Dates Successfully Raised in Arizona Tucson, Ariz.—Dates are being successfully grown in Arizona at orchards In the Salt River Valley Store Will Be Open Saturday Evening Until 9 I Now For the Greatest of All Saturdays—Great Big Thanksgiving Opportunities Here^ J&xzspsMM-ttM fjr lUFMA MIP irs.t'SEs aTO gpa yna I AAbout en hundred very clever new trimmed hats for 9B lUI n _ Ni/"?. J) fta > Mala 1S? 10' ■i Thanksgiving iii a great variety of models. They are Hatters' fIUBL Al\|L | UIJI/i H >EB9U DiiSfimPnt tn Si'f I i i#wv U SffiH J tfl v 111 rfwtlj 111 Plush. stin r t ] h '>' 0n ' 3 Velvet and "Gold" hats. Remarkable ™ udßCl,, cni lO Oce \ H Children's Hats $1.49 and $1.95 Saturday I T SUbJ!f!J D 1 ( IMW iTv 18 1500 Fashionable Coats Ready at Kaufman's Overcoats 11 The most imposing aggregation of Coats we've had in many a day. There are r . rp| . . | Coats of every stylish description to be had in this collection. Saturday will be a remarkable Coat day. f QJ* I llßllKSfiflVlllfif H Women's andr*--!.- J Jih /' HHk ■/" Women's and a. nvFRY , . „ I i rfdf f - E stylish i 1 Welr sl 5 Q yW S m-' ' 0 ' WW<n - n J I a,,...,.i, ? pril 111 COATS fm I H m/h Itl • COATS I I „i2^44 a 1 Nw'eHy r *Clotlfs,° U Racoom p- \ 0 I ' S^SMfrOg* B $22 50 \\\ 1 M i Men's Wear Serge Dresses ExtrCK)r(HnCiry V(Xlll6S ifl P LJJ SH CJ CJ ATS Serge and Satin Wool Cf*A\C i\i\ Ivl \ I I h \ln This Sale SIQ en Extra Fine Salt's Salt's ,]\/r) IJI J \A \ h 1 YourCho ' ce * Plush Coats Plush Coats Plush Coats Plush Coats mease Dresses J * * 118 | fS^ B^S u i.K <I%IQ 50 <k?4 50 S?Q 50 sft (tJOQ CA ** 1 Lm embroidery, tunic effects, coat mod SIJ A. 1/ •V/ L/ \Lj £ wt JL • V/V/ KLS •\J 17 \1) . ///•\J 1/ all choice models In the height of _ H ■ S§g gS els. everyone of them of the very 1 , ' r r fashion. Some of these dresses IHA .O f ® IS & ■ 5 n| newest and smartest styles, all are Handsome Plush Coats with Lined throughout with Self collars or with con- Salts Genuine Sealette "were as high as $39.50. We are fISBI |;|J CH =,hj£ Sß K,l, f f,!oll'f. c i ,nar s S i a " d b 'K cuffs. mercerized Venetian, big self trasting plush collar or with Plush with self collars— putting the entire assortment in " JSS among them but not man> of each belted and plain, very dressy collars with or without Kit Coney collars—lined with belted models—cut very full tills sale at one price. Finest 'jj hill slJle - ? nd novelty models, all sizes belts all sizes —or with mercerized guaranteed lin- and full length—guaranteed workmanship. that man\r ctnrpc wntllid hp A I'll ior women and misses. An collars of contrasting plush ings—made full width and lininar an unusual value. Ulell lUclliy bIUICb WUUIU UC L" ' unusual value - 84 - 50 - full lenth - 29 - 50 ' MI.SU. happy to get so they could Hi W ' —— HVAIFMAVS-SECOXD FLOOR compete with these values. S hj ~ ~ Our Underselling Prices hj I Girls' Coats! Infants' Coats ! Wear Furs on Thanksgiving § LU W HEN 11 comes t0 S irls ' Coats an 4 Coats for little children, there i no place like Kauf- T _ _ ... jSiivv Drice and sret a Over- £sf WMlmw 2S VV man's for large assortments and big values. We've given constant study to the (MO* necessary to pay extremely high prices for Furs. i , . Mjf m IU needs of children for years, so that we're well qualified to meet the ready-to-wear require- X 1 We have the most extensive Stock we've ever shown ( ' vo . '■ lsw' "W is! 5 ments for them. /*!/ c ' an —smart, handsome Muffs and Scarfs—and, while the ( f rVl ° e ' ffil Children s Coats Children s Coats Infants Coats qualities are superior and the style distinctive, our prices I Harrichnr J [lj $5.95 $8.95 $4.95 , are the regular Kaufman's Underselling Prices. You cer- * g dm "inlycansave money on Furs here. ! ) mM Single Breasted Overcoats . |M S 3 ®i.4HO|S ounaj, sizes .too. | sundy; sizes 2 to 6. ton trimmed; white K ' 4-LJ/ \ in 171 • HIS PC Irt ■ t I ' U • l?P M Children's Coats Children's Coats f OTt , AttraChve Values 111 Muffs and hi mmßs> . SB - 95 , sio.o $7.9s° as rrY iasf. c ss,*3St^ t jf.t.*!S: a as.i ? Bi S collar overcoats ( jPiMnsiib 1 cloth trimming: brown. Egyptian plush: in c 'hte C h,i nchill afl / niu bT'nn < l'mit l *? 'ton- Blac k.Wolf Scarfs. $12.0 to $39.30 v / JJT! JT! TT, 1 tB 11 * - S n tffiHEl tt t, and black: I •' Tuuon fl !. I f Brotvn Coney MajlTs. 12JI0 • Taupe Wolf Scar*. *.00 to $3.0 '.. With 01' Without Cuff? " -1 Hi £ * )tiit il Ss fflßwMa r>L'lJ > r L n. I trimmed; round collar. /1 II /, Kit Coney MufTs, K.5 to 815.00 | Lucille Wolf Scarfs. $25 to $29.50 A , n ms tnildren s Coats ... , /, . Infants' Cnat* /jj I' j Luciiie and Taupe fox scarfs, • x-ucine woif Muffs, SIO.OO to $25.00 t Velvet or Self Collar it tSB 2 n™ In Rr®ll 19Qft Children s Coats T An V ais and Taupe Wolf Muffs. 815.00 to $29.50 Jr< i|i! v eiver or jeti foliar m § ry 6 510 95 W I ' Lucille and Taupe Fox Muffs. Black Wolf Muffs, 88.95 to 822.50 !, n , , n ... I w!k S* Egyptian plush $8.95 White double breast- D $39.50 and $19.50 Nutria Muffs .... 818.50 to $29.50 Black, bray, MlXturCS \ //'* s, beaver cloth collar; in cd CliinciiTlia Coats 77 ox Scarfs, SIO.OO to $35.00 ; Beaver Coney Muffs, $10.95 to S2O ll| j gtE&\ M —■ — p.! V. Y\ black. brown, blue. Cheviot, nicely lined, large, round collar 1 HI Red Fox Muffs, $10.95 to $32.50 Black, Taupe and Lucille Fox Sets VWT / D VI. 1* T A! !\ Burgundy and green: brown and Navy; sizes Pocket trimmed; white //l - Black Lustrolynx Scarfs. I muffs head and tall trimmed: W/ I DrOWn, IMiaKl, lan j, '-Jd = M sizes ito 9. ,to 9. sateen lined. /A] $8.95 to $25.00 large animal scarf $75.00 V ![ m 1 ' IvAll-'MAX'S—SECOND 1 I.OOH ______ KtliatVg —SEtUXII FI.OOH i| All Siztes —\our size! • | More Waists! More Waists! I Saturday Snecial i gS j SEEMS LIKE AN ENDLESS STREAM OF WAISTS f \ | ITinrTrri IJ NN~V I I iJpcCellll UiiLUTllUy L (\| THROUGH THIS LIVELY DEPARTMENT J r>if* D , n . \ ' ]J # In All Sizes From 32 to 42 Waist Measure 01 I i About 1500 New Waists For Saturday I Blankets, House Needs, Gifts, Rugs, Draperies, \ iiiiL I $1,951 $2 95 S3 49 |j] Georgette Waists | N ° , l!' Double Roaster IQO -Sr'-JTi 'asJas I J25 Uvl/igwilv. ff UIOU' J a , le f® thau tile Enamel or urnnltf rounter on nolo .Sotimiar at ■ \ j v I goo(3 assortment. well made. Special, handsomely made. US Ss. CI -I r prcscilt-tlay %%ilolCbaie price ill thU M|elal price. Ut It curly. U> hnvoodvl.aVll V IS hj Special U 1 jT Aj jT /ST n&QA fip 1 UlUliy Instances— n limited number to Hell at this price. •• " " ' A. . —__J Saturday at SWW \ I !lT7 r , Uu "' 'ta'an , ' 1 D n ™'ft„ n .„ A „l J M 1 • . ■ lu Georgette Waists, made of heavylT. (\ W 45-W £ ll „'''' * ■yl • 1 Cotton l-'lcccctl Blankets, soft afid warnithful; medium Ij|iyQ I f VPI 1.18/1 IK iV iTI/) hi S georgett'.; embroidered and braid trlm-lf Mi kl med of contrasting color; round, suuareu VI j /' H m duality; size 9xlj ft., dj 1 Q QCJ IQ I J[ Pair w I IS 1 white, "I e's h? b I Navy and black t | Tze ft!. „_ at ¥\J • m y/lltl Ira •/ V\ K g al "A * JtrnvJ Cotton Uccceil B-lankcts; gray, with borders of pink and M rp. ■ . . c • , o eorgette Waists not 'm i B eautui pwd /• A t- K ruu . doub . ,e bcd . Bizc: .. 72xß °.. ,n ? hc r $3.95 I Thanksgiving specials Eg Snpcint (f* Ar\ P"(' Ivl I /(T I a at r-'i ' T V-'| * RbftlbL+c fi Wool i'iiiish Cotton Blankets, silver giay; extra, good C Boys OveiCOHtS $5.95 II o . Is AV# •• NNN\ ®| I Z_A £-W<?l9 r, Ku sf : heavy: ' ilki.'h' T , quality; pink, blue and dark bordfers; stzi 66x80 CQ # 2H to 9 year Boys' Polo model jS| tl nf t/J 1 c7c/ m e tQQ QC ll (,i. e ,j c arg f - inches. Pair w 4.0J7 m Overcoats, button to the nock, the tfeJ SMI •<& I ■Si uOIUTUay ai j Wat ulOl/.yD blue tanand ra ue°6B* "'tiin' " m material of neat mixed cheviot. . m VJ Georgette Waists, made of V> % Worsted Brussels Bugs; seam- -—— 1-! ——!! L' V p. lie i Cloorenntc Jo ft ff i ' Ml 0 georgette, embroidered and button J less; size 9x12 ft., {On Crv Wool Finish wm mm a Fleeced Material"? For Nifht Dreqqeg # OOyb wvercuats d>o,yDTANKKCtTaf M\ wAi Mil ?! med; round, square and V neck; K lt OZO.OU WOOirinwn -y riCCCCU IVldlCUaib roi IVlglll V 310 )0 vear3 . They comein every and round collars: colors, white, M Colnninl Hmr tin.rv i.u .„ , Plaid Blankets .. J %J\J Outing Flan-I 3C-inch wide Flannelettes, While Sliaker % new shade, tun, brown und neat Tf ,tT|Wmjti t T ST'.l^A VI gray, beige, orchid. Navy and blackA '" ,u nd i leaV v .lualitv beautiful nel. all colors. H.avy Outing ln all colors- Flannel, extra # mixture. Trench models. f/i S sizes 38 to IS. % miss; size 9x12 ft.. (O QC nlaid effects In grav' blue' lights an d Flannel, extra "' , , good qualities; % _ \ M/etik % 'MgfcA ||l fl . Wf , . f " size 66x80 inches. biue, d * R „ g , . beautiful for at th j mall | Boys' OvCTCOatS $9.95 IF W'Ml W1 1 fel WAISTS I WAfST C U/4/QTC % ... . . r W,de - Yard - P acrnß Kimono.. A d.. price of. yd.. | B to 18 years new TrenS mode? Ik W/WM J, V 111 1 .1" 'XT N N N ) 1 Sheets K,S a,d 6.95 29c, 39c 42c 42c 17c, 33c 1 ucs, many patterns. \ 'II I at $2.93 at $1.93 at 93c !• SSSIFSIS _ Curtains and Curtain Material I ??/?.' SUTSSTSiftS!? iHplSl-' ■ St l Cotton Voiles, Lace nV "e Special. 3 1 Ecru Curtain White. Ecru Colored fancy Scrim Cur- f els. Belted back, double breasted IM Ih jra |||J Hi Crepe de Chine andand Jap Silk: embroid- Cotton Voile Waists, i SpO.OO, 'I.S3 Wool Plaid a-y mat Scrlnt. 16 Inch and Cream Scrim, for tains. In white m ln tho newest s lades. |H H <y H n git U Georgette; pleated and e red. pin tuck fronts; embroidery fronts; I 56.70. Heavy Muslin „ . / UC wide; good Scrim, for ~v er. _ n „. . and ecru. Pair, M D nv .' AA ar kintiro OOC H <"3 ml n< ftfl Sj embroidered fronts: round. V and square trimmed with val lace • ®e aer j Sheets. 81x90, Blankets § e U'O quality at this overdrapes and - P $1.58. S2.No, K COyS IViaCKinaWS o.irO Jgl Sjk JRla lllj Si round, square and V necks; high and sailor and insertion; sizes 38 57.15 and extra good val- r.f selected stock wool unrt ,ow P r ' ce - doorwaya Ad., doorways. Ad. SJ.Uu tu M ,to 17 years. A splendid heavy Hi AtM ,'^D neck: square collars: collars: white, flcsh'to 46. These are a i Sfi gA Special. tton mixturetoglve strenath , A oe" AO an or P Mackinaw ( at. at just about the (9* M M white, flesh and Nile. Nayjr and black ;|mest remarkable valua 'P B ; S " $1.85 ""oTlS'lm 19c 25c 48c $3.95 1 cost. IHI S| black. Istzea 38 to 46. (for Saturday. I J * # KAUFMAN'S, l lltSl FLOOR. i > |sj • KAI PMAX'4-riHOT FI.OIIH ll ft j Tomorrow 9 Saturday Evening 9 Until 9P. A thktday evening. and at Yuma. The Tenipe orchard of the Agricultural Experiment Star tlon of the University of Arizona con tains 508 trees and includes 125 va rieties. The fruit is artificially rip ened by a method devised by Dr. A. E. Vinson, agricultural chemist of the station. T\e crop is marketed in the eastern states. Dr. Vinson said he believed that if there were enough orchards so that dates could be put on the market ut two pounds for a quarter, they would become a staple article of food within the reach of every one. A date tree will bear for a century, he said, and HARRISBTJRG &$&&& TELEGRAPH grows especially well pn alkaline soil and brackish water may be used for irrigating it without Injury to the tree. The trees are propagated from offshoots of the parent tree and usu ally bear In the fifth or sixth year, according to Dr. Vinson. 1 Belgian Soldiers Eager to Chase Hun Back Home By .dssociated Press Ghent, Belgium, Nov. 22. Enter ing a little village near Ghent the correspondent passed an American regiment at rest. It belonged to an Ohio division that has had its share of knocks, having done its part in the fighting at St. Mlhiel and in the Argonne forest. The men were relieved five days ago, but were go- NOVEMBER 22, 191& 1 ing up again. "Things are coming our way," said a doughboy. "We are going in to end this thing t>o you think wc will be home by Christmas?" Among all the soldiers the Bel gian seems the most anxious to enter Germany. More than halt his coun try has been occupied and the lib erated portions arc strewn with th( wreckage of former happy home* "We have got the Boche going," said a Belgian officer to-day. "Let'i keep chasing him. A little trip Intc Germany will do us good." Use McNeil's Pain Exterminator—A< 5
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