' 215 CAPTURED YANKS BACK IN AMERICAN LINES -> Can't Forget "Dan Patch" Stew; Bits of Choice Horseflesh With the First American Army In France, Nov. 21.—Two hundred and V • fifteen American soldiers who had been held prisoners of war by the Germans were brought into the town of Revlgny yesterday. J "You ought to have heard us give them Heinies the eld raspberry when we left up yonder," said Sergeant Walter Sampson, of Chicago, who was one of two men left of his pla toon of Company E, 136 th Infantry, after a charge. r "They had us at Montmedy first," said Sampson, "but our bombers came over and bombed h out of the plaoe, so we went on strike and refused to work around a railroad that bombers were aiming at. Then they took us That's where we were when The fighting stopped. "We knew the finish was in sight because the German privates kept telling us what was going on outside. Every day they'd be around saying the war was going to end next day; they were tickled to death about it, too. "There was one mean. Prussian sergeant—a little short guy—who was always yelling at us, 'Raus | Amerikanei, and we started a song | for his benefit. " '1 wish I had that son of a gun at the end of a bayonet right now,' " interrupted Fred Sona, of New York, who was with the 113 th Infantry. " 'He was certainly mean.' "• "They didn't have much to eat themselves, them Dutchmen didn't," said John Powell, of Campbellsville,' Ohio, the only man from the First Division in the party which repre sented about fifteen American divi sions which weraon the line of the Argonne-Meuse drive. "I'm going to dream about 'Dan | I Patch' stew and barley soup as long as I live. Dan Patch stew is horse I flesh," he explained. "It was meat j from horses that had been killed in battle. You could see Ijow it had been torn by shells." ■ "They treated us better than they treated the Russians or French" said Sergeant Herbert Birchard, of Oma- j ha, who was a member of the 89th | Division. "They had about 1,000 j Russians there. They booted them around pretty fierce all the time. DON'T ENDURE RHEUMATIC PAIN HERE'S QUICK RELIEF FOR YOU Stop the pain! Give me relief! That's what you want when you're hurt. That's what you get with Sloan's Liniment. It not only "kills pain," but does it quickly, without delay. If you're tormented by Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Sprains, Bruises, Backache and body or nerve pain— just see how'quickly a little Sloan's Liniment gives relief. The very first application rests and comforts. ■ —M Carter's Little Liver Pills You Cannot be A Remedy That Constipated J§p,Rflf and Happy , Worth Living Snail Pill jBL&Smm IB PILLS. GemilDe besrs slimstore AS pARTER'S IRON PILLS many colorless faces bat will greatly help most pale-faced people a——a—M—kmokc-- i—jip -aaac—Mnosa j Influenza H The Most Dangerous of Modern Diseases Because of the great physical weakness and j tikle which follows it. Something is needed to ! I speed up the body functions. DR. CHASE'S 11 II SPECIAL Blood and Nerve Tablets • containing Iron, Nux Vomica, Gentian and other tonics, is a stronger and more active tonic preparation tha\i the regular Dr. Chase's Tablets and have a mar velous effect in enabling the body to quickly assimilate the nourish ment necessary to perfect health. Weigh Yourself Before Taking Special—Stronger anil More Active—9oc Rox It's Cheaper to Buy Live Boxes at a Tunc! | UNITED MEDICINE COMPANY 224 North Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. . i-v v: • ■'"•■■ > . ■ -. ¥ / ' >■• * " r .-' - # "A ' ' .IT*" . "> ' s THURSDAY EVENING. HAKRISSURG TELEGRAPH NOVEMBER 21, 1918. Where the World War Was Brought to a Close , - .v. A ruined street in the French town of Senlls, where the armistice, bringing the world war to a close was signed. The town was the scene of much heavy fighting during the great war. even though Russia was supposed to be at peace with them." "How was I captured?" Birchard grinned. "Well, I strayed over into the German lines one night. I saw a lot of guys laying on the ground sleeping, and I thought they were our own men; so I 1 went around shaking them and telling them to wake up. Finally I heard one guy say 'Vot iss?' The next thing I knew about forty Dutchmen were around me." * "Those Russians certainly got a rough deal," said Corporal E. Farfot, of Richmond, Va., from the 116 th Infantry. "When we refused to work around the railroad where the bombers were dropping explosives the French prisoners also struck, so the Russians had to do all the work there. They worked us on the roads, and when they did work us they paid us six cents a day." DANIEL RINEER DIES Martetta, Pa., Nov. 21. —Daniel F. Rineer, aged 70 years, a lifelong resident died from an attack of in fluenza Tuesday night. Four brothers and two sisters survive. ! Seems to reach right down to the ! Mat of the trouble, warming and t easing the nerves and tissues. You i can almost feel the inflammation, swelling or stiffness subside, {is the pain grows less and less. You don't even have to wait to j rub in Sloan's Liniment. It pene trates, and its clear, clean liquid can 11 be poured right on the skin with- I out staining. Get a generous size 1 bottle from your druggist today. I 11l !!■■■■■ I 111 Middietown Return 55 Cartons to Be Sent to Soldiers Fifty-five of the eighty-seven car tons which were given out by the lied Cross and later will be sent to the boys overseas, have been return ed filled. The chapter announced that all who wish to send a carton should hand them in as soon as pos sibl6. The two-horse team of Harry Fishburn, of town, was struck by an automobile owned by the American Stores Company, of Harrlsburg, and driven by C. A. Boswell. Mr. Fish burn had his team standing near the new bridge when the truck struck tho tongue of the wagon, knocking the two horses down, but they were not injured seriously. Mr. Bos well jumped from the truck and es caped injury also. Three of the boys who are charged with breaking into the Ituymond hardware store were held for juve- | nile court by Squire W. J. Kinnard at a hearing on Tuesday evening. Donald McN'air, who resigned as assistant manager of Banks Bros, store in town when he was called by the Steelton draft board and was waiting to be sent to camp, has re turned to his position again. The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Aid Society of the Church of God will be held at the home of Mrs. J. M. Ackerman, <Pine and Water streets, this evening. Norie Condran moved from the Wincroft stove works building to Kingston yesterday. Mrs. E. S. Starllpper and two sons are spending several days at Phila delphia visiting relatives. John Hughes, who spent thq past two weeks in town as the guest of his mother, in Emaus street, return ed to Baltimore, Md. . * The Church of God will observe Rally Day in their Sunday school' nmct Sunday morning and a fine pro gram is being arranged. The speak ers will be the Rev. Charles Sayers, of Lancaster, a returned Y. M. C. A. secretary, who spent some time in France on the battle fronts. Starting on Monday, December 2, the barbers of town will raise their j prices for shaves from ten to fifteen i cents. A meeting of the union was ! held on Tuesday night. Grant GerbeiTch, who spent the! past week in town with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. GerberiCh, East Main street, returned to his studies at the Gettysburg College. Harry Miller, who had been work ing for the Westinghouse firm, Jean- j ett. Pa., has secured a position at the . local car plant and will move his j family to town in the near future. | Sergeant Major Robert White, son of Mrs. Dora Young, of Vine street, arrived safely overseas. Mrs. Charles McXinley and daugh- ' ter, of East Emaus street, are ill with influenza and Miss Ethel Mc-j Nair is acting as a first aid nurse. Max Krauss has returned home from a several days' trip to New York and Philadelphia. The Sunday school class of the Methodist Episcopal Sunday school, taught by H. J. Wiekey will hold its regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Jennie Slack, Pine and Emaus streets, this evening at 7.30 o'clock. J. S. Flanagan has returned home from Baltimore, Md., where he was inspecting work for the-car com pany. REDS INTERN LEOPOLD OF BAV ARIA AND GEN. HOFFMANN Berne, Nov. 21.—The Bolshevik! have interned Prince Leopold of Bavaria, who commanded Germany's eastern front and General Von Hoff mann, Germany's military spokes man, at Brest-Litovsk, the Berner Bund says. The prince is held at Raudanwarts, near Kovno and the general in the latter fortress. MRS. MARY SLOAI) DIES Murictta, Pu.. Nov. 21.—Mrs. Mary Sload, aged 72 years." one of the pioneer residents of Maytown, died ( at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Minnie Grady, in Marietta, from I ptuerisy. She was a member of the Reformed Church, and is survived by seven children, fifteen grandchildren, | a brother and a sister. INFLUENZA INCREASING ChuinhershiirK. Pa., Nov. 21. lnfl uenza is increasing 1n Franklin county rural districts to an extent which is threatening. St. Thomas. Mercers burg and Marlon show many new j cases, and in Chsmbersburg every; doctor has new cases dach day. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT 'Liverpool, 1 Pa., Nov. 21.—Mr. and Mrs. Herman •Shumaker announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday morning, November.l 9. Mrs. Shu maker was formerly Miss Helen App, of Mahantango. INCREASED PAY FOR TEACHERS Chnmherslinrg, Pa.. Nov. 21. Dr. G M. Philips, of West Chester Normal School, told the Franklin County In stitute that the state would bo asked to increase the pay of teachers and set aside 11,000,000 for a pension fund neucleus. •28.000 FOR VVAR FUND Cbnmbersburir. Pa., Nov. 21.—Frank lin county raised over $28,000 for the War Work Fund in the campaign which closed to-day, which is $6,000 over the allotment. , TEACHERS JOIN j iN RETIREMENT Williamsport System Merged With That of the State i and Others Come In,. The State Retirement Board, which is in charge of administration of the State Teachers Retirement system, has granted the petition of the teachers of Williamsport and the resolution of the Wijliamaport school board that their local teacher's re tirement system be merged with the state system. Several requests have come from other eities for informa tion regarding steps to be taken to merge. "* ■ More than 12,000 applications for membership in the State Associa tion have been received by the State Board and the cancellation of vari ous county teaches' institutes be cause of influenza provented others from enrolling. The Pittsburgh en rollment alone is 2,300 persons. The Board has issued a notice that one half of the cost of the al lowances paid to retired school em ployees in Pennsylvania will be paid from contributions by the employes themselves and the other half by the state and local districts. PAKADE AT BOWMANBD AI.E Howmiinsiiale, Pa., Nov.'2l. Sev eral hundred patriotic people took part in a peace parade and jollification here last night. The parade was headed by the Bowmansdale band and was made up of Grand Army veter ans. Red Cross members, seevral so cieties. Sunday school and public school pupils. 'There were horseback riders, and people in automobiles, car riages and wagons. The Washington Fire Company, of Mechanicsburg, with thirty men, carrying a large flag, was in line. Fourteen small girls car ried a flag, and the Odd Fellows and t'aited American Men carried sctvice flags for their members In the war. After the parade an effigy of the Kaiser was burned in front of the Bowmansdale town hall. The Rev. Charles O. Houston made an interest ing address. TRUSTEE KKI4-S DWELLING Dill-burg, Pa., Nov. 21.—James Williams, tAistee for Edward W. Shapley, on Saturday sold at public sale, the brick dwelling in South Baltimore street. James Deer, of Franklin township, was the pur chaser for $2,500. ' ®'rB®B2®SacS^BISBCsB®®SB®BB6)eseBBCs?BB®3 Tells How to Stop a | .*• Bad Cough | j g Bnrpriiln* results from this famous old home-maile eyrup. KatUy prepared and cost* little. M If you have a severe cough or chest cold accompanied with soreness, throat tickle, hoarseness, or difficult breath ing, or if yourfchild wakes up during the night with croup and you want quick help, try this reliable bid home made cough remedy. Any druggist can supply you with 2'/j ounces of Pinex. Pour this into a pint bottle and fill the bottle with plain granu lated sugar syrup. Or you can Use clarified. molasses, -honey, or corn' syrup, instead of sugnr syrup, if desired. , This recipe makes a pint of really remarkable cough remedy. It taste's good, and. in spite of its low cost, it can be depended upon to- give quick, and lasting relief. You can feel this take hold of a cough in a way that means' busincsa It loosens and raises the phlegm, stops throat tickle and soothes and heals the irritated: membranes that line the throat and bronchial tubes with such promptness, case and certainty that it is really astonishing. >■ Pinex is a special and highly con centrated compound of genuine ICor way pine extract, and is probably the best knonhi means of overcoming severe coughs, throat and chest colds. Tlure are many worthless Imitations of tiiia mixture. To avoid disappoint ment, ask fay "ZV 3 ounces of Pinex" with full,directions and don't accept aiw'thing el re. Guaranteed to give ab solute satisfaction or money promptly Refunded. The Pinex Co* Ft, Wayns^ A aEAB CCMPIIXKM Ruddy Cheeks—SparklingEyes —Most Women Can Have ■ ■ $ Says Dr. Edwards, a Weil-Known Ohio Physician Dr. F. M. Edwards for 17years treated •cores of women for liver and bowel ail-. ments. During these years he gave to his patients a prescription made of a few well-known vegetable ingredients mixed with olive oil, naming them Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. You will know them by their olive color. These tablets are wonder-workers on the liver and bowels, which cause a normal action, carrying off the waste and poisonous matter in one's system. If you have a pale face, sallow look, dull eyes, pimples, coated tongue, head aches, a listless, no-good feeling, all out of sorts, inactive bowels,youtake One of Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets nightly for a time and note the pleasing results. Thousands of women as well as men take Dr. Edward's Olive Tablets—the successful substitute for calomel—now and thert just tokeepin the pink of condi- I tion. 10c and 25c per box. Ail druggists. JSotmaetS ANNEX ;■ Gilbert Building ?f| s • Opposite Court House We Have Acquired Henry Gilbert Son s High Grade Stock of 'SJ3. |g|p Holiday Novelties jj|^ anc? Housefurnislimgs y Hardware , ' § This stock, as everyone knows, was the best obtainable ~ and the finest pf its kind ever displayed in Central Penn- . A Jfipb sylvania. The.world's markets have always contributed Jjrfk the most artistic, unique and exclusive in novelty bric-a-brac " and the beautifully wrought and finely finished housefurn ishings hardware and cutlery. -The handiwork of the most Qflp! skilled artisans of Switzerland, Holland, Italy, France and * England is represented imthis elaborate assortment. , As you know, Henry Gilbert & Son moved their whole- © 5 sale husiness to South Second Street and discontinued their line of novelties entirely. Practically all this was purchased pA at prices that .prevailed before the war. We will therefore vsk close out the remaining stock at prices that are invitingly low considering present war-time conditions. ( ' SSiH - TOYS ■ ' ■ In Abundance P\f In addition to the sale of the Gilbert stock, we have reserved ample space for toys of the dependable kind. Our toy department has been j \rj | enlarged from year to year, but lack of sufficient space in basement for I the large stock we have purchased, makes the Bowman Annex 1/7 advisable. • . \\j tjr Everything in the Toy line worth having may -jO be found here or at Bowman s Main Store Do Your Christmas Shopping Now 9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers