2 NEWS OF CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA AND CITY'S SUBURBS Judge Puts Good Roads Question Up to Constables Bioomsburg, Pa.. Tec. 5. den' Judge John G. lJarinan, ot t.io Columbia county court, spoke ritn r sharply in court oa tlie matter ot constables returning roads n bad condition, and then letting it >o .it that He said: "If these returns mean anything they mean that 'he reads must be rep .Red. Tho people ot the county are entitled to good roads. If these roads are not made bettei by Ihe next torn of court, if weather conditions permit, we want you to come into court with your wit nesses and we will lay an indictment before tire grand Jury. Now it s up to you. MISS BROOKS HOSTESS Dauphin. Pa., Dee. 5. —East even ing the Mite Society of the Presby terian Church met at the home of Miss Margaret Brooks, in Erie street. After the regular business meeting the evening was spent in Red Cross knitting. Refreshments were served to: Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Shaf fer. Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Green-a wait, Mrs. Sarah Sponsler, Mrs. George W. Heck, Mrs. Bertha Haw thorn, Mrs. Jane E. Sellers. Mrs. Freeman C. Gerberich, Mrs. J. D. M. Reed, Mrs. Harry Reed, Mrs. Buck, Miss Mary Umberger, Miss Anne R. Miller, Miss Elizabeth Pottcnberger, Miss Sarah Margaret Hawthorne, the Misses Dorofhy and May Kline. MURDERER CONFESSES GI'ILT Sunhitry, Pa., Dee. s.—For the first time in the history of the Nortn umberland county criminal courts, on alleged inurdere", admitted his crime, pleaded guilty and threw hint- - self on the mercy of the Court. Peter Smollak, of Kulpmont, was accused of slaying his wife with a hatchet. "When the time came for trial his counsel announced that the defend ant wanted to plead guilty. I nder the law, according to the attorneys, the Court will now tlx the degree of ciime, as to first or second degree murder. To determine this Judge Cunimings and* Judge Moser, sitting together, took testimony. Ol.I) LADY'S EAST TRIP Danville. Pa., Dec. s.—Driving at tiu rate of 174 miles a day for tniec days, Mrs. A. A. Geisinger. 94 years i,id. of Danville, arrived in Alarum. ' yesterday, in ner limousine. She was accompanied try Mrs. P. P. My. r and William G. Brown, aged "51. who has been her chauffeur for' eight years. The trip was made wihout mishap and the aged lady stood it we!!. Mr- Geisinger :s the donor of the JtiO.OuO George F. Geisinger Me n orlal Hospital a" Danville. c he is also building a home for the Y. \V. v. A. here and has given e-er ..': thousands of dolla s to the V. >i. C. J. HONOR ROLL AT COLUMBIA Columbia. Pa.. Dee. ". —The board of directors of the Merchants' 'and Manufacturers' Association, at a meeting Tuesday night, endorsed the mo' emer.t to erect a memorial tablet and honor roll in the public park which will contain the name of every , soldier who went out of Columbia into the service of the country. The roll will contain nearly seven hun dred names. A committee from the association and the cine committee of the Won.an s Club, will hold a joint meeting or, Friday evening and take action on the proposition to pur ci ase a s-itabie building es a social center as a memorial to Columbia t- kj NEWS OF .SOLDIERs lewittowii. Pa.. Dee. 5. Law rente Burlew, of Lewistown. has ar rived at New York from France wounded. He lost two toes and suf fer* i other wour.ds. Word has been received that Pri vate Wayne Crissm&n ar.d James Harry Mitchell, of Lewistown. were also wounded in France. Janie Jones, reported missing some "ime ago. is now reported to have been killed in action c>n the western Iront. Lieutenant Shatter reported missing in action, is safe, as his wife has received several letters from him s'nee this report came. DEER KILLED IN PERRY Blain. Pa Dec. s.—Ten deer were kilied in the state game preserve in t* ■> upper end of the valley on the * -t day of the season. Newton F. 1 ..ckinger shot a three-pronged buck. The Dutchman's camp fropi Lancaster county, one: John Smith, one; William Kennedy, one: Lewis Robinson, one: Clark Robinson, one, and the Mumper camp, two. Camp Snore located at the South mountain, near Monterey tannery, reports a buck killed on Tuesday] LIFTING BAN AT BLAIN Rlnin. Pa., Dec. s.—The influenza ban will be lifted on next Monday.' whep the public schools will be opened in Blain borough. Th? churches will open on the foliowiing Sunday when Sunday school, young peoples' meetings and preaching services will be held according to appointments. I DON'T BE A. "SUGAR PIG" J If %u have been using sugar on a lot of 1 j| foods that do not need it.Thne to change some jj of your food habrfs. No sugar i s required on gf 1 Shredded Wheat § Sugar kills the delicious flavor of die baked wheat Heat the biscuit to re- . I store its crispness, pour hot milk over |j it and sak to suit the taste .When you jj do eat wheat be sure it is the whole wheat. || 0 Shredded Wheat is the whole wheat, 1 1 nothing wasted or thrown away: | THURSDAY EVENING. BUCK BEAR ATTACKS HUNTING PARTY AND PUTS UP GREAT FIGHT 1 Sliol at Nineteen Times ami Severely Wounded, Battling Animal Holds His Own, Chases One Man Up Tree and Escapes to the Mountains in Treaslor Valley ! Lewistown. Pa., Dec. 5.—A party I of hunters in Trcaster Valley have ! had an experience with a black bear ! that they will not soon forget. Four | local sportsmen were in the nrixup • and although they tired no less than nineteen slioftr at Mr. Bear at close 1 range, he led them a lively chase over three mountains and made his escape. Bruin was encountered ly H. J. Haubriek. of Lewistown. The hunter was resting his gun on a log in some bushes when the bear suddenly loomed up before him and raising [ on its hind feet struck with its fore : paws at the man, who gave a shout for help. Louis Stannert appeared on the scene in a few minutes and firod at ! the bear twice, knocking tho animal over both times. The bear again got Ito its feet and made a break for Stannert, who ran in the direction I of Charles Geihle, who was nearby. : Geible's shot drew the attention of the enraged bear and it made a break for him. Geible went up a tree | and escaped the clutches of bruin. I Young Dillsburg Soldier Killed in Battle in France Dillsburg. Pa., Dec. 5.—A tele-j gram from the War Department | ' has been received by Mr. and Mrs. i William Stauffer, telling of the death i of their son, Privr,e George Stauf- j fer. He was killed in action. Sun-1 day. November 10. Young StouJTer left here for Camp I Meade. November 10. 1917, and I spent several months there. Early, in February he was taken to Chat- | tanooga. Tenn., where he remained j for more than a month and sailed I from New York in April. He had ' been in several engagements in the > bis drive. He is survived by hisj parents, five brothers and six sisters. : Frank, of Middletown; Harry, of ■ Lancaster; Walter, of New York; ! Charles and Chester of Dillsburg; i •Mrs. Snoke and Mrs. Bollinger, ofi Lemoyne: Mrs. Peters, of Harris- i burg: Mrs. Singizer, of Mechanics-1 burg, and Bertha and Mary atdiome. ! He was a member of Calvary United Brethren Sabbath School and an. o:her golden star will be added to t! e flag Mli riJN COUNTY ACCIDENTS l.owistown. Pa., Dec. s.—Mrs. Lucien Wagner, of Yeagertown. j while calling on friends in the west I end of Lewistown, stepped on a roll- ] ing stone, falling to the ground and i } badly spraining her ankle. Miss Frances Chilcote is suffering , with a sore arm, due to a cat - scratch. Jacob Metz. is suffering with a ; painful injury to his foot due to treading on a nail. Isabeila Walter, of Alfarata, suf fered a badly injured finger requir ing the services of a physician. NOT GITLTY BI T PAY COSTS Sunbury. Pa., Dec. 5.—A jury in! the Northumberland county court j batCed for eight hours to determine: whether or not H. C. Miller, of Sny- ; dettown. had wilfully shot O. G. I Startzel's dog. worth probably sl. It j finally came to the decision that Mil- j ler was not guilty, but he should pay' ail the costs, amounting to probably: %:•>!. At a recent term of coutU it i took separate juries a total of less thc.ri two hours to men 1 of first degree murder. PASTOR RETI'HNS TO CHARGE Gettysburg, Pa., Dec. 5. —The Itev. George W. Nicely, pastor of St. Mark's Lutheran Church, of Han ' over, has completed his resident ! work as religious and social director; of the Stu'M-nt Army Training Corps; , at Gettysburg College and has re-j 'turned to his home to take full: charge of his pastoral work. — j t MARTIN PROPERTY APPRAISED J Ulain. Pa.. Dec. -s.—An appraise- : . ment of the personal property of < 1 the late William H. Martin, was! 1 held yesterday at the home in Blain 1 j by Harry C. Henry and W. Frank i f ' Staumbaugh, appraisers, and Wil-j: liam C. Garijer and Harry M. Mar- ' i tin. who are executors of the i < estate. • \ 1 AMERICANS HOLD SUPPER ; New Cumberland, Pa., Dec. s.—On j Tuesday night the Order of Inde i pendent Americans held an oyster i {supper at their hall in Bridge street. I j which many of the members at- I tended. Hearing the shooting another nieni ■ her of the same party, Reed Bach • man, was attracted to the spot and • began firing at the bear. - The animal sized up the situation and finding fos? crack shots bang • : tng away at its form, took to the woods and left ft trail of blood that - was followed over three mountains, i The bear by that time got his wounds plugged and the hunters lost the ■ trail. i | Bert Johns, a noted bear hunter, | who was on the trail of the bear be ; fore the local hunters encountered 1 the animui, says its weighed at least ! 850 pounds and is what is known as a black hog bear, the only kind of a | black bear that will tuekie a man. Johns is reported to have gone on 1 over the mountains on the trail. James Gilbert. 16 years old. of near Milroy. shot a large deer in Treaster Valley on Tuesday. Three more deer were killed by hunters yesterday. . | Janies Groninger. of Port Royal, killed a three-pronged buck deer I near Greenwood Furnace. Marat Home in Paris Offered For Wilsons Use ? ;—^ V ! | Prince and Princess Joachim Mu ral, who at the request of the gov ernment have placed their town, house at 28 Rue de Moneeau at the disposal of the French authorities to receive President Wilson during his stay in Paris, according to a dispatch from the Paris capital. The Presi dent will rind in the mansion vari ous souvenirs of President Washing ton. whose nitee married Prince Achilla Murat. Prince Murat entered the French cavalry at the beginning of the war. During the war one of his sons was killed and another was wounded seriously. Me is a descend ant of Caroline Bonaparte, sister of the great Napoleon. Princess Murat before heft murriage was Cecil Ney. Duchess d'Elehengen. If President Wilson makes the Murat residence his home during the Paris trip, it will become, in effect, a new White House. OFFERS LANDING FIELDS Carlisle, Pa., Dec. 5. Carlisle, through its Chamber ot Commerce, has taken up with the bureau of aeronautics of the government, an offer to supply one of the landing fields which are to be estab lished throughout the country ns a stopping place,for aeroplanes. There are several suitable locutions in and near Carlisle and it is believed that one or another will prove accepta ble. JEWISH CONGRESS MEETS DEC. 15 New lork—The American Jewish Congress will meet in Philadelphia on December 15 to discuss the revival of Jewish nationality in Palestine and a guarantee of equal rights for Jews iu all Countries. •BULRniSBTJRO tulegilajpii ' WEST SHORE Personal and Social Items of Towns on West Shore Mr. anil Mrs. Charles Grissinger. of Mechanicsburg, spent Sunday with . I Mrs. Grlsslnger's parents. Mr. antl, i Mrs. C. A. Gribble, at Shiremans- j 'town. • i Mrs. Bessie Mongrel and daughter j i Pearl and son Carrol have returned: jto their home at Shlreinunitown" latter spending some time, with Mr. 1 j and Mrs. Frank Otstot, Mrs. Daisy j I Mount.; and' Mrs. Lizzie Hrinkl y, at 1 Harrisburg.' Miss Susan Wise, of Harrisburg, | spent Wednesday at Iter hon>e at Shiremanstown. I Mrs. Wagner Sutton nnd daughter, I i Mildred Elizabeth Sutton, of Camp : Hill, spent Sunday with friends at 1 Shiremanstown. i Albert and Kit-hart) Bates have re -1 turned to their home here after I spending some time with their grand parents. Mr. and Mrs. .W. Calvin Bates,, at Florin. SABBATH SCHOOL CONVENTION Slilrcmnnstown, Pa.. Dee. s.—'The fourth annual convention of the Me chanicsburg district Sunday School Association of Cumberland County is being held in the United Brethren Church at Shiremanstown to-day with afternoon and evening sessions. The speakers are the Rev. A. L. Kriner. the Rev. W. A. Dickson. M J. Molly, the Rev. J. E. Belt, F. K. Ployer. Miss Margery D. H. Lil'y, the Rev. Daniel Barfiliinger. H. A. Gut shall, the ReV. J. V. Adams. Bisiiop S. B. Stoner, the Rev. J. W. Gable. | the Rev. T. J. Ferguson, the Rev. .1 •A. Golin, und the Rev. J. llussel! Bucher. MR. RANDOLPH'S BIRTHDAY New Cnmbcrlauil, Pa., Dec. 5. —On j Tuesday evening a party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Randolph !in honor of the seventy-seventh i birthday of Mr. Randolph. An en joyable evening was spent, after which refreshments were served. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Wil'iam Erney, Mrs. l-.rnoy. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kitzmiller, Mrs. S. F. Provvell. Mr. and Mis. David Crum lich, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. KoUr, of New Cumberland, and Mrs. Kline, of 1 Harrisburg. i NKGItO SOLDIERS SENTENCED New Cumberland, Pa.. Dec.. 5.- i John J. Jackson, Corporal Harry L. j Glover. Gomez Alezads aftd Sergeant | John C. Nelson, the colored soldiers | who raised a com motion in the car jon Tuesday night between Letnoyne and New Cumberland, had a heading 'at the office of D. Y. Lenhnrt, justice iof the yeace. yesterday. Tliey were 'sent up for thirty days for drunken i ness and disorderly conduct, after j which they will'be brought up for Wtearing on a second charge of resist ing an officer and carrying concealed weapons. ANNEAI. BIBLE READING Shiremanstown. Pa., Dec. 5. —Tho j fourteenth annual Bible reading held i at S'ate Hill Mennonite Church, with j three services daily, Monday, Tues i day, Wednesday and Thursday of ! this week, are being largely atended. j The principal speakers are Clayton IF. Derstinc. of Eureka, 111., and Abram Metzler, of Martinshurg, Ta. Choristers, Elam Zimmerman and H. C. Hertzler. People coming by trolley are being met at Railroad avenue. Shiremanstown. each morn ing until 9 o'clock, each noon until 1 o'clock and each evening until 6.30 o'clock. NEW CASES OF INFLUENZA ) New Cumberland, Pa., Dec. 3. —A j number of new cases of Spanish in fluenza are reported here. Suburban Notes DILLSBCRG E. S. Wenger. station agent, yes terday moved from Church street. J to the house recently vacated by S. jH. Shriner in South Baltimore I street. The Rev. J. Harold Wolf, former ! pastor of the Presbyterian Church j yesterday loaded his household goods on two auto trucks and left last I evening for Mt, Carmel where Rev. i Wolf has accepted a pastorate. The | church here is without a regular j pastor at present. , MILLKRNTOYVY Mrs. Elizabeth Crocker, who spent I several months at the .home of her i nephew, William Rounsley, returned I to her home at lloutzdale on Tues- I day. Miss Anna McDonald, of Harris jburg, spent Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. Annie Eckels. Miss McDonald I expects to go to France jliis month, where Hhe, will he, engaged in the Y. i M. C. A. work. I James Rounsley was a visitor at I Harrisburg on Monday. Mrs. O. D. Winger was a visitor ] at Newport on Tuesday. : Charles Allen and family, qf Mif flin. visited his mother. Mrs. Mary- Allen, on Sunday. IMrs. H. E. House, of Altoona. vis ited at the home of C. O. Ulsh this week. | The Rev. VY. Nearhoof is visiting lat his parental home at Warriors I Mark. I Mrs. Mary Pellow spent Sunday ; with her daughter, Mrs. Calvin Cox, | at Newport. The third quarterly conference was • held in the Methodist Church on | Monday evening by the district su i perlntendent, the Rev. J. Edgar | Heckmnn, of Altoona. Mrs. Martha Neuman and son, i John, of Lewislown, were in town 1 this week, HALIFAX ' i Mrs. Sadie Wagner has returned ' homo from a visit to friends ut Har j risburg and Steelton. The borough schools will close ' down on Tuesday, December 24, for a j vacation until December 30. Arthur Enterline, son of Mr. and Mrs. William interline, of Wayne j township, is' in a base hospital in | France recovering from severe : wounds sustained Oct. 14. according I to information just received by his I parents. Mrs. Marthu Kotigers. of Her shey, . lias been the house guest of j Miss Christine Xeidig, for ! days. The Halifax National Bank will | next week pay out to their member- I ship over $4,000 uh the amount of -the Christmas Savings Club for 1918. Halifax plans to have its first Mu- I nlelpal Christmas Tree tills year and Burgess Chubb, in ft day or two, will 'appoint a committee to solicit funds I and make necessary arrangements. I The Rev. J. F. Stabley Is spending I oho week ut Trenton; N. J., attend | log a Lutheran convention. Cumberland Valleu News. BOLD ROBBERIES AT WAYNESBORO Thief Takes Chickens, Oys ters. Lard and Apples From Sidewalk Front of Stores Waynesboro. Pa'.. Dec. s.—Prob- ! ably the nimble-fingered artist who, transferred to his automobile u can : of lard, gallcin of oysters and a 1 bushel of apples from'the sidewalk: j in front of S. C. Reynold's grocery j j store under u glaring electric light without anybody seeing him. and • making a safe getaway, last week, 'is the same chap who made the i successful ruid on O. M. McCleaf's i ncstuurant, not far from Ihe Rey j HoLfl's grocery ir. \\'est Muip street, a I few nights ago. At all events the | execution was up to the same high -standard of celerity and technique. ; Tn the latter raid the loot wqs two j gallons of oysters, two dressed j chickens and a big bag of cabbage j that had been placed temporarily In | the yard in the rear of the cafe. Carlisle Soldier Reorted • Killed Writes From Prison Carlisle, Pa., Dec. s.—After being mourned as dead, Corporal Allan J. Stevens, of Company G. 112 th Regiment, formerly in Company G. Eighth Pennsylvania, has written his parents from Camp Rastatt, Ger many, where lie has been for sonic months, having been taken prisoner instead of killed, as was reported ! in the official casualty lists. His let - j tor. of course, tells nothing of eon i ditions.'but he hints at some of the | privations of the Aniericun soldiers. REUNION ON BIRTIIDAV Waynesboro, Pai, Dec. 5, Last, (Sunday a family reunion was held : at the home of Mr: and Mrs., John ' i Fisher, near Loy's, Md. This event i was in l\pnor of Mr. Fisher's ninety,- | first birthday by his children, who j were all present, beside the grand ] i children and a number of greut -1 grandchildren. f MORE DEER KILLED . Waynesboro. Pa., Dec. s.—Several ' • more deer were killed yesterday, j George Needy, Waynesboro, bagged ] a seven-pronged buck that weighed 150 pounds, while H. B. Moats, Blue | Rock, killed an eight-pronged buck near Glen Furney. BOY. WHO HA N A WAV TO WAIt SENT HOME Hammond, lnd.—Glenn Hansen. 15 : years old, who, unlike the person who i fights and runs "away, Is a. boy who j luns away to fight, is back ot l.is I home in Hammond, after haying seen i service on the battlefields of France. ! The youth brought with him thi rem i pliments of General Pershing, who ! found the boy after a long search and | sent him back to Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Hcnsen, his parents. When he was 14 years old. the youth ran away and enlisted in the American cavalry. He ate ais Christ mas dinner last year on shipboard, i lie says, and has been in France ever i since. He boasts that lie • has been i over the top twelve times, l'he par i ents have spent a large sum of ' money during the last nine months ; in an attempt to find him. TRAPPERS IGNORE FINES Boston.—Prices for furs are so 1 fantastically high thut it is profitable for the trappers even to violate he ■ law and pay their lines, which proc • ess fails o outbalance "the profits on I Jlieir captures, even when extremely j heavy legal penalties are assessed.' j Game wardens returning from the northern part of the state report the demand for furs so greut that an ! army of officials would ail o enoreo | the laws. The number of poachers I arrested during recent weeks breaks •! all records. I A few years ago farmers paid a : bounty for poultry-killing skunks. I Now the once-despised animal's hide ' brings $7, while mink is $lO and up, 1 ! and red fox S2O up. A silver fox will : will bring from SSOO up. Admiral Jellicoc Praises Great American Navy J*rzxtss>.z, JTLVZiXCO-B Admiral Viscount Jel'lcoe, former communder-ln-Chief of the British Orand Fleet, speaking as the guest of the American Circle Lyceum Club in London, said .the situation last spring was critical, and had tt not been, for the United States Navy be was sure the dinnei could not be held. It was that assistance, Ad miral Je Lcoe continued, that had made possible the 'onvoj system, and it wus '■ that system that had saved the situation FARMER REFUSES TO PAY DOG TAX Prefers Jail Sentence From' Carlisle Court to Sacrifice of His Religious Beliefs • j Carlisle iu. Dec. 6. —Sooner than! puy u license fee of $1 for his dog, i William Shughart, a farmer living ( in North Middleton township, near! Carlisle, went t-o jail, declaring us lie did that "The Lord will deliver me as he did Peter and Paul."! Shughart, who is well to -do, is a; member of u peepliur religious sect! and believes that going to jail for : his beliefs is commendable. He was! convicted in criminal court thi.e ] week after r short trial, in which! he declared that to pay more thanj 25 cents tot a dog license wns un-j righteous ui d was sentenced to pay i the costs, the fee and $25 fine, but! refused to do so and delivered a 1 sermon while waiting to be taken to [jail. Ho claims that the new dog! tax law is unfair. David Price, Carlisle, found guilty ! of the same charge, was sentenced ilo pay the costs, a fine of $5. Ex i Senator Fox and Attorney Pearson, ! of Harrisburg, were also present to I make charges against two new fium -1 berland boys. Earl Guise and llow i ard Houels, who, it is claimed, ctt- I tered their summer homes and took i and destroyed property. They used : a gun to shoot in the homes. .One | of the Ifo.vs was previously before j the cci rt on another charge. A re . quest for clemency was not allowed ; by Judge Sadler, who stated that : something must be done to teach : the boys of the section respect for ; law and order. They were sen ; teneed to pay the costs, lines of $5 | each and were ordered, sent to the j Glen Mills School, j St. Clair Jefferson and Kenneth i Price, nvo yofting colored boys in ; volved with William Belt in several ! robberies, were sentenced to pay the ! costs, fines $5 and to be committed to the Huntingdon Reformatory and j the Belt boy is to pay $lO and to go | to the same institution. ! The cusp of William Gardner, [ charged with assault and battery ! by George Musser was dismissed by \ a jury and the costs placed equally on both the defendant and the pro i secutor. Both are from East Penns | boro and the fight occurred over ! charges made by Musser's son, it is I said, that Gardner was a pro-Ger ] man. MRS. T. HEISEY DIES Mccliaiiloafourg, Pa., Dee. s.—Fu- I neral services will be held to-mor row afternoor at 2 o'clock in thfi Brethren in • irist Church, West Marble street, iur Mrs. Cordelia Hei sey, wife cf Cyrus T. Helsey. Burial will be made in Ihe Mechunicsburg Cemetery. Mrs. Heisey. who lived 1n Kollerstown, about one-jialf mile south of town, was oged 15 years and was a member of the Brethren in Christ Church in Mechanicsburg. j She is survived by her husband and ■ tlre following brothers: Harry and I Walker, of Harrisburg; Millard, of I Mount Top. York county; Clarence, !of York Springs; David, of York; Russel, Amar and Charles, Mechan - lesburg. | RED CROSS MEMBER DRIVE Waynesboro. P0. t Dec. s.—At a meeting of the exeeutive committee of the local Red Cross branch one of Hie matters of importance for consideration was the membership drive thut- is to be made during tire 'week before Christmas. J. H. Ston ! er, cashier of the People's National Bank, was appointed chairman of j the committee to conduct this drive. •The county chapter election will be ' held on Saturday. SPECIAL SERVICES SUNDAY New Cumberland. Pa., Dec. 6.—On Sunday special services will be held in Batighman Memorial Methodist Church at 10.30 o'clock. The Wom an's Foreign Missionary Society will hold a meeting, and at 7.30 the Min ute Men will have charge. 4444444444444444 4444440444444444>444444 , P444444444444444444#M'44444444444<i|a I Sensational Value Offer '9: | In Order to give you a chance to buy your % Holiday goods at great savings. % These Prices Are For Friday and Saturday Only \J L, f|| | Men's and Young Men's Latest One special lot of Overcoats to |l lit lIU *:) ' X Model Suits, values Cf) be closed out at extra fcC HH 8i fill * llln • 4to 135.00, at special price ®O.UU f|] Vgk 4 4 Men's Suits, values tOI Cfi . 1| ll ♦to $30.00, at iSAi.OU FOR BOYS! FOR BOYS! %1 \ |M| J I . Suit values to Ift SO to 8 and Ove,co f£ | I •. 518.5U $7.45 n I 4 V a ' ues lo $13*50 Boys' Suits and Overcoats, values I fß*l * 4 $- 0 o °. at to SIO.OO, . dC I|l * Men's Overcoats. djoi Efl special *° ,W Will 4 values to $30.00. at... Boy> . &uitß> . BtzeH 15> ac an<l 17 Ml . * | $16.50 sr ,UMtomo :J3.4s f Jjffi ' I * Overcoats, values to (Ifi Cf| Boys' Mackinatvs. val- AC 09# % $25.00, at •lO.OU ues to $10; special. ..... W 4 Men's Work Trousers, values to Men's Heav'y Ribbed or Fleeced Men's Fleeced Shirts Q£ _ 4 v $3.00, spe- ff 1 QQ .Union Suits, dl an< j Drawers, special 4 j ciul ... v special £ ± Mens Trousers, val- $9.98 ' Men's Work Sweaters. *IAC ■ Men's Dress Shirts, val- Q/^ c 4 4 ues to $4.60. special... *"•*? values to *2.50, special. V ues to $1.50. special " t ; J 4 2VffSr y d " b #o° Vtf Men's Dress Shirts, values to Men's Hats, In brown, black or , 4 % $3-45 ..: p- si.4s xzur*"si.4B <: 4 Boys' Pants, valuta to s%Qr* "" 4 . 'X SI.OO. special .'... Men's Flannel Shirts, u $1.75 Men's Heavy Winter Caps, a t 1 Men's Sweaters, val- 4M QB value; •£! | Q SI.OO value; fiQs* 4 4 ues to $3.00. special... ' " special w special SJiJV 4 4 i Across from OUTLET CLOTHING CO. f Y. W. C. A. 23 N. Fourth Street Famous For Low Prices f ' .. • . t DECEMBER 5, 19m | TURNPIKE ORDINANCE FALLS I Columbia, Pa.. Dec. s.—Borough ; council Tuesday night declured out ' of order an ordinunce which came I up for second reading and that was | intended to bind Ihe borough to take over nearly a mile of the Lancaster and Susquehanna turnpike which is i part of the Lincoln highway within I the town limits. The consideration named was nominal and President h. B. Roop declared the ort'lnatice j illegal on the point of order raised by Director of Public Safety J. W. ' Houk, that the ordinance'was not presented by a member of the coufi j cil. but had been introduced by out ! side persons. 11 , I " Pennsylvania . ;j Tax Laws ( ; rj WE have prepared a brief digest of the Laws of Pennsylvania covering the taxes of the individual (i and his estate. i; I rj This digest includes the new v Inheritance Tax Law, Collateral ! Inheritance Tax Law and the N Personal Property Tax Law of this state. a These laws are of interest to every e one. A copy will be mailed upon j ' request. u h * Philadelphia Trust Company 415 Chestnut Street : : 1415 Chestnut Street h [; ! Philadelphia e' dr d r, iy—fa——^ |' k FORRY'SJ33 fflL Gifts of the :j HB Highest Quality \yr j Handkerchiefs. .25c to $2.00 Silk Neckwear. .65c to $4.00 RT i Mufflers $1.50 to $7.00 Knitted " ..75c to $4.00 a Gloves $2.00 to $5.00 Silk Pajamas, $5.00 to SIO.OO s Lined Gloves. .$2.50 to SB.OO Night Shirts.. .$1.50 to $4.00 I Silk Shirts... .$4.50 to $12.00 Silk Hose 65c to $2.25 i \ f' Wool Hose 65c to $1.50 .J l \ EMI Silk and Wool Hose.. .$1.50 | /\ • i mm Ff ne Sweaters, $lO to $13.50 '. \ Will® Silver Belt Buckles, /*lld I W $ l5O t0 $ 2 - 00 v Jill I i PjPB- Golf Hose $3.00 to $5.00 I j fi N. Third t' • ■ ——— •I Day and Night School DIAL Iie ENTER ANY TIME m:LTj n j Harrisburg's Greatest Commercial School ?! BECKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE " I THK OFFICE TRAINING SCHOOL . 121 MARKET STREET WEDDING AT BLAIN Itluiii. PH., Dec. s.—James f\ nickard and Mrs. Olivia Averill, boih of Blain. were married yesterday morning at 5.30 tit the Methodist parsonage by the Rev. D. Welble. Immediately aljer the cere ' mony they went by auto to Newport, i to catch an early train on a wed- I ding trip to Philadelphia and At -1 lantlc City. Mr. Richard has been a well | known merchant here for past forty j years. The bride is a daughter of the late John Kistler and Mrs. Caroline ! Kistler, who resides at Blain. On I their return the latter part of the week they will live in Blain.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers