2 IMPORTANT NEWS OF TOWNS IN CENTRAL BUYS $3,000 IN LIBERTY BONDS Ambassador Harry P. Fletch er Gives Big Boost to Loan Quota at Grencastle SOLDIER IS IN SIBERIA Guy Shifler Sends Word to Mother of Arrival in Far Northern Country Greencnstlc. Pa., Oct. 19.—Ambas sador Henry Prather Fletcher, as another evidence of his great loyal ty to his birthplace, has subscribed for 13.000 in Liberty Loan Bonds to b's credited to Greencastle's quota.— Mrs. Estelle Shifler, of the Barnhart Apartments, has received word of the arrival of her son, Guy, in Si beria, after a twenty days' voyage. Private Shifler is the first young man in this community to be sent to Si beria.—M. D. Kauffman, son of Air. and Airs. C. C. Kauffman, of North Washington street, has been appoint ed sanitary inspector at the Camp Custer Extension and has entered upon his duties. Air. K.fftiffman's duties include the inspection of the bunk houses, kitchens, mess halls, storerooms, offices and food stuffs. — Twenty women are employed at the Greencastle evaporator, which has been leased by Irving Hockenberger, of New York. The evaporator is turn ing out vast quantities of evaporated apples daily.—Fred Schaff, son of Air. and Airs. J. K. Schaff. of Lin den avenue, has entered the Army Training School, at Gettysburg.—C. Elmer F"ries and son have returned from the Chambersburg Hospital, where they spent the last month un dergoing treatment for typhoid fever. —-Mrs. C. Earl Hollinger is visiting relatives at York.—Miss Clara An keney. of Clearspring, is the guest of Mrs. John P. Stover.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snively have returned from an extended wedding trip, which in cluded a visit to many of the western cities.—Airs. Hugh P. Drysdale, of North Adams. Mass., is visjting her sister, Mrs. William R. Davison. — Mrs. Annie Brenisholtz and daugh ter, Aliss Ida, are visiting in Eliza bethtown.—Miss Amy Shank, of Washington, spent the week end at her home in South Carlisle street. — Dr. G. A. Soweli, one of Greencastle's physicians, who was ill with influ enza, is able to be out again.—James Ebbert and family, of York, have been spending .a week with. Airs. Jennie Ebbert. One Physician Caring For Sick at Thompsontown Tfcompsontown, Pa., Oct. 19.—Dr. S. F. Metz is 111 with pneumonia. This leaves only one physician. Dr. W. H. Haines, to care for the sick of the town and. many miles of surrounding territory.—The Rev. Walter Brown spent the weekend at Mrs. Jennie Parsons, or Washington, D. C., was a weekend guest of Air. and Airs. Cyrus Carvell.—Air. and Airs. Joshua Gross were at Harris uurg on Saturday attending the fu neral of a relative.—A daughter was born to Alrl and Mrs. AI. E. Schlegel on Wednesday morning. October 16. —Airs. Schlegel and two older chil dren are ill with influenza.— Airs. J. G. Haldeman and daughter. Miss Pearl, returned Wednesday from a two weeks' visit with J. E. Haldeman and family at Harrisburg.—J. Frank Patterson, of Alifflintown. was in town on Wednesday.—Postmaster and Airs. Oscar W. Keagle, are ill with influenza, C. R. Nelson Is in charge of the postoffice.—A. G. Haldeman was at Harrisburg on Saturday.—J. E. Flelsher, of Newport, was in town on Wednesday. PMdIIUNTBE People Notice It. Drive Them Off with Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets A pimply face will not embarrass you much longer if you get a package of Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. The skin should begin to clear after you have taken the tablets a few nights. Cleanse the blood, bowels and liver with Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the successful substitute for calomel; there's no sickness or pain after taking them. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do that which calomel does, and just as effec tively, but; their action is gentle and safe instead of severe and irritating. No one who takes Olive Tablets is ever cursed with "a dark brown taste," a bad breath, a dull, listless, "no good" feeling, constipation, torpid liver, bad disposition or pimply face. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a purely vegetable compound mixed with olive oil; you will know them by their olive color. Dr. Edwards spent years among pa tients afflicted with liver and bowel complaints, and Olive Tablets are the immensely effective result Take one or two nightly for a week. See how much better you feel and look. 10c and 25c per box. All drugcris" "Xuxated Iron helps put avtOflitthing strength and energy into the veins of men and bring roses to the cheeks of pale, nervous, run-down women," says Dr. James Francis Sullivan, formerly physi- | riao of Bellevue Hospital (Outdoor Dept.) j N. Y. and Westchester County Hospital. ! "i prescribe it regularly in'cases of de leted energy, anaemia and lack of ■ rength and endurance. There is nothing tike organic iron-Nur.ated Iron-to quickly ridi the blood, make beautiful, healthy * omen and strong, vigorous, iron men: ti "faction guaranteed or money •r-nided. SATURDAY EVENING, ' Shoe Factory Employes Cut Big Field of Corn Halifax, Pa., Oct. 19.—Thirteen ; Halifax men after completing their ; regular week's work Saturday noon in the shoe factory of town, went to j the Ryan Bressler farm near Mata- ! moras, and assisted in cutting off a big field of corn.—Washington Camp ! Xo. 576, P. O. S. of A., has on dis- \ iplay at their lodge room in the Baker | building. Third and Market streets, a new service flag containing eigltt 1 stars in honor of their members in J the service.—Mrs. Elona Williams j and children, John and Laura, of j Linglestown, are spending some time with her brother, Edward Weaver.! ! —M. J. Sheaffer and wife, George : |Sheaffer and son, and James Sheaf- ' I fer, of Penbrook, spent Monday at | the home of J. E. Zug.—G. O. Loom jis, who has charge of the repair work on the state road in this sec-I- Ition, has had his force of men in-' j creased by eleven prisoners sent out) 'from the Dauphin county jail.— i 1 | Robert Fields, aged about 27 years, ii lof Lebanon, a son-in-law of the Rev. | land Mrs. H. H. Fertig, has been | ; killed in action in France, according i 1 |to word received. Mrs. Fields died al ( ilittle more than a year ago.—Helen |i Wilt is attending Irving College, at h j Mechanicsburg.—A new entrance is j being made to the front of the bor- 1 | ough building on Second street. Ce- 1 ment steps have been put down and ; ;a new door cut in to make access I. 'more convenient to' the fire com jpany's apartment.—Miss Mary Van-i* ! ctta, of McClellan, spent Monday!) with her sister. Miss Margaret Van- , etta, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. i Luther Fehr.—Harry Noblet's fight- |J ling rooster is no more, the old fel- ," 'low, who has been the terror of all; 1 other fowls in the Noblet yard for ' :years, finally succumbed to old age] l on Tuesday. It is said that neither! 1 'man or beast could enter the yard l ! during the day unless he be greeted; 1 with a stab from the rooster's j spur. He was truly a game bird.— ' William Matter and son, Samuel •! Matter, of Steelton. spent Sunday at the home of his brother, Mr. and I! Mrs. George M. Matter, near town. ' j—John Miller, of Duncannon, spent 1' Sunday at the home of his sister, r Mrs. B. F. Kling.—Harry Kline, of 1 Marysville, spent Monday with his J family, near town. —Forrest Boyer, 1 accompanied by Raymond Guthrie, 5 of Minnesota, both sailors on the * United States steamship, Montata, | I spent Sunday at the home of the 1 former's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. ( G. W. Bowman.—Guests at the home * of Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas ' Willits, over the week end were: ' Mrs. L. I. Humpton. Miss Edith! 1 Seotter and Miss Winifred McEliroy, , { of Parkesburg: * Miss Florence Rhoads. of Coatesviile, and Miss 1 ' Lulu Evans, of Lancaster.—Miss 1 Mary Stoneroad, of Harrisburg, is 5 confined to the house of her father, i' with illness.. —James Meckley and daughter, Annie, who have been ill, I 1 are improving.—J. F. Sheesley and : wife, spent Sunday with friends at ' Elizabethville.—George B. Hoffman } spent over Sunday with friends at ' Harrisburg and Steelton —R. S. Kerr c and his son-in-law, Roy Lehmar, of * near Millerstown. Perry county, i 1 spent several days at the home of 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Mender. —Mrs. I* Oscar Alvord, who has been serious- j ly ill at his home, in South Front ' street, is improving.—George D. t Reiscli spent Sunday at Camp Lee,' 1 Petersburg, Va., visiting his son, Harry Reisch.—John Beitzel, of Car- ! I lisle, spent the week end with his parents. Prof, and Mrs. S. C. Beitzel. | —Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Fetter- 1 hoff, of Milton, were week end , guests of his mother, Mrs. Aaron j Fetterhoff.—Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Pike, of Hummelstown, were week j end visitors to the home of Mr. and ! Mrs. George Bowman.—Mr. and ; Mrs. C. K. Comly, of Steubensvjlle, i Ohio, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Percival S. Hill, Mrs. 1 Comly being a sister of Mrs. Hill. —! William E. Cooper, of Philadelphia, i spent several days visiting his pat ents, Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Cooper.— Mrs. Amos W. Dunkel is paying an ! extended visit to Mr. and Mrs. Wil- I liant Straw, at Highspire.—Mrs. Ed ward M. Kinter is confined to her |' home with an attack of neuritis. Visitors Spend Pleasant Days at Linglestown I'lnglestown, Pa., Oct. I^^-Roger ! Care, of Camp Meade, and Afrs. Care. I ; and son. Ross, of Steelton, on Sunday | \ were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. \ B. Care.—Mrs. Elizabeth Reese, of , i Penbrook, on Sunday was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Reese.—Dr. and ! Mrs. Goodman, of Pittsburgh, spent I some time at the latter's home, with Mr. and Mrs. John B. Llngle.—Mr. ; and Airs. C. D. Lingle, of Harrisburg, on Sunday, were guests of friends j here.—Mrs. J. F. Hicks on Sunday, I was the guest of Mrs. Cioyd Holland 1 at Paxtang.—Miss Sara Shriener, of i Philadelphia, is spending some time ; with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1 George Shrelner.—Arthur Lewis, of Camp Colt, Gettysburg, spent Wednes- i day as the guest of Mrs. Fannie Care. I —The Rev. and Airs. Gotschal and I daughter, Frances and Airs. Parcells, ! formerly of Allentown, moved to the ! ; home of Airs. Annie AI. Smith.—O. B. ' Leese, and the Rev. Gotschal, on Wed- ! neaday. motored to Allentown.—Wil-1 | liam Lingle and daughter, Aliss Moi lie, of Harrisburg. on Sunday, were l ( the guests of Air. and Airs. George Sheiner.—Airs. Bobbs, Airs. Thomp son, Aliss Reichel and George Schaef fer, of Harrisburg. on Sunday, were guests of Air. and Airs. Harry Brehm. —Aliss Grace Smith on Wednesday, ! visited friends at Harrisburg.—Airs.' | Ida Shuey, of Harrisburg, on Wed- I nesday, was the guest of Airs. Annie Buch.—Mrs. Frank Hench and chil dren, of Progress, spent Thursday ' with Mr. and 'Mrs. McClellan Hench. —Elmer Zimmerman, of Monterey, spent several days with W. G. Zim merman and family.—Miss Jessie Lenker spent Wednesday at Harris burg.—Mrs. Fannie Backenstoe spent Thursday among friends at Harris burg.—Mrs. Blerbower and daughter, Aliss Elsie, of Carlisle, spent several days with Air. and Airs. Charles Koons. —Airs. Shellenhammer. of Missouri, is spending some time with the family of John Bumgardner.—Mr and Mrs. John Feeser, of Harrisburg, on Wed nesday. were guests of Mr. and Airs. W. G. Zimmerman. REPAIRING PARSON'AGE Bhiin, Pa., Oct. 19.—The Lutheran congregation at Blain have voted to repair the parsonage.—Emory Rice of New York, visited his sister. Mrs' D. W. Sheaffer, and while here re paired the lighting plant in the Lutheran Church and of the slreet lights.—Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Boyer and baby, and Mrs. BoyerV mother, Mrs. James Pyle and baby, ail ot Philadelphia, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. S. Boyer.—Mrs. Emma Cornp, Mr. and Mrs. Newto/i Coinp and two children, Mary and Pan) of Churchtown, visited the familv. of R. H. Kell.—Miss Edith M. Bisttine, is home from Cumberland Valley Normal school, at Shipper.sburz Mrs. H. M. Martin, of Eiizaliethtown, visited the family of W. ri. Martin. —Mrs. W. I. Stokes and three chil dren, are vlsitingVthe formc. s par ents, the Rev. and Mrs. Israel M'eik iley, near Ithaca, N. Y. ANOTHER FIRE ATLITTLESTOWN j Large Barn and Several Sta bles Burned With 1,200 Bushels of Wheat OWNED BY CANNING CO. New Oxford Man Drives Car Over Steep Bank to Avoid Collision | Gettysburg, Pa., Oct. 19.—Follow ing the disastrous fire at Littles |town of several weeks ago, when a | half dozen business places were con sumed by the flames, another blaze i has visited the town on the southern I border of the county. The large barn [and smaller stables of the Shriver ! Canning Company were burned to !the ground, together with 1,200"" j bushels of wheat, all the hay and i fodder and much of the other con sents of the buildings. Xo theory is held concerning the origin of the fire other than it might have been the work of an incendiary. The build ings, burned were on the southern part of the properties on which are located the factory buildings of the Schriver company. The big canning plant was saved through the efforts of the Littlestowh firemen, who kept the flames from getting a head way anywhere except in the two structures in which they first ap peared.—ln avoiding a collision with another car Justice of the Peace Charles K. Yeager, of New Oxford, drove his machine over a ten-foot bank along the Lincoln highway, near Abbotstown. In the car with Air. Yeager were his wife, his moth er-in-law. Mrs. Bittinger, aged 87 years, John Hersh and George Ner rill, ail of New Oxford. The entire party escaped injury when thrown from the automobile when it crash ed through a fence and turned on U? sl<le - —The Conowago Game and Fish Protective Association of Cono wago township has received ten cans of black baks fry and ten cans of-' small frogs from the state hatchery at Torresdale and immediately lib erated. them at different places in the Little Conowago creek. A ship- i ment of catfish has also been placed in the same stream.—Reports indi- I cate that the chestnut crop will be ! only half a crop throughout the county this fall, as the blight is fast killing the chestnut trees.—S. F. Lehman has enlisted in the Tank i orps and has taken up his duties at Camp Colt.—While Airs. M. E. Comer, of Littlestown, was assisting the family of Theodore Eline, who are ill with the influenza, she fell down the cellar steps, cutting a long gash across the forehead.—The Rev. Ira S. Ernst, for the past two years Past**' of the L'nited Brethren Church, at Biglerville, has resigned his pastorate and will leave Novem ber 10 for the Central Training School for Chaplains at Camp Tav lor, Ky. J Girl Takes Place of Rural Carrier on Vacation Dauphin, Pa., Oct. 19.—During the vacation of fifteen days of Sher man M. Fertig, the rural dellvery mail carrier, Miss Marian Peck is takjjig his place. Mrs. Elizabeth Moody and Miss Bella Long, of Erie, Miss Verona Long and Samuel Long of Renovo, and M. L. Long, of Philadelphia, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fite. Miss I-ucy Novinger, of Harrisburg, spent the week with Mrs. J. W. Haw thorne. Miss Elizabeth Poffenber ger left to-day for a visit with rela tives at Sunbury: Arthur Taylor and Lewis Steese, of Baltimore, are spending several days here. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Paul, of Penbrook, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bordner. Miss Helen Louise Wallis is acting as an emer gency aid nurse, at the Harrisburg emergency hospital during the epi demic of influenza. —.Mrs. Hoover and daughter, Miss Pauline Hoover, of Harrisburg, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Stuck. Miss Clara Bergstresser has returned home from a visit with her sister, Mrs. Charles Swab, of Nerristown.— Word has been received by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shaffer from their son, Sergeant-Major Ernest Shaffer, who has been ill with pneumonia at Camp Sheridan, 111., that he is very much improved. Mrs. J. E. Wil liams and daughter. Miss May Wil liams, of Harrisburg, spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Williams. Miss Anne R. Miller has returned home from Bloomsburg where she was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne C. Singer. The Rev. and Mrs. Francis G. Morrow, of Marietta, spent several days here on account of the funeral of Harry O. Miller, at which the Rev. Mr. Mor row officiated. Miss Ruth Miller Lowman, a student at Goucher Col lege, spent several days in town on her way home to Pittsburgh. The Misses Dorothy, Margaret and Pearl Lebo, all of Harrisburg, are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James Dell.—Mrs. Robert Plunkett, of Syracuse, N. Y„ has returned home after spending some time with her sister. Miss Carrie Dougherty.— Miss Bertha Sellers spent Thursday at Philadelphia. Miss Anna Jones, of Philadelphia, arrived Thursday to spend several weeks wtth Dr. and Mrs. Thomas PofTenberger. Thg Rev. J. M. Shoop has received word of the death of his youngest brother, Robert Curtis Shoop, of Shamokin, from influenza. Miss Ruth M. Shaffer, a nurse at the Pennsylvania hospital, Philadelphia, who was re cuperating here at the hohne of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shaf fer, from an attack of influenza, has returned to her duties at Philadel phia. Miss Marguerite P. Wil liams, of Macon, Ga., a student at Goucher College, Baltimore, Md.. Is spending several weeks with Miss Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne C. Singer and daughter. Miss Doro-' thy Singer, of Bloomsburg, spent several -days with Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Wallis. Mr. and Mrs. Chester N. Smith have returned to their home in Pittsburgh after a visit here with Mrs. Smith's mother, Mrs. Etta Kennedy. Shortly after her ar rival home, Mrs. Smith took sick with Spanish influenza from which she is suffering now. John Baker, of Kansas, and the Rev. George F. Baker, of Ringos, X. J., spent several days with the Rev. and Mrs. F. M. Baker. POLICE DRINK QUININE Wilmington, Del., Oct. 19.—Detec ting a bitter taste in the drinking water at headquarters, members of the police department started an in vestigation, which showed someone had placed a quinine pill in the bot tom of the "bubbler." It was neces sary to take the fountain apart be fore the pill could be removed. HABRISBURO TELEGRAPH FOUR GENERATIONS OF SHEELEY FAMILY •■Jfkr WW** WHB2 itg •*- 1 ■ ■ jEjSj *** i * s- 1 i| SL - Slilromaiistowii, Pa.. Oct. 19. In the picture four generations of the well-known Sheely family are shown. Seated —Levi S. Sheely, holding his great granddaughter, June Irene Frey, and his daughter, Airs. Fran ces Lambert, holding her grandson, Glenn Stone Laverty, of Enola. Standing—Airs. Charles E. Laverty, of Enola, and Mrs. Harry D. Frey, of Shiremanstown. CENTRAL PENNA. PERSONALS Allen —-Harry Landis, who visited his cousin, William Landis, at Spen cer, X. Y., has returned home.—Mrs. Ira Rider after being ill a week at the home of her parents, has return ed to her home at New Cumberland. —Air. and Airs. Elmer Enck and fam ily, spent Sunday with Air. Enck'SsSis ter, Aliss Annie Enck near town.— Airs. Kathryn Plank and Aliss Tura Landis, spent Sunday with Aliss Landis' brother. Air. Eugene Landis and family at Enola.—Several new cases of influenza have developed in Alonroe township in the past few days. Those who have ill with the disease are improving. Elizabeth—W. L. Stveenson has pe turned home after spending the week end at McVeytown. —Air. and Mrs. William Auman and daughter, Rita, have returned home after a two weeks' vacation.—Alvin Enders, of Harrisburg, spent several days here with his mother. Airs. Adeline Wise. —Air. and Airs. Heist Culp, of Harris burg, spent several days with Isaiah Swab and family.—Aliss Hlldah and Jay Eby, of Philadelphia, are spend ing some time here with their par ents, Mr. and Airs. Charles Eby.— Aliss Alary Kniley and sisters, of Ly kens. are spending several days at their cottage at the camp ground, about a mile below town. Florin —R. E. Will'ams, of New York City, and Albert Lafferty, of Reading, are visiting friends here.— The Rev. O. G. Romlg attended the monthly meeting of the United Breth ren Alinisterial Association at Lan caster on Monday.—The Rev. Harvey Geyer, of Annvllle, spent several days with his parents. Air. and Airs. George Geyer here. —Thomas McKinley, of Philadelphia and S. H. Stiles, of Har risburg, were Sunday visitors here.— The Rev. M. H. Aliller, of Denver, the newly-appointed pastor of the Uni ted Brethren Church, will move to this place on Tuesday.—Frank Brown has accepted a position in the bag gage department at the Harrisburg station.—Alls.s Esther Garber and Clarence Nissley are ill.—Frank Lup fer, of Harrisburg, was the guest of A. D. Garber and family on Sunday. Kllllnacvr —Daniel F. Hoy, of Cort land, N. Y„ will spend a week or ten days at the home of his mother, who has been ill for some time.—Air. and Mrs. William A. Wert left on Tues day for Highspire, to spend a week at the home of their son, the Rev. Alark H. Wert.—Homer E. Alinnich and F. W. Lenker, transacted busi ness in Clark's Valley on Saturday. —Austin Fogle and family, of near Rife, were guests of Mr. and Airs. Alontgomery Philips here on Sunday. —Jonas L. Jury and son, Roscoe, Nor man Zerby and Edward- Neagley are confined to their beds with influenza. —John E. Witmer, who has been staying at the home of his brother in-law, Mr. and Airs. S. B. Boyer, left on Tuesday for Lewistown.—The Aliases Virginia and Bertha Miller, of Lancaster, are spending several weeks at the home of their parents. Air. and Airs. John W. Aliller.—Air. and Airs. Benton P. Neagley. were entertained at the home of Air. and Airs. F. W. Lenker. New Bloomflrld —Mrs. C. G. Weaver, after visiting Mrs. J. J. Huebner at Johnstown, returned home Monday evening.—Miss Sara Rice, of Wash ington, D. C., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Rice.—Miss Helen Fox left on Saturday for Fredrick, Mr., where she will enter Hood Col lege.—Miss Ca'tharine A. Bernheisel and her schoolmate. Miss Mary Brack hill, came here on Tuesday on account of the influenza at Sbippensburg Nor mal School.—Miss Edith Bistline, of Blain, and Miss Olive Garber. stu dents at Shippensburg Normal School, came home Wednesday.—Mrs. C. P. Humer, who was visiting Mrs. Mary Barnett, has returned to Carlisle.— Theodoras K. Bong has gone to Chi cago.—Mrs. Daniel Briner, of Mount Union, spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. F. D. Parsons.—Mrs. R. iW. Johnston, of Selinsgrove, has joined her children here and is visit ing Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Johnston.— Mrs. J. T. Alter is visiting Mrs. Theo dore K. Bong at Chicago.—Miss Ida Ruth is visiting her sister, Mrs. B. W. Whitmore at Greensburg.— Earl M. Whitman, of Pittsburgh, is visit ing his parents here.—Henry E. Shearer, pf Allentown, spent the Weekend with his mother. Mrs. H. C. Shearer.—Miss Ina McKee, after spending the summer at Baglesmere, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George McKee near town. —Mr. and Mrs. Bee Whltmoyer, of Greensburg, are visiting their parents here. I'ilolw.—John Fauber, of Ellza bethvllle. spent several days with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snyder.—Margaret' and Irene Snyder • t spent Tuesday at Elizabethvilie.— .Charles M. Dockey and family, of Biglersville spent the wa?l: with his relatives here.—H. J. and family, of Harrisburg, spent several days in town.—The Rev. ar.d Airs. ' l'aso'd and Airs. W. 11. Deibler spent (Mcnday at Alillersburg—Mr. and jAlrs. Samuel Wlest and daughter, |Stella, were at Herndon, on Monday. -Airs. Sarah Witmer and daughter, Anna were at Red Cross on Sunday. Yeagtertown.—Mrs. Harvey Stew art, of Lewistown, was a visitf r at | the home of her sister, Mrs. Willis i Bu*flngton.—William Woodman was lat Tyrone recently.—W. R. Bachman i left on Thursday for a vi3it at Fitts jbuigh.— Clement Dale, of Belielonte, jwas a visitor here. —James Miller, a marine, stationed at Fort Crocket, 'Gdlveston, Texas, is ho-ne on a ti n jday furlough.—Mrs. H. B. Hulch ingson and son and daughter are vis jiting at the J. L. Hutchinson lionie in Stone Valley. Wilfred Coutey received a message that his brother, Leo Courtey, died in France, Septem ber 20. J. E. Harman and daugh ters, Elizabeth and Mabel Maurer, ;were Tuesday visitors at the home of Jay Lawer.—Mrs. Catherine Al iston, of Philadelphia, is visiting at I the home of Robert Bauth.—Airs. I Louise Beaver and Air. and Airs. jAlilton Deamer were recent visitors 'at Alilroy.—Mr. and Mrs. Robert ! Grenoble, of Lewisburg, are visiting | their parents, Bruce Gibboney and -Air. and Mrs. John Grenoble. —Mrs. [Clyde Wertz and son. Donalod, of • Lewistown, were visitors at the jhome of their parents, Mr. and Airs, j William Fleishen.—William Filson, 'who is in the United States Navy iservice and- located at Philadelphia, .is home on a furough.—Miss Hazel j Bottorff and brother were recent visitors at the home of Mrs. Harry jDell. —Mrs. Hugh Walker and moth er, Mrs. Martha Fleker, of Lewis [town, were Sunday visitors at the : home of Edward Middlesworth. — 'Harry Smith, of Hazelton, and Miss [Jennie Smith, of Beaver Springs, are •visiting their cousin. Miss Lou Smith. Miss Mary K. Lehn Becomes Bride of Enos A. Boyer I nlon Deposit, Pa., Oct. 19.—Miss Alary K. Lehn, of Palmyra, and Enos A. Boyer, of Union Deposit, were married ort> Saturday evening at the Reformed parsonage at Hummels town, by the Rev. Arthur R. King.— Air. and Mrs. Howard Peiffer, of Steelton, visited the former's father, John Z. Peiffer on Sunday.—Mrs. Elizabeth Baker, daughter, Inez and son, George, of Grantham, is spend ing some time with Mrs. Baker's grandmother. Mrs. George Greiner. —Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Nye, Mrs. Irwin Hughes and daughter Eva, spent Tuesday near Grantville with Mrs. Hughes parents, Mr. and Airs. Kneldlch.—Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Pat rick and two sons, Joseph and Horace, of Campbelltown, were guests of Mrs. Patrick's parents, Mr. and Airs. Joseph Etter on Sunday.—Harold Peiffer, of Steelton, is spending sometime with his uncle, George Miller.—Mr. and Airs. Frank Whltmyer, of Apnvllle, visited his sister, Mrs. Abner Kellar on Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. David Ging rich and children, of Manada Hill, visited Mrs. Gingrich's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Kline on Sunday. —Mrs. Martin Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth Baker, Miss Inez Balfer, George Baker, of Grantham; Mrs. George Greiner, Alias Sadie Greiner, Mr. and Airs. Levi Smith and daughter, Estel la, and David Hanshue, of Union De posit, spent Sunday at the Blue Moun tain. Rules Women May ' "Wear Men's Garb Lincoln, Neb,, Oct. 19.—Neither i the law of man—at least in Nebras- I ka—prevents women from wearing I men's clothes when they are engaged in war work, Attorney General W. E. Reed ruled to-day. The opin ion was given to the Rev. W. B. Longpre, of Maxwell, Neb., who wrote Governor Neville a letter, say ing the wearing of men's garments by women was against Bible doc trine and asking if it was contrary to state law. Governor Neville put the question up to the state's legal adviser, and the opinion followed. AIRMAN LANDS IN CELLAR New York, Oct. 19.—Maurice New ton, an air mail carrier, finished a test voyage from Philadelphia at 5.30 p. m. yesterday in the cellar of a burned house in South Jama ica. The flyer received only a shak ing up and the piachine was not badly damaged. LONG HAIR AND | HEAVYBEARDS Tyrone People Up Against Twenty-Cent Shaves and Fifty-Cent Haircuts BARBERS RAISE PRICES [Trainmaster Freeman Trans ferred From Tyrone Divis ion to Phila. Office Tyrone. Pa.. Oct. 19.—The "Bar ber Trust" seems to have the town In its grip, and the culmination of the entire matter will be either long j hair and a beard all over the face I will be the proper style or else the j barbers will go out of business. For, despite the steady raises in prices j at various times in the past twelve ! months, the tonsorial artists now j announce another distinctive raise, j The price is now 20 cents for a shave j and BO cents for a hair cut. Jacob | Hi Christine was one of the victims j of the "flu" this week, and in him | Tyrone lost one of her most promi- , nent and well-known citizens. For > thirty-eight years he has been an ' engineer on the Tyrone division of j the Pennsylvania railroad. Reu- i ben B. Freeman, trainmaster of the ! Tyrone division, has been transfer- j red to Philadelphia, into the office i of the general manager. He en- : tered the service of the company in 1876, and for nineteen years has' been the trainmaster of the Tyrone j division. Once again may it be re- • corded that Tyrone went over the top, and on this occasion it was the ! campaign for the sale of the Liberty Bonds of the fourth issue. This I time the borough's quota was almost \ twice the allotment of the third loan, j The quota for the town was $235,326 ' and already over $300,000 has been | j subscribed. The railroad men of j j the Tyrone division of the Pennsyl- j | vania railroad far exceed their total j I of the last loan. One more gold ' star goes in the service flag of the ! town. Hardly a week passes now I that one of, the boys from here over I there but makes the supreme sacri fice for their country and humanity. This week it was Paul W. Barrows, a son of William H. Barrows, who is the railroad mail agent on the Bald Eagle Valley Railroad. Barrows was of the One Hundred and Third Trench Mortar Battery and lost his i life on the 26th day of September.— j Miss Nan Rhodes and Miss Gertrude ! McFadden, of Hollidaysburg, were ! guests of Miss Beryl Heverly.—Miss ! Robbie Yingling, of Osceola Mills, is the guest of friends here. Mrs. Molly Malady has gone to Harris | burg where she will spend several j months with relatives. Mrs. Sarah I Blatatenberger, of Roaring Springs, i is the guest of Mrs. J. G. Butler. j Mrs. W. J. Taylor, of Emporium, is | the guest of Mrs. W. E. Grafflus. Miss Emma Montgomery has re turned from a visit with relatives at j Detroit, Mich., and Pittsburgh. Lieutenant Paul Scollin, of Camp Thomas, Ky., was a visitor with J. P. Holleran. Mrs. Mary Dayton has returned from Camp Lee, Peters burg, Va., where she was summoned on accounLof the serious illness from influenza, of her son, Eugene.—Miss Kathryn Lukenbach has returned to her home after a pleasant visit at Pittsburgh and Dayton, O. Mrs. Daniel P. Ray, of Johnstown, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Ray. Franklin L. McCanns, a special stu dent at Lafayette College, Easton, spent a short furlough with his par ents here. John K. Templeton, a Tyrone boy, employed at Johns town, spent several days with his parents. Miss Delia Walk and brother, Charles W T alk, visited at Camp Dix, Wrightstown, N. J., dur ing the week, where another brother, Paul, was quite ill. Miss Helen Lewis was at Coatesville where she was the guest of Miss Dorothy Wil cox. Miss Nora Miller, grade teacher, is visiting her sister at Brookville. J. Robert McCormick, of the United States Navy, just home from France, spent a twelve-hour furlough with his parents here. Visitors Spend Pleasant Days at Millerstown 1 Mlllerstown. Pa., Oct. 19.—The Rev. i Victor Nearhof is at Warrior's Mark, j where he will visit his parents, Air. and Mrs. Nearhof. for several days.— Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Spangler and son, Eugene, visited at York on Monday.— Ross Hopple, of Mifflin, is visiting his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hopple.— G. Beaver Rickabaugh, of Mount Holly Springs, visited his father. D. M. Rickabaugh and family on Tuesday.—Dr. A. T. Holman has received a commission as second lieutenant and left Thursday for Camp Lee, Petersburg, Va.—Miss Anna V. McGarvey, of Mount Union, visited Mrs. S. C. Alexander and Miss Margaret Alexander recently.—The Rev. C. F. Hlmes, of Newton Hamtl j ton, and J. Burton Allen, went to Mifl dleburg on a fishing trip.—Miss Sa lome Rhoads, who has been working at the State Hospital at Harrisburg, arrived home Sunday and has ac cepted the clerkship in the Millers town postofllce.—Miss Myra Farner, who is teaching at Hunter's Valley, returned home Tuesday, her school being closed on account of the Influ enza.—Ard Alexander, of Belleville, Illinois, was the guest of Mrs. S. C. Alexander on Tuesday.—Miss Mar garet Alexander made a trip to Hunt ingdon county on Wednesday.— George Fry, undertaker, was called to Philadelphia on Tuesday evening to accompany home the body of Miss Dorothy Tharpe, a trained nurse, who had died with the Spanish influenza, to her late home at Liverpool.—J. Bank Lahr, a student of Temple Uni versity, Philadelphia, returned home lon Friday owing to the University being closed,—Miss Mary Ulsh, of Irving College, Mechanicsburg, spent the weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Ulsh. : —Miss Sara Kipp, who had been visiting her sister, Mrs/ J. B. Parson, at Port Royal, returned home on Monday evening.—Mr. and I Mrs. Frank Wagner and grandson, Donald Shover, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wagner at Lemoyne on Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. James Kipp and sons, James and Kenneth, of.Har risburg, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kipp.—Grant Eppley. of Carlisle, called on his tviend, D. M. Rickabaugh on Tuesday. Aubroy Patterson, of Brooklyn, N. Y., visited his aunt. Miss Elizabeth Patterson this week.—James E. Rounsley was at Harrisburg on Saturday.—Mister Jack Lent and baby brother, Irwin Lent, of Perkasle, are visiting their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Irwin Crane, while their parents are on an automobile trip to Ohio.—Mr. and Airs. Charles Newbaker, of Steelton, announce the bl lh of a daughter. Freda May, Oct >ber 14, 191 S. Airs. A'ewbaker was formerly Miss Flor ence Hopple, of Mlllerstown. OCTOBER 19, 1918.' PENNSYLVANIA Surprise Party Held 011 Mrs. DeardorfPs Birthday Lewlsberry, Pa., Oct. 19.—A sur prise party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deardorft in celebration of Mrs. Deardorff's birthday anniversary. Refreshments were served to Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bonner, Miss Ethel Shoop, Miss' Nora Bonner, Miss Edna Deardorff, Miss May Newcomer, Miss Esther Deardorff, Mr. and Mrs. Charles I Deardorff, Charles Hauck, William! Downs and Harvey Eetrow, of Eewis-1 berry; Mr. and Mrs. Levi Miller, of! Pinetown; Mr. and Mrs. Lester Up degraflf, Mrs. Newton Beshore and George Updograff, of Nev herr >' town ' ' —Mr. and Mrs. Edward' Hammond and'Bennett Hammond, of Washing-1 ton, D. C., were guests of W. S. | Hammond and Mr. and Mrs. Ches- ' ter Cassell. They traveled by auto- I mobile. James Spangler, who has i a position at the station at New j Cumberland, is confined to the home of Mrs. Ella'Byers with whom lie and his father boards, being ill with influenza. Miss Mary Burkhart, of I Centerville, arrived Sunday and spent four days at the home of the Rev. and Mrs. Reuben S. Stair, of j Meadowbrook farm. The Rev. Mr. j Stair visited frirends at Centerville ; on Sunday, where he was a former | pastor of the Lutheran Church. j Mrs. Elizabeth IT. Laird left Wed nesday evening for Steelton where 1 she went to see her son, Wilbur H. | Laird, who is ill with influenza. ! Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Armstrong and | daughter. Laurabel Armstrong, of llarrirsburg, spent Tuesday evening I with Mrs. Armstrong's mother, Mrs. j Laura Kline. Mrs. Mary Foster, ; of Harrlsburg, was a visitor at the . Foster home. Mrs. Harriet Greist, j aged 85 years, is confined to the I home of her daughter, Mrs. Alice Stonesifer. being ill with pneumonia. ! Mrs. George Miller was at Me- I clianicsburg attending her son, | Aaron Miller, who is ill with influ ; enza. Miss Jennie K. Hammond, .1 j teacher of the York schools, and j Mrs. ti® rdon Gray, of Philadelphia, are guests oL Mr. and Mrs. Ellis I Hammond. -j- George W. Smith re j turned to his home at BaltimoM, I after a visit with his mother, MiA I Mary S. Myers. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Brenneman and son, Clair, !of Brookside, were guests of Mr. Brenneman's brother, J. L. Brenne- I man. Miss Anna Sutton is out I again after being confined to the S house with sickness. E. E. Strom ! inger, of Mechanicbburg, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Gray.— Mrs. Decker, of Carlisle, is a guest of her daughter, Mrs. F. P. Straley. —Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Zorger, of Harrisburg, spent a day with Mrs. ; Ella M. Sutton. Thief Stole Chickens From St. Peter's Hennery Elizabctlitown, Pa., Oct. 19. Nearly all the chickens were stolen from the hennery of the Rev. Fath er Pohl, at St. Peter's rectory on Tuesday night, only three were left behind with nearly all their fathers missing.—Harry Stoner, of Harris burg, was the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Stoner.—Harry Sheetz left for the University of Pittsburgh, and Elmer Wise for the Carnegie Institute.—Ray Withers, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Withers, has enlisted in the Aviation Corps and left for training at Call Field, Texas. —S. J. Keisey, of Lansdowne, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hilt, of Park street. —Mr. and Mrs. Irwlii Brossey. were guests of leia tives, at Milton Grove. —S. H. Heisey has started a jitney service between Elizabethtown and Milton Grove, to accommodate the travel on Saturday evenings.—One hundred and thirty one employes of the Kreider shoe factory are off duty yith the "flu," though no serious.cases are reported. —Private Earl Kuhn, of Camp Lee, Petersburg, Va„ spent several days with his wife and parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Kuhn, in Washington street.—Miss Mabel Charleston, of Lancaster, was the guest of her mother, Mrs. P. M. Charleston.—l. H. Heagy was the guest of his son, H. H. Heagy, at Lancaster.—The axle works building, ■ in Brown street, is being torn down to make room for the new Kreider shoe fac tory building.—C. H. Weidmun and wife have taken apartments at 333 I .em on street, Lancaster.—Mr. and Mrs. Leander Eadler have gone to Mount Union, where they will spend the winter.—Roy Fornwald, of South Bethlehem, is guest of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fornwalt. BOND SLACKERS LOSE JOBS Allentown, Oct. 19.—The Lehigh county Liberty Loan Committee has printed the names of nearly 100 Austrian employes of Northampton industries who refused to subscribe for Liberty Bonds. They have been discharged and other industries are asked not to hire them. GRIP TAKES MRS. ANNA TAFT. Allen town, Pa., Oct. 19. Mrs Anna M. Taft, 72 years old, widow of Charles F. Taft and cousin of ex- President William H. Taft, died in this city yesterday of pneumonia, following an attack of influenza. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL DIAL 4016 ENTER ANYTIME BELL e94 - R Two Nlgfrt School*: Monday, Wednesday, Friday Night*——Tuesday, Thursday Nights BECKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE THE OFFICE TRAINING SCHOOI, 121 MARKET ST. OFFICE 01-EN EVERY DAY Women Should Work Now , More Than Ever i MANY women who are skilled in some branch of work have given up this work because their husbands are making extra good wages. Their work is needed now more than ever because the Government needs equipment. The Army must have clothing. It Is a patriotic duty to help Bupply it. We have a largp contract for shirts for the American soldiers that must be delivered at once. We need power sewing machine operators to make these shirts. Come and help us. You will be helping Uncle Sam at the same time. If you are making less than from $2.00 to $4.50 a day see us at once. We will also take beginners. Call, phone or write to our office. We will gladly explain our ideal working conditions and the kind of work we have. JENNINGS MANUFACTURING CO. 2012 NORTH FOURTH STREET Or V. S. Government Bureau, Third and North Streftts. If you are now on Government work, don't leave. SOLDIERS'NAMES ON CASUALTY LIST Boiling Springs Boys of Co. C, 112 th Bcgiment, Among Killed and Missing NEWS SENT TO FRIEND\ Red Cross Workers at Me chanicsburg Make "Flu" Masks For Use in Homes Mechanicsbiirg, Pa.. Oct. 19, I Among the casualties affecting this ! section, appear prominently those of j Boiling Springs. They include Or ; lando Newcomer, killed in action on j July 9, son of Mr. and Mrs. William | Newcomer; Charles Clepper, missing in action, son of Arthur Clepper; I Emerson Minnich, missing in action. I son of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Minnich, j and C layton Kauffman, Jr., missing in action, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clay ton Kauffman. All the above were members of Company G, One Hun dred and Twelfth Infantry. Dur ing the past week, members of the local chapter of the Red Cross have been busy making "flu" masks to be worn In homes where the disease is prevalent, and also pneumonia jackets. It is the intention of the Red Cross to place the masks at some of the stores where those needing them can be supplied by making application. The Rev. J. j Ellis Bell, pastor of the Methodist | Episcopal Church, returned on WTed | nesday from a visit to his brother in I Lewistown. Harry N. Cromleigh and 'family have been 111 at their home in South Market street. Cumberland county sent eight voung men for special training through draft board No. 2 on Tuesday morn ing. They were'C. Henderson Hum ridh, George R. Lawton, C. Victor Boyer, E. E. Blac*<, EarJ F. Carroll and Clifton G. Rebok, to the Univer sity of Pittsburgh; Stewart P. Dav to the Carnegie School of TechnoL ogy, Pittsburgh, and Millard E. Lan dis to State College. Miss Clara. Cromleigh has accepted the position of organist of the First. Lutheran Church at Carlisle, succeeding Wil liam Trego, now in the United j States Navy. Mrs. David Watts ! has returned to her home in East j Keller street, after a short visit to Harrisburg anttprior to that, a visit of several weels in Canada. Dr. and Mrs. S. J. Zufall-and son, Wil liam. are on the sick list at their home in West Main street. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Konhaus, of Rox bury, about one and one-half miles west of Mechanicsburg, announce the birth of twins, a boy and a girl, on Monday. - Miss Gertrude Kerr, who has been spending some time nt Harrisburg, was a visitor here on Tuesday. MINERS TO WORK SUNDAY Altoona, Pa., Oct. 19.— Ten thou sand miners in the Central Penn sylvania bituminous district volunteered to work all day Sunday to counteract a great loss In ton nage due to influenza and celebra tion of false peace rumors. Federal authorities here have sent appeals to all other miners to follow the example. / L MR ASHES Itching a w /rand Chafing / \ Soothed y. yidHealedh} Mothers, don't let yotir little ones suffer because of eczemas, rashes, irritations, itchings, burnings or chaftngs. Cuticura will afford in stant relief, permit rest and sleep and point to speedyhealment often when all else seems to fail. Bathe with hot water and Cuticura Soap, using plenty of soap, dry and anoint gently with Cuticura Ointment. These- super-creamy emollients are a boon to tired, fretted mothers of skin-tortured infants. g&apU Eack Fig Vy lUIL Addwfoiiord: "Cnttc*ra. Dept. 16A, lirtw." Boldcrgywh <w. Soap 26c. Otfetment 25 and 600. Taloom Ko.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers