to John J. McGiJaw, Charles Stoneham and Judge Francis X. McQuade still was a topic of great interest among the baseball magnates. The stock which sold yesterday for a Binn reported bought by John T. Bush from An drew Frecdman In 1903 for $lOO.- 000. The profit of $1,250,000 on the in the history of baseball, it was pointed out. The Chicago club of the National League was purchased in 1906 by Charles W. Murphy and his associates for $lOO,OOO and when the club was sold in 1914, it was said the price was more than $1,000,000. mediately after- that their bullets began to find me. And when they did they certainly arrived in bunches. Two made a visit through my fur suit just below the knee, grazing my boot with such force that I thought surely the leg was hit, but since I could still use the leg as well as the other one it did not worry me any, for in that case it could not be serious. As for the second bullet, that was.more ser ious. It passed just under where t was sitting and cut the control wires on my rudder. Not only did I hear the twang of the cut wire but looking down, saw it. In a Terrible Fire No sooner had I noticed this than things began to happen too swiftly for thinking. A bunch of bullets must have hit the moitor and an other flock hit the gasoline tank, because before I could switch into my second tank the propeller gave a few gasping turns—and stopped. And there was your "dear, sweet, little Walter" "ten miles inside the German lines with a dead motor, dead "stick" and cut controls and 600 meters high. [The end of the thrilling air battle will be told to-morrow with the tale of prison life to follow on* the succeeding ,day.] 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers