3 Special Delineator Offer— jVjT/Tt J|f J*r_if J Special Delineator Offer- See Butterick Pattern Dept. See Butterick Pattern Dept. BELL, 1101—.356 UNITED HARRISBUBG, MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 16, IUIB. FOUNDED IST! ♦Special Sale 2000 Yards . Unbleached Sheeting 36, 72, 81, 90 inches wide The prices at which this sheeting will be sold are so low that we could not dupli cate the same goods to-day at this figure. And with a tendency of the market go ing still higher, the sale will only be for several days. We would therefore suggest liberal purchases if you are in need of sheeting, as the savings are substantial. 1,000 yards are of 36-inch unbleached sheeting with smooth, even thread, free from cottonseeds. Will wash and bleach easily. This is a well-known brand that has been on the market for the last 25 years. Made of Sea Island cotton. Very special value at 28c Yard 1,200 yards of wide un bleached sheeting in 72, 81 and 90-inch widths. A standard make of sheeting; smooth thread, will wash and bleach easily. Good weights, cut from full, perfect pieces. Excellent values at the fol lowing special prices: 72 inches wide, at 57c. 81 inches wide, at 62c. 90 inches wide, at 67c. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor Envelope V Chemise $1.25 to $5.98 Prettily trimmed with val laces, veuise lace, filet lace and hemstitched. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. The Acme Adjustable, Collap sible, Automatic T)ress Jorm A turn of the wheel ad justs it to any figure col lapses to half its size— -20-section, $lB.OO 16-section, $16.50 12-section, $15.00 8-section, $12.00 BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Good Hope Hair Nets Sterilized natural nets — cap and fringe shapes. Each, 10c, or 3 for 25c; 15c each, or 2 for 25c. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Bestyette Veils No tying, no pins neces sary ; stays in place without the use of either—very use ful for motoring, golfing and general outdoor wear; each, 25c. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor . Wash Goods 27 and 32-inch Ginghams — 40 styles to pick from; stripes and plaids; yd., 45c to 75c. 36-inch Silk and Cotton Georgine; yd., 69c. 36-inch plaid Crepe Silk and Cotton; yd., 75c. 36-inch Eiderdown, au tumn colors; yd., 39c. 36-inch Usona Silk, half silk; yd., 69c. 30-inch Japanese Import ed Crepes—Oriental figures and stripes; yd., 39c and 45c. 30-inch Ulster-finish Suit ings; Copen and Rose only; yd., 45c. BOWMAN'S—Main Via** MONDAY EVENING, HATtRIKBURG TELEGRAPH SEPTEMBER 16, 1918. Our Basement Is Filled to Overflowing With Dependable Merchandise 3G * 19 Transparent OVEN-WARE |Has the name on every piece 34 10 '' '' 2 • ** • ' Now is the time to replenish your kitchen needs: do up your lace curtains---prepare for the heating of your home, and fall house cleaning. Take Care of Your Cooking Utensils. They are made of ma terial Very valuable. Now Mrs. Anna B. Scott says in the Phila delphia North American of Sept. 1 3th— "lt is very important for every housekeeper to take the best of care of her cooking utensils in these days, to save material, whether tin, aluminum, iron or agate —all of these materials are needed for the war. We should handle our cooking utensils with just as much care as we do our Haviland china." No. I—Curtain Stretcher, made of Nor way pine, 6x12 ft, pins 2 inches apart, $1.35. Curtain Stretcher, 6x12 ft., made of bass wood, pins 1 l /t inches apart, $1.95. Curtain Stretcher, made of basswood, ad justable pins and center brace, $2.50. Curtain Stretcher .adjustable pins, has at tached easel, $3.00. No. 2—Cooking Pot made of heavy gauge aluminum, 6-qt. capacity, $1.98. No. 3—Bath Tub Scat, white enameled with rubber protected ends, 89c. No. 4—Nursery Refrigerator, with sep arate ice compartment and nickel-plated faucet; 4 sizes—in oak, $4.25, $4.98, $5.98 and $8.50. White enameled—s4.so, $5.49, $6.98 and $8.50. No. s—Galvanized Oil Can —with the oil stove season coming on, this is certainly sea sonable — 5-gal. capacity with faucet, $l.lO ' * 1-gal. capacity with spout, 39c. 2-gal. capacity with spout, 60c. 3-gal. capacity with spout, 85c. 5-gal. capacity with faucet and lay-down rack, $1.25. No. 6—Dust Pan with long handle —no stooping and when lifted adjusts itself so that no dust of dirt can' spill, 30c. No. 7—Oil Stove, well made and artis tic in appearance, economical in use of oil; nickel trimmed, $6.00. Oil Stove, oil capacity almost 5 quarts — will comfortably heat a room 18x18 ft. in cold weather, $5.25. Perfection Oil Heater —$5.65 to $lO.OO. No. B—Preserving Kettle, 6-qt. capacity; made of aluminum of high grade, $1.98. No. 9—Electric Flashlight very power ful—complete with bulb and battery, 85c. No. 10—Genuine O'Cedar Polish Mop cleans, dusts and polishes, 59q. 4-oz. bottle of O'Cedar Oil, 20c. 8-oz. bottle of O'Cedar Oil, 39c. No. 11—Double Roasting Pan, made of wear-ever aluminum, 10x14 inches, $4.50. No. 12—Rubbish Burner—no home should be without these, especially those that have ground around them. They are indispens able for burning rubbish and fallen leaves, preventing sparks from flying on your own or adjoining property —made in 4 sizes, $1.40, $1.65, $2.50 and $2.75. No. 13—Fiber Broom—partly taking the place of the old corn broom for sidewalks and heavy sweeping, 2 sizes, 75c and 95c. No. 14—Broom, made of good corn, 4-sewed, 65c. No. 15—Family Scales—weighs up to 24 pounds by ounces, $1.65. No. 16—Aluminum Coffee Percolator— 2-qt. size, $1.35. No. 17—Wilmort Table Crumb Sweeper; more sanitary than a scraper or brush, $3.50. No. 18—Bath Fixtures, numerous pieces to select from—all nickel plated on brass; choice, 59c. No. 19—Perfection Butter Maker —makes 2 pounds of butter from 1 pound of butter and 1 pint of milk, $1.50. No. 20—Strong Floor Broom—made of fiber with an intermingling of fine steel wire. It is not enough to harm a fine pol ished wood floor, but just enough to make the broom last; 3 sizes, $2.50, $2.25 and $1.75. BOWMAN'S—Basement. 99 23 No. 21—Continental Window Ventilators —made the same as an adjustable window screen, only covered with stormproof fab ric instead of wire— -9 inches high with extension 23 to 27 in., 50c 9 inches high with extension 31 to 49 in., • 60c 9 inches high with extension 34 to 59 in., 70c 15 inches high with extension 23 to 37 in., 65c 15 inches high with extension 31 to 49 in., 75c No. 22—Double Cereal or Rice Cooker— made of aluminum; about 2-qt. capacity, $1.65. No. 23 —15-piece decorated porcelain Cereal Set—consisting of 6 cereal jars, 6 spice jars, 1 oil bottle, 1 vinegar bottle and 1 salt box, $5.50. Wood Wall Rack for holding cereal set, $1.75. No. 24—Mahogany Boudoir Lamp—with double silk shade; in assorted colors; com plete with cord and plug,,,ready for use, $2.75. No. 25—Stair or Porch Gates—prevents lots of broken limbs among children; 5-ft. $1.49; 4-ft., $1.25; 3-ft., 98c. No. 26—Stepladder and Chair combina tion ; durably made, $2.49. No. 27—Nothing more sanitary for cook ing than Pyrcx fireproof glassware, which is made in many wanted pieces; covered cas seroles, $1.75, $2.00; pic plates, 65c and 75c; bean pots, 75c and $1.50. No. 28—Rotary Ash Sifter—made of gal vanized iron; fits on any ash can, allowing no dust to escape—a big fuel saver, $3.98. No. 29 —Nest of 6 Kitchen Bowls—all sizes that are used daily; white body with blue band decorations, $l.OO. No. 30—Willow Clothes Basket, made of selected willow, $2.25 and $2.50. No. 31—Tin Wash Boilers, made well of good tin plate, $1.50. No. 32 Window -Refrigerator does away with buying of ice—hangs outside the ivindow, taking up no kitchenspace, $3.75. No. 33—Soapstone Griddle—the kind mother used to use—2o inches long, $1.75; 22 inches long, $2.25. Round ones, 12 inches in diameter, $1.10; 14 inches, $1.65; 16 inches, $1.98. No. 34—Well-made and strong Step ladder, 5-ft. size, $l.OO. No. 35—Dinner Set we make a specialty of; our variety includes the best from England, France, Japan and our own U. S. A. Prices range from $17.50 for an American porcelain of 100 pieces to $150.00 for one of Haviland china. We are displaying in OPEN STOCK DECORATIONS many new decorations on some very pretty and artistic shapes; these decorations you can buy by the single piece or set. No. 36—Gas Stove, just enough heat for a bathroom or small room; it can be used for boiling water. Has wire rack on top for toasting, $2.75. '' 11 12 I, ill Fresh Air 4Wfc? 1 6te -■■'• Drafts .Dust I School Rooms. 36 21 "31 ' 281 • . 35 33 .i.tk.,1,, ~ . "T *332** HH9 WTlmort [b Crumb Sweeper Jm 17 .■'•■•. U '".' . U Silks At a Decided Saving % Many new lines of Autumn Silks and Velvets are con-! tinually ■arriving. Our showing is now most com plete and due to last Spring's buying. We are a season ahead in lower prices. The corresponding prices on this Fall's market are at least 33 1-3 per cent, higher, therefore protecting our pa ttrons to that extent. 40-inch Crepe de Chine, 35 colors, yd. $1.59 36-inch Novelty Silks, yd., $1.59 to $3.50. 40-inch Crepe Meteor, full line of colors, yd. $3.00. 36-inch Messahnes, all col-i ors, yd. $1.65. 35-inch Satin Supreme, all colors, yd. $2.00. 35-inch Chiffon Taffeta, yard, $1.59, $1.65, $1.75 and $2.00. 40-inch plain Pussy Wil low, yd. $3.00. 40-inch fancy Pussy Wil low, yd., $3.75. 40-inch Ottoman Crepe, yd. $3.00. 34-inch Tricotine, yd., $4.50 and $5.50. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor Velours and Velvety 18-inch Trimming Velvets, colors and blacks; yd., $1.50 to $2.50. 36-inch Velutina, English make; yd., $3.50. 42-inch Velutina, English make; yard, $4.25. 24 and 27-inch Black Vel utina; yd., $1.59, $2.00 and $2.50. 36-inch Velour Plush, all colors; yd., $2.00. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor Dresses of Tricolette, Georgette, Charmcuse, Silk Poplin and Serge, also Jer sey. Tricolette, Taupe, blue and black; Jerseys, Bur gundy, Navy, Pekin, Copen, Mouse and gray; price, $15.00 to $llO.OO. BOWMAN'Sj—Third Floor Table Damask Mercerized Table Dam ask, 58 inches wide; good, serviceable quality; yd., 60c. Mercerized Table Dam-, ask—a closely-woven fabric that will launder and wear well; 64 inches wide, yd., 79c; 72 inches wide, yd., $l. Union Linen Damask, 70 inches wide, yd., $1.75. All-linen Damask, 70 inches wide, yd., $2.00 and $2.50. Damask Pattern Cloths Mercerized damaSk pat-! tern cloths, size 63x63, hem-" med and ready for use, each, $2.25. Mercerized damask pat tern Cloths, size 64x64, each, $3.00. Mercerized damask pat tern cloths, 72x90; each, $4.50. Napkins to match above, size 21x21; per dozen, $4.00. Union Linen damask pat-! tern Cloths, size 72x72; each, $4.75; size 72x90, each, $5.98. All-linen pattern Cloths, size 70x70; each, $6.00 and $9.00. Lunch Cloths Mercerized Damask LuncH Cloths, size 45x45; each, $1.25. Mercerized Lunch Cloths, size 45x45, each $1.25; 58x58, each $1.50. All-linen Lunch Cloths, size 45x45, each $3.25. BOWMAN'S—6aaA MIM J
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