12 7,000 CITY DEEDS ARE REGISTERED UNDER NEW LAW Movement Started to Have Safety Vault Built For Valuable Records Approximately 7,000 deeds of city properties have been presented at the office of City Engineer M. B. Cowden for registration he announc ed. The majority of these are from the Tenth and Fourteenth wards, where owners were notified to brnng the instruments showing title to properties so that they could be reg istered . Mr. Cowden said that al though these are the only two wards .or which calls for deeds have been made, that hundreds of owners of buildings and unseated ground in other districts are bringing in deeds also. Ninth ward residents are in the lead having almost 1.000 on rec ord although Mr. Cowden does not expect to reach this ward for many weeks yet. A recent act of the Legislature re quires all cities of the third class to register all deeds showing title to properties within the city. Harris burg councilmen a few months ago passed a*\ ordinance embodying the requirements of the state law and providing a penalty of $5 for failure to comply with the provisions. City Engineer Cowden was then directed together with City Assessor James C. Thompson and other offi cials. to investigate the methods used After weeks of study a form was adopted for Harrisburg. Property owners when they bring deeds for registration are required to furnish to the city engineer an exact copy of the description of the property RADIO OPERATORS WANTED A new evening class at TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOL to train men for this special branch of the service. Class organized Monday Evening Sept. 30, 1918 Classes Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings 7:15 to 9:15 Tomorrow We Offer 900 Brand New Regular & Extra Size Skirts At Real Reductions Up to 40 waistband, skirt Real large Dresses. Special lor Fall and Winter, samples; purchase; sizes 42t0 551-j ; value $19.50, C valucs U P to $35.00: & 14.95 $19.95 SlB.ro Skirts, large size $5.95, $6.95 and s7.so'Georg only; 8 in *1 Q (JA ette Waists <t a f\T* this lot, for 1 for 3>4wO Suits and Coats that will We urge every woman who retail later for 539.50 and reads this advertisement to s4o. be here Saturdav for the finest Q9Q Qk Suits and Coats that was of •**** fered at popular prices. A good assortment —and values as low as $18.IX) and up to —Second Floor. COME—ALTERATIONS FREE JAMES H. BRENNER. 6 South Fourth Street LOOK FOR NAME AND NUMBER 2 Specials—Sale New Fall Skirts ACTUAL $lO.OO TO $16.95 VALUES Just the good-looking separate . (I 7|Z skirts that you need right now— (T . I ■ / J plenty of wool plaid, faille silks. 7k L- •* v wool poplins and serges and high- V ¥ I ————— grade satin skirts in handsome, I ~~~~~~ unusually clever styles. Actual 110.90 Skirts yg A Hwu k ["'sio!oo ts7 and $8 CLOTH SKIRTS, $5.00 One Big Rack Full, including fine Serges. Silk Poplins, TafTetas and Panamas (some extra sizes In the New Fall Dresses, 56.75, s KHHi' 515.00, $20.00, $25.00 and *BQ QE j on up to w017.*70 New Autumn Suits. $20.00, $25 00, • anJ i en up to W 1 OU NEW COATS Coats without fur, 515.00 to $50.00 $2.00 Petticoats. Fine satines. 25 to 40 Per Cent. Off on All Furs in black, colors and lovely floral Today and Saturday effects, with deep pleat- tfjl BfY $5.00 fine silk Petti- rvg ed flounces. Special... '** coats for inMpviw-vipMPi, 6 SOUTH FOURTH STREET Two Doors Below Market FRIDAY EVENING. which they own as recited in the deed they hold. This copy i 3 kept on tile in the engineer s office and the deed is stamped "registered" and .given back to the property owner. The copy which is retained is inark jed according to the lot location of • the property as shown on the city j official maps. Need Protection j Because of the expense and time [required to complete this work a j number of city officials are again I calling attention to the lack of tire I protection for the valuable data which is being collected. At pres- I ent all the maps and records of the , deeds as recorded are on file in the i city engineer's office but not in a ! fireproof vault. I A suggestion was made that city 'officials should take some immediate action to provide a vault in which (valuable city records could be kept Iso that in case of lire they would ! not be damaged. The copies of deeds •as filed at the engineer's office are iplaced on wooden shelves with no • protection. Should a blaze start in ! the room in a few minutes the docu | ments would be greatly damaged or probably totally destroyed it was ! pointed out. j According to City Engineer Cow- Iden the registration system used in , Harrisburg is equal to the best in ; the country and gives the city a com ; plete offical record of all property ; owners preventing a possibility of duplicate assessment of not assess j ing an owner because of exact record (of who holds title to the property jis available. All deeds for transfers | of real estate in the city which are presented now at the office of the county recorder must bear the stamp of the city engineer's office also. A number of real estate dealers, attorneys and others interested in | realty business are advertising that jthey will make copies of the (feeds [and have the Instruments recorded saving owners any further concern about the new city law. Small fees ; are charged and city officials said that this plan is largely responsible [ for the large number of deeds being j received from wards other than the iTenth and Fourteenth. MANY KEYSTONE TROOPS IN WAR FRONT REPORTS 171 of 601 Named Fall in Ac-|l lion With Germans on French Fields By Associated Press Washington, Sept. 27. On the double iist of war casualties made public to-day there were 604 names. Many Pennsylvanians are included. One lieutenant, a sergeant and six corporals from the Keystone state, fell in action. The list was divided as follows; Killed in action 171 Missing in action 126 Wounded severely 146 Died from wounds 119 Died from aeroplane accident. . 1 Died of accident and other causes 12 Died of disease 21 Wounded slightly 5 Wounded, degree undetermined, 3 Total 604 These are the Pennsylvania sol diers reported: KILLED IX ACTION Lieutenant John' R. Graham, Philadelphia. Sergeant Frank A. Harris. Pine Grove. Corporals Paul Lapp Hinkle. Chalfont. James M. McWtlliams, Mason town. Charles L. Beatty, Philadelphia. John Allen. Philadelphia. Cornelius F. Flynn, Bethlehem. Walter Levanda. Nanticoke. Wagoner Clifton E. Collins. Xorristown. Privates Ralph Miller, Scranton. Frank E. Reilly, Bethlehem. Charles M. Doll, Easton. George A. Kelch. Hawley. Joseph Malek. Mount Pleasant. James M. Mellon. Philadelphia. | John L. Robison, Grindstone. Clarence Wenlock, Philadelphia. Herman Heiderdorf, Kittanning. Henry J. Becker. Erie. Walter Caffery, Spring City. Charles A. Campbell. Woodlawn. Thomas Walters, Tresckow. Walter 1,. Weldner, Pottstown. DIED OF WOUNDS Sergeants Harry L. Hodge, Hazleton. Oram Kitchey, Lancaster. Corporals Jacob L. Maylie, Philadelphia. | Sylvester J. Hoy, Fort Carbon. Warren Daniel Shaw, Bradford. Privates , Talmage H. Moore, Philadelphia. I Walter Perke, Scranton. Frank G. Fiore, Scranton. Vosolia Krastopovitch, Mount | • Union. John S. MacArtliur, Philadelphia. Gerald Anthony Manley, Arch bald. Willis Madison Miller. Dubois, i Filippo Cosentino, Lilly. Raymond E. Coyne, Pittsburgh. Michael Kuzina, Windber. Harry Masloff, Pittsburg. Harry C. Nickel Pittsburgh. William J. Merkle, Philadelphia. : Davis K. Rice. Easton. John Guin Young. Pittsburgh. DIED OF DISEASE Private William M. Conkey, Avoca. DIED FROM ACCIDENTS AND OTHER CAUSES Lieutenant " Elliott C. Weller, Rockwood. Privates Alfred McCarty, Washington. Pete Mike. Pittsburgh. WOUNDED SEVERELY Captain i West E. Blain, Chester. Lieutenant George W. Hay, Somerset. Sergeant Fred Stafford. Cheat Haven. Corporals Earl D. Collingwood, Ephrata. Davis M. Shaffer, Bolivar. John G. Griffith. Philadelphia. Mechanic Michael Gaetano, Scranton. Privates George William Franke, Reading. I Angelo Greigo. Pittsburgh. George W. Schuster. Pottsville. Robert O. Witman, Pottsville. Edwin J. Baessler, Pittsburgh. William E. Boody. Pittsburgh. Peter Edward Drust, Shamokin. Ellis Isham Hash, Independence. ( George J. Pondish, Xesquehoning. Leslie Clifton Strauss. Meadville. William J. Leahan. Philadelphia. Robert James Milligan, Philadel phia. Harley Francis Peterson, Titus | ville. Harry W. Rager. Johnston. • Maynard H. Tomb, Sheffield. MISSING IN ACTION Lieutenant R. H. Ritter. Muncy. Sergeants Clarence J. P. Davidson. Taren- I turn. Walter Inman, Tarentum. j Vincent J. Mclnerney, Pittsburgh, i Edward F. Yearsley, Philadelphia. 1 Corporals Frank P. Gaskell, Holmes, i James A. Kenney, Knoxville. Robert M. Knox. Chester. John McElwee. Chester. Howard Clarke Miller. Middle town. Phillip M. Norbeck, Collingdale. 1 Oliver M. Strasser, Pittsburgh. Joseph Wholshan, Boothwyn. George W. Wright, Moores. Bugler George W. Lynch. Moore. Mechanic George M. Stewart, Norwood. Charles T. Angelis, Pittsburgh. Privates Howard R. Baker. Homestead. Quinto W. Bartoli, Scranton. Walter Bawarski, Pittsburgh. John L. Binkley, Oxford. William Brodgesell, Pittsburgh. Edward N. Burns, Philadelphia. Robert M. Cole, California. I George J. Coyle. Philadelphia. William J. Fox, Philadelphia. Herman Hoechstetter, Pittsburgh. Duncan M. Kemerer, Export. Joseph Mclntyre, Philadelphia. • Charles F. Meek, Orwigsburg. Norman Joseph Mitchell, Phila- I delphia. James Bassano, Philadelphia. Domlnick Country, Philadelphia. I John J. Doyle. Scranton. Rudolph M. Johnson, Chester. ! James A. McLane. Philadelphia. Louis I. Schuberth, Pittsburgh. Edward F. Swartz, Pottstown. Ernest H. Winkeltau, Pittsburgh. Bernard O'Brien, Shamokin. George Dewey Rupert, Ford City. James Sandora, Wilson. James L. Sheridan. Pittsburgh. John Anthony Showalter, Jean nette. Charles G. Spence, Peach Bottom. Gustave Teyssier, Corapolis. Martin Wells, Dubois. Joseph T. Zairo, McAdoo. William D. Ziesche, Pittsburgh. WAR SPIRIT STRONG AT YALE New Haven, Conn., Sept. 27.—Yale University began its 219 th year yes terday under an administration en tirely unlike any in its previous his tory. It has become a military in stitution and its student body will be enrolled in the students' army train ing corps. HAHRJSBURG TELEGRAPH CROWDER HALTS ENTRAINING TO SOLDIER CAMPS Influenza Rages and Provost Marshal Delays Movement of New Troops to War Washington, D. C., Sept. 27.—Be cause of epidemics of Spahish in fluenza in Army camps, Provost Mar shal General Crowder last night .can celed calls for the entrainment be tween October 7 and 11 of 142,000 draft registrants. During the twenty-four hours end ing at noon to-day, 6,139 new cases of influenza in Army camps had been reported to the otllce of the surgeon general of the Army. One hundred and seventy deaths, resulting chiefly from pneumonia following influenza, and 723 new oases of pneumonia also were reported. Two camps, Kearney. Cal.. and Eustis. Va„ were added to-day to the 'list of *hose where influenza has made its appearance, leaving only thirteen camps free fronj the disease- The total number of cases of in fluenza In all camps was placed at 35,146, with 3,036 cases of pneumo nia. One out of every four men at Camp Devens, Mass., has contracted influenza, it was announced, and ten per cent, of the cases have develop ed into pneumonia. In canceling the call for the en trainment of the draft registrants early next month. General Crowder acted upon instructions from General March, chief of staff. Every state and the District of Columbia had been assigned quotas, and the men w o%e to have gone to practically nil of the can.ps in the country. The men probably will not be entrained until after the influenza epidemic has been checked. It was said at the office of the sur geon general of the Army last nlghti that every possible precaution is.he ing taken in all eamps'to check the, spread of the disease, but that des-, pite all measures it is believed the disease will rtyi its course and prob-: ably spread to still other camps. Ad-j ditiona! physicians and nurses have' been sent to camps where the epi-; demic is most severe. New Cumberland, Pa., Sept. 27. On Thursday morning at 9.30 o'clock a wedding took place at the home of the Rev. J. R. Hutchinson in Reno street, when George A. Diffenbaugh and Miss Jennie Westfall were unit ed in marriage by the Rev. Mr. Hutchinson, an uncle of the bride. CLARK'S CUT RATE Medicine Stores 300 MARKET STREET • ( BU 'j 306 BROAD STREET Patent Medicines Wampole's Tasteless Cod Liver Oil 600 Pinkhams Veg. Comp. ... 800 Beta Quinol 300 Neroxin 370 Eptol 300 Fluid Balmwort 370 Tincture Cadomene 700 Essence Cardiol 370 Sulpherb Tablets 360 Omega Oil, 35c 240 Hick's Capudine, 25c ... 100 Nelson's Hair Dressing, 210 Dill's Balm Life, 35c ... 280 Ex Lax 00, 170, 34e Sal Hepatica, 25c 180 Diapepsin 340 Doan's Kidney Pills ... 410 Mayr's Stomach Remedy, 700 Mayr's System Tonic ... 700 Father John's 740 Quaker Herb Extract ... 700 Bell-Ans 530 Malena Salve 60 S. S. S 670 Jad Salts 530 Mercolized Wax 600 Saxolite 400 Phenol Sodique, 00 and 380 Pierce's Golden Medical..7oo Lysol 100, 360, 680 Aspirin Tablets, 100 .... 800 Palmers Skin Success ... 200 Limestone Phosphate ... 340 Chichester's Pills 81.53 100 Pill Cascara Comp, Dr. Hinkle's 100 Fletcher's Castoria 270 Beef, Iron and Wine ... 680 Atwood's Bitters 180 Beecham's Pills 150 Cuticura Ointment 380 Sassafola 150 Black Flag 00, 170 Absorbent Cotton, lb. .. 500 Hall's Catarrh Cure 550 Weber's Alpine Tea 00 Freezone 240 DeMiracle .... 700 and 480 Good Samaritan Ointment, 240 Zemo 240 and 670 Doan's Regulets 230 Liquid Veneer . .170 and 340 Powers' Asthma Remedy, 340 J. land J. Kidney Plasters, 160 HofFs Malt and Iron ... 380 Nujol 580 Lavoris 180 and 380 Sal I>ax, S. an<l D 19c, 38c, 73c Kilmer's Swamp R00t....38c, 75c Hromo SelUer 18c, 36c, 79c Horlick's Malted Milk, $1 75c Pearson's Creolin 16e, 32c, 63c Scott's Emulsion 49c and 8c Pierce's Favorite Prescription, ,79c I). I). 1).. for eczema, ,24c, 38c, 67c Nature's Remedy 17c, 34c, 67c Chamberlain's S. and L. Pills. .23c Chamberlain's Diarrhoea Rem., 24c llorsford's Acid Phosphate. .. ,72c (ilycothynioline 21c, 39c, 84c Face Powders Pinaud's Face Powder .. 450 Azurea Face Powder.. .81.10 Carmen Face Powder ... 360 Freeman's Face Powder.. 100 Le May Face Powder ... 340 Mary tlarden Face Powder. .. . 79e Attar Tropical Face Powder...4sc MEADE SOLDIER AND SWEETHEART IN DEATH PACT Jersey Private Kills Sistcr-in- Law and Self in Woman's Apartment Py ' Associated Press Hackcnsack, N. J., Sept. 2".—Pri vate Edward Kuttler, 27 years old. home on n short furlough from | ! Camp Meade, disappeared Sunday] morning with his sister-in-law, Mrs.l I Frederick Kuttler, who had been his i first sweetheart. Their bodies were found to-day in a room at the girl's | home in Park Ridge. Both had been ! killed by bullets fired from a heavy ] Army revolver. j Six or seven years ago a girl mov i od into the neighborhood where the j Kuttlers lived and both brothers j fell in love with her but Frederick y ttVvwt ▼ v w * ▼ 1 ► J ► Statement of the : Dfflphm Dfijiosil Trasf Q v ; * -?-!<- -4M! MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM BHK at the close of business September 21, 1918 * Iflß i|||L Required by the Commissioner of Banking 4 j ► j ' a. CE?i y- t LIABILITIES < Hp! * Loans and invest- Undivided Profits.. 63,315.27 < fvVWf nients 3,674.516.29 DEPOSITS 3.684.128.03 < v si., jjunfe .1 Bank building' .... 73.0CX1.00 Due to Banks 9,825.86 i y nil.umni iiiiiWiimnnnun niii nu niniminiiiiintiiiwmwii OxtrdiaftS 1.86 , BU Y W " s 7" ' $735720916 H357.269.10 I ' j ; ' Trust Funds $688,734.40 ] Special /II l J |\ pi l fx rr c|f| 11 No Mail s Llark s Drug Uub lonee lit lb. ss* RUBBER GOODS SPECIALS Household Rubber Gloves 230 $2.00 Goodrich Fountain Syringe, No. 42, Ear and Ulcer Syringes 160 $l.lO 25c Infant Rectal Syringe 160 $2.50 Davol Household Fountain Syringe, $1.25 De Vilbis Atomizers, No. 15 .... $1.20 $1.65 85c Rectal Tubes (Goodrich) 600 $1.25 Dark or Red Brown Water Bottles 680 85c Colon Tubes (Goodrich) 600 $2.73 Goodrich Water Bottle, No. 35 . . $l.OB 35c English Breast Pumps 230 $1.50 Wpnpiece Water Bottle, No. 20 .. 840 69c Family Bulb Syringe 300 $3.00 Vaginal Douche Syringe $2.25 $1.50 Wonpiece Fountain Syringe, No. 29, 840 Hygeia Nipple and Bottle, complete ... 250 $4.00 Hospital Fountain Syringe .... $2.68 Elastic Trusses $1.68 Pompeian j ■< A Orchid Olflrk s ** v j Hind's Mercolized „ , w Honey and _J!!L_ Cutßate Medicine Stores "Ed St.' Ingram ———— — Milk Weed * 1 O 1 O ■ 1 Palmolive bpecial bale baturday Talcums Colgate's Talcum IBc 25c Oakley's C'orylopsis Talcum, 18c 25c Jess Talcum 18c 25c Williams' Violet, Carnation, Lilac Talcum 18c 23c Melba Talcum 25c 25c Love Mc Talcum 25c 35c Brown's Japonita Talcum, 24c 35c Mcnnen's Talcum, Borated, 22c 10c Air Float Talcum 8c 25c Lazcll's Massatta Talcum, 18c 25c Hudnut's Violet Sec Talcum, 19e 25c Babcoek's Cut Rose Talcum, 16c 25c Squibb's Talcum 18c 25c Mavis Talcum .... . # *.. . ,21c Hair Preparations 50c Hcrpicide 39c $l.OO Hcrpicidc 79c 50c Hay's Hair Health 39c 50c Mulsiflcd Cocoanut 0i1.... 36c 75c Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur 49c 50c Canthrox 38c 50c Barbo Compound 34c 75c Damseliinsky's Dye 59c s©c Damseliinsky's Dye 39c Pinaud's Eau dc Quinine 89c Walnutta 38c Parker's Hair Balsam 38c Potter's Walnut Stain 79c Brow natone 24c, 84c paid the most ardent court and she married him. Edward went away in the hope that he might forget. Then he was called in the draft and sent to Camp Meade. When lie was given a furlough he i went home to say good-by to his family for he believed that it might be his last chance to see them be fore he was sent overseas. The first to greet him when he arrived Salur da.v night was his sister-in-lnw. On the table in the room where the bodies were found was this noto written by Kuttler. "Dear mother and Fred: "Bessie and 1 are going to end it all. It is the only way. We love one another. Please forgive us. ffave us buried in the same grave, it is the wish of both of us. Take care of little Dot and give her Bcs i sie's watch and chain. "ED AND BESSIE. * Mayor Keister Has Patriotic Stationery Mayor Keister is writing his letters , on new stationery these days. On one corner in red letters is this bit of patriotic advice: "He wastes food prolongs the war," On the other: i "Make your dollars work for lib : ert.v." $3.75 Horlick O7Q Malted U $l.OO Sloan's f\7 C Liniment ' ** $l.OO 74 Listerine 9 T*- 60c Glyco OQ _ Thymoline 85c Jad C O n Salts OOC 50c Limestone 'iA.n Phosphate $l.OO Quaker 7Q r* Herb Extract, ' i7C Dental Preparations Lilly Tooth Paste (large), 340 Lilly Tooth Paste (small), 170 Kolynos Tooth Paste .. 190 Pepsodent Tooth Paste, 340 Colgate Tooth Paste .. 250 Sanitol Tooth Paste ... 190 Sanitol Tooth Powder.. .190 Euthymol Tooth Paste, 150 Forhans' Tooth Paste, 240 and 380 Stearns' Tooth Paste .. 280 Pebeco Tooth Paste ... 360 Peroxide Tooth Paste .. 210 SEPTEMBER 27, 1918 lOWA REUIME.Vr SUFFERS Urn Moines, Sept. 27.—During eight days of fighting ending August 3, the 168 th Infantry, lowa's unit in the : Rainbow division, "lost 1,400 officers and men, or about BO per cent, of the effective combatant strength." ac cording to Colonel E. R. Bennett, its commander. Many Kinds of Rheumatism One Sure Mode of Treatment ' Authorities Say Don't Use Lini ments. Treat It Through the Blood. You Can't Rub It Out! Whether your trouble is Sciatica, Lumbago or the dreaded Articular Rheumatism, the answer is the same. You must treat it tho only way to rid the system of tiric acid, purify the blood and revitalize the nerves. If the blood is freed from impurities. Rheumatism must go. This in short is the exact knowledge { gained by the research laboratories j of the S. S. S. Co., in Atlanta. There tests have been made for iifty years.! Household Necessities Buy Bum, Imported, pint .... 74c Buy Rum. Imported, 6-oz. bottle, 40e Extract Witch Hazel, best, '/2 pt., 20c Extract Witch Hazel, best, pt. 38c Chloride Lime, 12-oz. size.... 12c Moth Bulls, lb. 18c Sulphur, lb. 13c Bed Bug Poison, pint 34c Turpentine, pint 23c Migraine Tablets, 100 in bottle, 35c Pill Cathartic Cornp, 25 in bottle, • 10c' Pill Asafoctida, 5 grain. 100 in bottle ... . : 42c Tablets Asafoctida, 2 grulnf choc olate coated, 100 in bottle, ,33c Tablets Cascara Sagrada Extract, 5 grain, chocolate coated, 100 in bottle .' ...38c Tablets Aloin Belladonna and Strychnine, with Ipecac, choco late coated, 100 In bottle. . ,24c Special Sale Drugs F. E. Cascara Sagrada, aromatic, 3-oz. bottle 25c Ess. Peppermint, 3-oz. bottle, 40c Aromatic Spirits Ammonia, 2-oz. bottle 35c Castor Oil, 2-oz. bottle 20c Sweet Spirits Nitre, 2-oz. bottle, 35c Spirits Camphor, 3-oz. bottle, 45c Tr. Arnica, 3-oz. bottle 45c Tr. lodine, 2-oz. bottle . 35c Comp. Ijicortce Powder 1 oz. 10c Comp. Idcorlee Powder, 2 oz. 20c Epsom Salts, lb 15c I wni] Bald so Young j' §Rub Dandruff and Itching with Cuticura Ointment Shampoo With Csticara Soar TVnifyteu. M. Ta'-wn Me. t*' 1 They know what Rheumatism is. They know that S. S. S., the remarlf- , able blood tonic, which they origi nated, will relieve you of Rheu matism. Take 8. S. S. today. The omplete recovery of thousands oO sufferers by the use of 8. 8. S. is positive proof that you can be re lieved. S. S. 8. is a blood tonic —a purifier that restores the blood, re vitalizes it, cleanses it. makes it pure as it was before it became poi soned with Impurities. S. S. 8. gives it strength to drive out these im- ' purities—the uric acid and organic poison and with it the Rheumatism. ! Get S. S. S. at your druggist's. If j you need special advice, write Med ical Adviser, 446 Swift Laboratory, 4 I Atlanta, Ga. Cigars 7 Havana Tucks 350 , (Box of 100, $4.25) 7 Even Stevens 7 for 7 King Oscars 35#; 7 Gen. Hartranfts .. Box 7 Sweet Girls of 7 La Tifton 50, 7 Counsellors $2.45 10c Cigars 4 La Carma O C (Box of 50, $3.45) <wOC 3 Henriettas O C (Box of 25, $2.00) 3 Moja O C (Box of 50, $4.00) dLiD C Toilet Soaps Resinol Soap 210 Woodbury Soap 210 Cuticura Soap 210 Hobson's Soap 210 Palm Olive Soap, 15c size, 120 Olive Oil Soap, 150 and 300 Jergen's Violet Glycerine, 3 for 25$ Melba Vegetable Oil 150 Peroxide Soap 120 Ivory Soap i\s Lava Soap 00 Life Buoy Soap *OO Corn Remedies Pierce Corn Plaster, 100, 190 Blue Jay Corn Plaster ..180 Freezone 240 Ice Mint . • 340 Tiz 190 Calocide Compound ... 210 Allen's Foot Ease 190 Toilet Preparations 35c Odoro-no 21c 35c Colgate's Mirage Cream... 25c 50c Pompclan Massage Cream, 38c 50c Pompclan Vanishing Cream, 38c 50c Melba Skin Cleaner 50c 50c Ingram's Milkweed Cream, 38c 25c Pond's Vanishing Cream. . .19c $l.OO Otlilnc, double strength, 84c 25c Hush 10c Lnvorls 21c, 42c, 70c l.lquid Peptonoids 95e Newton's Heave Itemedy, 42c, 84c Mulsilicd Cocoanut Oil 38c 75c Amonized Cocoa ..68c 60c Sempro Glovlnc 42c 50c tetUlman's Freckle Cream, 88e Pear's Soap 14e, 21e Rouges and Face Tints 50c Dorln's Rouge, 121 0 38c Fiancee Peach Blush 68c Sample Bottles Azurea Sachet 100 Djer Kiss Sachet 100 Mary Garden Sachet ... 100 Houbigant's Sachet .... 100 Djer Kiss Extract 250 Azurea Extract 250 Mary Garden 250 Fiancee 250
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers