I : .' ■ . ■ ■ HARRISBURG ifSpfe. TELEGRAPH ■ M- Independent. r v V V \Tl T T \ Z ')') Ti WT7C Daily Except Sunday. Entered as Second Clasa J— AA A V 111 1\ 0. J 1 /YCil—o Matter at the Post Office at Hurrisburg PEACE DELEGA TES ABOUT TO START ON REAL WORK OF PREVENTING WARS Full Attendancel of Nations Is Necessary WILSON IS TO ADVISE U. S. Americans Only Partly Ready With Plans By Associated Press Paris, Jan. 10. After! nearly a month of waiting" and preparations, conversa-i tions which will lay the j foundation of the actual peace congress arq, about to start. American delegates feci that a great deal of progress { might have been made before j now if a full representation of i the nations allied against Get-, many had arrived promptly. j The British plenipotentiaries now are expected to arrive Sat- : urday. As many of the princi-j pal questions to he threshed out; in preliminary conferences concern j most intimately the United States,: Greut Britain and France, there is j some hope for fair headway being! made while awaiting the official an-1 nouncement of the full Italian dele-1 gation and the arrival of the Japa nese representatives. The Belgians; will arrive next week. To Tell Congress of Action The first few conferences between I the Americans, French and British] will probably develop just how muchj progress may lie expected before I President Wilson goes Miome next j month. It is settled that when he] reaches America one of his first actst will be to address Congress and give! a report on what has been accom- j plished. Some American diplomats j here agree that the most Mr. Wilson | can hope to report will probably be a general undertaking of the widest' sort upon a set of principles which | must be left, to lie applied by the | peace congress. Physical conditions , alone will probably prevent the ae- i complisliment of more than this dur- ' ing the remaining six weeks of his' stay. Yankee Plans Delayed Organization work has taken the Americans a month, and even now they are only partly ready. The French, of course, have their organ ization on the spot. The British have | brought over from England a highly developed machine which is virtually ready to function. The Japanese will have to orgunize after reaching here, as will the Belgians and other minor belligerents. • These preliminaries will not neces-l sariiy deiay tlie informal conversa tions, but they will hamper the, working of "group plan" confer ences by which the principal bellig erents expect to thresh out points with interested neutrals, non-bellig erents or minor nations engaged in the war, and reduce their results to memoranda which are to go to the peace congress for inclusion in the final settlement. Americans Disappointed President Wilson's feeling, on com ing to Europe as -early as they did, was that all the Entente govern ments had made their preparations lb get down to talking peace. He and the American commissioners have been disappointed by the de lays. The American delegates are understood to feel very strongly that unless pians are made to permit the activities ot peace to be resumed in warring countries the demobilization of their armies may bring unwel come problems. The return of Mr. Wilson to the United States will reduce the Ameri can delegation to four, but it was explained to-day that delegations will vote as units, and that the President never had intended to sit continu ously at the peace table. Ail the progress that has been made has been in President Wilson's conferences with French, British and Italian statesmen. These con ferences have approached only broad principles. In the conversations about to begin the progress that has been made with individual countries probably w.il be brought into the discussion and general agreements sought. BERGER PLANS FIGHT Chicago, Jan. 10.—Victor L. Ber ger, of Milwaukee, one of the live Socialist leaders found guilty of con spiracy under the espionage act to obstruct the government's war pro gram, plans to fight to obtain a seat in the Nationul Assembly. Complaint to bar him from Congress as disloy al already has been filed by J. P. Carney, Democrat, whom Bcrger de feated in the November election. THE WEATHER For Harrlmliurg and vicinity: Fair to-night and Saturday: nnrmtr to-night, lowest temperature about 111 degrees. For Eastern I'enimyb nnln: Fair to-night nnd Sntordny : warmer to-night: strong southwest and went winds. River .\u mnterlnl ehnngrn will oeeur In gauge heights or Ire condition*. A stage of about 8.3 feet I* Indi cated for Harrlaburg Saturday morning. FREEDOM OF SEAS IN BACKGROUND LONDON, .lull. 10.—Messages from Doris indicate lliat Dremlers Clcmenceau and Lloyd George have scored a great success on the question of the freedom of the seas and tliat very little is likely to be said on this subject when the actual peace conference as sembles. The Spanish-Moroccan question also lias been settled to the satis- j faction of Kngluinl and Trance. PRESIDENT MAY ACT TO BREAK HARBOR STRIKE \ Wilson Advised of Great Tie- j up; Early Heply Is Ex pected From Paris By Associated Press Washington. Jan. to.—Presi dent Wilson's iiillucncc to com pose tlie strike situation in Now York is expected to be exerted to-day. lie has been inform ed by cable of the situation and an early reply from him is ex pected. New York, Jan. 10. Just as word was received here of expected j action by President Wilson to at- j tempt a settlement of the strike] which has tied up all harbor traffic, i offers of the marine workers' affi-! liation went into conference today declaring that no solution would be accepted oilier than "unconditional I surrender" of the boat owners whose j refusal to arbitrate their employes' j demands for higher wages and an eight-hour day precipitated the | walkout. No Hat-gaining, Says Leader The strikers met to deliberate up- j on the proposal of A. H. Smith, east- 1 crn regional director of railroads, in j whose district 1.200 government I controlled craft were abandoned by their crews, for a 48-hour "armis- ! tice ' during which the men would j return to their posts pending an agreement to solve the strike prob- ! lent "across the table." In addition i to declaring that "unconditional sur- j render" would be demanded, Presi dent Delahunty, of the marine workers' affiliation, asserted that - "there will bo no individual bargain ing, not even with the railroads. It is the sentiment of the men that the strike must be settled in Its en tirety by both railroad and inde pendent boat operators. Mr. Smith submitted his request to the strikers' representatives at a conference last night and told them i I if it was granted the strike could be J settled. After the meeting the men's I representatives assert that Mr. | Smith's proposition to them was "fa vorable" but none would predict I what action the general strike com : miltee might take upon it. Herouto Food For State Kailroad officials today were de ; voting their efforts to rerouting food I for the city from points in New Jersey to points in New York state when it can be brought here by train. The food situation was de scribed us "more critical than even the most pessimistic can realize." in a statement issued late last night | from the office of Mr. Smith. It de clared that the lives of thousands of persons in the greater city depended upon the success of the efforts to reroute food so urgently needed. Uniformed policemen turned deck hands down at dawn and enabled Staten Island shipbuilding to pro gress uninterruptedly by getting the workers to tlie yards on time. The policemen operated one municipal ferry boat between Manhattan and | Staten Island. More Warehouses at Middletown, Is Washington Rumor A\ aslilngton, Jan. 10.—Ordnance department oftleiuls are discussing the advisability of adding to the warehouse capacity of the ordance depot near Middletown, Dauphin county, Pennsylvania. It is possiblo that within the next few weeks plans will be approved for the erec tion of three or four more ware houses at that place. Additional ground will be necessary for the de velopment. The depot is now able to house a great accumulation of material that but for the cessation of the war would be now on its way to Prance. It was planned on a much larger scale but for some un known reason work was stopped af ter only • two warehouses were built. The foregoing report front Wash ington is in accord with a rumor that has been afloat here for some weeks, ever since Captain Douglass was sent here front Delaware City to make a survey of tlie Middletown plot. It was said at that time thut several warehouses designed for France, the maleriul for which is on hand, would be sent to Middletown lo add to the unit there. The new warehouses, which may be erected in the spring, will be of permanent construction. Eighty Delegates Are to Sit at Peace Board EXPERTS ARE TO GIVE AID Freedom of Seas May Not Loom at Table By Associated Press Paris, Jan. 10. There! probably will be eighty del-1 egatcs at the peace congress i if the program presented to | the delegates to-day by the French government is approved j bv the Supreme Council. There; will, in addition, be extra dele-! gates from most of the nations represented. These will he called! into the congress when special! subjects upon which they arel experts are under consideration.] Specialist sto Be Called Lord ilardinge. former viceroy of ] India; Sir Louis Mallet, British am-i bassador to Turkey and Sir Kstne t\. Howard, British minister to i Switerland probably will appear for! great Britain as. extra delegates. Bernard Barucli, Vance McCormick and other specialists# wilt be called upon by the United States peace commission. Changes in the plans hitherto considered were suggested to-day. They concerned, principally, the number of delegates to be given the smaller powers. Most of those which declared war on the Central Empires will have three. These nations are' Greece, Serbia, Portugal, Humania. Brail and China. Poland and Czeeho-Slovakia will have two each. Countries which simply broke rela tions with either of the Central Powers will have one delegate. ' Foes' Delegates Problematical Neutrals will be represented when their special interests are taken up. The number of dele gates to be apportioned to Germany, Austria, Bulgaria and Turkey will be decided later. Bishop Darlington Is Made Colonel on the Governor's Staff Bsliop James Henry Darlington, of the Harrisburg Protestant Episco pal diocese who last week was hon ored with the French Legion of Honor, was to-day appointed aid de-camp witlt the rank of colonel on the Governor's staff by Govern or Brumbaugh. The appointment is to till the vacancy made by the resignation of Henry W. Shumaker, which was received by the Governor to-day. The appointment is for eleven days only, as the Governor's staff retires with the outgoing executive. The bishop may be the last civil ian ever to receive this honor which carries with it the right during his term of office of wearing the uniform that goes with it for state occasions, as Governor-elect Sproul has said that he does not Intend to appoint a staff, or if he does it will be made 1 up entirely of military officers who have seen service in the war. It is said Bishop Darlington is contem plating a trip abroad within the next year. MAY LIFT BLOCKADE FOR FOOD Paris, Jan. 10. —The urgent de mands pf the Czecho-Slovaks und Poles for food, which involve a mili tation of tlie naval blockade, after consideration by the American peace delegates have been referred to of ficials of the American food admin istration. : 'BIG BUCK AND LITTLE BUCK" MENTIONED FOR GALLANTRY Sergeant Hah?y and Corporal Fisher Win Honors on Field of Battle, Companion Writes How Harrisburg soldiers in the One Hundred and Eighth Field Ar tillery, Twenty-eighth Division, aid ed in driving back the Hun masses, is told in an interesting letter to the Telegraph from Corp9>-al O. W. Yea cork, of Philadelphia, a member of Battery P. He says: "Sergeant L. A. Haley and Cor poral Clyde Fisher have done some very good work in driving back the Huns. Several incidents of good work done by Sergeant Haley could be explained but to be brief I will tell of the coolness of the Sergeant In holding a bunch of drivers on a road during an air raid. "When everyone was worried as to what to do, Haley shouted orders to "hold your horses and stand pat.' This the men did and after 'Jerry un loaded ills coal' some three hundred yards front the men they were or dered to mount and proceed in good order. HARRISBURG. PA.. FRIDAY EYEXIXG. JANUARY 10, 1919 Add—Horrors of War tilSfefci#' fY° ( great TO get jfj ARMY CHIEFS ON PRESIDENCY MAP AT BIG SESSION Generals Pershing and Wood and Senators Figure in Gos sip at Chicago Meeting Chicago. Jan. 10.—Party leaders from nearly every state have ar rived here to attend the meeting of the Republican National Committee. The session is to be in the nature of a political love feast at which the Re publican victory at the Congressional elections last November will be can vassed and plans for the 1920 Presi dential campaign discussed. Virtually [Continued on Page 10.] County Has Good Day With No Bills to Pay For tlie first time in the last seven years no money was paid out of the county treasury, although the doors opened for business according to Deputy Treasurer Josh E. Ruther ford. Yesterday tlie office was open dur ing the. regular hours but not one voucher aws presented or a single bill paid, he said. This is the first time there has been no funds ex pended in one day since Mr. Ruth erford has been connected with the I office. "In the case of Corporal Fisher I will tell of his experience as best I can, when he volunteered to take a wounded man to a dressing station, "About 3 o'clock one morning in the Argonne Forest when the gun crews were called to serve the guns and the ttrst volley was fired, a mem ber of one of the squads was lilt by a piece of exploding shell. Fisher, who was nearby, voluntered to take the man to a dressing station. This was some three miles back and.ne cessitated traveling a continually shelled road which at that time lvat very dahgerous. But it seemed Fish er did not care and did the mission very well, being complimented by all his comrades for the feat. "I might mention that these two men are known In Battery F as "Big Buck" and "Bittle Buck," due to their being together about twenty hours out of every twenty-four. Tliey both served on the Mexican border with the Governor's Troop.' < Stye JSlar- MOVING TO PUT FORMER KAISER BEHIND BARS Loiidon, Jan. 10. —Proceedings against the former German em peror are advised in a special report by a subcommittee of the commission charged with in quiring into violations of the laws of war, appointed two months ago. Plans for a tribunal to try eases in which violations of the laws of war are alleged have al ready been submitted. Through subcommittees, the commission has Inquired into ill-treatment of prisoners, offenses at sea and of fenses of the air. EASY TO CATCH WILD DUCKS IF YOU KNOW HOW Not For Ten Dollars Will Busy Give Tip of Trade to Outsiders Wild ducks are easy to catch alive. Two boys from Rockville say so, and they were paid $1 each to catch six. They got the ducks, also the money, but how did they do it? The boys refused to tell the secret, which is a dark one. to be sure, for they set out last night to catch the ducks then at large in AVtldwood Park, a small tract containing a few hun dred acres. The ducks were taken to the Wild wood lake by the park department officials early last summer. Luter tliey were released und were Been all over the large luke. When win ter came with snow and cold weath er G. Grant Forrer, assistant park superintendent, urranged to care for the ducks, but they could not be caught. .Mr. > Forrer attempted to get them but without success. Everything Is Safe Then the two youths appeared and made their offer. It was accepted at once. J.ast night they asked for some corn and set out down the lake after the ducks. About two hours later the boys came back, handed over the ducks and asked for the money. They were paid and were offered another $1 to tell how they caught the fowls. "Wouldn't tell for $10," one of them said as they disappeared in the darkness. Tho ducks are now safe in a large. Warm, frame pen and won't freeze nor starve during the winter months. Hut the park department officials are puzzling yet over their mysterious capture. I Can you tell bow the boys did it? ONLY gVE.MNO ASSOCIATED I'ltl-SS SINGLE COPIES fiAUP PIMTIAU NEWSPAPER IN HAItPISIICnu TWO CENTS tIUMk bill 1 IUN 'FINAL TOUCHES ARE BEING PUT TO PENN-HARRIS Many Seek Invitations to Sec ond Bi.'j Dinner to Hotel Friends Every day sees (he Penn-llarris | Hotel nearer Una! completion. It ; has been an Instantaneous success I from the standpoint ol" the transient | guest and the fume of the new hotel j has already spread far and wide, j Additional furniture has been j coming in daily by express and with i the few last consignments of fur | niture the hotel ought to be prac | tically a finished undertaking with the end of January. The finishing touches are being put on the grill room, one of the attractive features of the hotel, this week, and it is expected it will be | regularly opened after next Satur day night. This room is bound to attract liundredH of people and is likely to prove a magnet for after theater guests. The celebrutiou dinner and smoker which will he given Friday evening, January 17th, for men only, at $1.50 per plate, Is attracting much atten tion, and W. M. Ogelsby, secretary of the hotel company, is already deluged with requests for invita tions. Many persons who were not present at the formal opening din ner given to the stockholders and i their guests will uttend the dinner j and smoker a week from to-night, j It promises to be un occasion of in , terest and enjoyment. Henderson | Gilbe'rt is arranging entertaining , features and he is somewhat of an j expert In this line. All over the hotel the decorators I are adding the final touches and ud ' dltional lighting fixtures of urtistic ; design have enliunced the beauty j of the grill and other main rooms. Many of tho most prominent men I of the city have indicated their pur i pose to be present at the dinner 1 and smoker next Friday night. This j will be served In the main lounge, where the formal opening look place : on New Fear's eve. No Longer Necessary to Conserve Nation's Fuel Washington, Jan. 10.—All orders and regulations as lo fuel conser i vution, except one relating to na- I tural gas, were withdrawn by the j fuel administration, Regulations as ' to zoneß and prices and some others remain In effect, but In accordance with the announced policy of the ad ministration, the question of fuel saving now is once more a matter for individual determination. 1 EBERT GOVERNMENT PUTS DOWN REVOLT WITH STRONG HAND Spartacan Factions Losing All Hope of Victory When Loyal Troops Stand Firmly by the Cabinet STREETS ALMOST DESERTED WITH PROCESSIONS BARRED By Associated Press Berlin, Jan. 10.—The government forces are in com plete control of that section of the inner city between the Brandenburg gate and Friedrichstrasse. It has issued an order prohibiting all processions. In issuing' its order against processions, the government gave warning that its troops have orders to fire without waiting the Spartacans to begin and to shoot to kill. The Spartacans apparently are losing hope. They failed to summon a mass meeting of their supporters to-day and the streets are almost deserted- The streets of Berlin to-day were] without even the usual small groupsi of disputants. The corerspondent is informed that lite Berlin regiment of mounted j sharpshooters is supporting tiic gov-1 ernment enthusiastically and that! otiie.r troops In tlie city also are i loyal. Many Killed It is estimated that more than two hundred persons havo been killed in tlie fighting in Berlin since Mon day. The Charlie and other outlying hospitals cared for three hundred! wounded Wednesday. Twelve dead were carried into tlie Chancellor's I palace in Wilhelmstrasse during' Wednesday. Determined attacks by the govern ment forces on tlie plants of the Tageblatt and the Vossische Zeitung. which are still in the hands of the Spartacans, have been going on with short intervals of inaction since noon yesterday. Use Machine Guns It was given out from official sources here yesterday that, the gov ernment forces had recaptured po lice headquarters from the Spurt- ? X T* the government fore* *§• t* Mb At 3, T X T v j X **y- 8 than 200 persons hav j x n killed in th § A and other-outlying hospitals cared for 300 wounded on Zj | X 'dnesday. Twelve dead were carried into the chancei T I < % e ? - i-.e dur'ng Wednesday. Z' : | tTRIKLRS ARMISTICE ' • ' A Tike eomrtittee of the Marine a r ' A *! • 4* as i T *' *}* i A ;s pending * | MP conferences between government, boat owners and beat- \ I $ i I *2* a A e. a i il :: |4 WILL TRY TO RUSH FAMINE RELIEF J • X Washington—Administrationleaders decided to make > [ Mr another attempt to-monow to obtain a rule for the imr * 1 ! *2 a ■ ! A, || J JL , L j X -C6 to OVt, * | I A the rules committee whw flj -a favorable report. J ; t :: EICHORN REPORTED IN FLIGHT a. T —Eicaom, the Spar wean police-chici, whose t. * ' 4* ai to resign ieu to the present irouolc in Berlin, is * 1 . jrted to have lied that i gto a Zurich dh- a i to the Matin. " 1 A a i 4i 4* ■ f L- - A IN PGR I WIT Jtl WAR W GREEKS ' *s* 1 14* Mew -0... -ihc Lriiish tinhspurt uiua arrived here • • iw y-t* m iireat with i.OQj Airithcan tr'opps. The . J [ f the Y. 11? C. A. unu K; of C. hcid * 1 i jiorces. i c| I t MARRIAGE LICENSES A riutll* I'ullarri nnd Mary Tln, litre) ton; Stfnn I'elieke, Steel. ' Aj tun, nnd Dotty Fnlloeek, Mlddletown. j WILHELM PERKS UP; HAS VISITOR QHy Assbeiaied Press . Ameiongoii. Jan. 10.—William" 4 Hohonzollem was able to walk." about in the guldens at Amwoii gen castle on Tuesday for tlie first, time in several weeks. His health - is reported to bu almost normal* again. Tlie secretary to the premier of Holland visited the former Ger-;, man emperor. acans. It was learned last evening, however, that this statement was not true and tjiut the headquarters is still In tlie hands of the Spartacan forces. The machine gun firing in th® newspaper quarter is almost continu ous. The government lias a large number of troops in readiness and tlie attacks seem likely to continue to a decision. With the exception of the fight ing just described it has been quieter than on any day since Sunday.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers