6 Stringen Rule Protects the Telegraph Service And now the government has plac ed the same restrictions upon tele phone and telegraph service In di- messages, interfering with service, or Improper use of service without the consent of those in au thority, as has been placed 'upon malt service heretofore. The Act of Octotber 29 provides a fine not to exceed SI,OOO, and a pen alty not to exceed one years im prisonment, or both, upon violators. The Act is designed for the protec tion of users of the telephone add telegraph service which the govern ment provides. TAKE OPTIONS OX FARMS Sellnsgrove, Nov. 22. - State au thorities stated to-day that nnal de cision has been made for the imme diate purchase of optioned farms near here in connectoln witli the million dollar state hospital to be erected in the spring. Blankets are a most valuable item in relief work; up to the present time our Red Cross has sent 1,134.000 of them to the warring nations over seas Get Rid of That Persistent Cough If you are subject to weak lungs, heed the cough us a warning. ECK MAN'S ALTERATIVE mny aid you in stopping the cough. In addition, it is a valuable tonic and health-build er in such cases. No alcohol, nar cotic or habit-forming drugs. Twenty years' successful use. HOc nud $1,710 llotties nt nil druggists or from innniifiicturer, postpaid. ECKMAN LABORATORY. Philadelphia. M' i||| You Pay Less For Better ■■'jftSL. ■| —=ffi| Quality at Miller & Kades gjJ H ! SATURDAY SPECIALS Greatest Kitchen Cabinet Value Ever Offered to the i People of Harrishurg | Study the Illustration and Learn Many I Points of Superiority 1 A Beautiful Kitchen Cabinet It must be seen to be appreciated it is one of the best constructed and jjiost practical Kitchen Cabinets on the market built of solid oak throughout and possesses features that are usually seen in only the very finest and most expensive Kitchen Cabinets that sell at $50.00 to $60.00. The China Closet at Top Is beautifully white enameled and lias Venetian Art Glass Doors next to it is a 40-pound metal flour bin with sifter top and front of Venetian Art Glass to match the China Closet. The interior ot the work section is also white enameled and protected by hinged doors. The White Porcelain Table Top Is one of the finest features about this Kitchen Cabinet— it is full draw-out—2sy 3 inches by 40]/ 2 inches in size . gives you a perfect 'working surface—will always keep nice, ejean, bright and sanitary. Other Extra Features For example—the work section is fitted with jar, large tea and coffee jar, and four smaller glass spice . jars, all with metal caps—there are several handy wire racks removable kneading board, convenient cutlery; utensils and sanitary bread and. cake drawer, metal lined with sliding metal top—and the lower section is divided by a wire mesh shelf. TERMS: SI.OO A WEEK MILLER & KADES Furniture Dept. Store 7 N. Market Sq. M M Only Store in Harrisburg That Mil!! Guarantees to Sell on Credit at |l|| 7 ■■■ FRIDAY EVENING, Red Cross Delegates First Americans to CrossJ)nto Hun Soil Paris, Nov. 22.—A delegation of the American Red Cyoss has crossed the Rhine into Baden at Hunlngue (Huningen), placing the first Ameri cans on German soil. The place where the river was crossed is a short distance north of the' Swiss frontier. , The German soldiers accepted American Hags and olticers cleared the roads for the Rod Cross trucks and insisted that the Red Cross work ers drink with them. German soldiers' councils in Ba den are selling German arms and supplies. The population, which Is revolutionary, is in complete con trol. Ragged and famished Italians almost raised the roof of the Red Cross canteen with cheers when the Americans opened the place. The Red Cross delegation left Switzerland for Alsace. Friday, tak ing with it a truckload of supplies. Two hundred Italians were fed. A canteen was established at St. Louis. Ten thousand Germans passed the eaMeen, ail wearing the revolution ary red ribbon or rosettes. The of ticers and men carried red flags. MEbAI, FOR EVERY SOLDIER Washington, Nov. 22.—Bronze medals for all soldiers and sailors who have served In the war are au thorized by a resolution adopted by the Senate and sent to tfyc House. Senator Pittmun, of Nevada, author of the resolution, read a letter from President Wilson endorsing it. NATURAL RIGHTS TO BE BASIS FOR NEW BOUNDARIES Abolition of Balance of Power Is President's Aim at Peace Table Washington, Nov. 22.—1f the coun sel of President Wilson provails, the theory of balance of power, which has dominated the settlemnts of previous wars, will not obtain at the world peace conference. President Wilson will carry to Europe the hope and the expectation that every terri torial setlement will be based on na tural right, which derives its force from geographical as well as racial and historical principles. The dell nlte statement was made at the State Department that there will be voting of nations at the peace tabic, accord ing to the general acceptance of that word. There will be agreements as suming the form of treaties, and such "voting" as may occur will be' in the nature of signatures of na tions to the treaties. It is held in Washington that-there is good reason to believe that some of th powers are being inlluenced. pos sibly unduly, by the principle of the balance of power. President Wilson has stated his uncompromising opin ion to such a course of settlement. Clear-Cut Issue Presented President Wilson's presence at the peace table, it was yointed out to day, means that there will be a clear cut issue between.the Liberals and the old Conservative or Tory groups of all the great Powers. Leaders of the latter class will face the necessity of accepting the proposed new order or clinging to the,old; the league of nations and freedom of the seas must he guaranteed by them, or they will have the alternative of confessing their unbelief in the practicability of , the neVv order, and that measures to prevent future wars cannot'exis; out side of the imaginations of altruists. It is believed in Washington that President Wilson will devote the ma jor portion of his. address at the opening of the peace congress and also of his statements at the prelim inary conference at Versailles to a discussion of his ideas and program for a league of nations. Great Britain has unequivocally declared for u league of nations. Italy is enthusiastically in favor of it. The smaller nations even more earnestly desire it. Only France is thought to be opposed and her op position can be overcome, it is be lieved, by President Wilson's pres ence in France, his counsels and the support given by all the other Pow ers to the proposal. Some of the allied countries, it was learned, desire a more comprehen sive scheme for the league of na tions s than was thought to have been cdntem plated here. The idea has prevailed in Washington that Presi , dent Wilson's proposal would com prise a treaty,- to be universally sign ed, creating an international court, to which all the signatory nations would be obliged to submit their dis putes for settlement. Some of the Allied nations propose economic ar rangements such as will prevent any country from being forced by the necessity of circumstances from be coming tributary to another country. To accomplish this end they propose the abolition of the most-favored nation treatment, which is under stood to be favored by President Wil son also. It is believed here that the pres sure will be sp strong that President Wilson will have to consent to visit ing London and Rome. The ovations he will receive in both capitals, it was declared by an Entente diplomat to day, will be without precedent. The French government intends to invite the heads of all h Allied nations to visit Paris on the occasion of the signing of the peace. Yankee Flyers Escape From German Prisons in Final Hours of War „ By Associated Press Boston, Nov. 22. —Captain James Norman Hall, Lieutenant Charles R. Codnian, of Boston; Lieutenant Rob ert Browning, and Lieutenant Henry Lewis, all members of the United States aviation service in France, es caped from a Germain prison camp a few days before the armistice was signed, according to a message re ceived here from Washington. De tails were tacking. Lieutenant -Codman was a mem ber of the 96th aero squadron and fell 4,000 meters on September 16. He was captured and placed in Camp Rastatt, in the Duchy of Baden. Captain Hall is the son of Mrs. A. W. C. Hail, of Colfax, lowa. He is the author of "Kitchener's mob." Unarmed, Led Victorious Charge at Berzy-le-Sec Major-General Beaumont B. Buck, who, armed only with a riding crop, led his men of the Second Brigado of the First American Division when they charged and captured Berzy le-Sec on July 21, has just returned from France. He was a brigadier general at the time. He is now wearing the Distinguished Service Cross of the United States, the Le gion of Honor ribbon, and the Crpix.de Guerro with a pklm as a reward for his gallant service?, , , TIARRISBURG TELEGRAPH ; Sufis Start Fight to Gain a Senator "Washington. Firm in the con viction that Senator-elect Pollock (S. C.) will support the woman suf frage Constitutional Amendment both with voice and vote, the lead ers of the votes for women move ment see now only one conversion necessary in the Sonata to accom plish the adoption of the Susnn B. Anthony amendment. With this end in view they have begun back fire campaigns in the homo State of anti-suff rage Senators, particu larly where Legislatures will soon meet, hoping to force the one nec essary gain. If they do not succeed in getting the amendment through the present Congress it would have to be passed again in the House. In New Hampshire in particular a bitter light bus been started. The National American Woman Suffrage Association and the National Wo man's party are conducting earnest campaigns in that State hoping to force instructions for both Senators Keyed and Moses. It is, however, only 011 Mr. Moses that pressure can apply in the present Congress for unless stopped by tho proposed Dem ocratic contest Moses will be seated in a few days. Mr. Moses so far has not committed himself 011 suf frage. He ia suspected of being op posed by reason of his personal affiliations, in national politics and in the recent campaign lie was op posed by. the suffragists who favored the election of Jamison, Democrat, and worked for 'hint. The newly elected Republican successor to Senator Wilfley (Mo.), Mr. Spencen. will support suffrage, but this does not represent a gain. There were, however, thirty-four Relievo the Strain on Salespeople and Yourself. Buy Gifts Now. ~~ Here you see a copy of a letter sent to us from our New York office—this /l JkXs. should convince everyone of the tremendous values you can expect to find at I as WrbL "Livingston's." . /TfiVi I W "%, LIVINGSTON'S Stores Everywhere! 1 H m LIVINGSTON'SNew York City,ll-20-18. /julOf '1 Gentlemen: —We have this week fhirchased for you 500 Ladies' and Misses' \ < H mm Fall and Winter Coats. This is one of the best bargains that we have been able to \ II P 111111 ana Cities you an opportunity to undersell every merchant in Harrisburg: I' i j S fe fSISP Place these on special sale immediately. These coats cannot be duplicated. ■ \ ( i IIIkI Respectfully, LIVINGSTON'S. M U | IC 4. 500 Women's and Misses' Coats at Prices That Will Astonish You | I Don't Miss This Coat Sale I H MATERIALS . COLORS S? IZT $22.50 $1 £. .98 $25.98 SIQ. 98 r..r_ COATS IU = /|I COATS J. J— £ 'I H Plushes ( | ,W)l y == Os!h£>l_L = Reindeer i n $29.98 %n I Sfft $35.85 VJ M 1 ZZ COATS U1 —V I COATS Atf— £ | jm $40.00 Q.9BUjl $50.00 | I Z, ■ COATS COATS O. .ST = -1. | | 1 P- M I Every Women's and Misses' Fall and Winter Suit . Clearance of Our Stock of | Placed on Special Sale " Dmen ' s ai, d Misses' Fall and Winter Suits and Dresses i 1 I Every Desired Material and Color ( ? Serge, Jersey and Silks of all kinds j;ij\ jj $20.00 Suits $1 4.98 All Colors and Styles I I $22.50 Suits $15.98 ZMiI 810,98 Dresses v 86 " 98 Mm~ $25.00 Suits $16.98 nAi ifzz: sifii! 1 f *■!* si?-98 W fvl i j $35 -°° Suits $21.98 —W—- $25.00 Dresses ..: -. .$18.98 \1 § I $40.00 Suits $29.98 L - Z_ $30-00 Dresses $19.98 j Misses' and Girls' COATS 3J# MJ Just Received I I and DRESSES. 250 New Skirts 1 \ very * ow P rices Children s & Girls \ln Checks, Bars, Plaids and Plain 1 Girls' Dresses IKlii c^p\ s ° f f all kin selection of a I' lAl ° finMR 2SSB Skirts that you will find nowhere else, m V 39c Dresses 290 M yjl I JL 75c Dresses 490 g|fßsjs Skirts.. Skirts.. I IfiSflWk $6.50 Coats ....$4.49 W ||j|g| IMI $10.98 Qg $12.85 *7 AO 1 L%< \\% Coats ... .$5.98 jf 1 U ¥ 'i'LF lIOSS Coats ...$7.49 $3.00 Dresses ..$1.98 ~t/C Jl 5 -. 00 98 810 1 |l> UP $ 12.50 Coats ...$8.49 $4.00 Dresses ..$2.49 t . Sk.rts SklrtS ' 1 a (// $15.00 Coats .. .38.98 ¥Jr*ro' finite flvorPiilSltQ Iloys Suits and Overcoats BflAnl/in A tiffk. Sa f ) W $16.50 Coats. .310.98 boys , Overcoats. $385 Boys , Suits & o , coats Mackmaws f~Q Hi • -onnn ir lQ o aRCI MaCKIIiaWS at $7.85 Boys' Suits & O'coats $4.98 SIO.OO Mackinaws $6.98 ■ 2&t% $>20.00 CoatS . .?piO.Sf n nn . , nj . $10.98 Boys' Suits &' O'coats Senutors who opposed the Anthony amendment on the lust vote in the Senate and in every State where a Legislature meets the same process will be adopted us in New Hamp shire. An interesting situation is pre sented in Louisiana. Senntor-elcct Gay is alleged to be a suffrage sup porter, but at the recent election Louisiana voted "no" on suffruge by the astounding majority of 11,000 after a strenuous campaign by both suffruge organizations. He may take the mandate of his State as his guide in the Senate, and it is this which renders the situation adverse to "tho cause" and has prcclpitatefl the nationwide effort to force action in the Senate this winter. It is apparent that the now Senate will have a suffrage group large enough to Jam tho amendment through in quick time, but tho suf frage leaders greatly fear a falling off of the suffrage sentiment of the House. FIFTY TONS OF HOOKS WANTED! General Pershing has called for fifty tons of books a month to help win the war. Each soldier that goes up tho' gangplank of a transport in America- is given a book with tho re quest that he carry it ashore when he reaches a French port. Here they are forwarded to the trenches. The demand for books never ceases. They receive hard usage and are short lived.—Alice Hegan Rice, in the De cember Red Cross Magazine. PERSHING number of the New York Sunday AMERICAN, out next Sunday, will contain as a separate supplement General Pershing's por trait. beautifully reproduced by gra vure process, ready for framing. A valuable souvenir of quality and permanency. Recall German Who Was 'Fired' For His Humanity Geneva. Nov. 22.—Count Mont gelas, a general 11 the Bavarian army, who was dismissed at Ypres in 1915 | because he refused to use poisonous ! gas, has been recalled from Switaer | mnd to Munich to*enter the Bu.va irlan cabinet. i The count, who Is a Liberal and a | writer, had been.livng at Montheux j since his retirement. GENERAL HAY COMMANDED STATIC CO I, I. KG 10 COUPS State College, Pa., Nov. 22. A, former commandant of cadets at the Pennsylvania State College now heads I the Twenty-eighth Division of Amerl -1 can troops in France. He is Major General William 11. Hay, more fa miliarly known at Stnte College as "Captain* Hay, for he held that rank when he was here as professor of mil itary science and tactics. He was detailed at the college by tho War 1 Deparment for three years, beginning lin 190 C. General Hay, who lias been ] recently a member of General Per ! shlng'a staff, succeeds Major General I Mub as- commander of the Twenty- I eighth Division which is composed I of the former Pennsylvania National I Guard division. lII.GINS LECTURE Ml It IKS I In his tirut address in a series of ] lectures on social science at tho Cen.- I tral High School auditorium, Profes |sor John 1,. Stewart, of Lehigh Uni versity. lust night pointed out the' need of political and educational dis- Icussion in the country at this time, j and incidentally he scored the busi j nessmeij for their ignorance of econ omies. The address last night, was | the opening one of a series of twenty; . three arranged by Professor John H. i Blckley, supervisor of special nc-< tlvities in the Hnrrsburg School Dis | trict. The next lecture will be given I Thursday of next week. NOVEMBER 22, 19Y8, HOW WEAK, NERVOUS WOMEN QUICKLY GAIN VIGOROUS HEALTH AND STRONG NERVES 7 A DAY FOR 7 DAYS A Vigorous, Healthy Body, Sparkling Eyes and Health-Col ored Cheeks Come in Two Weeks, Says Discoverer of Bio feren. World's Grandest Health Build er Costs Nothing Unless It Gives to Women the Buoyant Health They Long For. It is safe to suy that right here in this big city are teus of thousands of weak, nervous, run-down, de pressed women who in two weeks' lime could make themselves so healthy, so attractive and so keen minued that they would compel the admiration of all their friends. The vital heqjth building elements that these despondent women lack are all plentifully supplied in Blo feren. If you aro ambitious, crave sue* ccss in life, want to bave a healthy, vigorous body, clear skin and. eyes that show no dullness, make up your mind to get a package of Bio feren right away. It costs but little and you can get an original package at any druggist anywhere. Take two tablets after each meal and one at bedtime —seven a day for seven days then one after meals till all are gone. Then if you don't feel twice as good, look twico as attractive and feel twice as strong as before you slurted your money is waiting for you. It belongs to you, for the discoverer of 810-feren doesn't want one penuy of It unless It fulfills all claims. Note to Physicians: There is no secret about the formula of Bio-fereh, it Is printed on every package. Here It is: Lecithin: Calcium Glycero phosphate: Iron Peptonate- Mang anese Peptonate; Ext. Nui Vomica; Powd. Bentlan; PhenolphUialeln; Oleuresln Capsicum; Kolo.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers