14 FRENCH SHOUT VENGEANCE ON CRUEL TEUTON Welcome Lille Deputies; De nounce Abominable Crimes of German- Soldiers I'arlx. Oct 23.—The Chamber of Deputies yesterday eiitliusiatleally welcomed Deputies Delory and Raglie -000111, of Lille, returning to their, seats after years in the hands of the Hermans. Amid an impressive si lence, M. Delory said: "It is impossible to denounce all the German crimes, but the most abominable was the carrying off of women and girls of 9 and lli by en emy soldiers, their enforced submis- | sion to medical examination and their J being obliged to work under French machine gun tire for the German I Army." 1 The chamber shouted its indigua- | tion One member cried: "We'll : teach our children that! We'll never' forget." Then SI. Delory resumed: 1 "The l.ens plains are nothing but an immense area of ruins with not ' one house intact. There cannot be a ' Frenchman who does not wish those | culpable chastised." SI. Kagheboom told how German j soldiers had insulted and violated Lille women, and how they forced 5- I year-old Children to work for them, j I'\KTIS\\SIIII> IS t'IIIRUKD Washington, Oct. 23.—Charges that] officials of the Great Lukes Naval I IP raining Station had denied repre sentatives of the Kentuck > State Re publican t'ampaign Committee the privileges accorded the Democrats | for getting in touch with Kentucky ] voters there and assisting them in . voting by mail were made in a tele- j gram read yesterday in the Senate by • Senator N'ew tlnd.). RESINOL ENDS YEARS OF UNSIGHTLY SKIN TROUBLE i Oct. ] j.—"My face and nebk j broke out with small pimples which i swelled agd festered •••itil they were I like boils. When I opened them they > tilled again, and caused intense pain] and loss of sleep. At last they were] so disfiguring I had to give up my ] position and could not go anywhere, j After five years of this trouble, and having used many otliei prepara tions. i tried R'sinol Ointment and 1 Resinol Soap. The pain and itching ] was relieved at once, and when 1 had j used 1 u. jars of Ointment and seven cakes of Soup I was cured. Now my skin is clear, and when I shave It is as soft and pink as a child's. ' j (Signed Jerald 11. Kessler. 303 F.nst 93rd St.. N'ew York City. Kesinol Ointment and ltesinol Soap are sold by all druggists. BEAUTIFUL HAIR THICK, WAVY, FREE FROM DANDRUFF Draw a moist cloth through hair and double its beauty at once. Save your hair! Dandruff dis appears and hair stops coming out. immediate'.' Yes! Certain? ; that's tile joy of it. Your hair be comes light, wavy, fluffy, abundant and appears as soft, lustrous and beautiful as a young girl's after an application of Danderine. Also try this —moisten a cloth with a little Danderine and carefully draw it | through your hair, taking one small j strand at a time. This will cleanse j the hair of 'dust, dirt or excessive t oil, and In just a few moments you > have doubled the beauty of your hair. A delightful surprise awaits those whose hair has been neglected or is scraggy, raxed. dry. brittle or thin. Besides beautifying the haii, Danderine. dissolves every particle j of dandruff; cleanses, purities and : invigorates the scalp, forever stop- 1 ping itching and falling hair, but ; what will please you most will he i after a few weeks' use, when you i see new hair —line and downy at tirst yes—hut really new hair—grow- I ing all over the scalp. Danderine is to the hair what ■ fresh showers of rain and sunshine j arc to vegetation, it goes right to j the roots invigorates and strength- 1 ens them, its exhilarating, stimu- j luting and life-pryducing properties ] cause the hair to grow long, strong and beautiful. You can surely have pretty, charm- j ing lustrous hair, and lots of it, if I >ou will spend a few cents for a bot tle of Knowlton's Danderine from ' tny drug store or toilet counter and I try it as directed. 1 r ■> WHAT GOKGAS MAKES, GORGAS GUARANTEES Checks a Cold Coming 0-paac Knocks a Cold Over Night A Useful Remedy for Grippe and Influenza Small Tablets, 2iif the Box • :-tiave It Willi You—Keep a Box in the Home-:- v s, GORGAS DRUG STORES :ZZ ■ the reopening of arhool. Kaeh Hay, nrrt atudenta are arranging I ■ tor eatranee. Make your reservation AT ONCE It .vou deaire a aeat. I I SCHOOL OF COMMERCE I Harrisburg's Accredited Business College IB SOUTH MARKET SQUARE ■ BELL 485 • DIAL 43*8 WEDNESDAY EVENING CITY CERTAIN TO BE ON AIR MAP! Planes Carrying Mail Will Slop Here, Postmaster Sites Learns liurrisburg. which has so often j made the fur fly when it came to energizing civic and national un dertakings, is sure to make the mail • fly, contrary rumors notwithstand vouchsafed to-day by Postmaster .Sites, who said that the Capital j City is sure lo lie among the live stations selected by the Federal Post Oltlce Department for its New York-Chicago aerial mail route, to j be put in operation probably after I the war, and maybe before. Press dispatches to-day stating! that there would be three landing ; places for airplanes carrying I'ntled 1 Stales mail in Pennsylvania and two] in Ohio, tlie tirst three being Lehigh- j ) ion. Bellefonte and Clarion. led j i many people in this city to believe i Harrisburg would be left out in the I cold in the air-mail service. This,] j however, said Mr. Sites, would not i ' be the case. | Otto Praeger, Second Assistant j 1 Postmaster General, in a letter last j 'week to Postmaster Sites, virtually] ! assured the latter that Harrisburg ; will be on the map in large letters • ' when the route becomes an estab- I : lislied fact. In this letter, made] I public tfcpon its receipt by the post- I i master, Mr. Praeger asks the co j operation of the State Forestry Oom -1 mission in supplying a limited num- I iter of surveyors, timber men and j aviators for locating and mapping ! out a way of least timber resistance I along which the aerial mail route 'will lay in this slate. As Congress ! lias not yet appropriated any funds with' which to prosecute such work which is I lie tlrst step toward es tablishing landing places for the | j mail-carrying machines, Mr. Praegerl ] said that it must be undertaken ; with Hie co-operation of citizens in- j terested in aviation and its mail de- ; livery possibilities. Last week Postmaster Sites made l an effort to interview State For '< estry Commissioner Conklin apro i pos the matter but was unable lo do so. A meeting between the two, ! ' however, has been arranged for l j this afternoon, when the question 1 !pf state aid will be thoroughly! ! threshed out. "When the mail air line comes." ] said tlie Harrisburg postmaster this j j morning, "Harrisburg will surely be ' one of the ' tirst places to get it." j i Mr. Praeger. ho said, will come to 'Harrisburg if necessary, to confer | i with the slate officials about the! ! matter. Airplanes and Tanks Used by Chaplains Pari*. Oct. 23. —Airplanes and tanks j are being used by volunteer chaplains j land field secretaries with the Knights |of Columbus to serve the American ' soldiers over here. Two chaplains, tlie Rev. John Mor on. of Eugene, Ore., and the Rev. John Sullivan, of Tuckahoe. X. Y„ j were the first priests to make their rounds by the air route. The Rev. ! Mr. Sullivan uses airplanes several ! times a week and thus is able to visit field hospitals within a radius of i 200 miles of his camp, j Airplane transportation was used by the Rev. Mr. Moran for the first time when he received two calls to say Held masses one Sunday morning. | The call came front villages fifty miles apart Where troops were bil leted. An aviation pilot solvtqi the problem for Chaplain Moran by of fering to take him to both places and lie went. The result was a field mass at one village at 6 o'clock in the | morning and at another mass in the village fifty miles further on at 7.30 a. ni. The Rev. Edwin O'Hara, rector of ! the cathedral at Portland, a volunteer i chaplain for the Knights of Columbus, | used a tank to fulfill an engagement I to say mass to distant troops and a < secretary went with him to supply | the soldiers with boxing gloves and . baseball material for use after the | services. . '*Mj COUNT FIFTY! NO RHEUMATIC PAIN Don't suffer! Instant relief, i follows a rubbing with old "St. Jacobs Liniment" Stop "dosing" rheumatism.' It's pain only; not one case in fifty i requires internal treatment. Rub soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs j Liniment" right on the "tender spot," land by the time you say Jack ltoiin lcn —out comes tlie rheumatic pain , and distress. "St. Jacobs Liniment" ! conquers pain! it is a harmless j rheumatism liniment whi?h never ; disappoints and doesn't bura the i skin, it takes pain, soreness and j st'.'i'ness from aching joints, muscics and bones; stops sciatica, lumbago, ! backache, neuralgia and reduces | swo'ing. Limber up! Get a small trial bottle of old-time, honest "St. Jacob's Lin iment" from any drug store, and in I a moment you'll be free front vains, | aches and stiffness. Don't suffer' 1 Ruli rheumatism away. STEEL-TON ~j NEW RULESARE GIVEN IN DETAIL Bethlehem Steel Company j Employes to Have Representatives According to the plans mapped out by Frank A. Robbins, Jr., general manager of the Steelton plant of the Bethlehem Steel Corporation, pamphlets have been issued to tlie employes of the plant outlining the system of employes' representatives in all matters pertaining to lubor problems thai may present them selves. The pamphlet introduces the subjeel under the head of "Princi ples of Representation:" "In,order to give the employes of the corn pan ya voice in regard to the condi tions under which they labor, and to provide orderly and expeditious pro-1 cedure for the prevention and ad justment of any future differences, and to anticipate the problem of continuous employment as it will present itself through trade fluctua tions and other conditions at the ter mination of the war, a method of representation of employes is to be established." A preliminary committee to make arrangements for the establishment of the system is to be appointed to morrow to meet immediately after lis appointment. Powers Curtainlcd According to the system eacli de partment of the Steelton plant is to elect a representative for'each two hundred employes or faction there of. No foreman or superintendent or party having the power to discharge is to have a vote in tlie election or to be eligible to act as a represen tative. To co-operate with these: representatives, the management will appoint representatives from among tlie managers and officers of ihe plant. These representatives will select from among their numbers commit tees of ten members, eopased of five employes' representatives and live managers' representatives, lo have jurisdiction in Hie following mat- j ters: Ways and means, safely and i prevention of accidents, practice,' methods and ecconomv, employe's transportation, wages, piece work, bonus and tonnage, employment and working conditions, busing, domestic ecconomies and living conditions, health bnd works sanitation, educa tion and publications, pension and relief, athletics and recreation, con tinuous employment and condition of nidustry. In order to vole a man must have been in the employ of tlie company for at least sixty days, and to be a representative must have been with the company at least six months. There are twenty-two departments in ihe Steelton plant which will be thus represented. Employes Represented W.' E. Chick, safety engineer of the plant named manager's repre sentative on the committee to ar range for the elections, which will be held October 21 for nominations, and November 4 for final election. Elec tions will hereafter be held every six months. This arrangement will give every employe good opportunity to bring to adjustment any grievance that he, may think lie has. the matter being brought tirst to the attention of the for settlement, and if : fail of -settlement there, it may lie brought to the committee of appeals and on through the management un til it reaches the attention of the president of tlie corporation. The whole matter si in line with the company's thoughtfulness and care for the welfare of its employes, and is full proof of the manage ment's desire to deal squarely and justly with those they employ. The management hopes that it may be the means of improving not only the conditions at the plant but bring about better housing conditoins and better sanitary conditions in the bor ough, the need of both of which is only too well proved by (he present epidemic. Influenza Epidemic Is Rapidly Declining The number of influenza cases is rapidly declining, and while the number of deaths is still large, there is every reason to believe that tlie crisis is over and the matter well in hand. Because of the shortage of volunteer workers at the emergency hospital, fourteen more state mili tiamen were brought here yesterday, and these, with the ten who have been here for some time, will re main on the grounds and will per form any duty to which they may be assigned. • Joe Cordenes At the emergency hospital early this morning, Joe Cordenes, a .Mexi can. of Locust Grove, died of in fluenxa. Joseph Rosa I' Joseph RosaY. a Mexican without kin In this section of the country, died at the emergency hospital yes terday afte'rnoon. Annie Tooliquick Annie Tochquick, of 601 South Third street, died at the emergency hospital early this morning. Joseph Dnrbinich Joseph" Durbinieh, of .730 Soutli Second streeL died this morning at his home with influenza. Burial will be made in Mt. Calvary Ceme tery. Mrs. Carnieatur Mrs. Carnieatur, of 325 South Third street, died this morning of Fills Stomach With New Energy Weak, Worn Out, Gassy, Sour Stomach Revived and Made to Enjoy Food With Stu art's Dyspepsia Tablets. Most of us eat three times a day and often forget that each meal should be disposed of in the stomach to make room for the next. The failure of the stomach to do this is called indigestion or dyspepsia, with its sour risings, gas, rumblings, pain, depression and t|le feeling of stuffi ness when breathing is difficult. The'fnost effective remedy and the most reliable one. because you can get it at any drug store in the United States or Canada, is Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets, at 50 'cents a box. Instead of depriving youiseif of food or going on a starvation diet, sim ply keep on as you have and let these tablets straighten out your stomach digest the food and keep you In the fight. HAHRISBTJRG TELEGRAPH $170,500,000 ASKED FOR WAR WORK Sew lurk—The seven great war work relief organizations which un der the new, co-ordinated title "I'nit ed War Work Campaign" seek to cover all ground that the Red Cross ennnot cover must have $170,500,ot(0 j in order to continue their , welfare work. The organizations uniting in the appeal are the Y. M. C. A., Y. W. C. A., Knights of Columbus, Jewish Welfare Board, War Camp Commun ity Service, American Library Asso ciation and Salvation Army. An attempt was made at the war work headquarters-yesterday to state In the most condensed form the kind and quality of work done by every one of the organizations. It was! pointed out that the Y. M. C. A. ac companies American fighting men i from their induction into the service j up to the time that they march to Hie i battlefront and then remains with, tlietn. Every kind of service and task | that arises under these condition is I performed by the Red Triangle. And I besides its hut and canteen "work it suplies cheerfulness, comfort and hap- [ piness to hundreds of-thousands of j tired and homesick boys. V. W. C. A. tins "Homes* Houses" The Y. W. C. A.'s principal work is ; done in the big training camps here | in America, through the "Hostess i Houses." These centers elevate the tone of the camps, and protection is furnished to girls of the community as well as to the hoys of the Army. In the war zone the Y. W. C. A. is very active providing recreation lead ers, physical directors, cafeteria man agers. etc., for tho thousands of Am erican nurses, signal corps workers and other English speaking women employed with the American forces and for French women employed in munitions factories, war offices, stores I and factories. Tin- Blue Triangle maintains centers nnd restaurants for American women In overseas service. < The Knights of Columbus maintain I centers in all the American camps. They provide theatrical entertain- j luent .movies, literature, stationery, I games, athletic materials and lec tures. They maintain huts, where comforts are dispensed. They accom pany the soldiers of their faith from the time of induction into the serv ice to and through the period of ac tual fighting. They distribute tobacco, chocolate, soap, towels and other ar influenza, at the age of 47. Burial will be made in Nit. Oalvery Ceme tery. Mrs. Dora GusicTl Mrs. Dora Uusich, of South Fourth, street, died at the emergency bos- , pital yesterday afternoon, after a brief iilness with pneumonia. Mrs. Peter I-übovtc i Mrs. Peter Lubovic, of 521 South Fourth street, died this morning after a few days' illness with influ-1 enza. She leaves a husband and three children. No funeral arrange-, ments have been made. TOI.BKKT PROW El <l. BETTER Tolbert Prowell. the druggist, of South Front street, who has been se riously ill with infitienza. has l'ully jrecovered and is again attending to K. 1.. IIOFFMAN IMPROVING Kdward I'. Hoffman, of 156 Lin- Icoin street, is again about and slow ly improving after an attack of infiu lenza. WILLIAM I/. BRF.XIZER William L. Brenizer, of 150 Cone- Istoga street, sick for over a week with-a serious attack of influenza, !is rapidly improving. PKODVCK STORK ROBBED I Some time after 10 o'clock last | night Heller's produce store. North ! Front street, was entered and rob ibed of a crate of eggs and two crates of oranges. The door was ! locked with only a frail latch and |the job was apparently very easy for 'the robbers. The police expect but ! little trouble in locating the guilty party. Charles Heller, the proprietor, j is ill with influenza. Tells of Boche Airplane Raids Back of U. S. Lines CHARLES D. BATES I - Shboting at German bomb planes .'while they are making their raids 'behind the American lines in France |is great sport in the estimation of ' Private Charles D. Bates, serving with the 56th Engineers Search j light Division abroad, but he would 1 much rather be nearer the front line I trenches where he can see actrial : lighting according to a letter re jeeived from hint by his mother. Mrs. I Susan Bates of New Cumberland. ! ' After telling his mother that his I outfit hud been moved again, and were in a large railroad center which I the Germans were trying to raid Jby air. Private Bates. says in his |letter, which is doted September 1: "We are protecting this place with 'search-lights from the Huns who are continually trying to hontb it from the air. We are on duty all day and sometimes all night. We had several air raids this week and 1 think it is great sport to be out there at night with the Jerry ma chine flying over your head. When they're above us we get them in the arc from the searoh-light so tlie anti-aircraft guns can shoot at them. Sometimes they come down the benm and open up their machine iguns on you. it is nice to hear 'those bullets whistle around you j only I wish that we were nearer I the front lines than we are. We 'used to he twenty inilfes from the j front lines but since we have made jour big advances we are about I forty miles." Private Bates expresses bis thanks i that he is "able bodied enough to jdo my bit for Old Glory" and thinks I "that a Aug that is good enough to i live for is good enough to tight for and, if needs be, to die for." Mean while the young soldier is "trusting in the Lord" to bring, him safe home again. Private Bates has a brother. Ser geant George S. Bates, who is at tached to the Quartermaster Corps In France. tides. They have transported cigarets by motor truck and airplanes. Seventy-live buildings are used by them In France, and recently they sent 100 workers to Italy. Much use ful work is done also by the women's I committee of the Catholic War Coun- I ell in ministering: to the needs of the soldier and sailor. Similar work is done by the repre sentatives of the Jewish Welfare Board, which keeps an e>e on 100,000 Jews in the fighting- forces. It seeks especially to bridge divergencies be tween Jew and Gentile in the ranks, and it specializes on Americanizing young Jewish soldiers who had not been in touch with American ideals ior history. The American Library As ; sociation provides the books that the soldiers In France are so glad to gel, ! and it functions through its associate organizations In distributing the hun- i i dreds of thousands of books collected ! in the United States. Snlvntlon Army l'les Beloved i The Salvation Army, had It accom plished nothing more, has won a repu tation for its doughnuts and pies. These delicacies which the Salva- I tion lassies bake in the war zone and I serve free to the soldiers have become : famous around the world. Salvation ists have aided in carrying wounded I and attending them in dressing sta tions. In the restroonts of the Salva tion Army the American fighter over seas mav read American newspapers and books, find a homelike atmos phere enjov games and music and the beneficial' society of American women. The Army has supplied forty-four ambulances for the service of the Al lies and operates i>ol huts, hostels, restroonts and military and naval ho tels overseas. It has twelve centers iin American camps and proposes to build ten more. The organization has 1,210 workers overseas. ! In the big offensives of the Anteri ! can forces the Salvation Army's work ! ers have accompanied the soldiers. ; placing their automobiles at the serv | ice of the hospitul corps, removing the 1 wounded and ministering to the dying with material and spiritual comfort. In their appeal for $170,500,000 the seven organizations point with pride to the unstinted praise extended to them by all the generals of the Allied forces." All of them have more than made good. 'MAX PLANS FOR DEFENSIVE WAR [Continued from First Page.] lence without u fight. The govern- I moot vvliieli would net otherwise , would be left to the merey of the ; fighting and working people. It I would he swept away hy public opin ion. "There also Is another possibility. | The German people must not be blindly brought to the conference table. The German people to-day have the right to usk.if peaee Is real ized on the basis of President Wil rr - Dives, Pomeroy& Stewart Early Winter Hats of | Serving Tables, Dining Distinction Room Suites & Furniture „ t coming °hf c .h'£ v days For Bed Rooms from New \orks cele brated designers show Month-end specials in the Furni trimmings of fur. Sott ture Section embrace values that furs naturally blend with cannot be duplicatet i again. The rTrT such rich fabrics as stlk . ~ , M ffl H velvet, panne velvet and ltcms 1,1 th,s clearance represent 1 N II I beaver presenting a pic- pieces of which there is only a lim- [ko\ f ture of rich simplicity and ited stock. _ I=^,l stvle elegance., Regular $15.00 to $25.00 serving Monkev fur, mole, near tables in Jacobean oak and mahog- ]l 1 seal and Kolinsky are the any; only seven to be sold; choice furs employed. * Shapes while they last. Special .. SIO.OO are most alluring, espe- Ten-piece mahogany diningroom suite, with 54-inch bullet, 48-inch i y\ '.t011,. ♦l, little tin-- extension table and leather seat chairs. 5pecia1........ a.. * 150.0(1 I X / \ uailf tlie smart nine iur- Nine-piece Jacobean diningroom suite in a handsome pattern. -*** f'j/' /\ bans and close-htting Special $ 170.00 V Vr* / \_ ' models. Cupid has sent Combination mattresses. Special . and #11.75 ( i *, .• • Felt mattresses $16.50 ami $20.00 us some lovely creations Halr matlreßßeß *29.50 and **5.00 of this description. Brass beds. Special values at $22.50 and $25.00 SIO.OO, $12.00, $15.00, $16.50 to $75.00. Three-piece ltvingroom suites covered in a fine quality tapestry: ™ ™ large arm chair and rocker, 18-inch davenport with spring seat P'v.es. Pomeroy & Stewart. Second Floor, !• rout. an(l back special $96.00 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Fourth Floor. 400 Remnants Specially Priced from the Oil and Gas Heaters Colored and Black Dress Save Coal Goods Stocks vSttsr- ¥s6s ' ?e ' 7o ' ¥715 ' ?815 ' * B ' so aMI The lengths varv from 1/ 2 to 6 yards and in every instance ''ml c , r - s A apj'n there are savings of 10 to 30 per cent. " $ 6 - 50 . S BSO and *IO.OO. COLORED DRESS GOODS Oil and gas stove mats; round and "square. Each .. 75£ 3 yards ('open serge 46 inches wide. Thursday only, $6.96 Glassware 4 yards Navy serge 42 inches wide. Thursday only, 7.86 „ . . . .. - : 3 yards Navy poplin 5i inches wide. Thursday only, 9.56 Colonial taint* tuniuiers \J 6 1-2 yards Burgundy serge, 48 inches wide. Thursday only, 15.60 , , ... i r • , , . „ I 3 7-8 yards Brown tricotine, 52 inches wide. Thursday only, 11.50 1 ill blown table tumblers, 111 rleur dc His and Stat j 4 yards Plum Fr. serge, 50 inches wide. Thursday only, 9.66 orations, dozen 75<C 2 1-4 yards Navy wl. taffeta, 40 inches wide. Thursday only, 3.70 2 3-4 yards Bin. gabardine, 50 inches wide. Thursday only, 7.50 Willow market baskets, ill square shapes, 5 yards Green Fr. serge, 50 inches wtfe. Thursday only, 12.00 SA.A OAe ai /wx „„.i qt-i or 4 yards Navy wl. taffeta, 40 inches wide. Thursday only, 6.40 OVff, jpx.WU anu pl •*•>> 5 1-4 yards poplin .'. 54 inches wide. Thursday only, 15.75 . , ~ cn , . 3 1-4 yards French 5erge....54 inches wide. Thursday only, 7.80 Adjustable window ventilators, tfVy and YOy BLACK DRESS GOODS Suit Case Specials | 4 1-3 yards broadcloth 54 inches wide. Thursday only, $14.95 Black enamel cases of extra depth and lift-out tray: three hinges, 4 3-4 yards tricotine 54 inches wide. Thursday only, 12.50 . . . boltg . f anC y lining: each $5.00 3 1-2 yards Panama 54 inches wide. Thursday only, B.ly 3 1-3 yards Santoy 43 inches wide. Thursday only, 6.30 Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. 4 yards French serge...s4 Inches wide. Thursday only, 10.60 5 yards poplin 42 inches wide. Thursday only, 8.75 4 1-4 yards wool taffeta ...40 inches wide. Thursday only, 4.25 3 1-4 yards costume serge. .54 inches wide. Thursday only, 8.00 . 3 1-4 yards Panama 54 inches wide. Thursday only. 7.80 H .11 CP Ift H V PIVOTS V£ I V£V 3 1-4 yards Kantoy ..( 42 inches wide. Thursday only, 6.25 JUHg 11011 Vi V V/bO,, V VV/tV/k/HO Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. . ... , . , The richest qualities woven and shown here in a pro -rr z-n • . /->( l •TTtl fusion of Autuipn shades. Do Your Christmas Shopping* Early chuton velvet, colors oni>-, yard *5..->o Packages for out-of-town delivery must be'sent before ZT*. "T* „ndsS December sto avoid congestion ot railways and mails. Ihe FABRICS Government urges Christmas shopping to he spread over the remaining part of October and November. This is ii Keraml, plush weave, in silver ami taupe, ;>2-inch, for collars, vital matter to all who believe that the spirit of Christmas °irLVamK .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'j love and Christmas greetings should not be lost this year Black seal plush, 52-inch, yard $9.00. $12.50, $13.50 and $16.00 when the world needs all the kindness there is in human I Nutria or beaver plush, 52-inch, yard *ll.OO j . Heal brown plush, 52-Inch, yard $16.00 Hearts. Black silk velour. 54-Inch yard *B.OO | Accordingly we have prepared our Holiday Display ot stole | en gths of plush, two yards long. 17 inches wide— Framed Pictures early this year, and announce its com- Kerami $8.33 and *IO.OOI Annimole plush *IO.OO | pleteness for gift choosing. j Black seal plush, $6.00 and *ll.OO [Nutria or beaver *7.33 Millinery Sectiop, Second Floor. J Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor. son's conditions, what they mean for our future. Our answers to tho President's questions must be framed on the German people's understand ing of the question. What it now wants is clearness. To Oppose Violence at Home "The decision will be of stupen-j dous import. It will not be our j strength that will decide, but it will ■ be what is thought to be right In ! free discussion with our opponents: that will give the decision. This isi a great effort for a proud people ac-; customed to victory. The lcgnl qucs-, Hons involved will not stop at our 1 national boundaries which we will i ueter of our own accord, open fori violence. "The principles upon which wo' have agreed as a rule of conduct also involve internal questions. From many quarters it has been repre-| sented to me that an acceptance of President Wilson's conditions would' mean submission—anti-German sub mission—to an anti-German court j of justice which would decide legal questions entirely from the view point of its own interests. If that is tlic case, why then Is it the ex treme apostles of force in the En tente tear the council chamber as tlic guilty fear the court of justice?j Bitterness Foreseen by Chancellor "The essence of President Wilson's program for a leugue of nations can 'not he achieved when all peoples have not the right of national self- Idetermination. This realization of 1 [community law means the abandon ment of part of the unqualified inde | pendence which hitherto has been |the indication of sovereignty, both by us and others. Should we ut thome maintain as fundamental the [national egoism which until a short itime ago was the dominating force lof the people's life, there would be [no restitution und no renovation for jus. There "would be a feeling of blt [terness which would cripple us for j generations. i "But if we comprehend that the :significance of this frightful war is. [above all, victory for the idea of [justice, und if we do not resist this idea, but submit with all good faith, [then we shall find in it a cure for [our present wounds and a reservoir of future strength." I Prince Maximilian said -he would [not deny thut heavy opposition in [Germany must be conciuered before [the ideal league of nations could he realized, but he continued: J "Whether the next few days or I weeks shall call us to light on, or [open the way to peace, there is no [doubt we ure now equal to the task of either war or peace by carrying [out the government's program and i definitely breaking away from the [old system." Cites Bills Before Reichstag The imperial chancellor then dis cussed electoral and parliamentary 'reform. He cited bills before the I Reichstag, one of which enables [members of the house to enter the j government without resigning and 'another proposing a change in the OCTOBER 23, 1918. laws regarding the responsibility of the chancellor. He continued: "Deputies will take part in the direction of imperial policy and, in the name of the chancellor, will l>e responsible without being ministers. Thus a new way is opened for ar- I riving at responsible conduct of im perial affairs the parliamentary iway. I "We are convinced that it will supply, not only, the government, but indirectly parliament, with precious I forces from the people which have j Ihitherto not been utilized." | • New Alsacc-lxirraino Code Prince Maximilian said he hoped | 'soon to announce results of prelimi nary negotiations to obtain a legal! jextension of the chancellor's respon-1 sibllty to be secured by the forma tion of a state tribunal. 1 "The new system," he said, "in 'volves, as a natural consequence, a ,new code of government In Alsace 'Loraine " Reform in Future i Announcement was made by, the! chancellor of a bill making the! • Reichstag responsible for war audi j peace, the measure to become ef ifeetive when the project for a league jof nations should become operative. j The chancellor declared it was the | aim of himself and his colleagues to lestablish the political authority of! Ithe German people. After saying he! welcomed expressions of opinion and | jthat lie and his colleagues wsre! '■agreed as to methods and purposes.| ihe added: I "Our aim is the political author jit.v of the German people. This is| • the guiding star of my collaborators land myself." | The chancellor said individual imembers of the government at ilrst! had different standpoints, but now had been brought nearer together. People to Hide "The Gentian people IrinsN t rig' been in saddle," lie said. "Now it is to ride.'" "Our first and last thought." the chancellor continued, "is for the brave men who are defending them selves against superior forces and whom we must defend against un j ist charges. No one must think he can attack our army without also attacking the honor of our people. "The lot of our soldiers to-day is terriblV hard. They light with .anxiety for the homeland and with | jtheir minds fixed on peace, and they j I hold their ground." All in the Future ! The extraordinary war time meas-| jures, the chancellor explained, could not yet be dispensed with, but they I icould be carried out only by the! I chancellor, who would be respon-i sible to the Reichstag for their ap-| 1 plication. "His Majesty's decrees which I .announced recently now have been i issued." he went on. "They concern I not only the censorship, the right of '.public meeting and restrictions on I personal liberty, but have to do with j economic, social and political mat iters. "If local military commanders 'disagree with the civil authorities' the decision must be reaahed im mediately by the highest commander, who will not be able to promulgate' any decision to which agreement is not given by myself or my represen tative, namely,' Secretary of State Qroeber. Care will be taken that the state of siege is maintained in the spirit in which I assumed the func tions of the government and in which I am resolved to discharge them." Austria Still Hopes V. S. Will Grant Her "Soft Peace" Ituscl, Oct. 23.—President Wilson's reply to the Austrian peace propo sals in no way justifies the conclu sion that the exchange of views which has been begun is to be inter rupted, according to Baron., Von Hussurek, Austrian premier, speak ing before the House of Lords yes | terday, according to Vienna advices received to-day. "We shall continue all the more our efforts toward peace," he said. "We shall answer the note after carefully examining its corftents. We hope that the peace discussions, not withstanding difficulties, will deliver the world in the near future from tlie unspeakable misery of war." 150 Persons Killed by 'Quakes in Guatemala Panama, Oct. 23. —There have been j severe earthquakes In Guatemala and [l5O persons are dead, according to reports received here from Guate ! nittlu. j Much property . damage also has I been caused. THE QUAINT EGYPTIAN LINES of this monumental design are striking, and there is an air of solidity and permanence about it which well expresses the immor tality of the soul that has passed. Other expressive designs which we will submit for your approval include the classical, the Renais sance, etc.. I. B. DICKINSON Granite. Marble niul Tile r>Oo-ltt North Thirteenth St. Harrisburg. Pa.
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