6 BIG PLANE HITS VIRGINIA CLUB; TWO ARE KILLED Wireless Operator Only One of Five to Escape Injury Norfolk, Va., Dec. 14.—Two enlist ed men were Instantly killed and two ensigns injured yesterday when a large hydroalrplane crashed Into the Willoughby Club, on Willoughby Spit, .about twelve miles from the city. The dead are Radio Expert Thomas Vincent JoJnes, U, S. N., and Machin ist's Mate I.lewellyn W. Allexander. Ensign Palmedo, who was driving the machine, was slightly injured and a second ensign, whose name could not be learned, escaped with minor in juries. A wireless operator aboard the machine was uninjured. ENTERTAIN CLUB The .Misses Sanderson, of 1512 Whlnut street, entertained the D. D. B. Society at their home last eve ning. Refreshments were served to: Miss Elsie Hill, Miss Amanda Haver stock, Miss Florence Shader, Miss Hyacinth Beard, Miss Anna Boyer, Mrs. Ruth ' Wells, Mrs. George Updegraff, Miss Janet Sanderson, Miss Isalielle Sanderson and Miss Agnes Sanderson. rpflowetsi Seasonable Cat Flowers Decorative l'lants Christmas Greens Our Christmas circular Is now being mailed. If you have not received your copy, ask and it will be mailed. Bell Phone 3799-M. 3heßerruhiU l LOCUST ST. AT SECOND A t = 1 Christmas Day without candy r would be like a circus without pea- . 1 nuts. Young and old together asse ts ciate the day with candy. 1 j Our assort- mfak J ment of Fancy -.. t Boxes and Pack- 1 ages surpass any ■r thing we have 1 ever carried and w the contents of same are of the best. 1 He A Few Suggestions 1 Assorted Chocolates Hard Mixture |fea Chocolate Bon Bons Assorted Mixture 1 Clear Toys French Fruits Candy Canes Chocolate Straws n Nut Caramels Walnut Straws ' Nut Bars Ribbon Candy H Special Prices to Churches and * Sunday Schools. Deliveries to all IT parts of the city. | Greek-American Confectionery ] gc- 409 Market Street -3 I • M ' < TDETTER and helpful ways to J-) make practical and* useful gifts arc found in the service \vc Be y° u have friends or relatives A?- y in need of Glasses, or if the rims, frames or mountings of the present glasses are unbecom ing and out of style, give them new ones for Christmas. They are useful, helpful and practical. GOHL, RINKENBACH & ROUSE OPTOMETRISTS and OPTICIANS No. 22 North Fourth Street HARRISBURG, PA. Hf WE CAN \ ENGRAVE YOUR Holiday Greetings Name Cards or your Stationery jg| The Telegraph Printing Co., I®s ____ Sttilii 1 > ~ SATURDAY KVENINCS INTERESTING PERSONAL NEWS University Club Issues Cards For Victory Ball The University Club,has Issued In vitations to a "Victory Ball" to be held in honor of its men now In the service of the United States, many of whom It is hoped will be able to at tend this affair. The Victory bill will undoubtedly be the largest holiday dance. It will be held Junuary 2 and will formally open the Penn-Harrls ball room. "Suds" Sourbeer's ten-piece or chestra will play for the dancers from 8.30 util 1 o'clock. There will be cards for those who, do not care to dance. The committee in charge Includes: Elmer E. Erb, William H. Earnest,* Henderson Gilbert, C. Frederick Kammerer, Dr. H. M. Kirkpatrick, C. H. Mac Donald, Ehrman R. Mitchell, G. Wolford Quiley, P. B. Rice, J. Douglas M. Royal, Dr. Karl Sehraf fle and C. O. Shaar. Children Are Giving Annual Holiday Benefit The children of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Irving Delhi, of Paxtang, are giving their fourth annual Christ mas benefit entertainment on next Wednesday afternoon, December 18, at 4.15 o'clock, in the Paxton Pres byterian Church. The proceeds will be used for the children suffering through the influenza epidemic. The programs are always Inter estlng, comprising music, songs and stories, with this year special Mother Goose songs by the smallest of all. Assisting will be the Misses Helen Cordry, of Paxtang, and Elizabeth Miller, of Paxtang, with her brother, William Miller No tickets are sold but a silver collection is taken. Every one inter -ested Is invited to attend. Mr., and Mrs. Charles Simmons, of 117 South Fourteenth street, are home from Scrnnton, where they were called by the death of Mrs. Simmons' mother. Mrs. U. S. Washburn. GOOD MUSIC FOR WEDNESDAY CLUB • Program of Interest Arranged For December 18, With Local Musicians . Musicians of the Wednesday Club taking part in the working, recital next Wednesday morning at 10.15 o'clock in Fahnestock Hill will be Mrs. John R, Henry, Mrs. William K. Bumbaugh, Miss Mary E. Worley and Miss LeNora Fry. The program will include: Automere, "Etude de Concert" (Chamlnade), Mrs. John Henry; aria, "As When the Dove Laments Her Love" ("Acts and Galathea") (Handel), Mrs. William K. Bum fa) "The Angel, (b) "The Land That I Love" (Rubenstein), Mrs. Bum baugh and Miss Worley: "Sonatn" (Nadermann), "Uue Lerme" (Ru benstein), "Impromptu" (Oberthur), Miss LeNora Fry; "O Love, but a Day" (Protlieroe) "The Fairies' Lul laby" (Buzzia Piccis), "Pilgrim's Bong" (Tschaikowsky), Miss Worley; "Mother Dearest," Russian folk song (Kurt Schindler), "Ballata" (Blbella), "An Irish Noel" (Holmes), Mrs. Bumbaugh; "Drifting" (Friml), Mrs. Henry. Tech Holiday Dance at Winterdale Hall The pre-Christmas dance held last evening at Winterdale by the Tech nical High /School Social Dance Club, was a most successful affair. Deco rations of patriotic streamers and Al lied flags added to the attractiveness of the hall. "Suds" Sourbeor and his "Jazz" orchestra furnished (he mu sic. About two hundred and fifty dancers were present. The committee in charge included Victor Bihl, chairman; Charles Lin gle. Ross McCord, Lester Bell, Fred Morgan, Frank Fellows, John Hous ton and John Richards. Col. Kennedy Returning After War Work Abroad It is understood that Col. M. C. Kennedy, president of the Cumber land Valley Railroad Company, who has been actively identified with rail road operations in Europe during the war, will return home during the first of the year. On the staff during his absence has been Lieutenant A. G. Houser, of this city. Red Cross Asks For Quantities of Salvage The Red Cross Salvage Committee needs more newspapers, old maga zines, rags, metal, etc. The work of this committee must go on until the boys come home. So call up the Red Cross, 4884 and notify headquarters that you have something for the sal vage collector. You may if you wish, drop a postcard also to the chairman at 105 Locust stret. Salvage is need ed regularly for months to come. INDUSTRIAL CLI'BS MEET The Federation of Industrial clubs held a meeting last evening in the Y. M. C. A. after a supper. Miss Mar ian Marts told a delightful Christ mas story at the Open Forum "gym" and educational classes followed. Present at the supper were: Miss Lois G. Scott, Industrial secretary; Mrs. Lillian Whipperman, Miss Mar- Jorie Bolles, Miss Esther Gardiner, Miss Riith Arnold, Miss Mary Fink, Mrs. J. C. Lusk, Miss Anna Whipper man, Miss Irene Fetrow, Miss Marie Button, Minnio Stabnau, Miss Ruth Sauder, Miss Mary Fenstermacher, Miss Fannie McClain. Miss Katherine Lerch, Miss Fanny Albert, Miss Elisa beth Elliott, Miss Anna Frye, Miss Amelia Jamison, Miss Lillian McClain, Miss Helen Forsythe, Miss Hazel Etter, Miss Helen Rltterr, Miss Esther Fink, Miss Elbe Smith, Miss Aurel lia Buser, Miss Emma Stabnau, Miss Iva Maus. C. A. O. CLUB MEETS Miss Margaret Landis, of 1522 Green street, entertained the C. A. O. Club at her home last evening. The fol lowing girls were present: Miss Getha High, Miss Gertrude Weston, Miss Helen legvy, Miss Eliza beth Watts, Miss Carolyn Hshn, Mtss Mary Alma Allln, Miss Romayne Boyer, Miss Martha Cresswell. AT WASHINGTON BARRACKS Clarence B. Bishop, son of Mrs. W. O. Bishop, 1681 North Second street has been appointed assistant instruc tor of the Electrical school at Wash ington Barracks. Mr. Bishop Is a graduate engineer of Lehigh Uni versity. ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Corl, of Luck now, announce tho engagement of their daughter, Miss Ruth Corl to Raymond Tritt, of New Cumberland. The wedding will be a Christmas event. Lieutenant Marks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Marks, of Steelton, who has been home on a furlough visit ing his parents and Mrs. Marks, for merly Miss Vera Van Horn, return ed to Fort McPherson, Atlanta, Ga., to-dny. Howard Fraim, of 2229 North Sixth street, is home from Fort Thomas, Kentucky. Miss Jean Chamberlin, a Vassar student, is at her home, 321 North Front street, for the Christmas holi days. Miss Amelia Durbin has returned to her home after several months absence at Chatauqua, N. Y., where she was studying social service. Kenneth Downes, a student of Le high, is at his home, 1811 North Sec ond street. James Carey, of Lehigh Univer sity, is at his homo for the Christ mas holidays. Miss Charlotte Grove and Miss Mildred DeShong left this morning for Gettysbug where they will at tend the Students Army Training Corps dance to be given by the stu dents this evening. The Itev O. Wiler has returned to his home, In Gap. Pa., after spending a few days with S. C. Boyer, of 1619 North streets. Dr. F. K. Downes, superintendent of Harrisburg schools, is ill at his home, 1811 North Second street. H. B. Major, of Tunkhannock, who has been stationed at Wood's Hole, Mass., for several years, has been re leased from the service and will spend a few days in this city, enroute to his home. N. R. Buller, of the State Fishery Department, Is on an inspection trip to Bellefonte, Pa. Sergeant Carl 11. Strait and Corporal Frank Doblln, of Camp Meade, ore the weekend guests of Mrs. Mary Hmyser Klnier, 2127 North Second street. "HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Missionary Society Hears Interesting News The Women's Missionary Society of Immanuel Presbyterian. Church was entertained yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. T. E. Munce, of 1034 South Eighteenth street. Mrs. William T. Schelter spoke on "Keconsecratlon in Mission Work" and the Rev. Archllle told of the mission among the Italians here. Tho women's adult Bible class taught by Mrs'. Everett H. Hallnian, presented sl6 to the society. Those present were: Mrs. R. T. Zook, Mrs. Ann Morrow. Mrs. Owen Ross, Mrs. Piatt, Mrs. Rohrer, Mrs. Riche'y. Mrs. Hershey, Mrs. Anne Camerer. Miss Muriel Ross and Ed ward Munce. Saturday Dance at Hostess House At the dance to be given to-night by Mrs. Jesse E, B. Cunningham at the Hostess House, Mrs. EdVin S. Herman and Mrs. Lesley McCreath will assist Mrs. Cunningham. The Sunday evening hostesses will be Miss Caroline Pearson, Mrs. Louie B. Kap and Mrs. William R. Bailltc. Trie canteen committee Includes Mrs. J. Meily Jones, Mrs. John Gra ham, Mrs. Andrew C. Sherer, Mrs. A. W. Greely, Jr., Miss Matilda Hies ter, Mrs. B. Boyd Harrington and Miss Anna Henderson. Seventh Birthday Happily Celebrated A delightful little party was held Thursday evening in honor of the seventh birthday of Florence E. Dare, at her home. Nineteenth and Regina streets. A Christmas color scheme was carried out. The eve ning was spent in games and music and refreshments were served to the following little guests: Elizabeth Hopkins, Jean Dclweiler, Rachael Craßbe. Charlotte Clark, Anna Mar garet Smith. Ethel Spangler, Rosalie Dam and Florence Dare. Governor to Address the Civic Club Monday The December meeting of the Civic Club will be held at the Clubhouse on Monday, December 16, at 3 p. m. Members are requested to note the change in the hour of meeting, the usual hour being thirty minutes later. Governor Brumbaugh will be the speaker of the afternoon and as he must leave at 3.50 to keep an impor tant engagement in Annapolis, the hour has been changed for the club meeting. The departments will meet at 2.15. ' RETURNS TO ITHACA Sergt. Stephen Anderson has re turned to Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., where he is map Instructor in the officers training school, after spending a fourteen-day furlough at his home, 122 Verbeke street. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Waßers, of Saratoga, N. Y., are stopping for a while with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh S. Baldy, of State street.. Mrs. George F. Watt has Just re turned home to Chicago, after spend ing a fortnight with old friends In this city where she formerly resided. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer F. Lowe and small daughter, Kathleen Lowe, of Cincinnati, are in town for a holi-. day visit with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Emmons, of North Second street. Miss Celeste Walters went homo to Philadelphia this morning after spending ten days with her cousin. Miss Annette Richardson, of Green street. Miss Lillian Dece'vee, of Brooklyn, is spending several months In town with her cousin. Miss Alice M. Dec evee, 1503 North Second street. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Russell Palmer and little Miss Christine Palmer, have removed from 2135 Green street to New York City, where Mr. Palmer is now connected with the Equitable Life Assurance Society. • Miss Elizabeth Boher, of Second end South streets, is spending a week In Philadelphia. Mrs. J. A. Mattis, of Millersburg, Pa., has returned to her home after a visit with Mrs. Elizabeth Enterline, 1428 Liberty street. Miss Beatrice Hennlng, of Lynch burg, Va., is a guest of her aunt, Mrs. Sybllla Gray, of Market street. Thomas G. Miller, of Watertown, N. Y., is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Charles Francis Etter at 208 Pine street. Miss Elizabeth Tack, of 127 Herr street, 1B improving in health after a severe attack of influenza follow ed by pneumonia. H. Oscar Ulrieh PHILADELPHIA EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Will personally be In my IIARIIIS. Bit KG OFFICE, lloont 1, Spooner Building. U N. Market Square, sec ond floor, U a. in. to H p. m. Two Days Only MONDAY and TUESDAY, DEC. 16 AND 17 I offer you this visit a line pair of glasses, llrst quality spherical lensea for either dlatanee or rend ing, gold-ftllcd triune and elegant ense. Including my acientlflc eye exumlnation, nil for an low as $2.00 Complete Don't fall to nee me thla visit and have yone eye trouble iidjuat ed nt a moderate cost. NOTICE Will be In my CARLISLE OF FICE, 14 West Main St., second floor, one dny only; Wednesday, December 18, 0 a. m. to 8 p. m. ARMY LETS OUT 15,000 TROOPS EACH 24 HOURS Speed to Be 30,000 Duily When Demobilization Plan Is in Full Swing By Associated Press Washington, Dec. 14.—Demobili zation In the United States now Is proceeding at the rate of 15,000 men released from the Army every day, General March announced to-day. It still is anticipated that a rate of 30,000 a day will be reached when full momentum is attained. 51 list Await Turn For Homo Tho War Department now has designated a total of 824,000 men in the United States for discharge, an increase of nearly 200,000 during the last week. General March made It clear, however, (hat designation of troops does not mean immediate dis charge, but severance from the serv mobmJ&on. tUFn 18 reached o*- Porto Jticans Ordered Loose Armv°tlfh 1 n . 6W hranch es of the Army to be included in demobiliza ton orders are 12,000 Porto Rican 000°mn f ,e . d dlschar Ked. Of 82 4,- designated, 352,000 are In and similar batta ons ana similar limited units. In ad ? u 'v lß,ooo men on industrial fur lough have been ordered released at,on of offl eers Is pi-o wl thtL m m™ aP A d ' y than is u,e < ase U 203 nffll • l Ge , ncral March said 17,203 officers had been honorably signed!" 8 ' 6 BlnCe <he ar mlstice was Surnmarl Y" ~kS I/CnVC F™"™ Summarizing the flow of return- Ma tTl , Fr °" Ce ' General and 111 9 to l nl of s'6r>3 5 ' 6r>3 oncers for return n ad bee " dea 'Knated roi return by General Pershing un 372 r"®" 12 ' ° f that "umber 1° 3 3 officers and 30.708 men actu ally have sailed from France. I, HATS ' °" 5 "" " " ' °HATS~"| I $ 1 00 Astnch s$ j 00 1 | MONDAY 308 Market Street MONDAY | 1 n 9100 91.00 si.oo 91.00 91.00 9100 9100 91.00 91.00 91.00 9100 9100 91.00 91.00 91.00 91.00 9100 9100 91.00 91.00 9100 9100 a 91.00 1— ———— 91.00 1 One More Dollar Hat Sale |S 1 I 11:82 - FOR THIS MONDAY %\Z | I 81 00 For the benefit of those who could not get to our Dollar.Hat Sale last Monday, we |j.oo | |l!oo will have one more sale of these Hats this Monday—giving you exactly the same values 91.00 | 9l!oO offered last Monday. While we naturally cannot have as many as last week, you will 91.00 91.00 st in fi n d t he variety of styles and colors just as complete. |l-Wj 81 00 There will also be another lot of Children's Trimmed Dress Hats in this sale, to be 91.00 v. I 91-00 sold at ONE DOLLAR. ' fJ OO | 111 91.00 1 91.00 B q 81 00 81.00 91.00 91.00 91.00 91.00 9100 91.00 91.00 91.00 91.00 B |i!oo 91.00 91.00 91.00 9100 9100 9100 9100 91.00 91.00 91.00 | The Balance Of Our Stock Of j lUntrimmed Ready Tailored Hats ; -V> u, t' ill Goes on Sale This Monday—Placed on Fourteen Tables and Six Showcases—To Be Sold This Monday J as Follows: TABLE NO. 1 ' MONDAY . TABLE NO. 2 MONDAY | Genuine Heavy Nap Velour Hats <tA fifi Large Black Silk Velvet Hats CC 1 < P^ ,UU v O,OO I TABLE NO. 3 MONDAY TABLE NO. 4 3 "" MONDAY Finest Black Lyons Velvet, (fryf A_A Large Black Silk Velvet Hats djO (1(1 lil Panne Velvet and Hatters' Plush Hats. U/T'tTr* Broad-brim Mushrooms and Roll-side .Slmpcs. Values to 87.H8 n nines i> SI.9S □ TABLE NO. 5 " MONDAY TABLE NO. 6 MONDAY [ i Our Highest-prfced Black Silk Velvet Hals dj/l OQ Small and MediumßlackiSlk Velvets djO (1(1 Oj Including Hnntl-blockcd Lyons Velvet Hats. „, I>nl , mu Velvet and Lyons Velvet Hats. dJcIUU SQ worth un to SH.g Worth up to .H. ' 7. 'F B TABLE NO. 7 MONDAY TABLE NO. 8 ... MONDAY , | H Black Silk Velvets and Hatters' Plush Turbans d**| (*(* Felt and Felt Velour Tailored Hats dJT OO k N All the Nobby New Shapes. J) 1 •VJ\J ~ THE popular Roll-brim— soft crown; ail colore JL UO Untiles to SXM T |\ ah.es S>BH | U TABLE NO. 9 MONDAY TABLE NO. 10 ~, < . , A; MONDAY Q Hatters' Plush Sailors (P 1 £(* Best Matteawan Velours <to (1(1 And Tailored Misses' Hats. d) 1 cUU Good duties and good cotors; plenty ot block. g Worth np to *I.OO * |HI.O(> quality l 0 TABLE NO. 11 MONDAY TABLE NO. 12 MONDAY Large VA into Black Hatters' Plush Sailors <fcO OO Black Silk Hatters' Plush Sailor dJO OO c m Wide Grosgraln Hlbbon trimming. V 80 Idons 811k Velvet Sailors. , iPiltOO | Values to ~ Worth to 8.8 T [j I TABLE NO. 13 MONDAY TABLE NO. 14 . MONDAY B Our Best Silk Hatters' Plush Trimmed Sailors d>£ (1(1 Girls' Silk Velvet Tarns dj "I A A H Including all Gage Hats. d)UUU Fuli-slie Tams, with clastic band. U? X •11 n 0 Sold HP to S 10.08 ~ ■ | Worth <2.00 T | 1 SHOWCASE NO. 15 MONDAY SHOWCASE NO. 16 - MONDAY G 1 Our Best Matteawan Velour Hats OO Black and Colored Velour Hats (j0 OO \ U In black only: In U.o roll-brUn sliape. . tl)U00 Trimmed; a'so Felt Velours in lilgli colors. u)4|,00 H 3 With round crowns T Formerly -1.08 to s>l.oß " SHOWCASE NO. 17 ' CASE NQ MONDAY Two Numbers of Feather Turbans /KA a n Matteawan Velour Hat. flf|* 111 Special This Monday X / fj H jtll ■ klh n w _ Unlrlmmcil, with 31$-Incli brim; Mack, taupe, r.i 1 $2.22 " | BEACH TABLE AND CASE will have a NUMBER AND PRICE. It will be easy and convenient to r| make your selection. You can tell by following this ad just where the Hat you are interested in is located. . § o- SALE STARTS AT 9.30. ' | i ' ■■ • ——■ h NOTICE—No Goods Can Be Exchanged or Taken Back on Any Conditions Q Q Special Monday Prices on Millinery Trimmings, Ostrich Bands, Pompoms, Feather Breasts, Wings, j | Flowers, Wreaths, Ornaments, etc. Hata trimmed free if Hat Materlala are purchased here, except Dollar Hata. B ■ ' v *_ "LI la With Choir and Organist At Messiah Lutheran Church to morrow evening the music Is to bo especially 'good. Henry Oadsby'B beautiful composition, "I Will Lay Me Down In Peace," will be the anthem number and Director Abner W. Hart man will sing Eugene Cowles' setting of Tennyson's "Crossing the Bar." The music of "St. Ann." the glor ious hymn tune of the church mili tant, always is inspiring. Many or gan writers have used it to brighton their compositions. Interpolating its melody Into majestic passages that thrill. Bach, the incomparable, has woven It Into a massive fugue num ber, which Is to be played by Edwin B. Wasse at Augsburg Lutheran Church to-morrow evening. "St. Ann," "St. Stephen," "Duke Street," "St. Peter" and other familiar hymn tunes find a place in the modern organist's repertoire. The Advent season is here and choir and organ will tell the story In many churches prior to tho Christmas festivnl. Soon there will ring out the gladsome music of Bnrn by, Simper, Tours, Sullivan, Shelly, Buck and Field. Caleb Simper's "Sing, O Heavens," Barnby's "King All Glorious," Shelley's "Christian, the Morn Breaks Sweetly O'er Us," will Millerstown Friends at Deckard-Beaver Wedding MUlcrstown, Pa„ Dec. 14. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Ulsh and Mrs. A. H. Ulsh and granddaughter, Mary Rounsley, Mrs. Thomas 'Diffendafer, Misses Sara Kipp, Ida Ulsh, Kath rvn Uickabaugh and D. Gilbert Rlckabaugh attended the Deckard- Beaver wedding at St. Samuels on Saturday.—William F. Rounsley j and family, of Penbrook, spent Sun- \ day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. j William Rounsley. Harry Klpp j and family, of McAllistersvlHe, were : guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Klpp on Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. j Meryl Page and little daughter Jane, j of Lewlstown, and Mrs. Hulda j Knights, of Duncannon, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Banks Page on Sun- j day.—Charles Allen and family, of Mifflin, visited his mother, Mrs. Mary Allen over Sunday.—D. A. Lahr, : Miss Mame Kepner and Carolyn Reisinger were recent Harrisburg visitors.—Miss Alice Alexander was DECEMBER 14, 1918. be beard In all their glorious Uar mon:ca. There will be selections from the "Messiah,',' Gounodis ••Re demption" and others of the great oratorio*. At Reformed Salem Church tomor row evening Bennett's "God Is a Spirit," a beautlfully-arrantfed an them. sung by the splendid choir. In the morning an anthem, pe culiarly popular in Reformed choirs. "The Hun Shall Be No More Thy I.lght By Bay," will be the choir of fering. "Hail, Gladdening Light," one of the best of the. Field Christmas an thems. will be on the choir programs of several Harrisburg churches on Christmas Day. The tenor solo' in this work is especially striking. Stults' setting of the exquisite poem, "Havlour, Whom 1 Fain Would Love," has been selected by Choir muster Howard F.. Gensler for use In l)erry Street United Brethren Church to-morrow evening. The melodious works of Stulls find particular favor in the churches of the country that are fcec from ritualism, and this .number likely will prove to be a gem \n the Derry Street Church to-mor row. called to Rochester, N. Y., on Tues- j day by the serious illness of her j brother-in-law, the Rev. Herman j Flckcs.— Miss Stella Goodman, of Harrisburg, attended tho funeral of; Mrs. Thomas Nankivel on Tuesday, j —Miss Nan Kinter, who has. been i visiting at the homo of William C. i Moore, has returned to her home at j Chambersburg.—Burton Allen was a | Harrisburg visitor on Wednesday. — j Miss Maude Shover, of Newport, j spent Sunday with Miss Olive j Dirhm. —Mrs. Mary Allen and grand- j son. Vaughn Deitzler, spent several days at Mifflin with Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Allen. —Miss Jenrffe Lease, of I Reading, spent Sunday with Mrs. | Harry Hopple.—Mrs. J. C. Kipp, made a trip to Thompsontown on | Monday.—rs. A. H. Ulsh and daugh- j ter, Mr 3. J. E. Itounsley Were at Harrisburg Tuesday.—Williard Dif- i fenderfer, of Nanticoke, is visiting I his our.t, Miss Minp Kremer. — I Louise Rounsley, of Penbrook, is | visiting her grandparents, Mr. and j Mrs. William Rounsley.—Miss Es tella Hogentogler was a visitor at I Newport Tuesday evening. Levi | Kepner, William Rounsley, D. A, i Lahr and Elmer Relsinger attend ] ed a Sunday school institute at New -1 port on Sunday.—Second Lieutenant iA, .T. Holinan, who had been sta tioned at Camp Lee, Va„ has re turned home. —Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam C. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ktpp, Mrs. Charles Mitchell, Mrs. Oliver Wright, Mr. and Mrs. George "Fry, Mr. and' Mrs. Harry Rinehart, Mr. ftttd Mrs. Chester Ulsh. Fortnightly Chib to Study the Reformation in France The Fortnightly Club, which wilt meet Monduy evening at the homo of Miss McOinnes on South Fourth street, will have as its subject. "Tho Reformation in France." The fol lowing papers will be read: "The Regency of Catherine dev Medici," Miss Crouse; "Calvin and the Hiige nots,". Mrs. Davis; "The Massaero of St. Bartholomew's Day," Miss Pearl Hill; "Henry of Navarre," Mrs.. Atttck. Costs no more than ordinary coffee— I and it's SO delicious— GOLDEN ROAST COFFEE 32<? lb. at all grocers :j R. H. Lyon I Importer Harrisburg
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers