THIS STORE CLOSES J~J'oT*t THIS STORE CLOSES f SATURDAYS AT SIX SATURDAYS AT SIX 1 IB BELL 1001—2356 UNITED HAR3ISBUKG, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1018. FOUNDED 18T1 Saturday Specials Until Six O'clock Closing 9 ===================== —, Having announced last Monday that this store Saturday Savings In The <eS „ U rd. y ..t ri xo-ci^.wi,h i n t ,. Serge and Satin Dresses •£ c l lions of making the practice permanent if it met ' *—? • • \T "1 > 1 1 , /T* P- with the approval of our friends and patrons, wc . • f j-** • "l —> p | I Mew r all Loats at vp2s ! l ave prepared for to-morrow special values that jbDCClcll 1 TICO AOF i ' would make it well worth your while to do your J a I * i *' ' The Health Officer has since deemed it advis- V{ \ Coat designers seem to have realized the old truth that "Fashion seldom interferes ... , „ , .. . with Xature without diminishing her grace and efficiency." Coats which are wholesomely \\ e trust that all merchants will readily see the Misses' Dresses in serge, loose paneled Navy Serge Dress, trimmed with tailor natural in effect are most popular this season. You will see them here in an abundance advantages of Saturday evening closing as "a per- front, embroidered in gold and bead trim- c d braid, straight-line model; five rows of smart fashions ' ! ' ! min S' s ? sh and , buttons; tailored br aid trimming on skirt, straight-line mod manent policy. It conserves the energies of their sleeve with turn-back cuff of satin; collar e] an( j Military effects are shown in many attractive modifications. Nearly all of the stvles , ' t , , . , to ma tch. are distinguished by their simplicity, which in many models is relieved with handsome col nnpioyes. conserves tuei during war time and Saturday Special $ J 6.50 Saturday Special $19.50 lars and cuffs. We are ready to show you ALL of the newest Winter fashions. avoids the Saturday night congestion. r „ , „ , , # —: Navy Serge Dress with three-quarter Satin Dresses, in black, Navy and taupe; Among the many stylish models are two numbers especially selected for this Satur- length back panel, trimmed with black ivory satin collar, cuff and vest; crushed day selling. They are Velours and Kerseys, with plush collars, pleated back, wide belts If a ll merchants adopt the policy of Saturday silk fringe; soft serge sash, ties in back. • girdle, with pointed trimming on skirt. and button trimmed. Here in Burgundy, green and black. - 0 • i d-tn m ' Ox J Om~ "7 ton Cn r 777 P J &'I night closing, no one will be the loser, as the pub- Saturday Special $19.50 Saturday special pSy.DU , /CI V Special Pot* SatlAfday *s2s lie will buy what it needs just the same during Satin Dresses, in green, Navy and Satin Dresses, in brefwn, taupe, black . * & taupe—wateu panel front and back, with and Navy—rolling collar that forms re- Broadcloth Coats, with large velvet collars, pleated and wide belt—gathered skirt. daylight hours. * rhenille frintre; small white satin rolling vers to the waist; sash with silk fringe; Here in plum, JJavy, taupe and black. . . collar; diagonal closing in front. Here in loose panel in back from shoulders, and r/ rr * / P j. J CP r tu - c* urn r *• ' ni- brown, taupe, wistaria and black. loose panels on the side of skirt. Very Special For Saturday $25 , Th ' B s.nreu.n Co, llim ,e tnOose mhve.v Saturday Special $29.50 Saturday Special $29.50 ■ Come Before Six O'clock-Store Close. Saturday Evening. Saturday as Long as Our Customers Approve ailQ c#m> Bpforc six s'clock—Store Close. Snturdny Evening. BOWMAN'S— Third Floor Shorter Hours Daily to Keep Pace with Progress. BOWMAN'S— Third Floor. Blankets Special at $3.98 Women's Shoe Values Velour Hats of Quality Scarfs at Special Prices ' size Mos," S^. Ct . K)n Special 64x80—good weight with heavy nap; per pair ..$3.98 to pay exorbitant prices for Winter Al V Vp— special grouping specially priced for Satu^Y Come Before Six O'clock—Store Climes Saturday Evening. " j v arCea ' ) b SUr |lj x t j / You AV ill find it a \ CTV easy matter to . Come Before Six O'clock—Store Clo.c. Sntnrduy Evening. BOWMAN S-Second Floor. P^ sed at th e fine footwear we now j .• |.! / nick from these Velour Hats a vreat BOWMAN's-seconc Floor. offer at prices which are nnlv a lit. A B AJLL J . .. . ... , ' t i„ „ _ '.j ,| , 1 m numt . J r of stunning shapes, which will be tie more than those charged last qgf&yHW 8 . xX T * O 1 • Buy Gift Handerchiefs fiH ( iWW? 30 Doz. Women s Stockings - ever sold you. Made of selected \ a quality that is carefully selected to come P 4- J r- * /C 7 CiCl ' 1 rrih, C'yi /P' r T leatliers in the newest and smartest \ U p Bowman standard. There are S atUfd ay C Cia I J. uU (J iif J. lICoC ± " ILV J 1 a • , K many imitations we could have selected to , ,01 TI 111 a 1,;,. •a L.— cor Saturday we offer two specials \* Women s Ihread Silk Hose, black and white —wide garter that ordinarily sell for considerably A se " ' or money, but these velour hats, j ]-,jgnh spliced heel. Good seconds from a reliable manu- For Saturday we have priced a great 4 more money. See them and you ' n s b ad es, at $7.00, are such unusual y facturer —stockings that otherwise would sell* for almost many of our beautiful handkerchiefs will realize their real worth. \ values for this season of the year that f _ double. at prices that should be of unusual in ( 'tav kid vamp, with cloth tops; \ scores and scores of women should avail tome Before six o'clock—siore cio.e. snturdny Evening. terest, considering the proximity of /M\ nPi .j t 1 j ti 9 n pria) "* , . . - Christmas Becin buvinp now because /■ r>A. I . A P , . themselves of this Saturday opportunity. BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. Cnristmas. Begin DU\ ing now oecause u Patent vamp, cloth or kid tops with high heels, welts and . 3 1 no gilts may be sent out of town alter \M \\ turn soles.' Special, $2.98. BOWMAN'S— Mair. Floor Come B<,fore Sl * ♦' t'io.e. Saturday Evening. December Come Before Six O'clock—Store Clone. Saturday Evening. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. f T I A . , 11,, Ladies' pure Irish linen handker- gjggT V f ] CUTtaiOS 111 rrettV TattCmS chiefs J4-inch hemstitched edge, I;* * Ladies' white and colored handkerchiefs, hand embroidered baturdav bale- Of r inc l T OVCS Priced ToPlease The Purse corner with corded and narrow hemstitched edge; each, 12 l At - 111 V* 1V : 1 Men's hankerchiefs—fine quality cambric; hem- This department has so many stitched edge, Longfellow colored initial with 6 in box. 85* CONSIDERING present conditions, a store is fortu- de- * tome Before Six O'clock-Store Clo.c. Saturday Evening. X nate in having SUCh fine glovefe tO Sell at thCSP \ partment is always outgrowing its j B )i|| BOWMAN'S— Mam Floor. spceial prices. It is your .opportunity to replenish / \ quarters—and it's not surprising QH| : ;'j ,\ your supply of gloves. And the Government advises / when one considers the tempting jHHii ill Georgette Waist Special .psstf buying - Select now at sav,ngs lhal ■ I x. SCi 1 (p r SC\ \\vV\ / The most wanted shades in brown, tan and mole in that are extraordinarily tempting. -fjl IB I i 3.L and xPU.Oy \ \ WWV/ French Kid Gloves —2-clasp, Paris point and five-row \ I i / Fo i" In f stan " : , „ .... BH |i|| W -broMercd backs-every size. 5* to 7* Pair, \ / Sue, fif hfl 1 leorgette Waists, in white, flesh, maize and bisque—hand- N ! IN V 11 green and brown. Useful for arch- I 'f/ embroidered and lace trimmed. Several styles of waists, | |S r ways. Saturday special, pair $5.50 ,g combined with pretty contrasting colors. Sizes 36 to 46. Plain hemstitched Marquisette Curtains, in white, ivory and / "W \ - S ecru, 2/i yds. long. Saturday special, pair $1.65. Saturday Special $D.69 / \ Fine quality of Washable Kid Gloves —2-clasp / + Scrim and Marquisette Curtains, yds. long, in white, n , .. /T S \ spear-back and 3-row embroidered backs in cham- / ' '\ ivory and ecru; lace trimmed-wondcrful values. Saturday Georgette Waists, in white and flesh, with round or square \f/ \ * , . . ui i a i \ special, pair $2.00. necks; trimmed with fine tucks; some hand-embroidered and pagne, dark brown, tan, gray, black and white, sizes / Chenille Portieres, 2y 2 yds. long—full width—in rose and handsomely beaded—sizes 36 to 46. j L— to // l - I blue. Saturday special, pair $7.50. 0 . n . . . \ Figured Swiss for sash curtains, 36 inches wide, small and Saturday Special $6.69 \ \ \\\ • J large designs. Saturday special, yd. 25£. _ # „ \ . \ Ni\\ / y I |Vy • / Genuine Tapestry Couch Covers, in beautiful designs; ex l onie Before Six O'rlook—Store Clone* Saturday Evening* \ A \Y\>\/ %\) .\J 7 / tra length and widfll. Saturday special, each $5.00.^ BOWMAN'S "Ihlrd Floor. jT Came Before Six O'clock—Store Clonea Snturdny Evenings A\YVj Come Before Six O'clock—Store Close's Saturday Evenings BOWMAN'S —Second Floor. Sec Additional Store News on Page 9 bowman B-Mi nooi. See Additional Store News on Page 9 FRIDAY EVENING, fiABHISBURG TELEQR3LPH OCTOBER 11, 1918. 3
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