Store Closes Regularly 0m Store Closes Regularly On Saturdays at Six Saturdays at Six — ——— —■— • —— —— —■— - BEI.I, 1001—23.10 UNITED ' HARIUSBUIIU. MONDAY, DECEMHKH 2, 10IK. FOUNDED 1871 Daya Before Christmas (*****) That is, nineteen shopping days. And bear in mind that this store will not be open any evening preceding Christmas —not even on Saturdays —because you know this store closes on Saturdays at six o'clock. We would, therefore, suggest that you do your Christ mas shopping as early as possible in order to secure best selections. We shall endeavor to replenish our stocks where assortments may be sold out, but the extraordi nary demands on the manufacturers, because cessation of war made it possible to enjoy Christmas this year to the fullest extent, leaves no assurance of securing Christmas merchandise later. Come in the mornings if possible. Drapery Department Moved to 4th Floor The improvement and growth of a store is frequently evi dent to customers by interior changes. No store cares to make alterations or change departments about for the fun of the thing. It is usually because some departments outgrow their allotted space, and other arrangements must be made to care for a growing business. In moving our Drapery De partment to the Fourth Floor, improved facilities are per mitted for the better display of the many beautiful curtains, draperies and upholstery materials. In this department you will also find cedar chests, shirtwaist boxes and the sewing machines^ BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor. Beautiful Gift Linen Tlfese are, indeed, inexpensively priced. The real gift for the home could not take better form than in beau tiful linens, selected from the remarkable stock wc have arranged for your selection. Among the dainty linens wfll be found Luncheon Sets, separate Table Cloths, also Table Cloths with Napkins to match, Guest Towels, etc. Luncheon Sets, comprising Juncheon cloth and J6 doz. hemstitched napkins to match, $6.75 per set. Table Cloth patterns, made of pure Irish linen, size 70x70, $5.00 each and upwards. Pure linen table pattern Cloths with 1 doz. napkins to match, $19.00 per set and up. Pure linen Huck Towels, guest size, 75c each; larger sizes: 89c up. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. Such Blouses Merit a Christmas Welcome They arc unusually smart — the one of Crepe Georgette iflk being trimmed with hems'.'.vh ing and embroidered dots and with lace which very 1 ~ rly if simulates the expressive filet patterns. Of simmering white . Jjx\ satin comes the newest modes Y in Suit Blouses. Sailor col- /' \i jY\ lar, front and dainty cuffs are / edged with fine pleated frill, ; jOThVJr M and tucks trim the fronts. ; \ f White, flesh, maize, bisque • •'* and all the new popular \ /'* shades; also the dark Suit V w*- Blouses, $4.95 and up. Full line of smart Tailored '*• \ Waists, with high and low //• r'lr ' \ neck, tucked bosom; Pussywil- /j : iilleAA \ low, Crepe de Chine and also Georgette Crepe; snug-fitting —S cuffs and collars, $3.95 and up. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. Conveniences of Leather Articles These are such splendidly giveable articles, so certain of welcome because of their practical use. The variedness of our assortment makes it possible to choose gifts for both men and women. Included in our splendid Christmas assortments are— Men's Collar Boxes or Bags $l.OO to $3.00 Men's Military Brush Cases $2.00 to $5.00' Men's Coat Hangers, in cases 29c Women's Jewel Cases, lined with silk 75c For both men and women, Emergency Cases, $1 to $5 Manicure Cases, fitted $l.OO to $16.50 f Writing Portfolios, fitted $2.50 BOWMAN'S—MaIr. Floor. MONDAY EVENING. HABJUSSURVITELEGRAPH DECEMBER 2, 1918. | Women Will Find Here An -|j I five Assortment of Practical I Gifts For Men I m ' v m i . . • . , . . | What woman or miss is there who doesn't include essential Men's Furnishings on jfi ! fe her list for father, husband, brother or son? Every man expects these useful articles on Wj Christmas morning. The thousands of women who enter this store daily find the men's p;| furnishing section a great convenience. Here are hundreds of needful things for men vtj and boys. And for the coming Christmas season we have made ample preparations to fe meet the demand with a carefully selected assortment especially adapted for gifts. Just p ! ■7l glance over this list for suggestions that apply to men. ffi m , . . Ci tep Men's four-in-hand Ties, wide open ends; colors are beau- ~, m |y tiful, 50c to; $2.00. SRSW m IB ' Men's Dress Gloves, in cape and mocha; lined and unlined; , ,-''J uj plain and black stitching, $2.00 to $3.75. N *'Jfly!"' Men's and boys' Woolen Gloves, 50c to $1.50. z^J/|f |M Men\s Silk^ Gloves, in taupe, gray, white, brown and black, jjyjS|^|C^|j Men's Auto Gloves, lined and unlined, $2.00 to $13.50. F rr W„,m 8 11 Men's Hosiery, in cottton, lisle, silk lisle, silk and silk wool, L i eg Mnn . 29c to $3.00. ■ .. Jr B eQ I yi Men's Linen Collars, 25c. py tp Men's Soft Collars, 35c and 50c. ' . ffi Men's Initial Handkerchiefs, and 25c. i 1 ||M . Men's Initial Handkerchiefs, in linen, 50c. ' IIJ U'J AS*) Men's plain hemstitched Handkerchiefs, 15c to 25c. UyuH im) ffi Men's plain hemstitched Handkerchiefs, i.i linen, 35c to 50c. J PN m( ' knf© Men's Silk Handkerchiefs, 35c. /lill hit / m A ; £j> Men's plain Silk Handkerchiefs, $l.OO to $1.50 lflp\\\ lrlnl wT rf! hy enl azors sct complete, $l.OO. llilr mnf-JL,, jM |HJ jpJM R|l'' Gem Razor Blades, pack, 35c. * ■ Li • Sharpen M All Razor Stroppers, $l.OO. fsjj '"H/ )Up| \M ''—r~A Men's Belts, boxed, 59c to $2.00. p| Men's Initial Belt Buckles, 50c. W\ ty _ Men's plain and fancy Belt Buckles, 50c to $2.00. |pj Men's Scarfs, in wool, mercerized, silk and silk lisle, 59c to kp Men's Suspenders, boxed, 59c to $1.50. ' ® |P 4|*| BmP Men's Brighton and Paris Garters, in lisle and silk web |p ||| A Men's Flannel Shirts, in khaki, gray and Navy blue, $2.00 W Men's Dress Shirts in Madras; soft and starched cuffs, V LM Men's Dress Shirts, in silk, fiber silk, crepe and silk and —'. ' m wool, $4.50 to $9.50. • m n| Manhattan Shirts, $2.00 to $4.00. ||| [ip Men's Bath Robes, $7.50 and $8.95. > ffl m Men's Outing Flannel Pajamas, $2.00 to $3.00. . Men's Sleeping Pajamas, with hood, $2.00 and $3.50. IS wS Men's heavy cotton ribbed Union Suits, $2.00 and $2.50. lla /| ftfrl F| \ Men's Munsing Union Suits, cotton ribbed, $2.50. JyA TO Men's heavy cotton Shirts and Drawers, $1.25 and $1.50. ' I 1 Men's (Collins) wool Shirts and Drawers, $3.75 each. i——— [;p Boys' heavy wool slip-on Sweaters, with shawl collar and \ Men's slip-on Sweaters, with shawl collar and V neck, yd BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. abßEt v > r . " 7 v " i. 3p- '< ■' I : * 7 ' S3 I IVe Have a Rich Assortment of Furs | | Give Furs For Christmas I [/<;' Y° U can greatly please many people Christmas "''i ® i jmorning by marking "Furs" opposite their names on | r, your shopping list and by making your choice here. 4 r^^le httle children dearly love Scarfs and Muffs "just wp like mother's;" young girls delight to have Furs for P? school and dress wear, and mother herself is doubtless WWv'' |P f hoping that "Santa*" will bring a new Coat or a short Misses' Sets, in taupe squirrel $17.50 J M Mfc-Sm* Misses' Sets, in gray fox $29.50 j M P Misses' Sets, in nutria coney $29.50 Kamchatka, Lucille, Georgette Lyn, Dove Gray and Blacic Fox, also Wolf Scarfs of finest selected 1| skins, $19.50 to $llO.OO. @ Muffs to match capes, coatees, scarfs and stoles of Eastern Mink, genuine Kolinsky, Jap Mink, g Beaver, Nutria, Scotch Mole, Moline and Hudson Seal, $25.00 to $350.00. cpi Wi Fur Coats, in natural Muskrat (northern skins) selected, from 30 inches to 45 inches. § g • $139.50, $150.00, $179.50 and $189.50 g W Hudson Seal Coat, genuine skunk collar and cuffs; full length, $395.00. g Hudson Seal, full sweep, $325.00. _ g fv; Full assortment of Plush Stoles and Capes, $7.50 to $19.50. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. Sk Blankets and Comfortables and. Practical The home is nearest to the heart and you can surely touch the heart if you send a blanket or a comfortable. As handsome as they are practical, for even blankets and comfortables can be handsome. Our stocks are most complete now. All Wool Blankets, in plaid, blue and white, pink and white, plain white with assorted borders, also grays, $15.00 to $39.00 pair. Part Wool Blankets in a large selection of patterns in white, gray and plaids; double and single-bed sizes, $8.50 to'pair. Cotton and Wool Nap Blankets, in white, gray and tan, single and double-bed size, $2.75 to $9.00 pair. Comforts in a large selection of patterns, covered with silk, satin, cretonnes and silkalines; some with borders, others both sides alike; filled with down; wool and cot ton, $2.98 to $20.00 each. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. Solve Your Gift Problems In the Art Section Here, among a myriad of beautiful things, you can se- Y // lcct the majority of your C- C:, ' ' ; '!J? Christmas remembrances. A V I [ bit of 41k, a bit of embroid- V 1 cry; whatever your gift choice \iWi . i JjjSsffiv may be, will be found in the Art Section. A beautiful selection of Baskets, useful as well as making the home bright and pretty. The painted Scrap Baskets, Fern Trays, Wood Baskets, Sewing Baskets and Fruit Trays everybody would appreciate as a gift. Everybody will welcome a piece of Madeira Embroidery— why not start her now with a Luncheon Set and buy it piece by piece? Nothing could please her more. A fancy Bread Board for tabic use. Round board, 12 inches in diameter, with raised center of plain board, painted 4ge of various patterns, with black background of fruit and Japanese paintings; also the handle of the knfie is painted to match the board. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. Choice Neckwear . Fcr Her Christmas Gift However perfect the street or afternoon costume ir A may seem to be, the touch /M'-\ r of neckwear gives it an ICt \l individuality and a charm C t/f j a that it docs not otherwise f •, v(J yj possess. The great Christ- \ Shi fe^®V mas assortments are com- \fe\ / \ f j plete. Selections may be vL. I Twji ..jf made now that later will be difficult, owing to depicted stocks. 1 here is no gift to a woman that will give greater pleasure than the gift of neckwear. Satin Collars and Sets 50c to $3.95 Georgette Collars 50c to $6.95 Pique Collars 50c to $1.95 Filet Collars and Sets 50c to $12.50 Organdie Collars and Sets 50c and $1.95 BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. The Very Newest in Hand Luggnge Display Just when people are thinking J y g. nothing further could be done to f" enrich the beauty of hand luggage, ( \v! ' n ' eat ' iers > sizes, linings or fittings, I beautiful new effects make their L - I W appearance here. There are so L many new things that space won't .iijig allow us to mention even one of ' them. An inspection will reveal these delightful new effects. BOWMAN'S —Basement. Distinctive Sweaters And Scarf Sets as Gifts This department is the source of a. score or more practical gift suggestions—new, rich Silk Sweaters, smart belted Sweaters, sets of Skating Cap and Scarf, great, cozy Sports Scarf and other delightful acces sories. Angora Scarf Sets, with caps to match, in an assort ment of beautiful combinations of colors, fring- d tffects for women and misses, $4.95 and up. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. 3
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