14 1,392 NAMED IN WAR CASUALTIES IN DAY'S LISTS 14 Soldiers From State Are v Killed in Action in France Washington, December 13.—For ty-our Pennsylvanlans are reported killed in action In the lists of cas uals given outo today by the War Department. The total number of ■ casuals reported is 4,392. The sum mary follows: Killed in action 417 Died of Wounds 20 Died of accident and other causes . ..." 5 Died of disease 208 Wounded severely 1.357 Wounded (degree undetermin ed -.027 Wounded slightly 94 4 Missing in action 414 Total 4,392 Those reported this afternoon fol low: KILLED IN ACTION. Privates. , Lynn Witherson, Spanglcr. Antonio Comignanis, lx>banoß. Harry It. Hen/., Philadelphia. William K. Myers, F res port. DIED OF DISEASE. Lieutenant. E. Arnold, Anthens. Privates. Guls-eppe Cnrhoni, Harrisburg. John Cooper. Mahony City. Robert R. Farllng. Penbrook. Salvatorc Fort, Bethlehem. Herman Madison, Hauta. Harrv Watson, Johnstown. WOUNDED SEVERELY. Captain. Samuel S. Frochlich, Harrisburg. Lieu tenant. Oliver H. Paxson. Audubon . Sergeants. Chester A. Davis, Pittsburgh. Eric D. Lockwood, Philadelphia. John Rappoid. Philadelphia- John J. Read. Philadelphia. Edward ltinus. Plymouth. Corporals. Howard J. Durbofrow, Berwyn. William p. Flynn. Philadelphia. Ralph E. Fraker. Fort Littleton. John Pikel. Puritan. Harry J. Ginther, Pottstown. Lewis L. Warren. Parkesburg. Harry J. Fisk. Montoursville. William Kennedy, Philadelphia. Melvin Schlauch. Philadelphia. Onier Tressler, Elk Lick. James G. Camp, Tarentum. • Wagoner. • Charles I. Jacob, Philadelphia. Privates. Gustave J. Pauli, Greensberg. Mario Prilippi. Yatesboro. Mike Streak. Fniontown. Robert H. Williams, Andover. Samuel E. Abranis, Philadelphia William 8. Wilsher, Carnegie. Michael Canter, Lancaster. Zigment Cheresko, Olyphant. Adam Darosky, Hudson. William C. Eichler, Philadelphia. Thomas D. Covert. Grove City. Walter A. Doud, Scranton. Christ Andrew Spanos, Pittsburgh Harry Tcldon. Philadelphia, christian F. Heldt, Erie. Harry T. Ketner, Philadelphia. Frederick F. Reimer, Philadel phia. Raymond Joseph Schopp. Shamo kln. David E. Sleeger. York. Batista Amatini, Dondora. ■ William G. Bergmann, Honesdale. Hilbert A. Doyle, Doylesburg. Frank uidley, ITnlontown. Bernard W. Jenkins. Oxford. John E. Miller, Easton. John T. Pettit, Philadelphia. George Lawrence Plummer, South Fork. John Yeager, Oil City. Robert H. Addis. Vanderbilt. James Chipelevich. Galeton. Nathan Cohen, Philadelphia. Gulseppe Fila, Braddock. Raymond G. Griffith. Bethlehem. George D. Grimes, Reading. Frank Klosowlcz, Lerone. James May. ConnelsviUe. John J. Sullivan, Philadelphia. C. Swanger, Lewisburg. Harry H. Davis, New Pris. George H. Chambers, Sutersville. Michael Jaffe. Coatesville. Giovanni Belle, Philadelphia. Edgar C. Brougher, Cokeville. WOUNDED (DEGREE UNDE TERMINED.) Lieutenant. Harry C. Updegrove, Easton. Louis Joseph Lewis, Lebanon. Sergeants. Robert A. Evans. Philadelphia, John Schrott. Wilkinsburg. William H. Cooper, Scranton. Corporals. John D. Blazowsky, Phillpsburg. Thomas A. Kane, Philadelphia. John Mosako, Mount Pleasant. Earl Tangert, Lancaster. Heasty S. Wehler, Coatesville. William J. B. Shade, Turbotvllle. Louis Lendenski, Natrona. Jagies H. Painter, Creekside. Edward W. Pearson, Reading. Wagoner. Bugler. Albert Bound. Mayfleld. Abraham Phillips, South Bethle hem. Middle Aged Yppi Womeiv gglg® Are Here Told tlw Best Remedy \. I Freemont,'o.—"l was passing through the critical 'IWwA 4 I period of life,.being forty-six years of age and had all ffl * "2*" / £mMm I the symptoms incident to that change heat flashes, <W\MJt/nuk I nervousness, and was in a general run down condition, wlWa*T fcS-~ -w# tsßmbp B so it was hard for me to do my work. Lvdla E. Pink- v f mm! I ham's Vegetable Compound was recommended to me as \ r\ ' \ V fl the best remedy for my troubles,which it surelyproved V r//A A A? / .<T2S to be. I feel better and stronger in every way since rZJv ..EftKifl^B taking it, and the annoying symptoms nave disap- Kj" vL}\#iiG peared."—Mrs. M. Gobdkx, 923 Napoleon St, Fremont, \H~~" North Haven, Conn.—"Lvdla E. Plnkham's Vegeta- vvTl IV ble Compound restored my health after everything else had failed when passing through change of life. There B^B^HBBi^Cw^nfl^K^H is nothing like it to overcome the trying symptoms." r —Mrs Flobkscx Jwxu.a,Box 197, North Haven, Conn. In Such Cases V LYDIA E. PINKHAM'SI VEGETABLE COMPOUND I lias the greatest record for the greatest good! FRIDAY EVENING, ' HXfcRISBURG MPS? TELEGRAPH 13,1318. Musician. William F. George, Philadelphia Privates. Drayton A. Stokely, Mercer. Anont Derbtn. Erie. Wllltam L. Housel. Montgomery, Henry E. King, Waynesboro. I.ouls W. Boss, Y'ardley. Lawrence Curatol, Easton. Raymond Gelnn Perry, Bradford. Howard Shackelford, Philadel phia. Roland B. Thompson, Stewarts town. John W. Williams, Philadelphia. David S. Gamble, Philadelphia. John 11. Hoch, Kutztown. Joseph Hoffman, Rochester. Joseph Whltttker llollongs, Phil adelphia. Thomas McKale, Philadelphia. David Polakof, Philadelphia. Albert It. Schnuble, Lanadale. Arthur P. Bliss, Westtield. James Stewart Boyd. Morris Run. James A. Ward, Philadelphia. Floyd T. Woomer, Howard. William Bellington. Philadelphia. Paul G. Bender, Pittsburgh, l.yton L. Everltt, Bartonsville. Robert McKnight, Dunmar. Thomas McXeary, Philadelphia. Paul D. Miller, Coatesville. Joseph Poster, Uniontown. James Baylor, Allentown. Samuel Runnel Rubb, Mill Creek. Charles Burgess, Glenside. George W. Jones, Jr., Strickers vllle. Stanley May, Nordmont. Joseph Frank McAlevage, Pitts ton. Wurren P. Lehr. York. .Araham Miller, Philadelphia. Allen Miller, McKees Bocks. William Montgomery, Susquehan na. Mike B. Oleaski, Hazlcton. Joseph I. O'Xeil, Philadelphia. K:\lph E. Powers. North Girard. Albert K. Senderling, Philadel phia. Louts Simon. Hastings. William F. Keck, Philadelphia. John A. Simons, Philadelphia. Dela Smith, Milltown. Roy H. Steininger, Chester. Francis E. Tepe, Elizabeth. Willie A. Tyson, Chapman. John Umstead, Royersford. WOUNDED SLIGHTLY*. Lieutenant. James B. Dolphin, Kane. Sergeants. Rudolph Schwartz, Philadelphia. George W. Atkinson, Doylestown. Earl Moses Masiker, Meadville. Emory T. Bachman, Witmer. Joseph E. Sehweiger, Philadelphia William Valentine Paris, Warren. Joseph R. Middleton, Bedford. Corporals. Edmunds Baker, Springfield. Mike Desota, Pottstown. Frank Oyler, Johnstown. Harry H. Calhoun, Berlin. Walter Doubt, Johnstown. Harry E. Etter, Chanibersburg. Martin Strojny, Plymouth. George Dreisbaugh. Harding. Oscar O. Minor, Hallton. William D. Ankudovltch, West Hazleton. Lester J. Gicking. Pittston. . -Samuel Gilbert, Philadelphia. James J. Reid, Philadelphia. William S. Rese, Pittsburgh. Henry Sutton Weddle, West New ton. William E. Eliason, Kane. William J. Fraseh, Philadelphia. John J. Campbell, Bloomsburg. Felix Guilday, Chester. Thomas F. Slack. Dunmore. Robert C. Unilaf, Muncy. John E. Fallon. Phjladelphia. Howard Francis Walters, Phoe nixville. Corporals. William F. Mullen, Philadelphia. Robert Stewart, Philadelphia. Cooks. William Bowytz, Connellsville. John P. Farley, Philadelphia. Bugler. Fallon, bzgkafggogfi hmthmmm Clarence Fallon, Philadelphia. Mechanic. Nathan Salvln, Philadelphia. Wngoner. * Claude L. Cannon. Campton. Privates. Harry X. Laros, Easton. Loronzo, Loperfite, ▼andegrift. Frank Pachiule, Reading. John J. Remlinger, Pittsburgh. Clarence E. Stroup, Sayre. George H. Peredy, Germantown. William Vincent, Towanda. * John F. Mel!on( Philadelphia. Albert F. Kilisky, Philadelphia. Elmer Marsden, Olyphant. Thomas J. Walter, Philadelphia. Abraham Weiner, Philadelphia. John Houser, Fraekville. Conrad Joseph Kautzman, Pitts burgh. George E. Myers, Barevllle. John L. Odermatt, Pittsburgh. John A. Thomas, Heidelberg. John Tully, W r ayne. Rocco Longo. Philadelphia. David H. Johnson, Bristoria. Edward Johnsonbaugh, Altoona. James F. Kelley, Philadelphia. John M. Kelley, Ruffsdale. Eric Arthur Anderson, Erie. Howard L. Derr, Reading, lgnatz Antoniak, Jeanette. Howard J. Bergmann. Philadel phia. Orrie L. Bowman. Indiana. Clarence C, Brown, Sheffield. Lester Carson, Clearfield. Antonio Cocozza, Philadelphia. David Cornish, Crum Lynne. Leo A. Derrig. Pittston. Charles F. Dull, Mount Vernon. Joseph E. Flannigan, Philadelphia James B. Hell, Zionsville. Ernest E. Rohr, Penfield. John T. Watts, Ardmore. i Anthony Zalkansky, Troop. William J. Carr, Tanguy. John Ferry, Philadelphia. Frank W, Hethertngton, Philadel phia. Charles J. Kane, Philadelphia. Fred W. Lund, Philadelphia. Clydo Market, Windsor. William K. Mattern, Port Matil da. Martin J. Moran, Philadelphia. Peter Radoychlch, Pittsburgh. Jtamcs 8. llyan, Philadelphia. Harry O. Swartz, Phladelphla. Thomus E. Btrlckler, Vanderbtlt. Daniel Joseph Sullivan, Scranton. Charles Wertz, Montgomery. John A. Brossman, Qlenslde. Qlenn Boyd Colyer, Lewlstown. William Farley, Jr., Philadelphia. Leonurd WtlUam Ettl. Allentown. Earl B. Hartman, Bloomsburg. Andrew Joseph Vey, Pittsburgh. John Zoltler, Pittsburgh. George H. Henry Philadelphia. Simon Mlllls, Duryen. Frank J. Kedtke, Nacanaqua. Anthony F. Kallnowskt, Shamokln Joseph Muksintlk, Dlkson City. John E. Masteller, Danville. Charles Schombert, Jr., Johns town. Elmer Jackson. Pittsburgh. Wylo Kural, Marabeth. Charles F. Price. Huntingdon. Andrew Rudlk, Pottstown. Leonard A. SandoniWe. Pittsburgh Marshall Stgel, Buck Valley. Harry B. Aackley, Wlsox. Joseph J. Bulkea. Philadelphia. Clayton Crago, Mlddletown. Harry E. Delly, Catasuqua. MISSING IX ACTION. Snrgoant. Leonard L. Field, New Brigton. Corporal . William S. Keeny, New Freedom. Privates. Edward E. Malone, Philadelphia. Vicenzo Perna, Philadelphia. The folled'ing were reported this morning: KILLED IN ACTION. Lieutenant. Benjamin Bullock. 3d, Ardmore. Sergeants. Brewster A. Dibble, Towanda. .Ray Kelso, lludley. Corporals. John B. Ktebe. Philadelphia. Albert Opela, Harrison City. Stanley Stunley Koztowsky, Pitts burgh. John W. I.orsong, Wllliamsport. Bugler. Harry H. Herlikofer, Bethlehem. Mechanic. John L. Theobold, Honesdnle. Privates. Thomas Cummings, Bagley. N Peter K. Demopulos, Scranton. Antony Domanskl, Philmond. John Joseph Franklin, West Pittston. Samuel A. Frederick, Indiana. George T. Hilbert, Easterly. Hugh McMonagle, Philadelphia. Casimer Marclnkiewicz, Kingston. Theodore L. Menhorn, Myers dale. Luther D. Miller, Bellefonte. Joseph Miraldo. Tresckow. Philip Picot, Philadelphia. John Sokol. Jener. Frank Smith. Philadelphia. Michael Tamboreltu, Philadelphia.* Joseph S. Tower, Springboro. Samuel Zele. Summit Hill. Joseph R. Bechdel. Blanchard. Joseph J. Bolser, Jessup. Edward Bonawltz. Plymouth. Elmer H. Brechbill, Chambers burg. Chester U. Brion. Okome. Amudio Diberardino, Philadel phia. Harold Guy Edwards, Shamokln. Charles A. Escandel, Philadelphia. Antonio Filalkowski, Scranton. John W. Force, Pine Grove. John P. Foster, Manayunk. Robert A. McAleer, Philadelphia. Ira A. Scott, Carmicliaels. Thomas C. Snyder. Slatedale. DIED OF ACCIDENT AND OTHER CAUSES. Wagoner. Gervase Patrick McGinnis.Wilkos- Barre. I Amos M. Warfel, Safe Harbor. DIED OF WOI'NDS. Sargcants Roy Taylor. New Stanton. Corporals. George D. Davis, Pittsburgh. Private*.. Claude L. Wertz. Mahoney. Lloyd E. Carr, Jr., Lancaster. John T. Hagery, Philadelphia. DIED OF DISEASE. Lieutenants. William W. Frick, Sewickley. Clarence E. Hoverter, Jamestown. Privates, Joseph H. Mulcahey, Wilkes- Barre. William D .Myers, Germantown. James J. Ford, Philadelphia. Carlo Marchesuno, Philadelprla. WOUNDED SEVERELY, lieutenants. George V. Hogan, Philadelphia. Charles Philadelphia. James S. McKeon, Philadelphia. Bernard J. Voll, Philadelphia. Sergeants. George B. Stack, Philadelphia. Howard W. Hurst, Terrace. John Mayer, Philadelphia. Rolan R. Weaver, Tylersville. Thomas F. McHugh, Chester. Lenn D. MeQuade, McKeesport. Stanley I. Giltner, Tamaqua. Frank Peter Hand, Philadelphia. Walter Harris, Lucerne Mines. Arthur H. Tompkins. Phoenixville Thomas Stewart Valentine. John C. Large, Norristown. Raymond P. McKinney, New Brighton. Ralph E. Weaver, North East. Mechanic. Thomas F. Cassidy, Philadelphia. Privates. Daniel G. Lenurd, Philadelphia, j Martin Auchernlck. Forest City. John E. Broderlck, Pittsburgh. Harry E. DeUnoey, Now Uloom- Held. Herb Art Harvey, Cheltenham. Joseph Dlmeo, Philadelphia. Michael Flore, Pittsburgh. James J. Martin, Mahanoy City. Charles M. Ofcden, Clearfield. Harry J. Qulnn, Philadelphia. Edwin IV. Wornian, Allentown. William Coutts, Windsor. Milton G. Forrjr, Shlrunisnstown. AVllllam C. Hoffniaster. Pittsburgh ' Homer K. Johnson, Wellaboro. Sulvadore Maculusl, Cannonsburg. Paul Naglosky, Prlngl. Walter 8. Xunnamuker. Philadel phia. Samuel E. Johnson, Now Albany. August Charles l.anlng, Jr., Wllkes- Barre. Ralph Hlndershot, Plymouth. Floyd N. Henderson, Perry. Joseph F. Kurulfn, Johnstown. Ottle Keller, Wrightsville. James McGinnts, Philadelphia. Alfred M. Gargen, Philadelphia. Anthony Chlckey, Scrnnton. William A. Colquist, McKeesport. Eugene P. Speacht, Altoonu. Clarence L. Taylor, Ohlopylo. James P. Ward. WUllamsport. Charles Wasllus, Plttston. Harry C. Wllklns, Philadelphia. Samuel Brody, Philadelphia. Harry C. Calhoun, Llverttiore. John Copena, Tltusvllle. WOUNDED (DEGREE UNDE TERMINED. Captain. Fnanklln D. Wolf. Milton. Lieutenant. August E. Lilly. Columbia. Alfred Ernest Wall, Pittsburgh. Elmer E. Monticue, Stahlstown. Cur|M>rals. Elwood J. Roberts, Philadelphia. Harry l.ee Greene, Philadelphia. Frank J. Rusch, Pittsburgh. George O. Giblin, Braekney. Joseph T. Dessel, Pittsburgh. Clifford P. Gross, Dravosburg. John P. Murray, Philadelphia. Anthony F. Rice, Mahanoy City. James L. Sutjon, Philadelphia. William Kinnes, Philadelphia. Francesgo Aloi, Yatesboro. Charles Arthur Ridge, Norristown. Harold Tucker. Newport. John Wagoner, Philadelphia. Cook. Frank Mrofki. Mount Carmel. Privates. George Knable, Philadelphia. Walter E. Lenkner, Pittsburgh. Frederick R. Horn. Pittsburgh. Rudolph John Johnson, Everttt. Abraham Panlsh, Etna. John Petronas, -Philadelphia. George Schlett, Rockledge. Harry Sliltnp, Harrisburg. James Jacob Stetch. Philadelphia. Thomas G. Georgen, Philadelphia. Henry Kulakowski, Turtle Creek. Tony Masceno, Philadelphia. >f*rold R. Coy, WasTiingtonvUle. Ralph E. Goshert, Lebanon. David O. Graham, Wrightsville. Alvan D. Hartranft, Brunervlllo. Harry P. Stettz, Philadelphia. Ambrose J. Wagner, Allison Park. Charles J. Walters, Philadelphia. John Kenney, Philadelphia. Walter KowalsKi, Philadelphia. Benjamin Franklin Mover, Pal myra. James C. Mitchell, Lewiston. William Rodaback, Connellsville. Ralph O. Satteson, Milton. George T. Brown. Jr., Coraopolis. Jesse Barr, B r Falls. James Brodfi.-.t, Pittsburgh. James Oliver Curtis, Blairsville. Joseph T. Doyle, Philadelphia. Samuel M. Faust, Pottsv'ille. Vane H. Lomaster, Rossiter. David Franklin Minnich, Mason and Dixon. John J. Orwesky, Carnegie. William H. Rattigan, Ford City. Daniel Ryan, Johnstown. William Sheldon, Lenni. Mrs. Sarah Spain, Philadelphia. Thomas H. Van Billard, Bethle hem. Vito Volpc. Wtlmerding. Philip Jeffries. Lansford. Henry Marshall, Wellsboro. Gust Michaiski, Mount Carmel. Harry Montgomery, Greenville. Howard Rader. Pittsburgh. Byron M. Shoff, Pittsburgh. , Burling Swingle, Lake Ariel. Thomas H. Wall, Philadelphia. George Augustine, Radnor. Joseph P. Burke. Sugar Notch. Roy Campbell, Philadelphia. Clarence Duke, Homestead. Charles C. Richards, Pottstown. WOUNDED SLIGHTLY. James Clyde, Rlchcy, Franklin. James R. Fritsch, Carnegie. Walter H. Goscenski, Carnegie. Corporals. Howard T. Wilson, Philadelphia. Joseph Romporskie, Mount Car mel. Stanley C. Harvey, Berwick. Howard P. Lipplncott, Easton. Wagoners. James W. Smith, Scranton. Buglers. Deane C. Griffith, Greensberg. Privates. Paul Blett, Huntingdon. Michael Basta, Parsons. Arthur Barker .Duqucsne. Charles T. Feyhl, Philadelphia. Alfred Daniel Fink, Allentown. Miki Giedieviells, Dickson City. Charles H. Harley. Joseph La Camera, Farrell. Thomas James Leader, Bedford. Arthur Thomas McMillan, Bridge ville. ThoVuas A. Murphy, Philadelphia. Lwrence R. Welch, Berwick. Harry J. Boyd, Philadelphia. Gulseppe Chiaromonte, Plttston. Edward P. Rigby, Pittsburgh. Henry Russell, Dunmore. Alphonse Salvagglo, Easton. Jacob Oliver Starner, New Oxford. Albert C. Streeper, Philadelphia. George T. Tate, Bellefonte. James L. Treat. Reading. Charles J. Turner, Philadelphia* MISSING IN ACTION. Corporals. William H. Hebling, Philadelphia. Privates. Walter F. Kent, Philadelphia. James F. R. McCarthy, Pitts burgh. James Mazzafro. Philadelphia. Harry Paiskowitz, Philadelphia. Campbell W. Tarr, Ruffsdale. Ralph Caprone, Jeanette. John Fetcho, Scranton. Luigl Barona, Philadelphia. Charles Grimes, Bustleton. Jay C. Harvey. Philadelphia. Jacob Katz, Pittsburgh. Daniel Smith, Edwardsville. Edward J. Kavanaugh, Philadel phia. William Hegner, Dunbar. Steve'W. Tortella, Ernest. Harvey D. Bqyer, W'ernersville. Francis J. Flack. Volant. James Greener, Philadelphia. Arthur .P. Cattwright, Plymouth. John N. Miller, Carbondale. James W. McNamee, Phoenlx ville. , . • ROOSEVELT'S DOG LOST Oyeter Bay—lf some ope in Nas sau county is holding a black and tan thoroughbred dog answering to the name of Shady he apparently does not know that the animal is the pet of Sagamore HIU and the property of Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt. Shady wander ed away from home Sunday. A reward has been offered, but no trace of the dog can be found. Shady has been the Colftppl's companion In his walks for several years. WORK OF WOMEN PRAISED New Varlt—All of the 1,500 men who quit the local postal service to go to wan can .have their old Jobs back If they with, and the women they re place will be put on the substitute list. Postmaster Patten speaks high ly of "the work done by the women. Railroads to Give Positions Back to Fighting Men New York — It was stated authori tatively at the offices of the Eastern Regional Director of the United Railroads here that every em ploy of the nation's rail systems who answered the oall to the colors will be restored to his former P9sltlon, with no loss In seniority or custom ary advancement because of his pa triotic absence. The New York Cen tral lines gave 13.000 men to the fighting and ehglneerlng forces of the nation. Computing the total number of railroad men In the ser vice from the Central's proportion, It I Is shown that more than 400,000 men gM lII' y I! [ Give Furniture ! m* . | 1 The Sensible, Servicea, Enduring J | Christmas Gift | H Remembering that the pride of possession remains lohg after the price has Jp H been forgotten makes it more imperative than ever to he sure of the quality. |B GOLDSMITH FURNITURE is always sold at ihodest prices—note the offerings I || hoga ny Candlestick^ $ * holding big red candle Ih decorated with red |I ''''■ jg' ' satin ribbon and spray J4 rp ||§ M Martha of holly—neatly packed Ij • in a Christmas box. No W p| 1 Washington WaSOnS I !' Sewing Tables ~f . • j]-> ® The' genuine -solid mahog.ny PriSCllla ' I ° f soI!d Maho E any-wl,h re- [J . . ... .... j , IoV-'lllcl movable glass tray.— rubber-tired & —invisible hinges fluted legs— - .. .. iS- I spoo, tray. Sewing Stands . wheels - Spcc "" y pr,ccd a: $lB on f ot < he most Special $22.50 • popular Serving 1 = Stands made—solid at Eg! ga Other Sewing Tables and Knit- mahogany with A ' Ten other styles in Oak, Walnut If' ting Stands, $5.00 up. sliding spool tray. Sj SQs and Mahogany, $l5 to $35. |f limited quantity. w j||i J ; " • p| *M Spinet Desks Windsor Chairs and Cedar Chests || || $27.50 to $lOO.OO l 2 50 Cke< R2ono $20.00 to $50.00 || Several models of Spinet designs sl£.bu tO Made of the most odorous red |= —in Mahogany. Every woman will An enormous assemblage of these cedar that grows— ls plain and plj Q ,;g „r t u; e ever popular Chairs and Rockers A . . . , >3 g appreciate a gift of this sort. _ >u desjrable shflpes #nd copper trimmed styles to select g 25, ofner styles of Desks, $lB s j zes are shown. Mahogany, of from - You ' n surely please "her" g H t to $9O. ' course. f s ■ with,a Cedar Chest. | LAMPS— „ m s^ 6r ' S 1 1 1 2 wom Gate Leg Tables awg collection of I Hderful collection of In Mahogany—with drawees — the types that appeal g B Lamps ever shown in three sizes always acceptable 5 ' S (J Harrisburg. Every - ft _ H Oak and Mahogany. HI conceivable style, I. • • utp r ,i°, r her • $17.50 < Sm "" Size > $2.00 to I 1 $22.50 < Medium Size ) H g Floor Lamps $37.50 ( Lar B e Size ) $16.50 || $17.50 to $7O U ■ H ■ j T S A Goldsmith Rug Will Make Any I I • [Woman Happy Christmas Morn 1 =2 _____________- *f=j | Other Suitable Gift Things p or the Fireplace J 1' TdephotTe Stands Book-Mocks Andirons —Brass, $lO.OO to $16.50 Toilet Table Benches Tea Trays „. . . „ mr , 1 Candlesticks Ceiiarettes fireside Screens, $6.00 I Fancy' Minors Wood Baskets. $5.00 to $25.00 M I I SPECIAL DELIVERY SERVICE TO OUT-OF-TOWN CUSTOMERS | §As a special service to all our out-of-town purchasers we will make deliveries in time for Christmas with our If big auto vans or freight, provided purchases are made before Dec. 20th. te | NORTH MARKET SQUARE . , j now wearing khaki came from rail road offices, shops and trains. It was said there will be few places on the railroads for discharged sol diers who left other civilian capaci ties. A prominent railroad official said that although the railroads' busi ness will decrease because of the de crease In shipments of war materials, the shrinkage of Immigration from 800,000 annually before the war to 18.000 during Its progress has created a sharp demnnd for mining men for all types of work. This official said: "There are twenty regiments of engineers, recruited front the railway companies, who built more than 2,000 miles of the best lines In France, running from Brest around Paris, and keeping up with the extension of; the Allied front. '•These men were gathered chiefly by appeals by the government to the .companies to which they were at tached. The more skilled men re ceived commissions, although many sacrificed well paying positions for a buck private's emolument. Fore men. engineers, surveyors, Ex perienced clerks, donned the khaki- "The women who took the places of many of the men seem ready to go back to their pre-war pursuits and make way for their masculine predecessors. Many of the men will not return to the railroads, and with the resignation ot the women, places for all patriots will be assured. "The mjnes are paying a day on an -average. While this Is wofk foj onty a sturdy type of man, thfc wai t raining has fitted thousands wht otherwise' would not have been physi cally fit." The United States Employment Ser ' vice has placed muy discharged sob diers In good positions. The machtn< ery of the service, it was stated, it being groomed for the work of plac ing thousands who shortly will bt discharged. NEW I'OHK'S HIGH WAGES New York—During September ofth clal figures show that the averagt weekly earnings of employes In thli state was $22.31, an lncrense of $l.Ol over August, and the highest of anj month sine* 1914.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers