We are getting ready for the greatest day in the History of . ffijpfejfe. ■ M this "Live Store" • It' you come HERE tomorrow, Saturday You li see a demonstra- , J| tion ° f WM " the pe ° ple " th ™ k , of DOIJ TRICHS for y° u are B° in S *> ee enthusiastic crowds at our W||W There was a time when larger cities Do you know that if you took statis / attracted the clothing buyers, that was oetore tnis tics or clothing stores tor volume 01 busmess done MMaggjjgm. , ("Live Store" made its appearance in this community—Now, according to the populat.on ot the ci y.you n j 'lhowever, it's just the other way, DOUTRICHS have a repu- Store" the "targe* m the world? But what ha. made IM 1$ w\V* iw/lM tation that any store would envy; and its ever increasing DOUTRiCHb the great orgamza ton .apt: r)EALING fflihm tm/£-J volume of business through the confidence of the people, the DEPENDABLE mere an lse an c twe have-to- VTO TO& **' f lilPfev MM make. Harrisburg a very farge clothing distributing center, you get HERE - no wonder this "Live Store" commands and dominates the sell, we never fool the people and their good w,ll goes with j|i| clothing situation —ln the first place DOUTRICHS sell more every customer -to their .1! back" IpiU' ffIJESk HP clothes than all the combined clothing stores in Harrisburg courtesy and service they get HERE brings t—in this way we can buy more and give greater values, again and again. J This is • The Home of the Overcoat JjjflH ■EM Your favorite is among this enthusiastic lot of employes and will take interest in helping you to select your new |fj "Overcoat "or Suit" or whatever else you may want to buy at this "Live Store" There is no better organization any- |l| i In|y m\m where than you will find HERE—One of our clothing salesman sold "45" garments on the opening day of the Overcoat-Fair M gmtiM IB- 'IS* '' li with several very close competitors Never mind which one for they are all high-grade men who have been taught to serve If }% 'VmV vou and your friends to the best of their ability, by I. H. Doutrich, the greatest merchant in the land. jjjj Every member of this "Live Store" testifies to these foregoing in behalf the liberal pol by the ~~ Store Open Saturday Night ' J FRIDAY EVENING, HAKRISBURG TEEEGRAPH Store Open Saturday Night NOVEMBER 22, 1918. 15
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers