IDeatbs CASTER. August 10. 1916. Edward 0. Caster, in his thirty-third year, at his home, 611 Walnut street. . He is survived by his wife, two cnu dren and two sisters. , Funeral services on Saturday after noon at 2 o'clock from the funeral of Hawkins Kstate, under- Jttakers, 1207 North Third street, to %Vhich all relatives and friends arc invited. Burial will be made in the Harrisburg Cemetery. DI'GAJf. On Wednesday at 3.45 p. m.,, lioss W. Dugan, at his residence, -» North Seventeenth street. Funeral on Saturday afternoon at - o'clock. Relatives and friends are invited to attend services at tne house. Burial private. Lost and Found LOST Lady's star-shaped pin; pearls and one diamond; reward given if returned to 2539 Fifth street. LOST Thursday, on train between Harrisburg and Hershey, light sreen leather handbag containing him roll, fountain pen, several dollars in change and other articles. Reward if return ed to 1017 North Front street. LOST ln jitney, baby's small suit case, napkins and sweater inside; kind ly return to 419 Cumberland street. Help "Wanted —Male WANTED Eight first-class pat ternmakers, steel molders and help ers, machinists and laborers. Call any time to-morrow, the 12th at the Met ropolitan Hotel Office. WANTED An experienced porter. Apply State Capitol Hotel, 215 alnut street. BOY WANTED Between 16 and 18 to assist around store. Apply Askin ii Marine Co., 36 North Second street. WANTED Chef for cafe and dining hall between the ages of 25 and oO years. American preferred, single, white. Experienced in both American and European menus. Steady employ ment. Good wages. Apply at Hershey Employment Bureau, Hershey, Fa. WANTED Young man, American, over IS years of age for master me chanic's office. Technical high school graduate preferred, or young man with some knowledge of drawing. Good wages to start. Chance for advance ment. Apply at once at Hershey Em ployment Bureau, Hershey, .s'TED—Young man over 18 years of age to work in kitchen with some knowledge of cooking. Good chance to learn the business. Must be neat ana clean. Good pay with room and board Included. Apply at Hershey Employ ment Bureau, Hershey, Pa. WANTED Young man, American, to 30 years of age for Lunch bai. Clean voung man to learn the business. Good pay. Apply at once at Hershey EmDloyment Bureau, Hershey, Pa. Wanted Tailor or bushier. Ameri can, 23 to 45 years of age. Must be a good tailor. Good wages. Apply at once at Hershey Employment Bureau. Hershey. Pa. PRESS FEEDERS—For cylinder ana job presses, preference given to men vith experience in make reads', for out of-town plant; steady work and full time all year through to right kind of help; no rummies need to apply. Ad dress. Box B-4407, care Telegraph. WANTED Boy to learn the manu facturing jewelry trade; must be hon est, steady, reliable and highly recom mended. Good opportunity for an ener cetic boy to learn a good trade. Wages, yj.iO per week to start and frequent increases. L. Kamsky, Room 11, 26 North Third street. WANTED Boy for work arount newspaper office; good opportunity to* advancement. Apply to Advertising Department, Harrisburg Telegraph. J W ANTED Experienced heavy green and dry sand mold ers in iron foundry; steady work; good wages; no labor trouble. Apply to Treadwell Engineering Co., Easton, Pa. WANTED 3 moulders and 3 ma chinists, steady work, and no trouble. Apply, Lewistown Foundry and Ma chine Co., Lewistown, Pa. TAILOR WANTED Must be a re liable, all around man. Call, J. Ivanoff, ISO N. Front street, or Bell phone 171, Stelton. WANTED Slack barrel coopers. W. R. E. King, Cumberland, Md. LABORERS WANTED For either contract or day labor. Attractive wages. Apply at Quarries of Hoffman Bros. & Wilson. Twenty-third street and P. & R. Railroad. WANTED Three dishwashers men preferred. Apply, Senate Hotel. CIVIL SERVICE POSITIONS Mr. Depue. of the Interstate Civil Service Bureau, of Washington. D. C.. can be Been at Columbus Hotel regarding ex aminations for Railway Mail Clerk. Post Office Clerk, etc., soon to be held In this <".istrict. Full particulars as to requirements, cost of preparation, etc. Address. P. O. Box 284. WANTED —4O able-bodied men for piece work. White or colored. Apply in person to agent, Harrisburg Transfer, Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, Division street, Harrisburg, Pa. PRIVATE SECRETARIES Appli cations from young men wishing to qualify for the position of confidential clerk will now be received by the Young Men's Business Institute, Hershey Building. Front and Market streets, Harrisburg. Until offices are completed address the school for appointment P. O. Box 234. Enrollment for this course will be limited. Typewriter any standard make, furnished each student free. SALESMAN WANTED to cover estab lished territory with A 1 line, salary and expenses: write fully if you want to be considered. Box 26, Maclay street sta tion. WANTED Man to take charge ot stock room. Address, E-4337, care Tele graph. MEN Young, wanted to work In automobile repair shop; our school is overflowing with repair work, there fore it gives our students a chance to obtain practical repaiv work on all ma chines. We pay 30 cents an hour as soon as competent. Take advantage of cummer rates. Auto Transportation fcchool, 29 North Cameron street. WANTED First-class outside cut •ers on Ladies' Bhoes. Good wages and steady employment. Utz & Dunn Co 37 Canal street. Rochester, N. Y. i REAL ESTATE FOR SALE "J 5 2309 Derry Street "| J 2 J /4 -story frame dwelling with!' Ssix rooms—bath and steam heat i' J front porch--enclosed-in-glass back? ? porch—gas and electricity—slate £ t roof with copper flashings—coalb J and gas ranges. 10 ft. wide side? Sand rear alleys. Lot 23x100 ft? Garage for two machines on rear? Jfof lot. c ? Price, 93,000 C I MILLER BROTHERS & CO J 5 REAL ESTATE C /Insurance Surety Bonds') FRIDAY EVENING, SELL II NOW! THAI USEI CAE. SELL II MOW! Help Wanted—Male SHOES Experienced cutters, steady work, good wages. Apply at once to D. H. Chandler Shoe Company, Vine land, N. J. CONFIDENTIAL SECRETARIES are needed everywhere; really a new pro fession; unclouded field; salaries large; exceptional opportunities for advance ment; the Young Men's Business Insti tute. to open tn Harrisburg about Sep tember 1 will be principally a secre tarial school, preparing acceptable young men to become private secre taries- the principal, a Princeton Uni versity man and an educator with years of experience, knows how to train you; typewriter furnished each student. Foi particulars address, P. O. Box 284. WANTED Boys to cut shoes and trimming. Apply Dauphin Shoe Co., 320 Market street, fourth floor, over Hub. WANTED Four experienced team sters for coal hauling. Apply, Mc- Creath Bros., 567 Race street. SALESMANAGKR WANTED to handle a superior line of Typewriter Ribbons and Carbon Paper in Eastern Pennsyl vania. Big returns assured a live wire. No investment. Address "Manu facturer," care of Telegraph. Help Wanted —Female WANTED Cook, American; 25 to 45 years of age for kindergarten; must be a good plain cook and pleasant about children. Good wages. Room and board included. Apply at Hershey Em ployment Bureau, Hershey. Pa. WANTED—A girl for general house work. Apply. 123 South Second street. GIRL WANTED For general hous6 work; white girl preferred. Apply, 226 North Third street. Millinery store. WANTED A girl with experience at soda fountain. Apply at once to L. Silbert. 1742 North Sixth street. WANTED Girls with experience on power machine Apply, Devine & Yungel Shoe Mfg. Co., 16th and State street. WANTED Girls over 16 to strip tobacco. Also experienced Rollers, Bunchmakers, Packers, Filler and Binder strippers. Wel fare looked after by trained nurse. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com pany, 500 Race sueet. WASTED. AT ONCE Sewing ma chine operators). Experience not nec essary. Pressers and folders also want ed. Slough Manufacturing Co. WANTED Oirls experienced on pow&r sewing machines. Apply Har risburg Shoe ilits. Co.. Vernon street. Harrisburg. Pa. Help Wanted— Male and Female STENOGRAPHER WANTED Either male or female; musct be expe rienced and good at figures. Swift & Co., Seventh and North streets. WAITERS AND WAITRESSES. Am erican. Over IS years of age for Cafe. Dining hall and park restaurant. Must be neat and clean. Good wages and steady work. Apply at once at Her shey Employment Bureau, Hershey, Pa. Salesmen Wanted SALESMEN of Forcefulness Wanted —Men capable of earning large in comes preferred. Joseph F. Buckley Co., 601 Ferguson Block, Pittsburgh, Pa. if Situations Wanted—Male ! SITUATION WANTED Young man 22, printer, wishes work of any kind at the trade, about seven years' expe rience in job composing or job press man. Address. 0-4344, care Telegraph. YOUNG JuV of 18, who has com pleted junior year at high school, de- I sires permanent situation of any kino, j Address, Box B-4343, care Telegraph. YOUNG MAN desires position as stenographer and general office work; good reference. Address, J-5147, care Telegraph. Situations Wanted—Female A YOUNG GIRL about 14 years of age would like a place to do light work and go to school centrally located. Ad dress, Box N-4340. care Telegraph. WANTED Day's work or offices to clean by a colored woman. Addreso, 28 Linden street. WANTEu —Housework or caring for invalid. Can furnish best of references. Apply, 621 Reily street. WANTED Position as housekeeper, by middle aged white woman. Address Box G-438, care Telegraph. LADY with practical experience in installment bookkeeping and all branches of office work desires perma nent position. Phone 2642-J. WANTED—By reliable woman as waitress or upstairs work in private family on or about September 1; refer ence from last employer. Address. H -5149, care Telegraph. Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE For $3,250, a three story brick steam heated house, elec tric and gas light, porch front, side en trance, paved street; lot 110 feet deep to drive alley; located in 1900 block on Park street. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. FOR SALE lBl4 Park street, mod ern three-story brick house; porch, side entrance; lot 110 feet deep, both front and rear streets paved. Price $3,200. J. E. Gipple, 3 251 Market «treet. 1714 FORSTER STREET This brick and stucco house is located near the George Shreiner development, tho fin est residential section in the city. Call at office and Inspect photograph. Price $4,500. Backenstoss Bros., Russ Build ing. 2029 PENN STREET An Inspection of this dwelling will prove to you that It is. a real bargain, an ideal home and a -ood locality. Price reduced to $2,500. Backenstoss Bros., Russ Build ing. FOR SALE For $2,550 you can buy a new 6-room brick house, with mod ern improvements. Including steam heat, electric light, porch and side en trance. Rent S2O. very rare bargain. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. FOR SALE —Two-story dwelling, full lot of ground extending to alley, corner Erie and Market streets. Dauphin, Pa. F. L Schneider, Executor. Estate of Margaret S. Poffenberger, Deed. Ad dress P. O. Box 357, York, Pa. FOR SALE You can buy desirable 7-room house, with improvements, within walking distance of Square, at S2OO reduction, if you are quick. Cor ner house. Hill district; paved streets, porches. Large part of purchase price may remain as mortgage. Big bar gain. Address Box S, 4410, care of Tele graph. $2,400 WILL BUY a single house at Lenioyne: lot 35x150; variety of fruit. Also other Lemoyne properties. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE Desirable build ing lots, located on Fourth, Fifth, Schuylkill and Atlas streets, in blocks or the whole. A sple-<?id opportunity for builder. Inquire or address, F. R. Oyster, trustee, care of Harrisburg Telegraph, city. Real Estate—ror Sale $15.50 WILL BUY 1854 Swatara street, 7 rooms, bath, all improve ments. Will readily rent for sl4. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. THE WRIGHT FARM of 62 acres with good buildings, close to trolley at Bea ver station, can be bought for s4,uuu. Inspect it. H. G. Pedlow, 110 S. Thir teenth street. FOR SALE—II 4 Washington street, corner River alley, two and one-hall story frame; eight rooms and a bath; all conveniences. Corner Bridge and Eighth streets, Elkwood, two and one-half-story frame; eight rooms and a bath; all conveniences. The above properties will be sold at a bargain. Apply Keeney & Simmons, New Cumberland, Pa. FOR SALE Single frame house with modern improvements, containing 11 rooms; lot 22 by 110 feet; location on Park street, near Sixteenth street. Offer wanted. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Mar ket street. 534 VIOLET STREET—This 3-story 8-room dwelling with bath, range, as sessed at $850.00, renting for $12.50, will be reduced $3,000 weekly until sold or withdrawn by owner. Listed July 10th at $1,550. Price this week $1,530. Backenstoss Bros., Russ Build ing. FOR SALE A well established res taurant and ice cream factory; doing good cash business; fine location; good reason for selling. Happle & Swart*, Mechanicsburg, Pa. $1,600 WILL BUY a vacant house, 26C4 Jefferson street; 7 rooms and batn, piped for gas; furnace; porch front. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. GREEN STREET property for sale. No. 2045; brick house; 10 rooms; bath; gas; electric light; furnace; porches. Price reasonable. Bell Realty Co., Berg ner Building. FOR SALE Two adjoining bunga low sites, at foot of mountain, Summer dale. Price $350. ApDly Laura Reed, 316 Chestnut stieet. FOP. SALE Lot of ground, 60 feet frontage on Third rtreut, bv i6S feet depth to between Geiger avenue ar.d Mac lay street. Location unsurpassed for apartment house or residence where reftned neighborhood if desired. Price ana tjrms on appli cation to Pennsylvania Insurance Ex change, 45 Union Trust Building. VAUGHN One acre plots; will sell half acre: also lots 92x230 feet aloug M. T. trolley; 7 He fare to all parts of Har risburg and Steelton; beautiful and healthful; ground enough for poul try and vegetables; price only $169 pc-r half acre. C. B. Care. "Care's Grocery Stcre. Linglectown, Pa. De scription at 409 ilarket Street. City. Real Estate For Rent FOP, >P.ENT Furnished house at Williams Mills to statior good train service; reasonable rent. Address, Box 36, Williams Mills, Pa. 426 NORTH STREET Eight rooms, bath, electric lights, city steam, gas stove and gas water heater; facing Capitol Park. Inquire 400 North «treev. FOR RENT 1303 South Cameron street, three-story brick, all improve ments. $16.00. H. C. Brandt. 36 Nortn Third street. FOR RENT Desirable house, 2138 North Sixth street, 2 rooms reserved; low rent for reliable people. FOR ENT House 2215 Atlas street; three-story brick; all modern improve ments; handsomely papered; sl4 per month. Apply, George W. McWilliams, 2100 North Fifth street, or Frank B. Wickersham, Bergner Building, Thtra and Market streets. Apartments For Rent FOR RENT First and second floor apartments, 1338 North Third street. Furnished or unfurnished. FOR RENT l4OB State, a fine sec ond floor apartment with all conve niences. Apply, 1408 State street. 1409 NORTH FRONT STREET Seven large room apartment; every modern improvement; hardwood floors sound-proof; open fireplaces; vacuum cleaning system. Inquire E. Flowers, 1822 State street. SECOND ST., 1700 tf'iva und six rooms with porch; most pleasant and open surroundings In city. Apartments Wanted APARTMENT WANTED About September Ist. four rooms and bath furnished or unfurnished: state terms and location. Address, 0-4339, care Telegraph. WANTED Completely furnished apartment for light housekeeping by young married couple with no children. Address, Mrs. J. F. Knubel. 1238 Kitta tinny street or call 2936-M Bell phone. Rooms For Rent ROOM FOR RENT all con veniences. Apply. 11 North Fourth street. Paul's Shoe store or entrance. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping; all con veniences. 305 South Front street Harrisburg. FOR RENT Large, cool and well furnished room on second iloor. Also furnished suite with all modern conve niences. Gentlemen only. Reference required. Apply, 324 North Second street. FOR RENT Furnished room, sec ond floor front; large bay window; also small back room, furnished. Appiv. 225 North Second street. FOR RENT One large room, wltn balcony, on second floor. Steam heat electric lights and phone service. Ap ply at 125 Pine street. FURNISHED ROOMS oingle or en suite. Rooms are large and airy. Use of Bell phone. Address 719 North Sixth. NORTH ST.. 410 Second and third floor front rooms, Cicely furnished, fac ing Capitol Park; hot and cold running water, electric lights, large bathroom Bell phone. FOR BENT Unfurnished, attrac tive, single, double or three-room housekeeping apartments. Running water in kitchen, range and cabinet. fas. strictly private, direct entrance ho&e and bathroom privileges. For location and prices, inquire 429 Broad 10 to 11 A. M. FOR uiNT Two nicely furished up-to-date rooms for light housekeep ing; also one separate room; use of bath; hot and cold water. Apoly ">4 North Fifth street. ' FOR RENT Two large, well-fur nished front, second floor rooms; all conveniences: use of phone. ADDIV 813 North Second street. vy Wanted—Miscellaneous "WANTED To rent, seven or eight room house, with yard; must be mod ern, with steam or hot water heat gas range, gas boiler, etc. Wanted Septem ber 1. Address, W. P. H., care Tele graph. CASH FOR OLD FALSE TEETH Send me your old sets of artificial teeth in any condition, will send you Si 00 for each old set by return mail. Also high est cash prices for old gold, silver plat inum and gold teeth. L Mazer. 2007 South Fifth street. Philadelphia Pa WANTED A 50 or 75-acre farm or tract within a few miles of city State distance. Located on or near trolley or station—sc fare. Must be high and dry. State full particulars. Price not to exceed S2OO per acre. J. W. Holloway Co., 246 Fifth avenue. New York City. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Y\ anted—Miscellaneous HOUSES WANTED . OUR rental department is receiving daily calls for houses which we're un able to supply. The general satisfac tion given owners is our guarantee that it will be to your advantage to place your houses and other rental properties in our charge. Miller Brothers & Co.. Locust and Court Streets. WANTED Parties having $500.00 to invest, can earn SIOO.OO in three to six months. Investment fully secured. For particulars. Address, A-4342, care Telegraph. WANTED Partner to buy, part in terest in good paying business small capital required and services; man or lady. Box J 5148, care of Telegraph. Wanted—Board—Rooms LADY WANTS large unfurnished room within walking distance of city hospital. Address, 123-R, care Tele graph. WANTED Married lady whose husband is away most of time desires room (with board preferred) In refined private family; must be strictly first class. References exchanged. Address, L-also. care Telegraph. Board Wanted WANTED Boarding, by man and wife with use of bath in private family. Address, F-4345. care Telegraph. For Sale—Miscellaneous FOR RENT -Typewriters Dought. Y£ r rented. Harrisburg Typewriter and Supply Co.. 40 North Court street. FOR SALE Black horse; 5 years old; well broken; especially well suited for an undertaker; also Jenny Lind, runabout and harness. Address, H. A. Davis. R. D. No. 1 Camp Hill. Pa. FOR SALE—Portable steel garage; 9x17 feet, at a bargain price. J. E. Gip- P'.e, 1251 Market street. FOR SALE Good cart horse. In quire of Bennett & Randall, State Fair Farm, Middletown, Pa. FOR SALE A rool top desk and bookcase combined suitable for office, tog-ether with office chair, rrice $16.50. Must be sold at once on account cf party leaving town. Apply, Corner of Early and High street, Hummelstown, I a., or with P. 6. Box 33. same address. FOR SALE New and practically new household furniture. Entire lot. including new Franz-Premier electric vacuum cleaner, at a bargain. Just the thing for parties starting to house keeping. Reason, leaving town. In quire 414 Woodbine street, City. FOR SALE Store fixtures, shelv ing counters, small partition, stools, | floor and wall cases. Call, 513 Walnut street. S. Meltzer. STEAM Ferryboat Susquenanna for sale. Price S4OO. newly repaired and painted. Address, West Fairview and , Harrisburg Steam Ferry Company, j Box 214, West Fairview, Pa. NEW and Second-hand rugs for sale at reduced prices. Apply to Keystone ltug Co., 1115 Montgomery street. FOR SALE, at Gable'a.*ni-117 South : i-econd street. Lawn Fence. Field Fence. , Gates, Poultry Netting. Building Hard ware. Plaster Board. Upson Wall Board. Compo-Board, Doors, Sash, Shutters, i Mouldings. Porch Posts. Pumps, etc. , FOR SALE Diamond and Good rich Automobile, Motorcycle and Bicycle Tires. Trunks, Bags and Suitcases, Harness anJ Leather Goods made to ofder. Sole I-eather and Shoe Findings. I SARRTSBURG HARNESS & SUPPLY | CO.. SECOND AND CHESTNUT ST& ' FOR SALE CARDS on sale »t tho Telegraph Business Office. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured ct the Telegraph Business Office. AT GABLE'S. 113. 116 and 117 South Second str-et. 5,000 gallons New Era ready-mixed paint, Acme quality. All toe full lino of the Acme make. AT GABLE'S. 111-117 South Becond ! street. 5,000 sets new cash. Bxlo. it L primed and glased. at $1.30 per set Also other sizes. Also doors and shut ters. For Rent—Miscellaneous FOR RENT Established Grocery stand and six room dwelling at Pyne's Corner, West Fairview. 1 offer a spe cial inducement to an experienced, am bitious man. will give reasonable finan cial assistance to right party and will continue to stand back of him until his business is thoroughly established. Large basement under entire building suitable as business room itself. Ap ply to A. C. Young, Real Estate, 28 North Third street, Harrisburg, or Mr. Hippensteel, next door to property who has keys for inspection. FOR RENT—Offices suitable for a doctor or dentist or general purposes. Light, heat and at tendance. Dr. John Oenslager, 711 North Third street. Business Opportunities FOR SALE Restaurant and ice cream parlor, centrally located and do ing good- business. Address, B-4405, care Telegraph. CONFECTIONERY, ice cream ana soda water store; god business, in tine location; reasons for selling not able to give proper attention. C. B. Nebin ger, j-.emoyne, Pa. , FOR SALE An old-established moving picture show. Guaranteed to do good business. Reason for selling will be explained. Apply to Box R, 5136, care of Telegraph.! ANY Intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecesdary. Send for pai tlculars. Press (Syndicate. 1»S Lock port, N. Y. FOR SALE Cigar and Pool Parlor, reasonable to quick buyer. Address D., 5040, care of Telegraph. BEFORE BUYING a rebuilt BICYCLE elsewhere, inspect our stock and prices Special bargains and prices for summer months. J. B. Murray. 1014 James street. Business Personals LEATHER Traveling Bags and Suit rases (drummers' samples) positively at the lowest prices in the city. Call and be convinced. Also suits of clothing, watches, diamonds and sporting goods at low prices. COHEN & SON. Reliable Pawnbrokers. 431 Market street, at subway. WHITE DETECTIVE AGENCY Trustee Bldg.—All kinds of detective work bandied—one eye always ooeo. BELL PHONE 127 W. Hauling and Moving GENERAL HAULING One and one-half ton to two-ton truck tor hire Prompt attention to moving. Truck parties solicited. H. G. Garmao. Meh rlng'e Garage. Both phones. HAULING R. A. HARTMAN. National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, bolters and general hauling. W. H. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. 2503 R. Musical FOR SALE A cabinet victrola and 12 pieces of music used 8 months, will take $27.50 for outfit. A reliable party can arrange part cash, rest to suit. Ad dress, H-4341, Care Telegraph. EMERSON upright piano, In good condition, for $65. Call at 1313 Derry Street. Musical FOR SALE Strictly nigh grade GRAND PIANO. Used short time. Will sell at a bargain. Address Box D, 4311, care of Telegraph. HAVE your VICTROLA. CRAFANOI.A or EDISON Talking Machine REPAIR ED by an expert. 801 l phone 5242 J. Write, or call, at 815 Broad atreet. Money to l^oan MONEY TO LOAN on Reai Estate security In any umounts and upon any to suit borrower Address P. O. Box 174. Harriaburg. Pa. MONEY advanced to nouseKeepir* at iegul business confidential. Profit sharing L,oan Society. 7. Hpoouer Uulldliig. 1# North Market inj uare. Storage FIREPROOF STORAGE. Private rooms for household goods. (2 per month and up. We invite inspection. Low insurance. 437-445 South Second street. Harriaburg Storage Company. STORAGE In 8-»*<srv brick ouilding. rear 408 Market street. Household goods in clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to P. O Dlcner. Jeweler. 4oS Market &t. STORAGE 419 Broaa utreet. house hold goods and merchandise. Private rooms. $1 to S3. \Yaxons. 76 cents per month. D. Cooper & Co.. 411 Broad street. Both phones. bummer Resorts and Cottages NEW COTTAGE. FURNISHED. FOR RENT at Marsh Run Station, alone Susquehanna river, 7 miles from Har risburg, by week or week-end. Apply F. D. F., care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Maplehurst cottage, furnished, between Accoruac and Wild Cat. Fine location. A. L Reach. Mari- Pa. AutomoDiles FOR SALE A second-hand auto mobile truck, Chalmers make, new set of tires, good running condition; could also be fixed for passenger buss. Price right to quick buyer. Inquire, Kex Auto Garage, 1917 North Third street. Har rlsburg. Pa. SECOND-HAND CARS One b-paa senger De Cambel, one 5-passenger isi» Ford, uewly painted, in excellent con dition: one 5-passuager 1315 Ford, good as new; one 1312 Ford delivery, with new tody: one 1908 Overland. Cars for rale at Fo:d Garage. Uiddleto.tu, Pa. E. M. Snavely. Manager. WE WANT AUIOMOB;i,E3 of an 7 tind. If you cannot sell your car. why not consign it or exchanga it with >u tor a better one. Our charges for sell ing are 6 per cent. only. No storage charges if car is not sold. Auto Trans portation Exchange Department. 25-21 North Cameron street Bell phone 17ID. 1912 11' e passenger Regal; good chape; new tires all around; big bar gain for quick buyer. 1912 Ove-passenger Pullman, com pletely overhauled; A 1 good upholstering; good top and tires; big bargain. MILLER AUTO CC.. (I South Cameron St Bell phone 4119 J. Motorcycles and Bicycles MOTORCYCLE WITH SIDE CAR 1914 Indian, good tires, new tubes, new clutch, speedometer, 1915 kick starter, 1916 Rogers side car, electric lights and horn. If you want to save one hun dred dollars, see this bargain. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third street, Bell Phone 355-J. Legal Notices In the Matter of the Estate of Eliza Ann Reichelderfer, late of Lower Pax ton Township, Dauphin County, Pa., deceased. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the above Estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make pay ment. and those having claims, to pre sent the same without delay to EDWARD G. SWARTZ. SADIE ELLEN REICHELDERFER HARMAN. Or Executors. JOHN FOX WEISS. Attorney, Harrisburg. Pa. NOTICE TO BONDHOLDERS The Board of Directors of the Harrisburg Pipe & Pipe Bending Company, has directed that a call be made for all outstanding bonds of the Company. All holders are hereby notified to present their bonds at the Central Trust Com pany, of Harrisburg, Penna., for payment September 30th, 1916, at which time all interest will cease. W. T. HILDRUP, JR., Secretary and Treasurer. Harrisburg, Pcnna., July 28th, 1916. NOTICE NOTICE Is hereby given that applica tion will be made to The Public Service Commission of Pennsylvania for a Cer tificate of Public Convenience, evidenc ing the Commission's approval of the proposed Charter of Incorporation of Incorporation of the Upper Paxton Township Electric Light. Heat & Power Company, the purpose of which is to supply light, heat and power or any ot them, to the Public in Upper Paxton Township. Dauphin County, Pennsylva nia and to such persons, partnerships and corporations residing therein or adjacent thereto as may desire the same. The public hearing on which will be held In the rooms of the Com mission at Harrisburg, on the 21st dav of August, 1916, at 2 o'clock P. M„ when and where all persons in interest may appear and be heard, if they so desire. JOHN S. FISHER, Indiana, Penna., H. L. LARK, Millersburg, Penna., Solicitors. August 4. 1916. NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that applica tion will be made to The Public Service Commission of Pennsylvania for a Cer tificate of Public Convenience, evidenc ing the Commission's approval of the proposed Charter of Incorporation of the Halifax Electric Light, Heat & Power Company, the purpose of which is to supply light, heat and power oi any of them, to the Public in Halifax Borough, Dauphin County, Pennsylva nia, and to such persons, partnerships and corporations residing therein or aa jacent thereto as may desire the same. The public hearing on which will be held in the rooms of the Commission at Harrisburg, on the 21st day of Au gust, 1916, at 2 o'clock P. M., when and where all persons in interest may ap pear and be heard, if they so desire. JOHN S. FISHER, Indiana, Penna., H. L. LARK, Millersburg, Penna., Solicitors. August 4. 1916. NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that applica tion will be made to The Public Service Commission of Pennsylvania for a Cer tificate of Public Convenience, evidenc ing the Commission's approval of the proposed Charter of Incorporation ot the Halifax Township Electric Light, Heat & Power Company, the purpose of which Is to supply light, heat and power or any of them, to the Public In Halifax Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, and to sifch persons, partnerships and corporations residing therein or adjacent thereto as may de sire the same. The public hearing on which will be held at the rooms of the Commission at Harrisburg, on the 21st day of August. 1916, at 2 o'clock P. M„ when and where all persons in interest may appear and be heard, if they bo desire. JOHN S. FISHER, Indiana. Penna., H. L. LARK, Millersburg, Penna., Solicitors. ▲uffust 4, 1916. AUGUST 11, 1916. PRESSURE MAKES MARKET DULL Most Gains Result of Weakness of Speculative Issues Trading Light New York. Aug. 11.—The market was again extremely susceptible to professional pressure during the fore noon. most gains of the first hour be ing effected as <i result of the weak ness In certain speculative issues, notably Industrial Alcohol, which fell 3 points. Trading was on a steadily diminishing soalo and dwindled to slender prop6rtions at midday. Rails continued to reflect the general uncer tainty respecting the outcome of pend ing railroad mediation conferences and other representative stocks were under restraint for similar reasons. Motor -hares were strong. General Motors increasing its gain to 48 points. Bonds were steady. XEAV YORK STOCKS Chandler Bro«. & Co., members New York and Philadelphia Stock Ex changes, 3 North Market Square, Har risburg; 1338 Chestnut street, Phila delphia; 3 4 Pine street, New York, furnish the following quotations: New York, Aug. 11. Open. Clos. Allie-Chalmers 22% 22% American Beet Sugar ... 88% BS% American Can 56% 57 American C& F 58% 58% American Cotton Oil ... 53% 53% American Ice Securities . 28% 28% American Locomotive .. 72V> 72% American Smelting 94% 94% American Sugar 109% 109% American T & T 130% 130% Anaconda 81% 81% Atchison 102% 103% Baldwin Locomotive ... 73% 73% Baltimore & Ohio 86% 86% Bethlehem Steel 430 443 Butte Copper 66% 66% California Petroleum ... 19% 19% Canadian Pacific 176 176 Central Leather 55 W 55% Chi., Mil. ft St Paul .. 90% 19 Chicago. R. I. & Pacific 19% 19 Chino Con. Copper ... 48% 48% Col. Fuel & Iron 44% 44% Consol. Gas 140% 140% Corn Products 13% 13% Crucible Steel 70% 70% Distilling Securities ... 46 45% Erie 36% 36% Erie, Ist Pfd 53% 53% General Electric Co. ... 169% 169% General Motors 550 580 Godrich, B. F 72% 72 Great Northern, Pfd. .. 118% 118% Great Northern Ore. s . 35% 35% Jnspiration Copper .... 49% 49% Tnterboro-Met 16% 16% Kennecott 47% 48 Lackawanna Steel 71% 71% Lehigh Valley 78% 78% Maxwell Motors 80% 82 Merc Mar ctfs 28 27% Merc Mar ctfs pfd 94 94% Mex Petroleum 95% 97% Miami Copper 34% 34% Missouri Pacific 4% 4% National Lead 64% 65 New York Central 104% 104% NY N H and H 59% 59% Nor and West 130% 130% North Pacific 111% 111% Penna Railroad 55% 55% Pressed Steel Car 49% 49% Railway Steel Spg 45 . 45 Ray Con Copper 23% 24 Reading 100 102% Republic Iron and Steel. 47% 47% Southern Pacific 95% 98% Southern Ry 24 24 Studebaker 127 128% Tennessee Copper 25% 25 Third Ave 63% 64 Union Pacific 139% 139% U S I Alcohol 110% 109% U S Rubber 55% 5454 U S Steel v 87% 88 U S Steel pfd 118% 118% Utah Copper 79 78% phii.adelphia produce market Philadelphia, Aug. 11. Wheat Strong and higher: No. 2. red. spot and August, sl. No. 2, Southern, red, $1.41 (g) 1.44. Corn Firm; No. 2, yellow, local, !»STO'J6c;steamer, Nb. 2. veliow, local, 94 (ft 95c. Oats Higher: No. 2 white, 51% @ 520; No. 3 white, 49@50c. Bran The market is firm; cltv mills, winter. i. r i i.>n. w-« ern, winter. p»r ton. 526.5J): soft, winter Per ton, $26.00; Spring, per ton, $24.00 @<24.50. Refined Sugar Market unchanged; 7.350)7.75; fine granulated, 7.20@7.65; confectioners - A. 7.15@7.55. Butter Market firm and higher; western, creamery, extras, 31i&32c; nearby prints, fancy, 34c. Eggs The market is firm, Pennsylvania and other nearby i.rsts. free cases, do., current receipts, free cases, $7.80@8.40; west ern extras, firsts, free cases, $8.70© R or cases; do., firsts, free cases, $8.10@8.40. Live Poultry Quiet but steady: fowls, 18—<®;20c; roosters, 14<5>13c, chickens, 17«}22c; do., broilers, 30@3Sc; ducks. 15(&>17c; geese, 14w16c. noP r^ Poultry—Firm; fowls, fancy 2.%(?i;23c; do., good to choice, 21 %@ -'-(a 22% c; do., good to choice. i1@21%0; no smali sl*r>», isfr 't"'- ,>iu r««»".-r*. broiling chickens, nearby, 275J)34c; do., western, 2@27c; roasttiiß chickens, western, choice to fancy, 22@ 34c; do., fair to good, 15@18c; Sprints ducks. 19Jj/20c. West Union Telegraph.. 94% 94% Westinghouse Mfg 68% 58% CHICAGO CATTLE MARKET By Associated Press Chicago. Aug. 11. Cattle—Receipts, 2,000; steady. Native beef cattle. $6.90 tolO.60; stockers and feeders, $5.00(8) 7.85; cows and heifers, $0.50@9.2a; calves. s9.oo®i 12.60. Sheep—Receipts, 7,000; weak. Weth ers. $6.60 @8.00% lambs, $7.40@11.25. Hogs Receipts, 15,000; unsettled. Bulk, slo.lo@ 10.65; light. $10.10#10.75; mixed, $9.9-0® 10.75; heavy, $9.75® 10.75; rough, pigs, sß.4o<S> 9.90. CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET By Associated Press Chicago, Aug. 11. Close: Wheat September, $1.43%; Decem ber. $1.46-%. Corn September, 83 %c; December, 70*' Oata September, 43 % c; December, 46*ic. Pork September, $26.47; Decem ber. $23.15. Lard September, $13.42; October, $13.47. Ribs September, $14.20; October, $13.87. Country Place For Sale 1%-story bungalow; containing 8 rooms and bath; first floor, living room, 24x14; diningroom, kitchen, 2 bedrooms and bath; second floor, 2 bedrooms, den and sleeping porch, toilet and lavatory; artesian well and Kewanee water system; gas for lighting and cooking; Kelsey warm air heating plant; building available for garage; shrubbery and shade trees; high elevation; delightful view; located near Camp Hill. This property can be purchased with one acre or as many as desired up to 16 acres. For further Information, apply to BRINTON-PACKER CO. Second and Walnut Streets GROSS TO FIND OUT WHAT TO DO Park Commissioner Says He'll Consult With Seitz About "Riprapping" Until Park Commissioner E. 2. Grose learns from City Solicitor D. S. Seitz as to whether or not he can use part of the park improvement loan balance for the proposed permanent improvement of the park slopes north of Hardscrabble, the long-expected, very necessary riprapping of the em bankment cannot be proceeded with. Commissioner Gross to-day again said that he would take up the mat ter with the city solicitor after lunch. Permission to make the necessary improvements was granted several days a.go by the State Water Supply Commission and all that is necessary now to permanently protect the slopes from the rush of Susquehanna flood waters is to proceed with the work. Mr. Gross says he wishes to be as sured however that the money can be taken from the park loan fund as the question whether or not the acquiring of additional parkway necessary to complete the chain between Reservoir and Wildwood might not have prece dence. Then too, he says, he isn't sure whether or not bids should have to be asked. To Amend Ordinance The commissioner says he will have the ordinance authorizing the purchase by the city of a little more than nine acres of parkway land south of Reservoir from Miller Brothers Ind Company so amended as to eliminate the clause which gives the realty com pany the use of the driveway as a traffic road. - Incidentally the city will likely exchange a portion of land on the south side of the roadway for a section of equal size on the north side. The decision followed yesterday's con ference with Warren H. Manning, the park expert. As the ordinance now reads the city will be required to pay $2,000 for 4.SS acres of the realty company's land and an additional 5.18 acres will be donated to the city. This clause will be so amended as to stipu late that the $2,000 be paid for the entire tract. Carranza Will Return Sequestred Property By Associated Press Paris, Aug. 11. Confirmation was given to-day by Juan Azcona, financial agent in Paris of the Carranza regime, of a Mexico City dispatch in the Figaro saying the Mexican govern ment has decided to return sequestered property taken from supporters of previous governments, subject to any civil responsibilities which may have been incurred. The dispatch says this will tend to unite the various elements in Mexico for the restoration of normal condi ; tlons. XOT STRIKE BIT TREACHERY By Associated Press J El Paso. Texas, Aug. 11. The text of a decree wherein First Chief Car i ranza evoked the death penalty against the strikers who paralyzed Mexico City through a general electric strike, ap pears in copies arriving here to-day of El Pueblo, a daily paper published in the capital. In tying up transportation, plunging the city into darkness and cutting off its water supply, the strike is held ov Carranza to be no strike at all, but ah extent of treachery against his govern ment whose enemies will receive en couragement by it. For Rent ]! Remodeled, small, com- !j !; fortable houses on South j I ;! street, within a stone's !» |! throw of Front street, river j; |; view, hardwood floors, i! steam heat, electric lighting. ! j J | Apply I; Commonwealth Trust Co. | \ Harrisburg, Pa. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS mKECTORY THINGS YOU WANT AND « W HERE TO GET THEM Artificial Limbs ana Triuien Braces for all deformities, abdominal supporters. Capital City Art. Limb Co.. 412 Market St. Bell Phone. French Cleaning and Dyeing Goodman's, tailoring and repairing, all guaranteed. Call and deliver. Bell phone 3296, 1306 V 4 N. Sixth St. Fire Insurance and Real Estate J. E. Glpple—Fire Insurance—Real Es tate —Kent Collecting. 1251 Market St. Bell phone. Photographer Daughten Studios"—Portrait and Com mercial Photography. 210 N. Third St. Bell 3583. Tailors George F. Shope, Hill Tailor, 1241 Mar ket. Spring goods are now ready. Tailoring, Cleaning, Pressing. Ladles' work a specialty. Steve Wugrenec, 20T L«ocust. Signs and Enamel Letters Poulton, 307 Market street. Bell phone Prompt and efficient service. Upholsterer—Furniture Repairer Simon N. Cluck, 320-326 Woodbine St. Beil phone 1317 J. 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers