F"FOUR CHANCE IS AWAffING YOU IN THE OPPORTUNITIES LISIEH BELOW I J) 2?eatbs __ Uyme, aged 54 years. morn-i Kuneral services on * ' a L' u lalf t Ing nt 15 o'clock, from net tat , residence. Thirtieth • tr .* t ; e t hTook. Services private, lnteimen Kiist Harrleburg Cemetety. i RUNE - Mary A. Ralne mominr at Ae ho-e of her I A 3^?r r s ee o n .d TndSvAV be j l^r d ThL n r.d E arat? r^ U k r8 Fun e er,i| and interment prliate. . KUBRICK - Charles M. , ? on M da^e 0 d l 3° b ye.rs. 6 months | and 5 days, at 1441 i, une fl!oS t8 at Prospect Hill I Cemetery. • j Church, died October It, 1918, 1118 j Wfi r hjida^the pensburg. Friday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. - _ j IIIYFS On Monday, October -1. I*™ at 6-20 A.M.. Paul • Jones ! son of W. H. Jones, died at c-gg Harbor, N. J. Kuneral services private. __ pearl Ucilla Barbour, H wK? of WilbettJ. Barbour, died at her home, on Adams street, Enola, Pa., yesterday morning of P neu ™°. nia. She is survived by her band and eight children. t Kuneral arrangements hate been completed. j K Ti H HB R M™ MryU&rd died | at her late residence, 15J8 Ceda | Private funeral services will beheld I m n ains U ili a b4 taken to Lebanon. l J a.. j for interment. Bebanon papers, please copy i = ar!ssrtt PrivateYuneral services will be held | on Thursday afternoon, at 4 o clock, rial In Lebanon Cemetery. Leba- j lion, Pa. | _ \tnrk J Patrick, son of, "Iff'SS Mrfwmiam W Patrick | died at the residence, 1-1- Uaiie. i street, aped 14 years. THUM- ! Private funeral service! on Thurs day afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Bunai Bast Harfcisburg Cemetei). . sWKKI.V Mrs. Bertha A. Sweely. j S wtfeVf Y'erne Sweely, died afternoon, at 1 o clock, age Private funeral services ' late residence, 1207 Walnuo'clock' Thursday afternoon, at 1 OLIOC Burial at llarrisburg cemetery. , JOXES Jane E. J° n ? a - A°t" at'the i Id. 1887, died October 18. 1918. ™ homo of her parents, 1419 lenu - street. Vie saw her suffering, heard her sigh. ] fearful henrt and weep n >c., But now she calmly sleeps at iesi. All care, all pain, all suffering p j Kuneral Thursday morning, at 10, o'clock. * . 1 BINGHAM - William 'llllugham ! funeral "njlmrsdky at 10 o'clock. , - j neral private. Interment p.Bate. . IN >ii:.MQltlA>l j „a bif 1 Gone, but not forgotten. . I our mother, dear, we laid away just j It seems V'ut'bufyeste'rday since she, we | Hut we must try and bear it all, fo. . the I-old. lie loved berbvst. Where she has gone to a place ot peace and rest. Her ffi ht B e YDIA STEWART. , CARD OF THANKS ~ ivn MRS. CHABBES J. j IIII'KFL desire to thank their friends k "IS neighbor, for their kindness dur- ! ing the illness and death of their son. Clark M. Blckel. ___ j LOST AN'D FOUND [,OST Between 317 North Second i street and Witman-Schwarz Co., child s spectacles, with tortoise-shell edge, in case with Dr. Rebuck s name on. Ke- ( turn to 2209 North Third street. LOST a pocketbook with a Shrine | card, registration card and so. Re ward it returned to Telegraph Office. , INSTRUCTIONS A' RIGHT START IS HALF THE J BATTBE - Get a THOROUGH. STANDARD course in llarrisburg s j ACCREDITED UuslnessCollegc, School of Commerce. Troup Builtliug, lc. So u tli , Market Square. Bell 480. Dial 43J0. ( .. INDIVIDUAL. PROMOTION in Gregg ] Shorthand, Typewriting, English / HnnkkecPing, Penmanship. Arlth.. etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ABB YEAR. Enter any time. Bell 634K, Dial 401 S. THE OFFICE TRAINING SCHOOL, 121 Mkt. St Chas. R. Beckley, Prln. Merle E. Keller. Bus. Mgr. HELP WANTED —MALE M WANTED CIGAR FOREMAN One who speaks Hungarian preferred. All correspondence ' i will be treated in the strict est confidence. Apply X.. 6980, Care of Telegraph. * *" t "WANTED. CARPENTERS 7oc an hour. Eleven hours for eight hours' work. Double time Saturday after noon and Sunday. Apply Royd House Arey Co.. Emporium. Pa. / i Fop Sale The Pair of Houses, Nos. 14 and 16 Argyls Street They are modern three-story brick houses, have front and back porches and all conveniences. The lot of No. 14 is 18x80 ft., and the price is $2,600. No. 16 is 36x80 ft. and the price is $2,800. Wo consider both arc bargains at the prices named. Miller Brothers & Co. AGENTS „. Locust antl Court Streets ' Member Hbg. Real Estate Board WEDNESDAY EVENING | HELP WANTED—MALE AUTO MECHANICS FOR FORD REPAIRMEN. APPLY MAC'S GARAGE. ' 117 S. THIRD ST. TRUCK DRIVERS AND HELPERS WANTED. ! We require the services of drivers j \ and helpers on Furniture Trucks. Ap j ply at once to GOLDSMITH'S. -H N. Market Square. I | YOUNG MAN to take orders. Ex i perienee not necessary. Earn S J -" U I par day and tip. Paid daily. Apply j Room '24. No. 9 North Market Square. LABORERS WANTED, 25 MEN AT ONCE. APPLY' PENN-HARgfTS HOTEL THIRD AND WALNUT STS. ' i WANTED Carpenters and labor ers. Apply at Warren Moore & Co.. new Pennsylvania l - reight Station Second and Mulberry streets. WANTED Truck driver, experi ! enced man. Permanent position. Good j salary, room and board. I Pennsylvania State Lunatic Hospital, 1 Eleventh and Alaclay. i MANAGER AND BUYER Wanted j for Men's Furnishing Department. A splendid opportunity for a good, live ! wire, who uses improved methods, j • Good salary and bonus, with splendid j [opportunities for advancement. All communications confidential. Address j I M. & B„ care of Telegraph. MEN WANTED To learn the au tomobile business and do mechanical | ! work on same. Thousands of men j are wanted in the United States Army ' for such work as driving and repair- j ing. Auto Transportation School, 260 ; south Front street, Steelton. i WANTED A man. or will employ j , man and wife, to do Janitor afid. j housework. Apply 1700 North Second i | street. ■ j MEN WANTED —To load stone, 29 ! : cents per ton. Can earn $25 to $35 per i : week. Apply Baxiang Quarries. Pax tang. WANTED Collector and solicitor, j Liberal guarantee and commissions. J ! Permanent position for right man. I Bell phones 1061 days. 2970J evenings. I WANTED—Two good, strong boys ; ■to learn a trade. Apply Superinteu- I dent. The Telegraph Printing Lo„ ; llarrisburg. YOUNG MAN To solicit advertls | mg. Permanent connection. Apply | Box S.. 7512, care of Telegraph. WANTED Experienced solicitor to travel on house-to-house and store ] i proposition. $25.00 and expenses to start with—material increase for man j proving he can produce. Must pro- j •luce A 1 references. This is a perma nent proposition with established line | and do not care to hear from fioaters. Address Box B, 6650, care of Tele-1 graph. j WANTED One first-class barber. ; Apply Tile Barber Shop, 15 North Market Square. j HELP \\ ANTED—FEMALE j GIRLS WANTED Learners paid 1 week work. Best prices and bonus paid. All girls from 14 to 16 with [ I certificates employed. Call at once, j Harrisburg Apparel Co., Third Floor,' ! City Star t-auudry Uuliuiug, Sixth and ! I Herr streets. ! WANTED Woman, or girl, for j i general housework. No laundry work. 1 ; References required. Call, after 6 [ ; R. M., at 505 North Front street, or I Bell phone 2358. ; YVANTED Girl, over 18 years, for ! j clerk in grocery store. Apply, between I i 2 and 4 P. M„ to Calvin Etter & Son, ! j 015-917 Cowden street. HOUSEKEEPER Wanted, cook l and housekeeper; good position for the ; right party; good salary; private] I home; small family. Apply Sides & . Sides, 205 Market street. | WANTED * Ten women to travel in Penn- j sylvania for an established ] firm, to sell oil. Salary, SIOO per ; t month, expenses and Bonus. Apply GLOBE REFINING CO., Care of Lochiel Hotel, Harrisburg. I WANTED I Middle-aged lady for clerical position. Ex-school teacher • I preferred. I Apply SWIFT & CO., Nj Seventh and North Streets. WANTED . | GIRLS JN THE FINISHING AND PACKING ROOM? APPLY TO i DEYTNE & YUNGEL SHOE MA.NU- I FACTURING CO., SIXTEENTH AND STATE STREETS. ! - j SEAMSTRESS Experienced sew -1 ers. ootid pay. Appiy Louis. 414 | North Third. . I WANTED Girls over 16 years old, ito work in laundry. Apply Itoyai 1 1-sundry, 1354 Howard street. WANTED Three dishwashers. In [ quire at Alva Hotel. , 60 OPERATORS YV ANTED, AT ONCE Work has begun on the GOVERN MENT CONTRACT, making FLANNEL SHIRTS FOR THE ARMY. Rates have been made high so that experi enced operators will earn $3.00 to $4.50 per day and bonus. _ JENNINGS MFG. CO.. 2014 North Fourth St. WANTED —Maid for general house work. Inquire at 2138 North Third. LADY Wanted Immediately for scrubbing and general work. Apply Stouffer's Restaurant. 4 North Court street. GOVERNMENT NEEDS 12,000 WO MEN CLERKS Harrisburg exami nations November 2, December 7. Sal ary $1,200. Experience unnecessary. Women desiring government positions write for free particulars. J. C. Leon ard (former Civil Service Examiner). 581 Kenois Building. Washington. X HELP WANTED—FEMALE LADIES With or without ex perience, for canvassing or demon strating exclusive proposition that appeals to every housewife, all or part time. Four orders per day pays $20.00 per week. Apply Mr. Cowan, Room 24, No. 9 North Second street. WANTED Middie-aged house keeer for family of two. Apply at 709 North Third street. WANTED Girl for general houso -1 work. No washing. Apply 419 Pine j street, Steelton. i WANTED Two young ladies for ! waitresses. Must give references. Ap | ply st. .. .r's Restaurant, 4 Noitb ] Court. GIRLS WANTED Experienced or inexperienced, for chocolate dippers. Good wages. Apply 331 Market streeL WANTED Woman for general •housework. Inquire at 101 South street. j WANTED Woman to take small family washing and ironing home. Address Box V. 7491, care of Tele ggraph. j WANTED Girl, or middle-aged i woman, for general housework in i small family. Good wages. Aply at i once. 2412 North Sixth street, or Bell i phone 1776 M. : HELP WANTED—MuIe anil Female i WANTED Several— male or fe male for responsible positions in general Insurance office. • Experience and stenography are necessary quali- j llcations. Apply at once. Win. S. I Essick. Union Trust Bldg. SILK MILL I Experienced help wanted. Expert- 1 enced weavers average $3.60 to $4.50 i per day. Other departments propor- I tionately. - i Beginners wanted also. Best pay. I ' Come and earn 30 per cent, bonus over i I and above regular wages. Apply * HARRISBURG SILK MI Ll* Second and North Streets. MAX OR WOMAN For bookkeep- j ling and shorthand. One who is em-] uloyed and wants odditlonal evening! ] work. Preferably one who h9 taught! ! school. Inquire D., 7547, care of Tele- j ■ graph. i , . _____ SITUATION* WANTED—MALE WANTED By energetic, young I j man, a position as city salesman, col- j lector or solicitor, who can devote two ] ior three days a week to same. Can I furnish A 1 reference and bond. Ad- . ] dress Box W. 7488, care of Telegraph, j SITUATIONS WANTED —Female j | WANTED Two colored girls ! would like positions in private family; ] j experienced girls. Call at 1217 North i I Seventh. 1 I WANTED General housework in I small, private family, by young, white woman, who can furnish best of ref erences. Call, or write, 115 Linden street. WANTED Office work by young woman now employed, but who de- | sires to make a change; has 2Vs ; years' experiene, and can furnish besi ■ of references. Address E. M., care of | Telegraph. ! : WANTED —Clerical work by young j woman, who lias had three years' ex ] perienee; can lurnish very good ref erences. Address Box E, 6662, cure of I Telegraph. , HOOMS FOR RENT j NEWLY-FURNISHED ROOMS —, Electric lights, steam heat, running i • water; also private bath. Apply lless . Cigar Store, Thirteenth and Market. ] I FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT— | Gentlemen only. Delightful, convent- ' ent location. Use of telephone and I hath. References exchanged. Call ] Bell 3796 J. ; FURNISHED ROOM FOR GENTLE MEN Front room, corner property, • 1201 Chestnut street, $3.00 per week. [H. G. Pedlow, 3 South Thirteenth street, FOR RENT For single gentle | man, bedroom, sittlngrooni anu bath, j Inquire 800 North Second. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping, first and sec- I ond lloor; heat, gas and private bath; I centrally located. Inquire 327 Suuth ] ] Front street. City. | FOR RENT Furnished rooms, [ $2.50 per week and up; warm rooms; 1 i mining hot and cold water; light housekeeping and private bath. Wil- I son Apartments. No. 143 South Third J street. FURNISHED BEDROOMS FOR i i RENT Steam heat, electric lights i 1 and use of phons. Inquire at 131 Wal j nut street. 1 i FOR RENT Third floor furnish i ed front room, between Front and Sec i ond streets; gentlemen preferred. In quire 128 Walnut street, between 5 and S P. M. ; ROOMS FOR RENT. 113 Locust St. Well furnished. Conveniences. Bell I phone 2907 W. ! HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Unfur ] nished, single or communicating Kitchenettes; laundry, phone and bathroom privileges; stoves furnished i itee. Weekly payments. Inquire 429 j broad street. BOOMS WANTED | WANTED, AT ONCE Three or ' four furnished rooms, or small, fur- I nished apartment, suitable for light I housekeeping. Address information to Box D, 6689, care of Telegraph. i Th It ELi OR FOUR unfurnislied rooms, centrally located, by young coupie. Small apartment, with baut, will be considered. Poasesdkm on or about October f. Can furnish excel lent references. No children. Auur.se 8., 1468, care of Telegraph. APARTMENTS WANTED WANTED Nicely furnished apart , ngint for two. Best o care guaran teed by responsible party. Phone , Mrs. Knowles, Bell 1991. ]] FOR RENT lBl4 State street, llrst-Hoor nicely-furnished apartment, ,i 4 rooms and bath. Good neighbor . ; hood, immediate possession. sls per I month. A. S. Miller, Eighteenth and , | State streets. SALESMEN WANTED I WANTED Ten salesmen, over draft age, I to cover Pennsylvania, to sell oil. Salary, expenses and Bonus. Apply GLOBE REFINING CO.. Care of Lochiel Hotel, , ■ Harrisburg. WANTED WANTED Second-hand furnace— -1 one that will heat a ten room house. Must be in good condition. Address ' i Box B 6649. care of Telegraph. ■ j BOARDING i i WANTED, HOARDERS -In private - family- Good cooking. Use of phone. . Inquire 431 Hummel street, or Bell j phone 2448 M. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH f i ii ' |. / THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS carry news of opportunities, little and big, every day. Opportunities to buy, to sell, to rent, to secure positions, to ! secure workers, board, furnished rooms, used articles. There's not often ] ! a day when the classified columns are lacking in personal appeal to you—in distinctive usefulness and real service to you." * I > - ✓ I- =7 ] REAL ESTATE FOR SALE J INVESTMENT PROPERTY FOR] I SALE Four small brick houses,; with all improvements, yielding S6O; | monthly. Price, $6,600. Bell Realty | | Co., Bergner Building. I | FOR SALE No. 1309 Berryhill j I street dwelling with 9 rooms and i | t, at i, all other improvements —lot. I 1 10x100, with drive alley on rear. Bell ! : Realty Co., Bergner Building. I FOR SALE No. 1731 Carnatiqn ] ] street brick house, with 7 rooms 1 i ami bath gas furnace. Price. ] $2,750. Bell Realty Co., Bergner I Building. j ' FINE INVESTMENT or residence j , property on North Second street, be- i iween Broad and State streets. Brick, ] I 9 rooms and bath. Lot. 24x125 to I wide alley. Side and back entrances. ■ Must be sold to settle an estate. Ad- | j dress Box S, 6660, care of Telegraph, j I FOR SALE A fine brick dwelling, j |on North Second street. Possession j isoon * t Several fine houses on Market street j i ° n Good "-story brick on South Thir- | teenth street. ; Fine home on Front street. Must be i | seen to No. 2 i3l North Second St. FOR SALE Two-story tram*, j metal roof, good oondition, yard. | Cheap home for SI,OOO. Inquire Store. 1117 North Third. J - • "IF IT'S REAL ESTATE, | SEE SANDERLIN." < DEKRY ST., 1334—N0W VACANT, I modern 10-room, 3-story brick, | latest improvements; front and rea porches; lawn and bac k „,[ OU for a private garage; ideal location for a physician; can be bought with I ssoo cash. I FULTON ST.. 1627— N0W corner property; f'.j-storj rooms and attic; gas and watei. ) be bought same as rent. KENSINGTON ST., 2030 all improvements; \ery coz> • as rent. i ST., 2261 * 2-story j brick;'V rooms; all V™P£ovements; j front and rear porches, dandy little house; same as rent. ; CURTIN ST.. 510 Three-story J S "'furnace""' we -buiit.' modern j ■ house; see thl^'before buying; same; i as rent. % I QTVTH ST N. 2521 3-story brick; " rooms, all improvements; ! very good value; same as lent. SCHUYLKILL ST., 618 Comet 3-stoiry brick, all improve ments; same as rent. STFKI.TON, PA.. SOUTH SECOND [ST 318L-i4-story frame; seven rooms; gas and water; same as rent. ROOM i "SECURITY TRUST BLDG., 36 NORTH THIRD ST BELL PlipNE 1390, DIAL 3,3. i 1 CHOICE BUILDING LOTS 60x150 At Washington Heights West En „io West Fairview, Enola Terrace I! S'ND Midway. Price $125 to S2OO Terms, $lO down, $5 monthly A • inndtlme to start your future J home site. Liberty Bonds taken •i at par. SEE C. DAVIES, ] 204 CALDER BLDG.. MARKET SQUARE. . . BELL 4377. I JJ. 19TH ST. 2 H -story frame. * rooms and attic, in good condition; aide entrance. Price $1,660. LW. i Cassell. 1444 Reglna St. : I AN exceptionally well-built two and-one-half-story house, site 30x28 I ?t 'stands back from pavement 35 ft. , 60x248 ft.; contains eight rooms ioi bath Situated on Hamilton - street, Camp Hill. Pa- short distance fr ßuin r< for > residence, not for specu • i.Hon For terms, etc., apply to lation. aMi ASKIN. South and Pitt Streets, . | Carlisle, Pa. ■1 THREE LOTS AT OAK LANE, 75x . 1 460 near Government Buildings. Close • 1 lo trolley line. Price. S2OO each. Easy j 1 TE R N N CORDER. 1722 Green Street. ' i ] Bell 660 J. j ■ HOMES FOR COLORED FAMILIES ' Your boy and your girl ought to, begin where you leave oft, and while " there are many ways to make theii future secure, the following cugges -1 Hons If carried out by you. will ln- Hoire encourage and help them to be- I F.Sme useful men and women. BUY THRIFT STAMPS. WAR SAVINGS i STAMPS AND LIBERTY BONDS. Use 1 the banks regularly and buy yourself 1 a Realty Co. Is prepared i„ hplD you get a home by allowing you to make a reasonable first pay- J™„, ,„a pay the balance the same ' 11". renT For further information re ! Ilrdlng the plan and location of our I^om".LINCOLN REALTY CO.. 1129 North Seventh St. ji open Evenings Until 8 O'clock. | . " OPPORTUNITY ro OWN YOUR OWN HOME nn our easy-payment plan. Small " ??a? payment or Liberty Bond. I balanc ' a Vp t DORAN2. I ' 1225 North Sixth StreeL Member Harrisburg Real Estate Board, j -I i REAL ESTATE FOR SAI.U ' A DESIRABLE HOME IN PEN-1 ! BROOK A double frame house on a i 90x190 ft. lot. Water, gas. fiirnace. | Address R, 7475, care of Telegraph. ! FOR SALE Fay as rent plan. Im ■ mediate possession can be given. Alii I improvements. Two 8-room brick! ; nouses, built in pairs. All street car services. Inquire of J. W. Kline, 1322 i State street. Bell phone 48J. FOR SALE 2217 Penn street, City; i 7-room house; all improvements; ' hardwood iioors downstairs. For in j formation, call H. C. Shure, 142 Catu ' wissa street, Sunbury, Pa. ■ ——_______ I FOR SALE At bargain, 1810 i Briggs street, detached corner house I and garage. Very desirable location. : Immediate possession. A. 8. Miller, ! Eighteenth and State streets. I A WERE-PA XING ROOMING HOUSE ! FOR SALE—IO7 Chestnut street. I FOR SALE 2%-story double ■ brick house, at White Hill lO rooms | each house all improvements ; ' cheap. Inquire A. Smith. Camp Hill, ! !*• j Ileal Estate For Sale—Suburban PAXTANG, BRISBAN STREET Brick. 7 rooms, bath, gas, electric : lights, steam heat, side entrance. Lot, i 120 feet deep. Price, $3,700. H. G. j Pedlow, 3 South Thirteenth street. REAL ESTATE fok RENT ; FOR RENT 9-room' brick house; ; gas; electricity; steam heat; all con , venleuces. Rent, SSO. Inquire at 916 North Sixteenth street, or Bell phone 2912. ' FURBISHED HOME FOR RENT | Front and Calder, S9O per month. Ap ply D. A. Caley, 70i Kunkel Bldg. Ben | phone 589. - ■ .j 1 REAL ESTATE—For Sale or Rent | HOUSES AND GARAGES at Fifth i ! and Curtin streets. Possession of ! some of the houses on thirty day a notice. Fred C. M'l'er, 31 North Sec-.; ! ond. Bell phone 307 J. |—— - , j REAL ESTATE WANTED | j 1 HAVE BUYERS waiting for prop- j erty in any section of the city, if . I cheap. What have you to ouei-2 Unas, i Adler, 1002 North Third street. I , FARMS ; FARMS —On hand; Any slse, with ! or without stock. loi Chestnut; I street. FARMJ3 FARMS FARMS I HAVE'FARMS of all sires, from' | 1 to 200 acres each, from 4 to 10 miles ' from Harrlsburg. Terms reasonable. C. 11. CORDER, 1722 Green Street, \ Harrlsburg. Bell 560 J. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS ! "CHOICE FRUITS" | LARGE JUICY ORANGES, | GRAPE FRUIT, APPLES, GRAPES, j PEARS, PEACHES, QUINCES. CIGARS, TOBACCOS, CANDY AND SOFT DRINKS. A. C. GANNAM. DIAL PHONE. 923 N. THIRD ST. FOR SALE—Home-raised potatoes delivered to all parts of the city. Guaranteed to be good, mealy pota toes. Bell phone. A. B. Davis, Pen brook, Pa. PAWNBROKER S SALS • A big lot of unredeemed overcoats to be sold at the very lowest prfoe. NOTICE To those holding pawn tickets for overcoats and other winter articles should please come and redeem them or they will be sold without further notice. N. BRENNER, 1816 NORTH THIRD ST. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS APPLES FOR SALE Grimes, Gol den, with a Banana, Stayman Wein sap, -donatlians, York Imperial, etc. Some of these apples are very fine. Come and see them at R. A. Wicker sham's Orchard, one-half mile east of Meehonlcsburg. Pa. Trolley car stops at Orchard. I FOR SALE Car of Apples, No. 1. 1 in bulk, principally York Imperial and ■ York Striped; also Ben Davis.. Sepa i lately sorted. Inquire Martha Yingst, 327 South Froi\t street. * FOR SALE A hot-air furnace. A. W. Swengel, No. 2131 North Second street. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CASE ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED. GEO. P. TILLOTSON, 205 LOCUST STREET. OPP. OR PHEUM THEATER. BOTH PHONES. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! The Store across from Y. W. C. A. offers you th Biggest and Best Bar i gains in Men's and Boys' Suits, Over- I coats, Makina-w Coats, Underwear, I Hats, Caps and Shoes. We are fam ous for Low Prices. Give us a trial. J OUTLET CLOTHING CO.. 23 North Fourth Street. FOR SALE Large quantity of used lumber from Penn-Harrla Hotel. Also 10,-000 $-lnch tile. Apply Na tional I'lre-Proofing Co. at Penn-Har ris Hot P i L OFFICES AND STOREROOMS ! FOR|_RENT storeroom at 24 i North Third street. Newly remodeled ; and new front. Also offices for rent :In same building:. Apply next door— | The William B. Schletsner Stores. 1 LARGE STOREROOM FOR RENT— Suitable tor automobile display room lor other wholesale or ,largre .retail ! business, 1101-1103 North Sixth street. ; Apply to Louia, 414 North Third. j FOR RENT Desk room in office building on Square. Address Box C. | 7012. care o£ Telegraph.. I OFFICES FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished, single or ensuite of two or three rooms. Apply H. A I. | Lowengard. 210 North Third street. FOR RENT la the Commonwealth Trust Company Building. large, roomy offices. Apply to COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO -222 Market Street. I_ i WANTED —MISCELLANEOUS WANTED A Boston Bull Terrier. Inquire 1253 Derry street. Bell 3954 R. HIGHEST FKICES PAID for all kinds of Junk. Get our prices before i selling. Call Bell phone. 036. or drop > us a postal and our wagon will call. Keystone Iron & Metal Co., Broad and Currant streets. WANTED. TO BUY A new or second-hand pony wagon. State price. Address 1., 0661, care of Tele graph. CLOTHING, SHOES. FURNITURE— Bought at highest cash prices and sold reasonable. S. Refkin, 407 Broad street. Bell phone 3S7OJ. MORRIS SAYS save money buying i new and second-hand furniture here. ! High prices paid for furniture. Morris . Schmertz, 1030 Market. Bell 3971 R. ' EXTRA! EXTRA! EXTRA! L. Cohen & Cp.. York and Ash ave nues. have opened up a place. Whole sale and retail scrapiron, metals, rub- > ber, and rags, paper stock. All grades ! of junk and barrels bought. Bay I highest cash prices. Send postirt or call Bell phone 3221 W. Will call, i ' HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all kinds of empty barrels and Junk. Call i Bell phone 4275. B. Abrams A Son. 824-832 North Seventh street. i MAX SMELTZ Second-hand furniture bought and i sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell 1381 or Dial 6847, or drop a pos i tal to Max Smeltz, i.ul6 Market street. I ! Will call, city or country. I —— • ! ! BUSINESS PERSONALS Diamonds bought tor Cash; appraiser* for estate. P. H. Caplan Co.. 306 MkL RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED —j Single edge, 25c doz.; double edge, 25c . doz.; old style, 25c each. Gorgas Drug Store. . QUININE —Look out for that grippe feeling, likely to catch you this changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE PHOSPHO-QUININE will stave it o if taken In time. Gross Drug Store, 119 Market street ! RELIABLE ELECTRIC AND LOCKSMITH SHOP, GENERAL REPAIRING. 1803 N. SIXTH ST. I • BELL 8995. DIAL 5854. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES j RESTAURANT FOR SALE Cen . trally located and doing a prosperous I business. Owner called to government . | service. Bell Realty Co., Bergyer Building. Aloncy to Loan ' MONET TO LOAN on Real Estate I by the East Harrisburg Building and • Loan Association, Thirteenth and .1 Market streets. New Series of Shares I Opens November 1. Monday, Wednes- I day and Friday until November 1. I . _ • MONEY WE LEND MONEY I. r\- in accordance with laws of STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. If you need money in a hurry come to see us. All business I strictly confidential. i I EMPLOYES' LOAN SOCIETY, ItOOM 206 BERGNER BLDG., ! 'THIRD AND MARKET STREETS. I LICENSED AND BONDED BY STATE. I WE LEND MONEY in compliance with Act of June 17. 1915, to individu als In need of ready cash; small loans a specialty; business confidential, navments to suit borrower's conven ience; positively lowest'rates in city. iENN'9Y LVAN1A INVESTMENT CO. 182 Walnut Street. MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security in any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O. Box 174. Harrisburg. Pa. Musical I WEAVER ORGAN" —ln good con dltion, cheap. Apply, after 6 P. M.. at 240 Hummel avenue, Lemoyne. Pa. VIOLINS. MANDOLINS, GUITARS. BANJOS. Band and Orchestra Instru ments promptly and carefully repair ed. OYLER'S. 14 South Fourth street FOR SALE A brand-new s4oo' piano, nover used. Will sell at a sac rifice to quick buyer. Call and see It. inquire 1504 State street PIANOS TUNED AN?) REPAIRED by a skillet} tuner only. Oyler'a, 14 auutn Fourth street. TALKING MACHINES promptly and ' caret ully repaired by an expert only. OYLER'S. 14 South Fourth street. IF your Talking Machine needs re ■ nairs just call Bell Phone 3242 J. An I expert will be at your service ut once. • or bring machine to 1213 North Third ' street. • TALKING MACHINES of all kinds ; repaired by an expert. All work ' promptly done and guaranteed. . Call • 2304R, or 104 Howard avenue. Hauling and Moving i AUTO HAULING Local and long distance. Furniture moving a spec : TAG- C"N C BENA ' FC PROMPT "R --wltb auto and careful drivers. Call Bejl 3320, or Dial 2266. LOCAL , ANO 1 LONG-DISTANCE • HAULING Prompt service. A. A ■ B Motor Express. 917 Cap.tal street. ' Bell phono 1636 J. LOCAL AND IX)NG-DJSTANCB HAULING— Furniture movlpg. Prompt service. Ernest Corbln. 636 Calder ! street. Both phones. Bell 3636J, Dial : 3683. AUTO HAULING Local or long distance. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. Blue Line Transfer. 817 Capital street- Both phones. m. •? OCTOBER 23, 1918. Hauling and Moving HEAVY HAULING—FuIIy equipped for furniture, freight and piano mov ing. No distance too far. Caraful driver. Rain and dustproof body. J. E. Grubber's Truck Service. Irvln Aungst, Manager, Hershey, Pa. Bell phone 16R-U all kinds of hauling AND MOVING BOhii. ! CONRAD BROS., 341 KELKER ST. BELL PHONE 623 W. DIAL PHONE 3515. HICKS & HOPKINS Local and Long-distance Hauling. 424 Rally. Both phones. PETS AND LIVESTOCKS FOR SALE —A pair of full-broken 'coon dogs, rabbit and fox proof. Can try before buying. W. F. McDaniel, 1418 Herr street. WHERE TO DINE ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. STOUFFER'S RISDTAURANT—Home cooking served to Businessmen and Ladles in separate diningroom. Storage STORAGE —419 Broad streeL house hold goods, merchandise. Private rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. Both phones. STORAGE —Iu brick building, rear 408 Market. Household goods In clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. P. Q. Diener, 408 Market streeL STORAGE Private rooma for household goods In fireproof ware i house. $3 per month and up. Lower ! storage rates In non-fireproof ware- I house. Harrisburg Storage Co., 437- i 445 South Second street. UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. FACKLER, FUNERAL DIRECTOR, 1312 Derry St. BELL 1956. DIAL 2133. RUDOLPH K. SPICER, Funeral Director and Embalmer, 611 North Second Street. BELL 252. DIAL 2146. Cleaner- and Dyers IT PAYS to have Clothes Cleaned. Pressed. Dyed or Repaired at the beat place in town. Call and deliver. Goodman's, 1306 Vi North Sixth. Both Phones. MOTORCYCLES AND IHCYCLES . ... ] INDIAN- MOTORCYCLE Like | new. bargain at $95.U0. ixorst, Ling uist own, Pa. I' BICYCLES. BICYCLES. New and rebuilt bicycles at very at i tractive prices; guaranteed repair \ ing; come Uure anil get a square deal. H. F. ESTER BROOK. 912 N. Third StreeL Dial 4990. HENDERSON MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE sl2s. 1916 Model. 2-speed. Good machine. Call 24 Chestnut street, Steelton. ! ONE THREE-SPEED INDIAN MO | TORCYCLE FOR SALE —H. JL. ' Enders, Auto Supplies, 239 South Cam i eron street. Dial 6938. BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EXPERT. WITH ANDRED REDMOND, 1607 NORTH THIRD ST. INDIAN, 1916—Good as new, (120.00. Good tires—one new. Bargain. Horst Garage, Lihglestown, Pa. ' WE BUY old bicycles, coaster | brakes, and frames. Call Dial 990. | Esterbrook. , GARAGES ACCESSORIES AND REPAIRS : NATIONAL RUBBER TIRE FILLER I i ide like air. No punctures. Np blow : outs. Sold on a guarantee by C. E. i Anderson, SOI North Eighteenth 1 street. Dial 6455. ' AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds re : paired by specialists. Also fenders, ' lamps, etc. Best service in town. Har -1 risburg Auto Radiator Works, 806 ! North Third street. WM. PENN GARAGE 304-6 Muench street. Limousines for I funeral, parties and balls; careful ' drivers; open day and night. Bell , 1 4564. ! KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO. All sorts of auto top anfl cushion work done by experts. Also repair work. | Reasonable rates. 1019 Market St. SUNSHINE GARAGE Auto re pairing by experts. Road Jobs a specialty. Charges reasonable. Both Phones. Sunshine Garage, 27 North Cameron street. UP-TO-DATE GARAGE Expert repairing. Storage space to rent. All accessories. Prices reasonable. Muff Bros.. Garage. 24 4 S'. Front St. Steelton. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE One seven-passenger, eight-cylinder Cadillac. Call Bell phofle 4667. REO TIJUCK For sale; 1914 Reo; 2-ton truck. Extra large furniture body; new tires; in good running order. Hoover Furniture Co., 1417 North Second street. FORD, 1917, |385.U0, no less. Dodge. (860.00. Flanders Roadster, positively O K., (165.00. Indian Motorcycle, (90.00. Other Bargains. Horst, Llng lestown. Pa. ONE NEW CONESTOGA TRUCK Covered body, 1.000 lbs. capacity. A bargain. inquire of Philadelphia ' Quick Lunch. FOR SALE One 1917 Hupmobile. Owner expects to be called In the ser ' vice. Apply Sunshine Garage, 27-29 North Cameron street. TOURING Flanders, (350.00; Fords, (215.00 and (360.00; Overland, (7C0.00; Regal. (600.00; Palmer, (376.00; 1 Maxwell, (725.00; Oakland. (376.00; 1 Dodge, (985.00; Metx, (600.00; Reo • Roadster, (250.00. Horst, Llnglestown, Pa. • 1918 DODGE (986.00 1916 Overland $700.00 1914 Ford (266.00 10 Indian Motorcycle (120.00 Other Bargains. HORST. Llnglestown, Pa. EXIDE BATTERY SERVICE , All makes o£ batteries recharged and repaired; work guaranteed. Auto repairing; electric work a specialty. EXCELSIOR AUTO & BATTERY CO.. 11th and Mulberry Sts. OLD AUTOS Wanted; used, wrecked or oldllmtrs. ■ la any condition. See me before sac* rlflcing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto Wrecking. A. Scl.lftiiisn, 22,24.26 North Cameron street. Bell 3633. fOR SALE Reo 6-cylinder. 7-pas senger, late model, mechanically per fect. looks like new. extra tire. Price. , (1 100.00. Apply Saturday, after 5 P M„ 1319 Swatara street. Bell j J 723 M. > ] AUTOMOBILES ' OVERLAND USED CAR DEPARTMENT t of the rlsln er trice* 011 all IrnnH ~?L P ® W cars - u 18 natural that Dnrtim 5 1 cars 8ho "ld Increaao pro ed ? y * have not yet mark .?!. J'" np. hence the two offerings ills week are especially attractive. Comini.< 8 'i t f notor - *l>lendid tire paint and top excellent. A unusu.fiv ear. lots of power and and Jit™ easy riding. Headlights J450 noi dimmers. Owner spent Ll.° Ve , rhaul and tlros Jnot be- Specialfv m K i"s f or Wlllya-Knight. pecially marked this week, 1495.00. e'Klit-cylinder. can be dem- S on an y hill- Unusually nlng and un 0 ?? 0 !? 10 " 1 : A ""tooth-run ning and up-to-the-nilnute car. 1950.00. Convenient payment can be arranged. THE OVERLAND-HARRISBURG CO.. ziz-214 North Second Street. "MAC'S GARAGE" \ 19 J 5 L, roadster; newly paint perfect jond itk>n. Whee,t,; extra tire: a?d A Ke7. 1917 n '° del: oVer " Bargain; must he sold PACKARD—ROADSTER. new "him*™ ~ Roadster; 1917 model; new battery and all new tires. demountabtfV"wheels? 16 '' JuSt Pa ' nled; pBOW ELKHART 1917; just re painted; good condition; tine value. BLAND 80 . new tlres . en gi ne in fine condition. FORD—Delivery; panel body; 1250.00. 1S16; one ., top; demountable wheels; extra tire, newly painted; bargain. , MACS OARAGE. FORD DELIVERY CAR, FORD- Redden Truck. Studebaker Truck Hudson Super-Six Sedan, Cadillac Light, Coupes and Touring Cars. Also other makes. Apply 103 Market street. FOR SALE "Abbott-Detroit," 7- passenger. Will sacrifice for (225. Worth (460. Good tires. John Young 414 Second street. West Fail-view, Pa! WILLYS SIX , (Sporting Model), i five-passenger touring car. Equipped i with wire wheels, two extra wheels and tires. Car practically good as new. A bargain to quick buyer. For demonstration or Information call Bell 2176. CHALMERS CLOSED TOP With dome light, extra windshield, gray up holstering. Originally cost (300. Used one season, and must be sold immediately at a low figure, as owner is leaving town. Answer to Box 31 Dauphin, Pa. FOR SALE One 1917 Ford, run only 800 miles with speedster body and regular body. Easily changed. One 1917 Oldsmobile. 8-46. Run 6,000 miles. In A 1 condition. Cord tires Original paint. UNIVERSAL HOSIERY MILL, Marysvllle, Pa. WANTED All kinds of used auto tires. We pay highest cash prices. No Junk. H. Esterbrook, 912 North Third street. Dial 4990. SECOND-HAND MOTOR TRUCKS FOR SALE CHEAP Consisting of variety of Ford cars, with rear-end one-ton capacity; Vims, Buick, Reo and Mack, with power hoist, dump body. All are good bargains. Inter national Harvester Company of America Truck Dept., 619 Walnut street. AUTOMOBILE WANTED Prefer ably a Light Six Bulck or Velle, or one of this sort. Must be in good con dition. No dealers. Late model. Ad dress Box B. 7487, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE 1917 Dodge Touring car, in Ai condition. Also an elegant safe. Will sacrifice to quick buyer Apply Mack's Dental Parlor, 310 Mar ket street. Second Floor. FOR SALE One-ton Studebaker Truck, slightly used. Elegant condi tion. Also Ford light delivery. Good condition. Crispen Motor Car Co., In ternational Truck, 103 Market street. Service Station, 29 North Cameron street. MAXWELL Touring car'ln Al shape. Must be sold, owner was drafted. This car Is like new. A lot of extras; wheel with new tires. Ap ply at 126 South Eleventh street. 1914 KNOX Racing Car, in good con dition. „ 1916 Chalmers Roadster, In Al con dition. SUNSHINE GARAGE. Both Phones. FOR SALE l9ll Maxwell car In Al condition. Good tires. Price is right. West Fairvlew Garage. Both phones. —. 1 FOR SALE One Oakland Six, electrically equipped, new tires, de mountable rims. Jiffy curtains, Al condition, at a reasonable price. In quire Cumberland Valley Garage. Me chanlcsburg, Pa. SMALL FLANDERS TOURING Like new, (378.U0; 1919 Mitchell. Lib erty Six and Chevrolet Tourings. Also Truxton Trucks. Horst. Llnglestown. 6-PASSENGER TOURING CAR Very powerful. New tires. Com- Dletely overhauled. Good us new. Ex ceotlonally fine condition. Cash or easy terms. Frank Rittase, 1530 Nau dain street. MAGNETOS All types; 4 and 6 Bosch high tension, Eismann, Dlxey. SDlltdorf. Mea, Remy and different makes of tolls, carburetors, etc. A Schlffman. 22,24-26 North Cameron street. Bell 3633. WORD TOURING. 1914, automobile Good condition. Price, (276. Apply 619 Emerald street. Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page L 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers