12 TRAIN PLANS FOR VETS' BIG PICNIC Two Specials Will Carry Har risburg Folks; Stop at All Points Arrangements for the special trains for the Philadelphia Division Veterans Association reunion and basket picnic on Tuesday. August 22, are complete. The committee will meet next week to complete other arrangements. Train Schedules Special train via Mount Jov, with baggage car for the ill leave Harrisburg at 8:15 a. ui.; Steel ton, 8:21: Middletown, 8:30; Royal ton, 8:32; Elizabethtown. 8:43; Florin, 8:53; Mount Joy, 8:58; Lan disville, 9:07; arriving Lancaster, 9:20 Special train via Columbia, with baggage car, will leave Harrisburg at 8:20 a. m.: Falmouth, 8:42; Bain bridge, 8:50; Shock's Mills, 8:58; Marietta, 9:05; Columbia, 9:15; Mountville, 9:26; Rohrestown, 9:36, arriving Lancaster, 9:47 a. m. Plilladelphia Train Special train from Broad street, ■with baggage car, will leave Phila delphia, 7:40 a. m.; West Philadel phia, 7:44; Ardmore, 7:58; Bryn Mawr, 8:03; St. David's, 8:10; Devon, 8:16; Paoli, 8:23; Frazer, 8:30; Whit ford, 8:35; Downingtown, 8:42; Coatesville, 8:52; Pomeroy, 8:59; Parkesburg, 9:04; Atglen, 9:10; Chris tiana, 9:14; Gap, 9:20; Leaman Place, 9:28; Gordonville, 9:32; Ronk, 9:36; Bird-in-Hand, 9:39; Witmer, 9:43, ar riving Lancaster, 9:53 a. m. Returning Special train will leave Lancaster for Philadelphia at 6:20 p. m., making all stops. Special train for Harrisburg via Mount Joy leave Lancaster 7:10 p. m., making all stops. Special tratn for Harrisburg via Co lumbia leave Lancaster at 7:15 p. m., making all stops. CONDUCTORS PAY BEN EFITS The recent report of the P. & R. Passenger Conductors' Mutual Bene ficial Association shows assets of $6.- 926.91, and disbursements, sl, 090.50. Railroad Notes The third of the Pacific type of pas- I senger locomotives to be turned out j of the Reading shop will be finished early next week. General Manager C. H. Ewing, of | the Reading, and family are at Lake 1 George, X. T. H. J. Bobb, secretary of the Phila delphia Division Veteran Employes' | Association was in Enola yesterday. Carriers, shippers and consignees j were warned to-day by the Interstate I Commerce Commission of a threat- t ened car shortage and their attention called to the need for close supervi sion of loading and unloading. Standing of the Crews HARRISBIRG SIDE Philadelphia Division ll3 crew to go first alter 4 p. m.: 105, 107, 104, 121, 118. 102. Engineers for 104, 102. Conductor for 118. Brakemen for 113. 105, 107. Baer, Lefever, Albright, Simmon*, N'ewcomer. Tennant. .McGuire. Bruebak er, Brooke. Speas, Black, Howard, So- I ber, Neurick. Baldwin. Kautz. Firemen up: Strickler, Ackey, Killian. Zoll. Everhart. Fisher, Maughes, Bry messer, Herman. Gilliuns, Baker, Skimp, Kestreves, Miller. Conductor up: Mehaffic. Flagmen up: Brown. Brakemen up: Gillett, Beale. Kiddle Division 227 crew to go first after 3.25 p. m.: 218, 16, 216, 21,; 24, 19. 23. Fireman for 1. Brakeman for 16. Engineers up: Howard, Tettemer, i Kauffman. Harris, Ulsh. Firemen up: Hoffman, O'Brien, Stif- i er, Beisel. Brakemen up: A. Schmidt, Lenhart, ; 5. Schmidt. Adams, Reed. Yard Crews— Engineers for Ist 8. 3rd 24, 36, extra. Firemen for 2, 6, 2nd 8, 4th 8, 16, Ist 24, 26, 36, 56. 60, extra. Engineers up: Leeby, Fulton, Mc- I Morris, McDonnell, Runkle, Wise, Watts, Seiber, Cleland. Firemen up: Six, Biffert, McDermott, McCartney, Pensyl. Waltz, Hall, Brady, Snyder, Desch, Graham. Fry, Eyde. Mc- Killips, Peiffer, Snell, Jr.. Fleisher. EXOLA SIDE Philadelphia Division 225 crew to go first after 3.45 p. m.: 222. 207, 220, 217, 211, 237, 242, 238, 227, 21S, 23'J, 20S, 213, 202. Engineers for 211, 208. Firemen for 225, 222. Conductors for 08, 13, 17. Flagmen for 08. 11. 17, 39. Brakemen for 29. 38. Conductors up: Steinouer, Logan, Walton, D'ewees. Brakemen up: McDermott. Malseed, Jacobs, Long. Welsh, McCombs, Sea bold, Mumma, Wright. Myers. Middle Division 235 crew to go first after 12.30 p. m.: 243, 245, 225, 117, 101, 119. 115. Fireman for 119. • ■ Conductor for 117. Flagman for 101. Braeman for 101. VAtID BULLETIN—E.VOLA ' The following is the standing of the Tard Crews after 4 p. m.: Engineers up: Nuemyer, Rider, Hill, Boyer, Anspach, Kling. Smith, Bran yon, Bretz, Reese, Troup, Anthony. Firemen up: L. C. Hall. Smith. Sell ers, Bickhart, Brown, Eichelberger, C. H. Hall. Engineer for 3rd 124. Firemen for 134, 130, 132. 112, Ist 102, 3rd 102. IIEADI.\G CREWS The 8 crew first to go after 1.45 o. m.: 6, 12, 11. 17. The 51 crew first to zo after 1.15 p. m.: 63, 71, 57, 59. 54. 89. Engineers for 57. 1, 4, 8. 12, 17. Firemen for 63. 71. 1. 4, 12, 17. Conductors for 63, 14, 15. for 51, 57, 71. 1, 4, 6, 8, 12, Engineers up: Pletz, Sterner, Massi wore. Firemen up: Brehm, King. Zukow ski. Boyer, Elicker, Yowler, Geib. Brakemen up: Rishel. Shambaugh, Ensminger, Dean, Wise, Smith. Shipe, Mullen, Cocklin. Claybaugh. Seighman. Insurance Men to Meet at Reading August 17 At least twenty-five people from Harrisburg, including employes of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Companv In this district, are expected to attend the convention of Metropolitan Life Insurance reprenentatives in Central Pennsylvania at Reading, Thursday, August 17. More than 200 will be present at the meeting. Business sessions will be held in the Reading T. M. C. A. at 8.30 o'clock in the morning. Luncheon will he served at 1 o'clock at the Berkshire Hotel. Open sessions will be held in the afternoon. CASTER FUNERAL TOMORROW Funeral services for Edward F. Caster, aged 33, who died at his home, 611 Walnut street, yesterday, an hour after his brother was burled, will be held at the chapel of the Hawkins Es tate, undertakers. 1207 North Third street, to-morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. He is survived by his wife, two daughters and two sisters. Burial "Will be made in the Harrisburg Ceme tery, with the Rev. E. N. Kremer, pas tor of the Reformed Salem Church, officiating FRIDAY EVENING. fe \ Dives, Pomeroy Interesting News of Savings For Saturday Morning Shoppers: Store Closes at 1 O'clock j A Sale of Dresses New Chambray, Gingham I *1 For Large Women and Percale Aprons - Large variety of new styles in aprons that can be used as A i\ "oi \ Delightful Summer Frocks house drcsscs including Mary Pickford styles. /I \-f f) tJr) - ® Blue chambray aprons with fitted waist &!-«<-> 1 ~Tv . /-i 1 T~> • J T7l ! and circular skirt t—tsST/Xj. •-*, - -v in Colors Kepriced ror andSckeVVn e 8 d kirt ngham . apronß , wUh . HUed , wai . st 65c w-v 1 j « ■. Black and white figured' percale aprons, open at BTW an Early Disposal I x tra sj ze percale aprons, bungalow 59C and 65c l| Ailli t 1 S News of this clearance will be of parti- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Second Floor. An Jill I cular interest to women of large size, so . 111 111 & 11 ta From. Bto l O'clock To-morrow Sale of Boys' Wash Suits ill J 11 These Silks Will Be sl-75 Rcs "'" Underpriced W. 25 J * ° $1.25 satin stripe tub silk, in blue and gold stripes: 36 . Palm Beach Suits in Junior Norfolk and Norfolk styles; y Dnes. Pomeroy & Stewart, second Floor. inches wide. Special . .. ?5£ slzes to y ears > $4.00 value.. Extra special bat- <152 .. $1.25 white crepe de chine; 40 inches wide. Special, 87# ui day till 1 o clock WT mrk'Cl VV ( )TTI S CJJ)()I L Black Pumps in a Special $1 Values in White Petticoats Buyers' Sale Clearance Whlu SIOO Stripe Crepe de Chine • 4 j j circul&r tlounc6 JL ® JL -X- From the choicest ot the season s stock, reduced Long white petticoats with embroidery <£l nn j T)1 I ) "1 "1 because of broken sizes, to proportions that will move c,ii.U r n^/« «{'n o BIOUSCS KeQUCeCI Women^s'S''so white canvas sport lace shoes with white Longcioth petticoats, flounce trimmed with biind <gi gQ . beautiful designs in rich color tones on a background of omen s b_.oU wmte can as sp _ embroidery and lace insertion O 1 »OU white are these stripe crepe de chine blouses. rubber soles and heels, Extra special, pair !M.o«> Longcioth petticoats, flounce of eyelet embroidery, CI Cfi i-ano-p from tn -14 Women's S3 white Xubuck button shoes, with welted finished with beading and ribbon iDl.Ovl c i u j i i A A , ji•u /- i ii r* .» ■ i 051 Envelope chemise, finished with lace insertion and lace CA_ Several hundred garments are reduced— soles and high Luban heels. h.xtra special jpi.oo edge, lace medallion and insertion trim front Dl/C Regular $3 50 blouses to-morrow $2.98 Women's 52.50 and $3.00 patent colt and gun metal calf Envelope chemise of nainsook, cover trimmed with Val. 7C r l?»m.! a r <CUK Klo.i-a= ' tr, mn rmw niimn* anH pvpWH Up* ■ broken *izes Extra snecial Dair 98c insertion and medallions, drawers finished with lace edge « OC KegUlar blouses, to-morrow pumps and e>eleted ties, broken sizes. Lxtra special, pair, Envelope chemise of nainsook, cover trimmed with band 71- Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Second Floor. Pumps For Girls and Boys of embroidery and lace edge # OC , ! . ~ ~ T . Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor. Girls Sl.:so patent colt and gun metal calf Mary lane strap -i-| n OO las,s . and . ! ow . . hee,s :. s T. 2>s esc 2 Silk Gloves Values: Tomorrow 3 1 bs. ot Sugar bor 23c With ,as. S^^n m Ex«^^ raad !°" b :M.M „ Women's 16-butt„n ,e„ s ,h white silk gloves with double One POUnd Of Coffee Or Tea Boys' 60c black tennis oxfords, in all sizes. Extra special, lSitt t onTngTh\vhite' auid black ' silk ' gloveJ ln addition to the sale of sugar from Bto 1 o'clock to- P air • •* •" •• •: ■ Snprial nair morrow we offer in the grocery section — Dives, Pomeroy & btewart, Rear Street Floor. opeciai, pair iO(p „„ . , ~ a J Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor. W Hole ham, lb . . _ j Shoulder, lb 160 Extra Special Waist Values Extra Specials in the Basement , ch "^ [b - 33<! J- Sunshine Clover Leaves QCO Wi "f" store Coses at IP. M. Sunshine Butter Thins one package of each tor Lilt/ JJCtOCIIIV/ll L OCL/LIUII $12.00 turbine vacuum washing Kalamazoo ice blankets. Q _ . machine. Extra d»Q QO Extra special OC Sunshine 1 akhoma 200 Store Closes at IP. M. ilVkV,''ii.* p.tu bIS" Ssl SiuT. 98c Sunshine Lemon Snaps White waists, fronts trimmed with embroidered panels, irons. Extra 95c „ Mason's 1-quart jars. At+r Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Basement. ~ , , il,- ' special Extra special, dozen 'tOC Collars nmsned With lace edge. xK/® $5.00 porch swings, made of se- "Ezy Seal" 1-quart jars Cf| _ / - N ._ Extra special lected oak complete with gal- Extra special, dozen 3UC "T\ /T ' 1 "1 Voile waists with tucked front, collars and cults of 08, ISSTJST: $3.98 "S22L*."™*- JVLUSImS anO OUCetS colored polka dot voile. Extra special Qi * 1 1 ~D *✓-»/-] Voile waists with tucked front, sailor collar finished O C* it o -no kSP6CI3/lIV .LIIC6Q with colored bands. Extra special . ° C T ISK tjUai anteeCl bleached muslin; 36 inches wide. Special Saturday, Dives, Pqmeroy & Stewart, Basement. / " 9 r 100 L VTVO O "I VI \A/rwviQ'n D bleached pillow cases; embroidered and hemstitched; JJJA LI & opt/ddl 111 VV v/IIIt/Il o Plain tread— Non-skid— 45x36 inches. Special Saturday 29$ ____ . _ _ 30x3 $9.90 value. Special 30x3 $10.40 values. Spe- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. WhiiP Shops and PiiTrrns Fridav siiß - 55 cia! Friday $8.95 Will UC UIIUCO CillU. ± U.IIIJJO 30x314 $12.75 value. Spe- - AO! i? O'll TXT *4- 4-CPI OCT store closes at ip. M. #11 c 65 A Sale oi bilk Waists at $1.25 32x3K' $14.70 value. Spe- 32x3515.40 value. Spe- r x . 50 pair women's white high and low shoes, slightly ACkg* cial Friday $12.75 cial Friday #13.40 Five of the best styles of the entire season from our stock soiled; formerly $3.50. Extra special j 33x4 $20.95 value. .Spe- 33x4 $22.00 value. Spe- °f excellent quality Jap silk waists will be offered in a speciaj 300 pair women's white pumps with Cuban and <tO CC cial Friday $18.20 cial Friday $19.13 sale beginning t'o-morrow, Friday morning, at $1.25 Louis heels, formerly $3.50 and $4. Extra special, j 34x4 $21.35 value. Spe- 34x4 $22.40 value. Spe- Each style is beautifully embroidered and the range of Boys' Tan Sport Oxfords > cial Friday SIB.OO cial Friday $19.55 sizes is from 36 to 44. 50 pair bovs' tan sport oxfords; sizes 2to 5; <tl - - Extra special inducement on sale in the Fourth Street formerly $4.00. Extra special 1 cial Friday $26.25 cial Friday $27.55 Bargain Aisle. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Front. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Basement. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. For Saturday Morning Only Boys' Straw Bath Mats Are Down in Price ° " Soiled from handling but a little bath will bring their value Till IP. M. !TT j t-v t -l up to standard. __ __ , Mats KeCmPPn 75c grade, in pink, reduced to 50^ lUf M 9 O IT C tik 1 £fi $1.50 grade, in pink and blue, reduced to SI.OO irlca S Qc I Otlllg iricll O y . . , , , , ~ . . Straw Hats tb-L»2t) 25c plain white crepe, 36 inches wide. Special, to-morrow Blue serge, grey cassimere, brown cassimere and fancy dark overplaid worsted 9 " morning 12y 2 $ suits, in sizes 34 to 40 —the blue serge and grey cassimere suits have belted backs, $1.23 and $1.49 r7rr 10 yards of nainsook, 40 inches wide. Special, the regular $12.50 suits. Extra special Saturday morning till 1 o'clock, at .... $7.50 Straw Hats •OC piece $1.39 fa—, mm' -l-v -i SI.OO scalloped table cloths, 64x64 inches. Special .. 850 $7.50 ralm Beach Suits, $5.00 clearance of our stock of ' ' Boys Straw Hats includes all ' S i zefs r t n9! l^ u s;y:sf , :^ h t«a' s,y,cs except Panimas ' bc - SpeciallyPricedHosiery&Underwear D ,„. Rear. ss ' oo Of Interest to Every Man & Woman popular shapes. Men's 18c black fibre silk seamless socks. Special 12?4c H ir • • 1 "1 Men's 10c white cotton seamless socks. Special 6c Un ntT Wn-rn OTT I-ir* 4~ U* Dlves - Pomeroy & Stewart. Women's 39c fibre silk hose, in black, navy and grey Special, 25c I>ll S y Q-S/y IVlOrninQf IH. LIIO second Floor, Front. Women's $1.50 tan thread silk hose; with fashioned feet. s P ecl^ c I Misses' tan fibre silk seamless hose. Special 25c I Basement Wash Goods Section Millinerv - I 12J4c and 15c Batiste, white fig- 12« c Crepe Gingham in fancy i i JL 8 VS fhool dresae, Extra j ClearanCCS CM,,™,,.. "'io JB - t _ special, yard 5 1 /2$ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. fclKf-. 8c Lawn, neat fisrures on white r>„„, TI ~„ . W _ . M and colored grounds. Extra special Dlves pomeroy & tewart rw . ot ° str^ v sha p cs ,n va * Extra Special in Men's Furnishings " (W\ yard yjffX riety of colors and straws, f fr k) 6%c Challis in Persian designs. 69c Border \ oile, 44 inches; (Ju'; formerly $195 and s'9s Soe- Store Closes at IP. M. [ Extra special vard 4V?6 white ground with printed colored 1 Regular 50c night shirts, full cut, 25c Paris satin pad 1 . U; , "ik"- 1 hnrrW Fvtro cnr./'lil SliW) Cial 250 fancy trimmed, surplice QQ r garters. Extra special lcM ' C P- alr | rtngham, oO inches. • 1 > . • • • . necks. Extra special 69c negligee shirts in regular (if jty Extra special, yard Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. V, Clean-up of trimmed and de"sTs a oWcol o rs r a 8 nd e fLcy'"web! and attached collar broken J£gS|p Q sport hats. Special 49$ Extra 32 c spec'ai EXtra 24c Ap£y'zfl\ ffcz' Frames. Special SI.OO 8c white Flaxon, hemstitched BOYS' BLOUSES AND SHIRTS Itif ft I \ //POF? «r/. 'ijJs handkerchiefs. Extra 08. k —fr> "WCjJcSfes: HChildren's ready-to-wear special, 7 for " oc * IOO sport blouses. CO— -1 iiy \ ft —_ . 50c sport shirts with elbow Extra special w L, \ 1 center trim. OI - attached collar. qq _ 7 ' H 1 Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Extra special c xtra sr)ec i a i &OC it ■ V<f V - 1 Second Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Men's Store —Street Floor. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH AUGUST 11, 1916.
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