Republicans Stand For Dictated Peace Washington, Sept. 10.—Represen ative S. D. Fess, of Ohio, emphasiz <l his acceptance of the chairman hip o the Republican National Con cessional Committee by issuing a PEILIISISSAILSISISLI STORE OPENS 8.:3O A. M.—CLOSES 5 P. M. BHSSSSASBISBSSBSISISIN IFOUR BIG ADVANCE SALE DAYS OF FALL MERCHANDISE! I Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday—This Week —I Thrift Sale 1 S These Attractive Prices Result From Our Early Buying and Prompt Receipt of The Goods In All Departments ® SJ R.3~—- 1 - ' = ST.K ALTP-MAWA ■ 11 ' | The Very Choicest of the New Fall Styles in Women's and Misses' Suits, Coats and Dresses in the Four Days' Selling at Tempting Prices il QQ A Thousand J SixHundredFallSuits rfk Five Hundred ,1 MA* P ill ( VJ F ' For Women and Misses JJP% W H-,4 j ":• Dressy and Practical \ For Women and Misses 1 For Women and Misses * For the Stylish Dresser /lijp7\ Ci . ~ fvf\ \ LM YTMRLLIAI R P ,„LW,lltiliß, /\ I You have a lotto gain by buy- /JF L\ j Stunning Creations For. A | I /lA H llliif For General Wear, Utility , /Zf\WA ing your new Fall Suit at Kauf- _•A\ the Discriminating V BS, \ \ll • and Dress Occasions FL\ man's now. These four big ad- VJ \\ Dresses JIW A I if There is no better time to J vance sale days bring . to you YFNL \V _ J The values that vou will be P{ JWU' H HI mlS&fflPi \RIFC. 7 T7 „ 11 R. . u I V hnri IMA* price and assortment advan- n / M KT ij MWW HlfUfi buy your Fall Coat than now. , THAT PERHAPS WIU NOT BE [j'l | able to secure in our big four- Mi fl ft] ML Y The variety of smart models J // ! ( L \ good later on. We are pre- rJ J L\ / day advance sale will certainly | pm LSJ |) TASPW' ! FLI \\\M that we are showing now can- * I | pared and prepared to the full , || | I § ! justify your getting a Dress for IRA/ 111 IY , ] | J \ yf 7 J F //"Li rsl WA extent — but we look forward to k. II \ / a ———— : I |i}/ GS I WM 'HA not be surpasesd anywhere else / I MM i the biggest suit business in our H\\ ] K=S JJ& L Fall. There are over five hun- |\ ||/| " 1 Y lijy \ \ M in Harrisburg, and the values I VJ4 Til /// F I history, and, therefore, urge you JGFFIJJ LU VZOIIJISPFUM dred stunning new Dresses \\— i T\\ I that we are able to offer you in | 1 1 Y to make the best of the splendid F&\\\ ) brought to the fore for the big \\ \ HJJ S 4A\J ,JA -7~. r. W NI I \\ I opportunities that are offered \\ MJJUYFE® : l\ .Y A N| M MM mm this big four-day event |RJ ( \U ==S JRSR YOU in this most important early \ \ / 1 occasion, and they present the FJ soon convince you that we are j 11 1 Fall event. \1 most comprehensive assort- thoroughly prepared to fill j M> J SE^RBURENS A your coat needs for the season J X.O" - cloths — in Black, Navy, Taupe, Beet- A ! town. All the richest effects *PP^\ 1 NL at savings that our keen fore- j AU A for the correct dtesser are'toVe ,JA 1 M J sight and judgment have made A JR and fancy— many of them are fui; found here and in the most S| U " possible. Buy a coat now and trurfmed. . fashionable colors. And all IJV | get the very best choice. $20.00, $22.50, $25.00, $29.50, $32.50, $35.00 END UP to $65.00 sizes among them. A A 1 sls $16.50 S2O coats of Broadcloths Velours, WE Will Fit THE Lartre Woman Stvli*hlxr Silks, Satins, Serges, Velours and $12.90515 $lB . _ Pompom, Burella, Kersey, Cheviots, TV C YV 111 FIT I LIE LARGE YY OHIA. II OTYILSLLLY combinations of Satin and Georgette HI ill COC 4R90 CFT Bolivia, Cut Bolivia, Heather Cloths, THE MOST FASHIONABLE IN SUITS, COATS AND DRESSES -and all Satin and all GeorSc H *p£ .J *?CiZJ,OV Feather Fluff, Cascade and Jersey ROGUIAR SIZES for I,I K WONNN regularly proix,rtioned. Daintily braided iersevs and iersevs CLfIU K" 0 , , , , ' , . ,„:*U Half sizes for tlic BIG woman who cannot L)C iitted in regular sizes. , 1 V . JCISCYS DIM jerseys < _ _ AOA Cloths -handsomely tnmmea wiin Bctween-sizes lor the stout woman who has had trouble alwnys in getting garments to fit. that are self trimmed. Men's Wear . IS •R L/YT FO KLG furs, plushes, kerami and buttons. We've always specialized in garments for large women, hut this year we have made unusual efforts to pre- and French Serges in smart models (P.4 F| I H Up LU PUV Many are lined with the new printed pare ourselves to fit and suit any woman who comes. and the wanted colors— A wonderful "P | SJ silks. '• ' . ' assortment of pretty dresses. (F JY 'sunnitn FLOOR ____ | || -AT KAUFMANS KAUFMANS *~ _ B 9 C 1 LKT |P| || ... " ~ " | 300 Ladies' Organdie Collars at 23c 4 Big Advance sale Days oeautiful New Fall Waists Ready | I -L.-V-S "• New Fall Mlllinerv Large Special Lot of Tub Silk Waists (T NC S RS 48c COLLARS 98C SE E T C S K IT EAR - 98c ZJLT , N F WSMARTSTRIPES , INALLTHEIEADINGSH ®° JKL | 1 ™ Over One Hundred 1 % SJ L . - FIRST FLOOR 1 1 jf f. •. sale. , Sizes 34 to 44. K| 1 Big 4 Day Sale of Children's Dresses T • H T O^R V ° lL^'V"'R S - ' TZ FALI ? ) I 1 sChildren's5 Children's Dresses '53.95 f\ AT At VMY I 2* At eF~rr Chambrays, Reps, plaid Ginghams. Chic fall models. In Crash. Ramie / ~Fb FT RTFR (T> r*f\ , ■ N Jl '' IK\ \ K t vJP&MSI smocked and short-waisted models. Linen, Reps and plaid Ginghams. In I RSV MF*. JLN % I Mil . .H I / •,! I NTTTtxr T?ATT nnroo ... . 'iH'#-' \L \ ||| I J Trimmed with white pique and rep; stripes, plaids, checks and plain [ V X TN T/ * NEW FALL DRESS WAISTS NEW FALL SILK WAISTS 7 t J'T , Y\ \1? M - basque effect; assortment of lengths shades. All the new, hlfch waists and J - /J /J LU 1 R . PNN - A . . . MMLA S> D S /WfFMt and dark shades. Ages Cto 14. straight-line styles. Ages 6to 16. •'•■'AAII 1 Georg P E tte taUo?ed ef- G?°XNL \/ A D S One Lot of Plaid Gingham Dresses at $1.59 V IJKL JR. Score, of new and different At S? 95 AF CQQC 7q A uare I M I (/V\ W'l 7! T ||\ Si mm models to select from at the ill sVLi.JU °R collars. V and j\ I RYJ necks, full assortment / 1 / ft f V AN>L rm PUIH PincrHatnc trimmpfi with nlain color collar and RIIFFG • •/ attractive prices of these four NECLTB ' '? ,5, LES , H - ' of colors and all sizes. / I (id ■] O. S M IT* Plaid Ginghams, trimmea witn plain coior collar ana cuns, ■TEEXWY™ 7 BIG BALE D^YB . BLACK velvets white navy and black, The best variety you TT M A 3J| PF ID^L. 1 short-waisted with the new fall sleeve. Ages 6to 14. 1 J A B ADES EL °FOR style 4 Q E aiit A< and TAIZES J6 to O. J WJL I SEE . .uri 1U 1/ I nj b r mU 1 1 imma* Tlaids, ginghams and reps, trimmed (F0.45 m / Kaufman't &ats are inconv-' I I Georgette and Crepe de Chine Waists <fc AQC I \ / S JHJ fflmM white plain colors, ages 6to 14 years, *p£= para 6 n vaue- N P "W TIDING A HIDES EA ~SIZES NT 36 H TO H 4Y and squ>ra " eckß - a " V • \ I I New Fall Dresses at $3.95 up to $17.95 The Nobbiest Untrimmed Shapes —=r | | MO( I E I S ' ' n TAFTETAS, POPIINS AND SERGES; REGULAR*AND Ranging* in Price 51.49 to $4.95 Over One Thousand Sweaters at Attractive Prices I | . ===== A1 M K T AL FMAN L~„ „ WV There are to, many styles to describe. There are largo Sailor , - EVCRY & SJI FltloCf" VFLLLLLTFC FFL Npill Full THC NEW IALI BT VLCS and arc remarkable values. Rememljer, 6 rnllH- Women's Sweaters, $7.98 | Women's Sweaters, $4.98 J Women's Sweaters, $4.98 J (fICOI R Uluvd 111 IFCLL/ M till MMUUO C I COUCU nery this season will be a problem to many. But it can be easily Women's new Fall and Winter' . - , „ . „ IS II R solved here for you. * Coat Sweaters— all shades— striped Women's Coat Sweaters— Belt Women's Slip-on Shetland Wool F £ H rL D a i $0.95 F £ H ri?rZ'J,t $0.95 Many Smart Hats For Children 1 SSSFR S,I.S"F;S- JAUJSW A= .1= ~T....... E .. A Girls' and Boys' Sweaters $2.98, $3.98, $4.98 Men's and Boys' Sweaters $1.49 to $7.98 P! S? ; "£4,A. T SNR,I.S"V',°RV ™ S£S„s\'.T-.!IM.S'. 1 . R S!! V RSBI-FJ "■ *"- W *" D ,I==...FE — liiernwn S'""" , SIiCOM) FLOOR , FINNT NRI.NNIT G Sample Line of ~ ~ ~ \ TT I lf/ . - T _ _"T~ America's Best Makes of s PJJ—. HUNN "ZFLE" Buy Boys Clothing in the Big Advance Sale ™SIERY CORSETS ARE HERE | 1/41 In the Sale Boys' Corduroy CC QC Boys' Norfolk 0C QC LADIES' BLACK LISLE FJJL KxlL-K <\ U (G\ Suits DNO.JYO Suits * . WU.YO HOSE— double sole and heel; FIT /TOY /RIWR W 7to 17 years. A wonder- 7 'I'O ''' ' ' slight Imperfections. Our ntting service /F SN Silk underwear has /SSMHM: M - R/ — ful Corduroy Norfolk Trench terials are chevlJu Tnd ' Pair DW I ffiP LY J I become the MOST Ai-rs. BAIT AT TJIE ° ID PRLCE ' ,B ' os ' meres. Newest belted Fair, ZO(p is at your command. V. li MS I '/K IRA 1 popular of all under- SUFFRJILM'. XTI. /'( I{. \ Boys' Norfolk Suits, ?un NCH A LUT LADIES' WHITE FIBER ;" E E A A D R Y A ? T D H T^E E ]A^ E BHPJL H 57.95, $9.95, G BO JB . JUVC i,E $449 WITH THE COM P LETE 1 1 /J\ | | EST AND EST ASSORT ~ VVLL / I X/CT SIZES 7TO 18 * YEAR - Splen- 8 years. A good suit PAIR, 360 Stocks We now have #l|\\ ' X"'storT R THTWM ready for Fall, every | | '1 V\ \iuri MOU°| D underselli'nv L/A Bora' School Bor.' School ' L-TF crdure, JSFBPIMPSR."!:..*"" woman can readily J|M M'LH J- | \\ IL R* PRICES - . A "I° N S THE Advance Sale Days' Values TROUSERS, ITEQ ' PANTS * " AIR ' see the advantage of FFL fi \ groups in the big Women's and 4C SI.OO 7T I?. $1.59 LADIES' SILK HOSE— dou- S V> four-day event are: MISSES' Shoes J8D.40 — 7>J 7TO 17 YEARS DDD PANTB MADE - 7TO LG YEARS BIVCK AN VHUE BP Cordovan.' selecting her Corset ! iMK H . _ Women's and Misses' KO-KO ji] J \ /FI—M yA7 Boys' odd pants J^ cheviot A splendid good Bronze, ' Slate, Champagne _________ Y L Satin Camisoles at ... CK.".!. H'7K"H. 0 A ,- W UTIIZJI.VTZSI''"" '""FP; RO/'PLSUI'SPJI ,M """""J „ HERE. > YJC tiisi,.rX7:z} b r,r:Ssi ARAANISU.- snsjtsnjp- PA.R, -JJB-I Y Washable satin and washable silk trimmed with filet tip — leather Louis and mill- ' N . ... N and shadow lace in new designs. All sizes. tary heels, with plate-all BOYS ODD -N FALL f% £\ ROVFL/ WoYCeSteT CoTSCtS LJ A, 1 O] . A . . . rSLAJUoIio g tlAlo . S- E E high spliced heel; slight im- / K ( rpnp NP I NITLP I AMICALPC v! 199 Women's and QE All sizes; fine percale and mad- M m JEL Boys' hats In new fall shapes; Nym perfections. ROYAL WORCESTER' CORSETS— None better for the 111 ** 4C F C UC vlllllC vauilduica W I X J Misses' Shoes .. .. **WJ ras Blouses; made In the new • W made of good serviceable suiting. T3_• TF-| - Q money — in medium, high and low busts for stout and 13 T WEMAN'. .AH tapeleßS models. I All sizes. RAIR, medium women. S Lace and ribbon trimmed and embroidered and in all CATFS^^A^D 0 KAYSER'S LADIES' B, ACK •S.WNNILS 0?' * l - S5 ' ' IBO, * A ° O, * 235 ' s °' 2 ' 75 ' 300 ' 0 sizes. Excellent values. 9-inch model military boot— ' , , . Z=U KAISER'S LADIES' BLACK *3.00 and *O.OO. JG Lot of Silk Camisoles ..*1 ZK WW X TS VVPIMJT M. M ■! * IM & * 2M Pair Warner's Rust Proof Corsets r ZZ ffcy-k5....53.9S MM ML MJJk- ILfIsSSF- 1 ana vai lace, AH Women's and Misses' Dark O Pair 2.V' Prices— *l.oo, *1.23. *I.OO, *2.00, *2.50, *3.00, *3.00. h Brown. Gray and Black Kid TT ' ' 111 Silk Envelope Chemise . . 23 SARFSRS H% YLK R *YB Kaufman's Special Corsets, $1.25 H Flesh color Tub silk, crcpe de chine, washable satin, Loulf anfy "HEIKLL H M -JKV JJI IN PSILXU.V B Pair, 350 KAUFMAN'S SPECIAL CORSET-A Corset made spe- lace and ribbon-trimmed camlsolo tops. All sizes. sizes. ■■ ' 111 K1 II 9'AKM B HLK IFIMKM LLL'L S ) FIRST FLOOR cially for us and which combines all the good qualities to I!) ■M ■ I F ■■ I be found in a low-price corset SECOND FLOOR I==N FIRST FLOOR JH WHW BHAUJLSJMMBUBLLUHLMJUKJULS ' H ■ FIRST FLOOR STORE OPENS 8:30 A. M.—CLOSES 5 P. M. SBIBHILIFFLAIIILJLIBFFILILIA TUESDAY EVENING, HAHRISBIJRG &&£& TELEGRAPH SEPTEMBER lU, IVIB. formal address to the Republicans of the country in which he said that the , "chief business of the country was to * win the war." "The chief business to-day is to * win the war," he said. "It is the all - important work before us, and will - continue to be so until the job is - finished. i "We have authorized the employ- ment of our maximum resources, both of man and money power, for this purpose. The task demands the best in plan, organization and execu tion. It calls for the highest degree of efficiency in administration. It forbids halting, hesitation from whatever reason, whether fear of re sponsibility or uncertainty of results. While it requires unlimited expendi i, 'ture of money which Congress has r fully authorized, it also calls for rigid e business policy to insure against un pardonable waste of funds, e "Republicans from the vetry out t set emphasized the danger of a policy i of hesitation and uncertainty; the - Democrats pursued the policy of i. 'watchful waiting." While Republl - cans urged a state of preparation, the Democrats counseled against 'ner vousness' and assured the country that there is such a thing as a people 'too proud to fight.' While Repub licans in and out of Congress de manded the protection of our nation al honor, the Democrats asked sup port because they had kept the country out of war. This policy was • urged after the tragedies of the Ger man submarines. "As chairman of the National Re publican Congressional Committee, I shall endeavor to secure Republican control of the next Congress as the most Important single factor now be fore us, that we may vigorously prosecute the war, give assurance of a conclusive peace, and insure a speedy reconstruction on normal basis, with the greatest good to all." Politics or fto ipb, Order * to Democratic Candidate Sornnton, Pa., Sept. 10.—Patrick Mc- Lane, Democratic candidate for .Con gress, yesterday was notified by if. I C. Manchester, superintendent of mo- 1 tive power for the Lackawanna rail road, to withdraw from the Congres sional fight or resign hiR position ns inspector of engines. The order was due to the recent decision of Mr. Mo— Adoo thgt no railroad official or em ploye can remain In politics.
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