• KIiES COAL'TO FFITJEAT AND TELEGMPI WAFFTMWLFELMLG syeaths -tsssut ®*s/iT'i. "i-h! 1 ~im i • Hospital. . „ s Funeral on Tuesday evening, at o'clock, from Elks Home. , lnU ' r "' 1 '" : Wednesday morning: at Lancastei. # Pa ' t>( HKFFKK T. J. Schetter. on Men- j w day morning:, December -. at 11a : rlsourg City Hospital, in lls .3d year. , o xi Funeral Wednesday, at from Mr. s. S. Speese a Pai lora. . Relatives and friends are in\ ited to HI tend. SHOPE Margaretta Oswald wife of Dr. .1. W. Shope, doidnj morning, aged Tt> years. Funeral services will be beMatj' late residence, 32 South 1 hliteeuin street, Tuesday. December 3. at 3.3" • o'clock, interment, prlvate..at rax tang Cemetery. LOST AH' rOUNI> / LOST From American Kailwaj F\press wagon, one bale dry {foods addressed N. lteif, 1208 s North Third Street. Kelurn to .An> ricun ltail wa > Express Company, tourth and Chest nut streets, and receive reward. FOL'ND Gold watch. Owner can have same by identifying ud paying for this ad. Call at 1423 Market, first , iloor, afternoon. IA) ST Brown leather pocketbook. Mondav, on Sixth street car leaving ■ square'at ll:3n. Reward if returned to Harrisburg; Gas Co. I.UST Winged Aircraft Service pin on Tuesday niffht. Reward 11 re- j 1 urneU to -6t> DriKKs street. LOST Knights Templar watch .•harm, having the name Clarence cvrus Brelint engraved on inside, tie ward if returned to 2X4 Kelly sti rel - JX)ST Small pocketbook. contain ing $65. between Sixtli and Kelkcr, and Market Square. Reward it re lumed to Telegraph Office. INSTRUCTIONS < A RIGHT START IS HALF THE | BATTLE Get a THOROUGH STANDARD course in Harris burg's ACCREDITED Business Col lege. School of Commerce. Troup „ Building, 15 South Market Square. Bell 4X5. Dial 4333. INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg Shorthand. Typewriting. English. Bookkeeping, Penmanship. Arum, etc. DAY AND NIISHT SCHOOL ALL YEAR. Enter any time. Bell 6J4K. 'THE'OFFICE TRAINING SCHOOL 121 Market St. CUa.s K. Beck ley. Prtn. Merle E. Keller, Mgr. HELP WANTED —MALE WANTED A thoroughly experi tfticfd automobile painter, i'ernianeni " employ mint. Address, in confidence* stating experience, present connection and wages desired, Box"K, 6.i19, cuie of Telegraph. . WANTED Young man for gro cery. Experience not necessary, but • huracter and ambition. Address P. O. lU<x 74. SEVERAL SALESMEN for door-to-door proposition. j > Newspaper experience desir- ' _ , able. Address M.. 4541. Care of Telegraph. WANTED Two men to assist in delivoiing furniture and stoves. Apply • lately & Fitzgerald, 31 South Second strppt. • ■ MEN WANTED In quarry at Lemoyne. Good wages and bonus paid. Apply PKNNA. SALES CO.. llersliey Building. Corner Front and Market. " l t CARPENTERS AND LABORERS Wanted. Warren Moore & Co., P. R. P.. Freight Warehouse, Second and Mulberry Sts. WANTED—Two good, strong boys, | to learn trade. Apply Superintend- . 1 ent. The Telegraph Printing Op., j Harrisburg. j" AUTO MECHANICS TWO FORD REPAIRMEN I APPLY - .MAC'S GARAGE. 117 SOUTH THIRD ST. , WANTED Grocery clerk. Good j wages to right party. Address M., ! tin4o, care of Telegraph. , l GOVERNMENT needs hundreds - clerks for Income Tax, Customs, In- : ternal Revenue. Harrisburg examina tions soon. Salary. $l.lOO-12,0U0. Ex perience unnecessary For free par ticulars regarding examinations, write J. C. Leonard tformer Civil Service Examiner), 2541 Kenois Building, Wichita. i , WANTED LOCAL BANK i requires the services of an in :elligent MAN BETWEEN 25 I AND 50, to serve as MES- 1 SENGER IN BANK. Only pur- ' tie* who can furnish excel- jl lent reference as to charac- [ • ter, habits, etc.. need applU. ; , Address, stating age. refer ences and salary desired, I P. O. BOX 1071. Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED One wagon and auto!" body builder, at once. Howry Wagon : i and Auto Shop, Shireninnstown. SALESMAN WANTED High-class j specialty salesman for a live propo- | sition. Big commission. Must be wide-awake. Answer by letter, full! 1 details. Universal Automobile Assoeia- ~ tion. Inc.. Denckla Bldg.. Philadelphia, i • k r v ! For Rent ; : We have several desirable , furnished houses to rent at ' ' this time. For price and par* j ticulars inquire of !■ Miller Brothers &Co. ! • Real Estate Insurance Surety Roads Locust nnd Court Streets Members libit. Iteal Estate Hoard I * MONDAY EVENING. HAHHISBURG TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 2, 1918 HELP WANTED—MALE WANTED. AT ONCE Three tin- ' , ners to work on Camp Curtin school j house. Apply William 11. Snook. 334 ; ! Kelker street. j MEN WANTED—To load stone, 2D ! ! cents per ton. Can earn $25 to $35 per j ' week. Apply Paxtang Quarries. Pax- i tang. WANTED'— Assistant sales man-; : tiger. Must have some experience in | salesmanship, advertising und letter- | writing. Good position for right > party. State age and experience, with ; reference. Address A., 4515, care of l : Telegraph. lIEI.P WANTED—FEMALE WANTED Girl for general housework in small lurnily. Good wages and good home. Apply 2212 NORTH SECOND ST. WANTED Reliable girl for gen- I , erol housework. 2526 Derry. Plione ; | 1442 R. . A GOOD PLACE TO WORK! WE OFFER TO YOUNG WOMEN Pleasant surroundings. Good associations. Good pay. clean and fascinating work. A chance to develop personality. WE NEED YOU IF YOU ARE Alert Cheerful Willing. Meals at less than cost: siek bene- j, tits: anniversary payments; vacations < with pay. > Apply 8:00 A. M. to 5:00 P. M. to j Miss Kline, Operators' Employment Department. 208 Walnut street. i- THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY! OF PENNSYLVANIA. j. WANTED Woman for washing i and ironing and day's work. Apply j 1424 North Sixth street. Bell 2290. * WANTED GIRLS TO WRAP TRI ANGLE MINTS. GOOD WAGES AND STEADY WORK. APPLY AT TWELFTH AND • 11 ERR STREETS. WE have openings in our j cloak and Suit Department ior several bright, ambitious • young women < experienced 1 i preferred) as salesladies. Good |- salaries and splendid oppor tunity for advancement. WM. B. SCHLEISNER STORES, j 20 North Third Street. WANTED Housekeeper io keep j house lor widower. Call at 304 Soutn - Second street. City, or Dial phone 2404. i GIRLS WANTED To work inj" laundry. Apply Keystone Laundry, ! o2" Harris. PEACE WORK AT WAR PAY I. guaranteed for three years. Knit urg ently-needed socks for us on the fast, j simple auto-knitters. Full particulars!' to-day, 3c stamp. Auto-Knitter Co., Dept. 144-C, 821 Jefferson, Buffalo, | : ILL : j; WANTED A white woman fori l general housework. To live at home. , Apply 813 North Second street. WANTED Woman for general j ; housework. Small house. Good wages. I ' Apply lot South street. City. WANTED White woman to work !. as housemaid. References required. I Apply to 27 South Front street. Har risburg, Pa. WANTED Experienced woman | for houseeleaning. Apply 1006 North ' Third street. WANTED—Two young women for waitresses. Must give references. ply Stouffer s Restaurant, 4 Ncffth Court. WOMEN —Wanted immediately, for ' scrubbing and general work. Apply 1 Stoutter'o Restaurant. 4 North Court street. I PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT Willi tiie ending of the war, oppor- M tunities afforded women for employ- i inent of a permanent nature, with i steady advancement, will become con- i stuntiy tewer. Employes of The Bell ! Telephone Company, however, rest ! secure in the knowledge thai ttieir work is permanent. A business opportunity is now of- 1 fered to young women 1! to 30 years i of age in fascinating work in pleas- ! ant surroundings. Luncheons 'served : at cost: sick beneffts, anniversary i payments; vacations with pay. Apply 8.00 A. M. to o.Oti p. M. to i Miss Kline, Operators' Training De- - partment, 208 Walnut Street. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY !i OF PENNSYLVANIA I WANTED—Women grocery clerks. ' Apply steel ton Store Co., Steclton, Pa. ! < WANTED—A cook for small tani- j Ily—white. Send reference with ap- ' plication to S., 6334. care ot Tele- ! graph. , HOUSEWORK—WhiIe or neat col- 1 ored girl, for general housework, j small faintly. Good pay. Apply | New York shoe Store, Palmyra, Pa. 1 WANTED Three experienced j waitresses. Good wages. Apply Beth- 1 lehein Restaurant, 134 South Front street, steelton. Pa. WANTED White woman wants family washing and ironing; work i done promptly. Phone 5218. WANTED Girl, or woman, for i general housework. No washing or j ironing. Call at 1313 North Second I street, or Bell phone 2513J, ji WANTED A manicurist at Palace | Barber Chop. 1 North Third street, i Bell phone 3516 J. Civil. SERVICE EXAMINATIONS j Harrisburg. December 7. 12.000 women clerks needed. Salary. $1,200 ' Experience unnecessary. Women de- I siring government positions write for j free particulars. Raymond Terry i (former Civil Service Examiner). 467 Columbian Bulldinw. Washington. > | HELP WANTED—FEMALE I HOSIERY LEARNERS WANTED— I ; From 14 years of age und upwards. | Good wages paid while learning. Ap- , I ply New idea Hosiery Co., Fourteenth j and Mayflower streets. | lIFLI' WAN'lit D—Mule und Female 1 WANTED Assistant bookkeeper ; and stenographer. Good position for ! riglit party, state age and experience, ] with reference. Adurees Box S. 6516, ! care of Telegraph. I.ARGE New York house lias open- I ing for canvasser in Harrisburg; also a district agent for an outside city. Fare pahl to outride town. AI proposi tion. Apply ltooin 24. No. 3 North ' Second street. SILK MILL Experienced help wanted. Experl ' encer weavers average $3.50 to $6.50 per day. Gther departments prqpor- 1 Uonately. Beginners wanted also. Best pay. ' Come and earn 30 per cent, bonus over and above regular wages. Apply i HARRISBURG SILK MILL Second and North Streets. SITUATION'S WAN TiII)—MALE WANTED Man wishes position as chauffeur, in private family; has; had ten years' experience in one fain- i ily; good reason for making eliange. ; Address Box C, 6535, care ot Tele- I graph. WANTED An experienced ac countant will open, close and uudit j books where the work can be done! during evenings or Saturday after-1 noons. P. O. Box 1174, Harrisburg. Pa. WANTED—Salesman, familiar with ; Pennsylvania and Maryland territory,) experienced in automobiles and access-i sories, wholesale and retail, desires I position. Address Box Y*. 6537. care of' Telegraph. ELDERLY WIIITE MAN Desires! position of watchman, elevatorinan or' janitor; sober and reliable. 709 Ben- ! ton street. City. Bell plione 1740 J. SITUATION'S) WANTED—FemaIe j WANTED Woman, with child four years of age. desires to beep! house; can furnish references. Ad-i dress Box U. 6534, care of Telegraph, i WANTED Stenographic work by ! young woman who has had three j years' experience and can furnish rel'- j crences. Address M. T„ care of Tele- ! graph. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished room, with j board or without; all improvements..' Telephone 2272. FOR RENT Furnished apartment. I bedroom, bath and livingrooift; also j single rooms, with use of phone. In quire 113 I-oeust street. FOR — Furnished living- j room and bedroom, second iloor front; i all conveniences; shower bath; can-j Gaily located; references desired. Ad dress R. 4538, care of Telegraph. ' THREE NICELY-FURNISHED see- , ond floor rooms, for light house- ! keeping; all conveniences; good loca tion. Address B. 6539, care of Tele-' graph. FOR RENT Nicely furnished i front room, with all modern conveni- j ences, in private family; gentlemen! only. Apply 324 North Second street. FOR RENT One large bedroom, j fou gentlemen only. Rent reason- ' able. Apply 276 Briggs street. FOR RENT Furnished room for! light housekeeping, on first Iloor. I Heat, gas and use of bath. Inquire! 327 South Front street. — i FOR RENT—Furnished rooms for ' light housekeeping. Inquire, 1603 , Derry street, ROOMS WANTED WANTED Two or three furnished j rooms, for light housekeeping; all! conveniences; rent reasonable. Ad- j dress Box M, 7528. care of Telegraph. ; APARTMENTS Foil RENT FOR RENT Front room apart- 1 mpnts of two rooms each, furnished [ for light housekeeping, adults. Price, j s3#. Bell phone 238DK, or 424 South Seventeenth. FURNISHED APARTMENT FOR RENT Four rooms and bath; ail' modern conveniences. Apply 414 North Third. APARTMENTS WANTED > _____ HOMES FOR COLORED FAMILIES j Three brick houses. S rooms, bath, gas and electric light; furnace, porches front and • back. Price, 2;500. LINCOLN REALTY' CO.. 1129 North Seventh Street. Open Evenings Until S O'clock. Bell Phone. REAL ESTATE 14Jit SALE I 1 FOR SALE—Three-story trick dwelling, opposite new Extension to Capitol Park, situate No. 436 North street; 8 rooms, batli and furnace. CHAS. ADLKR. 1002 N. Third Street.' FOR 'SALE Vacant propei ty , Semi-detached pressed brick, all lm-I provements. North Sixth street. Right > terms. Very reasonable. D. A. Caley. 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 589. FOR SALE House No. 1831 North' Sixth street. Tile bath and vestibule. ' combination fixtures, gas und coal range and hot water heat, furnace. Apply George 'V. Orth, 1720 Sixth. j FOR SALE—New brick dwelling, ! No. 636 Maclay street. 7 rooms, bath. ' steam heat, granolithic pavement und front porch; lot through to drive al- i Icy; room for garage; price. $4,500. | CHAS. ADLER. 1002 N. Third Street. FOR SALE North Fifteenth I Street, No. 613. modern 21j-story: frame cottage house In select location' and in first-class condition. Price,! $3,700. . J. E. Gipple. No. J251 Market | street. TWO-STORY' BRICK HOUSES—AU | Improvements, front porch, bay win-' oow, 7 rooms, nice yard, drive alley ; room for garage; $lOO down, pay as' rent. Also several $-story bricks. : All improvements. Three small houses, suburbs of Steelton; $lOO down, balance as rent or will exchange on small farm or city property. Liberty Bonds accepted C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green St. Bell 56'J.1. 956 SOUTH TWENTY-FIRST ST. is vacant. Price, $1,600-—s2so down $25 n month for 8 months—then $6! a month. Liberty Bonds accepted. H ' G. PedloW. 3 South Thirteenth street! j FOR SALE $3,400 will buy a cor- I ner brick house, with 8 rooms and all I Improvements, all street paving com pleted, situate No. 536 South Seven-' teenth street. J.E. Gipple, No. 1251: Market street. FOR SALE Chestnut Street. No. , 1608. ten-room frame house, all mod ern improvements, porch front and side entrance. Price, $3,200. J. J5.! Gipple. 1251 Market street. I |f ! ' . YOU HAVE BUSI NE SS TO TRANSACT with somebody who lives in this city—business that is of import ance to you. , It may be that you have employment to offer, or that you seek a position. The business might not take long to trapsact AKT E R YO I SHALL HAVE KOUXI) THE PER SON WITH WHOM IT IS TO BE TRANSACTED. That is your task— and you can accomplish it best through classified advertising. Often it cannot he accomplished in anv other wav. " ! : •8 J)' REAL ESTATE FOR SAI.E ; FOR SALE—No. 1713 Revere Street i (Cloverly Heights), single brick and : stucco dwelling, with all modern im i provements, garage in rear. Price, i $11.750. J. E. Giple. 1251 Market street. FOR SALE No. 1808 Swatara 'street; two-story pressed brick house; I steam lieat; all improvements, Room |on rear for garage. Apply G. E. Htaef- I fer, 220 Seneca street. Bell phone I 4847 J. - , "IF IT'S REAL ESTATE. SEE SANOEKLIN." i NEW CUMBERLAND—Cor. Foifrth i and Geary—Double frame; 8 rooms and bath on each side; all improve ! inents; newly painted; right price to ; quick buyer. ! SCHUYLKILL ST., CIS Corner property; 2-story brick; 0 rooms, all ! improvements, front and rear porches; 'good sine back yard; same as rent. I STEELTON, 2D ST., S., 318 U —3- ! story frame; 7 rooms; water, gas and electric lighths; a very good bargain. | Same as rent. EN OLA —257 Susquehanna St.; 3- ! story frame, la double block; 8 rooms jand'bath; steam neat; electric lights, ; front and rear porches; lot 26xldu i with a garage in reur; possession at 1 once. 4TH ST., 2127—N0W VACANT; 8- ; story brick; 8 rooms and bath; with a ' 2-story frame building in rear that 'can be used for business purposes; good house for roomers; can be ( bought same as rent. D. A. SANDERUN, ' ROOM 1. SECURITY TRUST BLDG. 36 NORTH THIRD ST., I BELL PHONE 1390 DIAL 3573 j ' 2-STORY BRICK HOUSES, all iin -1 provements, in city; front porch; bay i window; nice yard to drive alley. ! $lOO down, balance as rent. Liberty ! Bonds accepted. ALSO ' Several fine suburban homes, with 1 ,;o 3 acres of land. Possession at once, i Several 3-story bricks in all parts | of the city from $3,000 to $25,000 each, i Vacant, possession at once. 7-room ' cottage near Camp Hill; improve : ments; garage; front and back I porches. Also 9-room cottage near I Rockville, now vacant, improvements; ! large porches; beautiful view; 25 fruit ! trees: spring water piped in house; | 5 minutes' walk to trolley; 2>,j> acres !of land. Apply to C. H. CORDER, I 1722 Green St. Bell 360 J. ! OWN VUUU OWN HOME u.\ EASY PAYMENT PLAN , Let us make you acquainted with the way it is done. Now is the time tc start. Follow ing homes can be purchased with S3UO cash or Liberty Bonds: 129 North Summit. 600 Kelker. 611, 613, 615 and 617 Kel ker. . 1326 Vernon. We have u large number of manufacturing sites and several good business oppor tunities to offer. Call at A. P. DORANZ. 1225 North Sixth. Member Übg. Real Estate Board Real pstate and Rents Collected CORNER PROPERTY, NO. 621 NORTH STREET. FOR SALE—Large j and well constructed dwelling—most i modernly equipped ideal location— -1 lot. 70x95. Inspect it. Occupied by owner, and the price is right. Bell ; Realty Co., Bergner Building. FORSTER STREET. 1713 Desir able brick dwelling. 8 rooms, bath, gas, electric light, steam heat, large front porch, drive alley on rear. Bell j Realty Co.. Bergner Building. Real Estate For Sale—Suburban ' FOR SALE —A desirable Lemovue . property; all improvements; from porch. Owner desires to leave city. 1 Priee Is right. Call at 1225 North , Sixth street. ' Real Estate For Sale or Exchange WANTED—TO RENT We are having a number of uppli- I cations at this lime for furnished houses, apartments and rooms. What do you have to offer? Address MU -1 ler Brothers Company. Locust and j Court streets. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT I FOR RENT—No. 2UU State street, i corner brick house with all improve 'inents. sio>c room and large gnr..gu. j Good pooirooin local.on i,e„i. I J. E. Ulppie, t25l ~c, suru. FURNItHUD HUGHE Ml.. KENT AT HA/. ~i .u - Desirable property -all niouur.i n.iproveineiivS. including steam heal. I lentil i. SlO. Bell ltcnit.\ Co.. Beigner lluiioing. FOR. KEN f Seven-roomed house, electric light and bath. Apply 339 Granite street. Bell phone 1373 M or 854 M. FOR RENT 9-room house; gas. electricity, steam heat. In fine condi | tion. Call Bell phone 2912. FOR RENT Two private garages. I rear 1607 Swntara street. Rent. $5.00 each. J. E. Glpple, 1251 Market street. REAL ESTATE—For Sale or Rent HOUSES AND GARAGES—At Fifth and Curtln streets; possession of, some of the houses on thirty days' notice. Fred C. Miller. 31 North Sec i ond. Bell phone 30TJ. i | REAL ESTATE WANTED t j I HAVE BUYERS waiting for prop- I | erty In any section of the city, if cheap. What have you to offer. I CHAS. ADLER, 101)2 N. Third Street. Offices nnd Storerooms—l-'<ir Rent MARKET ST. STORE FOB RENT. Beautiful l'a.viiglu Store. 504 Market Street. OIIAS. ADLER, 1002 North Third Street. I. FARMS WANTED To oral' from owner having good farm for sale. . C. C. j Sltepard, Minneapolis, Minn. FARMS FOR SALE From 3 acres ' I to 5',2, 10. 16. 20. 23, 40, 53. 61. 86, 103. I 103, 112, 120. 161. For the bottom I price, call oil John A. Durand. lot . j Chestnut street. ; FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS CANNEL COAL DELI VEI:ED AXY W HER E. NO RESTRICTIONS. J. B. MONTGOMERY. THIRD AND CHESTNUT STS. FOR SALE Magazines for No. 1 Linotypes. ! A rare bargain for a plant with a No. 1 machine. Address T' 1E TELEG RA PI IPRI NT ING COMPANY, Harrisburg, Pa. ! FOR SALE Large, white reed go ! cart, in good condition. Price, $B. Ap -Ipiy 2022 Derry, or call Dial 4347. FOR SALE One Enterprise eoffee mill, one 60-gallon oil tank. Inquire ' M. Marcus, 2030 North Seventh. FOR SALE A fine $4OO piano. Brand-new. Never was used. Good make. Will sell at a sacrifice. Call 'and see it. 1504.State street. Harris ■ ! burg. Pa. '! FOR SALE Kimball pihno, like •'new, tvill be sold cheap to quick ''buyer* Call Bell plione 4692W, or in ; j quire 2348 North Sixth street. '! FOR SALE'— Adding Machine, good :' as new. 308 Broad street. : ! FOR SALE Second-hand Ameri ' | can Radiator Co. steam boiler, in gopd ! condition. Bargain. Phone 4265 R. . i FOR SALE One writing desk, ' 2012 State. i FOR SALE Complete pumping ~ outfit, 14-horse-power; New Holland ' gasoline engine, heavy doublc-geareu ' juek and extra large pump. All in lirst-elass condition. Will sell for one-hall' price. Inquire immediately, Edna M. Maeder. 1853 Swatura, or Hell phone SI3J. FOR SALE Nickel slot playing piauo, in first-class condition. Can oe ! seen at No. 143 South Third street. Wilson Apartment Hotel. 1 FOR SALE Shoemaker's ma chMierv. stiteiier. finisher, electric mo tor. Finest condition. Reasonable ' price. Also old shoes, tools, etc. K (Cohen 157 North Pitt street, Carlisle! TYPEWRITERS Ron. Hi FOI! CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED GEO. P. TILL' TMi.V 205 LOCUST STREET OI'POSP E ORPHEUM THEATER BOTH PHONES APPLES FOR SALE Grimes Gol den. with a Banana flavor; Sia.vman Weinsap, Jonathans. York Imperial. I I etc. Some of these apples are very fine. Come and see them at 14. A. Wicker .l sham's Orehaivl. one-half mile eust of : Mechanicsburg Pa., Trolley car stops ! at Orchard. JL BARGAINS: BARGAINS' , The Store across from Y. VV. c. A. offers >on lilt- liiggc.-t aim Ileal Bar gains in Men's and Boys' Suits, Over coats, Mackinaw Coats. Unuer•tuf. Hats, Caps aim Shoes. We ale fam ous fm Low Prices. (live us a triui. OUTLET CLOTH ING CO., 23 \orih Fourth Street. l-'OR SALE, CHEAP Complete de -1 livery outfit, horse, wagon and har ness. J. R. Coleman. lt)i>x South Cain -1 eron, Harrisburg. Hell 1148.1. 19i 9 CAi.i-.NDAKS Good Assortment of Bargains Act Quickly. For good service, order al once and avoid the rush. Sample Room for Conveni ences of Customers. M V K'' *' > VI FA< TURING t!O.. Third and Cumberland Sts. **.•' <lioe Store .mii.i.i- sa>e money buying new ami s-eoml-liand furniture here. ll.gh pnce> paid for furniture. Morris i Sclimertz, 1030 Market. Bell 3971R I WANTED Second-hand motors. Small size preferred. j Apply I FEDERAL MACHINE SHOP. Cranberry St.. near Second. Harrisburg, Pa. J FOR SALE Walnut bedstead, bu reau and washstand, with marble top; I oak hall rack and extension table. ;Must be sold at once. Apply 1611 | Penn street. j MAX SMELTZ ; Second-hand furniture bought and jeold. Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell 1381 or Dial 5847. or drop a pos tal to Max Smeltz. 1016 Market street. I Will call, city or country. FOH SAI I —MIM I.I.I.WFOCS I I FOR SALE Two Bloch baby ! eoaenes. in good condition. Apply ' l 2300 North Second street. j WANTFI)—MISCICI.I.A N F(.) T S HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for ! Sccoiiu-nur.d Furniture. Prompt at tention. New murk w Cow 11, 30s tfcoud ; tiiei. Dial puone 4826. HIGHEST PRICES PAID f)6r all kinds ut Junk. Gel our prices uefure I selling, (.all Bell phone OOU. or urop : us a postal and our wagon will can. 1 Keystone iron rv ivietal Co.. Broad una Currant ntleeis. RIVER COAL AND SANI) FLEET Will pay cash. Describe fully. Give location and price. P. O. Box 22, Har risburg, Pa. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all kinus ut eniDty barrels und junk. Call Bell phone 4275. B Abrams &. Son. 824-832 North Seventh street. \V,\N'TED National Cash Regis ter.' State description and price. ■ ( lias. Kurtz, 15 East One Hundred and j Sixteenth street. New York. L. COHEN COMPANY. York and ! Ash Avenues. Highest prices paid for I lag :, paper, iron, barrels, rubber nnd metals an-i old machines. Send postal lor call 3221W Bell and Dial 6223. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Grocery store. Oldest ' establishment In Steelton. A good op i portunity for right party. Good reu ' I sons for selling. Address Box G..6519, ; ct e of Telegraph. j FOR SALE Bakery doing good business, 518 Primrose, street. Apply Uguvge w. ortli, 1720 sixth street. FOR SALE Profitable News Agency For Sale '.ll - thriving suourbaa town. Storeroom in the heart ot the business section. Start a business here. The Newspaper Agency will gtl you acquainted with the peo ple. Address BOX R. 7474. Care of Telegraph. ELECTRICIANS Will find an opportunity in the sale of profitable News Agency in ! thriving suburban town. lntluenze lias deprived the town of its only electrician. No Kiev* ' irical Supply Store in town. Start a business here. Tha i Newspaper Agency will get you acquainted with the people. BOX I!. 7474, Care of Telegraph! PARTY OWNING well-located vacant property in the city, would like to get in touch with A responsible , contractor and builder. One ( who would be interested in developing the property. For particulars address . N M.. .7211. fare of Telegraph. BUSINESS PERSONALS TOBACCO or Snuff 1 ial.it cured or no pay. $l.OO if cured. Remedy sent on trial. Sliperba Co., W.U., "Balti more, Mil. IDEAS. INVENTORS. PATENTS promoted. Send particulars. Ilorst Promoting Agency, Linglestown, Pa. j RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED , ! Single edge. 2oc doz.; double edge. 25c i'doz.; old style. 25c each. Gorgas Drug I Store. ' DIAMONDS bought for cash—p. 11. j ' Caplan Co., 206 Market street. ! QUININE —Look out for that grippe feeling, likely to eatcli you this changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE . IJHOSPHO-QUININE1 J HOSPHO-QU1N1NE will slave it off if taken in time. Gross Drug Store. ! ' 119 Market street. Money to Loan WE LEND MONEY In compliance with Act of June 17. 1915, to Individu als in need of ready Cash; small loans I a specialty, business confidential, pa>- • ments to suit borrower's convenience, ■ positively lowest rates in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO., 132 Walnut Street. I MONEY ' _ FOR NECESSITIES We are prepared to help worthy , | people when in need of MONEY for , immediate necessities. Call and Inves- I tigate our system, which is in oocord • ance with laws of STATE OF PENN : SYLV.VN'TA. All business strictly confidential. EMPLOYE'S LOAN SOCIETY, 206 BEKGXER BLDG.. THIRD AND MARKET STS. ; LICENSED AND BONDED. PRIVATE LOANS— $l5 TO $3OO On Furniture. Real Estate or Endorsed Notes. On $l3. interest $.45 On $2O, interest $.60 On f25, interest $.75 On $3O. interest $.90 On $35. interest $1.05 On $4O. interest $1.20 On $5O. interest $1.50 On $75. Interest $2.25 On $lOO. interest $3.00 On s2o'\ interest $4.00 | Per month. Payments on principal re duce Interest. , 1 This company was Incorporated In 1900. licensed and bonded to lend i money at reasonable rates to people I without bank credit. Call, write or phone CO-OPERATIVE I,OAN AND INVESTMENT CO.. 204 Chestnut St. Hours. 8 to 6. Saturdays until 9. Musical VIOLINS. MANDOLINS. GUITARS, j BANJOS. Band und Orchestra Instru ' ments promptly and carefully- repair ;ed OYLEIpS. 14 Smith Fourth street. TALKING MACHINES promptly and 'carefully repaired by an expert only. ' OYIiKR'S. I t South Fourth street. f lb your Talking Machine needs re pairs. just call Bell Phone 3242 J. An ! expert will be (it your service at once. : or bring machine to 1213 North Third I street. j TALKING MACHINES of all kinds repaired by an expert. All work >1 promptly done nnd guaranteed. Call I Bell 2604 R. or 1504 Howard avenue. ! HORSES AND CARRIAGES I FOR SALE Four good work I lmrses. Inquire S. W. Shoemaker & ) Son. Seventh and Harris. 1 HAULING AND MOVING " i ! AUTO HAULING Local or long distance. Furniture and piano moving j a specialty. Blue Line Transfer. 917 I Capiinl street Roth phones. AUTO HAULING Local and long distance. Furniture moving a spe cialty. Rates reasonable. Prompt service. Call Bell 62.7 J. LOCAL AND LONG - DISTANCE HAULING Prompt service. A. & I B. Motor Express, 917 Ctpi'.ul street. - j Bell phone 1635 J. LOCAL AND LONG - DISTANCE HAULING —Furniture moving. Prompt ; service. Ernest Corbin, 656 (.'aider I stieet. Boih phones. Bell 363CJ, Dtal I 3033. 1 HAULING AND MOVING 1 | WE MOVE Any tiling—anywhere—any time'. Dial 4990. DAYTON CYCLE CO.. i 912 North Third Street, City. GENERAL HAULING AND FAST | ! EXPRESS SERVICE to nearby towns; I with uuto trucks. Only experienced und careful drivers. Cull Bell .7320, ! 1 or Dial 2265. HEAVY HAULING—FuIIy equipped | for furniture, freight and ptaiiu niuv- 1 ing. No distance too far. Careful j driver. J'.ain und dustproof body. J. j E. Grubber's Truck Service. lrvin 1 Anngst, Manager, liershev Pa. Bell j phono 15R-6. AUTO TRUCK SERVICE Local' and long-distance. X l '. J. Mcrter, Bell ' ! 39-J. Steelton. ~ ' j j ALL KINDS OF HAULING' AND MOVING DONE I I CONRAD BROS. 341 KELKER ST. I BELL PHONE 62.7 W. DIAL PHONE 3518. KICKS Local and Long-distance! Hauling. 474 Kelly. Both phones. Where to Dine ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT.! "HE HOME OF SATISFACTION. STOUFFER'S RESTAURANT— Home j I Cooking served to Businessmen and Ladies 111 separate diningroom. Storage STORAGE—4I9 Broad street. House hold goods, merchandise. Private rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul- : lug of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. ) Both phones. I STORAGE In brick building, rear ] 408 Market. Household goods iu eleau, private rooms. Keusonublc rates. P ! G. Diener, 408 Market street. ! STORAGE ■— Private rooms for household goods in Itreprouf ware house. $3 per month nnd up. Lower - storage rates in non-fireproof ware house. Harrisburg Storage Co., 437- 445 South Second street. • I Undertaken) SAMUEL S. FACKLEK. FUNERAL DIRECTOR. 1312 Derry St. BELL 1956. DIAL 2133. RUDOLPH E. SPICEK, Funeral Director and Fsnbalmer, 511 North Second Street. BELL 252. DIAL 2145. (EM FTEI4 3 I.(ITS I'd It SALE ; PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY Beautifully situated on Market street east of Twenty-sixth, and on the tiort.i and east faces the new park way. The prices of lots are moderate. - Miller Bros. A- Co.. Agents.. Cleilliers nnd livers IT PAYS to have Clothes Cleaned. Pressed, Dyed or Repaired ut the best place in town.* Call and deliver Goodman's. 1306 VI North Sixth. Both "j Phones. # ' j AUTOMOBILES KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO. " I All sort of auto top and cushion work y | dune by experts. Also repair work. | Reasonable rates, HUU Market street. "! WM. PENN GARAGE • -304-6 Mucnch siieel. Limousines lor _! funeral, pain- and nails; earelui " drivers, open day and .light. Bell | i 4&454. ; ' FIVE WHITE one-ton trucks, with ' Brill, enclosed buss bodies; 12-pus • sunger, iiigli-elass. all duplicate. T. C. &MITH a Co., 1531 Cherry siroet, " ; 1 nliaueiplila, pa. AUTO FOR SALE 5-passcliger 3; Mitchell, in Al condition. Newly - puinted. A good car at a bargain to s j quick buyer. Edward V . Evans, 36 - j North Third street. Bell 1390, Dial FOR SALE 1910 Alctz Touring, one 1916 Maxwell Touring, two 1918 - Maxwell Touring Curs. Apply Hoist, ) Linglestown, Pa. FOR SALE—I9I7 Dodge Touring Car in Al condition, with extra good tires. Looks like new. Apply Mack's Dental Offices, 310 Market street. Second Floor. 1 ONE brand-new 1918 Chandler Tour ing Car, in good condition, has been used about tnree months, to be sold on account ot death. Inquire at Gard ner A Baptisti, inird and Chestnut streets. . MAY* - • los Ali types; 4 and 6 Bosch nigli tension. Eishm&nn, Dixey, Spilitlori. Men, Rbniy and different makes of coils, carburetors, etc. A Sehiltman, 22-24-26 North Cameron ' street. 801 l 3633. 1 FOR SALE Ueo Touring car. Looks and runs like new. Burgain to quick buyer. liuick Roadster, Ai .shape. Bargain lor some one. A. .SfhilTman, 22-24-26 North Cameron. WANTED All kinds of used auto tires. We pay highest cash prices. No junk. 11. Esterbrook, 912 North Third street. Dial 4990. j % . \ 1 USED CARS HEAL AUTOMOBILE VALUES 1 f 1916 Ford tour .ng car. newly painted, 4 new tires, demountable rims, with extra rim and lire;. _! engine in line condition. Overland. Model 80. Just , out of paint shop; splCQdld condition; bargain. I Oakland Roadster, newly painted; bargain ut $225. :j 1 ! Bulek Roadster Just painted, motor in good shape; 1 real bargain. s Ford, 1914 touring car, painted and overhauled. 1917 Ford touring car, in perfect shape. Ov'erland Roadster. Ford, 1916 delivery. 31x4 fires, painted and rebuilt. f Ford trucks with attachments, new body and cab, motor rebuilt. This is practically a new Job. I I Open evenings. Convenient pay -; meats may be arranged. l\ • * 34 AC'S OA RAG Fa ; 1: *OUTH THIRD I i / y 15 1 s AUTOMOBILES ONE NEW CONESTOGA TRUCK Covered body, 1,01)0 lbs. capacity. A bargain. Inquire of Philadelphia Ouick l.unch. SUNSHINE GARAGE Auto re pairing b/ expert. Road jobs a : specialty. Charge reasonable. Both Phones. Sunshine Garage, 117 North Cameron street. OLD AUTO'J Wanted: used, wrecked or oidtlmers, l in any condition. See me before sac rificing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto j Wrecking, A. Schlffmau, 22, 24, 2ti, | North Cameron street. Bell 3633. SECOND-HAND TRUCKS and pleas . ure cars for sule. Ford ton trucks, ] Auto-Car 2-ton trucks and one 7- I passenger Huynes Touring Car. All | cheap nr quick buyers. International ! Harvester Co. Truck Department, No. I tils U'ii nut street. ! BUICK ROADSTER Runs line; i electric lights; new top; $35(1.00. I Hoist. Llnglestuwn, Pa. | AUTOMOBILE For sale, at a bar . gain, one late model Chalmers, 7-pas | scnger, 6-cyllnder electrically equip i ped. Run less than 7,000 miles, and I includes Sedan lop to convert into I closed car for winter. The outllt is in elegant condition, with 6 practi cally new tires und 2 extra rims. Can be seen at 1334 Howard street. Ad dress X. V. E„ care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Hudson G-40 Touring I Car. New puint, lop, slip covers and I tires. Two extra tires. In perfect condition throughout. Call, or ud | dress, 418 North Front street, Stcel i ton. Bell phone 15M Steelton. AUTOMOBILE FOR SAL 1 1918 Chevrolet (Baby Grand Model), in good condition. 11. G. I'edlow, 3 : South Thirteenth street. 1917 FORD TOURING CAR WANT ! ED. The highest cash price paid for car in good condition. Inquire 322 ; Blackberry avenue. ; MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES Wk BICYCLES. BICYCLES. New and rebuilt bicycles ut Very at tractive prices; guaranteed repair ing; come here and get a square V deal. H. F. ESTERBROOK, ■ 912 N. Third Street. 1 i Dial 4990. 1 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE—Like new? Bargain at $95.00. llorst, Lingles town. Pa. BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EXPERT. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. DORY SHANEIt, WITH ANDREW REDMOND, 1507 NORTH THIRD ST. GARAGES ACCESSORIES AND REPAIRS AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds re , paired by specialists. Also fenders, I lumps, etc. Rest service in town. Uar : risburg Auto Radiator Works, boa I North Third street. WELDING AUTO AND MACHINE PARTS Frames straightened and welded. 1 Heavy Cast Iron Our Specialty. , Expert Welders. Work Guaranteed. CAPITAL CITY WELDING CO.. 1538 Logan St. BELL 4396 J. LEGAL NOTICES ,' NOTICE Letters of Administra tion on the Estate of J. Fred Ai tinan, lute of Susqueiiunna Township, Dau phin County, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned re siding in New Freedom, Pa., all per sons indebted to said Estate are re ; quested to make immediute payment, and those having claims will present , them for settlement. S. ALVA ARTMAN, Or to Administratrix. I. J'. BOWMAN, Altorney-at-Law. ' In the liquidation of the UNION CASL'- | ALTY INS. CO. tPhila,, Pa.) tCom . j moil Pleas Court of Dauphin County. •; i'eiina.. Number 113, Commonwealth 1 Docket 19161. , : NOTICE TO PARTIES IN INTEREST ; The undersigned hereby gives no i tico that claims (oilier than those al i ready tiled) are provable not later . I than January 1, 1919. As soon there ; after as is practicable 1 shall file an * account in court with a scheme of ; distribution. Notice will be giveu by ' : publication, and three weeks will be .! allowed for the filing of exceptions ; thereto. Claims should be filed with ! ; my agent in the liquidation, Thomas B , Donaldson, Special Deputy. 331 Walnut 1 Street, Philadelphia, Pa. The liquidation is proceeding in ac , eordnnce with Act of Assembly of June 1. 1911 (Pamphlet l.aws, page 5991 CHARLES A. AMBLER. Insurance Com'r. of Pennsylvania, [larrisburg. Pa. NOTICE Letters Testamentary on the Estate of laiuroita R Loll, late of ifarrisburg. Dauphin County, Pa., deceased, having been 1 granted to the undersigned residing in Carlisle, Pa., all persous Indebted to said Estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having ! claims will present tliern for scttie ment. I J. C. ECKELS, Or to Executor. ! J. M. R1 IKY. Attorney-ut-laiw, .; Curllsle. Pa. Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin , county, Number 4, Commonwealth Docket, 1916. NOTICE TO CLAIMANTS I All parties ifi interest are notified that my final account, in the liquida tion of tlie YORK COUNTY MUTUAL LIVE STOCK INSURANCE COMPANY, )with a scheme of distribution, is be fore the Dauphin County Court. On ; December 22, 1918, I shall ask for an j order confirming the account. A copy of the account can be seen at the De partment and in the office of George E. Neff, Attorney. Yorlt; Pa. | Exceptions to the account must bo ; filed prior to December 22, with Thomas B. Donaldson, Special Deputy Insurance Com'r, 331 Walnut Street, ' Philadelphia, Pu. CHARLES A. AMBLER, Ins. Com'r. Harrishurg, Pa. | NOV. 20, 1918. NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that Union 1 Trust Company of Pennsylvania, i Trustee, duly appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of York County, Slt ! ting in Equity, Equity Docket No. 14, No. 1 April Term. 1918, will hold a j meeting ut its office. No. 20 North i Mnrket Square, Harrishurg, Pennsyl- I vaiila, on the 17th day of December, 1918, at 10 o'clock A. M„ for the pur pose of receiving claims arising upon I bonds and coupons secured by First i Mortgage of York County Consolidat- I< d Water Company, dated February j 1, 1910, against the fund realized from the sale of all'of the property, real, ! personal and mixed, rights, privileges and franchises of said Water Com- - pany, had pursuant to the terms of said Mortgage, and for the further purpose of hearing all persons Inter ested In such claims. Notice is further given that all claims not presented will be forever linrred" from participation in the pro ceeds arising from said sale, UNION TRUST COMPANY OF PENN SLYVANIA, Trustee. J. W. RWART3, GEORGE It. ITETSEY. EDGAR *>. RICHARDSON. Attorneys. MY wife, Mrs. Bruce M. Winter, having left by bed and board witli oiit Just cause. I hereby notify all per . sons not to harbor nor trust her on piv account, as T will not pay any dehp- contracted by her. i (Signed) BRUCE M. WINTER.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers