GERMAN CABINET GROWS STRONGER WITH POPULACE Berlin Denies There Is io Be AAeeting of Reichstag to Please Allies %• Berlin, Dec. 13.—Official dental was made late yesterday that the govern "Vnt was considering- the convening CC 10 Reichstag. The Tageblatt earlier had reported that the cabinet to convoke the Reichstag in *_Jer to give the government a par liamentary basis in dealing with the SJlles. It added that the Reichstag session probably next week. The authority of the cabinet as a whole appears to be greater than it was last week. The executive com mittee of the Soldiers' and Work men's Council, which sent an invi tation to Adolph Joffe and M. Radek, of the Bolshevik embassy in Berlin but who had left for Russia, to at tend the Congress of the councils on December 12, has been compelled to second the request of "the cabinet that the Bolshevik diplomats abstain from their proposed visit.* Joffe and Radek already had reached Dvlns on their way back but were held up there by Qerman soldiers who refused to permit them to continue their Jour ney. There is no doubt that the execu tive committee technically his a right to invite the Bolsheviki and to order the cabinet to receive them. The fact that th'e committee surrendered this right is looked upon as significant. The Spartacus organ, the Red Flag, indeed, declares the executive com mittee of the Soldiers' antl Work ers' Council has been stripped of all its power, despite the fact that jt was originally planned that all power should reside In its hands. The newspaper says the committee protested against the march of troops into Berlin yesterday and to-day but that its protest like its demand thut the troops be disarmed, was ignored by the cabinet. , The Red Flag apparently exagger ated the situation, but there seems no doubt that the executive Committee, which has been drifting' steadily to ward . the extreme radical side, no longer occupies the dominating posi tion which it had in the first days of the revolution. While the authority of the cabinet ljas been gaining in strength there has been a serious shift of power within the cabinet itself. The posi tion of the Ebert-Scheidemann group has been especially strengthened as against that of the Barth element l>y various factors. Among these were the result of the Chemnit* elections, where the majority Socialists won decisively; the sober attitude of the returning troops, and thfe accusations against the Barth-Haase faction by M. Joffe, (.in which the Bolshevik ambassador declared Russian Bolshe viki literature was circulated by help of the independent Socialists and that a number of weapons were hand ed over to Herr Barth). The three independent socialist -members of the cabinet have been noticeably quiet all the week. They took no part in the reception of the troops. In many quarters the belief, exists that Herr Scbeidemann, with so many factors favoring him and his colleagues, shortly will take a decided step to alter the conditions which he characterized last Sunday as intolerable adding the threat that -he would leave the government in a Week if they were not changed. Virtues of Jungle Beast Maligned by 'Tiger, Tiger' * Tiger, tiger, burning bright In the forest of the night. We who know you stng with glee Praise of your morality. —Blake, assisted by McAdoo. Men familiar with the beautiful home life of the tiger were unan imous yesterday in expressing their gratification that Chief Justice' MeAdoo on Tuesday had come to the defense of this much maligned critter. Admirers of the stanch and puritanica ideas of this worthy beast concurred with the magistrate in his belief that the play ''Tiger! Tiger!" at the Belasco Theater ought to have the name changed. The present title, they said was not fair to the tiger, and they hailed the magistrate's assertion that the animal was "reserved in its domes tic relationship" as a step toward the vinidcation of a creature that has remained patient and silent, despite the ugly stories circulated concern ing it. According to Dr. William T. Hor naday, director of the Bronx Zoo; Joseph J. Cunningham, heud keep er of the Central-Park menagerie, and Bill Snyder, head keeper emer itus of that institution a true ac count of the life of almost any tiger would make a book which one could place without fear in the hafids of the most delicately reared child. lb fact these gentlemen wonder-' •d why the tiger had not received greater mention in the Bible and how he had ever managed to keep out of a heroic roe in "Pilgrim's Progress." Bill Snyder asserted the tiger had suffered ail his days because cer tain of his distinct relatives were of a rather loose mode of living. Some one Bill was sure, had gone and re peated stories about the chaste tig er that were true of his dissolute j connection, the tomcat. "There isn't an anima that's more proper with his women folks," as serted the head keeper emeritus. flherefs no secret about the way the meat carries on, but the tiger— i, he's a chaste beast and faith -1 to his mate." _ Dr. Hornaday was another friend, .t? the tiger who stood up for him. He admited that at times the an imal indulged in man-eating, but gald that this was rather a fault of Manner than of heart. "The tiger," he said, "is more ln its behavior than majiy Members of the human family." / WCr. Belasco could not be reached test night, but Harry J. Walker Ranager of the play, said that he was sure his employer would be only too glad to do the right thing by the tiger. He also absolved against the preature. Mr. Knoblock got his idea *■6 said, from the libelous poem that William Biake had written con cerning the tiger. ———— PREDICTS GOOD 81/SI>'ESS ' Maltlmort—"Americans cag con gratulate themselves that they can look forward and face the financial future with courage, faith and op timism," said W. P. C. Harding, gov ernor of the Federal Reserve Board, in an address here before the South ern Commercial Congress -in annual convention. I "The Live Store" "Always Reliable" I Open Saturday Night J The Store Everybody Is Talking About I The Real Christmas Store . \ I Where useful gifts are sold— jjCBEfryMaSBE?* II There's going to be a great many Over- ' J coats given out for Christmas Gifts this year —We noticed it in the buying at this "Live Store"' and surely it's a very sensible and worthy thing to do There's nothing you can put your money into that will bring you as good returns for the investments made as |[ %|< to buy good wearing apparel whether it be a purchase of Underwear, Hosiery, v Suit or Overcoat WKSh | The reason you should think seriously about | ,an "overcoat" this year is because you'll see a greater variety and style range in exceptionally good values This "Live Store's" Overcoats were bought when the price of wool materials were very much less than they can r \ be duplicated at this time and you will share the benefits from our enormous purchasing . 9 So many new customers have come here for I I their Overcoat during the past few weeks telling us they heard so much about our greater values that they decided to investigate and com- fljjPl pare The result is that they were so pleased that they cheerfully spent > ;| their money here and are now wearing an Overcoat from Doutrichs the Home 1 j of the Overcoat ! Suggestions f~The "Silk Shirt" Festival-** Neckwear J J Is an interesting spot in this "Live Store" Adlers Gloves r j ~ lf want to see great family gather- 1 Th e popular gift Many 11 I It 1. J. £ i ing. come here and see th'e eager crowd. J to Belect fr ° m than ever ***+■ j nan ere le S T | buying "Silk Shirts" The crowds have I Pajamas f ; been so great the buying so plenti- J Q*ll 11l T 1 Underwear r 1 among t * l ° Be are f° r OllK RIIQ W 00l I inexpensive present that we had to increase 1 ? m M ffl Bath Robes 4 our ® ng pace Have you thought f JMIUjTICIfS HoUSeCoatS \ S of gettiqg him a nice Silk Shirt? Then,? Men and boy. appreciate a good look- ■ don't mis. thi. excellent display. . I ing .carf, be.ides being dressy they Velour Hats w^V 1 * "A** keep the collar clean. J 11 F —J —"— ' — 7 B ■—mw—
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