NEW LOW MARK FOR JYPHOID State Department of Health v Gets Results in Fight ing Disease ords in comhat \\WA H/ diseases were an j nounced by Dr. S. Franklin Royer. act ing commis sioner of health.; j ttnw®OT(|r i n con ne c tion i with a study of i the causes of, death in May, for • w jji C h data has j ;ust been completed. There were! but eighteen deaths from scarlet: fever, the best previous record for; May having been twenty-four, in 1916, and twenty-eight last year,} whereas in 1910 there were 115. Typhoid fever caused forty-nine .i'-- v, hioh was only equaled! by May of 1915. In May of 1906.1 soon after the late Commissioner; Samuel G. Dixon took up the fight against typhoid, there were .142' deaths from this disease, falling to; 237 in The following May. then to 129 in May of 1908 and steadily de clining since. Last May there were fifty-seven deaths from typhoid. All told there were 10.219 deaths< in Pennsylvania in May and 19,063 j births and, as in April and March,} pneumonia caused more deaths than I any other single disease, the total being 1,331, with tuberculosis having' 1.089: Bright's disease, 781; cancer,! 552. and diphtheria. 108. Eighty-! eight persons committed suicide,! eighty-six were killed in the mines! and ninety-six died of railway in-1 juries. To Report Tomorrow—All local draft boards in Pennsylvania have} been notified by state draft head-! quarters to wire to-morrow tne num ber of white and colored men of tne classes of 1917 and 1918 remaining in Class 1 of the draft as of .Yu-' gust 15. This information is asked by the Provost Marshal General. Crop Estimates Estimates re- i ceived at the State Department of Agriculture from county crop re porters Indicate that the potato crop' in the counties where potatoes are' given much attention will fall short, of the average for the last ten years. the big potato county, the crop will be S3 per cent., andj Berks 72. while Columbia, which is, not as heavy a producer, will show 90 per tent. Increases in acreage of various crops are reported as ex tensive. The whole buckwheat area increased six per cent., but in some counties where this grain has not been tried, such as Lancaster. Dela-i ware and Mercer, the farmers set out a fifth to a half more than ever; known. The average yield of wheat in Lancaster and Chester counties will not be up to the mark of last' year, it is feared, while corn is gen-' THE GLOBE "Keep Your Eye on the Clock" THE GLOBE Over the Top--And Then Some THE GLOBE'S One Thousand Suit Campaign Scores Its 7th Great Success We went over the top with a rush on Saturday. Today the clock says 1070 Just like our boys fighting "over there" we've t won our objective in a decisive, conquering I \Atlf fashion. We've routed high prices just like the 3 ;ff Yanks have made the Huns retreat. ' / | j|fl With practically three weeks more to go, THE f pw| GLOBE'S ONE THOUSAND SUIT CAMPAIGN, the j M greatest of all clothing sales, offers you the finest made, * I ;> M \ distinctively styled clothes in the land at prices no man can afford to ignore. • ij And in addition to the greatly reduced scale of prices quoted below, a 5 per cent bonus is now assured to all purchasers. SIB.OO Suits Reduced t0... $14.50 $28.50 and S3O Suits are... $24.50 $20.00 Suits Reduced t0... $16.50 $32.50 Suits Reduced t0... $28.50 $22.50 and $25 Suits are... $19.50 $37.50 Suits Reduced to. $32.50 And Now, hi Connection With the Great- JNf est Shirt Sale We've Ever Had Comes Ur mi "^ Illlua l Sale of iMPL MANHATTAN SHIRTS s'iWl \ &ALE BEGINS TOMORROW MORNING AT BA. M. I 2 -°° Manhattans $1.55 $3.50 Manhattans $2 g5 \fr I ,\ Manhattans $4.50 Manhattans $3 J 5 M' 1 *1 $3.00 Manhattans- $2.15 $5.00 Manhattans $3 g£j All Other Shirts at These Reduced Prices Silk Shirts Shirts Shirts Shirts Shirts Worth to $5.00 Worth to $3.50. Worth to $2.50 Regularly $2 Worth $1 75 $2.85 $1.95 $1.65 $1.35 $1.15 Owing to the remarkably low prices at which these Shirts are sold—None sent on Approval—None Charged. THE GLOBE WEDNESDAY EVENING. . erally behind. Chester Increased Its ! tobacco acreage thirty per cent, and | Bradford twelve. Lancaster, one of j the great tobacco producers. In i creased seven per cent. The state j authorities are urging farmers to raise turkeys to kill off the grass hoppers, which have been more of a pest than usual in many districts of Pennsylvania this year v Listing Cases —Arrangements aro being made to the heading of as many complaints as possible by the Public Service Commission in Sep tember. The Reading Transit and Light and other trolley systems; which increased fares will have I hearings, as will the big electric in- 1 crease complaints. Permits Granted. —The State Wa-j : ter Supply Commission last nignt' an- i nounccd that it had granted permits ! for the Martin C(#hstructlon Cora -1 pany to build a pipe line and plat ; form on Shamokin creek near Sun : bury; Lancaster and Chester coun ties for a bridge over the Octoraro } creek at the boundary: Lancaster.' i Petersburg and Manheim Railway I Company, for pier in Little Cones-; 1 toga creek; Eagle, Inc.. and Paxinos; Coal Company, for works at Sharao kin: Pennsylvania ra-ilroad for a! change in the bridge at Tyrone: j Huntingdon and Broad Top Moun-i tain Railroad for piers in the Rays-| town branch of the Juniata. Snyder Gets Semaphore.—Auditor | General Charles A. Snyder was to- J day presented with a toy semaphore, because 'no had established traffic j regulations for the corridor leading } to the offices of himself and his depu- j ties. John Tress, of this city, the} messenger, is the "traffic cop" in; charge of the newly-built gate and movement of people. The Auditor; General, who had referred to the! corridor to his office as "the peo ple's highway" during the campaign; days, says the precautions are due I to the war. Nearby Charters. The Sayres,! Scheid & Sweeten Company, depart-1 ment store. Lancaeter. capital $50.- 000; the Schwartz Motor Truck Com-) pany. Reading, capital $5,000, and the Reading Chain and Block Cor-1 poration, Reading, capital $200,0001 have been chartered. Foust Goes Further.—Dairy and : Food Commissioner James Foust hasj demanded of Chicago newspapers and packers who is meant by refer ences to men who have secured fa vors in the administration of the oleo law. Boimlwell at Capitol.—Judge Eu gene C. Bonniwell was greeted by dozens of people on a visit to the' State Capitol to-day. The Demo cratic candidate for governor spent an hour calling on State Treasurer Kephart and other officials and ati each department the men in the of-} flees gathered to greet him. It was' an unusual tribute to a Democratic leader. Fire Marshal Busy. State Fire Marshal department officials sent sixty-eight persons to trial on, charges of arson in the first seven months of 1918 and won the cases, while eighty-eight are still being in-} vestigated with eleven awaiting trial, i In every case arson is the charge, j Over 5,000 inspections have been I made and hundreds of investigations! made. One accused person commit ted suicide. The number of fires the first seven months Is less than a third of the number last year which Was 15,271, but the remaining months may Increase the record. To Trace Trouble. The State Fisheries Commission has detailed wardens to locate the sources of pol lution of the Susquehanna In the Willlamsport district and to provide means to check the trouble although It Is expectod to bo difficult because Ot the war expenditures. " ) ~'Cont Fp 1,035 Per Cent.— J. C. Kerbaugh, president, and G. C. An j drews. secretary of the commission ers of Lower Merion township. Mont | gomery county, to-day filed com ' plaint with the Public Service Com piission that the new rates for fire service made by the Springfield Con solidated Water Company ,of Phila delphia, at orders of the commission increased the cost to the township, by reason of pipe line charges, 1,035 per cent. The former bill for fire service for 175 hydrants was $2,625 and it is claimed that while the rate per hydrant has been cut from sls to $7 the charges for eighty miles of pipe line make the bill r . f28,- 577.50. which it is declared tees-; sive. More Roads.—Bds for construc tion of thirteen mles of state high-! way In Lancaster, Lebanon. Fayette, Warren, Westmoreland and Venango < were ordered asked to-day at the State Highway Department. Bids for an almost similar amount will; be received later In the month. Appointments. The Governor's Governor's office announced these | appointments: Mothers pension trustees: Mrs. H. I. Morris, Dußois ; and Mrs. L. C. Xorris, Clearfield, for! Clearfield county; Mrs. J. S. Bean.; Eau Clairs. for Butler county; Mrs. I John C. Judson. Washington, and j Mrs. C. C. Wright, Charleroi, for| Washington county. Frederick Nea-j mand was appointed Justice for Rockland township. Bucks county, and Joseph Cuziolick for East Van dergrift borough. SKIN RELIEF AWAITS YOU IN POSLAM The more intensely you have suf fered from Irritated, itching skin, the more grateful will be your sigh of relief when Poslam has been ap plied. Soothing, cooling, pacifying, now that you KNOW, you will never be without it should the need arise. Try Poslam for any Facial break ing-out. for clearing inflamed plexions or red noses, for Scaip- Scale, anv form of Eczema, Pimples. Burns. Barbers' Itch. Tired, Itching Feet, to drive away all eruptiona! troubles before they spread and be come seriou3. Sold everywhere. For free sample write to Emergency Laboratories, 243 West 4 7th St., New York City. Urge your kin to become fresher, brighter, better by the daily use of Poslam Soap, medicated with Pos lam. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH I "The Live Store" Thiirs&y [ St at r Noon eS [Thursday Last Thursday was a day long to be remembered at this "Live Store" and we all enjoyed a Half Holiday after the busy morning. We enjoyed it aH the more because our Customers came out early to do their buying at our Semi-Annual Mark-Down Sale 1 Where Everything in Onr Entire Stock Is Reduced, Except Collars 1 There wasn't a dull minute You want the merchandise we throughout the entire morning and our have to sell, for our low prices are bringing salespeople worked with a double effort to serve „Anl fl *k;. "I ci. il you which resulted in doing a "big day's work" in a ™° Pe .° P '? t0 thl ' L ' v ® Store lhan , we ? ver half day. We want our Customers to KNOW, how °.~ yOU se , e ' the ' e are ac ' ual Bavms much we appreciate their co-operation in coming waiting in exchange for cash, which we I out in the morning—it helps US as well as YOU. MUST HAVE to take eve of our Fall shipments; Now, let's have another ''Get-together" Holiday by and, besides, it saves YOU money on known-quality a little extra effort in the morning. merchandise. Hart Schaffner o Kuppenheimer 1 & Marx Clothes | It's.a lucky thing for us that we started our semi- Annual Clearance Sale ten days ago; if we had not, we don't know what we would have done-—our wareroom was brimful, almost bursting; for already manufactur lers are sending us Fall merchandise. So you see there's no alternative. We MUST SELL OUR SUMMER STOCKS—and during this "strictly cash" sale you can buy at less than to day's actual wholesale prices. Don't Delay! Store Closes at Noon To-morrow. All 20— Suits . *l&2 I AII *2.V"" Suit* . *l9=2 J Light Weight jj I AH *3o= Suits . *23:2 Coats 3 All Suits • We have had a "land office" business ij I All S/in.oo C, *t c 5Q0.75 I! in lightweight Coats during the hot jj " lU = UllS ' ii weather . We have them in light and ij All $45:2? Suits . $ 36.Z2 | dark colors, as well as black. All sizes, | I ! 34 to 48. i SBRS ... r , a jj LightweightCOATS $ 1. 89 jj 3 All $3.50 TROUSERS $2.89 jj $3-5Q Li g htwe ig ht COATS . $2.89 jj 3 All $4.50 TROUSERS $3.39 jj $4.00 Lightweight COATS .. ]9 jj | I AU $5.00 TROUSERS $3.89 jj $5.00 Lightweight COATS . . $3 89 i 11 All $6.50 TROUSERS $4 95 ii ' ■ T rninn —nmmiiiTiir*i*ii**i*i*rmiii*i*rmrrininiiinmnj| I Sweet Orr OVERALLS Lee-Union I I Signal reduced rreeland I AUGUST 14, 1918 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers