LARGER LISTS OF CASUALTIES ISSUED TOD AY Total of 747 Names Are Men tioned; Six Pennsylvania Men Kiled in Action Washington, Jan. 9. —To-day's casualty lists are heavier than they have been for several days, a total of 747 names being included on the two lists released to-day. Of these, 89 men were killed In action, of whom six were Pennsylvanians. The summary of to-day's casual ties Is: Killed In action 89 Died of wounds 103 Died of disease 168 Wounded severely 32 3 Missing in action 49 Died from accident and other causes $ Died from aeroplane accident. 2 Wounded, degree undetermin ed 4 Wounded slightly ;. 1 Total 747 The Pennsylvanians mentioned are: KILLED IN ACTION Lieutenant Johon Martin Wesolosltl, Imperial. Corporals Arthur W. Dollman, Pittsburgh. Stormont Pollock, Philadelphia. Privates Joseph P. Szedlock, Elkland. Samuel Turner, Philadelphia. Raymond A. Esterley, Emans. DIED OF WOUNDS Sergeants Ralph G. Covert, Dorranceton. Frank Lees, Monessen. William E. Rawltngs, Peckville. DIED OF DISEASE Lieutenants William Earl Stephens, Philadel phia. Sel"goant Malcolm P. Law, Kingston. Corporals Coleman R. Havens, Glenside. George Frederic Snyder, Slippery Rock. Private Eugene F. Scott, Coatesville. DIED FROM AEROPLANE ACCI? DENT Lieutenant John J. Fisher, Punxsutawney. WOUNDED SEVERELY Sergeant Anthony Scanlan, Lost Creek. Crawford C. Strine, Waynesboro. Privates Mike Brunyak, Clarence. Harry R. Holtzman, North York. John F. Hood, Philadelphia. James Lee, Pittsburgh. Harry E. Anderson, Coatesville. Frederick L. Meltc, Austin. MISSING IN ACTION Privates George I. Mangis, Pittsburgh. KILLED IN ACTION. PREVIOUSLY REPORTED MISSING IN AC TION Corporals John Michael Bretschnelder, Broughton. Clyde H. Santee, Athens. Privates James Bearhart, Ginter. Dominick Caterina, Washington. Louis Mogavero, Philadelphia. WOUNDED SEVERELY, PRE VIOUSLY REPORTED MISSING IN ACTION j Privates Tony Benkis, Boswell. Stephen Johnson, Bloomsburg. WOUNDED SLIGHTLY, PRE VIOUSLY REPORTED MISSING IN ACTION Corporal George J. Itaum, Crafton. Privates Michael P. Cintala, Nanticoke. Crarg M. Thom, New Bethlehem. WOUNDED, DEGREE UNDETER MINED, PREVIOUSLY REPORT ED MISSING IN ACTION Corporal Louis F. Trapp, Philadelphia. Privates Ray C. Brant, Cairnbrook. Henry Joseph Conlin, Homestead. Ernest A. Goehns, Philadelphia. Joseph R. Kern, Willow Grove. Earl W. Relbsame, Sunbury. Rene Tissot, Philadelphia. SICK IN HOSPITAL, PREVIOUSLY REPORTED MISSING IN AC TION Private Fred W. Peifer, Bloomsburg . RETURNED TO-DUTY, PREVIOUS LY REPORTED MISSING IN ACTION Privates Michael J. Hiney, Villanova. John E. Kiner, Alorris. Bert. Readman, Beaverdalo. Edward M. Reese, Philadelphia. Robert Smith, Meyersdale. George Tomuletz, McKees Rocks, DIED FROM WOUNDS Privates Edgar C. Brougher, Cokevillo. Elmer M. Bruce, Beaver Falls. William J. Farmer, McKcesport. Percy Greavens, Irwin. Charles E. Kuhn, State College. Jacob Miller, Greensburg. John Moore, Columbia. William J. Moyer, Rehersburg. • Haroid P. Adams, Langeloth. DIED OF DISEASE Privates Frank H. Buchanan, Emerson. Charles T. Conley, Narberth. Chester A. Curry, Kerrmoor. ■ Charles M. Dehart, Reynoldsvllle. Cecil A. Hartford, Elmhurst. Ivan K. Hilliard, De Bois. Dallas W.i Koons, Philadelphia. Oscar J. Long, Hamburg. Maurice F. Witmer, Swathmore. William H. Stanley, Philadelphia. WOUNDED SEVERELY Privates James 11. Wood, Philadelphia. John S. Jenkins, Danville. Guiseppe Gristoforo, Tiona. John T. Flynn, Dunmore. Ellias J. Kroustoris, Pittsburgh. Sam Martin, Shenandoah. Karoi Rakoski, Fayette City. John E. SextOn, Pittsburgh. George Short, Fairhaven. Thomas J. Taylor, Carbondale. MISSING IN ACTION Privates John Budnick, Philadelphia. Emanuel Goodman. Philadelphia. WOUNDED SLIGHTLY, PRE. ' VIOUSI.Y REPORTED KILLED IN ACTION Private William J. Pegg, Philadelphia. WOUNDED SEVERELY, PRE VIOUSLY REPORTED DIED OF DISEASE Private Charles B. Sloane, Drlfton. KILLED IN ACTION, PREVIOUS LY REPORTED SEVERELY WOUNDED Private Frank Macuse, Philadelphia. KILLED IN ACTION. PREVIOUS LY REPORTED MISSING IN AC TION Privates John McGinley. Pittsburgh. Joseph Mliler, New Castle. WOUNDED SEVERELY PRE VIOUSLY REPORTED MISSING IN ACTION Lieutenant Nelson W. Perlne, Philadelphia. THURSDAY EVENING, Private Arthur Kitchen, Nescopeck. Frank H. Parker, Philadelphia. WOUNDED SLIGHTLY, PRE VIOUSLY REPORTED MISSING IN ACTION Sergeant Robert H. Kreiser, Lebanon. Privates HSSSSGSSSISSSSSSSTORE OPENS AT 8.30 A. M. AND CLOSES AT SP. M BIG DRIVE FOR 2ND WEEK OF CLEAN SWEEP SALE STARTS TOMORROW, FRIDAY J Girls' Silk Dresses Forma Prices $10.90 lo $13.90 QA II C 1 :oiora ; 6TA AU 11 'good "STYLES! CLEAN SWEEP 7H / j G%TTE M COTWSBMK THRTLL SH/S SWEEP I I V I Sale Prices SALE PRICE ® " PAIR. I 5? ~ The Biggest Day Our Garment Section Friday ' s l lIK I j SNORED IMT OP J $1.25 Brooms (6 String) # B F p-" |®§ 5 Big Attractive Lots of Dresses, Friday For 49 c Is I# 1 !£•£? An Opportunity Comes Very Seldom and Needs Quick S " D 'NOTE— TheFirrt2oo !£'?£ | |L ■——— Attention. Dresses For Practical Wear and Special Occas ons WOMEN Entering 5 | | Women-, JFPJF) Serge Dresses <R2 FLLFT Silk Poplin Dresses HJ QS ~,°™ R E„ S ™,!! M„™. 9SWEATER S IVOISLJ FT . Clean Sweep Sale Price . Clean Sweep Sale Price . K /R ,A ' *-* W Sets fe ?>| one of these brooms for 49c. Child's 3- 111) nj women's Voile Colors : black, navy and brown. Made of a heavy Made of Susquehanna Silk poplin in pretty styles ' ° NLY ONE TO EILCH H 6l ' Boll, <! lECO Sweater IS ABENDS, SU£ serge. Good model. Sizes, 16 to 42. OJFLY Nicely trimmed. All colors and sizes up to 44. ' JGL Remember, Only 200 SFEHAKS | IY FV^V" 0 "? 6 / Women's and Misses' New Women's and Misses' Serge Women's and Misses' Serge /ll till Tickets. Be on Hand $1: 9 5. OJNL UL 33 ft] M u " ' aop ' te / J \ Satin Dresses. 0O QC Dresses. Sale &Q QC Dresses. Sale QlO QC /M' lf, IPM When the Doors Open I goc worsted I ISJ I 39C /\R\ll/ Sale Price .VD p NCE <&TJ.ZFO PL . KE <M <S.I/D |®ILL at 8.30. $0 47 I |[U / . j KL U JWW 1 0 Choice of black, navy and plum; 3 Made, of Men's Wear Serge in black, Made of extra fline Serge, in all the MllWlliijUllWlulsW ' GJ R X CM- / S !S? First Floor. \ —MI JP— I elegant styles to select froiji, embroid- navy, brown and taupe. All good newest stylos. Nicely trimmed. Em- "F™— "MliiMl ilMKlMllTiiri'ill IHFTFF.LFWKWWZWWWRAMMHWMR.. FL • * ; hi GBSNFIMSBBSUFI \ O JrirailL ered and plain trimmed. Sizes 1G to 42. models. Sizes 16 to 44. broidercd ' and plain. Assorted colors. * @ S Hand Extra Special " Extra FECIAL! Extra Special All B Ladies' I I T if H —"* II OC COATS Srilt-k 19 QC *■*"• LoatS l-£ 1 g|.S"',S I \ COATS Il.Ub J. UA 4 COATS In the Clean Sweep L'r; I FIFL I bfa N ck. I \ The new 34-lnch Beaver Plush Sport Just 100 of these Handsome 34-inch SIX GREAT BIG LOTS FRIDAY M BIE FIOIE AND lill S navy. green! / 1 \ Coats, belted, with pockets, fancy lin- • 3 p0 ,. t Coats. Made of Seal Plush. I heel In black S!| I® I SALE price, / 1 I ng. Sizes 16 to 40. Just 12 coats In Various materials. Not many helted, with pockets and fancy lining. Girl's CLOTH Girls' Winter H AML white. AS LOL 1 II this lot. coats. They will go In a Jiffy. El™,. I FI T r> 44 J UUIO "" ,L " ■ sorted. Pair. Li> WP $7 QQ . HE early-it wiil pay you. 'V" COATS COATS I %/ FG [LL I PIR . T # FIOOR , Ji "IL Coats at Coats at Coats at Coats at Coats at Coats at I H V I lOOP. \ I . I<l I,'AV KIVFI'M* BUES I to A jeais. Corduroy and Cloth ■ FLRAT FIONF FESL KIT L\ CLEAN SWEEP | CLEAN SWEEP | CLEAN SWF F.I | CLEAN SWEEP A CLEAN SWEEP IN assorted colors and Coats, assorted style | ' |if)| |-=n / $10.95 $12.95 *l5-95 $17.95 $23 .95 "Srsr- ' I '*<3 V— I I -TR I Y> I IR I /-. I A Kersey, \elour, Broadcloth, Tver- .cloth Melton Pom- A'"FQ vJirlS WINTER I LUUICO J>| GGL Kimonos / / ™ OUR ' Boucle. Velour, Cheviot. POMPOM . KERSEY sey. Melton. VELOU AID Broadcloth. Cut COATS I Hnxierv [U Infants' / I Kersey - fur Egyptian plush. AND CHEVL ot In K HE8 V £° l^ R B , I | L T . N K D PZH. AH sizes for Bolivia,, Duvetyn. Clean Sweep DJO OQ COAI B I " OSLE RY MRFNOS 6 WHTE I / collars, plush col- ompon and Ker- reindeer, taupe, bur- navy, dark brown! misses and women, Velour, Pompom, Sale Price IJ>0OL/ Clean Sweep OQ I Ladies Black Sjl hi FianneTette I I lar and self collars sey plush collors gundy, navy, dark taupe, burgundy, in black, navy, rein Kersey, in black Plush. Khaki, Chev- Sale Price | Flßre Silk IY LU in blue and / / —navy. Burgundy. navy, black, dark brown Mrae lin- beaver and green, deer. burgundy, „ T brown LOT. etc. All good Zibclines, Khaki ■ double S* pink. Slightly J . . —1 dark brown, hunt- brown, Burgundy, som HR HATXET TA througTout A - - Cloth and ' Corduroys SOUF AND^HEEL 6 [|| F'LT LI er's green and taupe and green Fur. plush or self some have big fur taupe. Lined burgundy and plum ORS ' SIZES 7TO 14 assorted colors and ■ Garter _T op. ITH J / /L taupe some are sizes for misses collars. All sizes collars, others with throughout — plush, ~ T - yearg. styles. Sizes 7to 14. I t, B /? TO J^JJ 1 OQ A j [ V ,INFD throughout, and women - nine- A H I, D N( £ED ?IRS. H ° R BUty-avi One misses and women. GIRLS' WINTER COATS, $2.89 ~ g*\ *' |i i H JC7C if V\it) Fifty-eight coats. ty-flve coats. and ten coats I coats. I twenty-live coats. ! Ninety-flve coats. Assorted styles and colors of Cloth S A Q HI 1 "EVOMI FLOOR \f Extra Size Suits and Coats for Extra Large Women All at Clean Sweep Sale Prices Coats, in sizes 2to 14 years. 1 LA G * VI ■ Urst Floor. GA £■■■■■■■■■■■ SECOND FI.OOH M I lz"?k c Reductions in Furs; Friday £ xtra Special! Extra Special! I ] f'l IHJ 1-3 Less Than Regular Prices . ( I | fi taa,urrau,t ' 300 Petticoats i2T?...t*>9*\£&... 1 Sale price, P Cf , ' Put* CNF C F W I ment of styles. fefjl I9c Mllffs REDUCED | GNE FLTOH Black and Colored Sateen and Cotton Taffeta * C2SXS3 L — —WV I 1 KS one taupe Fox One Beaver Coney Ball Muff. Opossum set W \\ /IF I % H First Floor Set. Large was $16.85. Clean Sweep price. Large BALL W „\ '* A YJTL. T H LM i muff with the *11.22 muff and large n /"I F /\ . I P 13. B | TWL -RJ C N 1 LR,T lOOR ' JG head and tall, One Beaver Coney Ball Muff, animal scarf. < S . VFILL TIP #AV 9 Mills*!* rsi tx X E—^ lsr _ M O and large ani- Was $12.80. Clean Sweep Price, Was $45. Sale J XJlUllUo lUT L/UIC.K JHLT/LF ft T* ||J| \A fI t mal scarf; was *(S.R>K price, —• O K(i'.. .t at) (Itargniii Ilnst'inenO (Ilnrgain llasenient) K ~ ————l V| is VjlYlS $75. Sale price, Two Black Sealine Ball Muffs. • W g F, ~ , , §! t Middies $50.00 v %l K tgks"&i^u , Sa $30.00 - . C . D FFFIS $1.391KK., $6.95,5R".... 59CH H S-- of""", !&■'.';■ -JAA Group I— Sateen Petticoats 74c l n ' li Hose 1 ■ Only sin the Wolf set; large Black or Taupe Wolf Ball MufL Coney Sets. * 9 O I \ fi 1 High grade ISI' IS!.kk isrsn.""? jr e | \ f Isaw "as I IKSFEJ WPRJA'IV SAAVAIA • • *""-***■ |. I IMB \ 1 1 I IVT 16 and 18 price. (Mean Sweep Price, *S.R,s sale price. C-*Mtrs 9 Cvrssen 9 I #-5" AM ! \ 9 1 white. Sizes, 6 1 $5.95! $40.00 SLO^LEWWE^'PR^!. *.?.? TLOFTO C e C KTTJUP J ( \, | 1 \?J: ° dd lots ' | U prico, Black and Luciie Wolf Bail 9LZUU Sateen and Cotton Taffeta Sol Sateen and Cotton VA /„ V-IR if I G I\ H ___ 2!| d 7 ,FT GU W C® KM Petticoats QY| Taffeta OF Q/ | J // L 8 C. ,'8 29 C ■ I •I § Large BALL Coney Ball Muff. Was $8.95. *5.04 ney Sets. Ball SALE PRICE J/TTC SALE PRICE .. # J/TT P //. _ '% W ~ ITLTL Q Sreond Floor RTT-FL sen'RF WAS ■ scarf Was' s Hi! Made of good quality, fast Made of fine quality sateen. if (llnrguln Ilnsemcnt) | (IN. Rnxem. ... I (IlnrgnlA HiiNenient) B First Floor. 11 liU 5r,N no ' Sale C C ' JPI Sale price colors. Black sateen and black Also cotton taffeta with silk % W K FF S BL Scarfs and Sto es S.. NNN FUVI°CUL TA oni T Y' 139 JR in \h R IS LF Iot.' co*o E r A o ni 0 J" NC jiit 77 I{ in R ?his 1ot D I Shaker Flannel Toilet Paper Laundry Soap . RFJ UB II SC>3B7 One 85-Inch Jap Mink Stole. iDIvtUU „ . ... M • White, good qual- Eight rolls good Eight cakes Em- F K . L!S IST B tiOUSC with tall and paws. Was $67..> U. K VIF.M AN S— Second Ploor. ( ily; , Special, yard. Crepe Toilet Paper, p'irc Laundry Soap, [ [2 RnnpaloW KL hi £ n ' One Taupe Clean Sweep price ONE Lucille * -A F\ 1 / *-*#-• P* H S MM "S U * WU ' jl|. IU Dresses Opossum Set. One 80-inch Hudson Seal Stole. Opossum Set. —— FI # 9/2 Jha gt <T*/4 JR N ANYONE ' *2 S? B Large BALL WAS $45. Clean Sweep price, *3O Large ba 11 __ T R I£t L £d %J T/L/ L % El fiprVllS S>| ® I es H fo U r E W D OMLN ATLMAFS W^LLME? 0 " SM 'K WW fly lAn 1) / ftl ft Votl flt VO bl)/*ntf € ' -I I . and 1 S 1 R; A av C ANTING" *4 s* One Lueile Brown WT'tUAninial * 4s ' HALE P, ' CE * lIUCLV. Dig L €QIUT£ LiV £Jlli J WOOLSOAP I Table Oil Cloth 20 Mule Team I I IN'ali "iizes'up SI HI I ham JU?t 87 lON OA Scarf. Was $39.50. Price. *20.00 D.O FT QQ ° # \ I RRRRAV CBV' TO M } WE " JI Ily B Sizes 34 to 40 $30.00 JDOU.UU . /\/\ • 1 JTX U FOR BATH OR LAUN " Fancy, HI yards BORAX % H made and pro- ILL B ONLY ' 1C,... (tmnn'S. Second FLOORS RFLLJ J D ' Y ' S ' X ° I,KC ' S ' wide; yard, AGE," 0 " P ° UN P AOK " I H PRLT e, M II For Home Sewers and Dressmakers I N \ Big LOTS: REDUCED > Wool Blankets II ~ 1 GL tntirc Button otock to be Uiscontmucd GIRLS . DRESSES - „ G IRI S ' DRESSES \ , GK > Y WOOL RLANKKTS, A WOOL PLAID BLANKETS | P|l IJresses Vjirls Llresses T I mixture of clean corded wool Made of selected stock wool L|]L |IM House Pearl, Bone, Plush and Silk Buttons vJn -.lean Sweep PRICE" O Dlean Sweep price*/ SK* I ANTL cotton ; pink, blue, AND cotton mixture to give# Flannelette SH I Dresses ' cards o£ 4. 60r12 to the card. 3 lots for quick W FFIIRJSWS SST.'-T. $5.95 G owns 1 UI Fleece lined cellincr Whole Stock INCLUDED. wajsted. Sizes 2to 6 years.. ME<L with contrasting colors. 1 GRAY BLANKETS MADE OF I>LLCE IS BSL House Dresses. Selling. WIIUIC OLUCFT. UA-iuutu. These are extra special values. I?ELT AT waistline. Sizes T> to , , .. 1 ' -MADE OI I Ladies' Flan- MIL SS Button Dim- 1-1 I O ¥_ F Q P 14 years. I wool and cotton, very service- COTTON FLEECE BLANKETS, nelette gowns. RLL NIL mcd, full cut. JLOt 1 LOT LIOL J g able and well made; pink. and Medium shade of gray I made of Scotch IFTL I'M Colors. navy, . • UirlS Dresses Girls Dresses g BLUE . 4FT KFL LZ E 68x80 Inches. EN flannel ette. gsi FIGURED card card T card Clean Sweep -I R*N Clean Swe<* &<1 Q N \ B ° RDERB ' - OU Special , yoke embroid- |H [LU designs. Sizes. (fa / ■* S A L E p R i CES *D 1O O S Sale Prices X> A.Z* / K SILVER GRAY WOOL COTTON FLEECE BLANKETS I "JSHT blue and GA S 58 to 46. These lots Include our highest priced buttons. All of them go. I lnen ifnd Clmrham NIN.' PUIH N, . , J Blankets/ fine wool fleeced Made of clean corded, good I Pink stripe, M $7 97 None reserved. IIS SLK ||M / / / RPI —X. WT • O *1 P"1 sailor Joliar, belt at waist lino, med and contrasting color of 9 F 66x80. <gg QG 72x80 Inches. Price, WO.O if | *p J <(J 1 7 These BIG Notion Specials, Friday S XSI —• r.'X """""" SR " . , . I Belding's 60-yard Spool Silk in colors. 5 spools 23c ; —R : I—.1 —. - , R mlxe( with a small percent- Q'FJIIIRV 'S™" FI6XB^| XL WO 'Q'C C 'R loor. | H] COR cia'rk's'O.' N.' T.' SPOOL' cotton, ' biack' AND wh'ite,' '' 23C Two Lots Girls' Serge Dresses : FRI4AY 1 fnches 0F COTTON: SI O7 T CQ fecial CBIS.YB J —G gSjj HnUSe A " numbers. 5 spools for Girls' Serge and Corduroy I of Girls' Serge DRME*. B PA,R •••••' WOOLNAI* BLANKETS —% > Toilet Soiips, assorted kinds. 23C Dresses, sizes OtoITA Q4 1 STECS 14 W,<L LFT - FTC Q A JP WHI V E WOOL FINISH Extra fine grade and sturdy / Lhlldren S VG LII* Dresses 5 cakes for 11. Sale price .... Sale price M Blankt*- Size 64x76 ex- ; quality, soft and warmful. % K1 Cap Hair Nets; assorted colors. 2OC g tra good quulity.l QB*I Special, *Y| QC# (it nil e • | U Aingham and 3 for ~ ... ' fi Special, pair W>SRO P A J R FI * douse Dresses. 2 i C |rT' * Praid Blankets II Knit cd gloves I M ' &'UU N cut. C sfze'S 0,1 West' Electric Hair Barretts. 'G £ SS W&T | BLANKETS —ln BLANKETS— WooI fin- S 88^ RTCD FLLZEB - V. each '••••••••'• . RH* JBFIFI V JMTL H W beautiful colors. tsh. Nice and soft —FI FTL ST 1 A*T High Grade Ivory Combs, assorted, 34F> MM - PMM ■■■ M KM UHK NA FT * ( . {ll *P 7 4/ each F,T O QUA JX THL SM NGTFIFI J Size 60x76 Inches. beautiful quality. Size Y4 /- Sij 1 • * ' Stork Baby Pants, 23C V FI| FT (Special, $5 4$ 66x80 inches. ss9s# * C Maurice A. Tuft, Philadelphia. WOUNDED, DEGREE UNDETER MINED, PREVIOUSLY REPORT ED MISSING IN ACTION Sergeant Peter J. McF&rland, Philadelphia. Corporal Harry Waller, Philadelphia. Privates 1 HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Harry C. McNamee, Llanerch. John A. Wagner, Jenkintown. Horace Whiteside, Catasauqua. Harvey J. Rowo, Wlconlsco. Benjamin C. Stubbs, Manhelm. SICK IN HOSPITAL, PREVIOUSLY REPORTED MISSING IN AC TION 1 Privates Bronlslaw Mlsklel, Nanticoke. Jonathan P. Clauser, A 1 entown. RETURNED TO DUTY, PREVIOUS LY REPORTED MISSING IN ACTION Howard Averlll, Erie. Sylvester B. Bubb, Philadelphia. James F. R. McCarthey, Pitts burgh. Seven Years as Robber Nets but $500; Honest Life For Him, He Says New York After having spent' seven years as a burglar and all around robber and gaining less than JANUARY 9, 1919. $5OO In all of that time, 18-ycar-old Stephen Leyser told Supreme Court Justice Humphrey In Long Islind City recently that he had decided to take up another career as soon as he had the opportunity. He pleaded guilty of having stolen an overcoat from the tailor shop of Frank Sarotvsky, 224 South street. Jamaica, and ho was sentenced to lh Elmlra Reformatory. | "I am going to keep a watch ua | your record, there," said the Justlc.x, "and if you behave yourself, I will help you start on a riew career when you get out." "I'll be as good as any boy in ths institution." ho replied. 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers