4 Leon Kobrin's Face in Yddish Drama Boston.—Leon mbrln's career in the history of yddish drama has been one of consr iten t battle against the tyranny of t* Jewish managers. Beginning abou R quarter of a cen- 1 v - AT KAUFMAN'S ==========:^ — Our Anniversary Sale Provides a Veritable Army of New Fall Garments For Women & Misses New Suits, New Dresses, New Coats, New Skirts, in the Season's Recognized Most Charming Styles, Colors and Materials r i4f/ Wool Poplin Suits .... J4| (JJ ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE I ' Haft*' wBSaBr Two good models. One with plush I&JP vHLd A collar and band all around coat. The J other belted and tailored. In black, £~ navy, brown and taupe. All sizes for A Misses and Women. v// \ Foph'n and Burella Suits .. . |AQ /) \Y 1 yl\ ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE / 7 V J ( I\ \ hy?T Two models in all wool poplin— £■( if iVift ' 'n i V°\ 111 one good model in burella cloth. 't " if '>■ i Lff n U \\\ Coats lined with guaranteed linings. Jrocw-* • - j /It \V\ In black - Tau P e - Navy and Burgundy. / \ All Wool Poplin Suits .... £;§Sm r, /" /II ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE s€% P 3 ()l) ■IitMI \ I vlV' I /II The best assortment we've shown m eW flfel -jB x \L v A —/ Lf*' made of soft all-wool poplin M W WK jjFH-. \ _Jji V in black, navy, African brown and m W *"" — . Ijß 1 / J) burgundy. Good models f<jr women 6BBH 19 / j ° r misses — and ' n all sizes in al ' p. j j l-28 Oar Finest New l\ J \ II il Broadcloths. Trtcotlne, Ve \\ / I I I l° ur and Silvertone Suits— \\ l I LJ plain tailored, fur trimmed, \\ I I plush trimmed and with plain T \ J I /\ dainty figured satin lining— v IV. A \ _ i Aj belted or smart flared effects bi\ \\ ▼ —an assortment of styles ABH, ) I / \a from which the most fastidious JHBf\ I g 11 woman can be suited—sand, /u / BF beetroot, burgundy, rose erA 1 LJ W taupe, Pekin, khaki, plum and r J ) V " the frosted effects $29.50, "ft—A. WvJ / s • / ' $35.00, $30.50 to $50.50. yv / f COATS COATS COATS XSEQ Anniversary Sale Anniversary Sale Anniversary Sale 1)11 fl Price. Price ' Price ' V $l5 & $16.95 slBands2o $25 . f |\|\ ~ . Velour and Egyptian e , u r> . Pompon, II ' h\ Zlbellne. Velour and D ,„. w Cheviot and Kersey I 1 \ PluBn Coats—\V onicn s Coats -~ blisses' and I I Egyptian Plush Coats an( j Misses sizes a Women's sizes—-black, \ —Misses' and Women ■ wide range of styles in navy, taupe. Burgundy, 1 sizes In complete color black , navy , dark |ee?—the best StyU V assortment staple brown, taupe, Bur- assortment we have 1 and fancy styles. gundy and khaki. ever shown. 1 New Fall COATS New Fall COATS | ' \ $29.50 to $39.50 $45 to $69.50 Broadcloth. Kersey, Pompon, Broadcloth, Bolivia, Crystal. \ I J Bllvertip, Heather Cloth and Cut Bolivia, Silvertone, Velour i 1 Crystal Cloth Coats —in taupe, and Novelty Cloth Coats—with \ I leather, reindeer. Pekin, beet beautiful fur collars with I—• root, plum, claret, navy, brown heavy fancy satin or lustrous V w and black—half lined and lined Peau D'cygne linings through- ■ m throughout—with plain or out—copies of the highest fancy guaranteed linings— priced i mported coats —in all IB many with big fur collare— the odd shades of tahpe, Pekin, " fiß B others with plush collars— wine, beetroot, sand reindeer. W other with self collars —a won- Many are only of a style, but a m B derful variety of styles for splendid gathering of coats — ■ Misses and Women—s2o.so, $45.00, $40.50, $55.00, $65.00 and $32.50, $35.00, $30.50. $60.50. V V J K, J I'— SECOND Fl.now — Ij AT KAVFMAN'S ====================== == = ========== ——— Largest Children's Town at Kaufman's plu®h SyP beive? ' : Burgundy . S>rlr# Egyptian cloth collar in Corduroy, n . . . sizes 2 to 6. 95 'ffrr jrnr's^"^ s say .ris Pr^*, _ \ SSSJ./?£" ffiiflTSU: SK. f Si. V.V.: •'?." ■i,"? ff* v {U cl °a' rl a $15.00 \J U ? n 1. bla D Price. Price, Price, £o 5 - Price, sizes Bto 14. Price, & . . <3 2J $8?95 $lO.OO $12.90 $5.95 $8.95 .$12.90 ■ -trrnvn Pi nna A n ' h AT KAUFMAN'S 3000 Pieces Dainty Anniversary Muslin Underwear * ?or Ladies' Muslin Gowns. / JVJ> 'M Embroidery trimmed; square and } \\ WM V ■ir£s' fsl .59 For NAINSOOK GOWNS.} \V" 1 1 / aK > . if . 1] \\ 1 Empire and Smocked effects; laoe Y \ \ < £; .••'% Hy W y\ \ trimmed, round and V neck. jU V'/ \ ■ 1I i tfjfh $1.12 For Envelope CHEMISE. >y J )W/ \\ (I \h mmu 1 Made of nainsook, lace and rib. *—— bon trimmed; round and V neck—- $1.95 ! $1.69 f $1.23 FOR FOR FOR Envelope Chemise BILLIE BURKES Bungalow Aprons Envelope Chemise; made Blllle Burkes, made of f v of nainsook: Val. lace and flesh-colored batiste: Empire Bungalow Aprons, striped ribbon trimmed; round and effect; trimmed with blue and figured percale: sizes V neck; sizes 38 to 44. ribbon and ijace. 38 to 44, Flannelette Wear at Anniversary Sale Prices $1.23 75c I 79c ___ FOR 5 FOR r j # , ™ Ladies' Flannelette | CHILDREN'S PETTICOATS SLEEPERS uWWKb In pi„h, blue and gray 1 with feet, Flannelette ChlU High and round neck. In ; stripes; long and snort I dren's Sleepers, In pink and ptnkand blue stripes. sizes, $ bluej ages 1 to , . arnsn emnn THURSDAY EVENING, tury back as a collaborator of Jacob Gordin, he quickly achieved a repu tation as a playwright who was de termined to maintain not only a high i standard of workmanship, bqt also a high standard of personal inde pendence. ! Gordin and Korbrin found the I stage in possession of silly farces and operettas of the most innocu ous type, to say the least, and deter mined that the time was ripe' for a realistic reaction. Often, as was na tural in the early days, and as is still prevalent among playwrights of less conscience, the realistic reac tion swung to the extremes of vio lent melodrama and grotesquerie; ILARRISBTTRG TELEGRAPH Gordin himself transgressed In that respect. On the whole, however, the more intelligent audience of the Ghetto, familiar with the best in foreign literature and thoroughly ashamed of th*- degraded condition of the Yiddish stage, recognized the beginning of a new era and flocked to the realistic drama. |STORE OPENS AT 9 A. M.—CLOSES AT 5:30 P. WiMM/MJ r . > Panama Dresses at. .. W9 QC Anniversary Sale Price a * Made of all-wool navy blue M ——— "Tr Panama In the desired straight- V \V / line effects with smart plait, in * • ' Jv-S A sizes 16 to 42. A very fine value jjnl \ /J y. in this sale. \ . f Serge Dresses at .... b *7C Anniversary Sale Price I Serge Dresses pure wool ■ ys® men's wear serge—excellent [Sk PSSssaS Jtf¥ style assortment in black, navy and brown—sizes for Women and Misses. gft Satin Dresses at m ma AA /MM Anniversary Sale Price I ■MBKfI&RI Black, taupe, navy, African brown. Burgundy straight effects, tunics, fringes all ■iwWljfflllwWl' sizes for Women and Misses. | : *; MZ' Jersey Dresses at ... 7C U Anniversary Sale Price W J MnmiH Jersey Dresses—complete and w . B ■ size assortment —sand, taupe. S—M B M HUktcmMKlw beetroot, Pekin and beige— beautifully embroidered. Tricolette Dresses at. . M7C ~ Anniversary Sale Price W/B lf__ vl Y f Tricolette Dresses—silk Jer- sey—straight effects veryHl V smart —taupe, grey and beige. \ Serge Dresses at $14.75 to $23.75 Dresses—men's wear and pure wool French serge a wonderful variety pf styles—black, navy, brown, taupe—mant embroidered, fringed and combinations of serge and sizes, but many are only one of a style. Satin and Charmeuse Dresses $17.75 to $29.75 Satin and Charmeuse Dresses—copies of the highest priced S7. SC^ e . a e t? ei r 1 ' With frln S e ' tunics, beaded and com hut in?i2£ Georgette crepe—many exclusive models, but all sizes among the big variety—sl7.7s to 129.75. J More Than Five Hundred Skirts IN OUR ANNIVERSARY SALE AT SPECIAL PRICES LOT 1 j LOT 2 I LOT 3 Skirts Skirts Skirts All Wool Poplin Extra Size Poplin Plaid Skirts-*—All- Skirts A complete Slrtrts —Sizes 31 to wool and part wool; assortment of the 40 waist measure, plain and plaited newest models; in cut full throughout; models; all the new black and navy. wide range of styles. color icombination^ $5.95, $6.95, $7.95, $8.95, $5.00, $5.95 and $8.95, $lO.OO $lO.OO, $12.90 up to $13.50 ' ■ ■ AT KAUFMAN'S ■ ' You Can Buy High Grade Furs Now —at our Anniversary Sale Prices and the saving will be appre ciated later on more and more when you see the high prices Vrvlak 11b!V i urs that will come with the big winter demand for them. HflttMn OUR EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENTS OFFER: Sfijy torn. Black Coney Neck- He<l Fox Neck- Taupe Wolf Neck 'WWm $3.95 to $l5 $lO to $35 $25 to $39.50 '*l fcmk Black Lustrolynx \ Kltt Coney Neck- lAicile Wolf Neck rlHvir R Neckpteoes, pieces, pieces, , $8" to 29"°| sl2'° to slB°°: $18.50 to $45 Black Wolf Neck- Natural Wolf Neck- Cross Fox Neck pieces, ! pieces, ; pieces, jIiMF $lO to $29.50) slB°° to $25 $25 and s32°° |- ■ - ■ ' Fteoßrr i TORE OPENS AT 9 A. M.—CLOSES AT 5:30 P. M. DYES HIS HAIR AND ENLISTS Uniontowfi, Pa., Oct. 3.—With two sons in active service in Franco and anoth'er scheduled to depart next week, William Briscoe, aged 45. dyed his mustache and hair, spruced up to make himself look ten years younger and enlisted" in the Navy. He left yesterday for New York, where he declared he would request to be sent at once to European waters. RUSHING PLANES ABROAD Washington, Oct. 3. Liberty motors now have reached quan tity production, and American-built r pOMORROW, FRIDAY, we launch the biggest and by far the most important •Anniversary Celebration our store has ever had. We have always looked for ward, year after year, to this occasion, knowing full well that the people of this vast and rapidly-growing community appreciate our efforts to provide merchandise for them, for all purposes, at the very lowest possible prices. We are indeed happy td say that each succeeding Anniversary Event has surpassed its predecessors in volume of business and benefit to'our customers. Naturally this year required greater effort. ✓ , AT KAUFMAN'S - \ A Great S uprise! Anniversary S ale Waists! 400 Crepe de Chene and Georgette% e ). s9 Waists in This Great Sale at... One of the big feature items of this important Anniversary Sale. We could get more , money for them but would rather create a stir for this event. These waists are wonders. Sailor collars, square or V necks, embroidered and tucked fronts, white and flesh. Take your pick at $2.59. ' *. WAISTS jS WAISTS Anniversary Sale Anniversary Sale s3i ss# ——— Georgette and Crepe p c n • WT • . Georgette, embroidered and Lxtfa OIZC W ftlStS U '° k( ' d and beaded front * pin tucks and embroid- —square and round ered fronts, square and in voiles, silk, crepe de chine—sizes up to 54, at neck, round and sailor an d ° *OO in bin a't'lon coTlS?* (t 1 QC A- GC colors and white fl " ah ' Colors, white, flesh, tea I ,1/71 T.CJ (D .J J navy, gray, beige, black rose, navy black, maize ~ w yw.w and - brown _ sizes 3g t —sizes 38 to 46. I J 45, - - ' - FIRST FLOOH ' AT KAUFMAN'S ========================- Here's Where Our Anniversary Sale Is a Winner Over Four Hundred QC New, Stunning, Fresh From t > The Work Room, Big Vaue M = Trimmed Hats, Choice We've been preparing for over a week 1 to meet the J great demand our Anniversary Sale will have on the Millinery Department and we can assure you that no de- 1 JP3sr* /" \ i partment in our entire store will please you as much in * ( X this great sale as our Millinery Department. Women ) have come to look to our store for not only value, but style in millinery, and so here we are with over 400 fashionably-trimmed hats for this sale at $5.95. =SECOND FLOOR ============== l. AT KAUFMAN'S ■■ 2000 Garments in Knit Underwear at Anniversary Safe Prices TSEy 400 Cotton Vests at 0 7/, v = ||j ftu'v y Lightweight ribbed vests low t" ° Ut ' "i' th * houl(ler straps, extra w \ 'SSgfrftiiiel'vSKmr RIBBED PANTS, A*7 RIBBED VESTS, Q7 RIBBED PANTS, ' Anniversary Sale ... t# C Anniversary Sale . . 7 # C Anniversary Sale *J # C 150 pairs Ladles' Ribbed Cotton „ 300 Ladles Cotton Ribbed Vests 300 L ac H e s Cotton Ribbed Pants, Pants. medium weight. ankle sieves. sfzes. " ankle length. Regular sizes. length. (Extra sizes, $1.23) * (Extra sizes, sl.'-*3) Ladies' Union Suits, Ladies' Union .Suits, Misses' Union Suits, Children's $1.25 $1.49 97c colons, Ladles' Elastic Ribbed Ladies' Cotton Ribbed /*4 t* Union Suits, dutch neck Union Suits, fleece lined, Misses' Cotton Ribbed V —short sleeves. ankle high neck—long sleeves, Union Suits, fleece lined. Children's Cotton Rib and knee length. Regu- ankle length. high neck, long sleeves, bd Combination Suits, lar sizes. (Extra sizes, $1.75) ankle length. fleece lined, long sleeves, ' 1 FLOOR • AT KAUFMAN'S =========^============- Dresses of SergeandSilksand Wash Material For Children of 2 Years Up to Girls of 14 Years Anniversary Prices Provide Pronounced Saving for You Serge Dresses 3-95 Serge Dresses g.90 Sorge Dresses High Navy Serge Dresses— waist line, trimmed with / \ Straight Bailor sndx,5 nd x , ... . / \ \ effect, braid and button plnld silk collar and pock- / ya\/®r\ \ trimmed, pleated and gath ets, pleated skirt, age < to / I ® red skirt, ages 6 to 14. Serge ZW.74.951 Jjf / C ' W P """1Q-9P \//>// Ys// llp-fA / Serge Peter Thompson Navy Serge Dresses— \U v/ V/ / fll lfc - T -yr\ / Dresses and high Sailor effect, trimmed \TVrI / ill \ \h-f waist trimmed *|l • . . . . V >J>llLLjvvj colored santache braid ana with soutache braid white pique, collar and pleated skirt, ages 6 to 14. k -*• cufTs. Girls' Wash 89 C DRESSES**! $1.95 53.95 DRESSES .. Qlrlß . strlDe pi aW and plald gtrlpeg QlnhKaraß Check and stripe glng- Chambray Gingham Dresses, also plain colored crashes, ham in brown and blues, high waist, pleated skirts, d h°ln^ mb waTst high waist model, gathered trimmed white and colored basque effects, trimmed skirt, ages I to I years, collars, ages 6 to 14, white Repp, ages 6 to 16. Taffeta and Poplin Silk Dresses $7.90 to $17.90 Silk Dresses of taffeta and poplin, embroidered, empeked and shirred," high waist, gathered skirts, colors rose, green, navy, Pekln, blue, Copen, brown—ages 8 to 16. SECOND sines OCTOBER 3, 1918 airplanes are being shipped In I iralnload lots dally from the fac tories for service overseas. W. C. I Potter, acting director of the Bureau 1 of Aircraft Production, made this announcement yesterday upon his return to Washington from an in spection of factories building planes ind motors. | REALTY BOOMS IN LONDON* I London—Bust ncrs In real estate Igr! ■ booming as it has not done for • Tinny years. Auctioneers say they I now no pa rallel to the present cle- II and for farms and portions of bis (states which are gradually being tjlit up all over the country.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers