GERMANS BEGIN NEW AVENUE OF EXIT FROM WAR • French Troops Pursue Rear Guards From Achery to Anguilcourt FIGHT NEAR GRAND PRE Near Vouziers Focli Soldiers Cross Aisnc River in the Argonne Region Furls, Oct. 18.—The Germans have begun a now retirement movement In the area between the Olse and Serre rivers, between Laon and Cambrai, according to the official statement from the war office to-day. French troops advancing from Ach ery and Choigny are in pursuit of the German rear guards. Anguil court has been occupied by the French. In the Argonne rcgioij the French have crossed the Aisne near Vouziers. Fighting continues in the area west of Grand I're. Hot water ICI W Sure Relief RELL-ANS WfFOR INDIGESTION rgTERSTS 1 Walnut -gIT, You Shouldn't Ponder Long Over Shoe Values Like We Arc Offering FOR THIS WEEK The enrly luiyer v.ill profit Jis iisiiol, Ity being sure of (lis si/e ii ml a more complete assort incut of NtylfN, If yon are Interested in ii pair of shoes now, 111 Hit V. kf T: / Girls' lllgh- K/M.44'' f "/ t,,t Tun <alf Mm :U J English 'Be f ' inl / Roots. I,oil k.' Il|||^^:^^U Boots, Vlo.lill■ j* •| t ''iflSl Ah i llom rated. j. ; 4 i£ Boys' Black skin Seoul $2.45^^ Smaller Sixes. $1.98 1 Boy*' Splendid Black Calf EngliMb l.acc Shoe*. I.lke cut. fS value*, at $3.95 FRIDAY EVENING, iLLRIUSBURG TELEGRAPH OCTOBER 18, 1918. SEEK MOTIVE IN THE MURDER OF GETTYSBURG MAN Left Home in Automobile With Unrecognized Man and Woman Complete mystery continues to cloud the motives and identity of the murder of George J. Busliman, well to-do garage owner of Gettysburg, whose body was found along the river road at Lucknow with a bullet wound in the back of the head and in the left breast yesterday morning. City police and County Detective Walters are conducting an investi gation here, while Charles Wilson, county detective at Gettysburg, is investigating the affair from that place. Charles Plank, brother-in-law of Bushman, was in the city last night. He told the authorities that Bushman rode away from Gettysburg Wednes day night in a large touring car with a man and woman, whose identity Plank did not know. That was the last seen of him until G. H. Eisen hower, and B. if. Neine, of Dauphin, found the body along the river bank, about a quarter of a mile north of the old Country Club lane. The body was covered with an automobile robe. Robbery Not Motive Robbery is not considered the mo tive of the crime. Twenty-live dol lars, papers, letters, receipts, and an promissary note which had not been negotiated, were among the personal effects found in his pockets. A slight clue to the identity of the murderer or murderers came to light yesterday when Steven (Jruber, who lives about a hundred yards from the place where the body was found, de clared that he was awakened Wed nesday night by the noise of auto mobiles. When hfe got up to investi gate, he saw two machines standing along the road. He did not see any cne moving about, he said. George J. Bushman, aged 57, was the son of Lewis Bushman, president of the Gettysburg bank. He is sur vived by his wife, a son, Clarence, now in the army, and a daughter. Airs. C. R. Holder, of Texas. Bush man conducted an auto transfer busi ness in Gettysburg, and was widely known there. Gasless Sunday Ban Lifted; 1,000,000 Barrels Saved Washington, Oct. 18.—Fuel Ad ministrator Garfield yesterday lifted the ban on "gas'olineless" Sundays, effective at once. Should gasoline stocks again fall dangerously low, it was stated at the fuel administration, the request will be renewed. It is probable that priority orders will begin for ship ment of gasoline overseas. In announcing the withdrawal of the request, the fuel administra tor said through the loyal response of the public, 1,000,000 barrels of gasoline was saved for the military forces. The stocks of gasoline east of Cali fornia, it was stated, have not ma terially increased or decreased. On October 14, the stocks were 3,134,- 731 barrels of motor gasoline and 166,369 barrels of aviation gasoline. This respresents the entire reserve and is not available for export, as it is stored in territory as far west as Wyoming and includes storage in various interior oil-producing locali ties. The peak load of domestic con sumption is passing, in the belief of the oil division of the fuel admin istration, and it is hoped that over seas shipments will not be quite so heavy. Through a priority order giving preference at refineries to shipments for overseas, prompt sup plies lor Europe will be assured and if any shortage exists, it will be do mestic. ' The fuel administration, it is stat ed, now is considering the question of conservation, with a view of deter mining what further measures, if any, will be needed. Standing of the Crews HARRISDURG SIDE Philadelphia Division The 115 crew first to go after 2 o'clock: 131, 101. 130, 116, 123, 105, 18, 109. Fireman for 115. Brakemen for 115, 131 (2), 130, 123, 105, 118. Fireman up: Shcskoff, McLaughlin. Brakemen up: Funston, Hall, Hol lenbaugh, Smith. Middle Division —The 36 crew first to go after 1.15 o'clock: 20, 228, 305, 35, 30, 214, 224, 22, 23, Engineers for 30, 35, 30. Fireman for 36. Conductor for 35. Flagmen for 36, 123. Brakemen for 228, 30, 123. Engineers up: Sweigart, Rathefon, Sheeley, Baker. Firemen up: Hoover, Haskins, Ulsh, Swartz, Book, Weaver, McLaughlin. Conductor up: Lower. Brakemen up: Bonsell, Kreps, Steln inger. Yard Board —Engineers, for IC, 3- 7C, 4-7 C, 5-7 C, 11C. 1-14 C, 2-14 C, 4- 15C, G-15C, 6-15 C, 32C. Firemen for 11C, 12C, 1-14 C, 5-15 C, 6-15 C, 16C, 17C, 23C. Engineers up: Fry, Dougherty, Eyde, Nye, Ulsh. Bostdorf, Lackey. Firemen up: Burns, Hoffman, Reber, Chubb, Faesick, Hampton, Bqlan. ENOLA SIDE Philadelphia Division The 234 crew first to go after 3.45 o'clock: 233, 225, 252, 2XI. Engineer for 211. Firemen for 234, 211. Middle Division —The 234 crew first to go after 2.45 o'clock: 105, 118. Engineer for 118. Fireman for 118. Flagman for 118. Brakeman for 105. Ynrd Board —Engineers for 2d 126, Ist 129. 2d 129, 4th 129, 2d 132, 135, 118. Firemen for 145, 2d 126, 3d 126, 3d 129. st 129, Ist 32, 2d 102, 2d 104, 112. Engineers up: Liddick, Burnhart, Beckhart, Brown, Huggins, Hanlen, Smith, E. P. Brown, .Book, Quigley, Fenical. Firemen up: Wendt, Sanders, Ready, Lightner, Kreitzer, Stoll, McCon, Hep ner, Koch, Frank. PASSENGER SERVICE Philadelphia Division Engineers up: Gilllums, Hail, Osmond, Gibbons, Pleam. Firemen up: Copeland,. Shaffner, Bleich, Floyd. Middle Divl*ion Engineers up: Kelser, Crum, Miller, Graham, Keane Riley. Firemen up: Orr. Keiter, Fletcher. Snyder, Kerber, Melltnger, Hoffman. Swab, Colyor. PEACE STOCKS RISE IN N. Y. 500,000 Shares in First Hour in Wall Street; Prices Ilise Hy Associated Press -Now Oct. 18.—Notwithstand ing official warnings from Washing ton that tfte war is not yet over, the boom in peace stocks which began early in the week, to-day assumed broad proportions. In point of activ Store Closes Regularly It l>flj Store CloBeB Regularly On Saturdays at Six ° n Saturdays at Six > . —— lIEI.I. JOB!—UNITED HAHRISHURG, FRIDAY, OCTOBER IS, 1018. FOUNDED 1871 TJle'uvcrta'ttv \ i——w—an^—— S&> In its heavy toll of death exacted by the grim epi demic this store mourns the loss of one of its most valued associates—O. J. Kelly manager of the men's furnishings, hosiery and underwear division. He was beloved and respected by all his associates in the store, as well as by those elsewhere who were so fortunate as to know him intimately, and thus rea lize the exceptional personality and kindness of nature that endeared him to all. Employes and officials of Bowman & Company join in expressing deep sympathy for those bereft of his companionship and affection. Georgette Crepe de Chine and Satin Waists Georgette Crepe Waist, in white, flesh and bisque. Some are hand em broidercd while others are handsomely beaded with round or square neeks; _ Jr sizes 36 to 46 $4.95 and $5.95 White check Satin Waists with roll L V collar with fine pleating on collar and JujElM yj M cuffs s<9s Mm /g. Crepe de Chine Waist, in white and l/.fllk flesh, trimmed with lace; some have iwgv fine tucks while others are hand em- / > broidercd round or square neck. Also JP several tailored models which can be I worn either high or low, I f $2.98 to $6.95 I / BOWMAN'S —Third Floor. Carryall Bag, 25c A convenient shopping bag made of paper, guaranteed to carry thirty-five pounds. Handle grip and very neat in appearance. This special price of 25c for Saturday. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. Silk and Lisle Stockings Women's silk stockings with high spliced heels, wide gar ter tops, in black and colors $1.75 Women's silk stockings in plain black and-white, $2.50 Women's silk stockings in black, cordovan, gray, Beige and silver, pair SB.OO Women's silk lisle stockings in black, white, brown, and gray, pair $l.OO BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Hatters' Plush Sailors Newtst Smart Shapes BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. Unbleached Muslin 22c yd 36 inches wide; smooth even thread, will bleach and wash casilyt well-known brand, suitable for sheets, pil low cases or general use—no phone or C. O. D. orders accepted—none sold to dealers. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. * J • S . , r'-~ : ity and scope the movement rivaled I the many war sesslosn of the Stock Exchange in 1916 and 1916. Sales during the rst hour aggre gated >oo,oos shares or on the bat'.s of over 2,500,000 shares for the day. Advances in those stocks which, it is considered would benet by declara tion of peace, ranged from two to ten points. The public as well as profes sional Interests were buyers. Oils were the chief beneficiaries, mounting to nex maximums at ad vances of between 2 to 10 points, witli metals next In favor, recorded gains of 1 to 3 points. Hails moved upward one to three points. United States Stee 1 gained 1 % points at the start, later forfeited most of it and again moved upward eaders in the war group, Bethlehem and Crucible Steels and Haldwin Lo comotive yielded 1 to 2 points. German Soldiers Ordered to Stop Ruthless Warfare Amsterdam, Oct. 18.—The German armies in the lleld have been or dered to refrain from needless de struction of property and cities in occupied territory. According to ad vices from Germany, newspapers last evening were to publish the follow ing communication: "The German army command has brought military measures into ac cord with the step taken for the con clusion of peace. The German ar mies have received orders to cease all devastation of places, unless they are absolutely forced to follow this course by the military situation for defensive reasons. "Nevertheless it is to be expect ed that in the gradual retreat prop erty will bo lost which is irreplace- Women's and Misses' Smart Separate Skirts These are the most recently-created gar mcnts to appear for Fall and Winter wear. M \IB "The last word" in style is incorporated in Mi " their fashioning. Women who are think w supplying their wardrobes with one lis—■ ■ or more ot * them will be pleased with the jp assortments which we present for their 3 ss ==£ I I choosing These assortments are inter | | J mingled with models for street, sport and r sc if dress wear in all materials, colors and sizes. 5 Skirts in navy, black, plaids—some two- LJ H M piece with fancy pockets and others full pleated . . $6.50, $8.50, $lO.OO, $13.50 M BOWMAN'S—Third Floor Women's and Children's Underwear Women's Athena union suits in medium weight and fleece lined, with high neck and long sleeves; Dutch neck and elbow sleeves, low neck, no sleeves; ankle lengths—all sizes, regular sizes, $2.00; extra sizes, $2.25. Childrens' part-wool union suits in silver gray and white, $1.75 and $2.00. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Silks, Dress and Wash Goods Specially Priced No Phone Orders, C. O. D. Orders or Samples Silk Crepe de Chine, $1.45 yd. 40-inch Crepe de Chine of the finest quality—the product of one of the best American mills. A complete line of light, medium and dark shades, including plenty of white, navy and black—remember SATURDAY ONLY Premier Crepe, $1.95 yd. 42-inch Premier Crepe—one of the daintiest fabrics pro curable—produced by the country's leading manufacturers. This fabric is adaptable for all seasons wear, and for service and durability is unsurpassed. It docs not crease and all fast colors. The color line consists of all the leading 1918 shades. This is a wonderful special and should not be passed up —remember SATURDAY ONLY Fleeced Eiderdown, 32c yd. 36-inch fleeced Eiderdown for house dresses, dressing sacks and gowns—also suitable for warm, comfortable cov erings. A most extensive line of pretty designs on medium and dark grounds. Not a bad style or pattern among them. Do not overlook this bargain—remember SATURDAY ONLY BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Bed Spreads, $1.50 Hemmed and crocheted, 68x84, these bed spreads arc un usual values, as this price cannot be had at wholesale to-day. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. La Bona Corsets, $1.19 Pink and white with elastic top, strong hose supporters, free hip—extraordinary values at this special Saturday price. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. Shoe Special For Women An excellent shoe with gray kid vamp, cloth tops, welt soles, and with tips, very special at. $7.95 BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. il I - ■ • ■ A.- able by money—that is to say. Inso far as such devastation is inherent in the conduct of the war itself and especially in the bombardment of German positions by enemy artil lery." German Soldiers Told Wilson Wants Them Slain New York, Oct. 18.—The distribu tion among German troops by their officers of a tract attacking President Wilson on the ground that it was his will to kill which Was responsible for the continuation of the war, was reported October 4 by a representa tive of the Associated Press with the French Army. The tract attacking President Wilson purports to be a quotation from an article in the newspaper Mir of Moscow. SPRINGTEX is the underwear with a million little springs in its fabric which "give and take" with every movement of the body, and preserve the shape of the garment despite long wear and hard washings. It ii the year-around underwear, light, medium or heavy weight, as you like. "Remember to Buy It — You'll Forget You Have It On" Ark Your Dealer UTICA KNITTING CO., Makers Sales Room: 350 Broadway, Haw York Warm Coats at Modest Prices The first thing about these coats that \ will attract you is their becoming charm and attractive appearance. Next you will be impressed with their fine fabrics, graljSk which provide warmth without being P\ burdensome. Then you will like their J I \{ \ perfect tailoring, effective trimmings and I I \ \ general air of beauty. IJ \ V Finally, you will be delighted with the - / very moderate prices which a fortimate purchase enable us to quote— / J Coats of velour cloth with Coney fur §/ trimming, in different shades .. $25.00 ]/ Mr 1 Coats of melton cloth with pile fabric II I trimmings and buttons, pleats and belts— / J J in navy, brown and a few blacks, $25.00 ' 1 / l Coats of Burella cloth, in dark green, \ I \| navy, or taupe —plain but attractive with \ \ pleats, belts, buttons, and large collar that V \ V may be worn high or low; sizes 38 to 44, \ V $25.00 V V Other coats of Burella cloth, plain tail ored, with velvet collar and cuffs, in l\V taupe, green, brown, blue and a few pur- ./ W\ pie; sizes 38 to 44 $20.00 BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. Saturday Specials From the China & Lamp Departments Dinner Set 100-picce compo sition with three meat platters and bread and butter plates; made of American porcelain with neat bor- TCw 1 11 (Jcr decoration in dark yellow and green $18.50 l5-piccc Tea Set made of Japan esc china, richly decorated, con (t, sisti "g of teapot, sugar and cream and six tea cups and sau .... .. ' Electric Boudoir lamp ma- Nit U n ChS; tem ' ho *7 1 finish f , With / ilk , s ' ladc 5 w complete with cord and plug, ready for use $l.OB Thin, white China Tea Cups and Saucer 290 Brown Pottery Water jug, about 2-qt 120 Water Tumblers, heavy bottom the kind used by restaur ants, hotels and boarding houses, dozen 750 Saturday Specials From the Housefurnishing Section Cuftaiti stretcher, 6x12 ft. made of selected Bass- f" w ■ - ~ — r L-) wood, pins apart, " i i'-i Cr 111 $1.39 Oil heating stove with oil receptacle holding about 1111 . 5 quart will burn m _ -Q- j Hours -$4.75 133 IT LB Aluminum percolator; well made, holding about two <l uart s $l.lO Aluminum preserving kettle—made of heavy gauge alumi num holding about efght quarts $1.25 Aluminum cooking kettle, Paris shape with bail handle, $1.25 Step ladder, 5-ft.—just the size for curtain hanging and house cleaning Closet brushes with bent handles 450 Gas heaters that can be put on your gas burner, giving light and heat at same time 994. Gas stove tubing with rubber ends in almost all desired length, ft. ...-. 90 Saturday Specials From the Toy Section pSfiggjj Ouija boards—the board tkat anSwcrs questions79o Knitting sets for little girls with yarn, instructions and needles 390 Teddy express wagons —one of the best constructed wagons made $4.75 Tillie Tinker, the wonderful dancing girl 590 Doll porch swing with cushion and metal stand 980 Thrift banks, trick opening 190 Saturday Specials From the Trunk and Bag Dept. Black traveling bag made of genuine cowhide, brass lock and catches, and rich fabric lined $0.50 Leather suit case—24-inch size—good lock and catches, in side straps and shirt pocket ;.... $6.00 34-inch canvas-covered trunk with two trays—brass bump ers and corners; with outside straps $15.00 BOWMAN'S —Basement. T-, ' _,J.. ! , . 'M 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers