6 Mm. ___ . ___ Mm. ___ Tomorrow We Start the Years Biggest Event! All our stocks go into our January This means that you may select We have not reserved any of our Sale. All men's, young men's and boys' suits, over- from the choicest of all clothing and furnishing lines for we want every man and boy in this com coats, shirts, liats, caps, trousers, neckwear, underwear, hosiery, stocks in the city, and supply your future needs at practically munity to be able to come here and share in the sale and get the sweaters, mackinaws, etc., etc., will be marked down to January old prices—for the reductions that we have made from our al- clothes he most needs at the sale prices. Everything is our regu prices for this most important of all sales events in Harrisburg. - ready low prices make our sale prices the rock bottom level. lar fm. Strouse high-grade merchandise and our regular stock. Men's Furnishings I All Men's Clothing In Our January Sale 1 In Our January Sale All Shirts—ln Our January Sale ■ ** Madras, Percales, Silk Stripe Madras, and Finest Silks— ■ > ISA Gil S /"TI. —m\ \ ™i ah SI.OO shirt. ...79c aii $5.00 shirts ..s4.l9and Younsr Men's p.'-t'jß ill All $l5O Shirts ..$1.29 All $6.50 Shirts ..$5.49 * v MW ir All $2.00 Shirts aii $7.50 Shirts ..$6.49 C..U. an J OvArcnafe ill IS IKS: :lk!l :: All $.00 5h, n ,...59 3U"S and Overcoats All $3.50 Shirts ;.$2.69 All $8.50 Shirts ..$7.49 r f\ f C I jM//\ W-yj' ah $4.00 shirts ~53.i9 aii $9.00 shirts >. $7.89 Sale w ' ' $25.00 Suits and Overcoats ..tIQ en ffiwss/A ft \\ fAll Men's Work Shirts $19.50 W AII IVlen SVV OFK $30.00 Suits and Overcoats ..ft 34 Cft /t \ " In Our January Sale ; $35.00 Suits and Overcoats . .$27 sft /^J • Including Shirts with collar attached and Shirts with two <> 'll ZZ/////fir \ |gh separate collars. $40.00 Suits and Overcoats ft 33 qn C 2/f^} Wymlfc a All $2.50 "Signal" Shirts $1.89 .. J i~v ,//TA. . <(W~ JSlliif? All $ 1.75 Chambray and Black Sateen Shirts $1.39 $45.00 Suits and Overcoats . ■ 7.5 0 £ All $1.50 Shirts $1.29 ... M . . * fjlfw 7 M| n All $2.00 Flannel Shirts $1.49 !! $50.00 Suits and Overcoats .4541 .SO • AU $2.50 Flannel Shirts $1.89 •• V MWA '' UKMti AHs3.ooFlannel Shins, : .....$2.i9 —_ . ... . All $3.50 Flannel Shirts, .-. .. . ... . ... . . . r . ... . . .$2.69 IW llnlj'f 111/ J & W/ All $4.00 Flannel Shirts, . .$3.19 IK |//y //j , All $5.00 Flannel Shirts, $4.19 At 11 pt-i q 8 Vfll IS AFC 111 if 1/1 1 All $6.00 Flannel Shirts . . .$5.19 ;; lVieil S 1 rOUSCIS • IM j j I ~~AH*Neckwear 7 MIT AliSusplnders Oar January Sale IWj In Our January Sale Mackinaws, and Garters S 3OQ TROUSERS $2.45 IJj | ///// I .&Kte aso TROUSERS r9K S5'S ' "SI'S Rain Coats Alf3scC.,i., 23c 54.00 TROUSERS ~41: f%\K'" eC k Wear ll'il and Khaki Garments A 50c Carter. 39c l lv. $2.50 Neckwear, .. . .$1.89 All 75c Suspenders, . . .63c <£C ftft TI?OI TQI7DQ i nfi liilia $3.00 Neckwear, $2.19 in Our January Sale All SI.OO Suspenders, . .79c" IKUU3LK3 .ft 3.95 i is m! 3 ■■ ■ • ——— ——— —~— ——— ——— „ $6.00 TROUSERS &4.AS | | Will | All Boys' All Men's N $6.50 TROUSERS $5 45 ' '! , Overcoats and Suits Underwear ; ___ A. rCx / dim juhs /n our January Sale _ (OSK it Oar January Sale "<BS-41.49 M Me "' S HaU A " Sweatees P.SO s™u and In Our January Sale = eoeno 77 7" 1-7- AUs3.oo I 0 1n All our finest velour $l 89 SB-50 Suits and Overcoats $6.85 Underwears2.l9 and felt hats and all ahs3?s() " - Q V V\PKSfe S lO - 00 Suits and Overcoats <t 7 qc A nsf r ° we ars 269 ' caps reduced. .. ' \ V/A nn ' - AUSS.OO 44 s 9 |\ W $12.50 Suits and Overcoats Underwears3.l9 SB.OO Velour Hats . $6.45 A Ti e $6 e OO "dje',Q vv \ , \NaV nc aa C*i Jr\ . A 1155.00 A fa) $6.00 Velour and Felt Sweaters, . K K A\\ sls-00 Suits and Overcoats W'X SIB.OO Suits and Overcoats 4 M 00 ** 1 Q 1\ A " sso ° Felt HaU """ $395 ABITJBO ' I-T - UnderwearpD.l3 " A j $4.00 Felt Hats $3.15 Sweaters, $6.49 i $20.00 Suits and Overcoats 4:1 eQC All $7.50 .q . $3.50 Felt Hats $2.85 AUSB.OO 7 n n m Underwearsb.49 ? $3.00 Felt Hats ... .$2.55 Sweaters, ~56.89 The Wm. Strouse Store 3lO Market St. FRIDAY EVENING, SLVRRTSBmiG *TELSXSRAPH JANUARY 3, V9V*
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