16 Store Closes Saturday at IP. M. DIVeS, PomerOl) & SteWQrt Store Closes Saturday at IP. M. The Store Will Be Open Until 9 To-morrow Evening, Attractive Savings Ruling the Day OSt0 StO Ev°n P ini F Tm ay A Bus y Friday Evening in the Men's Store Till^ Silk Specials k . ' Corset Specials ' \ 7 *tM sl.7* black crepe Melba JITa \ Till 9 0 dock Broken lines of corsets . cl 7 a J F " da y- yard, No Friday Special. crepes, 40 3 s P S f/ \ Parasoln-Special ] Sent C.O.D. or Mail £35 SSS. or 'Phone Orders navy Spe- Dives • it- • . j . Second Floor. Parasols in many styles, Filled. cia ' F " vyjTUB TIES I SILK TIES _ ' I values to $2.50. Special I c •i r • c 12 i , A C ties ' P anel stripes. *7 _ 50c silk broad-end four-in-hand ties. *3C r iir > » i p day, 980 V navy, 40 inches. Special Fn- Special Friday. 3 for 20c; each ' C Speclal Frldayi 3 for sl . o o, each ODC Women 5 Auto Caps y y _ dav. vard 98<S PERC\LE PAJAMAS a • j -/-, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart „ „ ~ 7" N An r- A r-u- ->n «1 on -f i ««TT ™ , , BOYS' SHIRTS Tan Striped auto caps, 50c. Street Floor Ra/l/linn Qimnliai 49c Crepe de Chine, 20 SI.OO striped soft finish percale pajamas. CO. „„ i? ■ i oeading Supplies • , y I I I Special Friday DOC 50c blue Amoskeag chambray shirts, collar at- value, bpecial rriday, ~00 _______ *n vi . , ri ir incnes, / snaaes. special tached, double stitched; special Q1 - _ \ 49c bleached Sheets, 7ox Friday onl}', yard 196 SPOUT SHIRTS Friday, 3 for 88c; each «JIC Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Boudoir Cans 90 inches. Special Friday, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. I 60c blue chambray and striped sport Ol t 1 y 390 . Str et Floor. I I shirts. Special Friday OIC BOYS' PAJAMAS I _________________ I Lace and Crepe de Chine I •?:- hlparJipr) Pillnw facp WORK COATS 75c one and two-piece pajamas. Special CO. | Dl__l_ TV J Boudoir Caps, 50c and 75c Tk* bleached rlllow Case Blue denim work coats, sizes 40 and 42. /IQ_ Friday OOC Black OreSS Goods values Special Friday 25<J Tubing, 4o inches. Special R Ribbon Values! B " M ' 49 ° WOMEN'S COAT SWEATERS 59c black mohair, 36 values. Special Fnday Friday, yard 190 IWIS lUUUWI V aiucs MADRAS PAJAMAS im-lips wirlf Fri Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. 97 'v, u a T>-» r Taffeta and satin Taffeta U. 50 striped madras pajamas, silk «1 ie p,aVnMd°fMcy°j£lV° dav vaJd 48* Second Floor. Tubing, "I inches. ° Special "'' %T.VT d i'V". « , c ■■■ H > - ■«" ««">• SST&S? "T $3.95 inches wide. Special Friday Women S Silk Hose 30 bleached hemstitched Taffeta and Satin Taffeta Special Friday OoC $12.50 silk fibre coat sweaters, plain colors and ' ej'rn' j' Y ''' n 'u* V) . • se f dm l ess Bolster Cases, 42x72 inches. Ribbons, lto val- blue WORK SHIRTS Sp n e C cL C FHda a y nd CUffS ' W ° rSted $9.95 inches wide Speda Friday Q OSC ' i W i im P erfeCt ;^ Special Friday 25? ues to .'oc. Special Friday. t^S£S^r , Mv «. * »~' S =SaA— «■ Taffeta and" Satin Taffeta 1 EM"""- I TSXTM""* | Ribbons, 3to 5-inch, values Ql _ T m • ] -p. TTT _____________________ __________________ Rbb ST! d~l t0 230 Special Friday ' y jji bummer Ur6SS6S 3.nCl Skirts For AVomGII Cotton Dress Goods Women's Lisle Hose u Tread**" and Misses Repriced For Friday 75c rubber door mats, 31x values to 50c. _ strinps on whitp srrnnnH Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, 18 inches. Special Friday, Special Friday, yard, .. 130 OnlV MSTIV RjlrP Special Friday, yar d g s^hoo, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart I # «Y V<XI C J_)dX dl 11 20c Poplill, Solid shades t N ru bber door mats, _6x J Regular $4.95 oyster white linen, blue-and-white gabardine sport linen skirts and stripe nea t figures. Special Women S Cotton 14 inches. Special Friday % Silverbloom skirts in various sizes. Extra Special all day to-morrow $3.45 Friday, yard, 100 jv , np rI ,L, r _ ta . Women's Tan . Regular $7.00 imported white gabardine and black-and-white novelty stripe skirts; in 12>£c Challis m Persian ia o • . c •i 4 D slzes from 24 to 30 waist measurement. Extra special all day to-morrow $5.45 styles. Special Friday, yard, 19c black cotton split sole 18x9 inches. Special Friday, Pumps Regular $5.75 natural linen skirts with envelope pockets finished with genuine pearl seamless hose. Special Wi . . 0 f 7 c . ru . er c stal . r . s ' pumps and Colonials, welt- Regular $2.98 oyster white linen skirts, with large pockets and pearl button trimming- with pink, blue and Divas, Pomeroy & Stewart, 18x7 inches. Special Friday £ d soles and high Cuban in sizes from 24 to 34 inches. Extra special all day to-morrow $1.95 helio figures. Special Fri- Floor. ißx6 c incltM? r special FrMay' Sport Dresses, Linen Suits and Cream Serge Suits ( Men's Hose 1 9>' strctn n..or, near. $ 13 .00 combination stripe and solid color Regular $30.00 sport suits in sizes 16, made V 10c whjte cotton sea ml e ss Dives Pomerov & Stewart f \ d ™ SS f S ? f P on g ee in . nat ura! with row of the finest quality imported shantung; gold f— hose. Special Friday, ...70 ' Tmrd Floor. ' Women's Patent I and natural with green;,sizes 16, 34 and 36. and natural and Copenhagen and natural. Colored Dress Goods blue lisle seamless V nr*■ Specia! all day to-inQrrow, ..$9.25 Special all day to-morrow $14.50 59c Silverbloom; 32 hose. Special Friday. .lOd; — lies Regular $20.00 rose and natural pongee Regular $30.00 white gabardine sport suits inches wide, in stripes and Cocoa Door Mats $ 2 .00 patent colt one-eye- sport suit in size 40. Special all day to- in sizes 18 and 38, with trimming of blue faille plain styles. Special Friday, Dives 'l? r^t ro^or Stewart * 60c cocoa door mats. Spe- let ties with ankle strap. L morrow > $12.~5 silk. Special all day to-morrow, ....$14.50 yard, 380 cial Friday 470 Special Friday 980 * ■' 59c navy mohair; 42 W ' R'kU J cia?F C rMay door . ma :!'J P 7 ;- . "SUSSSSSJST " . Muslin Drawers Corset Covers ] | Stamped Towels 1 St* V«t. 90c cocoa door mats. Spe- 4 ' Muslin drawers with lace 50c Nainsook Corset Cov- 25c blue and pink bordered r r.. ...u:..- cial Friday 670 ... , _ "S and embroidery ruffles. Spe- ers, neat embroidery edges. towels, stamped for embroid- 75c shepherd checks; 42 -uu""? y 5 c , Dives, - cm,on ribbed vests. Spec*! I T"**-'. )Oxfords Dlv.^ = . #i *5,...,t D,v^Po„. ra »s»,.r t Dlv „, "k Sl'wJl^hailis,'flow- ~soc white lisle fancy yoke, \ $2.50 white Sea Island V— ered d es jp- ns Special Fri- ribbed vests. Special Friday, Purses and Hand duck sport oxfords with Jt I=l JSL day, yard 250 BaffS vvhite rubber soles and heels - TmlTi CT y —/I "B" 25 Gabardine; 44 inches Vea ' st o rTe e t°Fioor ' 59c leather purses. Special Friday sl ' 93 A W>L wid« ; best shades. Special ) ========^ Special Fridav 25 C Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart I / Sy/\ \l \ Friday, yard 980 rk:u«««'. I %iSvrS«'handb||s s, r ..,FS'n.,r. j W ) fik \ j Children s^Umon 50c silk cords. Special Misses' Pumps and \ A \ , "'I A 1 • I>> > 39c white cotton ribbed Friday, 50 c J Aluminum Ware union suits, sleeveless, knee Dl s^etTioo°r y Fro S nt wart> Uxtords _ / $1.15 Wearever aluminum length. Special Friday, 210 V ' s2oo MaCk SU . ede . i" S^ e P Tnnf "D J // fryi " g PanS ' SpeCU ' Fr fe Dives. Pomerov * Stew.,,. V Strap pumps. Special Fri- •! IJS I . I.I) |\,P rn IT| ( ] // r - w 'o Street Floor. Linoleum day : 950 UikJ U ILL L LLU. fl V $1.40 Wearever aluminum V Men Who Read Our Wk cial Pnday, <SO broken lines. Special Fridav. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, -m _ _ " ~" 1 1 \ * -n. Third Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, ME A • n •>>"" street Floor. Rear. f I/j#■ #||«|o /l f|||fhtltif*fifnOtl 1"C Brassieres 50c white cotton ribbed «... r* j 1 ___________________ O llllvtrff f CffCo - 50c Brassieres, trimmed union suits, short sleeves, White Goods ju„„„ i__„ TL a. L a. MI I . w 'th embroidery insertion ankle length. Special Friday, 95c Longcloth, 10 yards to ruilips 1 hat the store will be open Friday evening till 9 o'clock and that extra- and edges, broken sizes. . 420 piece. Special Fridav. piece. Misses and Children's ordinary values in cool Summer clothes have been nrenared for the nrrasinn Special Friday, 350 street Floor. SI.OO Mary Jane pumps. 15c Panama Checks, 30 Special Friday 75, $8.50 Linen and.. <£ Q C Furniture Special, ' 1 Palm Beach Suits . SO. i 0 (sugar and Groceries) hnS'^aSXo^ deJwear liS! ¥n£, Street Floor Wash in stout sizes only—4o, 42and^'^ 5 ' Bea ° h SU tS a " d stnpcd C ° ol Cloth Suits ' I I back, fitted with % cretonne y ard !O0 Goods Specials PTA "U O* '4- Arn 10c can clams, .V.V...80 cushions. Special Friday, $1.25 Nainsook. 36 inches. 25c Madras Shirting, ep6.50 iRIDI 868/Cll Stilts, $4.50 10c can di"rries SOUP ' 80 $19.50 Bureaus and Chif iL ya hot t0 b ° X " SpeClal 4"- White g ro c und colored Blaci and white check Palm Beach Suits in regular sizes 34 to 37. 12c can tomatoes.'.'.".llo foni< f rs in . oak ,' mahogany day ' stripes. Special Friday, yd., Tan striped Palm Beach Suits in stout sizes 40, 42, 44 and 46. 25c can asparagus, ..200 maple and walnut. Special Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, 140 1! r ran asnara£TUS 12<ft rnday $1.5. J0 Sale of Boys' Wash Suits Friday & db::l! c£^« 25c T u"reacheT n Tab,e| Damask. Special Friday, p j n k stripes Special Fri- • °/ S o Wa S c Ults . l! ] stn P e d and blue striped madras, some have short sleeves, 10c can apple butter, .80 Friday $4.95 yard 190 d P ay , yard P ... r. Peaa ! 390 slzes to 8 > ears - S P««1 May 790 £ c ° r »- Solid Mahogany Martha Scalloped Table Covers, t yv ____ - P g Washington Sewing Cabi l^.. Spec : al .. c '^'°- tewart ' In Progress-The Clearance of . > -mm- • 12c can syrup, ...... 110 I Third Floor. I y SESEEZI Men's Fancy Summer Suits ij Women's Neckwear] Wlde - Special Friday, yard •i.P.J I . 7 r Sliced shoulder', lb., 220 10c roll crepe toilet paper. Embroidered Swiss Col -K in*. 07 \ H * 15.UU t CLUCy JUItS KeaUCed tO $9.75 Cream cheese, lb 220 S P« ial M a Jv • ••• •** tmpromered bwiss Lol- 25c white satine; 27 inches « w.-- e ~ D . $1.20 OCedaf polish mop ue. S Spiaaf Fndav, 19c wide. Special Friday, yard, $16.50 FailCy Stilts Reduced tO $10.75 ' Sunshine BISCUItS with long handle. Special Iptfal Frldiy .. °. Children's Oxfords j . $22.50 Fancy Suits Reduced to $14.75 o« P kg. um«.««!»} ciai Friday .... at values* °o e , ®" d , Pump ' . There remains a good variety of styles and sizes. Men who know are buy- oijfib?" "h chisels. j | ol /. SI.OO black kid oxfords ing suits for next season with such good values obtainable and the outlook with a package of Clover -: \ c bottle \an Camps Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Special Friday, 650 n » a « . _. Friday, 100 btreet Floor. Second Floor, Rear. ®*' p o m eroy & Stewart, Second Floor, Rear. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart i i i I, f Basement. Basement. ' Ji THURSDAY EVENING. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH AUGUST 10,1916.
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