MEET YOUR BUYER OR'SELLER THROUGH TELEGRAPH WANT ADS. LOST AND FOUND ILOST ■— An envelope, containing S2n, on the Hummelatown car that leaves the- Square at 3:30. Reward if returned to Miss Fisher, at Western Union, Pennsylvania Station. LOST One pair of glasses, with name of J. J. Brown on case. Reward if returned to Dr. Baker. 1433 Market street. . INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg Shorthand, Typewriting. English liookkeping. Penmanship, Arith., etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL YEAR. Enter any time. Bell 694R, Dial 4016. THE OFFICE TRAINING SCHOOU 121 Mkt. St. Chas. R. Berkley. Prin. Merle E. Keller, Bus. Mgr. ARRANGE NOW for your business course with the school giving course® approved by the United States of Education. Fall Opening. Se JP te "?" ber 2. School of Commerce, froup Building. 15 South Market . S*l uar ' Free catalog. Bell 485. Dial 4J93. HELP WANTED—MALE WANTED Colored boy. Apply at Pink Millinery Store, 304 Norm sec ond street. WANTED Man to help at stable. Apply Penna. Milk Product Co, -llo io North Fourth street. MEN WANTED. Good -vages. Steady employ ment. Apply at once. McCREATH BROS, 567 Race Street. WANTED Boy, between the age of 16 and IS; also man from 45 to 60, with some experience of farm work. Apply 623 Boas street. ' WANTED Experienced aut ° washer. Apply to Harrisburg Taxicab and Baggage Company, Strawberry and Aberdeen streets. MACHINE ROOM FOREMAN Also MOULDER MAN. who can make his own bits, first-class—in factory manufacturing special furniture and fixtures. State experience, age and salary expected. Charles H. Claik, Carlisle. Pa. WANTED Automobile mechanic. Packard Motor Car Company. 101 Market street. WANTED Several boys, over 16 years of age. $ 10.00 Per week. In quire Harrisburg Silk Mill, Second and North. ' FIREMAN WANTED at the Ninth Street Plant of the Harrisburg Light and Power Company. Apply to U S EMPLOYMENT SERVICE OFFICE, Third and North Streets. Bring this ad. with you. WANTED Boys, 16 years or older, to learn the machine trade. W. O. Hickok Mfg. Co. COST CLERK WANTED Must give reference. Must be able to handle costs of a large corporation out of town. In reply, address Box 11, 7366. care Of Telegraph. SLAUGHTERHOUSE MAN AND GENT'S FURNISHING SALESMAN. APPLY STEELTON STORE CO, STEELTON, PA. ______ A RELIABLE MAN WANTED—For a responsible position. Apply Grand Union Tea Co, 208 North Second street. MEN WANTED To learn the au tomobile business and do mechanical work on came. Thousands of men are wanted in the United States Army for such work as driving and repair ing. Auto Transportation School, 260 South Front street, Steelton. PLUMBERS wanted at once. Apply at 1001-03 CAPITAL STREET. ADVERTISING SOLICITOR With expei'ieuce in feature page advertis ing. Must have clean record. Apply Box A, 7324, care of Telegraph. SALESMAN WANTED In Hat Store. Splendid opportunity for a hustler. United Hat Stores, Inc., 300 Market street. WANTED Young man for shop clerk. Call Packard Motor Car Co, 101 Market street. MEN WANTED To load stone. 29 cents per ton. Can earn $25 to $35 per week. Apply Paxtang Quarries. Pax tang. WANTED A man, or will employ man and wife, to do janitor work or work on farm. Apply 1700 North Sec ond street. WANTED. AT ONCE Two experienced Automobile Mechanics to work In the most modern garage in Central Pennsylvania. Apply MAC'S GARAGE. 117. 119. 121 !?. Third St. BRIGHT BOY, Over 16 years of age, to learn printing trade. Apply H. A. FRY, Telegraph Composing Room. Don't You W ant To Be A LEADER? The Pcnn-Harris will be Harrisburg's leading Hotel. The Pcnn-Harris stores will be the leaders in their lines. By a change in arrangements there is one Penn-Harris store room for rent. It is an opportunity for some leader. Miller Brothers & Co. Member llbg. Heal Estate Board Locust and Court Sta. MONDAY EVENING. " HAItRISBURG TELEGRAPH r SEPTEMBER 16, 1918. ' HELP WANTED—MALE CAMP COOKS WANTED Goo<} wages. Begin work September 23. ■Apply 22 Union Trust Building, Har risburg. WANTED—Two good, strong, boys to learn a trade. Apply Superinten dent, The Telegraph Printing Co, Harrisburg, Pa. HELP WANTED—FEMALE TWO LADIES For clerical posi tions, accurate with figures. Good chance for advancement. Apply to Kingan Provision Co, 421 Soutn Sec ond street. GIRL To assist in housework. Good home and opportunity to learn cooking. Apply 218 Hamilton street. GIRL WANTED For general of fice work. Phone Bell 3057 J. SALESLADIES WANTED For a large New York company. Four orders per day pay $20.00 per week. Apply Room 24, Spooner Bldg. WANTED Reliable girl for gen eral housework. Three in family. Telephone 1678 J. 2017 North Second street. WANTED Colored girl for gen eral housework. No wasning. Inquire at 1629 North Second street. WANTED—GirI in stationery store. Apply W, 7525, care of Telegraph. WANTED Lady stenographer and typewriter. Steady employment. Wit tenmyer Lumber Co, Seventh and Schuylkill streets. WANTED • At the Home For Friendless Children, a cook and as sistant matron. Apply Hannah M. Cotterel, 313 North Fifth street, Read ing, Pa. GIRLS WANTED Experienced or inexperienced, for chocolate dippers. Good wages. Apply 331 Market street. STENOGRAPHER AND GENERAL OFFICE GIKL WANTED The Wm. B. Schleisner Stores, 23-32 North Third street. COOK WANTED Good wages. Ap ply Court Dairy Lunch, Court and Strawberry. FIFTY experienced opera tors to make liannei shirts for the Army. Also learners and examiners. HELP EQUIP THE SOLDIER BOYS Good pay, steady work. Ex perienced operators darned $3.00 to $4.50 per day on our last contract. Apply to , JENNINGS' MANUFACTURING CO, 2012 North Fourth Street, Or U. S. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE OFFICE, Third and North Streets. . *• LADY Wanted immediately for scrubbing and general work. Apply Stouffer's Restaurant, 4 North Court street. MILLINERY APPREN- • TICES WANTED—Wages. $3.00 a week while learning. Astrich's, 308 Market street. GIRLS and WOMEN wanted in the. packing and finishing rooms. Apply DEVINE & YUNGEL SHOE MFG. CO, Sixteenth and State Streets WANTED, AT ONCE Fifty color ed girls, over 16, to sew canvas gloves. Learners paid $5 per week and bonus. After learning can make from $2.60 to $3.00 per day. Apply Steelton Glove Co, 709 South Second street. GIRLS WANTED —■ Learners paid week work. Best prices and bonus paid. All girls from 14 to 16 with certificates employed. Call at once. Harrisburg Apparel Co, Third Floor. City Star Laundry Building, Sixth and Herr streets. WANTED Girls for work in Bookbindery. Apply Mr. Ripper. The Telegraph Printing Co, Harrisburg, Pa, WANTED White girl, with ref erences, for general Housework; small family; no washing. Telephone Bell 19. WANTED SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS From 17 to 50 years old Having orders enough on our books to keep our factory running at its lull capacity, and with good working conditions, we are able to give opera tors regular work. Thus enabling ex perienced operators to earn from $2.50 .to $4.50 per day. Inexperienced operators are paid $1.25 per day while learning, they are taught by experienced operators and ut the end of two weeks' training are able to earn $2.50 per day. A bonus is paid every pay to all op erators. BLOUGH MANUTG CO, INC, Reily and Fulton Sts. WANTED Athletic young wo man, about 25, who is patriotic enough to take a's place in garage. You will be taught how to drive all makes cars and how to make repairs, etc. Apply to MAC'S GARAGE, 117 South Third Street. ' llFLl* WANTED —Mule and Female SHOE WORKERS WANTED We need experienced opera tors in all departments, and can guarantee steady work. All work is paid for at piece rates, but we guaranteo every employe definite wages. The more work you produce, the more you earn. We also have openings in all departments for young men and women to learn a useful trade, which will be of value to them after the war. The shoe business is a necessary industry and Is of much importance. Get a Job making goods for Uncle Sam if you can, but if not, then consider the shoe manu facturing trade as worth while learning. if interested, take this ad. to the United States Employ ment Bureau at Third and North Streets, and get full particulars. HARRISBURG SHOE MFG. CO, 1402 Vernon Street. WANTED Experienced Forelady, or foreman, for Work Shirt Factory. One that is capable of handling a 76 to 100-machlne plant. Address M„ 7437, care of Telegraph. HELP WANTED—MuIe and Female SILK MILL Experienced help wanted. Experi enced weavers average $3.50 to $6.50 per day. Other departments propor tionately. Beginners wanted also. Best pay. Come and earn 30 per cent, bonus over and above regular wages. Apply HARRIS BURG SILK MILL. Second and North Streets. SALESMEN WANTED SALESMAN WANTED—For a large New York company to take charge of local business. Apply Room 24, Spooner Bldg. A RED-BLOODED SALESMAN whose aggressiveness, tact and ability has made a good reputation in your city, is required at once to open a sales agency selling the popular "Wales" Visible Adding and Book keeping Machine in Harrisburg and several adjacent counties. The Wales is manufactured and incorporated in our home state at Wilkes-Barre. This is .a very unusual opportunity for a man with sales ability to earn a hand some income. Your application will be held in strict confidence. Applicants must outline experience and qualifica tions. W. H. McFARLAND, District Mgr.. 1035 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. SITU ATI OX S \\ ANTED—MALE WANTED Boy 17 years of age wishes work in the mornings from 7 to 12. Address Box P, 7506, care of Telegraph. BOOKKEEPER Position wanted by young, married man with two years' office experience; State Normal and Business College education; refer ences given. Address C., 7364, care of Telegraph. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Woman wishes place as dishwasher, or work by the day. Call at 654 Calder street. WANTED Young woman desires position for general housework or housekeeping. Apply B„ 7434, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young woman wishes position as clerical work; has had ex perience. Address S., 6624. care of Telegraph. WANTED Experienced steno grapher desires position; can fur nish best of reference. Address L., 7261, care of Telegraph. WANTED Experienced steno grapher and bookkeeper desires posi tion; can furnish best of reference. Address R„ 7365. care of Telegraph. BOOMS FOB KENT FOR RENT —Well-furnished front room, in private family of man and wife, with use of bath and phone. Call 271311 Bell phone. FOR RENT For lady, nicely fur nished room, in private family; ail conveniences; desirable residence sec tion. Address 8., 7021, care of Har risburg Telegraph. THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS For light housekeeping; no children; all conveniences. Bell phone 3347 J. Inquire at 213U North Sixth street. FURNISHED ROOMS, $2.50 per week and up. Hot and cold running water. Modern improvements. Inquire Wil son Apartment Hotel, Nos. 143-45 South Third street. ROOM FOR RENT Large, fur nished, front room, facing River Park. Call at 600 North Front street, be tween 5 P. M. and 8 P. M. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS For light housekeeping; gas and electric, and use of phone; no children. Ap ply 1706 Regina street. ONE OR TWO LARGE FURNISH ED FRONT ROOMS Suitable for business women or men. All conveni ences. Private family. No objection to light housekeeping. Bell phone 40J. FOR RENT Nicely-furnished rooms; bath and heat. 1723 Green street. LARGE, well-furnishea third floor front room, all conveniences, located on North Second street; private fam ily. Will rent to one or two gentle men. Bell phone 4406 M. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished front room, with all modern conveniences. Private family. Good location. Apply 324 North Second street. ROOMS WANTED ROOMS WANTED Two furnished or unfurnished second floor rooms or apartment, centrally located. Bell phone 1393 W. WANTED Three rooms for light housekeeping. Possession October 1. Apply Box K, 7176. WANTED. TO RENT Three or four rooms, furnished or unfurnished. Call Bell phone 3666 M. GENTLEMAN WANTS Comfort ably-furnished room, with private family. Central location preferred. Address X., 7435, care of Telegraph. WANTED 3 unfurnished rooms, with conveniences, for housekeeping, in good location. Reference exchang ed. Address Box R, 7314, care of Telegraph. GENTLEMAN Wants comfort ably-furnished room, centrally locat ed. Describe and state terms. Ad dress P. O. Box 804. THREE OR FOUR unfurnished rooms, centrally located, by young couple. Small apartment, with bath, will be considered. Possession on or about October 1. Can furnish excel lent references. No children. Address 8.. 7458, care of Telegraph. APARTMENTS FOR KENT NICELY-FURNISHED APART MENT, with private family, second Iloor; bay window front; living and bedroom communicating; kitchenette and bath; steam heat; electric and gas. 1416 Market street. REAL ESTATE FOR SAI^ 1855 MARKET ST. Vacant about September 1. Strictly up-to-date. All improvements. Price reasonable Terms to suit. D. A. Caley. 707 Kun kel Bldg. Bell phone 589. T"OR SALE On easy terms, dwell ing house, with large lot, centrally located. Camp Hill. Also two proper ties in Shiremanstown. Cat* be used for two families each. Address W. Jay Meily, Mechanicsburg, Pa. CAMP HILL 2-story frame bun galow; seven rooms, large bath, gas electricity, furnace, open fireplace' wide porches; plot, 45x140; young fruit trees; strawberry garden. Price $3,850. Inquire H.. 7292, care of Tele graphy PARK AVE., CAMP HILL Brick dwelling for sale. Two stories and attic; 8 rooms; bath; gas and electric light; steam heat; piped for stationary vacuum cleaner; porches front and rear; side entrance; lot. 60x120 ft.; six minutes' walk to trolley. A very desirable property. Price reasonable. Apply to Bucher, Heyd street. Camp Hill. P. O. Box 147. " BARGAIN Eight-room brick house, corner of Sharon and Swan Paxtang. Built for home, best throughout. Fruit trees and shrub bery. Owner lives in Ohio. Will be at 3517 Sahron street for few days I only. THERE'S A POSITION FOR YOU one in which you can earn good pay if you can measure up to the work required to be done. Tell, in a want advertiement, what you can do— what experience you have had—what sort of employment you seek, and what pay you expect to receive. You'll find your opportunity. HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE—7-room cottage. Wash ington Heights, $2,500. 2%-story frame at Knola, all improvements. $2,200. Both of these properties have garages on. Cheap and easy terms. Also corner houses in Lemuyne, three story, single, all improvements. C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street.. Bell 560 J. FOR SALE 3-story brick on Market St. 3-story brick on Regina St. 3-story brick on Walnut St. 3-story brick on North Sixth St. 3-story brick on North Second St. 3-story brick on Green St. 3-story brick on Evergreen St. 3-story brick on Crescent St. 3-storv brick on State St. 3-story brick on Seventeenth. Eigh teenth and Nineteenth Sts. Possession soon. Some October 1. Liberty Bonds Accepted. C. H. CORDER. 1752 Green Street. Bell 560 J. FOR SALE Wyoming avenue, Enola, Pa., two frame houses, all im provements. Inquire of H. G. Hassler, Enola, Pa. Bell phone 3C3IJ-4. BRICK HOUSE, ON PENN STREET. ABOVE WOODBINE. FOR SALE at $3,400 6 rooms and bath gas and electric light steam heat lot, 21x 70. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build- • FOR SALE A GENUINE BARGAIN $2,450 —For the three-story brick property No. 267 Delaware Ave., Cor. Susquehanna Street, containing 8 rooms, bath, furnace and front porch. CHAS. ADLER, 1002 North Third Street. Member Harrisburg Real Estate Board. CITY AND SUBURBAN HOUSES cheap and easy terms. Some two story bricks, all improvements, $lOO down. 2% -story frames In West Fairvlew, Knola, Lemoyne, Paxtang and Steelton, from, one to two hun dred dollars down, all Improvements In. Also 1-aere and 2-acre farms a 6c fare of city. Also bungalow aiong trolley, once 1722 Green Strdet Bell 56CJ. Rente Collected. FOR SALE Two-story frame, metal roof, good conditioh, yard. Cheap home for $l,OOO. Inquire Store, 1117 North Third. HOMES FOR COLORED FAMILIES One 2% -story frame dwelling, with back and front porch, on North Nine teenth street, $1,250. Three 2 V4 -story _ brick houses, on Vernon street, $1,850 each. One three-story brick house on South -Sixteenth street. $2,800. LINCOLN REALTY CO., 1129 North Seventh Street. Open Evenings Until 8 O'clock. 723 N. 19TH ST. —2ft-story frame. 6 rooms and attic, side entrance, in good condition. Price. $1,550. Irwin M. Cas sel, 1444 Regina St. FOR SALE 1913 Manada Street; lot 30x 120 to drive alley, nicely equipped home standing alone; large front porch. A bargain price for short time. Immediate possession. A 3-story brick house, ffont porch, on Derry street. $2OO cash—balance $3O per month. Semi-bungalow, very modern, good location, at a very attractive price. The new Twenty-sixth street houses. Finest equipment, spacious front porches, grass plot. Terms to SU brick house, good location. Could not be duplicated for $6,500. Your chance at $5,000. KOUGH. BRIGHTBILL & KLINE. 307 Kunkel Bldg. POSSESSION SOON Two-story bTiek • houses; all lm nrovements;; drive alley; front porch; bay window; 7 rooms and bath. $lOO to $2OO down, balance as rent. Also 3-sLory concrete block houses on ISS Street f0 c down. aa rent. 1722 Green Street. Bell 56CJ. .—. , FINE SUBURBAN HOME Three story all improvements; vapor heat; electric lights; hardwood finish; large perches; lawn and lot about one acre; fruit and shade trees; shrubbery, etc| along State Road, 6c car fare to city. Easy terms and payments. Will take city property as part pay. Possession soot r F CORDER. 1722 Green Street. Bell 560J, Rents Collected. OPPORTUNITY TO OWN YOUR OWN HOME on our easy-payment plan. Small cost payment or Liberty Bond. Balance TDORANZ. 1225 North Sixth Street. Member Harrisburg Heal Estate Board. STEELTON, 26 CHESTNUT ST. Brick house, 9 rooms, Lath, gas, elec tric lights, furnace, side entrance. Price. $3,100. H. G. Pedlow, 3 South Thirteenth street. —, BUY A HOME AND MOVE AT ONCE PAY SAME AS RENT OXFORD ST., 617 3-story brick, ■team heat, electric light, cemented cellar, front and rear porches, very desirable property; can be seen any time; occupied by owner; same as "sWATARA ST., 1850 2 -story, 7 rooms, all improvements, same as ™nt Right price to quick buyer. STEELTON. PA.. THIRD ST.-Cor _r i.ocust. rooms, all improve ment l"t "x 125; will be aol d P at a sacrifice. • D A. SANDERLIN, nOOM 1. SECURITY TRUST BLDG.. BELL 1390. DIAL 3573T REAL ESTATE FOR SALE VERY DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE Owner leaving town immediate possession well built most modernly equipped ideal loca tion .inspect it No. 803 North Seventeenth street. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE Three-story brick house at 1425 Market street. Apply at above address. Real Estate For Sale—Suburban PENBROOK. CURTIN ST. 7-room frame house; lots of fruit, lot. 36x190. Price $2,300. Possession soon. WEST FAIRVIEW Double frame house. Annual rental. $2BB. Price, $2,300. NEW MARKET 5-room frame house; lot. 56*165 ft. A nice home. Price, $1,500. C DAVIES, Real Estate. Rents Col lected. Room 204 Calder Bldg. Bell 4377. SEVEN-ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW All improvements, gas, lot. 50x176. on Chestnut street. Camp Hill. Cash or terms. Apply Dial 5646, J. F, MOTIIIII I'amp Hill. REAL ESTATE—For Sale or Rent HOUSES AND GARAGES at Fifth and Curtin streets. Possession of some of the houses on thirty days' notice. Fred C. Miller, 31 North Sec ond. Bellj?hhne_3o7J. REAL ESTATE WANTED HOMES FOR COLORED FAMILIES We have several very respectable colored families who would like to purchase small homes, with or with out improvements. Please let us know what you have to otter. LINCOLN REALTY CO., 1129 Seventh Street Bell Phone. 1 HAVE BUYERS waiting for prop erty In any section of the city, u cheap. What have you to offers Cha* Adler. 1662 North Third street OFFICES AND STOREROOMS FOR RENT In the Commonwealth Trust Company Building, large, roomy offices. Apply to COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO_ 222 Market Street ' DESK ROOM For rent in desirable office, Bergner Bldg., Third and Market streets. Rohrer & Son. LARGE STOREROOM FOR RENT— Suitable for automobile display room or other wholesale or large retail business, 1161-1163 North Sixth street, j Apply to Louis, 414 North Third. [ . FARMS ' 17 ACRES—Farms good ground, 31 acrfes, mountain woodland, 2 horses. 2 colts, 2 cows. 8 head ot young cattle, also 7 head of sheep, 26 tons of hay and all straw, 266 bushels of wheat 166 bushels ot oats, 11 acres of corn and some potatoes, 166 chickens, pos session at once, 9 miles from Harris burg on State Highway; price. $6,966; $4,666 can stay on the first mortgage. For information pall at 167 Chestnut street. FOR SALE 39-acre farm. located five miles north of Hummelstown, 2 miles from Grantville; 36 acres tillable, 9 acres good timber; 2-story log weather boarded house, log weatherboarded barn, outkitchen, chickenhouse and hogpen; spring and stream through farm. Price, including stock, crops and farm implements $52,560 63-acre farm, located 4<4 miles south of Bowmansdale; 45 acres till able, 18 of meadow and timber land; log house, summer kitchen, frame bank barn, two good chicken houses, hogpen, ironstone soif,*running water, two good springs. Price, including stock and implements $5,000 22-acre truck farm, located I%i miles east of Middletown; 2%-story frame dwellng, 8 rooms, good condi tion, hot water heating system, good frame barn, necessary outbuildings, including 2 new chicken houses, sand soil, 406 peach trees in bearing. Price $5,800 BRINTON-PACKER CO., Agents, Second and Walnut Sts. 12-ACRE FARM For Sale. Possession at once. 4 miles east of LinglestowiS, on the Manada River. Old house. Good barn. Very productive. 106 fruit trees, a very kood Truck. Poultry and Hog Farm. Fronting beautiful on main road. Beautiful Farms Joining. Price, SL -500. We can help finance this farm. C. B. CARE, Care's "Grocery. Llnglestown; 409 Market St.. Harrisburg, FOR SALE A valuable farm of 122 acres, 19 of which are woodland, belonging to the estate of Avis Ann Cllne, deceased, situated in Fairvlew Township. York County, ten miles from Harrisburg, adjoining Lewis berry Borough on the southeast, and Meadowbrook Farm, the home of Isaac Rudislll, on the southwest. It is one-half mile from the State Road to Harrisburg—the proposed Susque hanna .Trail —and two-thirds of a mile from the little popular resort of Silver Lake. The land is in a fine state of cultivation, fertile and pro ductive. A good Btone house, large bank barn, and other necessary build ings, are situated on a little knoll from which there is a fine view of the surrounding country, and of the public road for nearly half a. mile. Inquire at Cllne's Mill, Lewisberry, Pa. LEWIS CLINE, CARRIE CLINE, Administrators. FARMS FARMS FOR SALE 2V4 acres. $2,800.00; 3 acres, $750.00; 5 acres, $6,- 000,00; 40 acres, $3,100.00; 40 acres, $2,500.0; 40 acres, $2,600.00; 71 acres, $6,000.00; 75 acres, $3,500.00; 105 acres, $5,300.00: 109 acres, $4,200.00; 112 acres, $5,000.00; 120 aCreg, $5,100.00. Call 107 Chestnut. FARMS FOR SALE Any size you want, from 1 to 209 acres each. 8, 11. 15. 80. 45. 70 80 100, 160 and 200-acre farms from 2VI to 10 miles to Har-isburg. Some on State Roads. All have good buildings orchards and running water. Easy ac cess to city. , C. H. CORDER. 1722 Gieen Street. Bell 560 J. FARM WANTED WANT TO RENT A FARM Have been a lifelong farmer. Can furnish best of references.. Address Box 101, Middletown, Pa. Bell phone 14R-3, . FOR SALE —MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE First Loan $5O Lib erty Bond. Address P. O. Box 888, City. POR SALE Dark oak bedroom suite, library table, mahogany dresser, chairs and carpets. Address 3747 Derry street, Paxtang. Bell phone 1849 R. FOR SALE Brand-new Toledo scales. Never used. 3 pounds capac ity. Price, $15.00. Inquire R. S. Bruaw, Cly, Pa. FOR SALE—Baby carriage, natural reed. Call at 1419 Vernon street, first floor. FOR SALE Red Fox Fur. Prac tically new. Cheap. Call at 707 Kun kel Rldg., between 9 and 10 A. M., or call Bell phone 589. ROOF PAINT We have 16 bbls. of Jetro-Carbon black roof paint in the freight warehouse, which we will soil at 38c per gal., in barrel lots; bar rels hold about 48 to 55 gallons each. Order as many barrels as you can use. This paint is retailed at from 60c to 90c per gallon, and is guaranteed for 3 years. If not satisfied with the paint, return same to us. For old or new tins paper or felt roofs. Freight paid to your local station. Boyer & Boyer, 656 Salem Ave:, York, Pa. FOR SALE Plve head of heavy work horses, in good-condition. Ages from 9 to 10 years. For full par ticulars inquire 1944 North Cameron street. FOR SALE—Trombone, silver-plat ed; gold bell "Halton Special," with case. Practically new. Address 631 South Front street, Harrisburg. Call after 7:30 P. M. THE STORE across from the Y. W. C A Is where you can save money on Men's and Boys' Clothing Furnishing Hats. Caps. Shoes. We are famous for Low Prices. Give us a trial. Men's Suits .$9.90 up Boys' Suits $3.95 up Men's Pants $1.75 up Men's Hats $1.50 up Shoes QU-TLF/r' CLOTHiNG CO..' UP 23 North Fourth Street OPEN EVENING. Suits to Measure. $20.00 up. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR RA VTF_ ALL MAKES RENTED CASH EXC HANGED. GEO. P- TTLLO'I'SON, 205 LOCUST STREET. OPP. OR IEO UU PHEOM THEATER. BOTH PHONES. BOOKS 20,000 new, old and rare books. 60 up. Aurand's. 925 N. Third. ALL kinds of Disc Records bought, sold and exchanged. N. Brenner, 1315 North Third street. A.\ I'tli JIISLL 1,1 .A AbO U S WANTED, TO BUY Second-hand, two-drum hoisting engine in good condition. Ask for H. H. Wilson. Bell phone 4000. WANTED Typewriting to do at home All work promptly and neat ly done. Address Typewriter, No. 151 Balm street. Harrisburg. Pa. JUNK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION— Highest prices paid. Orders attended promptly. Write, or call Bell phone 1617 W, National Iron & Metal Co.. 341 North Seventh street. CLOTHING. SHOES, FURNITURE— Bought at highest cash prices and sold reasonable. S. Refkln, 407 Broad street. Bell phone 3J7OJ. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all kinds of empty barrels and Junk. Call Bell phone 4276. B. Abrams & S Q n 824-832 North Seventh street. MAX SMELTZ • Second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell 1381 or Dial 6847, g Or drop a pos tal to Max Smeltz, 1016 Market street. Will call, city or country. MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand furniture here. High prices paid for furniture. Morris Bchmertz. 1030 Market. Bell 3971 R. ' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE a profitable, up-to-date restaurant, without liquor license, in a town of 11 000 Inhabitants. Reason for sell ing, owner drafted for service in the Army. Inquire of C. M. Liggett, Car iisle. Pa. OLD-ESTABLISHED Up-to-date Meat Market and Grocery, with re frigeration equipment. Also residence adjoining. The same located in Har risburg. For particulars address Backenstoss Bros., City. WANTED Local merchant to handle Talking Machines. Greatest value on the market. Eagle Phono graph Co ;; Harrisburg ; Pa I__ 1 __ BUSINESS L'BUSU.VALS RELIABLE ELECTRIC AND LOCKSMITH SHOP. GENERAL REPAIRING. 1303 N. SIXTH ST. BELL 3995. DIAL 5864. Diamonds Bought for Cash; appraisers for estate. P. H. Caplan Co.. 206 Mkt. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED single edge. 250 doz.; double edge. 35c dozT; old style. 25c each. Gorgas Drug Store, formerly at Henry Gilbert aud Bona. QUININE —Look out for that grippe feeling, likely to catch you this changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE PHOSPHO-QUININE will stave ft oB I# taken in time. Gross Drug Store, JJB Market Btreet Money to Loan MONEY FOR COAL and other necessities, advanc ed to honest working people, without bank credit, at legal rates on furniture, real es tate or guaranteed notes. Buy your coal now. Help the Gov ernment and Insure comfort for yourself and family next Winter, and Incidentally, save money. We give you twelve months to pay the loan If you wish. You pay ouly for the actual time you use the money. Hours. 8 to 6. Satur day evenings until 8. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN & INVESTMENT CO. 1 304 Chestnut Street, Money to Loan WE LEND MONEY In compliance with Act of June 17, 1916. to Individu als In need of ready cash; small loans a specialty; business confidential' payments to suit borrower's conven ience; positively 'owest rates in citv PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO 132 Walnut Street. Musical" TALKING MACHINES promptly and carefully repaired by an expert only OYLER'S, 14 South Fourth street. IF your Talking Machine needs re pairs. Just call Bell Phone 3242 J. An expert will be at your service at once Or bring machine to 1213 North Third street. TALKING MACHINES of all kinds repaired by an expert All work promptly done and guaranteed. Call Bell 2864 R. or 1664 Howard avenue. T HORSES AND CARRIAGES HORSE, WAGON AND HARNESS FOR SALE Horse weighs 1,366 to 1,460 lbs. Suitable for any work Anyone can drive. Nine years old. Rea son for selling, no further use. Call at once. 1648 State street. HUIUUIg iUlli Ml.ling HICKS & HOPKINS Local and Long-distance Hauling. 424 Reily. Both phones. WE MOVE unything to any point, local or long-distance. Large open and covered auto trucks. Experienced furniture handlers. Rates reasonable. Phone Bell 623 J. LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING Prompt service. A. & B. Motor Express. 917 Capital street Bell phone 1636 J. HEAVY HAULING—FuIIy equipped for furniture, freight and piano mov ing. No distance too far. Careful driver. Rain and dustproof body, j E. Grubber's Truck Service. Irvin Aungst Manager, Hershey. Pa. Bell phone 16R-6. AUTO HAULING Local or long d'stance Furniture and piano moving a specialty. Blue Line Transfer. 917 Capital street Both phones. WE MOVE ANYTHING ANYWHERE ANY TIME We have a 2-Ton Denby Truck for Hire to do General Hauling. DAYTON CYCLE CO.. Dial 4906 912 N. Third St GENERAL HAULING AND FAST EXPRESS SERVICE to nearby towns with auto trucks. Only experienced and careful drivers. Call Bell 3320. or Dial 2265. WE do all kinds of hauling—auto or team. Go anywhere. Rates Reason able. Phones. CONRAD BROS., 445 Broad street WHERE TO DINE ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. STOUFFER'S RESTAURANT— Home cooking served to Businessmen and Ladies In separate diningroom. Storage STORAGE—4I9 Broad street house hold goods, merchandise. Private rooms ut reasonable rates. Also haul ing of all kiuds. D. Cooper & Co. Both phones. STORAGE—In brick building, rear 408 Market Household goods In clean private roofs. Reasonable rates, p' G. Diener, 408 Market street ' STORAGE Private rooms for household goods In fireproof ware house. $3 per month and up. Lower storage rates in non-fireproof ware house. Harrisburg. Storage Co- 437- 445 South Second street "UNDERTAKERS ~ WILLIAM PAGE, Funeral Director and Embalmer 636 Boas St. Harrisburg Pa. " Bell 4748 J. Dial 3907. SAMUEL S. FACKLER. FUNERAL DIRECTOR. 1312 Derry St BELL 1966. DIAL 2133. RUDOLPH K. SPICER, Funeral Director and Emoalmer fill North Second Street BELL 262. DIAL 2146. Cleaners ana Dyers IT PAYS to have Clothes Cleaned Pressed. Dyed or Repaired at the best place In town. Call and deliver Goodman's, 1306% N. Sixth St , AUTOMOBILES ' FOR SALE One new Ford coupe let. Has been run only about 800 miles. Price, $675. 0 cash. Inquire The D. Wilcox Mfg. Co.. Mechanics burg, Pa. CHEVROLET TOURING CAR— Model 490. Year, 1917. New tires and in excellent condition. Inquire Mac's ■Garage. FOR SALE 1917 Dodge Touring Car; recently painted over; run about 16,000 miles; all new tires; A 1 condi tion; cannot be told from a new car Price, $860.60. Apply St. James Hotel! FORD TOURING CAR. REO ROAD STER AND PULLMAN ROADSTER— Apply Harrisburg Auto and Tire R pair Co.. 131 South Third. FOR SALE Ford Touring Cur Cheap to quick buyer. Owner leaving city. Inquire Federal Square Garage Court and Cranberry. SMALL FLANDERS TOURING Like new. $375.00; 1919 Mitchell i,|h. erty Six and Chevrolet Tourings! Also Truxton Trucks. Hoist, Llnglestown. 10 DAYS' SALE ON MOBILOIL 10 gallons Aor Arctic, ga110n.... 65c 6 gallons A or Arctic, Uallon... 70c If you furnish the can. Gallon cans Mobiloll, A, B, B or Arctic, gallon DAYTON CYCLE^CO.. # 312 N ' Tblrd SL 1918 DODGE $985.00 1916 Overland $700.00 1914 Ford $265.06 16 Indian Motorcycle $120.00 Other Bargains. HORST. Linglestown, Pa. FOR SALE Model 32 Hupmobile; excellent value; mechanically perfect Special Price $400.00 HARRISBURG AGENCY CO.. IC3 Market St. MAC'S GARAGE Used Car Department FORD 1917. touring! new wheels, new tires, speedometer. Bargain. MAXWELL —Touring. Special price. FORD —Delivery, 1916 model. PIERCE-ARRO.W —6-48, 7-passenger. touring, perfect condition. MAXWELL —1918, like new. OVERLAND —Touring, model 80. PACKARD —Roadster, rare bargain; cost $4,500, now $450.00. FORD —1917. roadster. OAKLAND—Roadsters. $250.00. FORD —1914, touring. MAC'S GARAGE, 117-119-171 S. Third St, Bell phone. Dial 2413. More Power Needed to Cope With Housing Situation Council may be asked to-morro-.v to approve the revision of rules of the city health department so that the bureau will have more power in coping with the housing situation in Harrisburg. Kecently an effort was made to have council pass an ordi nance including important regula tions as approved by the State Bu reau of Housing. City commission ers held a conference to discuss the measure and then decided that with some slight revision rules of the city health department could be made comprehensive enough to include all the regulaticns in the ordinance, city health department officials were instructed to draw up the revised rules and present them for conside ration. It is understood Commis sioner S. F. Hassler, who has juria tlictlon over the health bureau, will submit the rules. AUTOMOBILES 1914 KNOX Hacing Car. in good con dition. 191(1 Chalmers Roadßter, in A 1 con dition. SUNSHINE GARAGE. Both Phones. OLD AUTOS Wanted: used, wrecked or oldtimers, in any condition. See me before sac rificing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto Wrecking. A Schiffuian, 22-24-28 North Cameron street. Bell 3633. MAGNETOS All types; 4 and 6 Bosch high tension, Eismann, Dixey. Splitdorf, Mea. Remy und different makes of colls, c.-rburetors, etc. A. Schlffman. 22-24-26 North Cameron street. Bell 3633. SECOND-HAND MOTOR TRUCKS FOR SALE CHEAP Consisting of variety of Ford cars, with rear-end one-ton capacity; Vims. Buick, Reo and Mack, with power hoist, dump body. Ali are good bargains. Inter national Harv ster Company of America Truck Dept., 619 Walnut street. . WANTED —All kinds of used auto tires. We pay highest cash prices. No Junk. H. Esterbrook. 912 North I Third street. Dial 4990. GAKAUES ACCESSORIES AND REPAIRS GARAGE FOR RENT In rear at 628 Camp street. Call at 1225 North Sixth street. WM. PENN GARAGE 304-6 Muench street. Limousines for funerals, parties and balls; careful drivers; open day and night. Bell 4664. KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO. All sorts of auto lop and cushion work done by experts. Also repair work. Reasonable rates. 1019 Market St. SUNSHINE GARAGE Auto re pairing by experts. Road Jobs a specialty. Charges reasonable. Both Phones. Sunshine Garage, 27 North Cameron street. UP-TO-DATE GARAGE Expert repairing. Storage space to rent. All accessories. Prices reasonable. Muff Bros. Garage. 244 S. Front St.. Steelton. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES HENDERSON MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE 5125. 1916 Model. 2-speed. Good machine. Call 24 Chestnut street. Steelton. ONE THREE-SPEED INDIAN MO TORCYCLE FOR SALE —H. L. Enders. Auto Supplies. 239 South Cam eron street. Dial 6938. BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EXPERT. AI.T- WORK GUARANTEED. DORY SHANER, WITH ANDREW REDMOND. 1607 NORTH THIRD ST. INDIAN, 1916—Good as new, $120.00. Good tires —oue new. Bargain. Horst Garage, Linglestown, Pa. WE BUY old bicycles, coaster brakes, and frames. Call Dial 4990. Esterbrook. BICYCLES. BICYCLES. New and rebuilt bicycles at very at tractive prices; guaranteed repair ing: come here and get a square deal. H. F. ESTERBROOK. 912 N. Third Street. Dial 4990. LEGAL NOTICES CLERK OF ORPHANS' COURT Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing accounts have been presented to the Clerk of the Orphans' Court of Dauphin County at Harrisburg, Penn | sylvania, which accounts have been | passed and allowed and the same will he presented to the Orphans' Court of I said County for confirmation nisi Oc tober 8. 1918, at 10 o'clock A. M. And | if no exceptions are tiled thereto they 1 will be contirmed absolutely four days I later. First and final account of Harris burg Trust Company, guardian for Regina Barbara Kirchholf, dee'd. Filed September 7, 1918. JAMES E. LENTZ. Clerk of Orphans' Court. Comm. of Penna.. Ins. Dept.—Liqui dation of the American Union Fire Insurance Co. (Dauphin County C. P. No. 25; Comm. Docket 1913). The undersigned's third account in the above-named matter is stated, and awards ten (10) per cent, distribution to claimants. Exceptions to. the same are to be filed not later than Septem ber 20. 1918, immediately after which I date the account, and exceptions, if any. will be referred to Court. Charles A. Ambler. Ins. Com'r, (statutory liquidator). Harrisburg, Pa. WEST HARRISBURG MARKET HOUSE COMPANY The annual meeting of the Stock holders of the West Harrisburg Mar ket House Company will be held on the property of the Company, on Ver lieke Street. Harrisburg, Pa., on Tues day. October 8, 1918. between the hours of ten and eleven o'clock A. M., for the election of a Board of Direc tors and the transaction of such other business as may be properly brought before the QORGAS. President. NOTICE By the BOARD OF GAME COMMISSIONERS Notice is hereby given that it is il legal to kill a RUFFED GROUSE, commonly called Pheasant, in a wild | state, in the. County of Dauphin be- I fore t"he open season of 1919, said County having been closed until that time by the Board of Game Commis sioners to the hunting of these birds under the provisions and regulations of the Act of April 9, 1915, Pamphlet Laws 73. _ The Penalty for killing a Ruffed Grouse contrary to the above Act and said regulations is $25.00. This action, has been taken in an endeavor to increase the above-men tioned game in your Coujity, and we ask that you not only obey this law yourself, but that you help in every way possible to have said law obeyed by others. JOSEPH KALBFUS. Secretary. Board of Game Commis sioners. NOTICE is hereby given that appli cation will be made to the Harrlsburß Light and Power Company on October 7, 1918, 'for the Issue to the under signed of a certificate for one (1) share of Preferred Capital Stock of said Harrisburg Light and Power Company in lieu of certificates lost or destroyed. ELSIE MCDONALD, Boston. Mass. 13
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