16 HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH / NEWSPAPER FOR THE HOME Founded 18S1 Published evenings except Sunday by THE TEI,*3RAFH PRINTING CO. Telegraph Building, Federal Square E. J. STACKPOLO President and Editor-in-Chief P. R. OYSTER, Business Manager OUS M. STEINMETZ, Managing XOitor A. R. MICHENER, Circulation Manager, Executive Board J. P. McCULLOUQH. BOYD M. OGELSBT. P. It. OYSTER, GUS. M. STEINMETZ. Member of the Associated Press—The Aeeociated Press Is exclusively en titled to the use for republication of all r.ewo dispatches credited to it or net otherwise credited in this paper and also the local nehvs published hei oln. All rights of republication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. I Member American Newspaper Pub- Assochi- Bureau of Olrcu- Eastorn office, Btory, Brooks & Avenue Building. Ga o' ' Bul!<fing, Entered at the Post Office in Harris burg, Pa., as second class matter. —By carrier, ten cents a week; by mail, $3.00 a year In advance. So then, as we have opportunity, let us work that which is good to ward all men, and especially towards them that are of the household of the faith. —Gal. 6:10. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1918 NEARING THEIR END THE Bolshevikl of Russia are nearing the end of their string. They have played fast and loose with the country which they have pretended to govern, and the conse quence is that the nation is in ruins. They have pretended to be the friends of the poor, but they have brought the poor to starvation. They have murdered the wealthy and have plundered ever man and wom an who showed evidences of having money or property. The working man of the United States, with his piano, his talking machine, his bathroom, his conveniences and his comforts, would be line picking for the Russian Bolsheviki, who mark for destruction everybody bearing the earmarks of being above beg gary. Russia, with allied help, will come presently into her own. The half-way course between autocracy and anarchy is the only safe path, as Russia must find. The Romanoffs were <?ne extreme, the Bolsheviki are another; half way between the two lies democracy. There are indications on every side that the varis boards and commis sions at Washington are seeing the handwriting on the wall. Instead of arbitrary, and in many cases impos sible -restrictions upon business ac tivities, they are now preparing to step down and out. The sooner busi ness is permitted to pass into the con trol of men qualified for these im portant activities the better it will be for the country. NEARING SUNSET HOUR WITH the handwriting on the wall quite distinct and easily interpreted certain Demo cratic officials at Washington are endeavoring to extend their little day of power through a prolonga tion of their various activities. These organizations—commissions, boards and whatnots—propose a con tinuation of their activities during the reconstruction period. With the signing of peace these agencies automatically would go out of exist ence, and conferences are now be ing held to determine what legis lation is necesary to make the new plan effective and what activities should be pooled. Through this neat little arrange ment the "worthy Democrats" who have been assuming autocratic powers during the period of the war would continue to circulate on their swivel chairs and incidentally browbeat and otherwise hector all who come under their sway and who do not happen to sneeze when they, take snuff. Of course, it will be contended by these chairmen and their subordinates that the very future of the United States depends upon, their remaining in their soft berths, but a new order is coming In the affairs of the nation and the arbitrary bureaucrats will discover within a few weeks that the Amer ican spirit will not brook hutocracy either in war or peace. Any attempt to continue their jobs through the camouflage of new co-ordination of the War Industries Board, the War Trade Board, and the Fuel Administration and the Food Administration will be promptly met with determined resistance in the Senate and House. These self-constituted supermen may imagine that the country will be deceived by their pretense of supreme usefulness, but their dream of perennial power Is about over and they are due for an awakening that will be as abrupt as the ending of the war. Many little men fohnd their way into high places during period OF WCLT nraoarattous and FRIDAY EVENING, hostilities, but their da£ is near the sunset hour and no turning forward of the clock of their official exist ence will suffice to accomplish their partisan purposes or gratify their personal ambitions. We are close upon the hour of constructive readjustment and that job demands high capacity and largo experience So far as those in office are competent and have demonstrated qualities of leadership they should not be disturbed. On the other hand, those who are simply holding positions through the grace of a Democratic administration and whose promi nence has been due to their partisan activities must be given their hats and shown the door. They are not necessary, a 1 has been suggested through their publicity representa tives, as guides for the country over the period of transition from war to peace without dislocation of Indus try and commerce. Indeed, these little men who are so anxious to re tain their grip on official positions are more likely, through their lack of experience, to dislocate industry and commerce, instead of conserv ing and upbuilding the great busi ness and labor interests of the country. General Pershing and Field Marshal Haig have exchanged friendly mes sages of congratulation over the end ing of the war and these two great soldiers expressed in eloquent terms the high esteem in which each holds the other and also the appreciation of the splendid armies which they have led to a great victory. HIGH WAGES THE Republican party's publi city bureau was prompt to re spond to Mr. Gompers" state ment that the workingmen .of America do not mean to relinquish the wages they are earning nor the advantages they have won during the war without a hard fight. Re* publicans agree with Mr. Gompers that the American workingman Is entitled to every penny in wages that conditions in the business world will permit. The "full dinner" pail and high pay have been slogans of the Re publican party for so long that the mind of living man runs not to the contrary. It has been the constant effort of the Republican party to keep America for American-made goods—to keep out as far as pos sible the cheap foreign-made goods of Europe, and so prevent our workmen from having to come Into competition with the poorly-paid men of the continent and Great Britain. The American workman would not work for the pay Europeans accept, and he ought not. His living condi tions are much better than those abroad and his standards are higher and should continue to be so. But if we are to keep business good— and good business will mean good wages—there must be some change in the* policy at Washington which, if continued, will permit Europe to sell cheaply-made goods in Amer ica on the same basis with those turned out by well-paid Americans, with results that are not difficult to foresee. Strange things are happening in Germany. Field Marshal Von Hinden burg is now proclaimed by the new Government as belonging "to the Ger man people and to the German army," and who has "conducted his army to brilliant victories." In the same state ment it is declared that "he has not deserted his people at a painful time," which is manifestly a covert jab at the former Kaiser. "CARRY ON" ON" is the nuftto the I . Harrisburg Chapter of the Red Cross and Us several auxiliaries have adopted, and very appropriately, too, for the work of the Red Cross did not end with the signing of the armistice terms. The local chapter and the organizations associated with it have done splen didly under the stimulus of the war emergency. They have met every quota. They have given both of their time and their means. They have labored early and late, and now, with the war practically at an end, they must continue their task for many months; perhaps for a year. They need the encouragement and the support of the community now even more than they did in the midst of the war. Let us ail do our part by the women of the Red Cross as a testimony of our appreciation for what they have done and are doing. Now that the war is practically over, those individuals in this com munity and elsewhere who took no part in the war activities or in the welfare work for the men in the ser vice need not expect much considera tion from the boys when they come back. The hundreds, of men and wo men who have joined In this great work are familiar with the slackers and know who they are. They will not escape the exposure which their indifference and selfishness justifies. ONLY A BUGABOO TliE silliest fear that hus arisen to startle Europe in a decade is that the ex-Kaiser will be able to get back into power. Wil helm is as dead as a kippered her ring. He is as defunct as though he were dead and buried six months. He is in a class with Jack Johnson the day after Willard knocked him through the ropes. Napoleon came back, it is true, but Wilhelm has nothing of the ro manticism, the picturesqueness nor the magnetism of the great Corsi can, and stripped of armies and au thority the former emperor Is help less and hopeless. When he crossed the Dutch border' he passed along the road toward that gate across thb portals of which is written "Aban i don hope all ye who enter here." I Scorned abroad, hated at home and hw Ma liautanaaA*. KM u. mm, more to be. feared than any other murderous sneakthlef trying to hide from the consequences of his crimes. If anybody doubts the part Great Britain played In the war Vet him look to the casualty 1i5t—658,665 dead and 2,032,122 injured. fMtUs U 'PiKKtifieatua. By the Ex-Commit iceman The official count of the votes cast at the election of November 5 was begun in the county seats of Penn sylvania to-day, the time tlxed for llling of returns by the commis sioners to take the votes of Penn sylvanians in military and naval ser vice at camps und naval stations hav ing expired. Only one commisioner, J. Kirk Renner, of Connellsville, is to come in with returns from a Pa cific coast camp. The return judges in congressional districts are to meet on November 28, but us that day is Thanksgiving, it'is possible that some of them may not meet until the following day. Governor-elect William C. Sproul will close his vacation to-morrow or Monday and be back in Philadelphia. He will devbte December to selecting his appointees and outlining legis lation to get more business methods into the state government. —The Philadelphia Democratic organization is getting ready to test the validity of the assistance clause. About the time the courts decide that much-mooted question, the Leg islature will pass an entirely new law. -—Ex-Senator Ernest L. Tustin, of Philadelphia, is the latest man to be boomed for the mayorajty nomina tion. It is believed he will have the support of the independents. The Vares are believed to be groom ing W. Freeland Kendrick. —One of the reasons assigned for the failure of the election board in a precinct of Forward township, Al legheny county, to hold an election was that a member of the board had to attend a funeral. —The Pittsburgh Gazette-Times remarks editoriully that influenza is still in progress in that city and thai the work of the State Department of Health is far from finished. —lt is probable thata bill to sim plify some of the details of the third class city assessment law will appear in the next Legislature as Ihe result of the whole valuation of Pottsville's realty being declured invalid, it is claimed that because a clerk did the work and not . some one authorized by ordinance that the whole job was defective. —Most of the Eastern Pennsylva nia Congressmen have joined in the request that the Pennsylvania troops be brought home byway of Phila delphia. —Congressman-elect John Reber, of Pottsville, was given a notable testimonial dinner in his home city last evening by the Central Repub lican Club, of which he has been president for years. The speakers in cluded Senator-elect R. D. Heaton, County Chairman W. S. Leib and Auditor General Charles A. Snyder. —The project for a constitutional convention, which has been more or less in the public eye for' the last dozen years and which was probably given new impetus by the remarks of Governor-elect Sproul soon after his election, is getting more serious consideration now than at any time in the last twenty years. The con tinual presentation of constitutional amendments which have been cost ing the state thousands of dollars to carry out the required advertise ments and the general annoyance to the voters who have to ash what they mean have brought about pub lic sentiment in favor of making the organic law of the state fixed and understandable' so that there will be a cessation of the continual demand for changes. —Many of the smaller newspapers, which were violently opposed to making changes a few years ago, have come around to the opinion that since the various measures which had much to do with the demand for constitutional changes have been determined by time and the war is ended now is the time to bring the document down to date. —People active in politics through out the state are commencing to send letters here inquiring about the situation as to hotels. There was a general expression of relief among men who are interested in state politics nnd state governmental activities when announcement was made of the building of the new hotel and it was followed by num erous thanks to the people of Har risburg who had taken up the long felt need. The chances are that the Penn-Harris will be a center of state political activity this coming winter in a way that will recall the old Lochiel and the later glory of the Commonwealth to say nothing of the Bolton in the good old Dem ocratic days. —John C. Winston, chairman of the Philadelphia Committee of Sev enty, says in the Philadelphia Bulle tin regarding the Penrose declara tion for a new charter for •Philadel phia: "For some time past the sub ject of municipal legislation has been under consideration by members of the Committee of Seventy and kin dred organizations. A meeting was held last week to arrange for the formation of a program to submit to the Legislature, and this will probably be followed by a general meeting of all the committees that were interested in the municipal bills submitted to the Legislature two years ago." —Senator Vare said: "Governor elect Sproul has suggested calling a convention to revise and bring up to date the State Constitution, in which I am and have been in hearty ac cord. An attempt by the Legisla ture to enuct speciul legislation looking to radical changes in the present form of city government would only lead to duplication and confusion of effort. If the city is to have a new charter it ought to conform to the new State Constitu tion." —Judge R. !>• Crawford, acting United States Attorney toy the West ern district of Pennsylvania at Pitts burgh, will be recommended to the President by the Attorney General for appointment as successof to K. Lowry Humes, resigned, now a ma jor in the Judge Advocate General's Department of the Army. While the name of Judge Crawford had been mentioned as one who would prob ably be considered for the position when he was named to act tempo rarily it was understood he would not be a candidate for appointment to the full vacancy. However, some of his friends sent Indorsements in his behalf and the Attorney Gene/al is understood to have considered his nu ii M <MUVIUk. TIAFLRISBURG t&£C£ TELEGRAPH AIN'T IT A GRAND AND GLORIOUS FEELW? ... ... By BRIGGS VH6N YOUR COOK ATV -*NO YOUIA U/MTRGSA *" AN,D VCM a ° Fo " • LAST DEC IDES To c,o To AMMOUIOCF R JW6BK4 UJ.THOUX SUCCESS \, lnDl / .. . - AAJMOU*JCC3 •SHd HAS A (AJ o9TAfN(NG H6I.P AMD UJORH INJ A MUNJiTIOWS J ' C fj |NJ <3AS, MASK "THE HOUSL GSTJ -ALC PLAWT Factory" "loPSV- TURUV-> a - IF •owe'DAY Just-AFTER - AND A FEVAJ DAVS • LATER H- GIRLS 2" TH£ £WD OP 1 THE VJUAR YOUR- THE. OTHGFT FKAID RETUWS AIM'T IT A OUO ■ COOK RETURMS ANIO AND ASKS FOR HERS _ _ , ( *-s, . , T-v ASKS/ FOR' rte._o_D JOB "back-'too GH-'R-'R-,r\ANU i _ AMD 10 ''' ALONE Somewhere alone to-day he sits apart In shadows brooding, cloaked and isolate — The king whose soul was darkened, and whose heart Had only room for savagery and hate! Somewhere, unpitied by a world that roars Onward and upward to its destin ed goal— And in his ears the echoing of lost wars And deathless desolation in his soul! Somewhere the object of all free men's scorn. The butt of slaves, the outcast of a dream, He walks in night; there is no light of morn For him, no hope to enter with.its gleam! He has gone down because around his throat Fingers of little children clutch and cling, And ravished women's flngets; faces float Before him, and spears of con science sting! His power has vanished like the dust that blows Upon the tomb of Caesar, and upon The island of the sea that once seemed rose Of warlike ardor to Napoleon! Somewhere, disgraced, bowed down, a living curse, He wanders lonely as a leper might— This king that matched the devil and grew worse, And now lies cringing at the feet of Right! —Baltimore Sun. Justice, Punishment, Repentance [Boche Review] Fortunately for the world, the terms of the armistice were dictated by military commanders. No paci fist propaganda enters into them. In effect, they have a completely dis armed Germany as though she had unconditionally surrendered. Ultimate peace must be dictated in the same spirit and in the same sound manner —that is. in the spirit of justice 'and insistent purpose to effect decisive results. These results are, first, that the freedom of the world outside of Ger many must be made secure forever from German ambition for power. And, second, that the military leaders and the German people (who are in every way guilty with' their readers) shall receive stern and just punishment for the awful agony which they have inflicted upon the world. only so can they be taught that selfish, uggrossive war, undertaken for plunder, does not pay, and that the penalty is ruin. There Is nothing of repentance in Germany's attitude thus far, whether of the German people or of the Ger man government, nothing to show that they have the least comprehen sion of their gross wrongdoing, noth ing that would lead to any other treatment of them than as con demned criminals. LABOR AFTER THE WAR [New York Times] Mr. Goinpers' hopes for the wel fare and happiness of wage-earners after the war will be shared by all men of good will and enlightened minds. Mr. Gompers has a right to speak for American labor. By his loyal devotion to the great cause of freedom, to the war policies of the government, he has earned the right to speak to the American people. We hope his brief address to the Pan American Labor Conference at Lar edo will have serious attention not only in the ranks of labor, but throughout the country. This pas sage in particular is worthy of note: "Our movement is not to destroy but to construct, and all may Just as 11 understand now as at any other time that the advantages which the workers of America and the Allied countries have gained and which we hope even to extend to the peoples of the conquered countries are not going to be taken away from us, and we will resist the attempt to the uttermost." He would be a bad American who should seek to deprive the workers of advantaged they have gained. Mr. Gompers was moved to those re marks by the recent declaration of William H. Barr of Buffalo, Presi dent of the National Founders' As oclation, that the eight-hour day would have to b© abolished und that •vages must come down from their Books and Magazines "The Laughing Girl," by Robert W. Chambers. Her picture is the sensation of Europe; one finds It everywhere—everywhere except In Italy where its importation has been forbidden. But who is she, this mys terious, beautiful Laughing Girl? Michael O'Ryan, Chilean by birth, Irish by ancestry. New Yorker by education, goes to Switzerland to claim an inn he has inherited. He Is struck by the marked resemblance of one of the servants to the Laugh ing Girl. If it is she, what is she do ing there? And who are the others of the good looking and uncommon ly intelligent group of domestics? Mr. Chambers gives full measure of entertainment In "The Laughing Girl." This is an Appleton book. "Shavings," by Joseph C. Lincoln, author of "Extricating Obadlah," "Mary-'Gusta," etc. In his front yard there are wind-mills, toy ones large and small, and whizzing weather vanes, all painted gay col ors to catch the eye of the summer visitor. Behind these i£ the "shop" and behind this, the bracing, blue Cape Cod sea. Inside the shqp Is "Shavings," the windmill maker, quaint, quiet, thoroughly unbus.ness like, but genuinely lovable. A good plot, two pretty romances, and a bushel of hearty laughs—a splendid Lincoln novel equal to his best. (Il lustrated $1.50 net, D. Appleton and Company, New York.) "Jimmie the Sixth," by Frances R. Sterrett, author of "Up the Road With Sallle," etc. A clever and de llciously amusing romance of a tem peramental but patriotic young man. Young Jimmie Capen, the sixth of his name, believes thut every man has in himself the ability to succeed at something—in some way. Jimmie's way tore the traditions of Capenville, of Aunt THAT RAILROAD CAR [From tne New York Tribune] That railroad car, somewhere in France, wherein the a marshal of France read the fate of a nation to a Gerntun delegation seeking peace is likely to pass into history along with the Appomatox apple tree. It is an unforgettable picture in its simplicity and directness. When General Foch entered the Versailles conference he was de scribed as entering alone, without staff or attendants. The picture in the railroad car is of a peace with this democratic straightforwardness. The terms of the armistice are the essential part of the negotia tions. But simple physicul facts take a more powerful hold upon a people's imagination. And for the people of Germany as for the people of the world, now and in the years to come, the unforgettable fact will be that the German delegates, through the petition of their govern ment, went to France to beg peace. They who had been so arrogant crossed the line blindfolded —a rou tine military precaution, yet not without its part in the historic pic ture. * Since Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor, went to Canassa and wait ed in a courtyard for a papal abso lution there has been no more utter and humlliatlpg act of submission by a great power. That scene in a railroad car, with its import and consequences, is the most wholesome event in the his tory of the German nation. May it significance sink in and remain to warn and humble. LABOR NOTES Steps to mobilize negro workers for agricultural and war munitions work are being taken by Br. George B. Haynes, director of negro economies for the Bepartment of Labor. A Mexican agricultural company controlling 1,000,000 acres of land long the Rio Grande, near the Mata moros, is planning to Irrigate as much of the tract as will be occupied by small farmers. A flat minimum wage of $13.20 a week for woman employes under jurisdiction of the Washington State Industrial Welfare Commission has been agreed to by a conference of employers and employed. The Ordnance Bepartment of the War Department has developed an educational system for children of war munitions workers Who are em ployed In localities that were bare fields a few months ago. Approximately 18,000 persons In the United States are blind to-day as the result of accidental Injury in In dustrial occupations. Ginnie and of Mary Louise to rib bons, but It took him from the Vir ginia town to Paris, where he found friends among the sturdy middle class as well as among the aris tocracy to whom old Cousin Caro line introduced him. (Illustrated, $1.60 net. D. Appleton and Com pany, New York.) Architecture, the magazine pub lished by Charles Scribner's Sons has been devoting considerable space in recent numbers to buildings be ing erected by the government. In the November number ttjere are illustrations showing housing for War workers in Washington built by the United States Housing Cor poration; shipworkers' homes at Groton, Conn., for the United States Shipping Board; the U. S. A. Gen eral Hospital, Denver, Col., and Seton Park Buildings, United States Government Ofljce, Washington, D. C., Waddy 8., Wood, architect. That the American soldier has been adopted without question by the French people has been told in many dispatches. Emanuel Bourcler, in a little article, "Les Boys Make Friends in France," shows how this is being done, espe cially through the influence of chil dren, who have met with invariable kindness and generous treatment from our soldiers. "The Story of General Pershing," has just been written by Everett T. Tonilinson and is promised for early publication by D. Appleton and Com pany. Dr. Tomlinson has spent many months verifying facts which he had accumulated, and in gath ering new material from the rela tives, friends and associates of the General. The story it is said, will be a popular and absolutely authen tic accoynt of_ the life and personal history of our'record-breaklng lead er, to be enjoyed by both young and old. STAR SPANGLED BANNER The music to which the words of "The Star Spangled Banner," written by Francis Scott Key, on a vessel in the Chesapeake Bay, during the War of 1812, was played on a flute by a Harrisburg soldier, George J. Heis ley, and the notes were arranged by Ferdinand Durang, an actor, both serving in a Harrisburg company on the way to Baltimore for service. George J. Heisley, who was the father of Mrs. Carolina M. (Heisley) Ott, wife of Colonel Leander N. Ott, and grandfather of Colonel Fred erick M. Ott, was born in Frederick, Md., November 29, 1789, and died in Harrisburg, Pa., June 27, 1880. He was a mathematical Instrument maker and wus in business at Second and Walnut streets, the family hav ing moved here in 1811. He had been a member of the Maryland militia, and after coming to Harrisburg Join ed Cuptain Walker's Company, First Regiment, First Brigade, Pennsylva nia Militia, and served in that com mand in the defense of Baltimore. While on the march from Harris burg to Baltimore the words of Key's "Star Spangled Banner," were set to music by Ferdinand Durang, who was an actor by profession. George Heisley aided in this, having his flute and tunebook with him, play ing the air, "Anacreon in Heaven," it having been found to be udapted to the meter. Durang and his broth er, Charlies, afterward rendered the air at the Holliday Street Theater in Baltimore for the first time. Our Part in Peace (From the New York Tribune) There can be no regret or self blame for the fashion in which Americans have fought in the war once the nation accepted its respon sibilities. There can be regret that these responsibilities were so long unrealized. There must also be in every fair-minded American a hesi tation to offer cock-sure opinions to the Allies touching the solution of the war's problems. Are we enti tled to rush In with advice and urg ent demands In a dispute which for two years and a half, while Britons and Frenchmen were dying by the hundred thousand, our governmental head assured us was no concern of ours? Did our leuders show such vision and wisdom in analyzing the causes of the wur and determining Its issue as to warrunt our speaking with confidence in tho settlement of Its problems? Is It ours to set ourselves up as seers and prophets? Or should we rather be helpful aids to those who I bore the burden 7. NOVEMBER 22, 1918. THE BUBBLE The little boy thrilled as he pic tured that road Which led to Reward, in his dream; And longed for the time when he'd certainly scale Those peaks where the Star-clusters gleam. But now, as he staggers and sweats in his rut, Arriving at thirty—why, then — He rests at that crest which he fan cied was best, And wants to go back and be ten. The little boy dreamed in that far long ago Of glory, and power and such; And knew that when thirty the Doorway of Deeds Would open at once to his touch. And now, when he's lived every thing that he hoped, And leads a procession of men. He'd swap his success for the swim min' hole —yes, And all the pleasures of ten. He'd swap all the little, or much he has got. Once more to be one of a gang Which often played hookey, or sim ply forgot The bell when the schoolmaster rang. Again to be barefoot, and scrappy, or late , For supper, with never enough on his plate. The boy In his manhood is tired of men And. wants to be one of the roosters of ten. —Leslie Alan Taylor, in New York Tribune. President and Conference We believe the unwritten law of the republic which forbids the President to go outside of its ter ritory while holding office essen tially wise and desirable. With present day methods of communica tion he can remain in absolutely close touch with a peace confer ence without bulng in actual pres ence. We, moreover, feel that it is time fo- a certain national mod esty. We oughf not to attempt to dominate such a gathering, gratify ing to our pride us it might be to do just that. We have had 100,000 casualties. Great Britain has had 4,000,000 and France 5,000,000. in proportion to participating popu lations, Great Britain has had fifty boys killed where we have lost one, and France has suffered at a higher ratio. Because our service# were of very great value in turning the scale we ought not to arrogate to ourselves a dominance of the situation. Meas ured in results our efforts turned de feat into victory, -but, on the other hand, the heavier British and French casualties represent a sav ing for upon a corresponding sacri fice had circumstances compelled us to make the battle alone —as we should have eventually had to do with a victorious Germany. With our President at the peace conference the world would na turally believe we expected to as sume a leadership in the recon struction of the map and that, we think, we have no right to ask for ourselves or for the chosen head of our republic.—Boston Exchange. NEGROES "TRES POLIT' following letter from a negro lieutenant of the famous negro regi ment'of selectives, known as the "Buffaloes," appears in Association Men: The deportment of our regiment in France has been excellent and we have had few, very few offend ers. Our morale is still at the peak and we have every confidence that we will hold our own ugainst the Boche when we meet him. We have received a most wonderful reception everywhere we have gone, and I am most proud to relate that very, very few of the men have violated our confidence in their attitude to ward the inhabitants. The Buffaloes have been "tres polit" and have made friends. I love the French. We have entered Lnto their most in timate affections and we won't vio late Jhelr trust. We've got the Boche on the run and we arc going to lick him good and plenty before we give him time to catch his breath. Everywhere the offensive spirit 1b alive, pulsat ing waiting for the hour to strike and strike hard, that the spirit of the real and true democracy will not perish. It. would be a crime against God hixßMlf, against future genera tions, against all that ' life holds good and pure and sweet to permit the Germanic doctrinaire to sup plant the peaceful policy of this na tion; I would be happy to have mil lions of colored soldiers over here. Earning (Eljaf "Sixty cents and maybe seventy or seventy-five cents per pound for tur key'" repeated a dazed Harris burg man who had been pricing tur keys at provision stores. This man had been buying turkey every No vember for thirty years and he said with feeling that the worst would never come. For it had arrived. "The price of turkeys is high be cause we pay it," was the way ho put it. "I'm going to hitch up my automobile and go out to Perry or Lebanon county or the upper end of Dauphin and buy my own. The average man does not know how he can cut down charges and run up gasoline bills by going into the country for his provisions. It will enable the farmer to come into Har risburg to sfee the "movies" without bothering to go to market to raise the wind and perhaps when the farmer is in town he will be able to purchase a few auto robes." The complaint of the city man caused an older resident to murmur about; the way people had been letting op portunities go by. "This city is fur nishing an amount of garbage that is very attractive to men raising hogs. What's the reason the old time custom of raising chickens and carrying a turkey along until Christ mas time is passed up? A quarter of a century ago everyone in Har risburg who could kept chickens, but the raising of fowls was discour aged by some foxy people and it became unfashionable to rear them and complaints about the early morning rooster were heard. Now we are paying the bill and paying some one to take away the garbage. I believe Harrisburg is going to go back to the old days when it raised its own fowls and had turkey on the three big holidays." It is a matter of record that people connected with the State Department of Agriculture have been urging residents of this sec tion to raise fowls. They have been telling the farmers to raise more chickens and the town folks to do the same. The farmers declare that they can not afford it because the grain required to feed the fowls In winter is too high and they have sold their chickens to an extent never before known In Dauphin county. At the same time the peo ple who have the means of keeping ten or a dozen chickens have let the chance go by. And thtey will pay the bill. Edwin Charles, secretary of the Old Boatmen's Association, is very enthusiastic over the plan to make the Susquehanna riVer navigable. "Certainly it can be done," he said. "I've traveled over every inch of the river. It is very practicable. I have a petition with 5,000 signers and I can get 20,000 right in my own dis trict." Charles is an old boatman who rode the canalboats for many years. Formerly living alongside the river, he is brimful of taiss about old canal days. He is now a resident of Middleburgh, Snyder county, and holds the combination ofilce of register and recorder. He is a prominent member of the , Pennsylvania Alpine Club. • • Three youngsters of a nearby suburb raised $5 for the War Work drive by a novel method. Having many doting relatives who give them more toys than they really ought to have, and having accumulated a lot in their playroom which they sel dom used, they resolved to rig up a store in an alcove under the hall stairs of their home, using a book case and a box as a basis of opera tions. Here they set their spare toys out in an attractive array and added to them an assortment of candy, cakes and other things dear to the childish heart which they bought as low as the grocer would sell and priced as high as they thought the traffic and the worthy object in view would bear. Then they invited In every boy and girl in the neighborhood who had a cent to spure and the sale was begun. The proceeds mounted slowly at first but after a while the trade became established and $9.99 was in the treasury when the store closed its doors. Somebody threw in a cent. Five dollars went to the War AVorit and five to the Red Cross, and the nursery was cleared of a lot of junk that had been the worry of the housekeeper for months. * • • One of the certain signs that the war is about ended as far as Har risburg is concerned is the fact that the movement of army truck trains through this city has ceased and the children living in towns along the Carlisle pike and the William Penn highway to Reading no longer have the long strings of hqavy cars to cheer as they go by. No one seems to have kept any count of the number of trucks that passed through Harrisburg, but there were hundreds of them, as high as sev enty-five a day not being unusual. The fields near Twenty-first and Greenwood were a favorite place for the trains to camp. WELL KNOWN PEOPLE | —State Treasurer H. M. Kephart used to be a member of the House of Representatives and likes to tell of his experiences as a "green" legis lator. —Robert S. Conklin, State For est: t Commissioner, became con nected with the state government as a clerk in legislative hallß. —W. Harry Baker, secretary of the State Senate, entered that body as a page b6y twenty-five years ago, und knows more men active in po litical affairs in Pennsylvania by their first name than any one else. —Justice E. J. Fox has been again chosen head of the Easton chant** of the Red Cross. —Dr. Joseph Kalbfus, secretary of the State Game Commission, has been in every state in the union and most of the provinces of Canada. DO YOU KNOW [ —That many of the Harrisburg soldiers in France qualified u marksmen? HWOMG HARRISBURG g—What Is now the upper end of Harrisburg was good quail shooting land fifty years ago. t ' The Value of Words How forcible are right words, but what doth your arguing reprove?—* Job vlj % _
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers