Store Closes Regularly On Saturdays at Six HEM, mm —iinr.ii iimtkd . ArkfiS HIHTP I I qpHE welfare and^comfort of our soldiers jl| |j J- and sailors and the proper assistance of |i| morale are the prime factors in winning a |j . war, and I heartily approve of the unification which has brought the seven recognized war relief organizations into one great unit to take care of the task. I predict a great success for the United War Work Campaign in Novem ber, and a better and more prosperous fu ture for the Republic and a strenthening of its ideals in consequence of its unification. —Secretary Daniels □ UNTITED WAR WORK CAMPAIGN _____ • if fcVIR V: r~~" qjLhum The War Is Over, But the Boys Will be Over There and in Camp For Some Time Yet. Celebrate the Victory by Subscribing Liberally to the United War Work Fund Special Jor Thursday and Jriday Linens For the Thanksgiving Table ' With Thanksgiving just around * the corner, and Christmas not far oft", the demand for household linens is at its height. We are meeting it with a big and diversified stock which will satisfy your every require ment. Only thoroughly dependable grades, and be cause we bought them long ago, the prices are unusu ally low. (Linens are splendid and useful Christmas presents. Patriotic women have already begun their Christmas shopping.) COWMAN'S—Second Floor. jr-V This Should "Re fjjA The Happiest - ' The If orld has ever known —■ T' ie Turkey cooked in the % ' J right kind of a roaster, prepared derfully to the occasion. Turkey Roasters Black Iron Double Self Basting Roaster, 11x16, 49c. "Wearever" Aluminum Double Roasting Pan; same as illus tration, $5.25. Celebrated "Savory" Self Basting Roasting Pan, $1.75 to $5.75. Table Cutlery Carving Knife, Fork and Steel—blade of good quality American steel, with stag horn handle and silver plated fer rule, $2.50. Carving Knife, Fork and Steel blade of Meriden steel, with white celluloid handles and heavy bolster, $2.95. Bread Knives. Cocobola handles, 35c each. Extra Heavy Bread Knives with Cocobola handles, 85c each. Rogers Nickel Sil er Table Knives, $4.00 per duz. Rogers Nickel Silver Table Forks, $3.00 per doz. Rogers Nickel Silver Tea Spoons, $1.50 per doz. Rogers Nickel Silver Table Spoons, $3.00 per doz Shur Edge Ham Slicers, 65c. Poultry Shears, $3.00. Crape Fruit Knives, ebenoid handles, 50c. Paring Knives, rivited handles, 15c. BOWMAN'S—Basnnont. Best Gloves In Leather Silk and Fabric Among accessories one should not forget gloves. For today we ifL 5, ° <?cr a wonderful assortment of vTJ domestic and imported Kid _ Cloves of some of the best known makers of the world; such as the Famous P. Centemeri & Co., EU V. Perrin & Cie, Jouvin & Cic] 3j| Chateau in white, white with JPP - -rr-rr black, black, black contrast, gray, > mole, tan, brown, putty, navy, green and champagne in two r clasp and gauntlet over seam and [nff\ I pique stitching) Paris point and crochet backs, Every size in every color, $1.95 to $4.50, Washable Kids In every style and color in grey, tan, brown, putty and white, $1,73 to $2.93, Mochas and Suedes of the finest quality in grey, khaki, tan and brown lined and untitled, $2.25 to. $4.95, Driving Gloves —a specialty, $1.95 to $7,95, Chanioisette, Silk, Double Silk and Cashmerette, 59c to SLSO, A complete assortment of Childien'- '' . We to $1.85. BOV"^\" r yr a r mt . WEDNESDAY EVENING, |■' ' 1 I Hundreds of Other Newly Arrived | Suits - Coats - Dresses | 1 Go On Sale Tomorrow The West is just emerging from the ban prohibiting sales t ~Fri>\ Sphering of crowds, hut !|j | • /fin jr pTpHirVv the most remarkable mer /j$ ' t .„' —- \ chandise of the season has ® 5F , \ been held back from shipment I I [Til \ in the Eastern markets. We Iww f\ ! have taken advantage of every /$M j Ik. _"* S^ V j possible opportunity to secure Cp t A'' ll J' offered. You therefore secure , unusual values in the follow -150 Dresses $29.50 These are in serges and velours, braid A —rnflr* and buttoned trimmed. Velvets are {NJX /' 1 I * beautifully trimmed with wool and PfiSe4M ' | — [ I KjHj silk embroidery, also with braid. jdj n I I B Georgette models with bead and fringe D; wHI' i I (MnjiM trimming. They come in all colors, I'Slhw'L Bii Rray brown, rose taupe, trench blue, KJ |j| -4.. . A 1 plum, navy and black. Sizes 16 to 44. I iJlr 85 Dresses 1 _. j * A special shipment of stylish models ffl J 11 in jersey, serge, velour, tricotine, vel- kl? U A vets, tricolette, satin and georgette. ) \ Beautifully trimmed in braid, em- X VA broidery, satin and fringe. Some have IM loose panel in back that can also be d| worn belted in at waist line. Others ||J ffl . have the pleated skirts and still others y| are narrow at the bottom. These are in plum, green, burgundy, brown, b j j!! Pekin, taupe, navy and black. Sizes 1 100 Suits $39.50 ~T* <■... I These are the very latest styles tailored, / A C IOCIIS \j) A / oA\ / U semi-tailored and very fancy. The more . ffii i-ij tailored models are braid and button Handsomely tailored models in velour, ry jjfl trimmed, Some have long panels ending broadcloth and silvertones. iailored and in fur, while others have deep fur all belted styles. Some have semi-trimmed 'around the bottom of .coat-skirt with convertible collars, others with big square deep fur collar and cuffs, beautifully fur collars and still others have the large IB tailored. The materials are velour, broad- shawl collar of fur. These are in all the % cloth, tricotine, velvet and silvertone. leading shades. Sizes 16 to 44, and 37 to fe fjft Sizes 16 to 44. 49. Special at $39.50. 1 • , - 1 * / Ninette and Ritintin The Good Luck Charm. Please wear us. 50c and up. ()ur Art Department is fitted out with beautiful painted Baskets, which arc very appropriate Christmas gifts; also enamel Flower Baskets. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. TiEjA \ Useful as Well as 'ft- % \jS{.4 Attractive .Gifts Jyj- G-\ : : i \ The Furniture Department offers many attractive and v useful pieces for gifts which you can select now' and have / ■ n, held for future delivery. A deposit will hold any article Jtefc fkL\X\ selected at this- time. The selection is large and the many new pieces in period 'yl t tip design will interest and please you to make a tour of the ]]==—-- — nimMMw big ' floor ' • rri™Si Among the many pieces shown, we mention; Overstuffed P |l Pfj tinftl Davenports, Fireside Chairs, Library Rockers, Reception Hall fjji yT|-lj 111 Chairs, Davenprt Tables, Hall 'Clocks, Console Tables, Piano T{ f Lamps, Smoker Cabinets, Pedestals, Tabourettes, Book Ends. J BOWMAN'S—Fifth Floor, 0 U HAHPISBOTIG TELEGRAPH HAItltlSBliUO. AVEI).\ISaiAY. NOVEMIIKH IS. 11>IS. Toys, Games and Dolls The Toy Department is in full swing and Jujdging from the multitudes visiting and buying in the department our expectations are more than realized for early Christmas shop ping. Buy Now While the Assortment Is Complete . BOWMAN'S—Basement. NOVEMBER 13, 1918. Store Closes Regularly On Saturdays at Six Choose Your Dress Goods Here __ You have the advantage ofc klisTWls a stock of patterns and colors to select from; you know that any material you 1 ZSjW* buy is of thoroughly depend- HBBrflS&y I tl able quality; you know that i gfii you will be satisfied with v\ Good woolen fabrics ard (\ 1 getting scarcer and scarcer. 7% * + jl Better buy now any that you jwt r'\V $ -| .1 need at present or are likely iMI '• /N W->. to need in the near future. Pi \\" ♦. */;[ Note these values: l/'Y' I'w** **" 54-inch two-tone Velour / \ * *'/ r plaids and large bar effects, 1 * /'- ' n B ea u tri fu 1 dark color cotn r—S} binations; also shadow f stripe Skirtings in a large range of seasonable styles. Yard, $4.50, $4.95, $5.95. 48-inch dark tone Plaids, shadow stripe effects, dark colored shepherd checks. Made of the finest quality French Serge and specially suitable for skirts and one-piece dresses. Yard, $3.50 and $3.95. * 54-inch "Shawl" Plaids, in light and dark coloring—it makesj a stunning pleated skirt. Yard, $4.50. 40-inch Plaids, in a large range of stylish color combinations* mostly dark tones. Yard, $1.59. 56-inch black and white Velour Checks, for suits, coats or skirts; and 1-inch blocks; strictly all wool. Yard, $3.50. 54-inch "Kumfy Cloth," specially adaptable for the much wanted vestees that protect the most vital parts of the body front the extreme cold weather—loo per cent, wool—also suit able for heavy coats —in black, Navy and dark prune.' Yard, $4.85. , 54-inch Broadcloth of excellent quality and finish, in a good line of Fall shades—strictly all wool and thoroughly sponged and shrunk. Yard, $3.95. 54-inch Swede Velours, in a most complete color assortment for suits, coats or skirts. It has a beautiful, soft finish and for serviceable and practical wear is unsurpassed. Yard, $4.85 and $5.50. 54-inch kitten's ear Kersey Cloth, in Navy, wine and brown —an attractive all-wool coating, with a distinctive finish. Yard, $7.50: Remnants of all-wocl fabrics in an extensive assortment of weaves and colors, in lengths suitable for waist, skirt or dress. These are big money-savers, and an inspection of them will convince you as such. Yard, $1.59, $2.39 and $2.69. 50-inch Silk Plushes and Imitation Fur Cloths, in a good variety to select front —ranging in price from $7.95 to $18.50 a yard. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Are You In Doubt As To What Shoe To Buy? If you arc, and you wish ]" - to have satisfaction, we sug- °[°T gest you visit our Shoe of > / Department and look over J the large and varied assort- °l°: L ments we have including the | o / py famous Dorothy Dodd. i tfc}) They will give you a cor- -.Jr ft °i nxa*' rcct conception as to what •' V styles you will like. All A V /a/ \ well-dressed women ap- Jm \ prove of our assortment and t accept the wearing qualities 'YT of these shoes for Winter jtfr• and Fall wear. These that are listed below will gi vc —\ you an idea of the new styles and how savingly ' they can be secured at our Shoe Department. The shoes in the department vary in many high or military heel, cloth or kid tops; gray, black or tan. Come in and inspect our assortment. Gray Shoes with French and military heels, $9.00 to $15.00. Growing Girls Shoe- in black and tan, $5.00 and $6.00. Women's Patent Vamp Shoes with kid and cloth tops, $2.49. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. TREE ORNAMENTS Usually the last thing purchased, should positively be the first thing this year; and our variety is complete. Our im port order placed in the spring of 1917 for Christmas of that yeav did not arrive until January of 1918. Prices are very reasonable on account of being purchased almost two years ago. F ft WM AN'S —Srronrt Floor. Leather Goods For Gifts Three-fold Bill Folds, in Pin Seal, Morocco, Crepe and s7l Panther—very suitable for Christmas. Many a person J /Sk would have a bright, cheery h /a% smile if on Christmas morn tggj JflSSSj* they were to receive a bill fold, t|j TV riii pass case or card case. We H , , j—pTTrf* , have them in a nice assortment j|*'< . • of leathers, such as the above- fa s t —IL mentioncd, in black only. 50c Ovcrnight Bags, in Vachette Leather, with moire lining and brocade lining, with nickel and gilt clasp, 12 to 14 inches. $5.00 to $22.50. A full line of back and top-strap Purses, in Vachette, I'm Seal, Morocco and fancy leather; fine lining and some have mirrors, while others have not. SI.OO to $18.50. The latest and most up-to-date in the line of Handbags of* Purses is the new Velvet Handbags in plain dnd beaded designs. Our Leather Department has just received the finest assortment of these bags, in different colors, with chenille tassels and silk lining—some arc fitted with coin purse and mirror, while others have just the frame purse on the inside. $1.98 to $10.50. *Many a person is desirous of many things for Christmas, above all, there is always one particular thing that they • want most of all. A Manicure Set is always appreciated, as well as useful. Come in and see our.sets in leather roll cases* $2.69 to $15.00. BOWMAN'S—Main Flooiw 3 FOUNDED ISTt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers