10 ATTORNEYS WILL FILE BRIEFS IN FARE PROTEST No.New Testimony Submitted Except That of Elec trical Engineer Charles L. Bailey, attorney for the Harrisburg Hallways Company) was ordered In the protest of Charles Qulnn against proposed rate increases by the Ilarrlsburg Railways Company, heard by Com missioner Alcorn of the Publlo Service Commission, yesterday after noon, to tile his brief with the com plainants within fifteen days. Ten days will be allowed Arthur Rup ley, attorney for Mr. Quinn, In which to file his response after which the case will be ordered for argument before the full Commission. Joseph W. Lewis, an electrical en gineer, was called to the stand to testify as to the physical examina tion of the lines here, lie said he had spent most of his time on ex amination of the appraisement lists as presented to the Commission and less on actual examination of the lines of the company. lie declared that it should be pos sible to construct single line tracks such as arc in use In Harrisburg for $40,000 per mile, allowing for fifteen inches of paving on each' side of the tracks. This figure is $20,000 below the value placed on such tracks by the traction com pany. Mr. Bailey argued, however, that the topography of this terri tory, which requires more than the usual number of bridges to be con structed by the traction company, together with certain rental values which boost the cost of construction in this torrltory. Since the last hearing In the case, by permission of the commission, three auditors had made an examin ation of the company books. T. J. Bud was In charge of this work. He was assisted by John P. Geyer and Ira Rider. No new testimony as to the capital stock of the corporation was introduced as a result of the examination of the books. Treas urer O'Connel, of the traction com pany, was on the stand and testified as to certain amounts paid to small traction companies taken over by the Harrisburg Railways Company, but no new evidence was presented. 1 Tells How to Stop a Bad Cough I? BnrpHln* result* from this funotw 2J old homp-raa<lp syrup. Easily (•) prepared aud costs little. If you have a severe coush or chest co'.d accompanied with soreness, throat tickle, hoarseness, or difficult breath ing, or if your'cliild wakes up during the night "with croup and you want quick help, try this reliable old home made cough remedy. Any druggist can supply you with 2!g ounces of Fines. Pour this into a pint bottle and fill the bottle with plain granu lated sugar syrup. Or you can use clarified molasses, honey, or corn evrup, instead of sugar eyrup, if desired. This recino makea" a pint of really remarkable cough remedy. Jt tastes good, and in spite of its low "cost, it can be depended upon to give quick and lasting relief. You can feel this take hold of a cough in a way that means business. It loosens and raises the phlegm, stops throat tickle and soothes and heala the irritated membranes that line the throat and bronchial tubes with such promptness, ease and certainty that it is really astonishing. Pinex is a special, end highly con centrated compound of genuine Jsor way pine extract, and is probably the best known means of overcoming severe coughs, throat and chest colds. There are many worthless imitations of this mixture. To avoid disappoint ment, ask for "2tg ounces of Pinex" with full, directions and don't accept anything else. Guaranteed to give ab solute satisfaction or money promptly refunded. The Pinex Co.. Ft. Wayne.. Ind. COLDS Checked in One Day MUNYON'S COLD REMEDY relieve! ccld o '.he head, cold co the iungt, old ccldf. tt" ccids and obitinata colds, sod all forms of Grippe and Influenza. It relieves the read, nose, throat and lengs almost initaatiy. It prevents pneu moma, grippe, influenza and diphtheria Price 30c at any drug store Use Munyon'r P i* Paw Pills as a laxative Diet and Care Chart sent free. Address Munycr.'s Laboratories, 54th and Colum bia Avenue, Ph'Udelchia. 1~To" RELIEVE CATAR-l RHAL DEAFNESS AND I HEAD NOISES \ If you nave Catarrhal Deafness or are hard of hearing or have head noises go to your druggist and get 1 ounce of Parmint (double strength), and add to It 14 pint of hot water and little granulated sugar. Take one tablespoonful four times a day. This will often bring quick relief from the distressing head noises. Clogged nostrils should open, breath ing become easy and the mucus stop dropping into the throat. It is easy to prepare, costs little and is pleas ant to take. Anyone who has Ca tarrhal Deafness or head noises should give this prescription a trial. WOMEN SHAVE UNKNOWINGLY When TOW oaly remove hair from the surface of the okia the revolt la the same as nkavtag. The oaly eoamoa-oeato way fa reaseve hair la to attack It saftr the akin.' DeSllraele. the erlarlaal oaaltary liquid, does this by ahaorptloa. Oaly geaalne eMiracle haa a money-back gaarantee la eaek package. At tetlet coasters la Me. •1 and *2 sfses, or by mall from oa la plain wrapper oa receipt of price. I'REE book mailed la plain ooaled envelope on request. De niroele, l2Sth St. and Park Ate, Hew York. * \ ' '' ' . f A'RONESBAY EVENING, WA.RHISBURO tASAt TKI.EORAPtt JANUARY IS, 1919, COMMITTEE) FOR COMMERCE BODY ARE ANNOUNCED Prominent Busincemmctt Aro Named For Important Civic Work The organisation of the Harris, burg Chamber of Commerce for the work of ism ha been completed, and the standing committees Were announced this morning, Thero aro ten standing commit tees, ns follows: Exeoutlve, agrl. cultural, Industrial, publlo affairs. m l n'L clty ' historical, convention, luncheon, membership and hous- UI?. The historical commutes recent- Si Wa . a decided upon, to compile a record of Harrlsburg's participation in the war. Its president Is C. M. Nead, president of the Dauphin County Historical Society. There Is no merchant's commit tee, as formerly. Instead, It was announced, a Retail Merchants' Bu reau will be organized among the mercantile .members of the Cham- Der. It will be organized much the same as the Manufacturers' Council recently created, which has done such effective work. Included will be merchants of all kinds, and the executive committee of the bureau will be made up of a merchant from each branch of the mercantile busi ness. Thus there will be one gro cer, one dry goods merchant, one druggist, and so on down the line. The executive committee will elect is officers, and consider matters of importance to the merchant mem bers of the Chamber. It will func tion within the Chamber, and be an integral part of the larger body. The committee members announc ed to-day are: Executive—Arthur H. Bailey, John S. Musser, G. & Reinoehl, E. J. Stackpole, George B. Tripp. Agricultural—Donald McCormlck, chairman; E. S. Gerberich, L. F. Haehnlen, Todd Henderson, E. B. Mitchell, George G. McFarland, Walter S. Schell, George M. Spang ler. Industrial—F. J. Hall, chairman: Arthur D. Bacon, Edward Bailev, W. T HUdrup. C H. Morgan, W. J. Rose, James C. Thompson. Public Affairs—E. E. Tracy, chair man. J. William Bowman, John T. Brady, J. E. Glpple, E. S. Herman, David Kaufman, A. C. Stamm, Cap tain H. M. Stine. Publicity—W. C. Alexander, chair man. V, H. Berghaus, A. Boyd Hamilton. Dean Hoffman, Harry Lowengard, E. Fred Rowe, C, L. Shepley, G. M. Steinmetz. Historical—B. M. Nead, chairman; Arthur E. Brown, Charles B. Fager, Jr., George A. Gorgas, John A. Her man, G. Ross Hull, L. E. McGinnes, Thomas L. Montgomery, William S. Snyder. Convention C. Floyd Hopkins, chairman: Charles "W. 8011, R. E. Cahlll, Clark E. Diehl, Eli X. Her shey, R. H. Lyon. F. C. Sites, H. L. Wiggins. Luncheon —Mercer B. Tate, chair man: George N. Barnes, F. J. Brady, M. W. Fager, B. M. Ogelsby. Membership—F. L. Wright, chair man; Albert L. Allen, A. H. Arm strong, J. H. Bell, Roy D. Beaman, A. M. Blake, B. F. Blough, Charles K. Boas, L. M. Bricker, M. A. Brln ton, Joseph Claster, F. J. Consylman, F. E. Coover, F. F. Davenport, B. B. Drum. Robert A. Enders, L. L. Fer ree, Lee Goldsmith, B. B. Harring ton, John Heathcote, John C. Her man, Eli N. Hershey, J. C. Jessup, H. M. Kirkpatrlck, J. H. Kreamer, John A. Marshall, Robert L. Myers, Charles E. Pass, P. B. Rice, J. W. Rodenhaver, S. S Rutherford, John C. Soutter, J. A. Thompson. R. W. Troup, J. H. Wallazz, A. A. Wert, M. A. Cumbler, M. R. Alleman. Housing—J. Horace McFarland, chairman. E. C. Cowden. E. R. Eckenrode, George E. Etter, Farley Gannett, Ross A. Hickok, Paul Johnson, J. L. L. Kuhn, C. L. Long, Henry B. McCormlck, F. B. Mus ser, P. D. "Wagoner, E. Z. Wallower. Dinner Will Be Given Miss Helen R. Leib For Faithful Red Cross Work Miss Helen R. Leib, of the Home Service Section, Harrisburg Chap ter. American Red Cross, will be the guest of honor at a dinner to be given to-night at the Penn-Harris Hotel. Invitations have been issued to the following close associates in Red Cross work: Mrs. Lyman D. Gilbert, Miss Mar garet Ringland, Miss Catherine Kel ker, Mrs. H. E. Lucas. Miss Anne McCormick, Mrs. G. H. Orth, Miss Carolyn Lynch. Mrs. Walter Spof tord, Mrs. James I. Chamberlain, Mrs. William Jennings, Mrs. C. A. Waite and Miss Leib. Miss Leib has won many friends through her faithful and efficient service in the local dhapter. Much of the credit for the present splendid condition of the Home Service Sec tion is given to her because of un tiring service. Harrisburg Soldier First Reported Missing Now Is Listed as Killed Three soldiers from this vicinity are included on to-day's lists of casualties. Private Percy A. Chron ister, 1533 North Fourth street, pre viously reported missing in action, is now reported killed in action. Pri vate James H. .Mack, of Williams town, previously reported missing in action, is now reported sick in hos pital. Private Roy Charles Marshall, of New Cumberland, previously re ported missing in action, is now re ported returned to duty. 800 Killed, 5,000 Hurt in Argentina Uprising Washington, Jan. IS.—Approxi mately 800 persons have been killed and 5,000 injured In the strike dls'- orders in Buenos Aires, according to adviees received yesterday at the State Department. In making this announcement. As sistant Secretary of State Phillips said the Socialists, with whom the majority of the labor organizations implicated in the strike are asso ciated, refused to be further identi fied with the strike disorders. F. M. Quintana, Argentine charge d'af falrs, to-day received a cablegram from his government, denying that a dictatorship had been established In Argentine by General Delleplane. w. C. T. V. MEETING TO-MORROW The Harrisburg W. C. T. V. will meet to-morrow afternoon at 2.3U o'clock in the Fourth Street Church of God. There will be reports from the prison, printing and flower de partments. tJmm VixNoil'li Cold Tablftta. The Chemin des Dames Vivid Picture of Havoc in War-Torn Battlefields Drawn by an American Widow Who Cries For Vengeance Against Barbarians A vivid picture of havoo In one of the moat hardfought battlefield of the great war, from the pen of the widow of Henry Beach Noedham, famous American war correspond ent who lost hla life while flying In Europe. L&on France, January 2nd. "But, happily. It's over now, Madame. The war Is finished." Madame, the wife of the mayor, turned her faded blue eyes upon i me, regarded me with a steady, searching look—then said quietly and Impressively: "No, Madame, It Is not over. The war will not be finished until the people of the Invaded districts have enough to eat" There was something peculiarly meaningful In this, not only for the Allied governments, but. to give It a more personal turn, to us of the | American Committee for Devastated France, The heel of fortune—of life—turns. It does not stop. And in this turn of Its axis they and we are to be tried —to be fashioned. Millions of men have given of their lives to end this war —and have died that others might live. The guns have ceased their firing —but the battle for life has not yet ended. That which lies in the wake of war—the destruction, the desola tion, the waste —how difficult it Is for those who have not seen It to realize, but for the sake of those who have gone before and of those who will come after, it Is necessary that we try to see with that inner eye in order that we may compre hend and wisely build. I looked out on that land of misery that stretched below Laon, the city set upon a hill. 'Only a few weeks before the Germans had held sway there. Their signs were still upon the cross-roads: their hand writing still upon the fragments of the walls. I closed my eyes and saw again that vision which will never fade in the mind of any one Who has gone over the road so ironically called, "The Chemin des Dames." Once, it is said, it was but a narrow lane bordered with tall poplar trees, through which the sun. shed its rays gently and the blue of the sky be came more blue and the green of ! the earth more green. Birds sang in the trees, flowers blossomed by the path and threw their fragrance on the lovers wandering hand in hand —walking on the heights of the country of Love. And now! No words can paint it! No mind can compass it! It is war itself! The earth, a rollipg, angry, surging sea of shell holes, where one I hole breaks on the crest of another— | wave upon waves ot" shell-torn earth 1 with not an Inch of ground between. I The firmament itself in mighty mo tion —surging, beating, protesting. Almost one hears the cries of those who have been swallowed in Its depths; almost one sees the strug gle as one shell after another throws up the firm foundations to let them fall upon men fighting for life and for liberty. In the War Zone And from out of the depths of this surging, angry sea rise broken limbs and trunks of trees, like spars of ves sels lost at sea. Black, torn, burned, leafless, their spirits, too, helpless ly cry out. For centuries each tree in its own individuality had stood there. Under its branches, what lyrics, what epics, had been enacted! In Its leaves what birds had sung— what fairies had built their homes not made by hands! Birds —fairies— trees have vanished. No loqger a land of lyrics and pastoral ballads. But a heaving protest of passion and waste! Gaily the light falls on stretches of barbed wire; on water stagnant in the holes: on broken dugouts in which men took refuge in the midst of an inferno bound to compass then; on torn coats, on broken bayonets, on fallen helmets. And over all the screeching, hun gry, circling vultures. And under all the crawling, writhing, hungry worms. No—the war is not yet finished while that angry sea still unceasingly beats on the shores of the Chemin des Dames. For—what of the people who once lived here, shepherds on the hill tops? What of the families of this country—the mothers and fathers and children for whom their soldiers fought and bled and died? For four years and a half the people in Laon and the surrounding district had been in the hands of the Germans — under the cruel government of the enemy. For four years and a half they had been out of touch with their own nation. Truly, people with out a country. Xo letters came to them, no letters went from them. During that time when food was scarce, when vitality was low, when hope had no knowledge on which to build, what invidious doctrines, and lies and poisons may have uncon sciously seeped their way into their spirits? Who could know and who could tell? Xo knowledge of the tide of events could come to them. "Once or twice," said an old man to me, "I was able to buy a newspaper from a camion driver. I paid eighty francs for one. ninety for another. They were old and torn, but they told us something about our country—a far off land to us. I gathered a few peo ple in my house that we might read them together. But the Germans got wind of it. They couldn't find the papers, but they forbade even two or three of us to meet together." The sound of the guns increased. The din of the battle grew nearer. Some villages were evucuated and the inhabitants taken as prisoners into Belgium or Germany. Then came that unforgetable day when Laon was freed from the Ger mans. The curtain of steel tHht for four years and a half had separated it from its own country, was lifted. French troops marched in to greet their dased and slowly awakening kinsmen. A day for a Te Deum, when mourning was laid aside. Laon was fr^e! And after the victory, the stern reality. The spirit can stay on the heights only as long as the flesh is strong. And the people of this dis trict had no food. It was then that the prefect of the Department of the Aisne sent his call to the com mittee. He explained that the French government was sending food to Laon, but the railroads in that vi cinity had been bombarded. There was no means of communication be tween Laon and the small villages in the district. Unless he could procure means of dlstribptlon, the people would starve. He asked for two mo tor cars and drivers to dct under him for the purpose of dhtributlng the food. Quirk to Respond Twenty-four hours after this re quest two of the American commit tee cars with their chauffeurs had 1 resorted. "TBhe Gymns had dug themselves In only ten kilometers away, so the rollef went first to eight towns only. As soon as tho Germans moved on, our cars—laden with con densed milk, sugar, rice and shoes— closely followed. Jt was necessary to exercise Judgment In regard to tho amount to be given In any one place and this responsibility was left with us. A receipt was given by the Mayor of each town and this, together with a report of the day's Investigation, was taken to the prefect each even ing. When one thinks about the de vastated district and the problems of reconstrucUon one Is likely to think In terms of the larger aspects rather than In those of the more vi tal details relative to communities. There could be no more vital need than feeding these people, and a need that could not wait. But think for a moment, if you will, of the dif ficulties. Each day more towns were opened up, more people had to be fed. All supplies from the govern ment had to be sent by camion to Laon as a center. The railroad trains were running not at all. or very in frequently. The roads around Laon were in ulmost an impassable condi tion duo to mines and shell holes. Cars other than our own could hardly bo procured. It, therefore, fell to the army to establish some centers for feeding tho civilian pop ulation. But the army was likely to move on short notice. To meet this difficulty of trans portation for more than sixty scat tered villages two.sections of Amer ican ambulances, consisting of forty cars in all, were finally ordered there. Until they arrived the men of the towns went sometimes over twenty kilometers with wheelbarrows and carried the provisions back over the muddy roads to their towns. When the ambulances came our chauffeurs arranged a schedule by which each town received its provisions three times a week. The ambulances were put under the orders of the American Committee for Devastated. France, for the purposes of distribution. But the work of investigation, of relief, of making the arrangements to feed these people, to give them the Impetus again to start their commun ity life, when in groups of two and three they return, worn out. to their shattered country—these must con tinue. and the responsibility has been given .to us by the prefect, a rare tribute of confidence. So It was that on this day when I accompanied the chauffeur to twelve towns to see the Mayors, the wife of one Mayor assured me that the war would not be finished un til the people of these regions had been fed. And I pondered her words us we went on to the other villages— or what was left of them. The answers to the questions that the'prefect had sent varied but little. "How many people have you in the village now?" always elicited the number, preceded by the population before the war, and the explanation, "The others haven't returned, but we expect them back soon." "How many children?" I can see now the pitiful faces of solitary children sitting on some pile of debris, never plafing, seldom smil ing. or grouped In silence behind a wall or on the threshold of a door opening Into a looted room. Always when we asked as to the number of old people the answer came, "Not many—so many of them are ill and have had to .stay be hind." Then we questioned as to the sick people in the village and the num ber of children who needed condens ed milk. A helpless look accompan ied the answer, "But all the babies need milk. They have had none." One question elicited a shrug of the shoulders, sometimes an ironic smile, and once, even, a merry one. It was with some difficulty in one village that we found the Mayor. He had been out on his fields, and a soldier had to go to find him. He was a man of about sixty years, with white hair and white mustache and deep-set eyes that twinkled with an understanding and philosophy born of a knowledge of the tragedy of life as well as its ultimate good. "Have you any special needs in your village such as clothing, shoes, food, paper for covering the roofs and Ailing the windows?" The Mayor looked around. His eyes smiled, he answered briefly and pointedly: "Naturally." And In that stretch of waste we all laughed together at the irony of the question. But the laugh had a ring of courage and determinations —ours as well as his. In only one town that afternoon did we find a baker, a surly, disap pointed man who answered, no—he had nothing with which to bake! Confusion Reigns Some villages had schoolteachers, some had none. Some expected their schoolteachers to return. In none had the schools been opened—"for, look, the schoolhouse Is completely de stroyed." Could the children be sent to another commune for school? But how? they would answer. No horses? No motors? No. I was a bit insistent in one village and suggested that some room might be found where the schoolmaster could teach at least some of the children. They agreed It might be possible, but suggested in their turn that perhaps I hadn't thought of the difficulties—few rooms whole, no windowpanes, no furniture and no wood. Some villages received their food from the army, some went to the centers provisioned by the ambu lance. When asked how they car ried It back they answered simply, "In our arms." All the villages had unexploded shells In the town themselves and In the adjoining fields. Upon the answers te these ques tions and our observations depends the work of the government In deal ing with this situation. These are the practical things—the vital things of the moment. We are the envoys and we hope In helping to serve their table we lay the cloth with gn un derstanding and a sympathy that makes of the service a communion. The sun set behind the clouds as we turned back towards the city of Laon. A fog descended on the land of misery. It was difficult to see. Light seemed far away. It was hard to understand the meaning of it all— the death, the waste of all things. That sea of earth on the Chemin des Dames seemed so mighty, and to battle against It we have only the force of our spirit. It was sne of thoee moments when the spirit descends Into the depths, when I seemed conscious only of our Impotence against that sea which surrounded me. Then suddely from the heights of Laon above, a light shot forth. It steamed Into the sky, and broke In a shower of stars that fell on the earth. Darkness again. Then a red and burning light. Dark-, ness. A green ribbon rent the clouds* 1 CONFEREES AGREE ON TAXES IN BILL FOR WAR REVENUE House Accepts Senate's Rates on Luxuries and Semi- Luxuries Washington, Jan. IS.—Tax rates on luxuries, aemlluxurlea, amusement admlsalons and club duea were agreed upon yesterday by the Senate and House conferees on the war revenue bill. Virtually all of the Senate's rates on luxuries and semlluxurles were accepted by the House confer ees, Chairman Simmons, of the Sen ate managers, said. Rates In the House bill on amuse ment admissions In excess of 30 cents were adopted by the conferees, the Senate managers accepting the higher House rate, but reaching a compromise for retention of the Sen ate rate on admlsaions of 30 cents or less. Under the agreement, the amuseinen-t admission tax will be one cent on each 10 cents paid up to 30 cents and two cents on each dime paid In excess of 30 cents. The House rate of two cents on each ten cents paid for admissions to roof gardens, cabarets and similar establishments was adopted, as was the House rate of twenty-five per cent., Instead of the Senate rate of ten per cent., on theater boxes. Millions ia Amusements It is estimated that about $75,000,- 000 In revenue will bo secured annu ally from amusement admissions un der the conference agreement. The House rate of twenty per cent., on club dues, double the tax und?- existing law and estimated to raise about $9,000,000, also was adopted by the conferees. In disposing of the excise or semi luxury cases the conferees agreed to the Senate assessment of ten per cent, of the amount paid In excess of fixed standard prices by purchas ers of semiluxurles, such as carpets, picture frames, traveling bags, pook etbooks, umbrellas, fans, hats, shoes, stockings and other articles. Luxury Rate The luxury rate provides five per cent, taxes on manufacturers' sales of motor vehicles, tires and acces sories, pianos, talking machines, candy and similar articles; ten per cent, on athletic goods, liveries, furs, yachts and motorboats, and three per cent, on chewinggum and toilet soaps. Decisions on a few of the luxury taxes were tentative and those on some others were left open for fur ther consideration. To dispose of the miscellaneous and minor taxes In the bill, the conferees temporarily passed over the war ex cess profits and other important and contraverted sections. Pennsy Foundry men Get Eight-Hour Day; Among Last Employes Affected Practically nil employes In all de partments at Pennsylvania Railroad foundries are working on the eight hour day basis now, as result of a change affecting the moulders which was inaugurated yesterday. Owing to the lack of employes, It required more time to adjust this department in conformance to the elght-liour day ruling, from the fed eral railway administration. The moulders in various Instances, it is said, will be cut down from (SO to 170 monthly, by the introduction of the shorter working day. Notices to the foregoing effect were posted at the foundries recently. The men were expecting that they would be given curtailed time soon, but the cut in working hours came as a sur prise yesterday. Rotary Club Committee to Meet This Evening The Rotary Club committee ap pointed to provide methods to aid In the relief of the Children's Indus trial Home, and the Nursery Home, both of which were obliged to make heavy expenditures that almost ex hausted their year's appropriations during the influenza epidemic, will meet for organization this evening. Methods will be discussed for an ac tive campaign to raise $lO,OOO for the relief of the two Institutions. Frank B. Musser is chairman of the comihittee. Senate Votes Pension For Mrs. Roosevelt Washington, Jan. 15.—The Sen ate yesterday passed a resolution authorizing the payment of a pen sion of $5,000 a year and the ex tending of mail franking privileges to Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt. It now goes to the house. — — PROPERTIES TRANSFERRED J. Frank Hutchison sold the three story brick property at 22# Forster street, to Jacob S. Lowengard, It was reported to-day. The property Is a sessed at $4,560. Transfer of the two story brick dwelling at 2217 North Fourth street, from Henry C. Claster to John F. Yost, was reported also. The assessed value of this property la $2,390. j ■ '' 1 y •... CENTRAL HIGH NOTES ARGUS MEETING TO-NIGHT An important meeting of the Ar gus Staff was announced by Editor in-Chief Carl B. Stoner yesterday af ternoon. The meeting will be held at the home of Business Manager Lewis Rimer. 2239 Penn street, and all members of the staff are urged to be present. Plans for a straw ride In the near future will be ditcussed. OEMOSTHENIAN TO-MORROW t A meeting of the Demosthenlan Literary Society will be held to-mor row night at the home of Horace Se lig. 920 North Sixteenth street. Soldiers were shooting off signals which were needed no longer. And, finally, at the end, a white and steady light that neither flicker ed nor changed. A light to guide us through the darkness. A light set on a hill. To me the Chemin des Dames will always have above It the aureole of that light. Only through the dark ness does one know the light. It Is because of this that the people In the valleys are facing the future. Per haps they know that beyond that human sea there Is a vision and a knowledge that the only thing over, which death and fate cannot prevail Is the light of a spirit. Out of waste and bleakness—out of desolation and loneliness—a light I And from the depths of thfct sea of death aems to come a cry: ' "Keep the light burning." .. OAMUSEOMENTsffi MAJESTIC High Class Vaudeville "Violets," a musical comedy "girl" act; Mur ray Bennslt, singing oomedtan; The Ulockars, nuVotty Jugglers: two other acts. Change of program to-morrow "Blow Your Horn," a miniature musical comedy. Four other Keith attractions. ORPHEUM To-night and to-morrow, matinee and night William Elliott and ltny Comstock offer "Experience," the most Wonderful Play in America. Friday night and Saturday, inatlnee and night—"Twin Beds." Tuesday, evening only, January 21— William Hodge In "A Cure For Cqr ables." Wednesday, night only, January 22 The Army and Navy Players in an "Intimate Revue in Black and White." Thursday, evening only, January 23 The Moose Minstrels. COLONIAL To-day Geraldine Farrar in "The Hell Cat." Thursday and Friday Alice Joyce in "Everybody's Girl." Saturday Norma Talntadge in "Fifty-Fifty." REGENT To-dav Enrico Carsuso in "My Cousin." and Roscoe ("Fatty") Ar buekle in "Camping Out." To-morrow und Friduy Wallace Reld in "The Man From Funeral Range" and a Flagg comedy. "Tell It to the Marines." Saturdav Enid Bennett in "Fuss and Feathers" and a Flagg conir edy. "Tell It to tho Marines." Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Elsie Ferguson In "Heart of the Wild." „ . Thursday, Friday and Saturday Griffith super-feature, "The Great est Thing in Life." and a Sennett comedy, "Whose Little Waif Are You?" VICTORIA To-day and to-morrow—William Far num in "The Rainbow Trail." To-morrow "Tho Hand of Venge- Frlday and Saturday Houdlnl, in "The Master Mystery," and Gladys Brockwell in "The Strange Wo man." Youth, In "Experience," having thrown away hia money In the Golden Cabaret on the Prlm "Experlence" rose Path of Pleas ure. and having fail ed to make a fortune playing rou lette in the Corridors of Chance, goes into'the Street of Disillusion, which leads up to the entrance of the Gol den Cabaret. Youth "till believes that his friends of the Primrose Path of Pleasure will not spurn him now that he is poor, but Experience warns him that he has a mistaken Idea of the sort of friends ho consorted with in the Golden Cabaret. Experience says: "I don t want to dlscotirage you. my boy, but friend ships made through the wine glass are only as the vapors of the night, and they fade and die in the morning of reality." Youth, questioning Ex perience. says. "Don't tell me these friends of mine are going back on me stniplv because my clothes are get ting a bit shabby. That is not fair to them." Experience answers: "I am not unfair—don't depend on your friends here." Just then Pleasure comes up and Youth attempts to spSak to her. but Pleasure haughtily pastes him by and Youth learns that speaks to him in a different voice. Experience says: The vo ce of Pleasure is always the thrust of a dagger in the dark. Style and Beauty also come up and they too fail to recognize him. As they disappear Into the Golden Caba ret Frivbllty and Wealth come up. They both Ignore Youth, but Wealth, rather contemptuously, offers Youth some money, which Youth has the m Th h e o0 8 d tr t e 0 et r o f f U 'Disillusion tells the tale that many of us have had to learn reluctantly In life, an< l " '■ one of the very human episodes In "Experience," the modern morality comedy-drama which comes to lhe Orpheum to-night and to-morrow, matinee and night. A S . Stern Company. In conjunction with Selwyn Company, will attain present Twin Beds, I.olft Bolton la the funniest play In "Twin Beds" the English language by Salisbury Field and" Margaret Mayo, with Lois Bolton and the same great cast and a •uperb production. As a laugli producer, "Twin Beds" is said to be the greatest success the stage has ever known. h\ 1 11y° that 6 obtrude B 'JtT I®\*l r y**P oi n't dllnce Bh a°ll'thV way. 'and Justin"" the e V m^t tha mmhilrnp:?Ung S 'Comedy present generations of the oresented at'th* Orpheum Theater for fwo 7a> s and Saturday matinee, be nengreat^a a.t J wh U ich y includes be r "■ n"k K.th.yn Hill;, Lucille Beckett and others. __ i t 0 "Riders of the s S J2e" afealn showing William Purple Sage. bb Its star opened 4t the to-day at the t 'Jtorla "* Theater, for a run of two tlet.rla picture Is "The _ Trnll" and in an adapta- HoJ, sanie novel by Zane Grey. 0 "rJe Rain how Trail" is one of the 'ffiuW X £? m.!ithJ SranT Canyon of Arizona the great painted desert and the •l,tr the avenger of the Utah border. 11l fictht plays two roles In "The Rainbow Trail." that of Lasslter and that of Shefford. "The Hell Cat," the photoplay that set all nlw York talking featuring 8 Geraldlne Karrar, the fam- A the ous opera star, will be seen ri.ulnt at the Colonial Theater Colon!"! £ r \^ e e ÜBt . times to-night. It Is a gripping story of western life, enacted by a carefully suportlng cast. Thursday and Friday the liveliest of screen entertainment In the clev est O Henry Stories. "Everybody s Qlrl," with Alice Joyce. Wallace Reld. one of the screen's handsomest and most popular leading handsome Jg to appear At the in his newest release. "The Recent Man From Funeral Range, at the Regent to-morrow and Friday. Thts newest photoplay, shown at the Regent for the first time In Harrisburg. Is a sptoy west ern affair. throbbing with adventure, ft* the story of a man who Is wrongfully accused of murder, how he faced the electric chair escaped from the San Quentln penitentiary, and finally after a year In the Fu -51 Rinte Mountains, as a refugee from justice, he finally found the girl who loved htsa and who waited for Li m jArnf r Montgomery " ittsrsr n Slwest comedy. "Tell It to the Ma rlnes." will also be shown. One of the Interesting new plays of the new year will be the produc of the new y t|(m of <<A Cure For \nniMM Hodge Curablea," in which hACs William Hodge Is Per Cgrables" starred. The play Is In four acts, and the locale Is the Blue Grass country. It was written by Earl Derr Blggers '"'VA^Cure°For Curables" Is the story of a young Kentucky physician, who has Inherited a rest cure sanatorium. In the mountain regions art Kentucky. The Institution Is bequeathed him by his uncle, who makes a provision that the young physician must effect ten cured la thirty days or forfeit th title to another man. When the i'hyaictan arrives ther© are but nine patients In the institution, and to add to his troubles there Is an In triguing under-physician, who la try ing to win the sanatorium away from him. As the play progresses, however, the young country physician man ages to add one inure patient to the ■ Ist, and the cud ot thirty days tlnds him In posscsulon ot Uie sanatorium and the daughter or one of his wealthiest patients. In the bargain. Mr. Hodge will have a very cap able east. Including Clara Moore, Ada C. Nevll, Adelyn Wesley, Carson Dav enport, Qeurge Lund, Edith Shayne, Charles E. Vernon, Edward Wonn, George Barr, Clarenoe Bellalte, Brlgham Royce, James H. Lewis, James C. Malatdy, Arthur Sprugue and Ford Record. The Majestic bill the early half of this week Is a happy combination of music and comedy. The At the show opens with Wilbur Majestic and Lyke, who give u very entertaining variety offer ing. Following this team arc: Will ing and Jordon. Clever-man and wo man, in u repertoire of tuneful and original songs. Next on the program Is Marty Brooks' delightful musical comedy "girl" act entitled "Violets." The act Is beautifully staged, the girls dress In attruetlvo costumes, and there Is also plentw of good comedy, singing and dancing. Murray Bennett Is a clever comedian, and keeps his audience in constant laugh ter with his comedy, songs und funny stories. The Glockers, in a very good water Juggling novelty, close the show." The last three days of the week a miniature mußical comedy offering entitled, "Blow Your Horn," will be the feature attraction. Other acts on the bill are: Cornelia and Adele, in songs and dances; Art Smith, come dian; Eadle and Ramsdeti, variety en tertainers, and Arnold and Allman, clover duo in a bright song and pat ter skit. Dogs to Bark For Judge, to Show Him Which Owner to Fine New York, Jan. 15. The city or ordlnance against owning dogs that disturb by barking was invoked in the South Side Court by Georgo A. Popp, a nght watchman, living at 4706 Jefferson street. Popp caused the ar rest of George C. Thompson, 4708 Jefferson street. "His dbg," Popp testified, "barks and howls under my' bedroom window every afternoon when I try to sleep." • "My -dog Just lies In the yard and sleeps all day," Thompson said. "The barking comes from his own dog." Judge Edward J. Fleming ordered both dogs be brought Into court on Thursday. After live minutes the owner of the dog that baks or howls the loudest will be fined, the Judge said. West End Club Is For Shaner For Mayor Alderman John H. Shaner, of the Seventh Ward, aspirant for the nom ination for mayor, last evening re ceived the unanimous endorsement of the West End Republican Club. Sev eral hundred of the members were present. Several other names were mentioned for the office, but the Seventh Ward Alderman had a run away race for the endorsement. It Is said the younger element of the club stood out strong for Shaner. A committee was appointed to draw up the following resolutions which were adopted; "Whereas. The time Is approaching when consideration should be given by the Republican party to the selec tion of a candidate for mayor of our city, and "Whereas, The West End Republi can Club have heretofore taken an active part In such selections and having In our membership a man capable and able to administer the affairs of said office in a manner creditable to the party. Who has an nounced himself as a candidate for said office. ' Therefore, be It "Resolved, That the WCst End Re publican Club hereby endorses the candidacy of Alderman John H. Shan er, of the Seventh Ward, for the of fice of mayor of the city of Harris burg. and In furtherance thereof, this club appoint a committee to mako ar rangements necessary in such cases. Also, be It "Resolved, That safd committee be authorized to confer with the city chairman, his assistants and the ward committeemen of the city, to try and arrange for their endorsement of the choice of the West End Republican Club." Some weeks ago the Sevsfith Ward Republican Club endorsed the Shaner mayoralty candidacy. MAJESTIC 5 GOOD VAUDEVILLE ACTS, HEADED BY VIOLETS WILLING AND | MCRRY JORDON BENNETT WILBUR AND THE LYKE I GLOCKERS THURS., ITU., SAT. •BLOW YOUR HORN" I REGENT THEATER First Presentations of Pnrnmonnt Arteraft Productions FINAL SHOWING ENRICO CARUSO IN— "MY COUSIN," —nnd "Fatty" (Roscoe) Arbuckle —lN— "Camping Out." TO-MOKBOW AND FRIDAY WALLACE REID In bis otlrrlng new release, "THE MAN FROM "FUNERAL RANGE," a thrilling story of the west FLAGG COMEDY, "Tell It to the Marines." ADMISSION—IO and SO cents and War Tax ORPHEUM s now Z£Sl£o POPULAR MATINEE SATURDAY, 25c and $l.OO 2 NIGHTS Fridav Jan 17 BEGINNING rrlaa y Jan * * ' A. S. Stern, in Conjunction with Sclwjrn Co., Present TIIE FUNNIEST PLAY IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE Hr 188 !>' FCHBk JWINBEEIS Ry SALISBURY FIELD and MARGARET MAYO With Lois Bolton and Special Cast A Laugh and a Scream Every Minute RED CROSS NAMES COMMITTEE FOR HEALTH ACTIVITY Wants to Introduce Course of Hygiene in Public Schools > To Introduce n course of clemen tary hygiene In the public schools of the state and to disseminate In formation about public health, are among the objects of n committee on nursing activities recently organ ized by the Ilarrlsburg Chapter, American Red Cross. Mrs. James I. Chamberlain 11.18 been named as chairman of the committee which Includes the following members: Georgo Relnoehl, president Har risburg Chamber of Commerce; Dr. John J. Raunick, president Board of Health; Dr. J. Georgo Becht, secre tary State Board of Education; Dr. B. Franklin Royer, acting State Com missioner of Health; the Rev. L. S. Mudge, Ilarrlsburg Ministerial As sociation; Bishop Phillip U. McDe vitt, of the Ilarrlsburg diocese. Catholic Church; Rabbi Louis J, Haas, Ohev Sholom Synagogue; Dr. P. E. Downes, superintendent of city schools; Dr. Jesse Lenker, Dauphin County Medical Association; Dr. Maud C. Exley, Ilarrlsburg Academy of Medicine; Mrs. William Jennings, director Red Cross "Homo Service Section, Miss Frances Scott, lied Cross Nursing Service; Mrs. William Henderson, president llarrisburg Civic Club; Mrs. Orvillo Hickolt, president Visiting .Nurses' Associa tion; Miss Anno McCormlck, direc tor Red Cross Woman's Bureau: Mrs. George E. Tripp, director Junior Red Cross: Mrs. Lyman D. Gilbert, chairman Red Cross; Mrs. James I. Chamberlain, director Bureau ol Nursing. At a meeting of this newly formed committee, held Monday in the basement of the Public Library, 11 was decided to appoint a deputation who will interview the Superinten dent of Public Instruction, urgine the inclusion in his next annual mes sage, of a recommondation for the establishments of the elomentarj hygiene class in the curriculum o; the public schools of the state. An other deputation will Interview the local school board with the same ob ject in view. (ORPHEUM 2TV Beginning Days To-night RETURN ENGAGEMENT BY' POPULAR DEMAND NIGHTS 25c to $1.50 MATINEE 25c to $l.OO -as fsvilfiamElliott, , ■ F.Ray Comstock and Morris Gall MOST* WONDER F AMERICA* 1 Georta V? Hobai jKjl} ' Months ia <l' W 10 BIG SCENES • COMPANY Or A Lava Story > I WssiONj *• - [COLONIAL Geraldine Farrar makes licr second screen appear ance In a vital Goldwin elrnma, "THE HELL CAT" TJIUR.-FKI. i Alice Joyce IN "Everybody's Girl" _ ; VICTORIA THEATEK TODAY AND TOMORROW IT'S HERE WILLIAM FARNUM IN "The Rainbow Trail" FRIDAY AND SATURDAY "The Strange Woman" with Gladys Brockwell Also HOUDINI in the Fourth Episode of the "Master Mystery" Admission 10c & 20c & War Ta
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