WITH NEW BODY Democratic Leaders Virtually Give Up Hope of Holding Necessary Hearings Washington, Dec. 5. The next Congress, a Republican one, will de termine the future of the railroads. This was assured when Democratic Senate and House leaders, aware of the legislative task ahead of them, v irtually gave up hope tf being able to hold the necessary hearings In rommittee to thresh the matter out thoroughly In both branches of Con gress and to pass a bill to cover the railroad situation. It was considered by these leaders that as many big appropriation and reconstruction measures as well as Ihe revenue bill, on which there Is a bitter fight, will have to be passed upon between now and March 4, ma ture deliberation could not bo given to the railroad problem which it de serves. There Is a possibility that the Sen to interstate commerce committee will begin probing into the railroad situation. If it does the railroad question will go no further this ses sion. So far as the House is con :erned it Is the intention there to let the railroad matter rest until the next Congress is called. In their decision to let the railroad HRS BRASSIERES worn in connection with W. B. wmg^ri Corsets, assure gown-fit perfection x *s% grace and finish the give the necessary finishing touch scts as urm ~^ eaut '^ ers * mmS W. B. CORSETS Bf W. B. NUFORM Corsets for slender |A i | 'mflj and average figures. The low-priced cor £9| Il3g set with high-priced qualities. W. B. £m REDUSO Corsets for stout figures—re duce one to five inches and you look ten to twenty pounds lighter. I Sou h voiisiveiv- ni tiarrisourg at bowman.. Had Lumbago for 25 Years—Took Bliss Native Herb Tablets and Struck Oil William S. Crump, Bridgeport, 111.,, not only benefited by using Bliss Native Herb Tablets, but the good health obtained helped him to profit I financially. This is what ho writes: "i was bothered with what the doe tors said was Lumbago for 25 years, so bad I could hardly turn, but to day 1 don't know what a pain is. Bliss Native Herb Tablets fixed mc up fine and since then I have struck oil, and I'm now on easy street in good health." Lumbago, rheumatism. impover ished blood, kidney disorders, ecze ma. skin blemishes, all disappear after taking Bliss Native Herb Tab Thin Blood Follows Grippe or Influenza Pale cheeks and white lips tell the tale of bodily weakness. DR. CHASE'S SPECIAL Blood and Nerve Tablets which contain Iron, Nux Vomica, Gentian and other medicines in a stronger and more active form than the regular Dr. Chase's Tab lets, quickly restore the red cor puscles to the blood and bring back the old time courage and , strength almost at once. : Weigh Yourself Before Taking Special—Stronger and More Active—9oc It's Cheaper to Buy Five Boxes at a Time! United Medicine Company 224 N. 10th St., Philadelphia, Pa. x l | THURSDAY EVENING, question alone until the Republican Consreae can take hold of It Demo cratic leadera were guided by the statement made by the President yea terday Indicating that he did not ex pect a formal declaration of peace until the spring. The present rail road control will extend automatically for twenty-one months after thoj event, giving time for full investiga tion Into the financial situation of the railroads, the effect of government op eration on the various lines and the wisdom of following the various courses which have boon suggested. When tho matter Is finally taken up It Is expected to occupy attention for several months. There la no opposi tion discernible against giving the railroad problem full consideration, as the President, has virtually assured Congress that he will approve what ever couise Congress takes. It Is the desire of Congress to hear the Rail road Administration, the Interstate Commerce Commission, the railroad executives and the railroad owners as fully as possible. Traffic conditions on the railroads 'under government control are such that no general embargoes such as those placed for many winters past are probable thlrf year, according to a statement Issued yesterday by Di rector General McAdoo. The Director General declares that comprehensive plans made last winter for freeing congested areas of addi tional freight have resulted in excep tional freedom from congestion during the heavy business this fall and that there are not now outstanding any general embargoes against the free movement of traffic. TO RECRI'IT FOR MARINES Washington, D. C., Dec. 6. —Recruit- ing for the Marine Corps will be re sumed at once, under an order Is sued by Secretary Daniels. Enlist ments will be for four years, former standards will be maintained and there will be no limit on the number of men to be accepted. lets according to directions. Every mail brings testimonials of the bene ficial results obtained by the regular use of these tablets. They are recog nized as the pioneer standard herb remedy for the stomach, liver and kidneys, and are so consistent in their action that every box contains a guarantee to refund the purchase price if they fail to benefit. Each box contains 200 tablets. The genuine bears the picture of 'he found er, Alonzo O. Bliss on the cov- JJJ er, anil every tablet is stamp- I/O/ ed with our trade mark (AB). Price $1 per box. Sold b.v leading drugists and local agents every where. 1,161 FALL OR DIE IN BATTLE WITHTHE HUNS 34 Pennsylvanians Reported as War Victims in Over seas Conflicts Washington, Dec. 5.-—Thirty-four Pennsylvanians were killed in action as reported In to-day's lists of cas ualties given out by the war depart ment. A total of 3,030 names ap pear in the lists, with 421 killed in action, ami 741 died of wounds and disease. - The completo summary follows: Killed in action . 421 Died of wounds, 310 Died of accident und other causes, 21 Died of airplane accident, 12 Died of disease 431 Wounded severely 34 4 Wounded (degree unde termined) 398 Wounded'slightly 619 Missing in action 474 Total 3,030 KILLED IN ACTION Sergeant Perry G. Benson, Lumber City. Corporal , George W. Reber, Reading. ' Privates Demetreos Benekos, Verona. Theodore Borowskl, Philadelphia. Harvey Grill Steffy. Denver. John M. Mathews, Newell. Harry Miller, Scranton. CamlMo Trorana, New Castle. DIED OF WOUNDS Corporal John Grleco, Tarentum. Privates Annibais Barbara, Jeannette. Joseph A. Brogan, Pittsburgh. Arminio Ferri, Allison. William K. Galloway, Pottstown. John Krouz, Jr., intoona. Andrea Pisanl, Shamokin. DIED OF DISEASE Privates Ira ,T. Cato, Wtlltamsport. Jacob E. Hehnly, Sheridan. Ona H. Lewis, Keermoor. William C. Llndenmuth, Ring town. Pete Patrenakos, Franklin. John H. Rylander, Sheffield. Luigi Varanese, West Chester. William J. Wlrhanowcz, New ! Britain. WOUNDED SEVERELY Lieutenant Walter 11. Frillk, Indiana. Sergeant Isaac L. Noye, 609 Peffer street, 1 Harrisburg., Corporals [ William E. Murphy, Braddock. Jesse lioovifr Stoy, Beallsville. Harry J. Walsh, Philadelphia. Wagoner James H. Hitch, Philadelphia. • Privates Charlie E. Barnhart, Sandy Lake. Marshall Armstrong Boyd, Pitts burgji. Thomas Bradey, Summit Hill. M illard Ilretz, 106 Harris street, I Harrisburg. Joseph Gtonfirddo, Dysart. Louie Montana, Homer City. George A. Moyer, Emaus. Albert Rehovlch, Barnsboro. Harry Williams, Johnstown. George F. Zimmerman, Trevorton. WOUNDED (DEGREE UNDETER MINED) Sergeants Louts E. Haller, Folcroft, Dela ware county. Mearl C. Lyda,' Black Lick, In diana county. Earl C. Wood, Philadelphia. Corporal William Bush, Glenlyon. Wagoners Clarence G. W. Hetriek, Reynolds ville. Gsant E. Stone. Elkland. Privates David M. Benedict, Philadelphia. ■William F. Broderick, Johns town. Frank S. Cherry, Bridgeville. Harry J. Dlas, Monessen. Raymond H. Feight, Pottstown. Harry L. Gilbert, Pottstown. Edward P. Hannay, Roxborough. Walter J. McGuire. Chester. Vincent! Mazaika. Minersville. George Z. Plttakas, McKeesporf. Frank Edward Riley, Pittsburgh. Francesco Rio, Tyler. Howard S. Stanley. Coatesville. SLIGHTLY WOUNDED Privates I Anthony G. Hess, Erie. Howard D. Israel, Pittsburgh. 1 William H. MacMeekin, Philadel l phia. Tony Myklich, Philadelphia. ; Earl Smolcy, 2041 Logan street, I Ilnrrlsburg. Carl D. Albert. Dußois. Mike Bendle, Belle Vernon. Gerald A. Brocius, SummerviHe. Vincent P. Dolan. Girardville. Andrew Kolaba, Philadelphia. Frank Gaydos, Clairton. Lewis Lamoreau, Plymouth. Harvey MerlU Bowley, Wilcox, Walter S. Bruce, Philadelphia, j William J. Davis, Pittsburgh. Vincenzo De Simone, West Phila delphia. Lewis Finley, Tarentum. James B. Hoover, Meyersdale. Philip E. Barrickman, Butler. Joseph Charles Bengel, Jeannette. Emanuel Henry Billman, Leba non. Zygmund Dutkevicz, Duryea. Michael George Fahley, Oil City. Tony Balchaitis, Philadelphia. Max Robert Burke, Westford. Gus Festenstein, Philadelphia. Robert Fisher, Reading. Michael Halincheck, Hazleton. Frank Hahn, Reading. Louis B. Helnlein, Erie. John A. Htckey, Danville. Nicola Leone, Clifton Heights. Clement J. Melhorn, Ashvllle. William Conrod Myers,. Fleming ton. Joe Samolunsky, Pittsburgh. John T. Riley, Revesvllle. Henry L. Wilson, Philadelphia. James P. Craven, Philadelphia. Rodey Gibson, Tannery. y Leo A. Aonlo, Carrlck. MISSING IN ACTION Sergeant William R. McNulty, Pittsburgh. Corporals Edward L. Tiedt, Clarion. Henry Charles Stone, Mount Oliver. August John Quering, Glassport. Chalmers Lawson Harmon, Brook, ville. Vincent Yodzls, Pittsburgh. Bugler William P. Family, Philadelphia. ' Privates Joseph H. Cherry, Philadelphia. Herman E. Bishop, Lewis Run. Arthur Black, 1940 North street Harrisburg. ' Norman J. Blankenhorn, Potta vllle. John Budrovitz, Edwardsville. Joseph P. Cernlc, Johnstown. Clarence E. Fahnestock, Newvllle. David S. Grumblne, Fredericks burg. Peter Demko, Dunmore. David D. Eckels, Walkers Mills. Albert A. Pinchock, Brockway ville. Randolph A. Wonders, Pitoalrn. Andrew J. Dennis, Falrchance. • Nunziato Garantlne, Wyano. Peter P. McManamon, Sugar Notch. Joseph Pllottl, Sloyan HARRIBBURO TELEGRAPH Harry Staufter, Spring Grove. Sealon R, Morgan, Philadelphia. Lemuel W. Munibower, Waynos burg. Wlncenty Piciulla, Pittsburgh. l<ouls A. Repsher, Philadelphia. Howard M. Smith, Berwick. Noah John Logsdon. Hyndman. Andrew Pezoldt, Allentown. Tony Romeo, Hollsopple. Harry Tuttle Rogers, Philadel phia. Hubert A. Roe, New Mllford. Fred Schmerfeld, Mahonoy City. Paul Benjamin Kahlbaugh, Han over. William J. Lambert, Kingston. Michael C. McGrogan, West New ton. Achllle Pardlnl, Hoovervlllo. William H. Stewart, Greenville. Roman A. Wojczynskl, Philadel phia. , Re.ported this morning are the following: KILLED IN ACTION Lieutenant John H. Qulnn, Philadelphia. * Sergeant Edward R. Gernert, Wilkinsburg. Corporals Herbert L. Kreps. Philadelphia. Oscar E. Snyder Fishers Ferry. Cecil Herman Sprong, Butler. Lawrence Warner, Plymouth. Lewis E. Wetmlller, Sand Patch. John Ayre, Jr., Philadelphia. Frank Merrtam, Philadelphia. Privates John D. Aaron, Slatington. Allen O. Delke, Slatington. Stephen Miricki, Philadelphia. Joseph A. Kennedy, Chester. Luigi Adams, Pittsburgh. Walter A. Arnold, Dorranceton. Walter E. Grove, Red Lion. Elwood E. Schlarb, Ashland. William D. Slusser, Nanttcoke. Francis H. Handwerk, Slatington. William F. Murphy, Girard, Erie county. Matenz Soblevaj, Windber. • Howard Alinus Stahl, Indiana. Bozo Stipanovic, South Pitts burgh. Stanley Skroubul, Shenandoah. Clyde W. Trowbridge, Mehoopany. Thomas E. Whltcsldes, Spring dale. DIED OF WOUNDS Sergeant Alaster W. Duff, Mahafty. Corporals Norbert J. Finegan, Chester. John P. Fleming, Sharpsburg. Daniel E. Gann, Jersey Shore. George J. Schmidt, Pittsburgh. Frank Carns Siner, Philadelphia. Mechanic Willard J. Leach, Philadelphia. Privates Anthony Abroitz, Philadelphia. Edward M. Belghtol, Tyrone. Guy Bryan, Robinson. Antonio Ceccki, Conifer. • Joseph Halas, Philadelphia. Harry N. Altmeyer, Pittsburgh. Daniel t3. Durbin, Wind Ridgo. Earl Howsare, Ralnsburg. Elwood J. Jones, Philadelphia. Hay Everitt, Montrose, Joseph Failaice, Pittsburgh. Richard P. Fyock, Penn Run. Steve Gasper, Btahlstowm Andy Levandeskt, Pittsburgh. Walter J. Market, Adelaide. George F. Richard, Philadelphia. John C. Schumacher, Johnstown. Lynn Stone, Columbia Cross Roads. Andy Medwlth, Oliver. Steve J. Paddock, Wilkes-Barre. Frank M. Trebino, Philadelphia. William Hugo Zewe, Duquesne. Ponato Tempesto, Tyler. DIED FROM ACCIDENT AND OTHER CAUSES Corporals Joseph T. Smith, Scranton. DIED OF DISEASE Lieutenant Daniel Frederick McCarthy, Brad ford. Privates John R. Kennedy, Pittsburgh. Roy A. Douglass, Smithport. Arthur M. Draper, Philadelphia. Frank E. Gardner, Idaville. I-larry M. Gise, East Berlin. John A. Kennedy, Philadelphia. Salvester Ptaskiewicz, Philadel phia. William J. B. Rehrer, Middletown. George B. Simpson, Greensburg. William H. Kruse, Albertus. Michael J. Geaver, Philadelphia. Frank Gusski, Arnott. James G. Harter, Berwick. Ray W. Walclsworth, Erie. Norman B. Werner, Berlin. Harry L. Aurndt, Lewisburg. Theodore O. Dale, Scranton. Claus R. Edgren, Munson. .George Elliott, White Deer. Spencer M. Evans, Lititz. William C. Fuge, Houtudale. Guerney Haven, Campbell, Wil liamstown. Jacob Gelßler, Broad Ford. Ralph E. Workman, Pinegrove. WOUNDED SEVERELY Sergeants Edward F. Welsh, Philadelphia. Irving Lindemuth, Mount Carmel. Corporals James P. Dobbins, Philadelphia. Richard T. McCartney, Ben Avon. James B. Heckman, Apollo. Stanley Nealse, Pitcairn. Saddler George L. Turns, 11. F. D. 4, Hnr risburg. Wagoner E<l win C. WelLs, 1108 Penn street, llarrisburg. Privates John J. Martin, Silver Creek. Joseph O'Connor, Heckscherville. Cllne Porter, Duquesne. Augustus F. Stetner, Philadelphia. John Veselenak, Rossiter. •Cleveland S. Walters, Smithfleld. William J. Watson, Philadelphia. John Budko, Philadelphia. August Glowenecs, Braddock. Joseph F. Irwin, East Conemaugh. William Frederick Neubauer, Pittsburgh. Floyd C. Strick, Coudersport. Martin J. Sullivan, Munhall. Joseph Talkowsky, South Bethle hem. Nick Rartoline, Conshohocken. James L. Harrison, Pittsburgh. WOUNDED (Degree Undetermined) Sergeants Aloysius C. Dodwell, Philadelphia. Ward B. Foltz, Sunbury. Joseph L. Fowler, Philadelphia. Harry Hobbs, Pittsburgh. Albert E. Morris, Minersville. Kenneth E. T. May. Wllliamsport. James O'Connor, Philadelphia. Patrick F. Ryan, Shamokin. Corporals Albert A. Hilderbrant, Pittsburgh. Gilbert Faull, Wilkes-Barre. Clair L. Naugle, Shillington. Elward C. Punch, Wllliamstown. John T. Woolensack, Pittsburgh. Harry Doris Figard, Huntingdon. Robert T. Williams, St. Charles. • Musicians Salvatore Longo, Pittsburgh. HOW SOOTHING POSLAM FEELS OH FIERY SKIN Nothing that you can apply to ail ing, itching, irritated skin can be more welcome than Poalam; for its re lief Is immediate. Angry surfaces are soothed, cooled, pacified. These quick indications of benefit, showing that Poalam la taking hold, have made many sufferers glad. And this direct ness—tills getting right at the trouble is a quality noteworthy in Poalam. Try for those pimples, that rash, itching eczema. scalp-Bcale, any dis ordered condition. Sold everywhere. For free sample write to Emergency Laboratories, 343 West 47th St., New York City. Urge your skin to become clearer, fairer, healthier by the use of Pos * lam Soap, the tonlt soap for the akin. Evan Edwin John, Mahanoy City. 1 Buglers Fred M. Butch, Pittsburgh. Richard \V. Henry, Philadelphia. Chester L. Mulil, Wllliairtsport. Mechanic 1 Leigh E. Patterson. Fnctoryvillc. Wagoner James R. King, West field. Privates , John R. Foley, White Marsli. I Lewis J. Grubet - , Philadelphia, Norman A. Hlllbish, Pottsvlile. Dennis Holleran, Shnmokln. Matthew J. Lambert, Philadel phia. Ebbert C. McSparrln, New Ken sington. Joseph T. McSorley, Philadelphia. William E. Moore, Chester. Max F. Kanke, Scrhnton. Harry C. Hcanlon, Philadelphia. I Israel Shore, Philadelphia. Alonzo R. Smith, Philadelphia. John Tracers, Bridgeport. Norman E. Weller, Uloomsburg. Wallace 1-1111, Jr., Berwick. Ray C. Jayne, Tunkhannock. • John Koshko, Clarence. Michael Koshock, Beaver Mead ow. Hugh C. Leaver, Clifton Heights. Howard L. Pyle, Coatesvllle. Peter sherotskie, Dickson City. James C. Snyder, East Strouds burg. Charles IL Taylor, Christiana. Hugh L. Wilson, Wellsboro. Vincenso Caruso, Scottdale. Joseph A. O. Charlton, Pittsburgh. John R. Flexer, Macungie. Adam Lesinski, Penn Station. John Joseph Vasely, South Beth lehem. William F. Hedgelon, Monesdale. Harold D. Heiselmeyer, Bethle hem. Thomas J. Huston, Pennsburg. Stanley S. Scherer, Emerald. Walter L. Solomon, Philadelphia. Francis Joseph Bird, Philadel phia. Bernurd J. Ferry, South Bethle hem. Methodjous Stout, Wilkinsburg. George Young, Tunkhannock. WOUNDED SLIGHTLY Lieutenant Wesley W. Harting, Germantown, Battalion Sergeant Major Bushnell Di'mond, Philadelphia. Sergeants James Davis. Pittsburgh. John Joseph MacVeigh, Philadel phia. Harold E. Irvine. Philadelphia. Emil C. Reiter, Pavis. Corporals William Edward Greensmith, Philadelphia. Robert L. Hawkins, Bernharts. Walter C. Devore, Monogahela. Wagoners Joaeph D. Collum, Wilkes-Barre. Albert P. Demaine, Philadelphia. John C. Grimm, Greentown. Cook Harland E. Vensel, New Kensing ton. v Privates Dorsey J. Burkholder, Newberry. Harry Richards, Wilkes-Barre. Irvin Stott, Phoenixville. Benny Visawaty, Dickson City. Marcus A. Greer, Philadelphia. Frank Gunshore, Wilkes-Barre. John C. R. Kelly, Pittsburgh. William D. Nolf, Hawthorn. Eugene Jacob Pysher, Newberry. Felix Tocyzlouskte, Shenandoah. Joseph Turocy, Pittsburgh. Enilyn R. Williams. Wcstmoor. William R. Vebclunas, Home stead. Roy C. Lash, Philadelphia. Alexander Lipsie, Desire. John Metka, Schwenkviile. James D. Potts, Beaver Falls. Frank L. Przywarty, Pittsburgh. Bright Green Vest Was , Undoing of Man Wanted to Face Murder Charge How a bright green vest brought Philip Goslin, colored, of Sykesvllle, to the bar of justice to answer the charge of murder which he is said to have committed two years ago, was revealed this morning by John C. Metzheiser, police of the Bethlehem Steel Company plant at Steelton, who hired the negro to watch the sweetheart of Willie Pal mer, who is wanted for the murder of Joseph Gordon, in Steelton, sev eral days ago. According to Metzheiser, Goskin, I who was living at Locust Grove and forking at the Steelton coke plant under the name of Joseph Stillwater, was standing at the Pennsylvania railroad station resplcndant In a bright green vest, watching for the dusky maiden who was to lead him to the lair of the hunted alleged murderer. According to bystanders, the Pennsylvania station itself wasn't any more conspicuous than that green vest. Mr. and Mrs. John O. Brown en tering the station on their way back to Sykesvllle, "where they live, saw the green vest, which riveted their gaze, and then their eyes traveled up the brilliant vest to the flare neck tie, up the dusk> neck until— "Why, that's J*hll Goskin!" ex claimed Mrs. Brown. "And he's still wanted for murder at home. So Patrolman Hollands was called, the negro was arrested and Sykes vllle authorities notified. When Sheriff Edward Miller, of Westmin ster, Md., arrived at the Jail he iden tified the man at once and took hint back to the Westminster jail. RED iLUODED MEN WIN OUT • Hey Are Always cn Top la Every Y/alli cl hilo It Ii a fact that red blooded men end women are at tlio top in every walk of life. Men and women with 'lie driving force of red blood, rich in Iron and Phosphates do things, tliey get results. lisd blooded women are the heads of the happiest and most contented homes, they havo the will and the desire to bo real companions and helpmates. Leadership and happiness li only for the men and women who arc willing to keep their blood and nerves strengthened and nourished with Iron and Thosphatcs. s A prominent doctor says, '7t Is a erii.io that so many men and women lack the rich, rod blood and strong steady nerve to ochlcvo their am bitions. It is nil the more so bceauso thin, watery blood Is unnecessary, as rich, red blood or.d strong nerves are within the grasp of everyone I'liosphated Iron makes puro blood oy making new blood. It Rives 'trength. brings color to the cheeks, increases the weight and appetite, Irivcs away the blues and those sleepless nights, steadies and renews vour nervous energy, makes you feci like a llvo ono once again". There must be something to *ft. "Veryone who tries It is loud in •raise of Phosphated Iron, and you i v e got to show people these -days. To Insure phrfcleians and Jhelr isHsnts receiving the genuine phoe hstcd Iron it has heen put up in "spatiles only. Do not allow dealers give you pills or tablets. Insist on capsules, G. A. Gorges and leading druggist* ovary w tiara. ROYER WARNS OF GROWINGDANGER Crowds at Christmas Time Are Liable to Spread In fluenza Abroad in Land Shop early, avoid crowds and nvert Ihe dunger of contract ing Influenza, Is tho warning sound ed to tho Christmas shoppers of the state by Dr. B. Franklin Royer, Acting Commissioner of Health. With tho approach of tho holiday shopping season, said Dr. Royer, too much stress cannot bo laid on tho necessity for tho public to avoid crowding*, in the Btores, many of which are poorly ventilated at best. Tho influenza danger has not passed and reports from various sections of the state show that the disease 1B continually flaring up in many communities and will probably be with us throughout the entire win ter. I doubt if there is a com munity, large or small, in the Com monwealth that can truthfully bnaßt that it is absolutely free from this disease. Influenza is spread largely by droplots caused by sneezing, cough ing and spitting and it is a disease spread in crowds and in poorly ven tilated places. Therefore, the un usual and unnecessary crowding so common tn the stores during the Christmas shopping season is sure to result In an increased number of influenza cases unless the people will protect themselves. Let the Christ mas buying begin at once. Those persons who are habitually eleventh hour shoppers will do well to re member this warning. The store keepers should co-operate by be ginning at once to display their special holiday goods and to hire a sufficient sales force to handle the Increased business without tax ing the capacity of their clerks and necessitating their Risies being crowded with anxious people. A recurrence of the recent terr ible epidemic would be a sad \ end for the approaching holiday sedson, and this can be prevented if the people will avoid conditions which tend to spread the Influenza. Show Little Desire For Old Home Towns Cnnip Meade, Admiral Md., Dec. 5. Having failed to see France many men ure acting upon an impulse to try Baltimore, Philadephla and Wash ington flrst as a .place for employ ment rather than to go directly back to their home towns. Of 600 who bought tickets 137 decided to go to destinations other than those from which they came. By doing this they had to pay the full rate. That so many men, rejoicing in the opportun ity to go hack home, should decide to venture elsewhere was a surprise to many. There are men from every state in camp now, many especially from the far west and far south. It is certain that many home folks are going to be disappointed. Pennsy Rewards Girl Who Fought Train Wreckers Vniontown, Pa., Dec. s.—As a re ward for her bravery in dispersing train wreckers who had piled rail road ties on the tracks near a signal tower at Mount Braddock. Miss Stella Vensel, a Pennsylvania railroad tele grapher, has been awarded SSO by the railroad company. Miss Vensel engaged In a pistol battle with the two men and through her valor brought assistance before the arrival of an ammunition train which the suspects sought to wreck. PAGE ON SHIPPINPG BOARD Washington, Dec. s.—Charles R. Page, of California, was nominated yesterday by President Wilson to | succeed himself as a member of tho United States shipping board. ?- Giving in Our many years' experience in the FJMTJV I jewelry and Diamond business has enabled us to learn who are the most reliable makers—and who give the best values —therefore we in turn yQ lfO>M II hand these values down to you. It /I is an easy matter to purchase jewelry m and then offer same to you at a m profit—but the question arises, Xf "have the goods been bought right in the first place?" If they have not #Jk —then you will be compelled to pay for the store's mistakes. If they have been purchased right— then nH you are the gainer. \\ e offer for elry offered in our stock is of high grade quality, standard make— guaranteed by our makers and by You are safe when making your purchases here and the receiver of a gift purchased at Max Reiter & jjt will take.great pride in wear- We Are Now Ready With Large Stocks Come and Look Around ps| c==3 n(' i 1. i ] V^jH Max Reiter DECEMBER 5,1918. FIRST WIRE TICKS OF WORLD'S NEWS By Associated Press I'rklng. —• LU Cheng-llslang, For eign Minister, who will head China's delegation at the praco conference at Versailles, left last night. After a short may In Japan, the party will proceed to Paris byway of America. I.onilon. Fourteen women were Included among the candidates for Parliament nomlnuted yesterday. They include Miss Christuhol Pankhurst, daughter of Mrs. Emnieltno Pank hurst, suffrage leader. Berne. A dispatch from Agrarn says the National Assembly of tbe people of Montenegro, which deposed King Nicholas unit voted In favor of uniting with Serbia, was elected by universal suffrage. Paris. Representatives of the Polish, Jugo-Slsv, ltumanlnn and Czecho-Slovak National Councils are In session here to study the reorgani zation of Central Europe. Buenos Aires. Earth tremors, supposed to be caused by the serious earthquake In Northern Chile, this morning, were recorded at the Da Plata seismograph station lust night. Washington. All requisitions of the Fuel Administration for the ship ment of bituminous coal to Individual plants have been canceled. The ad ministration to-day announced that Its policy In the future will be to leave to the plants thediselveu the work of obtaining fuel. Amstrrdnm. Kurt Eisner, the Ba varian Premier. Is reported to have privately declared himself ready to ;; The Quick Way to j \ Stop a Cough ;; j j; * •• Tills home-made syrup does tbe * 1 | work In a hurry. Easily pre : pared, and saves about |3. '' I \ ou , might surprised to know | that the best thing you can use for I a. severe cough, is a remedy which is easily prepared at home in just 1 & few moments. It's cheap, but for ; prompt results it beats anything else j you ever tried. Usually stops the ordi [ nary cough or chest cold in 24 hours. Tastes pleasant, too—children like it I —and it is pure and good. ounces of Pinex in a pint bottle; then fill it up with plain granulated sugar syrup. Or use clari fied molasses, honey, or corn syrup, instead of sugar syrup, if desired. Thus you moke a full pint—a family supply—but costing no more than a small bottlo of ready-made cough j syrup. ! And as a cough medicine, there is j really nothing better to be bad at anv price. It goes right to the spot and gives quick, lasting relief. It promptly ; heals the inflamed membranes thai 1 line the throat and air passages, stops the annoying throat tickle, loosens the phlegm, and soon your cough stops en- Splendid for bronchitis, croup, whopping cough and bronchial asthma, Pinex is a highly concentrated com pound of Norway pine extract, famous for its healing effect on tho membranes. To avoid disappointment ask your druggist for "2V> ounces of Pinex" with directions and don't accept any thing else. Guaranteed to give abso lute satisfaction or money refunded. The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. A dangerous rasping cough and sore throat can be quickly relieved by j Kemp's sam. A few cents invested in a bottle will amply repay you when you have occasion to use. Used by thousands. Satisfaction guaranteed. Sold by druggists everywhere. resign when the National Assembly had regulated the country's affairs, ao cordlng'to a Munich dispatch. CHANGES AT TRAINING SCHOOIo, Carlisle, Pn., Dec. B.—■ A change took place In the personnel of the stuff at the Dickinson Collego Stu dent rmy Training Corps Just as the period of formal dciuobollzatlon be gan| Date yesterday afternoon, Dieutenunt Furby, the combatant, a native of Chicago, who hoe been In chnrge since ugust, was relieved and transferred to the University of Pennsylvania nt Philadelphia and was succeeded by Dleutenant W, ID Hit'chler, a former Instructor at the Dickinson School of Law. fr ~ Um. dljriatmaa Nrws Don't disappoint him. He's got his heart set for the day, December 25th. k /MCMEDL . Every young man has his own ideas as to gifts he'll like best. Wm. Strouse Store gifts please to a certainty. Silk Shirts are practical gifts for men who discrim inate. Here are fine qual ity Crepe de Chine Shirts, in truly luxurious patterns. $ 8 \ He'll be sure you're look ing after his comfort if you give him a Wm. Strouse House Coat. There's a distinctiveness about these Silk, Cord-bound Coats at sy.so You can't do better in Gift Hosiery than to give him Monito Silk-face Lisle Hose, at 50 c PAIR Urn. 310 Market St. i 9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers