Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 22, 1916, Page 18, Image 18

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Prudence and Prudery
A problem that confronts every girl
t some time or other Is where to
draw the Une between prudery and
prudence In her dealings with men.
Bhe doesn't want to be a prunes and
prisms sort of a girl, one of the kind
who Is always on the lookout for a
■bock, and who takes hold of a man's
arm as If she would prefer to use the
tongs In touching It. She wants to be
!fre, and frank, and fearless, and yet
1W maldenliness shrinks from any
familiarity from one of the opposite
•ex, and so the question of how to
maintain a thus-far-and-no-further at
titude toward men becomes a very
difficult one for a young and inexperl
■nced girl.
The difficulty is further enhanced
•ly the fact that every normal girl de
jalres to be admired and to receive at
ttratlons from men, and she sees that
tho popular girls—the girls who have
•boots of beaux and are overrun with
llnvltatlons for theaters and parties
>nd every amusement—are the free
and-easy girls who permit little liber
ties and in whose presence a man docs
'aot need to put much restraint upon
•either his tongue or his manners.
An older woman could tell such a
ifflrl that she was taking a short view
of the subject, and that while the fast
woman will always get the most serv
ile*, admiration and attention from
imn, she is seldom the woman that
they marry- They like to be with her
•when they want an hour's amusement,
ifor she is Jolly and amusing and easy
(to talk to, and they have to make no
Effort to change their mental attitude
1n her presence, but when a man
thinks of a woman as a companion
for a lifetime and not a day, he wants
something better, purer, more wom
anly, and one for whom he has more
Men are cruelly Inconsistent In their
'dealings with women. They amuse
themselves with one type of woman,
nd then they marry another. A man
Will teach a girl to drink cocktails and
than refuso to marry her because she
does it. He will spend weeks per
suading her to kiss him, and then be
I i Mother "Yes, son, you can have all the rfl
Bham you can eat. It's Kingans and their
ham is always sweet and pure and can only ' 9
do you good." I _
I! Purity and Quality Guaranteed. B I
■ ■ All Klngan Products Are Government Inspected 1 _
'l 421-425 S. Second St. 'i
■warded the GOLD MEDAI,, highest award for Ear Phones In H
competition with all hearing Instruments at Panama Pacific
Look at It and you SEE the simplest and smallest device In the
world) use It and yon FEEL that you have the most wonderful |J|
piece of mechanism yet devised for suffering mankind. jfcj
Let us prove we have conquered your affliction. IP
FROM #.OO O'CLOCK A. M. to 0.00 O'CLOCK P. M.
THE LITTLE OEM EAR PHONE, the latest patented perfect hear. U
In* device. With It you enn hear under all conditions. In the church ■(
theater and *-nernl conversation. The AUTO MASSAGE atop, bend' R
nolaes and makes the cure of deafness possible. Km
Remember, we would not allow such a demonstration In our .to IB
unless we had Investigated In the Instrument thoroughly "tore
J. C. McNaniara, an expert, from New York Cltv, will be with ... P7
on the above daya. We most earnestly request you to call mu. . ! K
privately and receive expert advice without charge. Every Instrument E
guaranteed. Ask or write for booklet. Tell your deaf friends? Hj
With H. C. CLASTER, 302 Market Stmet.
Try Telegraph Want Ads
suspicious of her because she does it.
He will persuade a girl to go to see
a problem play and then condemn her
because she went.
No girl need ever be afraid that she
hurts herself in a man's opinion by
womanly reserve and dignity. He may
laugh at her a bit for a little Puritan
if she won't go to restaurants with
him without a chaperon, and if the
very suggestion of an oft-colored story
dyes her innocent cheek with scarlot,
but in his heart ho respects her for it.
She is the kind of girl that he would
like his sister to be and that he hunts
up for himself when he marries.
If you will notice you will see that
the gay, brilliant, good fellow, much
admired belle of a season, who was a
connoisseur In mixed drinks and dou
ble entendre stories and an expert at
cards seldom marries as well as the
s£y little girl whose only attraction
was the white halo of her innocence,
and ignorance, and purity.
Another very practical argument
for maidenly reserve may be found
in the fact that man's leading passion
is the passion for the chase, and that
the harder the thing is to get the more
he wants it and the more determined
hi is to have it. No man cares to kiss
the lips that are within his reach. It
is the ones that are denied him for
which ho hungers and thirst? and
which he spends his life trying to win.
No girl could have a more potent
charm for men than to diffuse about
herself an intangible atmosphere of
aloofness—of being guarded by a
maidenly delicacy that would take
alarm at the slightest approach to fa
Every man worthy of the name,
honors the girl who honors herself,
and If there are any others who are
driven away from her because she will
not permit liberties from them, she
should bless Heaven tliat a danger has
been removed from her path. This
does not mean that she should be a
prude. She can be friendly without
being familiar, and she should never
forget that while every girl should be
a peach, the ripest peach and the most
desired hangs highest on the tree.
Soft Colored Silks or Lawns
Are Equally Desirable as
White For Girls
9161 QA'ith Basting Line and Added
Seam Allowance) Girl's Princesse Slip,
8 to 14 years.
This is a slip that can be made of lin
gerie material to be a simple under garment
or of silk to be worn beneath the party
frock. 11 is shapely and attractive and at
the same time exceedingly simple. On
the figure, it is made of batiste with
trimming of embroidery. In one of the
small views is a suggestion for scalloping
the lftck and armhole edges. That
treatment always is dainty ana the older
girls should be able to do the work them
selves it' is so absolutely simple. For
wear beneath the party frock, the slip
could be trimmed in any way that may
suit the fancy and taffeta, India silk and
materials of such sort are the best liked
for the purpose.
For the 12 year size will be needed,
yards of material 36 or 44 inches wider
with 2 Vi yards of insertion and 3H yards
of edging, i x A yards of embroidery 5
inches wide, for the frill.
The pattern No. 9161 is cut in sizes for
girls from Bto 14 years of age. It will be
mailed to any address by the Fashion
Department of this paper, on receipt of
ten cents.
Miss Fairfax Answers Queries
Dear Miss Fairfax: Am eighteen,
and working as a cloak model. I have
been going about with a young man
six years my senior for two years. A
year and a half ago he ceased calling
because his parents were told I was a
model. His sisters are not allowed to
even mention my name, although they
think the world of me. I have heard
from friend!-, of his that he would like
to speak to me again. Do you think
that he repents his quick actions? He
knows that I have numerous admirers,
and that of all of them combined I
love him best. Do you think that Is
why he Is willing to apologize to me?
How can I win back his love, and
make him understand that, while we
were engaged, ho should have stood
up for me. (We were engaged to be
married.) Mother tells me that I ought
to try to forget him.
1 Of course, It would have been only
loyal and manly for your fiance to up
hold you to his parents. But you were
both so young when the situation rose
that it is not surprising that he failed
to act with the mature Judgment of a
man. Why not give him a chance to
retrieve himself? His parents were
not fair In their condemnation of you
—but give them a chance, too. If he
and they fail you now, Just put them
out of your life and start over.
Dear Miss Fairfax: I have been go
ing about with a young man not quite
two years my senior for the past three
months. As 1 am a few months past
sixteen, and have an older sister, my
mother objects to my doing so. I love
him dearly, and when I don't see him
She Was All Run Down an<l In Ter
ribly Weakened Condition But
Now Feels Well and Happy Again
Mrs. Josephine Weber, a popular
Harrlsburg matron, who lives at 42
North Twelfth street, Harrlsburg, de
clares that she owes a debt of grati
tude to Tanlac that is greater than
she Can ever repay.
She says: "I suffered for a long
jtime from chronic Indigestion. It
made no difference how plain and sim
ple the food that I ate, I would always
suffer terribly afterward.
"Gas would form on my stomach
j and make me feel horribly bloated; I
was feverish, restless, irritable and
would frequently break out into a pro
fuse sweat. I was all run down, my
whole system seemed limp and I didn't
feel like working or doing anything.
"Of course I tried many remedies,
but none of them seemed to reach the
seat of my trouble, and I had about
decided that I would have to suffer for
the rest of my days when I read about
Tanlac In one of our papers.
"It appealed to me and I started
taking this wonderful remedy, and as
anyone can see It has done me a world
of good. I feel ten years younger. My
health Is now splendid, my appetite
has come back to me and I can eat
anything I wish without paying for it
afterward with hours of torment.
"I certainly am grateful to Tanlac,
for nothing has ever done me so much
good and I owe It my health and
Tanlac, the famous master medicine
of which Mrs. Weber speaks and which
is so highly endorsed by thousands oi
other grateful people. Is now being
specially introduced in Harrlsburg at
Gorgns' Drug Store, 16 North Third
street, where the Tanlac man is de
scribing the merits of this wonderful
reconstructive tonic to dally Increas
ing crowds. Tanlac is also for sale at
the Gorgas Drug Store In the P. R. R.
1 Station.—Adv.
| Good, Stylish, Reliable """I
I Ladies' Coats and Suits |
H Suits in wool serges, poplins, gabardines, wool velours, <tlQ I- SjvJC
g broadcloths, tweeds, whipcords and wool Jerseys ipIO CO H
g Coats! In Bolivia cloth, wool velours, wool plush, tweeds, * itCC
g broadcloth, zibehne and cheviot, from I• ID £0 |lo3 ||
|| Specials in Serge and Silk Dresses "JEJ
| Gately 8k Fitzgerald Supply Co. |
H ( HOME | 29-31-33 & 35 S. Second St. 1 S
I miss him very much. Although she
objects, I meet him secretly.
Somehow she has discovered that I
still go with him, and asks me to Rive
him up. A. D. S.
Your mother is quite right. You are
far too young to be very much in any
boy's society. A love affair is absurd
at your age. Don't meet this boy
secretly, but do aa your mother so
sensibly asks, and give up a prema
ture love affair which, honestly, will
do you absolutely no good.
Dear Miss Fairfax: I have been go
ing out with a young man for six
months. I love him dearly, and I
know my love is returned. A week
ago we had an argument and I said
something wrong about him, meant as
a joke, but his feelings were hurt. Wo
are not speaking at the present timo.
What can I do? H. M.
Yours joke was in very bad taste.
Go to the young man and confess that
you realize it. I am sure he will be
gtnerous enough to accept the apology
and explanation which you really owe
Technical Books Are
Added to City's Library
The Harrisburg Public Library re
ceived yesterday a complete set of the
proceedings of th e National Association
of Cement Users from 1908 to 1912
with a promise of similar publications
of Interest to those engaged in or
contemplating cement construction.
This opportune gift, which will enable
the library to till many requests for
information on concrete, was accom
panied by a number of unbound
journals of the American Concrete In
stitute, and came from Charles B.
Herring, manager of the Ottawa Silica
Company, Ottawa, 111. In the last few
months there were many inquiries for
special information on concrete con
Other technical sets presented to
the library since January 1 were from
Henry McCormick, Jr., who gave a
complete set to date of Translations of
American Institute of Mining Engi
neers, 35 vols, in all, and from Ed
ward Bailey, the Yearbooks and Pro
ceedings of the American Iron and
Steel Institute, a complete set to date.
These volumes are all made refer
ence vqlumes and shelved together so
that they are convenient of access on
our reference shelves. They are a
good nucleus for u technical library.
Fifty-Year Romance Over,
Old Man Ended His Life
IJOS Angeles, Sept. 22. A half
century is a mighty long time for a
youthful love affair to endure, city
ambulance attendances agreed, re
sponding to a call that "an old man
had suicided."
Beside the body of William H.
White, 68, was the wedding gown and
tiny satin shoes ot an 1865 bride;
also a miniature of a beautiful 16-
year-old girl. The man's wife died
shortly after their golden wedding
celebration, and a brief note explained
that he could not remuln away from
,hia sweetheart any looser.
Mother at Fifteen Makes a
Great Grandmother
at 49
Here's Family Record;
Youth Is Their Slogan
Here Is a family reqord that Is
hard to beat:
Baby Jessie Viola Jeffrey, age
four days.
Mrs. Veno L. Jeffrey, baby's
mother, age fifteen years.
Mrs. Jessse May, mother of Mrs.
Jeffrey and baby's grandmother,
age twenty-nine years.
Mrs. Leona Smith, mother of
Mrs. May, and baby's great grand
mother, age forty-nine years.
Venice, Cal., Sept. 22. With the
birth of Viola Jeffrey, Mrs. Leona
Smith, not yet fifty years of age, be
came a greatgrandmother. The baby's
mother is Veno L. Jeffrey, wife of
Russell W. Affrey, and Is only fifteen
years old. Mrs. Jeffrey Is the daugh
ter of Mrs. Jesse May, who Is a grand
mother at twenty-nine years. She, in
turn, is the daughter of Mrs. Smith,
who is at present looking after the
of her greatgranddaughter.
Mrs. JelTrey was only thirteen when
she became a wife. Her husband is
twenty-one. Her mother was only
thirteen also when she wed. Mrs.
Smith was married when she was fif
teen years old.
"I cannot realize that I am the
mother of the sweetest little girl In
the State of California," says Mrs.
Jeffrey. "The truth is, I have never
been able to reullze that I am a wife.
It's Just like playing house with me,
and I have such a good husband.
Russell, that's my husband, and I
Just grew up together. The only thing
that brought me to anything near
realization was when I was to leave
mamma. We came to Venice, arid
since coming here it has become more
This Will Remove
Hair or Fuzzy Growths
(Toilet Tips)
A safe, certain method for ridding
the skin of ugly, hairy growths Is as
follows: Mix a paste with some pow
dered delatone and water, apply to
hairy surface about 2 minutes, then
rub off, wash the skin and the haira
are gone. This is entirely harmless
and seldom requires repeating, but to
avoid disappointment it is advisable
,to aee that you set genuine delatone.
evident to me then ever before that
I am a real wife, and now I'm a
"Oh, no. It was no runaway mar
riage. Mamma was with us when we
were married in Los Angeles, and she
thinks lots of Kusseli. Grandma just
loves my little baby, but sometimes I
think she does not like the Idea of
being a greatgrandmother. You know,
when you speak of a greatgrand
mother you picture a nice old lady
with a clean white cap on sitting in
a rocking chair knitting. Well, grand
ma Is nothing at all uke that. She is
Just as full of fun and Just as active
as I was. Why, mamma, grandma
and I romp Just Ilk* a bunch of kid
dies, and I guess that is all we are.
Now we will have little Jessie to join
in our play, and it will be just grand."
That is Mrs. Jeffrey's way of look
ing at motherhood.
Dr. Raymond Sands, who is caring
for the little mother and her daugh
ter, says that the baby is perfect in
every particular and tipped the scales
at eight pounds when born. Mrs.
Jeffrey is happy and doing well.
(f To Overcome Eczema 1|
% 1)
Never mind how often you have tried
and failed, you can stop burning, itch
ing eczema quickly by applying a little
zemo furnished by any druggist for
25c. Extra large bottle, SI.OO. Heal
ing begins the moment zemo is ap
plied. In a short time usually every
trace of pimples, black heads, rash,
eczema, tetter and similar skin dis
ease will be removed.
For clearing the skin and making
it vigorously healthy, zemo 13 an ex
ceptional remedy. It Is not greasy,
sticky or watery and It does not stain.
When others fail It is the one de
pendable treatment for all skin trou
Zemo, Cleveland.
Vacation Trips
Dellahtfal BalL
Fine Steamers. Low Pare*. Beat Serv
ice. Plan your vacation to Include
"The Finest Coastwise Trips In tka
Tour Book Free on Bequest.
W. P. TURNER, G. P. A, Balto* 114.
Consult any ticket or tourist meant.
<3lO North Third Street 1
B*ll Phona. Ante Merries. I
Like sugar, coffee tea or salt Wonder
oil, the antiseptic healing balm is in
dispensable in thousands of homes. It
has been for 60 years. Our mothers,
grandmothers .and greatgrandmothers
all had the same implicit faith in this
greatest of healers.
There is nothing better for babies'
croup, colds on the lungs or pains in
the chest. A little Wonderoil melted on
a spoon and given Internally or applied
to the throat and chest on brown paper
as a plaster, gives immediate relief. It
never burns or blisters or falls to
loosen up a cold. It has saved thous
ands of children from a bad night with
cold or croup.
This greatest of healing balms is en
tirely antiseptic and contains only the
purest ingredients. Made from a phy
sicion's prescription It is free from
dangerous caustic chemicals. On ac
count of the widespread demand.
Wonderoil is now put up in 25 and .">O
- size boxes. The 60-cent size will
be found most economical. It is sold
locally by Geo. A. Qorgas and other
leading dealers everywhere.
If you are one of the few who have
never used Wonderoil send to-day to
M. E. Raymond, Inc., Bullston Spa.,
N. Y„ for a generous free sample.
School of Commerce
Troup Building 15 So. Market Sq.
Day & Night School
Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Stenotypy,
Typewriting and Penmanship
Bell 485 Cumberland 249-X
Harrisburg Business College
A Reliable School, 31st Yea*
32V Market St, Harrisburg, Pa*.
Ocean Ave., Ist hotel (100 feet) frooi
Beach. Cap. 260; elevator; bathing from
hotel; distinctive table and service:
12.60 up dally; fit up weekly. Special
family rates. Garage. Booklet.