Fierce Pacific Storm , Sinks Two Vessels and I Batters Lighter Craft San Dieo, Cal., Sept. 27.-l-In a terrific storm which raged oft Lower California and the northwest coast of Mexico last Tuesday two United States shipping board vessels on their maiden trips were sunk; a fleet of other craft was badly battered, the town of In Paz was partially destroyed and the floating equip ient of the United States naval coal depot at Pichllinque was damaged. News of the havoc wrought by the storm was brought here yesterday by a long overdue Ashing launch. Several residents of La Paz were reported killed. The crews of the vessels sunk were rescued by passing steamers after 'being adrift three days in open boats. Singing Evangelist at South Enola Services Enola, Pa.. Sept. 27.—Mrs. Beulah Snyder Mclntire, known as the 'sing ing evangelist' will sing every even ing during the services which are being held In the Evangelical Church a- South Enola, conducted by the Rev. W. Duck. Mrs. Mclntire sings her own compositions and accompan ies her singing with the guitar. On Sunday morning she and her mother, Mrs. W. J. Snyder, will sing at the Rally Pay services in the United Brethren Church at Worm levsburg. THE LEADER BARGAIN STORE The Store That Saves the Workingman Money At the Subway 443 Market Street. Open Evenings People Who Compare LEADER Prices With All Others Always Find We Sell For Less—Tomorrow Is the End of Our Great Record Breaking Sale Ivory ,Q. w,th Erepy fjf f 1 Purchase of iJODp 98c or More FIVE CAKES TO A CUSTOMER MEN'S SUITS, WORTH Vl' (19 £>{* TO $22.50 AT Dl A.OO MEN'S SUITS WORTH UP 1 *7 C.C. TO $27.50 AT / .DO Corduroy Suits, ideal for the $l4 fifi doutdoor workingman: special at. .. 1 Corduroy Coats —Norfolk styles: QC specially priced at $4.95 Buys Men's Black Rubber Coats wliich * would ordinarily sell for at least $lO. $5 95 Bu>S Men s Baclt-to-Back double * cloth Raincoats worth up to $l5. $7.95 Buys Men's Dark Gray Casstmere * Raincoats worth up to $2O. same Coats silk lined at $8.95 Women's Shoe Bargains Women's Tan and Cordo Calf Shoes, high top models; worth up to $6.00; for this Qfl sale at 0.170 Women's High Cloth Top Shoes, with black vamps; values to $5.50; in this safe $3.98 Women's Vici Kid Shoes, low heels for real comfort; values up to $3.50, to go in this $1.98 Women's Gray and Tan Kid Shoes, high top styles; regular values up to $'5.00; 6pe- dJO QO cial in this sale at 70 Women's Patent Leather Shoes, with hig. cloth tops; values up to $3.50; to go in this QO sale at M.UO Women's Bldck Shoes, with high cloth tops; values up to $4.50, to go in this sale $2.98 Women's Vici Kid Boots, with low heels; values up to dJO qq $4.50, to go in this tale at wA.UO Harrifburg, Penna., September 20th, 1918 To Our Depositors and Friends: The Fourth Liberty Loan (4|%) will be offered for sale on September twenty-eight next, and subscriptions will be received from that date to October nineteenth, 1918. To encourage early subscriptions this bank will issue tem porary receipts for full paid subscriptions bearing interest at four and one-quarter per cent, to date of issue of bonds and # gladly places at your disposal every other facility for the handling of the Loan. The Harrisburg National Bank. FRIDAY EVENING, THE BOY SCOUTS A hail to the lad who always does his bit! When there is work, he hustles into it With the sest of a batter who is swinging for a hit— The ready and the steady and the heady Boy Scout. He's often small, and he'e never very big; He's always square, and he cannot be a prig: And when there is digging you ought to see him dig— The ready and the steady and the heady Boy Scout. The woodland lore is a bit of what he knows; He loves the flag and follows where it go, He's a man in the making, the very best that grows— The ready and the steady and the heady Boy Scout. —John Clair Minot ,in Youth'* Companion. SERVICES AT BAIN BRIDGE Bainbridge, Pa., Sept. 27.—At the Methodist Episcopal Sunday school on Sunday morning at 9.45 o'clock, the delegates to the district Sunday school convention held at Elizabeth town last week, will n\ake a report Preaching at 11 on the subject of "Intercession." In the evening there will be preaching by the pastor on the subject. "The Devil and the Anti christ." This sermon will be one of the series dealing with the sec ond coming oC Christ. Midweek prayer meeting on Wednesday even ing at 8 in the Sunday school room. Choir rehearsal on Saturday evening at 8. Palm Olive ~0 Soap O Purchase TWO CAKES TO A CUSTOMER WOMEN'S COATS WORTH 4Q QQ TO $20.00 AT O WOMEN'S SUITS AT $10.50, $12.50, $17.50 Blue, Black, Brown and Gray Materials—All Smart Styles. One lot of Women's Dress Skirts, tfJO QQ worth up to $5.-18, at %D£fUO Women's Plain and Striped Voile Waists, plain or duster Brown collars; tf| QQ worth to $4.00; special at ® l.^O Women's Crepe tie Chine and Georgette Blouses worth up to $5.98; djo A O special at Do.**o Bungalow Aprons, with or without QQ elastie; special at UO\, Flannel Dressing Sacques; regular CQ _ $l.OO values; special at Children's Plush Coats with fur dJC QQ trimming; sizes 2 to 6; special at 0tJ.170 Another lot of CiUldren's Plush ®C QQ Coats for gilrs 6 to 14- special at OtJ.I/O Children's Cotton SArge Dresses, QO special t P1.170 Women's Slip-on Sweaters, specially d0 QQ priced at $5.98. $5.48 and ,0,:70 Women's Sleeveless Sweaters, all 0O 40 colors; worth $5 to $6; special at.... MEN'S SHOE BARGAINS Men's Cordovan Blucher Style Shoes; Goodyear welt; worth up to $6.50 and $7.50; to go in this QQ sale at t iPt.57O Men's English Last Tan Calf Shoes; Good- djo qq year welts; worth up to $5.50; to go in sale at *0!70 Men's English Last Black Shoes; Goodyear dQ no welts; values up to $6.00; to go in this sale at.. ®0.*70 Men's Black Shoes, English toe. the famous Endicott- Johnson make; values to $5.00; to go in * q this sale at Men's Black Blucher Style Shoes; Endicott-Johnson make; worth up to $5.50; to go in this AO sale at wurtO Men's Black Vici Kid Shoes, plain and tip; dJQ AQ. values up to $5.00; to go In this sale at w3^o The celebrated Emerson Shoes for men; Eng- do QQ lish toe; values up to $6.00; to go in this sale at WsyO Men's Black and Tan Scout Shoes; good work d" | qq shoes; values up to $3.50; to go in this sale at.. ®1270 Men's Black and Tan Bluchers, Endicott- do qq Johnson make; values to $5.50; to go In this sale Men's U. S. Army Shoes, Munson last; C/ 1 QQ values up to $6.50 and $7; to go in this sale at. w'fwO if? NEWS ftNl? NOTES OF THE BOY SCOUTS $ Troop Twelve Takes Part in War Pageant Troop 12 took an important part in a war pageant held by a society of the Memorial Lutheran Church. The scouts demonstrated their abil ity in flrst-ald, signaling and other branches of scoutcraft. Beans, rolls and coffee were served to the participants in the pageant and the guests. It has been necessary, owing to new members to start a new patrol, of whihc Scout Meadath has been electe.l patrol leader. We are planning a hike to Hum melstown Cave with Scoutmaster Orr on the evening of September 27. When the troop was first organized the Eagle Patrol took the ftrst troop hike to this cave. They enjoyed themselves immensely. But two members remain from this Eagle Patrol, and the others are very anx ious to see the cave, too. Troop 12 is well on its feet and ready for any work set before them in the future. All are anxiously waiting for their chance at the Lib erty Loan so they can be of more service to Uncle Sam. WILLIAM HAWTHORNE, Scribe. ROtEUBBURO t£9&EtSL TELEGRXPH " Wasted r By Katherlne Lee Bates in Life. London, May 6.— Lieutenant-Ge neral Sir Robert Baden-Powell, ad dressing a central meeting of the Boy Scouts, at Guildhall, told of the heroic death of a French Boy Scout described in a letter found on the body of a dead German. General Baden-Powell read the letter, which follows: "A traitor has been shot—a little French lad belonging to one of those gymnastic societies which wear the tri-color button. The poor little fel low in his Infatuation wanted to be a hero. A German column was passing mlong a wooded defile, and the boy was caught and asked whether the French were about. He refused to give information. Fifty yards further on fire was opened from the cover of the wood. The boy was asked in French If he had known that the enemy was in the forest, and he did not deny it. He went with firm step to a telegraph post and stood tip against it, with a green vineyard behind him,* and re i caived the volley of the firing party with a proud smile on his face. In fatuated boy! It was a pity to see such wasted courage."] Wasted? O blind of heart, you wrote it wasted. The loyalty, the courage and the pride; Nay, you, who could but pity and deride j That pearl of boyhood, smiling as he tasted The sacrament of death; you, who had hasted By steep descent from where the stars abide To heavy darkness; you, who had denied The gleam of God in your own clay, are wasted. Will not all lovers of the fair and true Forever see that little figure stand Erect against the post, to die for France? Her leafing April vineyard better knew The beauty of that deed than your dull hand. Wondering at honor, counting faith mischance. Boy Scouts Are Utility Men in Loan Drive Every successful team must have a utility man. He docs not acquire fame like the winning pitcher. He is not in the public eye as consistently as the captain of a Harvard football team. He sacrifices his opportunity for i becoming an outstanding specialist j by his willingness to serve whenever, | wherever and however he is needed. The Boy Scouts of America are untilty men in to-day's great game of Beat the Beast. Always answering the call of their captain, President Wilson, they do not attempt to dic ! tate what they shall do nor when or i where they shall do It. j Thev do report to the President i from time to time that they have a I hunch that such and such a thing | is the best piece of work for them to taikle. He agrees, or suggests | something else, according to the cir cumstances at the time. " They have so reputed to him, through their National Council, con cerning the Kourth Liberty Loan. "We did our best as gleaners after the reapers in thfe Third Liberty Loan campaign—we are ready to do the same In the fourth." is the cub stance of their report to President Wilson. "You did well in the Third —our Government will welcome your as sistance in the Fourth. Report to your local Liberty Loan Commit tees." That is the substance of the reply from President Wilson, and from Secretary McAdoo of the Treasury Department. The local Liberty Loan Commit tees have accepted the services of the scouts in most places. In a few ; places they have declined. In gen ' oral they have followed the sugges i tion of President Wilson and Secre ' tarv McAdoo. The duty of the Boy Scouts of America is obvious. ♦ T *ery troop and every local coun j oil .should have a plan. That plan shotfld be submitted I to the local Liberty Loan Commit | tee immediately if It has not been | submitted already. Need Scoutmasters Men who are disqualified for serv ice in the Army or Navy should re spond right now to the call of the Boy Scouts of America for scout masters. What sort of men are wanted? Well, men who have been regular . boys and who haven't forgotten how. Scoutmasters that can be chums with boys—big brothers without overdo ing It, real pals—they want such men. . The boy Isn't a problem—he just wants someone he can understand and who understands him. Boys by the hundreds are applying every day and being refused because practi cally every troop has Its maximum strength and there are not enough scoutmasters to take care of new ones. No other organization Is so well fitted to take up this training of boys as the scout organization, which Is so well established that It needs no defense or explanation. The training It give! to boys has been commended by the greatest public men of America, and there is no question but that it is competent to solve the problem. The requirements for a scoutmas ter are very simple: Interest in boys, remembering your own boy hood; desire to serve, doing your bit In training some soldier's younger brother; a clean, manly character, to influence the boys by example; a little time, one meeting a week at -night. No previous • scout experi ence is necessary. There are more than five men available for every scoutmaster who will be called. As has proved to be the case heretofore and In England, men beyond the draft age as well as men within the draft age who are prevented from taking an active part 'n the war, will welcome the opportunity of giving definite serv ice in order that the scouting pro gram will not suffer because of the requirements of the wartime con ditions. e The scouts wear their uniforms by authority of Ssetlon 125 of the Army Reorganisation lAW of June I, 1916, and are chartered by Congress. Khaki means service! SCOUTING NOTES BY J. FREDRIK VIRGIN, SCOUT EXECUTIVE Friday night, October 11, will bet a big night for the scouts of Harris burg. is the night of the big scout rally at Grace Methodist Church hall, in State street, near Third. It will be a big night for many reasons. First of all, the medal and bars won by the scouts in the Third Lib erty Loan will be awarded, and it will also be the startoft of the cam paign by the scouts in Harrisburg in the Fourth Liberty Loan. Now just notice what is going to happen: The meeting starts promptly at 7.30. Every troo|> In the city is ex pected to be present in full force, each scout in uniform, if he pos sesses one, and every troop carry ing troop flags and banners. All troops will march to the Grace Church hall. The method alone in which the scouts of Harrisburg as semble will be a good oMvertise ment for the Loan. The orchestra of Troop 7 will fur nish music, and we all know just what that orchestra can do from the splendid showing they nade at the rally last spring. George S. Reinoehl, president of the local council will give a word of welcome, and William Jennings, representing the government, will award the medals and bars won in' the Third Liberty Loan. The scouts to whom the awards will be msCfie are as follows: Troop 1, Donald K. Royal: Troop 2, Bernard Colin; Troop 7, William Quaid: Troop, 8, Edgar Spotts and Russell Waters; Troop 10, Howard Selsam; Troop 11, Lawrence Re buck, Thomas Wickersliam, Clarence Looker, William Murray and Edward Seiglman; Troop 12, John M. Smith and Arthur Swanson; Troop 13, Karl Moeslein, William Fenstemacher, Edgar Nies, Lome Bayless, William Maglaughlin; Troop 14. John Earn l est; Troop 16, Frank Foose; Troop 18, Meyer Gross; Troop 19, Francis Paul; Troop 20, R. H. Swope. The Rev. Dr. Robert Bagnell, who has just returned from a visit to i the trenches, will tell some of his ex periences and will show why every I scout should work to the limit of | his ability to make this loan suc i cessful. —" As a final treat the new scout | moving picture, "The Lion's Cubs" (six reels) will be shown. This Is ! a wonderful film, showing the Boy ! Scouts of England guarding the coast and capturing Germiin spies, | and bringing out the best methods of signaling frpm point to point and the prope. method of using First Aid to advantage. You can see that it will be- a b ! g night. Before the end of the evening each scout will be furnished with a man ual telling how to sell government bonds. He will also repeive a bunch f application forms. So that each scout may know just how to gain I • ; ( %f| / ■ —Come Here For Your New Outfit —^ OU - venient lor yon to get yen* Fall and Winter clotting ' two weeks or mMthly b nl'do lay to *. I I Better Valaee—Greater Varieties ■ I Better Valaee because by baying. ta Urge qaanflfios lor jfy / H ■ our chain of stores we gel sad offer better Tallies tbaa die /' \ f tR merchant coatroffiag eae ctora. Greater Varietiee be- A , cause we recehre sew trchnndise daily sad by JEwitff I / & JMen'• Up-to-date Tailor-made Smte ■ Fall and. Winter State for Women A Mieeee h * H Boys* Hats Coats SKrts ' - \ ' * " credit for a sale, these instructions are given now: Every signed application must be presented through local scout head- Quarters. it will be recorded here at the office and then delivered to the bank. Scout headquarters will be open from nine to five and in the even ing from 7.30 to 9, during the week of October 12 .to 19. Harrisburg scouts sold only $45,- 000 worth of bonds in the last Loan. This time we ought to make our lowest limit $150,000. Play the game according to the rules! Don't solicit anyone before the morning of October 12. H you do, it will mean trouble for you vith the local Court of Honor. Remember every scout is trust worthy and agrees to play the game according to the rules laid down. Hark! Here's the Tale of Marsh Run Battle! Did the rest of you scouts ever hear of the battle of Marsh Run 7 Well, there was one, and it wasn't in the Civil War, either. It took place last Saturday and this is how it all happened. Some of the scouts of TrooD 2 4 took a hike last Satur day, accompanied by Scoutmaster ■Chalmer Groflf—but let somebody who was along tell the story. "There were seven of us and the scoutmaster. We hiked over the bridge into Cumberland county and on to Marsh Run, where the Gov ernment is constructing a plant and hundreds of Mexicans, ne groes and soldiers are at work. When we got there they all stopped their work to look us over, because. 1 guess, they thought we were part of a new company of men coming. We had a great time looking around and seeing everything, but finally the lunch we were carrying got too heavy and we just had to eat it. So we all started down towards the river and this is why the battle was: Scout Delbler somehow got his pick and-span uniform splashed with mud —he must have tripped and fell —and by the time lunch was over he had half the men on his side, so we had to fight it out. Our weap ons didn't make much noise nor smoke, but, gee! how they did sting! They were, guess What—horse chest nuts! For about fifteen minutes horse chestnuts went flying back andj forth like heavy artillery fire. When it was over we couldn't decide who won, but maybe you can when I tell you that when we started Scout Spotts' side had seventy-five chest nuts and when it was over .they had four, and Scout Dode's side had theirs and some of Scout Spotts'i That was some bloody battle." Other Scout News on Page 14 SEPTEMBER 27, 1918. No Class 1 Men Will Be Accepted For Camp Work Washington, Sept. 27.—0n1y men 37 years of ago or over or those within the new draft ages who are obviously disqualified physically for military service will be aocepted for overseas duty by the war department commission on training camp ac tivities and affiliated organizations. In announcing this to-day. Chalr ■ man h'osdlck, of the commission, said men now working overseas with the commission and the Young Men's Christian Association, Knights of Columbus, Jewish Welfare Board, War Camp. Community Service and be subject to draft call as If they ■were in the United States. fSTEGER "Hlf. Phonograph \|\ Plays All Records I|\ = Victor - Edison - Columbia - Pathe Ei and all others correctly E NO PARTS TO CHANGE 1 I=l 'PHE STEGER Phonograph has \=l I=l no tone of its own. It gives you I=l I=l the voice of your favorite singer in |=l I=l * ts beauty. The Steger phono- I=l lE] graph does not add to nor detract I=l from the tone. You hear the artist, I=l lEI not the phonograph. I=l IEI "Prices a "d up I=l \l\ CONVENIENT TERMS /§7 YOHN BROS. N. Market Square * SSjol^ * Automobile Takes Life of Aged Lebanon Widow litbsson, Pa., Sept. 27. —Mrs. Cathe rine Delninger, widow of Michael Delnlnger, of this city, waa Instant ly killed here yesterday when run down on the street In front of her home by an automobile driven by the Lebanon plant of the Bethle hem Steel Company. Mrs. Dolnlng er, who was 75 years old. was in the act of crossing the street to tell neighbor of the approach of two -my atrplances in an exhibition flight over the city when she step ped in the path of the car. Her neck was broken. 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers