KEYSTONE MEN TAKING PART IN GREAT ADVANCE American Troops Firm Lines, Despite Counterattacks With the First American ' Army Wert of the, Oct. 2. —American troops have established themselves solidly In Clerges, despite powerful German counterattacks. Cleges lies nearly three miles north of Montfaucon. where tho American center battled so stubbornly and suc cessfully on the second day of the offensive. Following a brief artillery bom bardment the Germans counterat tacked at 7 o'clock this morning from the region of Apremont in an effort to drive us back in tho Aire valley. Troops from Pennsylvania repulsed the attack, though some fighting was still in progress, at 10 o'clock. Attacks Beaten Off Minor enemy attacks elsewhere yesterday evening were beaten off. The enemies' artillery fire every where decreased during the night and I Very Simple— There's nothing to it. ■ Some people are under I the impression that it is necessary to plank down S3O, S4O or SSO I for a new winter outfit, B We Clothe the Family I It isn't necessary for 1 you to do that here, be cause our Pay As You Earn Plan makes it convenient for you to get a new suit, coat or dress or 9 • whatever you ma y B need inthelineof I wearing apparel and pay for it according 3 to your incopie, I whether you pay a lit- s tie each week, every H two weeks or monthly | j H is satisfactory to us. There's a reason why 1 this store is so popular. ITHF fJ ORF STORE HOURS: Week ay—Open f> n. m.t Close 5.30 p. m. JUC PI ORF I KJLJKJUL. ____________ Saturdnyn—Open n. tn.j Close op. in. I ilCi ULUDE Our Boys Are Giving, Uncle Sam Asks You to Lend. Buy All the Liberty Bonds You Can —.—_ ; It's the Extra Quality /Mil# That Distinguishes GLOBE CLOTHES WEBB?' Conditions as they are to day, foreseen by us a year ago Wtmts. and more, explain our being in a position to supply you with Men's and Young Men's ALL •WOOL Clothes of EXTRA While woolens are mighty scarce j j you can always depend on the extra ///// worth .of all fabrics in GLOBE 7 ' jWIMP. CLOTHES ABSOLUTELY. In I Wm^f' GLOBE CLOTHES you'll find better ' style, better tailoring with assort- ; f ments of the most beautiful patterns to Mi ml|W ' select from we've ever shown. vsw GLOBE CLOTHES are honest through and through not merely made to sell BUT certain to give each buyer an unfailing and extra service dgring these abnormal times. As to the <exclusiveness of GLOBE STYLES we have but to refer you to our window displays.' Make your own comparisons. S2O $25 S3O $35 S4O to S6O Hats a —— ~ Underwear Caps I THE GLOBE Necktvear j Shirts Hosiery 'WBjiMgMMnggBFrrBMjMB WEDNESDAY EVENING, tills morning e-xeept in the Ar^onne. Ov.'- suns silenced the enemies' bat terlee across the Meuse-. iV\l !'■ privates from Pennsylvania surprised and captured seventy-five tlv-epsahs til lighting north at Var i etlUes, Ail anonymous document dropped iti UUV lilies west of-the Moselle beads'. "Wo want to know about peace-. \V'e believe the great war will last at least another year if our capital ists aild nan-Gel'lnanfl tie not learll the truth about the great Allied* American offensive. "We can't have Vletery by the sword." Though we have made important gaitt.l since the opening of ur hew offensive, Including the capture of the dominating height of Molufadcon, and token many prisoners, It ta doubt ful if this is more Importmt to the Allied success than the fact that wo have pinned down many enemy* divisions which otherwise would have been thrown Into line to stop the Anglo-American and Belgian offen envtj in the north. j MIDDLETOWN " —l l Nicholas Negro, 75, Dies From Pneumonia Nicholas Negro, ugod 75, died at the Karris'ourg Hospital Monday evening at 5.20 o'clock from Spanish inlluenza, which developed into pneumonia. He had been taken to I the hospital at noon Monday by Or. |H. W. George. He was a native of j -taly. coming to America in 1861. [He resided in Middletown for the i ,ast twenty years. He is survived by I one son, Frank Negro, of Lawrence j tfrcet, where ho had been fnaking I his home. Funeral services will be held from the St. Mary's - Catholic j Church Thursday morning at 9.30 : o'clock where high mass will be con i ducted by the Rev. Jules Foin. Burial will be made in the Catholic Ceme- I 'cry, East Middletown. The funeral of Alvin McNair will ] be held from his late home, Union I and Emaus streets. Thursday after -1 noon at 2.30 o'clock. The Rev. Wil- , ! Ham Beach, of the Royalton United j Brethren Church. will officiate, j Burial will be made in the family I i plot in the Middletown Cemeterv ! The body of Joseph HS. Manning, I who died at Washington, D. C., was I brought to town at noon yesterday ! and taken to the old Lutheran i Church, North Union street, where | j services were held at 2 o'clock, the | Rev. S. T. Nicholas, of Washington, 1 | officiating. The funeral of Miss Emma Keis- I ter will be held from the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William . Koons, Friday afternoon, with serv ices at 2 o'clock. The Rev. Fuller I Bergstresser, pastor of St. Peter's ! Lutheran Church, will officiate. : Burial will be made in the Middte ; town Cemetery. The Pastor's Aid Society of the Methodist Church will hold its reg- I ular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Ward Thomas, Hummels : town, on Friday evening. They will meet at the home of Miss Mary i Beachler, North Union street, at 7.30 o'clock, and from there will be 1 taken to Hummelstown in the auto truck of A. H. Luckenbill. The girls of the grammar school I held a '■orr.munity'sing at the corner of Ann and Catherine streets last evening. ( The Woman's Club, of town, will hold its first fall meeting at the home of Mrs. H. B. Garver, East Water street. Thursday afternoon. Daniel Barbush and Eugene Barbush, who conducted the West End Hotel, Wood and Market j streets, and James Barbush and Lewis Barbush, who conducted j tch Mansion House, Swatara | street and Keystone avenue, will I move t6 Harrisburg where they have I secured positions. Preparatory services will be held in St. Peter's Lutheran Church this I evening and on Sunday morning and | evening the Holy Communion will be , observed. The Rev. Fuller Berg- I stresser will have charge of the services: Railway Workers Buy SI,OOO in Liberty Bonds One thousand doUnfd Was subscrib ed to the Fourth Liberty Loan last night by Lodge No, 198 of the Amer ican Federation of Railroad Workers on the occasion of their regular busi ness meeting, At a meeting of the same organisation at Hummelstown to-morrow evening two or three more thousands ftte expected to be invest* ed in bonds, C, G, Harper presided at the meeting last night. Both Reading and Pennsylvania employes comprise the membership of the organisation will attend the lodge. The following delegates from eighth nnnunl convention of the fed eration in Boston October 18', J. H. Lloyd, G. 0, Harper, F, W. Paull, S. | ,J. Miller and J, 0, Sweeney, Find Man's Neck Broken Riding in Freight Car Towuiula, Pa., Oct. 2. Samuel W. KlrkhufT, of Rush, riding in a Lehigh Valley freight car, was found dead when the train reached Moshoppen to-day. Tho man had been badly Jolt ed and crashed against the sldo of tho car, breaking hio neck. Ho was working in tho car, unload ing lime, and was hurled against the sido of the car when an engine struck it. Ho was 75 years old. Railroad Notes During September the Cumberland Valley Railroad Relief Association paid out ?427 sick bonetlts, $823 acci dent benefits and S3OO death benefit, William Jaefer, aged 49, of Brook lyn, X. Y., conductor on the rullman car Freeman, attached to train No. 27, westbound, waa injured while the train was running over the Middle di vision yesterday. Jaofer swerved under the speed of the train. He - fell against a berth and sustained a bad gash above the right eye. Studies are being made by the United States railroad administration I to determine whether the adoption of an equitable and universal plan for ! the compensation of employes, in case of death or injury, and old age in surance is practicable. There are difficulties in the way arising from the existence of the present pension and Insurance plans, but it is ex pected that they can be overcome. As a fire prevention precaution, or ders have been issued by the railroad administration prohibiting smoking* in railroad shops, warehouses, store- I houses, freight houses and offices, in cluding record rooms and around freight .platforms, and in all places where inflammable material is stored. The list of Pennsylvania employes retired on penson on July 1, which has Just been issued, contains the names of 63 men and one woman. Seven of them had worked more than half a century each. The one woman, Miss Bridget E. Whalen, was tele graph operator at Collier, W. Va., where she had served .without a break from July 26, 1868. or 26 days less than half a century. The com pany's circular includes a portrait and sketch of Miss Whalen and says that she was regarded as one of the country. TELEGRAPHERS TO GET RAISE Railroad telegraphers probably will I receive a wage increase of between j S2O and $25 a month soon, it was said I yesterday by Railroad Administration j officials. The application of the Order of Railway Telegraphers for | more than twice this amount of in- j crease still is pending before the i Board of Railroad Wages, which is ex pected to report soon to Director Gen- j eral McAdoo. The increase to be sug- I gested will be about equivalent, it is said, to that recently granted clerks, maintenance of way men, mechanical workers and other, classes of em ployes. p HAHRISBURG TKT.FOBAPg! KEPHART CLEARS TOWNSHIP LIST Almost a Million Dollars Paid Out to Second Class Townships FoT Roads IIISI IBW —State ships of Mute I was yoted by the last Legislature to road work tax. This sunt Covered the'years 1010, 1011 and 1012 und the Legislature which meets In Jan uary will be aeked to care for 1013 und 1014. The last payments made were ?044,185.20 tor 1911, $737,575.34 paving been paid tot 1010 and $201,- 050.88 for 1012. Payments were only made to town ships which tiled reports and agree ment With the State Highway De partment's bureau of township highways that an amount equaling what they leceive from tho State has or will be expended by the town ship for corlaln specified purposes. Slnco tho first of 1007 tho state has appropriated not far from SU,- 000,000 under township acts. War Hits Repairs.—State reports are commencing to feel tho effoots of the ,wnr and some which used to bo spread ovor hundreds of pages huvo been cut In half. Superintendent D. F, Long called attention of some heads of departments to tho diffi culties confronting the printing trade and urged that they curtail their publications. In Issuing leaf lets as far as possible they aro be ing hold down to one page, while tabular work has been ordered re duced to a minimum. Sealo Again.—San Jose scalo has been reported as showing more signs of activity this fall among orchards in the northern and western sections of the state. Farmers and orchard owners who are belying on natural enemies and parasites are being de luded says State Zoologist J. a. Sun ders. Many trees have been dam aged, according to reports of State Inspectors. /Midwinter Show.—The State De partment of Agriculture has an nounced arrungemonts for state wide displays of fruit and potatoes at the time of the midwinter 'arm products exhibition to be held In Harrlsburg In January under aus pices of tho Department. Grain and other products will bo In com petition and eleven classes have been arranged for apples with classes for pears, quinces and othor fruits to gether with walnuts, chestnuts and shellbarks. All fruit must be Penn sylvania grown. The state has been divided into threo districts for the potato show, Berks, Columbia, Le high, Montgomery and Schuylkill be ing in the first and Adams, Bucks, Cambria, Carbon, Chester. Cumber land, Dauphin, Delaware, Franklin, Lebanon. Monroe and Northampton in the second with the rest of the State In the third. The Bureau of Markets has issued a warning that all seed corn for 1919 should be promptly tested. The yield of Pennsylvania corn this year is stated to be nine per cent, below t te . n ," year av erage of 87 per cent. Nothing Done Yet—Public Service Commission officials said to-day that nothing had yet been done about ex amination of books of the steam heat department of tho Harrlsburg Light and Power Company. Watching Situation—"The Influ enza situation In Philadelphia and at shipbuilding points Is the most se rious In Pennsylvania to-day. We have had no reports of other out breaks of a serious nature to-day," said Dr. B. F. Royer. Stato Commis sioner of Health, Dr. Royer last evening, In addition to sending a de tail of doctors and nurses to Boston to help the Massachusetts State Health authorities, had nurses sent to mining districts In Jefferson and Indiana counties which had reported the disease. So far very few cases have appeared at the Capitol. Comes Dp Next Week—Members of the Public Service Commission will start consideration of the Phil adelphia Rapid Transit lease next Monday, when the next executive session will be held. The answer* of the company to the questionnaire is expected in a few days. Inspecting Highway Highway Commissioner O'Neil is busy Inspect ing the Lincoln highway where the entire maintenance force of the de partment as far as can be assem bled, is at work repairing for the winter movement of Army trucks. Board to Meet—The State Fores try Commission will met Friday at its offices. At Scranton—William H. Moore, of the Internal Affairs Department, is in Scranton on state business. Reserves Select Student Classes Students of Technical and Central High schools who have had some military experience and who show aptitude for military work have been formed into special classes for inten sive training so they can assist In the work of the Harrisburg Reserves and Company I men at the schools. The Technical class will be in charge of Captain L. V. Harvey and ihe Central men in charge of Lieutenant Shelley. The Technical men In the special ! class are Burkholder, Spelcer, Frank, Wilsbach, Ebner, Peiffer, Strawheck er, Shope, Beck, McGrunnaghan, J. P. Smith, Black, Brown, Harris, Kel ler, Bruker, Wallace, Schwartz, Jones and Eclcert. A. Reeder Ferrlday, who had charge of the Hummelstown drill last night, has arranged to have Hummelstown men of draft age at tend the drill of the Harrisburg Re serves Friday night at the Armory and to drill them afterwards. The men from Penbrook, Susquehanna and Middle Paxton townships und Dauphin district are also invited to attend the drill that night at the Armory. They will be in charge of Lieutenant H. W. Miller. The Central High juniors had a drill this afternoon in charge of men from the Reserve Militfa and the Re serves. Tho Militiamen were Captain R. C. Bartley and Sergeant W. V. Tomlinson. Sergeants J. H. Hall, J. P. McCullough and" others from the Reserves were present. WAR ON THE DRUG HABIT Waslitagton, D. C., Oct. 2.—Plans are being formed by government of lflclals the drug habit which Is on the rapid Increase In the nation. The elimination of alcoholic drinks has added greatly to the number of addicts. Special legisla tion to amend the Harrison narcotic' act will be" recommended to Con gress. , SMALLWOODFOR ! DISTRICT BOARD! Prominent Poxtang Man Is Chosen to Be Additional > Member For Section • Thomas W. Bmallwood, woll known Harrisburg businessman and active In various linos, was to-day announced as appointed an addi tional member ,of the district appoal board tor this section of the state. The board meets at the Capitol and > is houdod by David E. Tracy. It has i chargo of uppeuls for Adams, Center,! Mifflin, Cumberland, Columbia, Dau phin, Franlcltn, Fulton, Huntingdon, Juniata, Lebunon, Montour, North-1 umberlahd, Perry, Snyder, Union aud : York. ' | Mr. Smallwood, who was the first I burgess of Puxtang, where he resides,! will devote a considerable part of bis time to tile work of th<s board. Local draft boards throughout the ] state were Informed to-day by stato draft headquarters that postpone-, ment of the movement of men; scheduled to go to Camps Leo and Humphreys next week does not af- i feet the entrainment of registrants! for the purpose of fifing deficiencies' because of rejections at camp. Every \ rejection must bo replaced. The : movement of men to Fort Thomas, I which includes almost 1,650 for' limited service, was started yester day and will be concluded Friday. IRfIiWEMPLOYr OF PENNSY IS ALL FIXED BP "Strong as a Horse," Is His Way of Describing Condition "I had Indigestion so bad that It had put my whole system on the bum." says William Upjohn, of Steelton, Pa., a P. R. R. brakeman. "I couldn't seem to eat anything that would agree with me, for no matter what it was my food would Just He like a red hot lump in my I stomach and the gas would form | faster than I could belch it up. "Tanlac fixed me up in a great way; my stomach got stronger and | now I can eat anything without suf fering afterwards and I feel strong as a horse. "Tanlac is sure great stuff for stomach trouble " Tanlac Is now being introduced here at Oorgas' Drug Store. Tanlac is a-ieo sold at the Gorgas Drug Store in the P. R. R. Station; In Carlisle at W. G. Stephens' Phar macy; . Elizabethtown, Albert W. Cain; Greencastle, Charles B. Carl; Middletown. Colin S. Few's Phar macy; Waynesboro. Clarence Croft's Pharmacy; Mechanicsburg. H. F. Brunhouse. The genuine Tanlac bears the name of J. I. Gore Co. on outside carton of each bottle. Look for it. —Adv. ingmjj SsuL". ray own ret pbyw .ctivity is SS;.\ largely due to ray persotul utc of Sjg Nuxated Iron", says Stf.B'. "..IS-JF Former Health Com j,—otissioner Wm. R. Kerr, of' '•'•£• *•'•'•" the City ol Chicago. "From iUr* my own Experience with Nun 'ated Iron t feel it is such a valuable blood and body build 'WßßP ing preparation that it ought' P* ' to be used in every hospital —* ' and prescribed by ivery phy sician in the country " Nuxated Iron helps to make healthier women and stronger, stur dier men. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded At all good druggists. We replate and repair auto lamps, radiators, band instru ments, silverware. Jewelry ana all other metal goods. We do the best work % at the roost reasonable prices, and do it promptly, too. A phone call or post card brings our representative to your door, to estimate on any work you may have to be done. \ What Gorgas Makes Gorgas Guarantees Spanish Influenza may be Prevented by spraying the nose and throat with PETRIN INHALENT GORGAS Antiseptic- —Healing An Ideal Remedy for Gold In the •/ Head and Catarrh of the Nose, Throat & Bronchial Tubes 500 Gorgas Drug Stores 18 NORTH THIRD ST. PENiCA. STATION / * , I 'The Live Store" "Always Reliable'' IVelour Hats Buying hats becomes a pleasure < . when you have a well selected stock and the large variety to pick from as you will find in this "Live Store's" assortment of popular | Stetson Hats I I Mallory Velours V elour hats are favored by most men this season and the beautiful color range you will find here will answer your question why Business to-day is a battle between keen, am bitious, busy minds, trained in the hard school of experience ln the battles of the business world "quick action" wins the day *— plus the studying, training and preparation with which that, action is | directed. H 1 We are enjoying an enormous hatbusi- 1 I ness because from the "start off" we were careful in buying the kind of Hats that we were sure men would like; I and then bought them in quantities that assured good assort- 1 ments throughout the season You will save considerable time I by making Doutrichs your headquarters for Hats, Clothing and furnishings. I This Is the Store Everybody Is Talking About Sweaters Sweaters are in greater demand this Ifall than ever before and if you want good wool sweaters you should come Here and examine the quality of the "Visor" Sweaters we are selling The prices are tempting be | cause these garments were bought more than a year ago and the savings are yours. I We have plenty of slipover 1 sweaters for men and boys in Khaki, Navy, II Maroon and Gray Shawl collar sweaters of every description, as well as an abundance of women's and girls' sweaters in substantial weaves and styles —. Here you will find the largest stock of sweaters in Central Pennsylvania. OCTOBER 2, 1918. 9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers