Official War Communique Needs to Be Livened Up London, Sept. 10.—Will not Amer ca set the example and liven up of -sclal communique, asks the Man tester Guardian. The paper c.uotes a report on the STORE opens at B:3b a. m.—closes 5 p. m. jjss Potts Flour Household £ ups an( * Bureau Carving Bath Tea Sherbet Bathroom Dresser Feather Unbl'd Comfort P. re ? # ! Gas ||H ' | Irons Cans Set a "f® r r a * ( , d Scarfs Sets Sprays Spoons Glasses Fixtures Scarfs Duster Muslin Creton'e Heaters m i!n£SJ 0 2& 25-lb. flour mTp c .SV.'V? 8 * V u °oo* i!& 'if-i? g^ea?#^ £ f.i J cans, made d duster good pat- and dresser knife and nickeled white metal —good qual- bathroom and medal- feather dust- musl In. 36 cretonne. 36 ham s. i n well made three extra strong, and bottle of terns. Set of scarfs. 18x50 fork, good "prayV sP e - teaspoons, ity. fixtures lion- scarfs 18 fr BDec laT inches wide: lnches wlde; remnant and nickeled IS! three - oil special, six for inch, special, size, special. "k, six for Six for —choice, * BV Iriches; er . apeciai, special, yard special, yard lengths; spe- —special, 3* $1.79 59c 49c $1.39 25c $1.39 45c 19c 89c 59c 49 c 59c , 19c \ 35c | *"Wc $3.9511 S" I Tomorrow. Wednesday, We Launch Year's Greatest Household Event tsr I Cut glass * Set of .. Nu , Kjl water set, _ cut" mayon- |[U| si t .x h giasses < ! [Part of Your Money And a Great Portion b a e ls a übt7tui u b t7tui ""*1 on FRFF7FRS Can Be Well Used For Will Be Left For You W SAW'"- 1 !p1.09 I\L.L,t.L.I\J Purchases in This Sale JK to Put Into Savings TV,/ionEiivo g i One Lol of y Jt M Im I I The up " to H s acme IP pg~j ■lifel Solo I 111 -s-| 1 mm&m $6.95 $15.95 ilfS 1 , p S| Art' AQ , '"" 1 S ' Ze ' B P ecial - | Yfr e Sale That Is Welcomed By Every Person In This Community—A Real Money Saver | I a n Thousands of Dollars' Worth of New, Clean, Seasonable Household Merchandise for this Event n 1 m g Canister Cut jfj ||SbsE 3000 Fine Towels Pfj| ££? Srws C p3'e7 Hi [Table Cloths-Damask 1 I I „„ „ In the Great 10 Day Sale H-P A'f.W <— t S 7Z£ aUK'SS W In The Great 10 Day Sale To 1 Wg y&C Red Border Huck Towels -| t%\y f j Oil IOA j SOAP V if, lll|£Sl|SK 5? cans TABLE CLOTHS TABLE CLOTHS I ffl hi A good size. 16x31. and only a limited num- | / J /AC .l"f * I 4/P Mercerized nnttern d -i in Hemstitched Merce rl ze d Si IM 0 Hand Huck 1 7fi Turkish n . , p x/ 0 j\ TABLE CLOTHS TABLE CLOTHS Porch ll hi Brush Towels .. . Towels • • ll /M y' | l l Hemsti Lched M ercerizijdj Kin© quality Mercerized | I j I ty Pood hris Good Huck Towels, blue Good quality hemmed Turk- M Small size good 10-quart water U 1 H jST | bruSh g ° bd heavy • I ' 1 1 Huck 1 Q Turkish A Q dish pans s q p u e a cl "r 29c '• TABLE DAMASK TABLE DAMASK sa " B i - | 25C Towels ... 1 Towels . . CJC Aluminum j Card I Electric Irons Kra S ity ß S f e U r!ze P d at Se a Da^ U asi; 98 C hj HI J Fine quality Huck Towels, Fancy colored Turkish Bath rx O x I ableS quality; 1 Oft 2 yards wide. Special, QO. . Js>i tM red border, 18x36. Towels. l\OASier T o ill*t Seats Porlnt* Oil Dinner Set $5.00 Economy do $1.0t7 yar d OC |j S* I unci ucaio \_eaar Wll , Burrows Electric Iron, fully _______ ——— I||3 [U Ip l Turkish *1 Turkish f\ Q aluminum roast- Golden oak I 42-piece set of Folding Card guaranteed; with TABLE DAMASK i TABLE DAMASK ~~] S I Lrub I >-p , er - oval shape; toilet seats, Pint can Big dishes, for small Table; leather- miC rombe wire; 1 /-VOL.XL, LA/\iVl>\Orw $1 0Q Mercer!zed Tab i e SaUCe Pan ijlli •• icfic lOWeIS .. . lOWeIS . . large enough for a wel j qq w .„ ~ _ _ family; special, c e op * .special. Good quality Mercerized Damask, made on a linen Q*f f§l! g Hemmed White Turkish Extra large and heavy turkey; $2.69 "° C i n a mi Q*? <il QC Table Damask, 58-inch gQ_ loom; 72 inches wide; OC_ Sll| hi Heavy tin Bath Towels Turkish Bath Towels. special, made .... Cedar Oil, iDO>27J PX*2/0 i POS7U width; special, yard... special, yard Alu mI - !S tU grub boxes; , , * , - " 'nil special, ■ ' K piece set, | tZu CImL Casserole J?* H Y acuum m|. I ead J OtOOIS per; grindaHl ...lA brooms. Sweeper — 1 xxr i n *l i LIfT g DOXeS Ik Good strong tsaSketS Nickel plated cas- Round aluminum meats and tra heavy. . Vacuum Sweeper P.LLI „ „ C„l WaS.ll OOllCr I SJj fl ."5.*..""" ood strong chip " cl " bl0 "- J! Q JSi"™"- " |||h| Compl.t. cobbler ..t He.vy 11. w.,h boll- Pe£S™TOB . l S | 95c 69c 1 85c $1.39 a tSj fi9c Ilil h.><__A/ _ 1 / _ ~. "J p 6 f In the 10-Day Basement Thrift Sale ' n 10-Day Basement Thrift Sale In the 10-Day Basement Thrift Sale In the 10-Day Basement Thrift Sale j £| ? Good hemmed muslin pil- 1 72x90 seamed muslin '' I.A r b fm a v ur imv"s h or\ b irrs a room : Just th M V* dozen Steel Knives C 7 Q BLACK TAFFETA SILK SPECIALS I Ladder i .n &a pou, low 12,| 25c ?*T sl-19 71 I W UUD J % dozen Steel Forks P VI.OV „ lnoto 36 _ s8 w ,_. fl [I "pecl.L 81x90 seamless musljn II I I 111 W Dlte DCQ Steel knives and forks with cocobolo handles; metal cap yard $1.39| Vard $1.49| y<lrd $1,75 "ll"*' BPe " fbl rSi 0 Muslin pillow cases, 4 2x36; sheets. slightly imperfect; - II . . and bolsters. . , „ T T x TT -, tt „r.TirBT at o rs. m* lit] *}Qf> hemmed; special, $1 59 B ItS each each * /I I 111 . JUkifrwlnlm • *ty Good quality silver plated knives and forks; only a lim- 36 inches wide; I 36 inches wide;! 36 Inches wide; \+ j?| Pv , „ „ .. , 81x90 extra heavy seam- Bjl< |/ 11 /'fjl 3-ft. or 3-ft. fl-in. beds ited quantity. yard ...<ll OQ yawl .. •• ® 1 OQI yard $-1 Igj [!s Extra heavy muslin pil- less muslin sheets, 3-inch f . I U'l lIuJUK Your choice of any 3-foot Silver plated tablespoons I Silver plated teaspoons in ®*■ •&** I p 1 0/1 v 1 *S ,ow cases, 45x36; 39c hem: s P e cial, $1 7C • — I 1 fl or 3-foot 6-lnch white bed and forks; . .101,, the sale, CQ P Dress Ginghams, beautiful I New plaid silk ana cot- ,?Ji B I each I each in our stock : many good styles each | dozen "3C check and stripe patterns; 1 ton dress materials; 36 ~^~J (g ISf I Iron Embroidered muslin pillow cases, with scalloped ACk r to cllooae fronl $5.45 Paring knives, made of good steel. C - and 1 j' ard •••••• 29c 10 39c inches wlde ; 85c Wash nil jiSfi ... and H. S. ends; special, each A complete line of Springs and Mattresses ut low prices. with wooden handles, each lvfv. I yar(J IjL ity skillet > / Tub S| Good size —-——,——^•—"*■ ™™^~——— Galv an- l||9 i jawrtt larval and Mnt ■ tlfitv at Ip RUGS AND LINNOLEUMS AT BIG MONEY SAVINGS ?.";# I s .peel.,. Largest ann niosi i;ra fp^ :in tne tu " ai Less ~,M wool, imported extra heavy tapestry, good heavy- "s,S I S 59 c r 1 !• f id HHlreikta. T J 'D* ?,BEB ROOM - GRASS A RDGS B |n WOOi ™ H ' hi Comoete Line oti^iL o Ala v^thanlodavsr rices mn m,GS ' •*" , r®gs.• •>, ,>t -- ws.a.- ; li H4 wmmmmmmamm vUllipiLlV UIIIV -M. m H AyA \Vy lIIWU IUUU J " ll,vw feet, in a large hrown: stenciled . terns and color- five pretty floral. S]| variety of de- patterns; 9x be autiful all-over in&B to se i e ct oriental pat- |l|| n, Ww*. 1 C "rZ^ZTZTTT C sign*. Special, 12 size patterns; special, from, terns, =r ■ iTFamily | I cotjon filled comfortables babys'crib blankets • Jfi&l—. $7 69 $8 95 $14.95 $19.95 $23.50 g Bed 1 I up "'....69 c HANDSOME HEAVY TAF^STRY! AXMINSTER RUGS, 9x12 size; big I S P n 8„ § lifjl Ito 21 pounds; v, J \ J Qvi? RUGS all new designs assortment of all-over and neat pat- H link bed- 5^ 1 I lifryg CRAY COTTON BLANKETS WOOL FINISH BLANKETS *OA OR $34.50 IwSfW! 1 |!y I special. Used for early fall weather, and bed sheets. 64x76 plain wool finish blankets $3.95 Kvvl %Dm in & s I,vv I torn Extra SI tl AQ 64x76 inches' pair i!!!!!!!!!!.!!!!!! $2!95 68x80 pla ' d w ooinap blankets $4.5 colonngs______ . Fine grade VELVET RUGS, 9x12 I sft 1 m I 68X76 inches, pair $3.39 0 x sw wo° nap blanket. $4.95 AXMINSTER RUGS, 9x12 size ; rich Bize ; extra good assortment of | $7.49 |j Ig Bhhbhbhßßßßl 00x80 inches, pair $3.09 l,(,x ' so Plaid wool finish blankets $5.85 t. . , . li - 50 t*j WOOL BLANKETS WHITE WOOL BLANKETS r It w||l pay y OU lo lake , advnn , nße of these low price, on Rn,,. A Ninall depoNlt and nslde nny rug you mnyl Electric Curtains Plaid and gray plaid blanket 6, wool and cotton mixed. Snow-white silk bound, part wool and cotton, ißeleetaiu^leilve^^en^wanteU^^^^^^^^____________J Lamps Df^rlD^m 6 OR tn <57 <s#s QC fn <SQ QC 27x54 velvet- rugs, rich QC i Fine grade of printed velvet stair | Rubber stair treads, size 9xlß-inch; ,Fu 11 size. C 9D.VO 10 9 4.V0 90.VD LH W. 30 <91.179 and hal i carpet; special. *1 OQ heavy quality; 1Q _ • v ith 24-inch K, f® 1 " 8 ' 2 \ y „S V V I _J oriental patterns; special.. K each 19C Bhad e in 3 ji long ana y | yara good colors |ks USrt.-"; Full Size Bed Mattress For srs.9s Full Size Bed Pillows, Pr. $Q,95 wonderful savings in reliable linoleums Up" 1 "" | palr ' J New Process Linoleum, two yards i Printed burlap-back Linoleum, two i Inlaid Linoleum, tile patterns; extra t\T? Qf\C Covered with good ticking and filled with %J Well filled and covered with good grade of wlde I bi & range of patterns; CQ r yards wide; good kitchen and Qfi r heavy quality; two yards (1 1 C \< US k< Extra special, feather ticking. special, square yard J bathroom patterns; square yd., | wide; special, square yard.. yvn/v ~~Z ~~ i ~ ~ " " f—: I All the big Bargain Basement thrift sale items fn .L fl . " . W~~ " l| ft • i ea Cake Small Ironing cannot be printed in this announcement. There R u . O'Cedar Wall O'Cedar Clothes Chair Be a u 11- Kettles Griddle Skillet Stands vm™ are many more to be had in the sale, and they will Round oak Mop Brush Oil Dryer Seats b . o, e de c r r ed u ca&° d W ready for you. C b h, LW.' M 7 o 6C p°wt d t a i ha ß nUd ,o c n 50 c bottle Eight - arm .. A" a 8 < i and cream. granite tea- with wooden ekitlet. spe- clai, quality; ex- -L __ made extra hanfie .oe- to n wa 1 1 ft e" u L 1?, e * o ,'£ k ken leather ma- Settles. handle, cial. ?ra special, |JT * V A A, fM strong and a ela" P brush. O'Cedar Oil. clothes dryer chair seata, ¥l 98c, 79c 15c 41.191 ¥l 59c 49c., 39c 19c 35c j TUESDAY EVENING, BAKRISBURG TELEGRAPH SEPTEMBER 10, 1918. recent Australian success which left fhe Germans "still wondering just what was happening"* and congratu lates the writer on his information, "that it certainly looks as though the Australians have the village pinched but." The Guardian considers the Amer ican official reports have been, so far as an American twist to the lan- guage is concerned, a dismal disap pointment and have conformed to the unilluminating style of the Brit ish official. "It is perhaps too much," the pa per continues, "to hope that \vo shall learn of an American success in the information that our allies 'handed the Prussian guard a horrid jolt' or that their attack was prefaced with a bombardment of an Intensity which 'blistered reality.' But at least there is room for official and unofficial re ports which shall strike away from the too familiar jargon that reduces them all to the same level, and liven our numbed consciousness with a use of English which shows some Imag ination. Will not America set the merry example?" Contact With Light Switch Leads to Death Hnzleton, Sept. 10.—Mrs. W. E. Smith, wife of a Hazleton business man, died of heart trouble believed to have been brought on by contact with an electric light switch while In the bath room at her home pre paring to proceed to the railroad sta tion to meet her mother, coming on a visit from Scranton. A similar fa tality occurred several years ago and Ahe victim was also named Smith. Three agb another Smith met death from a live wire on a city street. Arrest Seven in Courtroom at Trial of Eugene V. Debs Cleveland, 0., Sept. 10.—The speed with which a jury was selected and the arrest of seven persons in the court room for applauding the peroration of the opening statement of Seymour Stedman, attorney for the defense, were features of the opening session of the trial of Eu gene Victor Debs yesterday on flte counts of an indictment charging violation of the espionage act. Rose Pastor Stokes was among those who admitted applauding and. was arrested on orders from the bench by Judge J. C. Westenhaver. 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers