1,000,000 Toll in War Through Pest of Lice London, Jan. 3.—Of the Insects responsible for the death or disable ment of hundreds of thousands in the war zone, the louse is declared Tomorrow, Saturday, A Second Day of the Clean Sweep Sale With More Big Values to the Front UHQICDV for Women *1 V-JOlJulx l an d Children At Clean Sweep Prices LADIES' HOSIERY. | LADIES' HOSIERY. Black cotton hose. I Black fleece lined; Double sole and heel, double sole and heel. Slight imperfections. Sale Price, A 7 f Cleaft Sweep 1 A** pair **#*< Sale, pr I'LL. CHILDREN'S HOS LADIES' HOSIERY. IERY. Heavy ribbed Black cotton double black, double sole and sole and heel; slightly heel. Sizes 7 to 9&. mperfect. OAr> Sale p r' ce ' Sale Price Pair " LADIES' HOSIERY. CHILDREN'S IIOS- Black and white lisle, IERY. Fine ribbed double sole and heel, black Hose; double Sizes 8 Vfc to 10. Sale sole and heel; sizes 5 Pricie, "\Af to 71 '£- Sale lA/+ Special Price, Pair, .. TC ■) " fm n n'o First Tr '"" T ' ~~ Tremendous Savings in Suits, Cloth Coats and Plush Coats at Clean Sweep Prices Saturday! Great Big Values in High Class New Waists In the Clean Sweep Sale Taffeta, Crepe de Chene jgxfi N. & Georgette HA / mm \ WAISTS ij>3 • / *" / £" 1 \ Clonn Sweep Sale / T ■* / / \ Pleated and embroidered t \ h I fronts; square, V and round / A V*-y, . il neck; square and combination 1 .... v flj\ 4 WNvS ) AJf\ collars; all colors. Sizes 38 to j j' \ \\|\ < $ ({] Crepe De Chine and | /A pM ? U wTiTt s s2.74 V fill Clean Sweep Sale >*<} (nA \ \ /V ['/ Tailored and embroidered V\v M\ 1 'iW fronts, round, square and V- \IV neck; sailor collars; colors, ) . white, flesh, beige and black. Size* 33 to 46. White Voile and WAISTS! Flannel All Best dj 1 A A WAISTS VtC Materials ... J> 1 •V £ ± Clean Sweep Sale Clean Sweep Sale Voile, slightly soiled, trimmed Georgette and Crepe De with val. lace and embroidery; Chines, Jap Silk, Irish Poplins; square and V-neck; sailor col- embroidered and pleated fronts; lars; grey flannel; button trim- round V and square neck; com nied; combination collar. Sizes bination and square collars; all 38 to 46. colors. Sizes 38 to 64. ~Hnllfninn' Flmt 200 Ladies' Bath Robes s*) .89 In Sizes 36 to 46—Clean Sweep Sale M _____ Ladies' Esmond and Beacon blanket bath W M robes, trimmed with cord and satin, colors, Tan, Rose, Gray, Cardinal, Navy with figured designs, sizes 36 to 46. =Knufman', Second Plnnr • —— Irresistible Clean Sweep Prices For Girls' Winter Coats These Great Special Lots For Saturday Girls' Winter Coats, Saturday <£ A qa Clean Sweep Snle Price Jnu Plush and Cloth in assorted colors and stripes. Sizes 2 to 6 years. ■ Girls' Winter COATS Girls' Winter COATS CLEAN SWEEP CO QQ CLEAN SWEEP $Q on SALE PRICK wt.OJ SALE PRICE p0.017 in°u d ssort n od d co e iors 0 !? 18 Plush> Khaki - Cheviot, etc. All in assorted colors. Sizes Bto 14. good styles, assorted colors. Sizes j t t 7 to 14 years. Girls Winter COATS CLQTH COATS CLEAN SWEEP dJO OQ u SALE PRICE OO.OU CI , EAX SWEEP 1 oq Corduroy and Cloth Coats, as- SALE PRICE ipI.OSJ sorted style and colors. Sizes 7 to 14. Sizes 2 to 6 years. In assorted colors and styles. Girls' Winter COATS Gir j s > CLOTH COATS S^E^PK^jf 1 ! 56.89 CLEAN SWEEP *0 OQ Zibelines, Khaki Cloth and Cor- SALE r "IL'E JpZ.OS# duroys, assorted colors and styles. Sizes 2 to 6 years. Assorted Sizes 7 to 14. colors and styles. KAUFMAN'S—Second rinnr- Muslin Underwear Muslin Gowns Q A Clean Sweep Sale I'rlec W Ladies' Nainsook Gown, trim med with Val. Lace and Ribbon Insertion. Squaro neck, full cut. Nainsook Gowns $1 12 Clean Sweep Sale Price * Ladies' Nainsook Gown, trim med with Embroiderey and Val. Lace and Insertion. Square and V-neck, full cut. Nainsook Gowns $ .47 Cleun Sweep Sale Price Ladies' Nainsook Gown, extra juality, trimmed with Embrold ;ry and Val. Lace and Ribbon insertion. Round, V and square >eck, full cut. Regulur and ex ra sizes. Muslin Skirts Ilcnn Sweep Sale Price * Extra quality of Muslin, deep embroidery llounce, dust ruf fle, full cut. all lengths. Envelope Chemise Clean Sweep Sale l\ / Price W • Made of Nainsook, trimmed with embroidery, val. lace and Insertion. Sizes 36 to 44. Envelope Chemise Q *jij! Clean Sweep Sale / Prlee ■ Envelope Chemise of extra line quality of Nainsook, trim med with filet lace and inser trimmed arm holes, Sizes 36 to 46. Second Blnnr FRIDAY EVENING. authoritatively to have been one of the most deadly and to have ac counted for at least 1,000,000 per sons. That, however, is only a rough estimate, and the probability Is that the toll was infinitely higher, for in Serbia alone typhuus, a louse born disease. Infected nearly 1,000,- ! Extra Clean Sweep Values wmM mmm?, For Saturday's Big Busy Day! Rugs! Rujls! Heaters Clean S of A „ Beds sheet,: Pillow Cases J H *3-9S, #4.9S -jJL T® Irmrt I pS SWeeP .. 58.95 Gas Jet 95c J /In I or f-ft. size for fecial ""W " I wo^ eS and UgS Round "cyiinder' Heaters. n| Mm| OQ jLll'Mf OttfeSSSilfa cach ' { treated fibre tha? makes $2.95 a " d $3.69 fWW J UuW i 8 Cft C MOTLIN PILLOW CASES I them wonderful durable **../*# | I |M ""WW CiW H flfff' ifl\S -3-inch hems. Extra C COLONIAL RAG RUGS _ G^ orn 'ns Star Blue Flame !| flff* W W Washßoiler ' fjfjrTTTj MP P qUaII LV S J Sweep OXI2 rt "do C n, a e "eaters $3.95 ujLa \ I ' j Special, each. .. . 35c C Price .... $8.95 Radiator. Gas Heaters, Lottee Step Ladders Good, strong Tin MUSLIN SHEETS Good f Beautiful hit and miss $3.95 $5.95 Percolator Good strong Step I Wash Uoi, e r . me- GENUINE lIHASS | MATTRESSES A o Ua "i ty i' S ' Z ° 7 *i° .a patterns, extra heavy qual- Perfection Oil Heaters. A Aluminum Coffee Ladder ' four feet talltc bottom; spe- BEDS—full size complete line of $ 1 .19 f L ty * coniplcto line at. ..CC CC Percolator; a good 7." ° ~ only, goodselec- good substantially each f SEAMLESS TAPESTRY size- special high; special, cial, tion to choose well made mat- RUGS—9xI2 ft. Clean c Tfk T1 e o er\ ' ' from.. Clean Sweep tresses. Prices, -__________ ■ 1™ *** $1.49 89c $1.59 19.95,28.50 8.95, 19.95 Blankets > , Oriental patterns GRAY WOOL BLANKETS, f I SEAMLESS TAPESTRY A mixture ot clean card- W BRUSSELS RUGS vl-2 ~ - - _ _ _ - - ed wool and cotton; pink, f . 24.95 Cups and 51"% "Si $5,95 4 Serviceable rugs in good Tapestry 3MB OP <& WffiH S A WK Saucer® GRAY BLANKETS, MADE % effects and all nice n ilrt . K N JSk MM H 1 A N K MI NSTF, It RUGS g f WW? Eg JRRP* JIL Wk ■HL M New white cups serviceable and well C S.nndal S R Ci?a ß n Printed Tapes- CWW JAk IJQk ffikHm. 1 tS blufboders" $6.50 I , VX? $34.50 H lSs P % f SILVER WOOL I m New rich colorings, lus- Patterns. Special, J■ ■ Jf cup and saucer, blankets, fine wool fleeced g K trous nap—an extremely „ C |oi RB JutT V* nIS ffl K mixed, with spool cotton; ii $1.19 i p jiM . 3 _ j $^- 95 1| -000 persons and killed 500 a day in | the little city of Jassy, while 200 of the 1,200 medical officers in the country died from the disease. This disease spread over Russia, Austria, Germany and the Bulkans general iy. These figures are vouched for In a publication prepared by Lieuten- Our Entire Stock of Suits, Our Entire Stock Cloth Coats fjpW Our Entire Stock of Plush Coats for Women and. Misses Are Brought Down,to Clean Sweep Prices; bug Saturday Coats SWEEP $8.95 Coats ISS& $ 10.95 jjMW Velour, Kersey, and Pompom —in good assortment \ elour, Boucle and Kersey fur collars, plush collar Mm / of colors some fur collars some are lined. through- and self collars navy. Burgundy, dark brown, / out sizes for misses and womfen fifty-five coats. hunter's green and taupe some are lined through- 'NH* ( I ~ , out. Fifty-eight coats. IVK / j\ ' Coats - 1 Kersey, Velour, Pompom, Kersey and Cheviot in "™" '■ l . "'/ \ reindeer, taupe, Burgundy, navy, dark brown some Velour, Cheviot, Egyptian plush, Pompom and Kersey mjr CJx\Y\ \ lined throughout some half lined. Fur, plush or plush collars, fur collars and self collars black,■vOxX \\ \ \ self collars. All sizes for misses and women one navy, dark brown, Burgundy, taupe and green • sizesWMßMw V.. > 1 \ hundred and ten coats. for misses and women ninety-live coats. MSBiA L 1 Coats '1 7 95 Coats *21 95 Coats *23 95 H Clean Sweep Clean Sweep Clean Sweep "IF Broadcloth, Kersey, Melton, Pom- Kersey, Broadcloth, Melton, Pom- Broadcloth, Out Bolivia, Duvctyn pom, Velour and Plushes —In black, pom, Velour and Plush. All sizes for v„i,, llP K-„r U v in hiw.ir navy, dark brown, taupe, Burgundy, misses and women in black, navy, x olour. 1 ompom. Kersey —in black, beaver and green—most, of them are reindeer, Burgundy, Plum, Taupe, navy, dark brown, taupe, reindeer, lined throughout some have big dark brown and rose tuupe. Lined nnd'- •nd nlnm all sizes for fur collars others with plush or nroughout—plush, fur or self col- misses and women ninety-five self collars sixty-five coats. lars one hundred and twenty-five coats. Plush Coats Plush Coats Plush Coats \ I] Full length and cut full width. With Coney collars and with big ] Somc with fur coUar and cuffa _ V-TC Sw* A To be worn with or without belt. co ars Full lengt;!! and BOme wlth fur collars and some \ Lined throughput with guaranteed wßb with plush collars. Lined through- I V L lining. Big plush collars sizes throughout with Sol satin or mer- out with guaranteed Sol satin All V 33 to 44. This is a wonderful lot ™ fqr*= misses"an,l 'women and of coats and unmatched values. women's size ™8 ' some for extl ' a larße women. ■gg $18.50 S $22.501 El $24.50 Suits Go in the Clean Sweep Sale at Low Prices SSL, $12.95 SS, $15.95 SL s „ $19.95 All wool Poplin, Burella Cloth and Serge Men's Wear Serge and All-Wool Poplin Broadcloth. Sllvertohe. Velour, Tricotine, snitq mostlv black and navv All sizes Suits black, navy and some browns and Poplin and Men's Wear Serge Suits black, buits mostly oiaca ana navy. All sizes t a Up es. All sizes are among them but not / navy, dark brown. Burgundy, dark green! among them for misses and women. Some all sizes of each style. Some have plush taupe and reindeer. Some are furtrinnned, hroM fyimmnri aii n . collars others self collars. The newest some with plush collars and others self are braid trimmed. All are new models. models. milars. Many are braid trimmed. KAI FJlAX'S—second Fi0>r.2E25255552553Z55555255i55555555Z11155552555Z555555555E5158 Clean Sweep Prices on Girls' Dresses Girls' Dresses STiST".47C Girls' Dresses SSfi-. 29c Girls' Blue Stripe Gingham Wash Girls' Plaid Gingham and Chambray Dresses, fast color, high waistcd, sizes Dresses, button trimmed and contrasting 2 to b years. Those are extra special color of eollur and ouiTs. Size* i; to 14 values. years. Girls' Dresses gr,XT p $5.87 Girls' Dresses '{SWT sl-67 Uf n C 2 i a > rfl ' C s c,l j ß / Colors, ualst line, pleated skirt, full cut. i^izes Na\y and Brown, hfzes S to lb. q years. Girls' Dresses sSTS° p . 97C Girls' Dresser saie n Prlce Cp 52.17 14 vrnro waistline. Sizes G to collar, embroidered belt, patch pockets. 14 > cars - t i. Sizes G to 14 years. " 1 ICtinfmntt'w—Scoond Ploor. " ■' StAJRHISBITRG TEEEGIOJPII I ant Lloyd, who was chief entomolo gist In northern Rhodesln. Young Roosevelt's Slayer Badly Injured in Crash With the American Army of Occu- KSTORE OPEN SATURDAY EVENING UNTIL 9£ STORE OPEN SATURDAY EVENING UNTIL % pation, Jan. 3.—Lieutenant Donhaus er, the diminutive German aviator who says it was he who brought down Quenttn Roosevelt, resulting in the latter's death, was seriously, perhaps mortally, injured on Wed nesday when his machine crashed to earth. He was testing German planes pre 2 Clean Sweep Lots House Dresses For Saturday's Selling HOUSE DRESSES ggjr $1 .27 Clean Sweep Sale Price, X Fleeced Lined House Dresses, outton ' trimmed, full cut. Colors, Navy, Gray, Black with figured designs. Sizes 3!> to 46. HOUSE DRESSES $-| .47 Clean Sweep Sale Price JL Gingham and Chambray House Drosses, made in stripes, cheeks and plain colors. Full cut. Sizes 36 to 46. —Floor. paratory to surrendering them to the Americans under the terms of the armistice. Owing to the faulty land ing, the machine was wrecked, l)on hauser being buried under the debris. S. S. OFFICERS ELECTED Gettysburg, Pa., Jan. 3.—The Methodist Sunday school has clect- 7ANUARY I, 1919. *"* Ed its officers for this year and the now officers who will take their places on Sunday are: Superintend ent, J. Calvin Nuu; first assistant, Prof. C. P. Cessna; second assistant, P. S. Isenberg; secretary, Calvin F. Solt; treasurer and chorister, Milton R. Hemmel; librarian, William Kttz nilller; pianist, Miss Dorothy A. ALL FURS 1/30FF Wi Fur Muffs and women, misses _ k ,,* $ K & and children. Sly* o at the Clean m/ f%/L f Sweep Sh j e —■Kimfnuin's Second Floor. Saturday's Broom Coupon (Bring This With You) I 5 HOURS OF BROOM SELLING: i 9 to 11.30 a. m.—2.30 to 5 p. m. $1.25 Brooms (6 String) M^j|| For 49c ill Si Sold only to llione buying *2.00 worth of nirrehun- 111 111 JillUfll illnc—Only one to it eiiHtomcr. Sionc to children. '/jjJ/;/I(J3 I IlllillW Greatest Glove Values in a Year Nearly 800 pairs women's gloves, hundreds of pairs of T ... "menders" at Clean Sweep [_ jji |J| , Prices for Saturday's Big Day. m In Ladies' High Grade f j KID GLOVES j— -77c ' ' ■ Black, white, brown, W. Nil N•* grey and tan: all sizes. f. f'\ \, 1 These are "Mealers" of j4 < I.' itt mum i —„ l. m_i k line gloves. 1 ■""" l.ndlcK* Cluimolsette I.nillc"' Chnmolnette I.ndlrn' Ciuihmcrc Gloves fine quality and Duplex Glove*; Bn(1 CoI „ ooI Glove* in white gray and line Qualities in mastic, tillglitly im- white black, gray n grey brown and perfect; sizes G and and brown in self :>lack. Clean Sweep 6Vfe. Clean Sweep stitching. CU an g j p r i ce , 74c pair. Sale Price. CSc pair. Sweep Sale Price, 87 c . Kaufman's, First Floor. . Saturday Clean Sweep Values In Grade Footmear For Women and Misses More Than 500 Pairs At Surprising Reductions: wjKI Women's Boots $2.99 M ( '\Vonwn"''and Misses' smoke grey, HeId"IOUBC. hjofa\ & tlpr Vath'er" jSuuSnd''mlUUry heeis; ail Women's Boots $3.99 fmm Clonn Sweep Sale Price •• • • w„„,„ Kjtfwrfr* IV Women's Fine Gray und Brown Kid Lace Boots, y-*-M ( a Jgj extra quality cloth tops to match, flexible so\ea,jr/jspr_uH imitation tips, leather heels, widths A to 17. Women's Boots AQ Clean Sweep Snle Price , 0 , A _ Women's Fine Black Kid Lace Women S Shoes CO OQ Boots, extra high models, leather clwln Sweep Sale ~r lce Louis heels, all sUe*. Comfort Shoes with cushion sole and rubber heels; 4% to 8. • # # , Women's Boots AQQ Women's and Misses' Rubbers Clean sweep Snle Price el 7*7 With Low and Military Heels. Women's line Mahogany and All sizes. Sale Price, CQ_ Cocoa Calf Lace Boots, imitation p air Udb and wing tips; military and ' | Cuban heels; some with cloth tops. —I. iii.tiim,. 1 . First Floor. Rommel; superintendent priaaeiTff department, Mrs. Mtlton R. Rem! mel; assistant, Miss ' Anna Holle baugh; superintendent beginners' department and cradle roll. Miss Margaret M. McMillan; superintend ent home department, Mrs. 8. D Rldlnger. Saturday Extra Special Coutil Corsets Medium high and low busts, all sizes, well boned, well made, while the ' lot lasts, Clean Sweep Sale Price VOQ. ■ t UFMAS'S—First Floor. Knit Underwear For Women. Clean Sweep Prices WOMEN'S F L E K C IS D VESTS AM) PANTS. Me dium weight. Vests, high neck, long sleeves. Pants are ankle length. Sale f\*7 n Price vvv WOMEN'S F L K E C E D VESTS AND PANTS. Me dium and heavy weight. High neck, long sleeves, ankle length pants. Sale Q4r* Price WOMEN'S UNION SUITS. Fleeced lined, medium weight, high neck, long sleeves, sizes, 40, 42 and 44. Clean o*7*. Sweep Sale, ••••••• •• • WOMEN'S EXTRA SIZE VESTS AND PANTS. Fleeced lined, medium weight, high neck, long sleeves, ankle length Pants, d 1 1 O Sale Prleo 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers