German Cities May Suffer For Hun's Work in Belgium Washington. Oct. 3.—An ulti matum to Germany regarding the ruthless destruction of cities and private property in northern dkuibffiy Scrnu dndaif^Jd. sfieticnallijinfite thefiecftlecf thi!) anmumihi W'- THEREFORE laid plans on a huge scale so that with the momentum of greater effort and stronger energy we could accomplish what we have set out to do. We have succeeded. The new Fall and Winter merchandise is here in tre mendous quantities and excellent assortments. Hundreds of items have been set aside for this sale. And now we offer you the services of this store, with Kaufman's Dependable Merchandise, at our Thirteenth Anniversary Prices. Store opens at 9 A. M. tomorrow and closes at 3.30 P. M. Try to be early to help us serve you better. — ~ . ' . AT KAI I m *v. Women and Misses benefit greatly in New Fall and Winter Shoes in Anniversary Sale Lot I — Women's o.9s \ Lot 2~W omen's 0.79 High Shoes, Pair " j & Misses' Shoes Anniversary SaJc Price Anniversary Sale Price Women's gun metal and pat- '[ Women's and Misses' Ko-Ko ent button and lace high shJts. brown and gray cloth top high Some goodyear welts and high shoes. 9 inea mode! Flexible and low heels. VII sizes, but <| ole and Louis and military not all styles. heels. All sizes. " Lot 3—Women's Lot 4 —Women's £.45 & Misses' Shoes . * & Misses' Shoes . Anniversary Sale Price Anniversary Sale Price Women's and Misses' gray. Women's and Misses' brown field mouse and Ko-Ko brown ! it ' < l . . . . . . , . , i and military boots. 9-inch mod aid shoes, high model, straight Flexible sole, imitation and tips, leather bonis and military ! traiglit tips. Leather and heels. All sizes. military llct-ls. All sizes. ■ FIRST FLOOR =====:-- ■AT TMVnn- Extra Special Anniversary Offer! 200 Pairs Corsets All Weil-Known Makes- j Anniversary All Exceptional Values. { Sale Price 200 pairs ladies' good and s serviceable Corsets, well-boned; t fl ft plain and ealstic tops high. 1 &jj * M low and medium busts with > M B four hose supporters. Back > %& 8 and front lace. t 200 Brassieres j 250 Brassieres ' pt.....*47c ££. 97c Ladies Brassieres of Indies Brassieres of < good material; well good material; lace and made; V cut in front embroidery trimmed; all > and back; embroidery sizes 34 to 48. Buy early ji trimmed; all sizes 34 to at this price. ;>fcco\D Ki.ooii j~~^ == -AT KAIKMtV> Over 1500 Sweaters! AT ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICES For Men, Women, Boys and Girls Ladies' Coat Sweaters at. . $5.98 L*'ii*s Coat Sweaters, in all the new shades— sailor or roll collars. Plain and fancy trim. | ladies' Coat Sweaters at. . y j Ladies' Wool Coat Sweaters; sailor collars- all plain colors and trimmed cuffs and collars. Girls' Coat Sweaters at . . 43 Girls' Wool Coat Sweaters: trimmed sailor collar and cuffs, belt cr sash, in rose, Copenhagen, garnet ana greer.. Boys' Coat Sweaters at . . Boys' Extra Heavy Rope-Stitch Coat Sweaters in red and gray. All sizes 23 to 34. Men's Coat Sweaters at. . <|g Men's Wool Coat Sweaters, heavv or plain weave in red, brown, blue and gray. Ail" sizes 34 to 46. ' . - FIRST FLOOR ■ =AT KUtMtVI 250 Pairs Ladies' Silk Gloves, 65c a Pair it thiS'pHce in* vYew if u!rad?anc e W of t thi^kVt USP Bt> ' eS - The " e wiU SUre,y g ° qUickly 200 Pairs Ladles* Cham- 300 Pairs l adles' Silk > ISO Pairs Ladles' Kid otestte Gloves, In white and and ChamolseUc Gloves, ] Gloves, in black and white, white with black stitching. ; white, black, gray, brown, f | n self stitching: full range Anniversary Sale *J A- self and contrasting Q*7 _ Sof sizes. Anniver- Q"7 Price Stitching. Sale PiJ6e " ' C ? sary Sale Price ..91,V1 = FIRST floor ■ THURSDAY EVENING, France and Belgium Is being urged on the Allies and the United States, and is under consideration. The burning of Uambrat and St. Quentin and the devastation of one of the most populous regions of Kurope as the Germans retreat, have aroused great indignation, and it as said in diplomatic circles yes Svery Person's Needs Can At Irresistible Low Prices -asily iie Filled Here in : ® ur Anniversary Sale -ffmnfc 1 iißrfrßilrl # Aluminum V— v , v , . < Acme Ice Black Silks and Ginshams Yard Wide H k Knives, Forks and Spoons to " Fnß " BLACK TAFFETA SILK SPECIALS Crepe de Chene dozen Steel Knives p or S 3 5 itches wide, 36 inches wide, | 36 inches wide. Extra line aual- ozen Steel Forks < Ef 4 >a-rd. yard. I vard, htne Steel knives and forks with cocobolo handles, < AO VtJLtJ ..sss**aa; $1.39 $1.49 $1.75 KmTWSS . • -p&m ter. oval shape;. I leading shades of 1 IIC Each for Knives and Forks I -tyVSSTV"! ?'rsws: BLACK MESSALINE SILK SPECIALS Good quality ,,!! I^l $2 69 . I . j inches wide, \ 36 inches wide, I 36 inches wide. Sulc Price, Yard. only a limited quantity. 5 S[ "J i od-k I [yard, Silver plated table-1 ..Silver plated tcaspoon.s < |ry Toilet Seats 51.29 $1.39 I $1.49 $1.49 Bpo , ons and 12'r 'n Ilic Silc, 69C I Two-quart size. /m >! I I forks - dozen v {makes good /m \*■ ' a > crca m and easily fJI J made, each. ® or(^er 1 FLOOR COVERINGS At Anniversary Sale Price I Muslin Pillow 11 I^,■ _j A U tod° W Se. W^rp7^ E V J!^ 35| sft M till ' C ~ ji \ HNICr ,i 16X31. and only SIZE RUGS,9xI2 GRASS RUGS, in J*® LR Eo O T RUGS; RUGS, 9x12 size;. Extra heavy !; let seats" well a limiteJ "umber feet, in a large green, blue and; in ! eight good pat- flv e pretty floral muslin pillow S^^SBSiS made. ' ! to each customer. variety of de- brown slenciled beautiful sail-over, tel - ns to se i e ct and Oriental pat- cases, 18x46, 39c QQ While the lot signs. Special, {patterns; 9x 12 j patterns. Special from> i ems. I ' ' |< VM ™ wm s be the price 57.69 i $8.95 $14.95 $19.95 i 523.50 Heavy iCr—^ Pott's Irons 1 91/ ~r. ~ ; —" Muslin Sheets SL_ m* -C Handsome, heavy Tapestry, 9x12 Rugs, all; Axminster Rugs, 9x12 size; big assortment ' t 1 new de signs and CO/I GC all-over neat patterns, rich CO 81x90 good, Nickei plated i, truck I owcls colorings , colorings heavy muslin i, electric iron; <: Good huck 1 Fine Velvet Ru* 9x12 * extra sheets, 81x90 fully guaranteed; J; towels, blue bor- Axminster Rugs. 9x12 size, rich $32 50 i f?od assortment of patterns. ' " *O7 Cf) inch , es ' extra ;; peclal^ , der, 18x36, Oriental and floral designs ISpecial # .OU good value. $1.95 $3.95 2.x54 velvet rugs, rich Orl-| Fine grade printed velvet. Rubber stair treads, sizes Seamless Muslin Disll Pans Mra. Pott's Hurt Tnui.U ental patterns. -I QC stair and hail carpet, flj IOQ j 9xlB inches; heavy 1Q- sheets nickeled sad !; Huck Tow el Special * 1 I Special, yard * I quality, eaci, ........ 1C glx9o ext r a thr ef' huck towels, red WONDERFUL SAVINGS IN RELIABLE LINOLEUMS I heavy seamles J _ p ilT^ $1 79 borders. 18x36, New Process linoleum, two. Printed burlap-hack lino- Inlaid linoleum, tile pat- muslin sheets. 3- IQ r yards wide, big range of pat-, leum, two yards wide; goodl terns; extra heavy quality. '" c . h , 8p . e : !; GrTTTte dish Clothes -I iyC terns. Special, gQ_ ! kitchen and bathroom QO-. two yards wide. .d■ vj- cial, ea h ' -* l -' 5 pans good size; „ , • square yard t patterns; square yard 170 M Special, square vard 1.13 . special. Baskets - eq Perfection Oil Stove NEW BRASS BED "™A SPECIALS k^r ■ 5 For Cold! Nl?hfs Bought last January; worth considerably more. Hear Toilet PaDer II 1 %W■ W "'fiwhat the Government says about beds; 'Metal beds for <,,, ~ , , _ the last four months of 1918 curtailed to 50 per cent, of ® ,x ro " s °f good paper OC. / Odorless and only burns one gallon t^ e Production of the last four months of 1917, of which f°r clothes ° ''baskets \°L°J! XT* „ 0 Laundry Soap " extra strong. '' $5.65, $6.70 and $8.50 and no brass scrap shall he purchased." .. gwift . s p f lght c a P keB 69C New Taylor Oil Stove, fully ,c •""* BRASS % Bread Boxes guaranteed. Special ®D.O size only-twelve heautifu.)! | J f , Ol " aX u I Exir ahu^e — _ [1 it II nIIll I Twenty Mule Team Borax, Iflr , < whi te wool wall Gas Stoves 19.95,24.95,27.50 / 2*— 1 " lb packagc ' Special, each.. brush, washable; BREAD W 32 50 Hand Dusters qo r !| Hot flame Gas Stove, makes plenty _ u .. * , iLHOMULT Good hand dusters, made of IQ-'l .... G^TTuTjap-: of hoat - $2 39 ... . hUe ... Mcotton - Special iyc .......................... anned bread box; Special .. Full-size white CfflEffl O'Cedar Mo P S l&ZF'ina QO- I Morning Star G. Stove $3 Qg single and size Tsc O'Cedar floor mop iTnd a C Q/ . tIW "- OC burns blue flame. Special v . 15c bottle O'Cedar oil 09C $1,39 terday that Germany soon would be warned that if she allows the v.-ork of destruction to continue severe re prisal will follow. It suggested that the cities of the Rhine should he marked for destruc- | ■ tion and the Berlin government told j I that for every French and Belgian I city ruined without military reason. I at Several Thousand of HOSIERY For Women and Children At Anniversary Sale Prices 1,000 Pairs Women's r% A Black Cotton Hose .. feTrO Black cotton hose in medium and heavy weight double sole and heel, slight imperfections. 300 Pairs Women's O A Fiber Silk Hose <34C n silk hose, boot length. lisle top. double sole and neel. slight imperfections. 600 Pairs Women's TO Fiber Silk Hose (uC Fiber silk hose in white, black and colors, full length, silk lisle top double sole and heel. 250 Pair Women's Ai ■ i g Pure Silk Hose .. tj) 1• X O Black thread silk hose, double sole and reinforced heel. 350 Pairs Children's Q O Ribbed Stockings .... 5/ O Fine ribbed seamless cotton hose in white and black, sizes 5 to S 400 Pairs Women's A Fiber Silk Hose ft / C White fiber silk hose, full length. "!• v,J lS i 1' double sole and heel slight imperfections. FIRST FLOOR - feABMSBURG telegraph: a city equally important and valu able sentimentally und materially will be laid waste. GIRL MESSENGER "BOYS" Boston, Oct. 3.—Female telegraph boys" made their appearance here yesterday. For weeks the managers I of the telegraph companies have ' OPENS AT 9 A. M.—CLOSES AT 5:30 P. M AT Km>v< Boys' Look! Parents Look! Anniversary Sale Suits Overcoats Trousers More than eight hundred boys' new Fall Suits and six hundred Overcoats, and a thousand pairs of odd Trousers at temptingly low prices in our Thirteenth Anniversary Sale. Boys' Norfolk Boys' Norfolk Suits re u,fs Ages Bto 17 Years WW A S es 7to 18 Ycars Sale $C.95 If/ Sale $7-95 Price " "o. . w 1 Price ' A new military effect, W 111 If Newest military mod belt all around, in cassi- ■ els, in corduroy and chev mere and corduroy. Well OA * iots. coat made with belt made and clever models. all around, pants cut full. Boys' Norfolk Suits $Q.95 Boys' Norfolk Suits $10.95 and Overcoats, Choice & of Fine Materials, at .. . 1 m Military models, the newest shades, neat mix- You will save several dollars on these handsome tures. Handsomely made. A great variety of homespun and cheviot suits. The coats are the patterns to choose from. All the very latest styles. new military models, belt all around, pants lined Select them early. and cut full. AGES S TO IS YEARS AGES 8 TO IS YEARS 1000 pair Boys' Odd Pants in Anniversary Sale The Choicest Materials and Patterns, Splendidly Made at $ J .00, s|.l9, $|. 49 and $1.95 a pair Cheviots, easslmers, corduroy—made to stand the heavy wear boys give them. All sizes ranging from 7 to 18 years. Each pair a record value at its price. FIRST FLOOR * - STORE OPENS AT 9 A. M.—CLOSES AT 5:30 P. M.g been nearly frantic trying to sup ply messenger service. Uniforms brought some responses, but not enough. It was thought the uniforms would would be a great card in getting the young women into the service, but. on ,the contrary, it was discovered ' that almost every new female "Mer cury" objected strenuously to the plan. They will work in their ordi nary atllre. PRUSSIAN RAILWAY BOMBED London, Oct. 3.—The Treves rail way was bombed by the British In dependent air force ac Ten Big Values In Notions In This Big Kaufman Anniversary Sale 1,500 Cakes 150 Boxes (Shell and Cabinet Wire 160 Paire) 20 0 dozan Hard Water) 5l le " Hair? Amber Fash- Hair Pins Direct oirejSnap Faaten- Sr>nn i p,ns - assort- ionied Hair assorted sizes Dress Shields) ers, in black soap. special ed styles, 12! Pins; 6 in (to cabinet - sizes 2. 3 white; all Ave cakes in box. Spe- <; box. Special \ Special, cabl- and 4. Spe-( sizes. Special - I* o *, n^t^.^.... ozeri 'A m ' Safety G p r i o n" aalor't- J 100 **<"••' She" I I°° Y eß ' JVr'aTTn ed sizes. ' Special,} Side Combs. Special,} Back Combs. Spe- ; white, pink™ nd blue* card 'lc i each !<• > clal, each Oc Special, each .... fOc 1 Flit ST FLOOR ——L! OCTOBER 3, 1918. cording to an official statement is sueU last night. Trove Is in the Rhino province of Prussia anil claims lo be the oldest town in the German empire. The railroad pass ing through Treves runs northeast ward to I'oblenz and Cologne and southward to Metz and Strussbnrg. : AT KAUFMAN'S ====^= Attention Every Man in Town Staring; money on high-grade. nrw Fo || and 'winter elothlng Is your opportunity In our Anniversary Sale, demonstrating the rent value of your money when It purchases clothes at Kaufman's. Men'sand Young Ml en's Suits &o'Coats Anniversary (e g% CA _ f") Sale Price, *P I h U T Choice * V = S A wonderful assortment of excellent wearing worsted. I A^Tl^h cassimere and cheviot suits. s \ V The models, newest military / \ \ \ JP\] ~*\ effects and conservative. Neat / I \ tCj;K4 ' , A checks, stripes and mixtures. J \.wj \ Men'sand Young Men's /yl 3/ [k\ Suits &o'Coats( —A L>3 Anniversary a CA Sale Price, I X* aU \ 0 /TT\ M Choice lU = ■ Men's and Young Men's ft Suits and Overcoats. The /V newest models, both military " f/ n and conservative. The ma- j / terials are worsteds, cheviots 'I and cassimeres. Handsomely If 1 made'and trimmed. I I Men'sand Young Men's 'VBF Suits&o'Coats k i B Sa",frr"r $22 ™ 1\ ' fll Choice \ m~- Finely tailored garments. \ I Handsomely made and trim- VWy 2 1 med. The newest models for Y #7 young men and the man with / If j conservative taste. / If t Men's and Young Men's / /// New Fall Suits and Ov.ercoats / /f j Five hundred all-Wool Worsted ' I /gl Suits, plain blue, black and fancy; / // handsomely trimmed with serge I / Jf/ and Venetian cloth; all sizes, and / / £/ sizes for the extra ito t man. / / K/ $24.50 * na $29.50 // Ml An Anniversary Sale of f— — Men's Odd Pants J"R. Over one thousand pairs of Worst ed and Cassimere Pants at these $1.95, $2.49, $3.49 ——FIRST FLOOR —J : AT KIUFMtIVX Mothers Will Share Fine in Oar 13th Anniversary Sale in These Values in New Fall Infants 9 Wear Infants' Coats in the Sale INFANTS* $A .95 INFANTS' $/J.95 COATS at.. COATS at.. D White Serge Coats, ; White Baby Lamb plain with yokes and Coat, large round col embroidered; sateen \ lars; trimmed with lined. Excellent value > French knots; sateen in the sale. { lined. INFANTS' DRESSES. A Special at TT%7 C Infants' Short Lawn Dresses—rohnd yoke. INFANTS' DRESSES. Q Q Special at i/OC White Nainsook Dresses, round and square necks; lace and embroidery trimmed. INFANTS' DRESSES. qj- Special at Jp I '*7 J White Nainsook Dresses; Bishop, round and square neck; lace and embroidery trimmed. Infants' Sweaters in the Sale Infants' QO INFANTS' $Q.45 Sweaters.. £/OC SWEATERS Infants' Sweaters \ White Infants' colors, white, red, Co- > Sweaters, Shetiand varn, pen, oxford and brown. , pink and blue trimmed; In sizes 1 to 6 years. sizes 1 to '3 years. "SECOND FLOOR :AT KtllffMtV* ■ 300 Pieces Neckwear In Anniversary Sale at ... m mmm 300 pieces of Women's Neck- #1 M wear, consisting of collars and M m collar and cuff sets, in satin, Georgette, organdie and pique, W in all the new shapes. Marabou Capes to In m.arabou and combination of marabou and ostrich; silk and satin lined; various shapes; some with tails in black, brown, taupe, mole—a large range of prices to select from. FIRST FLOOR ——— | TVRKsV. |>RO.\C'H ALLIES | laiiulon, tl 3. —Turkey has made i further Induu approaches to the I Allies throlik financial channels | which are befw considered by the | British War telnet, the Standard says it learns ortw 00 d authority. Im- I portant developments. the newspa -1 i>er adds, are exited. NOTICE I Store Opens j To-morrow at 9 A. ML and Closes at 5.30 P.M. j ==■ i 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers