12 MIDDLET O Y/N J Younger Set Hold Hike and Marshmallow Toast Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Banks, left to day for a visit to their son, Captain Foster Banks, at Long Island. Lewis Garver, an employe at the local car plant, had his right arm and face painfully burned by an electric switch yesterday. Bruce Hardy. Alvin Mattis, John Updegraph. David Hickernell, John Deibler, Homer Painter and Harry Landis will leave to-morrow for Delaware City where they have se cured work on a government oper ation at that place. George Sutcliffe, who for the past several years was employed by the Harrisburg Gas Company in town, has resigned and will leave for Hog Island shipyards where he has se cured work. The following young people from town hiked to Clifton Wednesday night, where a marshmallow toast was enjoyed: Fannie and Margaret Mennaugh, Catherine Beachler, Louise Moore, Pearl Schaeffer,' Laura Hand, Katherine Deckard, Ruth Bort.- ner, Harold Dasher. Carl Wagner, Ralph Deibler, Lloyd Neiman, Wil liam Neagle, Earl Houser, John Longenecker, Ervin Miller, Paul Erb. Kenneth Steele. They were chaper oned by Mrs. Ralph Meekley., Ruth Kline and Janet Wallace. The Middletown automobile Club held its monthly meeting at the of fice of A. H. Luckenbill, last even ing. Chairman E. S. Gerberich, of the Fourth Liberty Loan Committee, is getting his captains and lieutenants ready for the drive which starts on the 28th of September. There will be a meeting in the council chamber next week to lay out the routine of work. A contingent of 150 soldiers will arrive at the Aviation Depot next week from Morris, Va., and this will increase the members there to about 700. which will be under the com mand of Lieutenant Colonel Neilson. About twenty colored men were de tained at the Aviation Camp yester day, owing to not. wanting to regis ter yesterday, but were compelled to do so. The local car plant closed down yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock to give its employes who had to regis ter, a chance to do so. The Win croft Stove Works were closed down all day for the same purpose. A quiet wedding was solemnized at 260 East Main street, on Wednes day morning, when Phares H. Hert zog, professor of science in Peddie Institute, Hightstown. In. J„ and Miss Erel Catharine Grabill, of Lancaster were married by the Rev. E. A. G. Bossier. The ring ceremony was used. Following the ceremony they left for a wedding tour to Niagara Falls and other points. They will veside at Hightstown, N. J. Charles Lockhard, of Swatara street, has purchased the Norton property in State street. Mrs. Frank Adams of Ann street, is spending several days at Reading. John Whitman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whitman. North Union street, will enter Lebanon Vallev College when the term opens. Mrs. J. C. Clouser, of Dardenelles, Ark., is spending some time in town as he guest of her brother, N. C. 7 uhrman, Swatara street. The Harrisburg Academy A Country Day and Boarding School For Boys AIM OF SCHOOL— MILITARY TRAINING A trained mind in a sound body Al , w.,,„ a Rct.iicit.tici bv hii£h iiritipi t>lf r of liv— > buys w ill bo roQuiicd to tako actuated by mgn principles oi liv- milllary instruction and drill. A iiktiioh competent, experienced military man will be in chargi. Boys are taught in small classes; each pupil is given undivided per- I£QUIP>LENT— sonaI attention. MASTERS— n . e , school plants in ' * A . . . the Bast. Junior School building ifirf i^ n tro , m J* 1 ® c*P e rienced unexcelled, seller Hall for older versities in h Uni " b °y s the mosl modern dormitory versiiies in tiie United States. in Pennsylvania. DEPARTMENTS— Junior and Senior Departments OPEN'lNGr— ins'ruc t'°n for School opens September 23 For hh dky ami resideTt pupS ** SaUonf addrlS?. a '' dCtaUed infor " AKTHUR E. IIHOWN, IleudmUMter Bell Phone 1371J p Bu , ul7 II p Save Old Rubber J Our Soldier Boys by II For the Red Cross Saving Peach Stones || | The New "Friendly" Fall Rug£s | | Are Ready For Your Choosing 1 We say "friendly ' because they have that indefinable something § § suggesting home, sweet home after a fatiguing day. It is such a §j pleasure to rest your tired gaze on a homelike, friendly rug at your feet, and best of all you know that A GOLDSMITH RUG with p its depths and wealths of coloring will last for years and years. § 1 Everything that is new g x \ 2 Wilton Rugs S7O - up 1 and exclusive in design and n 1 <■ r> j „ Z, H = coloring is here and at 9x12 Body Brussels Rugs SSO up == H popular prices. 9x12 Seamless Axminsters $42.50 up § We cordially invite your 9x12 M/iltOna Rugs SSO up e| inspection of our large stock 9x12 Brussels Rugs ... ~...529 up H of Rugs for we are sure •• • • £§ p=a you'll appreciate their real All other size rugs at §| worth—their extra value. proportionate prices. On account of a religious holiday our store will be closed all day Monday, September 16th H 1 GOLDSMITH'S I = North Market Square M == EE BtMaj FRIDAY EVENING, BROTHERS RECOVER FROM GAS ATTACK William Boyer Chester P. Wharton John C. Carey Frank E. Rogers William Roeder Corp. R. K. Lambert A. S. Breckenridge Walter Lambert I m 4 % lfe' : Corp. Paul Richwine William Boyson Harrisburg Soldiers Are Bear ing Up Well Under Stress of War; Many More Local Lads Are on Their Way Two more boys from this vicin ity are slowly recovering from the effects of being gassed by the Huns, according to word reaching relatives. They are Corporal Robert B. Lam bert and his brother. Walter Lam bert, a private. Both are members of Company D, One Hundred and Twelfth Infantry. Before their en listment. they resided with their sister. Mrs. Charles Moul, of Wash ington Heights. In their letter they also related some of their experi- ences while under fire from the, Boche. •The "Dutch" have termed the Yanks "the boys from hell." Walter Lambert writes to his sister, Mrs. Ch-rles Moul, of Washington Heights. But the Yanks, at least those of Company D. One Hundred and Twelfth Roegiment of infantry, are not any more complimentary in speaking of the Huns. "Old Square head" is the sobriquet attached to him by these boys, many of them living in and about Harrisburg. Wild rumors are prevalent among the soldiers in France, just as they exist here to excite credulous Amer icans. One of the wildest that spread there was that the Huns had taken New York City in a maraud ing expedition. In dispatches to relatives in the city announcement is made of the arrival in France of Alvin S. Breck enridge, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Breckenridge, 1829 Rudy street, and William Boyson, son of Mr. and Mrs A. M. Boyson, 1438 Derry street. Boyson is connected with the Meteorological Section of the Signal Corps and was formerly sta tioned in Texas. He is a graduate of the Technical High School and Get tysburg College. William Roeder, 4l North Thir teenth street, is another Harris burger right up on the firing line in France having some thrilling ex periences and in aiding to chase the Huns. He is with company K, One Hundred and Twelfth Regiment, and had been in training at Camp Hancock, Ga. He was employed by the Central Iron and Steel Company before his enlistment. Corporal Paul Richwine has re turned to Camp Lee after spending a few davs with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Richwine. 422 South Sixteenth street. He is enjoying Army life and says it is the tight place to make a man of one s se '°- Prior to his entering the Army ne was employed as brakeir.an on the Reading railroad. William ("Knock Em Kold ) Boyer, the farmer baritone, who made a hit with 10,000 soldiers sta tioned at Camp Lee when he sang at the recent Labor Day exercises there, has more to depend upon for popularity ong his comrades than the mere efficiency of his vo cal pipes, however praiseworthy these may be. Other attributes he possesses which make him agiee able are hinted at in a little item from "The Bayonet," the camp newspaper, which notes that the essence of fun is a part of our train ing Cadre ■ since 'Knock Em Bold Boyer remains. A little bit of hu mor now and then is relished by the best of men." „ . ... Word has been received in this city that Chester P. Wharton, son of Mrs. Jennie Wharton, of 3204 Fourth street, has arrived safelyjn France with Company D, Three Hundred and Fourth Engineers, of which he is a member. Wharton re ceived his preliminary training at Camp Meade, where he was station ed for a period of six weeks. Chal mer Wharton, a brother of Ches- HAbrisburg 3®telegraph ter Wharton, is now serving his mili tary apprenticeship at Camp Lee. Another safe arrival "Over There" is Frank E. Rogers, son of Mr. and Mrs. William G. Rbgers, 943 Paxton street, who is attached to the Seventeenth Company, Fifth Bat talion. Word was received to this effect last Saturday. Rogers was stationed at Camp Lee. Still another soldier-passenger from this city who has made the trip to France without mishap is John C. Carey, son of Mrs. T. P. Carey, 1809 Market street. Young Carey enlisted on March 15, 1918, as mechanic in the aviation section. He was sent to Kelly Field, Texas, and from there transferred to the Ellington Field, same state, a few weeks later, where he was instruct ed in the work of repairing the air plane engines. Subsequently he was placed in the Forty-sixth Aero Squadron for overseas service. On July 15 his squadron was sent to Westbury Field No. 2, Long Island, and on August'2B Carey was one of the twenty-eight men picked for the Replacement Squadron for service in France, and at the same time was promoted to first private. He sailed on August 16. Carey was employed at Bogar's sporting goods store in this city prior to his enlistment. Toilet Soaps Cuticura Soap 190 Resinol Soap 180 Hobson's Soap 210 Palm Olive Soap, 15c size 120 Jergen's Violet Glycerine, 3 for 250 Woodbury's Soap 210 Ivory Soap 60 Lava Soap 60 Life Buoy Soap *... 60 Johnson Foot Soap 210 For the Baby $3.75 Horlick's Malted Milk, $2.79 $1.50 Vapo Cresoline Lamp, $1.21 35c Catnip and Fennel, .. 230 25c Mother Gray's Powder, 180 35c Castoria 270 25c Dr. Hand's Remedies, 170 Johnson's Baby Powder .. 130 Infant Syringes 160 Rubber Sheeting/ yard .. 680 Baby Tooth Brushes .... 100 Hygeia Nursing Bottles, com plete with nipple 250 Extra Nipples, 2 for 250 Nursing Bottles, flat 50 Nursing Bottles, round 50 Anti-Colic Nipples 40 > Household Necessities Bay Rum, imported ,pint .... 74c Bay Rum, imported, 6-oz. bottle, 40c Extract Witcli Hazel, best, pint, 38c Extract Witch Hazel, best, %-pint, 20c Chloride Lime, 12-oz. size .... 12c Moth Balls, lb 18c Sulphur, lb 12c Bed Bug Poison, pint 34c Turpentine, pint 23c Migraine Tablets, 100 in bottle, 35c Pill Cathartic Comp. 25 In bottle, 19c Pill Asafoetida, 5-gr., 100 in bot., 42c Tablets Asafoetida. 2-gr., chocolate coated, 100 In bottle 33c Tablets Cascara Sagrada Extract, 5-gr., chocolate coated, 100 In bottle 38c Tablets Aloln Belladonna and Strychnine, with Ipecac, chocolate coated, 100 in bottle 24c* Special Sale Drugs F. E. Cascara Sagrada, Aromatic, 3-oz. bottle 25c Ess. Peppermint, 3-oz. bottle . . 40c Aromatic Spirits. Ammonia, 2-oz. bottle 35c Castor Oil, 2-oz. bottle 20c Sweet Spirits Nitre, 2-oz. bottle, 35c Spirits Camphor, 3-oz. bottle .. 45c Tr. Arnica, 3-oz. bottle 45c Tr. lodine, 2-oz. bottle 35c COmp. Licorice Powder, 1 oz. . . 10c Comp. Licorice Powder, 2 oz, .. 20c Epsom Salts, lb 15c — Talcum Colgate's Talcum 18c 25c Oakley's Corylopsis Talcum, 18c 25c Williams' Violet, Carnation, Lilac Talcum 18c. 25c Jess Talcum 19c 25c Melba Talcum 25c 25c Love Me Talcum 25c 35c Brown's Japonita Talcum, 24c 35c Mcnncn's Talcum Boratcd. 22c 10c Air Float Talcum 8c 25c Lazcll's Massatta Talcum, 18c 25c Hudnut's Violet Sec Tal cum 19c 35c Lehn & Fink's Rivcris Tal cum 22c 25c Bubcock's Cut Rose Talcum, 10c 25c Squibb's Talcum 18c $2.50 Davol Household Fountain Syringe, $1.65 $1.25 Dark or Red Brown Water Bottles, 68£ $2.75 Goodrich Water Bottle, No. 35, $1.98 $1.50 Wonpiece Water Bottle, No. 20 84$ $3.00 Vaginal Douche Syringe $2.25 Hygeia Nipple and Bottle complete .. 250 Elastic Trusses $1.68 UNCLE SAM CALLS 11,457 MORE MEN They Are to Be White, Quali fied For General Military Service; Go Next Month The first October calls for men to be sent from Pennsylvania to Army camps were received at State Draft Headquarters to-day and quotas will be worked out immediately. These calls will not include men who reg istered yesterday, it was stated at the headquarters. Nine thousand white men, qualified for general military service, are to be entrained in the five days commenc ing October 7 for Camp Lee, where large numbers of Pennsylvanians have been sent lately, and in the same period 2,467 white men are to be sent to Camp Humphreys. Va. • Major W. G. Murdock, the chief draft officer, has sent word to all loc Clark's Cut Rate MEDICINE STORES 300 MARKET ST. 306 BROAD ST. NO 35c 25c 25c NONE i MAIL Fletcher's Tooth Nature's SOLD ORDERS Castoria Brushes Remedy TO FILLED 27c 19c 17c DEALERS $3.50 SI.OO SIOO 75c 35c Whirling Pinaud's Father Djer Kiss Drug Spray Lilac John's Face Club Syringe , Water Medicine Powder Coffee $1.98 79c 75c 59c 22c CIGAR Specials CIGAR DEPARTMENT There Are No 6c Cigars at This Store 9 Havana Tucks 350 in Clowr* (Box of 100, $3.75) . C 7 Even Stevens 7 4 J* Cal ?ln 250 _ _ tnr (Box of 50, $3.45) 7 King Oscars for , „ . ' ' 7 Gen. Hat,rant, S 3 ? B ~ 5 . ** 7 Sweet Girl. „ 3 Moja 35* 7 La Tifton 5 p (Bo x of 50, $4.00) 7 Counsellors $2.45 3 Qirard 250 (Box of 100, $4.80) (Box of 50, $4.00) 60c $1.20 50c 10c 75c - Parisian Bromo Orchard Diamond d n a Sage Seltzer White Dyes Bell-Ant 36c 73c • 28c 8c 53c 50c $1.20 50c 50c 350 Pebeco Pinkham Caldwell Pompeian Gold Medal Tooth Vegetable Syrup Face Harlem Oil Paste Compound Pepsin Powder Capsules 36c 83c ' 34c 38c 28c 25c Ex-Lax, 17c |55.00 Gillette Razor, $3.84| Ivory Soap, 6c 50c 10c SI.OO 50c SI.OO Pape's Aladdin Gem Safety Gem Nuxated Diapepsin Dye Soap Razor Blades Iron 34c 9c 84c 38c 73c CLARK'S CUT RATE MEDICINE STORES 300 Market Street 306 Broad Street Face Powders Djer-Kiss Face Powder ...,59c Azurea Face Powder .... $1.19 Mary Garden Face Powder, 79c Attar Tropical Face Powder, 45c Carmen Face Powder 3flc Freeman's Face Powder . . 19c I.e May Face Powder 34c Dental Preparations Lyon's Tooth Paste 17c Lyon's Tooth Powder 17c Pebeeo Tooth Paste 36c Kolynos Tooth Paste .... 34c Sanitol Tooth Paste 19c Sanitol Tooth Powder .... 19c Euthymol Tooth Paste 15c Forhan's Tooth Paste, 24c, 38c Colgate's Tooth Powder, 15c, 24c Stern's Tootli Paste 28c" Rubber Goods Specials boards that it is the duty of .every board to register p'ersons liable to registration within its jurisdiction who for any reason have not done so. Local boards are authorized to issue permits to depart from the United States to registrants who have filed questionnaires. They are also called upon in another order to immediately file names of members of boards of instruction. Attention of local boards Is also called to reports that "disease sta tistics among recently inducted men show that nearly 11 per cent, of reg istrants who reach mobilization camps" are afflicted with diseases and they are instructed to bring this mat ter forcibly to the attention of medi cal examiners, to insist upon compli ance with laws for reporting such dis eases and to confer with branches of the State Council of Defense to insure co-operation in regulation. "Mother's Pie" Not For Civilians in Paris, but Yanks Can Get Big Pieces Paris. —Like so many other build ings in Paris, the Y. M. C. A. club il house at 31 Avenue Montaigne holds Sample Bottles Azurea Sachet 10c DJer Kiss Sachet 10c Mary Garden Sachet 10c Houbigant's Sachet 10c Djcr Kiss Extract 25c Azurea Extract 25c Mary Garden 25c Houbigant's Ideal 25c Fiancee 25c Corn Remedies Pierce, Com Plaster... 10c, 19c Blue Jay Corn Plaster 18c Frcczone 24c Ice Mint 34c Hz 19c Caloclde Compound 21c Allen's F'oot Ease 19c M. Ear and Ulcer Syringes 160 25c Infant Rectal Syringes 160 $1.25 De Vilbis Atomizers, No. 15 .. $1.20 85c Rectal Tubes (Gooodrich) 600 35c English Breast Pumps 230 69c Family Bulb Syringe 390 $1.50 Wonpiece Fountain Syringe, No. 29, 840 $2.00 Goodrich Fountain Syringe, No. 42, $1.19 SEPTEMBER 13, 19IS. much of historic Interest. Built by Napoleon 111 to house his Ministry of Agriculture and Finance, it later became the residence of Mrs. Qgden Mills. Then it was taken over by the T. M. C. A. as its Paris headquarters. The main offices of the Red Tri angle soon outgrew even this large structure, however, and the place was converted Into a "clubhouse" for officers and enlisted men. There is no spot in Paris where the men in olive drab find more real enjoyment than in this club house. To begin with, it is one of the few places where it is possible to get a piece of genuine American pie, the real New England national dish. France has many culinary attain ments to her credit, but up to date she has not succeeded in achieving an American pie. The soldiers al ways weep for joy when they first encounter this homely article of food. Madame Verby, an American woman, who has lived for a con siderable time in Paris, presides over the culinary department at 31 Avenue Montaigne. In spite of the 1 difficulties attendant upon house- Hair Preparations 50c Hcrpicide SOc SI.OO Hcrpicide 70c 50c Parisian Sage 30c 50c Hay's Hair Health .... 30c SOc MulsiHcd Coeoanut Oil, 36c 75c Wycth's Sage and Sulphur, 40c SOc Tlarho Compound 34c 75c DamschJnsky's Dye .... 50c SOc Damschin&ky's Dye .... 30c Pinaud's Eau de Quinine . . 80c Walnutta 38c Parker's Hair Balsam .... 38c Potter's Walnut Stain .... 70c Brownatone 24c, 84c 5-qt. Fountain Syringe Hose 23# Princess Bulb Syringe 89# Rubberset Shaving Brushes 34# Finger Cots 5# Crutch Tips ......' 5# $4.00 Hospital Fountain Syringe ... $2.68 $2.50 Wonpiece Bottle Syringe, No. 29, $1.48 $2.50 Wonpiece Bottle Syringe, No. 33, $1.58 Household Robber Gloves, pair 23# keeping in Paris in war tlmea, she' succeeds in giving the soliders Just the kinds of meals that they want. Even ice cream, which next to pi© is craved by an American palate In a strange land, can be had here. The American meals are made all the more delightful because they are served by attractive American and English girls, who, in addition to acting as waitresses, are there to make the fighting men happy by talking with them, dancing with them and even, it is so rumored (doubtless falsely.) occasionally flirt ing with them. Among these volun teer waitresses are several girls whose names often figured in the society columns at home. The facilities of the clubhouse are for the exclusive benefit of mem bers of the A. E. F. No matter how hard civilians plead to be admitted to the inner circle, they have to take a back seat while the men in uniform occupy the center of the stage. GIRI.S AIDED IN WORK New Cumberland, Pa., Sept. IS.— The girls of the senior class of the High school did the copying at the registration board yesterday. Patent Medicines Sa] Lax, S and D 19c, 38c, 75c Kilmer's Swamp Root .... 38c, 75c Wampole's Cod Liver 89c Ex-Lax 16c Bromo Seltzer 19c, 38c, 73c Omega Oil, 35c 24c Horlick's Malted Milk, SI.OO ~ 75c Sal Hepatlca, 25c 18c Pearson's Creolin .... 16c, 32c, 63c Diapcpsin 34c Doan's Kidney Pills ' 41c Mayr's Stomach Remedy 79c Mayr's System Tonic 79c Father John's 42c, 79c Quaker Herb Extract 71c Bel-Alls 17c, 53c Dc Witt's Kidney Pills 34c, 68c S. S. S 67c Jad's Salts 53c Phenol Sodiqne 9c and 38c Scott's Emulsion 49c and 98c Pierce's Favorite Prescription .. 79c Pierce's Golden Medical 79c Lysol 19c, 36c, 68c D. D. D. for eczema . . 24c, 38c, 67c Aspirin Tablets, 100 94c Limestone Phosphate 34c Giyco Thymoline .... 21c, 42c, 84c Chichester's Pills $1.53 Gude's Pepto Mangan 89c Beef, Wine and Iron 68c Atwood's Bitters 2 It- Nature's Remedy 17c, 34c, 67c Eckman's Alterative .... 67c, $1.23 Sassafola 17c Black Flag 9c, 17c Hall's Catarrh Cur© 48c Freczone 24c Chamberlain's S. and L. Pills... 23c J. & J. Kidney Plasters 16c Npjol 58c Horsford's Acid Phosphate, 42c, 84c Lavoris 21c, 42c, 79c 25c Zymole Troches 17c Kondon's Catarrh Jelly 42c 50c Ice Mint 34c SI.OO Alkia Saltrates 4... 84c 75c Parmint 68c 25c Blue Jay Corn Plasters • • • • l' c 25c Schenk's Mandrake Pills .. 19c 30c Pinkham's Liver Pills .... 23c 25c Mean's LaGrippe Pills 25c 25c Tiz l'c 60c Blsurated Magnesia Tablets, 42c 35c Sterro Bouillon Cubes 28c Cafaso > 9c, 17c $1.20 Pinkham's Vcg. Comp.... 83c SI.OO Bon-Opto . . .* 84c 60c Chase's B. & N. Tablets .... 42c 45c Rodell Bath Saltrates 38c 25c Allcock's Plasters 14e Cascarets 9c Cascarets 21c Cascarets 38c Olive Tablets 9c Olive Tablets 17c SI.OO P. D. & Co. Alaphcn Pills, 68c 25c Pierce's Pellets 18c Sloan's Liniment 17c Sloan's Liniment 34c Sloan's Liniment 67c McNeil's Pain Exterminator... 28c McNeil's Pain Exterminator... 56c Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets..... 34c Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets 67c Absorbine 95c Absorbine $1.90 Musterolc 21c Musterole - 42c 30c Musturinfe 21c Rcsinol Ointment 42c Rcslnol Ointment 84c $1.20 Mother's Friend 89c 30c Phenolax Wafers 23c 25c Palmer's Skin Success Oint., 21c 50c Dr. A. W. Chase's Ointment, 42c Toilet Preparations 35c Odo-ro-no 21c 35c Colgate's Mlrrage Cream, 25c 50c Pompeian Massage Cream, 38c 50c Pompeian Vanishing Cream, 38c 50c Mclba Skin Cleanser . . 50c 50c Ingram's Milk Weed Cream, 38c 25c Pond's Vanishing Cream, 19c SI.OO Othine Double Strength, 84c 25c Hush 19c Lavoris 21c, 42c, 79c Peptonoids 95c Ncwn's Heave Remedy, 42c, 84c Mulsifled Coooanut Oil .... 38c 75c Amonizcd Cocoa 68c 60c Sempre Giovine 42c 50c Stillman's Freckle Cream, 38c Hydrogen Peroxide, 10c, 18c, 35c Pear's Soap ........ 14c, 21c 50c Dorin's Rouge 1249 ... 38c
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers