TECH, ROLLING OVER LEBANON, MEETS JOHNSTOWN SATURDAY FOR STATE CHAMPIONSHIP Tech Crushed Lebanon; Claims State Title ' Al'ter the overwhelming defeat of Lebanon High School on Saturday the Tech High management feel % justified in claiming title to football > championship at least in Eastern Pennsylvania, and so marvelous a machine has Coach Smith developed that there are many experts who be lieve Tech can clean anything in the country. When Saturday's game fin ished with a score of 73-0. after the best game seen here this season. Athletic Manager Percy Grubb and everybody else was ready to risk anything on Tech's chances. This morning a communication came from Toledo, for Tech's amaz ing record has gone all ov ®'\ t'] 6 country. Next Saturday the Middle West begins a series to settle the title there and it is proposed to have this winner meet the Pennsylvania magicians. But before that comes the game next Saturday with Johns town, which now claims title for Western Pennsylvania, and this event will be momentous. The result will assuredlv decide the championship of the state, for Philadelphia Cert tral High has refused to meet lech. The skill and speed of Tech were never better demonstrated than in the Lebanon tiff, for this team had. the advantage of clever coaching b> Hobey y.ght. Pell Pratt and their own head coach. When they lined up old-time fans sat tight, expecting a hard and close battle. But it was like taking a crutch from a blind man. "Red" Miller, captain of Leb anon, was a heroic demon, gaining TAFT SAYS 'NIX' ON CZAR STUFF Ex-President Taft Entirely Too Smart to Hook I p to Baseball .Bickercrs William H. Taft. ex-presidc&t of the United States, has seen too much of the ups and downs of professional baseball to poke his head into the wild beast's lair. In an interview given out from Dayton, he declares that he would under no circum stances accept the position of uase ball commissioner for the two major leagues, for which office he had been suggested. . In discussing the request on the part of Mr. Hempstead and Mr. Fra zee that he hecome a permai.ent trib unal to settle baseball disputes, he observed: "I was asked to arbitrate a certain dispute as to the legality of certain exemption of baseball con tracts. and I .was very glad to be of service in this capacity. However, when the matter of becoming a per manent tribunal is suggested. I could not even think seriously of it.' It appears that Hempstead, of New York, and Frnzee. of Boston, got themselves "in Dutch" by making the proposition. Says Ball, president of tho St. Louis Americans: I never endorsed a czar for baseball. I think Mr. Taft has the finest judi cial mind in the country and is in all respects a great man. But I ob ject to having Messrs. and Hempstead's plan wished *n me in anv such offhand manner. * razee has no authority from any one to submit such a proposition on behalf of the American League. 1 ntil the league meets and discusses any p an, it obviously has no official standing. Anv changes oi policy will be effected at the league's meeting early in De cember.' CORPSE COMES TO LIFE Hazleton. Pa.—Stretcher-bearers carrying the body of a man found on the Lehigh Valley tracks, near Hazle Creek, dropped their burden in a hurry when the "corpse" sat up, yawned and demanded to know what all the trouble was about. He had been celebrating the armistice and went to bed on the railroad, with a quart bottle of whisky still untouched. An engineer saw him, telegraphed back to the coroner and the latter sent out a stretcher to get the "dead man." GOLD FROM WRECK. Victoria. B. C. Gold bullion from the Klondike valued at $l3O - was recovered from the wreck of the steamer Princess Sophia by the salvage steamer Tee, which ar rived here the other day from Lynn Canal, Alaska, where the Sophia wen' down recently with all on board. THOMPSON TO RUN AGAIN Chicago. Mayor William Hale Thompson announces lie will be a candidate to succeed himself in tile spring. He did not disclose wheth er he will seek the Republican nom ination or run as an independent candidate by petition. Play Safe— Stick to KJJf_G OSCAR CIGARS Because the quality is as good as ever it was. They will please and satisfy you 7c—worth it JOHN C. HERMAN & CO. Makers MONDAY EVENING, HAMUSBURG *££& TELEGRAPH ' * DECEMBER 2,1918! nearly every time he took the ball, but one mail's efforts could do little with an organization like Tech. With Carl Beck out, the team appeared to go along with the same resistless precision, for those wonderful back line men—Captain Ebner, Lingle, Hinkle and Wilsbach —worked to gether as one with the usual result. The line was probably more effi cient than in any game this year; it being impossible for the Lebanon plungers to edge through that stone wall. The victory was so convincing that it Is believed that Tech cannot be matched by any school of her class in the wide domains of Amer ia. The summary: Tech. , Lebanon. Hoerner, le. Boyer, le. Arnold. It. Mish, It. Peiffer, lg. Burdan, lg. Blhl, c. Case. c. Lauster, rg. German, rg. Prank, rt. Carpenter, rt. Kohlman. re. Jones, re. Ebner, qb. Homan, qb. Lingle, lhb. Troutr.ian, lhb. Hinkle, rhb. . Miller, rhb. Wilsbach, fb. Trout, fb. Touchdowns —Ebner, 3; Lingle, 2; Beck, 2; Hoerner, Kohlman, Hinkle. Wilsbach. oGals from touchdowns —Ebner. 7. Substitutions: Lebanon —Houck for German. Leslie for Car penter, Quinn for Jones, Hoy for Jones. Homan for Clemens, Hartlieb for Miller, Cohen for Trout. Referee —Butler, Brown. Umpire—Miller, Penn State. Head linesman —Miller, Harrisburg. Quarters, 12 minutes each. Plenty of Big Game in Parks of Canada The National Sportsmen's- Syndicate relates that: For many years the Dominion of Canada has done much to pro tect the natural beauties and the wild life of licF territory. She has established a great system of parks and is guarding them wise ly. Long ago she came to see that those parks are a great financial asset; that the beauties of their scenery and their expanses of un touched nature possesses a money value for the dominion which should not be overlooked. In this country we are gradu ally awakening to the import ance of this same fact, and in Washington time and thought are now being devoted to the ex ploitation of the national parks of the United States. The terrible struggle that is now going on lends peculiar force to a sentence or two from the last report of the commissioner of dominion parks. "The funda mental purpose behind the estab lishment and maintenance of na tional parks is the development and maintenance of rugged, forceful, intelligent manhood. "The most common and the most successful treatment a phy sician prescribes for a patient is an order to go to the mountains or the seaside or the country. And the logic underlying this prescription is the same logic which brought about the creation of national parks. "The curative results which follow such an outing are recog nized to be due to the recreation in the out-of-doors involved in the trip" The outdoor man is likely to be in all respects the good citizen. In the parks of the Dominion of Canada are many of the large wild animals once widely distrib uted over portions of the western part of America. Deer, elk. moose, sheep, antelope and whitg goats are to be found undisturb ed and unafraid in places easily accessible to the public. Canada has the greatest herd of buffalo in the world, and many of these, it will be remem bered, were sold to Canada by a resident of Montana. This herd, which now numbers more than 2,400 head, is distributed in dif ferent parks, large and small. Recently a tine herd of elk was imported to Canadaffronti t the Yellowstone National Park. Within a year or two a band of fifty wild antelope as captured by building a fence around the area in which they ranged. This experiment has been successful up to the present time; the ante lope have thriven, and for the year show an increase of over twenty, so that there are now seventy in the reserve. CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY The second anniversary of the dedi cation of Camp Curtin Memorial Methodist Church brought'a large at tendance, filling the church and Sun day school to overflowing. The amount of $3,000 was raised at the celebration toward the church 4 e bt. The morn ing and evening sermons were given by Dr. A. L. ifiller, of Bloomsburg, a former pastor. In the afternoon an address was made by Dr. Robert Bag nell, pastor of Grace Methodist Church. SNOODLES , A Very Funny Movie —To Him By Hunger ford PENNSYLVANIANS FOUGHT HARD FROM THE MARNE TO THE VESLE Washington, D. C., Dec. 2. —A brief outline of the activities in France of the 28th division, composed of Pennsylvania National Guards, was given by General March, Chief of Staff, in the course of his weekly interview with newspapers. He said: "The 28th Division —consisting of Pennsylvania troops from Hancock—was overseas by June 1, and trained with the French until after July 1. Four companies were put in south of the Marne and east of Chateau Thierry to help stop the German offensive of July 15, and held their ground. "The division was then put in in support of the counterat tack of July 18. On July 28 tt attacked, crossing the Ourcq and advanced with the Third (later the 32d) on its right and the 42d on its left; the advance was bitterly resisted by the enemy. "On July 31 it was approaching Nesles and on August 6 reached the Vesle, where it relieved the 32d. "Until September 3 the division held a sector along the Vesle with constant raid and patrol activity. September 4 to V the divis ion, crossing the Vesle in force, drove in rear guards and kept close contact with the retreating enemy. "The 28th was in line near Vauquois at the start of the Meuse-Argonne offensive, on September 26 and continued in action until October 7, when it took Chatel-Chchery. "On October 29 the division was reported on line in the Woevre near LaChaussee Lake with the Second army and took part in the actions in that region which were halted by tho' armistice on No vember 11." Of the "9th division, composed of troops from northeastern Penn sylvania, eastern Maryland and the District of Columbia, General March said it was in action east of the Meuse advancing toward Damvlllers when the armistice ended hostilities. Details of its operations have not been received. Pitt Charges Foul Play and Demands Return Game For the first time in four years Maste'r Glenn Warner felt the sting of defeat on Saturday when his great Pitt machine was choked off, 10-9 by the Naval Reserve team. A pile of wagers were lbst on this bat tle for the Panthers were long fa vorites and the jack tars had plenty of Hiacking. The game was staged at Cleveland. In League Park and the end of the game saw a wilder demonstration than ever took place in the days of Larry Lajoie. The boys from the naval station went mad. The bands brought along to cheer the team In the fray were made lead the wildest athletic celebration parade In the city's his tory. Ta-day, from Pittsburgh, it de velops that utmost bitterness has been engendered by the battle. Pitt claims she was robbed by the Cleve land Naval Reserves and that the score should have been 15-3 in fa vor of Glenn Warner. So the ad ministrative committee on athletics of the University of Pittsburgh last State Hospital Did Much For Red Cross A total of 4,364 articles were made during the past year by patients at the Pennsylvania State Hospital for the Red Cross. These articles were turned over to the local chapter dur ing the year and Red Cross officials regard the reported result as amazing. Dr. Charlotte E. Goodman is chair man of the State Hospital Auxiliary; Charles E. Johnson is vice-chairman, and Dr. Grace Wintcrsteen is secre tary and treasurer. The detailed report of the work for the year as announced by the auxili ary officials follows: Sweaters. 247; helmets. 11; wrist lets. 9; comfort kits. 1,164; comfort pillows. 97; socks, 337; shot bags, 1,026; housewives, 1,232; waterproof bags, 192; miscellaneous, 49; total, 4,064. KE YS TONE Dl VISION DID GREAT SERVICE General March, Native of State, Gives Former Guard's War Record; Four Months at Front; in Thick of Fight From Chateau Thierry Until Armistice Washington, Dec. 2.—Geueral Pey ton C. March, chief of staff, mokes public a brief war history of the Key- Rtone /(Twenty-eighth) Division of Pennsylvania. He gave this account of the record of the men from his native state: "T'he Twenty-eighth Division, con sisting of Pennsylvania troops from Camp Hancock, was overjeus by June 1 nd trained with the French until after July 1. Four companies were put In south of the Marne and east of Chateau Thierry to help stop he Ger man offensive of July 13, and held their ground. "The division was then put In sup port of the counterattack of July 18. On July 28 it attacked, crossing the Ourcq, and advanced with the Third Division (later the Thirty-secor.d) on its right and the Forty-second Divi sion on its left. The advance was bit terly resisted by the enemy. "On July 31 it was approaching Nesles and August 6 reached the Vesle, where it relieved the Thirty second Division'. Until Seotembcr 3 the Keystone Division a coctor along the Veyle, with constant laid and patrol activity. September 4 to 7 night authorized the issuing of a challenge to the Sixth City team for a return game to be played at Forbes Field next Saturday The only stipulation made In the challenge are that the gams will be played under the same financial ar rangements under which last Satur day's trip to Cleveland was and that Walter Camp, the coun try's most eminent football author ity be named to select the officials. If Cleveland cannot play next Sat urday, Pitt will wait until Decem ber 14. It is now up to the Reserves to accept this proposition or admit that they did not win on their merits last Saturday and arc afraid to play Pitt on the level. All the cards were stacked against Pitt at Cleve land and the Panthers, off to a good start, simply were not allowed to win. In fact, the game was jock eyed from the time articles were signed, and Pitt never had a chance. The best she could hope for at any stage was the worst of things. Ladies of Golden Eagle to Give Donation Party The postponed donation party of Herculean Temple, No. 165, Ladies of the Golden Eagle, will bes held to morrow evening In Slble and Clark's Hall, Thirdand Cumberland streets, It was announced to-day by officials of the order. The party was originally scheduled for November 5, but because of the influenza epidemic it was post poned. An interesting program has been prepared for the occasion. The admfs sion privileges are not confined to members of the order, but the meeting is open to all, if was stated. MRS. M. CLEAVER BURIED DiUsburg, Pa., Dec. 2. Funeral services of Mrs. Nlervin Cleaver were held on Friday from her home In Franklin township by the Rev. Mr. Fry of the Evangelical Church at Idaville. Burial was made in the DiUsburg Cemetery. the Keystone Division, crossing the Vesle in force, drove in rear guards and kept close contact with the re treating enemy. "The Twenty-eighth was in 'inc near Vauquoise at the start of the Meuse-Argonne offensive on Septem ber 26 and continued jn action until October 7, when it took Chatel Che hery. "On October 29 the division was re ported on line in the Woevre r.ear Lachuussce bake with the Second Army and took part In the actions in that region, halted by the armistice November 11." General March gave this account of the operations of the Seventy-ninth Division, composed of eastern Penn sylvania, Maryland and District of Columbia National Army men trained at Camp Meade: "The Seventy-ninth Division reach ed France and began training about August 1 at Prauthoy. It ,vas' in the first line of the Argonne-Mause of fensive of September 26, but details of Its action are not available. "November 2 It was reported tin line on the heights east of the Meuse. November 9 It was advancing In this sector In the direction of DamvtUers." WEST SHORE\ Personal and Social Items of Towns on West Shore Miss Mary "Sheets, of Shlremans town, spent a day recently with her grandfather, Andrew Sheets at Bres sler. Walter Welgel, of Harrisburg, vis ited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Welgel, and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Klpp at Shiremanstown. Miss Flora Sutton, of Lemoyne, vis ited her sisters, Mrs. Samuel Fisher and Mrs. George Flickinger at Shire manstown yesterday. * Mrs. Adeline Baker, of Mechanics burg, spent a day recently with her sister, Mrs. Sara Clouser at Shire manstown, Miss M. Irene Stone, of Shiremans town, is home from a visit with friends at York. Miss Myra M. B. Comfort, of Balti more. Md., visited her grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth Comfort at Shiremans town, Saturday and Sunday. H. P. Deardorft, of DiUsburg, vis ited his aunt at Shiremanstown, re cently. R. E. Folfe and Ross Wolfe, of Shiremanstown, spent several days at Lewistown. Mrs. • Catharine Rhiver,' Master arry Stoner, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zim merman and John Zimmerman, of Harrisburg; George "Spellman, of Co lumbia; Jobn Wentz, of Marsh Run; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wentz, Charles Ghcr, Joseph Gher, Miss Mary Sheets, Miss Dorothy Dlller, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Fisher, daughter Miss Florence Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Brubalcer, daughter Anna, son Lynn Brubaker, Jr., all of Shiremanstown, were pleas antly entertained at the home of Harvey Rhiver at Shiremanstown. Mrs. Bessie Morgret, daughters, Margret and Pearl and son, Carroll Mojgret, of Shiremanstown, spent several days with relatives at Har risburg. • Miss Minerva Rershman, of 1549 Vernon street, Harrisburg. spent Sun day with Miss Gertrddw Eslienbaugh at Shiremanstown. Mrs. Scott Brinton, son Charles, of Shiremanstown, spent several days with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Barlup at Camp Hill. Miss Margaretta ICemberling and Mrs. "Charles Weaber and daughter, Miss Janet Weaber, of Lancaster, have returned home after spending several days with friends at Shire manstown. Mr. a nd Mrs. Jacob Baker nnd three children. Lester, Paden and M. L. Baker, of New Cumberland, motored to Perry county on Saturday, Chester Good, who is attending school in Philadelphia, spent several days at his home in New Cumber land. ALFRED PnOWELL DIES Cumberland, Pa„ Dec. 2.—Al fred Prowell, aged 79 years, died at the home of his son. Alfred Prowell, Jr., in Fifth street. About a year ago Mr. and Mrs. Pro\yell came to New Cumberland from * York county to mnlce their home with their son and a daughter, Mrs. Parthemore. He is survived by his wife, four sons, Jo seph Prowell, of Mechanlcshmg; James Prowell and Samuel Prowell, of York, and Alfred Prowell, of New. Cumberland, and two daughters, Mrs.! Henry Rudy, of Braddock, and Mrs.; | Parthemore; also seventeen grand children and two great-grandchildren. ' Funeral services will be held to-mor ! row morning at 10 o'clock at the home | of the son, Alfred Prowell, conducted jby the Rev. C. H. Helges, of the Church of God. Burial at Cross Roads ' cemetery, Y'ork county. OTTERBEIN Gl'll.D SERVICE New Cumberland, Dec. 2.—Annual j Thanksgiving and love offering iterv ices of the Otterbeln Guild were held at Trinity Ugtted Brethren Church Thnrsdny morning. The program In cluded: Srlpture lesson, bv Miss I Mareella ITrlch and Miss Alda Snyder; reading. Miss Helen Davis, and solo. Miss Delia Souders. After the pro gram, the love offering box was opened and the money eounteJ, which amounted to $5O. _ The meeting was t dismissed by the Rev. A. R. Ayres. CHRISTMAS BOX KOII SCHOOL New Cumberland. Pa., Dec. 2.—On Thursday evening the Ottcrbe'.n Guild| will pack a Christmas box for the workers and pupils at Colcudo School, New Mexico. The box will contain: school articles and small wearing r.p-j parel. Owing to the evangelistic; services in Trinity United Brethren! Church, the Guild will not hold its regular meeting In December. BOXES MAILED TO SOLDIERS New Cntnberlnnd, Pa., Dec. 2.—Miss Marion Lelb, chairman of the New Cumberland Red Cross; Miss Jane| Naylor, chairman of the Home Serv- j Ice. nnd Mrs. 8. F. Prowell. chairman of the salvage committee, who super vised the packing and mailing of the; Christmas boxes to the local hovs in: France, completed their work Satar-j day evening. They mailed sixty | boxes. GOVERNOR TRAVELER Juneau. Alaska. —Few governors j under the Stars and Stripes can I travel 6.000 miles within their com- j monwealths, and Governor Thomas | Riggs, Jr., of Alaska, is one of the . few. In making a tour of his terrl. : tory he goes from Juneau to Nome j qn the first lap,* then crosses the; Gulf of Alaska. At Fairbanks the strikes the THnnna River and boards ! a sternwheel river boat for St. Mich- I si on Bering Sea. Thence an ocean i vessel or launch takes him to Nome. I "Bang, Bang, Bang/' All Over America Is the Prediction of Peter P. Carney Now that tlio war is over and pcaco once more rctgns throughout the world, America will again be a na tion of shooters The again is used advisedly. In bygone days, before n\y time and yours, every American could shoot — and shoot straight. Shooting in those memorable days was necessary for the protection of the home i.nd to supply the larder. As the population of tne United States increased and America gained wealth and strength through its va ried industries, many of us fulled to give the same time and consideration to firearms that our forefathers did. Hereafter every son of Uncle Sain will be friendly with a gun, whether he is now wearing, khaki, or still in his teens. We have learned some thing that we will be a long time for getting. When the Yanks return home, one, two or three millions of them, after a year's fighting over the battlefields of Flanders, and knee-deep in the muddy trenches of France, and hav ing tor a companion all this time a rifie or shotgun, they will be expel t shooters. The return of the Yanks brings us back to our original state ment that America will again be a nution of shooters. The day Is coming when no city or town, big or small, will be able to meet its requirements without '* gun club. There are now 4,323 of tnesc gun cluos in America and there will be double that number in the days that we will live to seee. It was these schools of shooting instruction that helped answer the charge cf unpre puredness against the United Stales, for they turned out the shooters who in their first fight stopped the Huns and thereafter drove the Germans back. * A Game They'll Always flay Shooting is now a game with Amer icans. Many have played it in the past, millions more will play it in the future. Shooting hereafter will be taken up with just as much vlm s as football, baseball golf and .<ur other favorite pastimes. Our soldiers and aviators have been taught to shoot with the shotguns in the cantonments and flying schools and no man passed a successful examination a s an avia tor who could not break dying tur gets with a shotgun. The shotgun to the boy of the future will he what the lariat Is to the cowboy of to-day. One thing w will have to remem ber is that a great many men In re turning from the battlefields will nev er again return to office ! online. They have accumulated that desire for outdoor life that will change their mode of living upon returning. They will go to farming and other outdoor activities. The United States Govern ment realizes this and has plans un der way for the distribution ~f f.irm land for those who have so honor ably served the country and aided in Rev. Edwin C. Keboch Is Named Area Director For M. E. Sunday School Drive The Rev. Edwin C. Keboch, Metho dist Sunday school specialist for Penn sylvania for the M. E. Hoard of Sun day Schools, has been appointed area director of the Sunday School Centen ary for the Washington area, of which Central Pennsylvania is a part. It is a large territory, and he will have 1,800 Sunday schools under his super vision. The entire area will he or ganized, using district superinten dents districts as a basis for opera tion. There will be local group lead ers appointed, whom Mr. Keboch_ will train to prepare to put over the Cen tenary in the Sunday school when the intensive campaign begins in April, 1 9 * 9 - , The Methodist Sunday schools will raise $10,000,000 toward the program for world evangelism now undertaken by the Methodist Church. They will give one-eighth of the total amount to be raised by the entire church. The purpose of the drive is to put a graded program of missionary education in to every one of the Sunday schools in this area, and then to apply the select tive draft principle in securing re cruits for the ministry, mission field and other life service occupations. The Central Pennsylvania, Balti more, Wilmington and Washington Conferences compose what is known as the Washington area. Mr. Ke boch is now touring the area with a team of experts under the direction of Dr. Morris E. Swartz, of this city, training pastors in the new drive to be put on, with headquarters at 72S Munsey Building, Baltimore. Md„ area headquarters for the centenary. Chocolate City Wants Basketball Games For Lads and Lassies Manager Russell Zentmeyer, of Hershey, asks the Telegraph to> announce that; "The Hershey Olivet basketball team, one of the fastest teams in this part of the state, would like to arrange games with all first class amateur teams at home or away. Address all communica tions to Russell Zentmeyer, care Hershey Men's Club, Hershey. "The Hershey Ex-High Girl tcom would also like to arrange games with High school teams and other first'class girl teams. Address all communications to Russell Zentmeyer, care Hershey Men's Club, Hershey. making the world free for all peo ples. The shotgun is the dompanlon of all those who relish outdoor free dom. Americans enter Into the s.ilrit of shooting as they enter into other sports. They will use the gun not for the purpose of killing, hut tor the pleasure attained In bitting the tar get aimed at. Breaking the thrown | target is their goul.ajust as knocking out a home run when one run is needed to win, is the goal of the ball player. Shooting is the national sport in Switzerland and has been since the time the mythical William Tell shot the apple from his son's head. Due to a splendid system of universal training, the Swiss a r niy 'S one of the finest bodies of marksmen in the world. The boy goes to school at the age of 7. One of the things lie is taught is shooting. How Swiss Do It The Swiss Government presents the youngster with a gun and instruc tion in the method of using it >s tur nishcd. When the lad Is called for service, at 18, he is well qualified to render the efficient service required. .Every male in Switzerland, between the ages of 18 and 52, is eligible for service. The Swiss mobilized their troops and placed them on the fron tiers just as soon as War was de clared, in 1914, and due to the accur acy of the Swiss with ail kinds of firearms no one has trifled with thorn. The Swiss think highly of their army, as the following conversation between the former Emperor cf Ger many a nd i Swiss general indicates. Shortly after the war began the Kai ser that was attended a shooting car nival at Berne. Willielm plied the Swiss general with questions, such as: "How many men could your coun try put on the field in a week?" raid the All Highest that was. , "About 500,000," answered the Swiss general. "What would you do if I came against you with 1,000,000 men?" said WUhelm. "In that case, your Majesty,'" suave ly replied the general, "we would shoot twice." We have that same feeling about Americans now. There was a feeling when the United States went Into the war that we were unprepared, that we could not shoot any better than the first British army that Lord Kitchener saw in action. Kitchener's cable to England to teach the men to shoot ilrst and drill afterwards is his tory. But this assertion bears out cne that has been repeatedly made—that more battles are won by good uhoot ing than any other way. We we.*; not unprepared. America hadn't given as much lime of late years to the high-power rifle as in the past for those who desired sport with the gun took to trapsbooting, and trapshooters and the trench shot gun made a lot of history where they were engaged. IXDIAX KEEPS HIS WORD Milwaukee, Wis. —When Will Da vis, an Indian, was convicted last August of selling liquor on the In dian reservation, he asked permis sion to return home to harvest his crops, and requested that his sen tence be deferred until that time. The request was granted. Davis, true to his word, returned after the harvest, and is now serving a sixty-day sentence In the House of Correction. 112 th INFANTRY Army of the I 16th Pa. I T T I Bth Pa. I I Infantry | | Infantry | Have you relatives or friends in the 112 th Infantry now in France? If you have, you will want a copy of the Pictorial History of this famous regi ment. It contains a short history and photographs of the officers and the enlisted men. Price, $2.50; by mail, $2.60. , % Inquire Business Office Harrisburg TeJegraph 13 They're Off in the Six-Day Cycle Race at Madison Square Ffteen teams of the best cyclists available made up the field of con testants in the international six-day bicycle race at the Madison .Square Garden, which started at midnight. This is New York's annual Indoor cycling cat nival, which was msti a quarter cf & century ago. Among the competitors this year are several who took part in previous grinds, at the Garden. There are some newcomers, notably Gus Lang, the American amateur champion, and Lloyd Byron, holder of the Aus tralian amateur title. These two have joined the professional ranks and will be partners in the big con test. The French point score system will govern the event again this year, and two hours each afternoon and three hours each night, including the final hours of the race, will be devoted to sprints for points. The following is the official list of entries: Australian team Spears and Grenda. United States Navy-Belgian team —Carman and Deßaetes. American-Australian team—Carry and Madden. 4mateur team—Lang and Byron. I Newark team—Kopsky and Co burn. Submarine Boat Corporation team —Grimm and Thomas. California team —Haniey and Law rence. New York team—Chapman and Wiley. Italian team— Madona and Bello. Unlone Sportiva Italiana team Verri and Drobach. American team —McNamara and Magin. American-French team Kramer and Dupuy. Jersey team—Weber and Earon. Long Island team—Bowker broth ers. Allied team —Gerwlg and Keller. GLEN HOCK BOY VOIDED I Marietta, Pa., Dec. 2.—Sergeant , Major Harold pice Moody, of Glon Hock, enlisted July 17, 1917, at York, in Company K, of the Eighth Pennsylvania Infantry. He rose rapidly from a private, and when he was in the service but a short time was transferred to the Head quarters Company. In April, 1918, he sailed for overseas, and was badly wounded in battle, after he went "over the top" three times. The extent of his injuries are not known. SOLDIER DIES OX BATTLESHIP Marietta, Pa., Dec. 2. —A military funeral was held yesterday after noon in the Wrightsville Presby terian Church, when Private Wilton Abel, was burled. Abel died of pneumonia October 18, on the battleship America, an.d his body reached Hoboken several days ago. The Spanish-American War Veterans and the Reserves of Columbia, acted as an escort. BROTHERS REPORTED MISSIXG Marietta, Pa., Dec. 2.—Mrs. F. H. Hartenstein, of New Freedom, re ceived a message, stating that her brother, Peter Wullis, Is missing in action. He is a son of the Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Wallis and enlisted in 1917. He is 22 years old. His father was pastor of the Evangelical Church several years.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers